1 |
11 |
N.Boukadid |
library ieee;
2 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
3 |
4 |
entity Scrambler is
5 |
port (
6 |
Clk : in std_logic; -- System clock
7 |
Scram_Rst : in std_logic; -- Scrambler reset, use for initialization
8 |
9 |
Data_In : in std_logic_vector (66 downto 0); -- Data input
10 |
Data_Out : out std_logic_vector (66 downto 0); -- Data output
11 |
12 |
Lane_Number : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); -- Each lane number starts with different scrambler word
13 |
Scrambler_En : in std_logic; -- Input valid
14 |
--Data_Control_In : in std_logic; -- Indicates a control word
15 |
--Data_Control_Out: out std_logic; -- Output control word indication
16 |
17 |
Data_Valid_In : in std_logic; -- Input valid
18 |
Data_Valid_Out : out std_logic; -- Output valid
19 |
Gearboxready : in std_logic
20 |
21 |
end Scrambler;
22 |
23 |
architecture Scrambling of Scrambler is
24 |
signal Poly : std_logic_vector (57 downto 0);
25 |
signal Shiftreg : std_logic_vector (63 downto 0);
26 |
-- Constants
27 |
constant SYNCHRONIZATION : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0) := X"78f6_78f6_78f6_78f6"; -- synchronization framing layer control word
28 |
constant SCRAM_STATE_INIT_VALUE : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0) := X"2800_0000_0000_0000"; -- Starting value of scrambler
29 |
constant META_TYPE_SYNCHRONIZATION: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "11110";
30 |
constant META_TYPE_SCRAM_STATE: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01010";
31 |
32 |
33 |
shiftreg(63) <= Poly(57) xor Poly(38);
34 |
shiftreg(62) <= Poly(56) xor Poly(37);
35 |
shiftreg(61) <= Poly(55) xor Poly(36);
36 |
shiftreg(60) <= Poly(54) xor Poly(35);
37 |
shiftreg(59) <= Poly(53) xor Poly(34);
38 |
shiftreg(58) <= Poly(52) xor Poly(33);
39 |
shiftreg(57) <= Poly(51) xor Poly(32);
40 |
shiftreg(56) <= Poly(50) xor Poly(31);
41 |
shiftreg(55) <= Poly(49) xor Poly(30);
42 |
shiftreg(54) <= Poly(48) xor Poly(29);
43 |
shiftreg(53) <= Poly(47) xor Poly(28);
44 |
shiftreg(52) <= Poly(46) xor Poly(27);
45 |
shiftreg(51) <= Poly(45) xor Poly(26);
46 |
shiftreg(50) <= Poly(44) xor Poly(25);
47 |
shiftreg(49) <= Poly(43) xor Poly(24);
48 |
shiftreg(48) <= Poly(42) xor Poly(23);
49 |
shiftreg(47) <= Poly(41) xor Poly(22);
50 |
shiftreg(46) <= Poly(40) xor Poly(21);
51 |
shiftreg(45) <= Poly(39) xor Poly(20);
52 |
shiftreg(44) <= Poly(38) xor Poly(19);
53 |
shiftreg(43) <= Poly(37) xor Poly(18);
54 |
shiftreg(42) <= Poly(36) xor Poly(17);
55 |
shiftreg(41) <= Poly(35) xor Poly(16);
56 |
shiftreg(40) <= Poly(34) xor Poly(15);
57 |
shiftreg(39) <= Poly(33) xor Poly(14);
58 |
shiftreg(38) <= Poly(32) xor Poly(13);
59 |
shiftreg(37) <= Poly(31) xor Poly(12);
60 |
shiftreg(36) <= Poly(30) xor Poly(11);
61 |
shiftreg(35) <= Poly(29) xor Poly(10);
62 |
shiftreg(34) <= Poly(28) xor Poly(9);
63 |
shiftreg(33) <= Poly(27) xor Poly(8);
64 |
shiftreg(32) <= Poly(26) xor Poly(7);
65 |
shiftreg(31) <= Poly(25) xor Poly(6);
