1 |
2 |
jorisvr |
2 |
-- Front-end for SpaceWire Receiver
3 |
4 |
-- This entity samples the input signals DataIn and StrobeIn to detect
5 |
-- valid bit transitions. Received bits are handed to the application
6 |
-- in groups of "rxchunk" bits at a time, synchronous to the system clock.
7 |
8 |
-- This receiver is based on synchronous oversampling of the input signals.
9 |
-- Inputs are sampled on the rising and falling edges of an externally
10 |
-- supplied sample clock "rxclk". Therefore the maximum bitrate of the
11 |
-- incoming signal must be significantly lower than two times the "rxclk"
12 |
-- clock frequency. The maximum incoming bitrate must also be strictly
13 |
-- lower than rxchunk times the system clock frequency.
14 |
15 |
-- This code is tuned for implementation on Xilinx Spartan-3.
16 |
17 |
-- Details
18 |
-- -------
19 |
20 |
-- Stage A: The inputs "spw_di" and "spw_si" are handled as DDR signals,
21 |
-- synchronously sampled on both edges of "rxclk".
22 |
23 |
-- Stage B: The input signals are re-registered on the rising edge of "rxclk"
24 |
-- for further processing. This implies that every rising edge of "rxclk"
25 |
-- produces two new samples of "spw_di" and two new samples of "spw_si".
26 |
27 |
-- Stage C: Transitions in input signals are detected by comparing the XOR
28 |
-- of data and strobe to the XOR of the previous data and strobe samples.
29 |
-- If there is a difference, we know that either data or strobe has changed
30 |
-- and the new value of data is a valid new bit. Every rising edge of "rxclk"
31 |
7 |
jorisvr |
-- thus produces either zero, or one or two new data bits.
32 |
2 |
jorisvr |
33 |
7 |
jorisvr |
-- Stage D: Received bits are collected in groups of "rxchunk" bits
34 |
-- (unless rxchunk=1, in which case groups of 2 bits are used). Complete
35 |
-- groups are pushed into an 8-deep cyclic buffer. A 3-bit counter "headptr"
36 |
-- indicates the current position in the cyclic buffer.
37 |
2 |
jorisvr |
38 |
7 |
jorisvr |
-- The system clock domain reads bit groups from the cyclic buffer. A tail
39 |
-- pointer indicates the next location to read from the buffer. A comparison
40 |
-- between the "tailptr" and a re-synchronized copy of the "headptr" determines
41 |
-- whether valid bits are available in the buffer.
42 |
2 |
jorisvr |
43 |
7 |
jorisvr |
-- Activity detection is based on a 3-bit counter "bitcnt". This counter is
44 |
-- incremented whenever the rxclk domain receives 1 or 2 new bits. The system
45 |
-- clock domain monitors a re-synchronized copy of the activity counter to
46 |
-- determine whether it has been updated since the previous system clock cycle.
47 |
48 |
2 |
jorisvr |
-- Implementation guidelines
49 |
-- -------------------------
50 |
51 |
-- IOB flip-flops must be used to sample spw_di and spw_si.
52 |
-- Clock skew between the IOBs for spw_di and spw_si must be minimized.
53 |
54 |
-- "rxclk" must be at least as fast as the system clock;
55 |
-- "rxclk" does not need to be phase-related to the system clock;
56 |
-- it is allowed for "rxclk" to be equal to the system clock.
57 |
58 |
-- The following timing constraints are needed:
59 |
-- * PERIOD constraint on the system clock;
60 |
-- * PERIOD constraint on "rxclk";
61 |
-- * FROM-TO constraint from "rxclk" to system clock, equal to one "rxclk" period;
62 |
-- * FROM-TO constraint from system clock to "rxclk", equal to one "rxclk" period.
63 |
64 |
65 |
library ieee;
66 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
67 |
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
68 |
7 |
jorisvr |
use work.spwpkg.all;
69 |
2 |
jorisvr |
70 |
entity spwrecvfront_fast is
71 |
72 |
generic (
73 |
-- Number of bits to pass to the application per system clock.
74 |
rxchunk: integer range 1 to 4 );
75 |
76 |
port (
77 |
-- System clock.
78 |
clk: in std_logic;
79 |
80 |
-- Sample clock.
81 |
rxclk: in std_logic;
82 |
83 |
-- High to enable receiver; low to disable and reset receiver.
84 |
rxen: in std_logic;
85 |
86 |
-- High if there has been recent activity on the input lines.
87 |
inact: out std_logic;
88 |
89 |
-- High if inbits contains a valid group of received bits.
90 |
-- If inbvalid='1', the application must sample inbits on
91 |
-- the rising edge of clk.
92 |
inbvalid: out std_logic;
93 |
94 |
-- Received bits (bit 0 is the earliest received bit).
95 |
inbits: out std_logic_vector(rxchunk-1 downto 0);
96 |
97 |
-- Data In signal from SpaceWire bus.
98 |
spw_di: in std_logic;
99 |
100 |
-- Strobe In signal from SpaceWire bus.
101 |
spw_si: in std_logic );
102 |
103 |
-- Turn off FSM extraction.
104 |
-- Without this, XST will happily apply one-hot encoding to rrx.headptr.
