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OmarMokhta |
Release 13.1 par O.40d (lin)
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Copyright (c) 1995-2011 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
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linux-i9em.site:: Tue May 17 19:22:04 2011
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par -w -intstyle ise -ol high -t 1 VGA_Top_map.ncd VGA_Top.ncd VGA_Top.pcf
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Constraints file: VGA_Top.pcf.
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Loading device for application Rf_Device from file '3s200.nph' in environment /media/sda9/ISE_DS/ISE/.
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"VGA_Top" is an NCD, version 3.2, device xc3s200, package ft256, speed -5
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Initializing temperature to 85.000 Celsius. (default - Range: 0.000 to 85.000 Celsius)
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Initializing voltage to 1.140 Volts. (default - Range: 1.140 to 1.260 Volts)
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INFO:Par:282 - No user timing constraints were detected or you have set the option to ignore timing constraints ("par
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-x"). Place and Route will run in "Performance Evaluation Mode" to automatically improve the performance of all
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internal clocks in this design. Because there are not defined timing requirements, a timing score will not be
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reported in the PAR report in this mode. The PAR timing summary will list the performance achieved for each clock.
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Note: For the fastest runtime, set the effort level to "std". For best performance, set the effort level to "high".
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Device speed data version: "PRODUCTION 1.39 2011-02-03".
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Device Utilization Summary:
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Number of BUFGMUXs 2 out of 8 25%
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Number of External IOBs 29 out of 173 16%
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Number of LOCed IOBs 29 out of 29 100%
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Number of RAMB16s 6 out of 12 50%
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Number of Slices 504 out of 1920 26%
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Number of SLICEMs 0 out of 960 0%
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Overall effort level (-ol): High
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Placer effort level (-pl): High
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Placer cost table entry (-t): 1
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Router effort level (-rl): High
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Starting initial Timing Analysis. REAL time: 2 secs
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Finished initial Timing Analysis. REAL time: 2 secs
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Starting Placer
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Total REAL time at the beginning of Placer: 2 secs
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Total CPU time at the beginning of Placer: 1 secs
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Phase 1.1 Initial Placement Analysis
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Phase 1.1 Initial Placement Analysis (Checksum:962ecf22) REAL time: 3 secs
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Phase 2.7 Design Feasibility Check
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Phase 2.7 Design Feasibility Check (Checksum:962ecf22) REAL time: 3 secs
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Phase 3.31 Local Placement Optimization
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Phase 3.31 Local Placement Optimization (Checksum:962ecf22) REAL time: 3 secs
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Phase 4.2 Initial Clock and IO Placement
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Phase 4.2 Initial Clock and IO Placement (Checksum:23c362e2) REAL time: 3 secs
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Phase 5.36 Local Placement Optimization
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Phase 5.36 Local Placement Optimization (Checksum:23c362e2) REAL time: 3 secs
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Phase 6.8 Global Placement
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Phase 6.8 Global Placement (Checksum:1fb7ff71) REAL time: 8 secs
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Phase 7.5 Local Placement Optimization
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Phase 7.5 Local Placement Optimization (Checksum:1fb7ff71) REAL time: 8 secs
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Phase 8.18 Placement Optimization
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Phase 8.18 Placement Optimization (Checksum:3d2812bc) REAL time: 10 secs
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Phase 9.5 Local Placement Optimization
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Phase 9.5 Local Placement Optimization (Checksum:3d2812bc) REAL time: 10 secs
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Total REAL time to Placer completion: 10 secs
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Total CPU time to Placer completion: 9 secs
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Writing design to file VGA_Top.ncd
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Starting Router
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Phase 1 : 3326 unrouted; REAL time: 11 secs
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Phase 2 : 3112 unrouted; REAL time: 11 secs
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Phase 3 : 1358 unrouted; REAL time: 11 secs
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Phase 4 : 1395 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance) REAL time: 12 secs
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Phase 5 : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance) REAL time: 16 secs
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Updating file: VGA_Top.ncd with current fully routed design.
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Phase 6 : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance) REAL time: 17 secs
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Phase 7 : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance) REAL time: 34 secs
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Phase 8 : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance) REAL time: 34 secs
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Phase 9 : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance) REAL time: 35 secs
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Total REAL time to Router completion: 35 secs
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Total CPU time to Router completion: 33 secs
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Partition Implementation Status
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No Partitions were found in this design.
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Generating "PAR" statistics.
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Generating Clock Report
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| Clock Net | Resource |Locked|Fanout|Net Skew(ns)|Max Delay(ns)|
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| Clk_BUFGP | BUFGMUX0| No | 142 | 0.003 | 0.883 |
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|Inst_FreqDiv/counter | | | | | |
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| <19> | BUFGMUX3| No | 20 | 0.001 | 0.882 |
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* Net Skew is the difference between the minimum and maximum routing
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only delays for the net. Note this is different from Clock Skew which
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is reported in TRCE timing report. Clock Skew is the difference between
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the minimum and maximum path delays which includes logic delays.
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Timing Score: 0 (Setup: 0, Hold: 0)
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Asterisk (*) preceding a constraint indicates it was not met.
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This may be due to a setup or hold violation.
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Constraint | Check | Worst Case | Best Case | Timing | Timing
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| | Slack | Achievable | Errors | Score
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Autotimespec constraint for clock net Clk | SETUP | N/A| 12.182ns| N/A| 0
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_BUFGP | HOLD | 0.784ns| | 0| 0
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Autotimespec constraint for clock net Ins | SETUP | N/A| 5.263ns| N/A| 0
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t_FreqDiv/counter<19> | HOLD | 1.230ns| | 0| 0
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All constraints were met.
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INFO:Timing:2761 - N/A entries in the Constraints List may indicate that the
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constraint is not analyzed due to the following: No paths covered by this
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constraint; Other constraints intersect with this constraint; or This
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constraint was disabled by a Path Tracing Control. Please run the Timespec
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Interaction Report (TSI) via command line (trce tsi) or Timing Analyzer GUI.
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Generating Pad Report.
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All signals are completely routed.
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Total REAL time to PAR completion: 35 secs
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Total CPU time to PAR completion: 33 secs
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Peak Memory Usage: 131 MB
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Placement: Completed - No errors found.
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Routing: Completed - No errors found.
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Number of error messages: 0
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Number of warning messages: 0
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Number of info messages: 1
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Writing design to file VGA_Top.ncd
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PAR done!