1 |
8 |
gdevic |
#!/usr/bin/env python3
2 |
3 |
gdevic |
3 |
# This script generates a test include file from a set of "Fuse" test vectors.
4 |
5 |
# Three common testing configurations are:
6 |
7 |
# 1. You want to test a specific instruction only, say 02 LD (BC),A (see Fuse tests.in)
8 |
# start_test = "02"
9 |
# run_tests = 1
10 |
# regress = 0
11 |
12 |
# 2. You want to run a smaller subset of 'regression' tests:
13 |
# start_test = "00"
14 |
# run_tests = 1
15 |
# regress = 1
16 |
17 |
# 3. You want to run a full Fuse test suite (all instructions!):
18 |
# start_test = "00"
19 |
# run_tests = -1
20 |
# regress = 0
21 |
22 |
23 |
# Copyright (C) 2014 Goran Devic
24 |
25 |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
26 |
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
27 |
# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
28 |
# any later version.
29 |
30 |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
31 |
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
32 |
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
33 |
# more details.
34 |
35 |
import os
36 |
37 |
# Start with this test name (this is a string; see tests files)
38 |
start_test = "00"
39 |
40 |
# Number of tests to run; use -1 to run all tests
41 |
run_tests = 1
42 |
43 |
# Set this to 1 to use regression test files instead of 'tests.*'
44 |
# It will run all regression tests (start_test, run_tests are ignored)
45 |
regress = 1
46 |
47 |
48 |
# Determine which test files to use
49 |
tests_in = 'fuse/tests.in'
50 |
tests_expected = 'fuse/tests.expected'
51 |
52 |
# Regression testing executes all regression tests
53 |
if regress:
54 |
tests_in = 'fuse/regress.in'
55 |
tests_expected = 'fuse/regress.expected'
56 |
start_test = "00"
57 |
run_tests = -1
58 |
59 |
with open(tests_in) as f1:
60 |
t1 = f1.read().splitlines()
61 |
# Remove all tests until the one we need to start with. Tests are separated by empty lines.
62 |
while t1[0].split(" ")[0]!=start_test:
63 |
while len(t1.pop(0))>0:
64 |
65 |
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gdevic |
t1 = list(filter(None, t1)) # Filter out empty lines
66 |
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gdevic |
67 |
with open(tests_expected) as f2:
68 |
t2 = f2.read().splitlines()
69 |
while t2[0].split(" ")[0]!=start_test:
70 |
while len(t2.pop(0))>0:
71 |
72 |
73 |
# Count total clocks required to run all selected tests
74 |
total_clks = 0
75 |
76 |
def RegWrite(reg, hex):
77 |
global total_clks
78 |
ftest.write(" // Preset " + reg + "\n")
79 |
ftest.write(" force dut.reg_file_.b2v_latch_" + reg + "_lo.we=1;\n")
80 |
ftest.write(" force dut.reg_file_.b2v_latch_" + reg + "_hi.we=1;\n")
81 |
ftest.write(" force dut.reg_file_.b2v_latch_" + reg + "_lo.db=8'h" + hex[2:] + ";\n")
82 |
ftest.write(" force dut.reg_file_.b2v_latch_" + reg + "_hi.db=8'h" + hex[0:2] + ";\n")
83 |
ftest.write("#2 release dut.reg_file_.b2v_latch_" + reg + "_lo.we;\n")
84 |
ftest.write(" release dut.reg_file_.b2v_latch_" + reg + "_hi.we;\n")
85 |
ftest.write(" release dut.reg_file_.b2v_latch_" + reg + "_lo.db;\n")
86 |
ftest.write(" release dut.reg_file_.b2v_latch_" + reg + "_hi.db;\n")
87 |
total_clks = total_clks + 2
88 |
89 |
def RegRead(reg, hex):
90 |
ftest.write(" if (dut.reg_file_.b2v_latch_" + reg + "_lo.latch!==8'h" + hex[2:] + ") $fdisplay(f,\"* Reg " + reg + " " + reg[1] + "=%h !=" + hex[2:] + "\",dut.reg_file_.b2v_latch_" + reg + "_lo.latch);\n")
91 |
ftest.write(" if (dut.reg_file_.b2v_latch_" + reg + "_hi.latch!==8'h" + hex[0:2] + ") $fdisplay(f,\"* Reg " + reg + " " + reg[0] + "=%h !=" + hex[0:2] + "\",dut.reg_file_.b2v_latch_" + reg + "_hi.latch);\n")
92 |
93 |
#---------------------------- START -----------------------------------
94 |
# Create a file that should be included in the test_fuse source
95 |
6 |
gdevic |
ftest = open('test_fuse.vh', 'w')
96 |
3 |
gdevic |
ftest.write("// Automatically generated by genfuse.py\n\n")
97 |
98 |
# Initial pre-test state is reset and control signals asserted
99 |
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gdevic |
ftest.write("force dut.resets_.clrpc=0;\n")
100 |
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gdevic |
ftest.write("force dut.reg_file_.reg_gp_we=0;\n")
101 |
