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3 |
gdevic |
onerror {resume}
2 |
quietly virtual signal -install /test_shifter_core { (context /test_shifter_core )&{out_high ,out_low }} db_out
3 |
quietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0
4 |
add wave -noupdate -radix binary -childformat {{{/test_shifter_core/db[7]} -radix binary} {{/test_shifter_core/db[6]} -radix binary} {{/test_shifter_core/db[5]} -radix binary} {{/test_shifter_core/db[4]} -radix binary} {{/test_shifter_core/db[3]} -radix binary} {{/test_shifter_core/db[2]} -radix binary} {{/test_shifter_core/db[1]} -radix binary} {{/test_shifter_core/db[0]} -radix binary}} -subitemconfig {{/test_shifter_core/db[7]} {-height 15 -radix binary} {/test_shifter_core/db[6]} {-height 15 -radix binary} {/test_shifter_core/db[5]} {-height 15 -radix binary} {/test_shifter_core/db[4]} {-height 15 -radix binary} {/test_shifter_core/db[3]} {-height 15 -radix binary} {/test_shifter_core/db[2]} {-height 15 -radix binary} {/test_shifter_core/db[1]} {-height 15 -radix binary} {/test_shifter_core/db[0]} {-height 15 -radix binary}} /test_shifter_core/db
5 |
add wave -noupdate -color Gold -itemcolor Gold /test_shifter_core/db_out
6 |
add wave -noupdate -color {Medium Aquamarine} -itemcolor {Medium Aquamarine} /test_shifter_core/shift_db0
7 |
add wave -noupdate -color Cyan -itemcolor Cyan /test_shifter_core/shift_db7
8 |
add wave -noupdate /test_shifter_core/shift_in
9 |
add wave -noupdate /test_shifter_core/shift_left
10 |
add wave -noupdate /test_shifter_core/shift_right
11 |
add wave -noupdate /test_shifter_core/out_high
12 |
add wave -noupdate /test_shifter_core/out_low
13 |
TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree]
14 |
WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {5100 ns} 0}
15 |
quietly wave cursor active 1
16 |
configure wave -namecolwidth 143
17 |
configure wave -valuecolwidth 64
18 |
configure wave -justifyvalue right
19 |
configure wave -signalnamewidth 1
20 |
configure wave -snapdistance 10
21 |
configure wave -datasetprefix 0
22 |
configure wave -rowmargin 4
23 |
configure wave -childrowmargin 2
24 |
configure wave -gridoffset 0
25 |
configure wave -gridperiod 1
26 |
configure wave -griddelta 40
27 |
configure wave -timeline 1
28 |
configure wave -timelineunits us
29 |
30 |
WaveRestoreZoom {0 ns} {9500 ns}
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