1 |
8 |
jstefanowi |
2 |
-- Company: CEI - UPM
3 |
-- Engineer: David Aledo
4 |
5 |
-- Create Date: 01.10.2015
6 |
-- Design Name: Configurable ANN
7 |
-- Pakage Name: layers_pkg
8 |
-- Project Name:
9 |
-- Target Devices:
10 |
-- Tool Versions:
11 |
-- Description: define array types for generics, functions to give them values from
12 |
-- string generics, and other help functions
13 |
-- Dependencies:
14 |
15 |
-- Revision:
16 |
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
17 |
-- Additional Comments:
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
library IEEE;
22 |
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
23 |
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
24 |
25 |
--library proc_common_v3_00_a; -- Deprecated libray from XPS tool
26 |
--use proc_common_v3_00_a.proc_common_pkg.all;
27 |
28 |
package layers_pkg is
29 |
30 |
-- Array types for generics:
31 |
type int_vector is array (natural range <>) of integer; -- Generic integer vector
32 |
type ltype_vector is array (integer range <>) of string(1 to 2); -- Layer type vector
33 |
type ftype_vector is array (integer range <>) of string(1 to 6); -- Activation function type vector
34 |
-- Note: these strings cannot be unconstrined
35 |
36 |
-- Functions to assign values to vector types from string generics:
37 |
-- Arguments:
38 |
-- str_v : string to be converted
39 |
-- n : number of elements of the vector
40 |
-- Return: assigned vector
41 |
function assign_ints(str_v : string; n : integer) return int_vector;
42 |
function assign_ltype(str_v : string; n : integer) return ltype_vector;
43 |
function assign_ftype(str_v : string; n : integer) return ftype_vector;
44 |
45 |
-- Other functions:
46 |
47 |
-- Argument: c : character to be checked
48 |
-- Return: TRUE if c is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9
49 |
function is_digit(c : character) return boolean;
50 |
51 |
52 |
-- Base two logarithm for int_vector:
53 |
-- Arguments:
54 |
-- v : integer vector
55 |
-- n : number of elements of the vector
56 |
-- Return : integer vector of the base two logarithms of each elment of v
57 |
function log2(v : int_vector; n : integer) return int_vector;
58 |
59 |
-- Calculate the total weight and bias memory address length:
60 |
-- Arguments:
61 |
-- NumIn : number of inputs of the network
62 |
-- NumN : number of neurons of each layer
63 |
-- n : number of layers (number of elements of NumN)
64 |
-- Return: total weight and bias memory address length (integer)
65 |
function calculate_addr_l(NumIn : integer; NumN : int_vector; n : integer) return integer;
66 |
67 |
-- Assign the weight and bias memory address lenght of each layer:
68 |
-- Arguments:
69 |
-- NumIn : number of inputs of the network
70 |
-- NumN : number of neurons of each layer
71 |
-- n : number of layers (number of elements of NumN and the return integer vector)
72 |
-- Return: weight and bias memory address lenght of each layer (integer vector)
73 |
function assign_addrl(NumIn : integer; NumN : int_vector; n : integer) return int_vector;
74 |
75 |
-- Calculate the maximum of the multiplications of two vectors element by element
76 |
-- Arguments:
77 |
-- v1 : input vector 1
78 |
-- v2 : input vector 2
79 |
-- Return: maximum of the multiplications of two vectors element by element
80 |
function calculate_max_mul(v1 : int_vector; v2 : int_vector) return integer;
81 |
82 |
-- Returns the max value of the input integer vector:
83 |
function calculate_max(v : int_vector) return integer;
84 |
85 |
-- Adding needed functions from the deprecated libray proc_common_v3_00_a:
86 |
function max2 (num1, num2 : integer) return integer;
87 |
function log2(x : natural) return integer;
88 |
89 |
end layers_pkg;
90 |
91 |
package body layers_pkg is
92 |
93 |
function max2 (num1, num2 : integer) return integer is
94 |
95 |
if num1 >= num2 then
96 |
return num1;
97 |
98 |
return num2;
99 |
end if;
100 |
end function max2;
101 |
102 |
-- Function log2 -- returns number of bits needed to encode x choices
103 |
-- x = 0 returns 0
104 |
-- x = 1 returns 0
105 |
-- x = 2 returns 1
106 |
-- x = 4 returns 2, etc.