ftest.write("force dut.reg_control_.ctl_reg_sys_we=0;\n")
102 |
ftest.write("force dut.z80_top_ifc_n.fpga_reset=1;\n")
103 |
104 |
total_clks = total_clks + 2
105 |
106 |
# Read each test from the testdat.in file
107 |
while True:
108 |
ftest.write("//" + "-" * 80 + "\n")
109 |
if len(t1)==0 or run_tests==0:
110 |
111 |
run_tests = run_tests-1
112 |
113 |
# Clear opcode register before starting a new instruction
114 |
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gdevic |
ftest.write(" force dut.ir_.ctl_ir_we=1;\n")
115 |
ftest.write(" force dut.ir_.db=0;\n")
116 |
ftest.write("#2 release dut.ir_.ctl_ir_we;\n")
117 |
ftest.write(" release dut.ir_.db;\n")
118 |
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gdevic |
total_clks = total_clks + 2
119 |
120 |
# Format of the test.in file:
121 |
# <arbitrary test description>
122 |
123 |
# I R IFF1 IFF2 IM <halted> <tstates>
124 |
name = t1.pop(0)
125 |
ftest.write("$fdisplay(f,\"Testing opcode " + name + "\");\n")
126 |
name = name.split(" ")[0]
127 |
r = t1.pop(0).split(' ')
128 |
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gdevic |
r = list(filter(None, r))
129 |
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# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (index)
130 |
131 |
RegWrite("af", r[0])
132 |
RegWrite("bc", r[1])
133 |
RegWrite("de", r[2])
134 |
RegWrite("hl", r[3])
135 |
RegWrite("af2", r[4])
136 |
RegWrite("bc2", r[5])
137 |
RegWrite("de2", r[6])
138 |
RegWrite("hl2", r[7])
139 |
RegWrite("ix", r[8])
140 |
RegWrite("iy", r[9])
141 |
RegWrite("sp", r[10])
142 |
RegWrite("wz", "0000") # Initialize WZ with 0
143 |
RegWrite("pc", r[11])
144 |
145 |
s = t1.pop(0).split(' ')
146 |
8 |
gdevic |
s = list(filter(None, s))
147 |
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gdevic |
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 (index)
148 |
# I R IFF1 IFF2 IM <halted> <tstates?>
149 |
RegWrite("ir", s[0]+s[1])
150 |
# TODO: Store IFF1/IFF2, IM, in_halt
151 |
152 |
# Read memory configuration from the test.in until the line contains only -1
153 |
while True:
154 |
m = t1.pop(0).split(' ')
155 |
if m[0]=="-1":
156 |
157 |
address = int(m.pop(0),16)
158 |
ftest.write(" // Preset memory\n")
159 |
while True:
160 |
d = m.pop(0)
161 |
if d=="-1":
162 |
163 |
ftest.write(" ram.Mem[" + str(address) + "] = 8'h" + d + ";\n")
164 |
address = address+1
165 |
166 |
# We need to prepare the IO map to be able to handle IN/OUT instructions.
167 |
# Copy tests.out (so we don't modify it just yet), parse all PR and PW (port read, write)
168 |
# statements and then fill in our IO map (for IO reads) or stack the check statements to be
169 |
# used below after the opcode has executed (for IO writes)
170 |
check_io = [] # List of check statements (for OUT instructions)
171 |
t2b = list(t2)
172 |
while True:
173 |
m = t2b.pop(0).split(' ')
174 |
8 |
gdevic |
m = list(filter(None, m))
175 |
3 |
gdevic |
if len(m)==0 or m[0]=="-1":
176 |
177 |
if len(m)==4 and m[1]=="PR":
178 |
address = int(m[2],16)
179 |
ftest.write(" io.IO[" + str(address) + "] = 8'h" + m[3] + ";\n")
180 |
if len(m)==4 and m[1]=="PW":
181 |
address = int(m[2],16)
182 |
check_io.append(" if (io.IO[" + str(address) + "]!==8'h" + m[3] + ") $fdisplay(f,\"* IO[" + hex(address)[2:] + "]=%h !=" + m[3] + "\",io.IO[" + str(address) + "]);\n")
183 |
184 |
# Prepare instruction to be run. By releasing the fpga_reset, internal CPU reset will be active for 1T.
185 |
# Due to the instruction execution overlap, first 2T of an instruction may be writing
186 |
# value back to a general purpose register (like AF) and we need to prevent that.
187 |
# Similarly, we let the execution continues 2T into the next instruction but we prevent
188 |
# it from writing to system registers so it cannot update PC and IR.
189 |
ftest.write(" force dut.z80_top_ifc_n.fpga_reset=0;\n")
190 |
8 |
gdevic |
ftest.write(" force dut.address_latch_.Q=16'h" + r[11] +";\n") # Force PC into the address latch
191 |
3 |
gdevic |
ftest.write(" release dut.reg_control_.ctl_reg_sys_we;\n")
192 |
ftest.write(" release dut.reg_file_.reg_gp_we;\n")
193 |
ftest.write("#3\n") # 1T (#2) overlaps the reset cycle
194 |
total_clks = total_clks + 3 # We borrow 1T (#2) to to force the PC to be what our test wants...
