1 |
11 |
N.Boukadid |
library ieee;
2 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
3 |
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
4 |
5 |
entity Meta_Deframer is
6 |
7 |
Clk : in std_logic; -- Clock input
8 |
Reset : in std_logic; -- Reset decoder
9 |
10 |
Data_In : in std_logic_vector(66 downto 0); -- Data input
11 |
Data_Out : out std_logic_vector(66 downto 0);-- Decoded 64-bit output
12 |
13 |
--Data_Control_In : in std_logic; -- Indicates whether the word is data or control
14 |
--Data_Control_Out : out std_logic; -- Indicates whether the word is data or control
15 |
16 |
CRC32_Error : out std_logic;
17 |
18 |
Data_Valid_In : in std_logic;
19 |
Data_Valid_Out : out std_logic
20 |
21 |
end entity Meta_Deframer;
22 |
23 |
architecture Deframing of Meta_Deframer is
24 |
type state_type is (IDLE, CRC);
25 |
signal pres_state, next_state : state_type;
26 |
27 |
signal Packet_Counter : integer range 0 to 60;
28 |
signal Data_P1, Data_P2 : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
29 |
30 |
-- Diagnostic word related signals
31 |
signal Diagnostic_Error : std_logic := '0'; -- In case diagnostic word disappeared
32 |
signal CRC32_Value : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- CRC-32 value received
33 |
signal HealthLane, HealthInterface : std_logic := '0'; -- Health status bits
34 |
35 |
-- CRC-32 related
36 |
signal CRC32_In : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); -- Data transmitted to CRC-32
37 |
signal CRC32_Out : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Calculated CRC-32 which returns
38 |
--signal CRC32_En : std_logic; -- Indicate the CRC-32 the data is valid
39 |
signal CRC32_Rst : std_logic; -- CRC-32 reset
40 |
signal CrcCalc : std_logic; -- Calculate the CRC-32
41 |
signal CRC32_Check1, CRC32_Check2, CRC32_Check3 : std_logic := '0'; -- Pipeline for CRC check
42 |
signal CRC32_Good : std_logic; -- CRC value is checked and valid
43 |
44 |
45 |
-- Constants
46 |
constant SYNCHRONIZATION : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0) := X"78f6_78f6_78f6_78f6"; -- synchronization framing layer control word
47 |
constant DIAGNOSTIC : std_logic_vector(63 downto 34) := "011001"&X"000000";
48 |
constant SCRAM_STATE_INIT_VALUE : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0) := X"2800_0000_0000_0000"; -- Starting value of scrambler
49 |
constant META_TYPE_SYNCHRONIZATION: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "11110";
50 |
constant META_TYPE_SCRAM_STATE: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01010";
51 |
constant META_TYPE_SKIP_WORD: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01010";
52 |
constant META_TYPE_DIAGNOSTIC: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "11001";
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
-- component CRC_32 -- Add the CRC-32 component
57 |
-- generic
58 |
-- (
59 |
-- Nbits : positive := 64;
60 |
-- CRC_Width : positive := 24;
61 |
-- G_Poly : Std_Logic_Vector := X"1EDC_6F41";
62 |
-- G_InitVal : std_logic_vector :=X"FFFF_FFFF"
63 |
-- );
64 |
-- port
65 |
-- (
66 |
-- CRC : out std_logic_vector(CRC_Width-1 downto 0);
67 |
-- Calc : in std_logic;
68 |
-- Clk : in std_logic;
69 |
-- DIn : in std_logic_vector(Nbits-1 downto 0);
70 |
-- Reset : in std_logic
71 |
-- );
72 |
-- end component CRC_32;
73 |
74 |
75 |
CRC_32_Encoding : entity work.CRC_32 -- Define the connections of the CRC-24 component to the Burst component and generics
76 |
-- generic map
77 |
-- (
78 |
-- Nbits => 64,
79 |
-- CRC_Width => 32,
80 |
-- G_Poly => X"1EDC_6F41", --Test with CRC-32 (Interlaken-32 : X"1EDC_6F41")
81 |
-- G_InitVal => X"FFFF_FFFF"
82 |
-- )
83 |
port map
84 |
85 |
Clk => Clk,
86 |
DIn => CRC32_In,
87 |
CRC => CRC32_Out,
88 |
Calc => CrcCalc,
89 |
Reset => CRC32_Rst
