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Amr_Salah |
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Project : AES
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Standard doc. : FIPS 197
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Module name : Top_AES_PipelinedCipher
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Dependancy :
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Design doc. :
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References :
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Description : this is the top module of the design which forms
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rounds and connects KeyExpantion using pipelined
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Owner : Amr Salah
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`timescale 1 ns/1 ps
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module Top_PipelinedCipher
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parameter DATA_W = 128, //data width
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parameter KEY_L = 128, //key length
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parameter NO_ROUNDS = 10 //number of rounds
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input clk, //system clock
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input reset, //asynch reset
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input data_valid_in, //data valid signal
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input cipherkey_valid_in, //cipher key valid signal
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input [KEY_L-1:0] cipher_key, //cipher key
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input [DATA_W-1:0] plain_text, //plain text
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output valid_out, //output valid signal
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output [DATA_W-1:0] cipher_text //cipher text
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wire [NO_ROUNDS-1:0] valid_round_key; //all round keys valid signals KeyExpantion output
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wire [NO_ROUNDS-1:0] valid_round_data; //all rounds ouput data valid signals
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wire [DATA_W-1:0] data_round [0:NO_ROUNDS-1]; //all rounds data
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wire valid_sub2shift; //for final round connection
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wire valid_shift2key; //
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wire [DATA_W-1:0]data_sub2shift; //
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wire [DATA_W-1:0]data_shift2key; //
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wire [(NO_ROUNDS*DATA_W)-1:0] W; //all round keys
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reg[DATA_W-1:0] data_shift2key_delayed; //for delay register
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reg valid_shift2key_delayed;
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//instantiate Key Expantion which will feed every round with round key
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KeyExpantion #(DATA_W,KEY_L,NO_ROUNDS) U_KEYEXP(clk,reset,cipherkey_valid_in,cipher_key,W,valid_round_key);
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//due to algorithm,first cipher key will be xored witht plain text
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AddRoundKey #(DATA_W)U0_ARK(clk,reset,data_valid_in,cipherkey_valid_in,plain_text,cipher_key,valid_round_data[0],data_round[0]);
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//instantiate all rounds , connect them with key expantion
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genvar i;
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for(i=0;i<NO_ROUNDS-1;i=i+1) begin : ROUND
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Round #(DATA_W)U_ROUND(clk,reset,valid_round_data[i],valid_round_key[i],data_round[i],W[(NO_ROUNDS-i)*DATA_W-1:(NO_ROUNDS-i-1)*DATA_W],valid_round_data[i+1],data_round[i+1]);
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//this is the final round it doesn't contain mixcolumns as declared in fips197 standard document
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SubBytes #(DATA_W) U_SUB (clk,reset,valid_round_data[NO_ROUNDS-1],data_round[NO_ROUNDS-1],valid_sub2shift,data_sub2shift);
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ShiftRows #(DATA_W) U_SH (clk,reset,valid_sub2shift,data_sub2shift,valid_shift2key,data_shift2key);
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AddRoundKey #(DATA_W) U_KEY (clk,reset,valid_shift2key_delayed,valid_round_key[NO_ROUNDS-1],data_shift2key_delayed,W[DATA_W-1:0],valid_out,cipher_text);
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/*as the final round has only three stages a delay register should be introduced
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to be balanced with key expantion*/
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always @(posedge clk or negedge reset)
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valid_shift2key_delayed <= 1'b0;
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data_shift2key_delayed <= 'b0;
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end else begin
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data_shift2key_delayed <= data_shift2key;
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valid_shift2key_delayed <= valid_shift2key;
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