195 |
8 |
gdevic |
ftest.write(" release dut.address_latch_.Q;\n")
196 |
3 |
gdevic |
197 |
total_clks = total_clks + 1
198 |
199 |
# Read and parse the tests expected list which contains the expected results of our run,
200 |
# including the number of clocks for a particular instruction
201 |
xname = t2.pop(0).split()[0]
202 |
if name!=xname:
203 |
print("Test " + name + " does not correspond to test.expected " + xname)
204 |
205 |
# Skip the memory access logs; read to the expected register content list
206 |
while True:
207 |
l = t2.pop(0)
208 |
if l[0]!=' ':
209 |
210 |
r = l.split(' ')
211 |
8 |
gdevic |
r = list(filter(None, r))
212 |
3 |
gdevic |
213 |
s = t2.pop(0).split(' ')
214 |
8 |
gdevic |
s = list(filter(None, s))
215 |
3 |
gdevic |
216 |
ticks = int(s[6]) * 2 - 2 # We return 1T (#2) that we borrowed to set PC
217 |
total_clks = total_clks + ticks
218 |
ftest.write("#" + str(ticks) + " // Execute\n")
219 |
220 |
ftest.write(" force dut.reg_control_.ctl_reg_sys_we=0;\n")
221 |
ftest.write("#2 pc=z.A;\n") # Extra 2T for the next instruction overlap & read PC on the ABus
222 |
ftest.write("#2\n") # Complete this instruction
223 |
ftest.write("#1 force dut.reg_file_.reg_gp_we=0;\n") # Add 1/2 clock for any pending flops to latch (mainly the F register)
224 |
ftest.write(" force dut.z80_top_ifc_n.fpga_reset=1;\n")
225 |
total_clks = total_clks + 5
226 |
227 |
# Now we can issue register reading commands
228 |
# We are guided on what to read and check by the content of "test.expected" file
229 |
230 |
# Special case are the register exchange instructions and there are 3 of them.
231 |
# The exchange operations are not tested directly; instead, the latches that control register bank access are
232 |
if xname=="08": # EX AF,AF1
233 |
r[0],r[4] = r[4],r[0]
234 |
ftest.write(" if (dut.reg_control_.bank_af!==1) $fdisplay(f,\"* Bank AF!=1\");\n")
235 |
if xname=="eb": # EX DE,HL
236 |
r[2],r[3] = r[3],r[2]
237 |
ftest.write(" if (dut.reg_control_.bank_hl_de1!==1) $fdisplay(f,\"* Bank HL/DE!=1\");\n")
238 |
if xname=="d9": # EXX
239 |
r[1],r[5] = r[5],r[1]
240 |
r[2],r[6] = r[6],r[2]
241 |
r[3],r[7] = r[7],r[3]
242 |
ftest.write(" if (dut.reg_control_.bank_exx!==1) $fdisplay(f,\"* Bank EXX!=1\");\n")
243 |
244 |
# Read the result: registers and memory
245 |
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (index)
246 |
247 |
RegRead("af", r[0])
248 |
RegRead("bc", r[1])
249 |
RegRead("de", r[2])
250 |
RegRead("hl", r[3])
251 |
RegRead("af2", r[4])
252 |
RegRead("bc2", r[5])
253 |
RegRead("de2", r[6])
254 |
RegRead("hl2", r[7])
255 |
RegRead("ix", r[8])
256 |
RegRead("iy", r[9])
257 |
RegRead("sp", r[10])
258 |
#RegRead("pc", r[11]) Instead of PC, we read the address bus of the next instruction
259 |
ftest.write(" if (pc!==16'h" + r[11] + ") $fdisplay(f,\"* PC=%h !=" + r[11] + "\",pc);\n")
260 |
261 |
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 (index)
262 |
# I R IFF1 IFF2 IM <halted> <tstates?>
263 |
RegRead("ir", s[0]+s[1])
264 |
265 |
# Read memory configuration until an empty line or -1 at the end
266 |
while True:
267 |
m = t2.pop(0).split(' ')
268 |
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gdevic |
m = list(filter(None, m))
269 |
3 |
gdevic |
if len(m)==0 or m[0]=="-1":
270 |
271 |
address = int(m.pop(0),16)
272 |
while True:
273 |
d = m.pop(0)
274 |
if d=="-1":
275 |
276 |
ftest.write(" if (ram.Mem[" + str(address) + "]!==8'h" + d + ") $fdisplay(f,\"* Mem[" + hex(address)[2:] + "]=%h !=" + d + "\",ram.Mem[" + str(address) + "]);\n")
277 |
address = address+1
278 |
# Read a list of IO checks that was compiled while parsing the initial condition
279 |
while len(check_io)>0:
280 |
281 |
282 |
# Write out the total number of clocks that this set of tests takes to execute
283 |
ftest.write("`define TOTAL_CLKS " + str(total_clks) + "\n")
284 |
ftest.write("$fdisplay(f,\"=== Tests completed ===\");\n")
285 |
286 |
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gdevic |
# Touch a file that includes 'test_fuse.vh' to ensure it will recompile correctly
287 |
3 |
gdevic |
os.utime("test_fuse.sv", None)