107 |
function log2(x : natural) return integer is
108 |
variable i : integer := 0;
109 |
variable val: integer := 1;
110 |
111 |
if x = 0 then
112 |
return 0;
113 |
114 |
for j in 0 to 29 loop -- for loop for XST
115 |
if val >= x then null;
116 |
117 |
i := i+1;
118 |
val := val*2;
119 |
end if;
120 |
end loop;
121 |
-- Fix per CR520627 XST was ignoring this anyway and printing a
122 |
-- Warning in SRP file. This will get rid of the warning and not
123 |
-- impact simulation.
124 |
-- synthesis translate_off
125 |
assert val >= x
126 |
report "Function log2 received argument larger" &
127 |
" than its capability of 2^30. "
128 |
severity failure;
129 |
-- synthesis translate_on
130 |
return i;
131 |
end if;
132 |
end function log2;
133 |
134 |
135 |
function is_digit(c : character) return boolean is
136 |
137 |
case c is
138 |
when '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' => return true;
139 |
when others => return false;
140 |
end case;
141 |
end is_digit;
142 |
143 |
144 |
-- Assign values to a integer vector from a string:
145 |
-- Arguments:
146 |
-- str_v : string to be converted
147 |
-- n : number of elements of the vector
148 |
-- Return: assigned integer vector
149 |
function assign_ints(str_v : string; n : integer) return int_vector is
150 |
variable i : integer := n-1; ---- element counter
151 |
variable d_power : integer := 1; -- decimal power
152 |
variable ret : int_vector(n-1 downto 0) := (others => 0); -- return value
153 |
154 |
for c in str_v'length downto 1 loop -- read every character in str_v
155 |
if str_v(c) = ' ' then -- a space separates a new element
156 |
assert i > 0
157 |
report "Error in assign_ints: number of elements in string is greater than n."
158 |
severity error;
159 |
i := i -1; -- decrease element counter to start calculate a new element
160 |
d_power := 1; -- reset the decimal power to 1
161 |
162 |
assert is_digit(str_v(c)) -- assert the new character is a digit
163 |
report "Error in assign_ints: character " & str_v(c) & " is not a digit."
164 |
severity error;
165 |
-- add the value of the new charactar to the element calculation ( + ("<new_digit>" - "0") * d_power):
166 |
ret(i) := ret(i) + (character'pos(str_v(c))-character'pos('0'))*d_power;
167 |
d_power := d_power*10; -- increase the decimal power for the next digit
168 |
end if;
169 |
end loop;
170 |
assert i = 0
171 |
report "Error in assign_ints: number of elements in string is less than n."
172 |
severity error;
173 |
return ret;
174 |
end assign_ints;
175 |
176 |
-- Assign values to an activation function type vector from a string:
177 |
-- Arguments:
178 |
-- str_v : string to be converted
179 |
-- n : number of elements of the vector
180 |
-- Return: assigned activation function type vector
181 |
function assign_ftype(str_v : string; n : integer) return ftype_vector is
182 |
variable i : integer := 0; -- element counter
183 |
variable l : integer := 1; -- element length counter
184 |
variable ret : ftype_vector(n-1 downto 0) := (others => "linear"); -- return value
185 |
186 |
for c in 1 to str_v'length loop -- read every character in str_v
187 |
if str_v(c) = ' ' then -- a space separates a new element
188 |
i := i +1; -- increase element counter to start calculate a new element
189 |
l := 1; -- reset element length counter
190 |
191 |
ret(i)(l) := str_v(c);
192 |
l := l +1; -- increase element length counter
193 |
end if;
194 |
end loop;
195 |
assert i = n-1
196 |
report "Error in assign_ftype: number of elements in string is less than n."
197 |
severity error;
198 |
return ret;
199 |
end assign_ftype;
200 |
201 |
-- Assign values to an layer type vector from a string:
202 |
-- Arguments:
203 |
-- str_v : string to be converted
204 |
-- n : number of elements of the vector
205 |
-- Return: assigned layer type vector
206 |
function assign_ltype(str_v : string; n : integer) return ltype_vector is
207 |
variable i : integer := 0; -- element counter
208 |
variable l : integer := 1; -- element length counter
209 |
variable ret : ltype_vector(n-1 downto 0) := (others => "SP"); -- return value
210 |
211 |
for c in 1 to str_v'length loop
212 |
if str_v(c) = ' ' then -- a space separates a new element
213 |
i := i +1; -- increase element counter to start calculate a new element
214 |
l := 1; -- reset element length counter
215 |
216 |
assert str_v(c) = 'P' or str_v(c) = 'S'
217 |
report "Error in assign_ltype: character " & str_v(c) & " is not 'P' (parallel) or 'S' (serial)."