66 |
shiftreg(30) <= Poly(24) xor Poly(5);
67 |
shiftreg(29) <= Poly(23) xor Poly(4);
68 |
shiftreg(28) <= Poly(22) xor Poly(3);
69 |
shiftreg(27) <= Poly(21) xor Poly(2);
70 |
shiftreg(26) <= Poly(20) xor Poly(1);
71 |
shiftreg(25) <= Poly(19) xor Poly(0);
72 |
shiftreg(24) <= Poly(57) xor Poly(38) xor Poly(18);
73 |
shiftreg(23) <= Poly(56) xor Poly(37) xor Poly(17);
74 |
shiftreg(22) <= Poly(55) xor Poly(36) xor Poly(16);
75 |
shiftreg(21) <= Poly(54) xor Poly(35) xor Poly(15);
76 |
shiftreg(20) <= Poly(53) xor Poly(34) xor Poly(14);
77 |
shiftreg(19) <= Poly(52) xor Poly(33) xor Poly(13);
78 |
shiftreg(18) <= Poly(51) xor Poly(32) xor Poly(12);
79 |
shiftreg(17) <= Poly(50) xor Poly(31) xor Poly(11);
80 |
shiftreg(16) <= Poly(49) xor Poly(30) xor Poly(10);
81 |
shiftreg(15) <= Poly(48) xor Poly(29) xor Poly(9);
82 |
shiftreg(14) <= Poly(47) xor Poly(28) xor Poly(8);
83 |
shiftreg(13) <= Poly(46) xor Poly(27) xor Poly(7);
84 |
shiftreg(12) <= Poly(45) xor Poly(26) xor Poly(6);
85 |
shiftreg(11) <= Poly(44) xor Poly(25) xor Poly(5);
86 |
shiftreg(10) <= Poly(43) xor Poly(24) xor Poly(4);
87 |
shiftreg(9) <= Poly(42) xor Poly(23) xor Poly(3);
88 |
shiftreg(8) <= Poly(41) xor Poly(22) xor Poly(2);
89 |
shiftreg(7) <= Poly(40) xor Poly(21) xor Poly(1);
90 |
shiftreg(6) <= Poly(39) xor Poly(20) xor Poly(0);
91 |
shiftreg(5) <= Poly(57) xor Poly(19);
92 |
shiftreg(4) <= Poly(56) xor Poly(18);
93 |
shiftreg(3) <= Poly(55) xor Poly(17);
94 |
shiftreg(2) <= Poly(54) xor Poly(16);
95 |
shiftreg(1) <= Poly(53) xor Poly(15);
96 |
shiftreg(0) <= Poly(52) xor Poly(14);
97 |
98 |
Scramble : process (Clk, Scram_Rst, lane_number)
99 |
100 |
if(Scram_Rst = '1') then
101 |
Poly <= (others => '1');
102 |
Poly(57 downto 54) <= Lane_Number(3 downto 0);
103 |
Data_Out <= (others => '0');
104 |
--Data_Control_Out <= '0';
105 |
Data_Valid_Out <= '0';
106 |
elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then
107 |
--if (Data_Valid_In = '1' and Gearboxready = '1') then
108 |
if (Gearboxready = '1') then
109 |
if (Data_In(65 downto 63) = "100") then --Checks if incoming data is control word
110 |
if(Data_In(62 downto 58)= META_TYPE_SYNCHRONIZATION) then -- Sync words are not scrambled
111 |
Data_Out <= Data_In;
112 |
elsif (Data_In(62 downto 58) = META_TYPE_SCRAM_STATE) then -- Scrambler state words are not scrambled
113 |
Data_Out(63 downto 0) <= Data_In(63 downto 58) & Poly;
114 |
115 |
Poly <= shiftreg(57 downto 0); -- All other control words are scrambled
116 |
Data_Out(63 downto 0) <= Data_In(63 downto 0) xor (Poly(57 downto 0) & Shiftreg(63 downto 58));
117 |
end if;
118 |
119 |
Poly <= shiftreg(57 downto 0); -- All data words are scrambled
120 |
Data_Out(63 downto 0) <= Data_In(63 downto 0) xor (Poly(57 downto 0) & Shiftreg(63 downto 58)); -- correct
121 |
122 |
end if;
123 |
Data_Out(65 downto 64) <= Data_In(65 downto 64); -- Data word header
124 |
Data_Valid_Out <= Data_Valid_In;
125 |
end if;
126 |
end if;
127 |
end process;
128 |
129 |
end architecture Scrambling;