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
Meta_Deframing : process (clk, reset) is
94 |
95 |
if reset = '1' then
96 |
Data_Out(63 downto 0) <= (others => '0');
97 |
Data_Out(66 downto 64) <= "010";
98 |
Data_Valid_Out <= '0';
99 |
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
100 |
Data_Valid_Out <= '0';
101 |
if(Data_Valid_in = '1') then
102 |
Data_Valid_Out <= '1';
103 |
Data_Out(66 downto 64) <= Data_In(66 downto 64);
104 |
Data_Out(63 downto 0) <= Data_In(63 downto 0);
105 |
if (Data_In(65 downto 64) = "10" and Data_In(63) = '0')then
106 |
Data_Out(63 downto 0) <= (others => '0');
107 |
Data_Valid_Out <= '0';
108 |
end if;
109 |
end if;
110 |
end if;
111 |
end process Meta_Deframing;
112 |
113 |
-- Burst_Deframing : process (clk, reset) is
114 |
-- begin
115 |
-- if reset = '1' then
116 |
-- Data_Test <= (others => '0');
117 |
-- Data_Control_Out <= '0';
118 |
-- Data_Valid_Out <= '0';
119 |
-- elsif rising_edge(clk) then
120 |
-- Data_Valid_Out <= '1';
121 |
-- if (Data_Control_In = '1' and Data_In(63) = '0')then
122 |
-- Data_Out <= (others => '0');
123 |
-- Data_Control_Out <= '1';
124 |
-- Data_Valid_Out <= '0';
125 |
-- elsif (Data_Control_In = '1' and Data_In(63) = '1') then
126 |
-- Data_Out <= Data_In;
127 |
-- Data_Control_Out <= '1';
128 |
-- else
129 |
-- Data_Out <= Data_In;
130 |
-- Data_Control_Out <= '0';
131 |
-- end if;
132 |
-- end if;
133 |
-- end process Burst_Deframing;
134 |
135 |
136 |
137 |
crc_check : process (pres_state, clk)
138 |
139 |
if (Reset = '1') then
140 |
Data_P1 <= (others => '1');
141 |
Data_P2 <= (others => '1');
142 |
CRC32_Rst <= '0';
143 |
CRC32_Error <= '0';
144 |
CRC32_Good <= '0';
145 |
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
146 |
CRC32_Rst <= '0';
147 |
CRC32_Error <= '0';
148 |
CRC32_Good <= '0';
149 |
CRC32_Check1 <= '0'; --default
150 |
CrcCalc <= Data_valid_in;
151 |
if(Data_valid_in = '0' and CRC32_Check1 = '1') then
152 |
CRC32_Check1 <= '1';
153 |
CRC32_Check2 <= '0';
154 |
155 |
CRC32_Check2 <= CRC32_Check1; --pipeline
156 |
end if;
157 |
CRC32_Check3 <= CRC32_Check2; --pipeline
158 |
if (CRC32_Check3 = '1') then
159 |
if(CRC32_Out /= CRC32_Value) then
160 |
CRC32_Error <= '1';
161 |
162 |
CRC32_Good <= '1';
163 |
end if;
164 |
end if;
165 |
166 |
if(Data_valid_in = '1') then
167 |
Data_P2 <= Data_P1;
168 |
Data_P1 <= Data_In(63 downto 0);
169 |
170 |
Packet_Counter <= Packet_Counter + 1;
171 |
172 |
if (Data_In(65 downto 0) = "10"&SYNCHRONIZATION) then
173 |
CRC32_Rst <= '1';
174 |
Packet_Counter <= 1;
175 |
pres_state <= CRC;
176 |
CRC32_In <= Data_In(63 downto 0);
177 |
end if;
178 |
179 |
if (Data_In(65 downto 58) = "10"&"0"&META_TYPE_SCRAM_STATE) then -- 58-bit scrambler state is treated as all 00's for CRC
180 |
CRC32_In(63 downto 58) <= Data_In(63 downto 58);
181 |
CRC32_In(57 downto 0) <= (others => '0'); -- CRC was generated with field padded with zeros
182 |
183 |
--if(Packet_Counter = 23) then
184 |
elsif(Data_In(65 downto 58) = "10"&"0"&META_TYPE_DIAGNOSTIC ) then
185 |
-- if(Data_In(65 downto 34) = "10"&DIAGNOSTIC ) then
186 |
Diagnostic_Error <= '0';
187 |
CRC32_Value <= Data_In(31 downto 0);
188 |
CRC32_In(63 downto 58) <= Data_In(63 downto 58);
189 |
CRC32_In(57 downto 34) <= (others => '0');
190 |
CRC32_In(33 downto 32) <= Data_In(33 downto 32);
191 |
CRC32_In(31 downto 0) <= (others => '0'); -- CRC was generated with field padded with zeros
192 |
HealthLane <= Data_In(33);
193 |
HealthInterface <= Data_In(32);
194 |
pres_state <= IDLE;
195 |
CRC32_Check1 <= '1';
196 |
-- else
197 |
-- Diagnostic_Error <= '1';
198 |
-- CRC32_Value <= (others => '0');
199 |
-- CRC32_In(63 downto 0) <= (others => '0');
200 |
201 |
CRC32_In <= Data_In(63 downto 0);
202 |
end if;
203 |
--end if;
204 |
end if;
205 |
end if;
206 |
end process;
207 |
208 |
end architecture Deframing;