218 |
severity error;
219 |
ret(i)(l) := str_v(c);
220 |
l := l +1; -- increase element length counter
221 |
end if;
222 |
end loop;
223 |
assert i = n-1
224 |
report "Error in assign_ltype: number of elements do not coincide with number of introduced elements."
225 |
severity error;
226 |
return ret;
227 |
end assign_ltype;
228 |
229 |
-- Calculate the total weight and bias memory address length:
230 |
-- Arguments:
231 |
-- NumIn : number of inputs of the network
232 |
-- NumN : number of neurons of each layer
233 |
-- n : number of layers (number of elements of NumN)
234 |
-- Return: total weight and bias memory address length (integer)
235 |
function calculate_addr_l(NumIn : integer; NumN : int_vector; n : integer) return integer is -- matrix + b_sel
236 |
variable addr_l : integer := log2(NumIn)+log2(NumN(0)); -- return value. Initialized with the weight memory length of the first layer
237 |
238 |
-- Calculate the maximum of the weight memory length:
239 |
for i in 1 to n-1 loop
240 |
addr_l := max2( addr_l, log2(NumN(i-1)+log2(NumN(i))) );
241 |
end loop;
242 |
addr_l := addr_l +1; -- add bias select bit
243 |
return addr_l;
244 |
end calculate_addr_l;
245 |
246 |
-- Base two logarithm for int_vector:
247 |
-- Arguments:
248 |
-- v : integer vector
249 |
-- n : number of elements of the vector
250 |
-- Return : integer vector of the base two logarithms of each elment of v
251 |
function log2(v : int_vector; n : integer) return int_vector is
252 |
variable ret : int_vector(n-1 downto 0); -- return value
253 |
254 |
-- for each element of v, calculate its base two logarithm:
255 |
for i in 0 to n-1 loop
256 |
ret(i) := log2(v(i));
257 |
end loop;
258 |
return ret;
259 |
end log2;
260 |
261 |
-- Assign the weight and bias memory address lenght of each layer:
262 |
-- Arguments:
263 |
-- NumIn : number of inputs of the network
264 |
-- NumN : number of neurons of each layer
265 |
-- n : number of layers (number of elements of NumN and the return integer vector)
266 |
-- Return: weight and bias memory address lenght of each layer (integer vector)
267 |
function assign_addrl(NumIn : integer; NumN : int_vector; n : integer) return int_vector is
268 |
variable ret : int_vector(n-1 downto 0); -- return value
269 |
270 |
ret(0) := log2(NumIn)+log2(NumN(0)); -- Weight memory length of the first layer
271 |
for i in 1 to n-1 loop
272 |
ret(i) := log2(NumN(i-1))+log2(NumN(i));
273 |
end loop;
274 |
return ret;
275 |
end assign_addrl;
276 |
277 |
-- Returns the max value of the input integer vector:
278 |
function calculate_max(v : int_vector) return integer is
279 |
variable ac_max : integer := 0; -- return value
280 |
281 |
for i in 0 to v'length-1 loop
282 |
ac_max := max2(ac_max,v(i));
283 |
end loop;
284 |
return ac_max;
285 |
end calculate_max;
286 |
287 |
-- Calculate the maximum of the multiplications of two vectors element by element
288 |
-- Arguments:
289 |
-- v1 : input vector 1
290 |
-- v2 : input vector 2
291 |
-- Return: maximum of the multiplications of two vectors element by element
292 |
function calculate_max_mul(v1 : int_vector; v2 : int_vector) return integer is
293 |
variable ac_max : integer := 0;
294 |
295 |
assert v1'length = v2'length
296 |
report "Error in calculate_max_mul: vector's length do not coincide."
297 |
severity error;
298 |
for i in 0 to v1'length-1 loop
299 |
ac_max := max2(ac_max,v1(i)*v2(i));
300 |
end loop;
301 |
return ac_max;
302 |
end calculate_max_mul;
303 |
304 |
end layers_pkg;