105 |
attribute FSM_EXTRACT: string;
106 |
attribute FSM_EXTRACT of spwrecvfront_fast: entity is "NO";
107 |
108 |
end entity spwrecvfront_fast;
109 |
110 |
architecture spwrecvfront_arch of spwrecvfront_fast is
111 |
112 |
7 |
jorisvr |
-- width of bit groups in cyclic buffer;
113 |
-- typically equal to rxchunk, except when rxchunk = 1
114 |
type memwidth_array_type is array(1 to 4) of integer;
115 |
constant chunk_to_memwidth: memwidth_array_type := ( 2, 2, 3, 4 );
116 |
constant memwidth: integer := chunk_to_memwidth(rxchunk);
117 |
2 |
jorisvr |
118 |
-- registers in rxclk domain
119 |
type rxregs_type is record
120 |
7 |
jorisvr |
-- stage B: re-register input samples
121 |
2 |
jorisvr |
b_di0: std_ulogic;
122 |
7 |
jorisvr |
b_si0: std_ulogic;
123 |
2 |
jorisvr |
b_di1: std_ulogic;
124 |
b_si1: std_ulogic;
125 |
7 |
jorisvr |
-- stage C: data/strobe decoding
126 |
2 |
jorisvr |
c_bit: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
127 |
c_val: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
128 |
c_xor1: std_ulogic;
129 |
7 |
jorisvr |
-- stage D: collect groups of memwidth bits
130 |
d_shift: std_logic_vector(memwidth-1 downto 0);
131 |
d_count: std_logic_vector(memwidth-1 downto 0);
132 |
-- cyclic buffer access
133 |
bufdata: std_logic_vector(memwidth-1 downto 0);
134 |
bufwrite: std_ulogic;
135 |
headptr: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
136 |
2 |
jorisvr |
-- activity detection
137 |
7 |
jorisvr |
bitcnt: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
138 |
2 |
jorisvr |
end record;
139 |
140 |
-- registers in system clock domain
141 |
type regs_type is record
142 |
7 |
jorisvr |
-- data path from buffer to output
143 |
2 |
jorisvr |
tailptr: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
144 |
7 |
jorisvr |
inbvalid: std_ulogic;
145 |
-- split 2-bit groups if rxchunk=1
146 |
splitbit: std_ulogic;
147 |
splitinx: std_ulogic;
148 |
splitvalid: std_ulogic;
149 |
2 |
jorisvr |
-- activity detection
150 |
bitcntp: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
151 |
inact: std_ulogic;
152 |
7 |
jorisvr |
-- reset signal towards rxclk domain
153 |
rxdis: std_ulogic;
154 |
2 |
jorisvr |
end record;
155 |
156 |
7 |
jorisvr |
constant regs_reset: regs_type := (
157 |
tailptr => "000",
158 |
inbvalid => '0',
159 |
splitbit => '0',
160 |
splitinx => '0',
161 |
splitvalid => '0',
162 |
bitcntp => "000",
163 |
inact => '0',
164 |
rxdis => '1' );
165 |
166 |
-- Signals that are re-synchronized from rxclk to system clock domain.
167 |
type syncsys_type is record
168 |
headptr: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- pointer in cyclic buffer
169 |
bitcnt: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- activity detection
170 |
end record;
171 |
172 |
-- Registers.
173 |
signal r: regs_type := regs_reset;
174 |
signal rin: regs_type;
175 |
2 |
jorisvr |
signal rrx, rrxin: rxregs_type;
176 |
177 |
7 |
jorisvr |
-- Synchronized signals after crossing clock domains.
178 |
signal syncrx_rstn: std_logic;
179 |
signal syncsys: syncsys_type;
180 |
181 |
-- Output data from cyclic buffer.
182 |
signal s_bufdout: std_logic_vector(memwidth-1 downto 0);
183 |
184 |
-- stage A: input flip-flops for rising/falling rxclk
185 |
signal s_a_di0: std_logic;
186 |
signal s_a_si0: std_logic;
187 |
signal s_a_di1: std_logic;
188 |
signal s_a_si1: std_logic;
189 |
signal s_a_di2: std_logic;
190 |
signal s_a_si2: std_logic;
191 |
192 |
2 |
jorisvr |
-- force use of IOB flip-flops
193 |
attribute IOB: string;
194 |
attribute IOB of s_a_di1: signal is "TRUE";
195 |
attribute IOB of s_a_si1: signal is "TRUE";
196 |
7 |
jorisvr |
attribute IOB of s_a_di2: signal is "TRUE";
197 |
attribute IOB of s_a_si2: signal is "TRUE";
198 |
2 |
jorisvr |
199 |
200 |
201 |
7 |
jorisvr |
-- Cyclic data buffer.
202 |
bufmem: spwram
203 |
generic map (
204 |
abits => 3,
205 |
dbits => memwidth )
206 |
port map (
207 |
rclk => clk,
208 |
wclk => rxclk,
209 |
ren => '1',
210 |
raddr => r.tailptr,
211 |
rdata => s_bufdout,
212 |
wen => rrx.bufwrite,
213 |
waddr => rrx.headptr,
214 |
wdata => rrx.bufdata );
215 |
216 |
-- Synchronize reset signal for rxclk domain.
217 |
syncrx_reset: syncdff
218 |
port map ( clk => rxclk, rst => r.rxdis, di => '1', do => syncrx_rstn );
219 |
220 |
-- Synchronize signals from rxclk domain to system clock domain.
221 |
syncsys_headptr0: syncdff
222 |
port map ( clk => clk, rst => r.rxdis, di => rrx.headptr(0), do => syncsys.headptr(0) );
223 |
syncsys_headptr1: syncdff
224 |
port map ( clk => clk, rst => r.rxdis, di => rrx.headptr(1), do => syncsys.headptr(1) );
225 |
syncsys_headptr2: syncdff
226 |
port map ( clk => clk, rst => r.rxdis, di => rrx.headptr(2), do => syncsys.headptr(2) );
227 |
syncsys_bitcnt0: syncdff
228 |
port map ( clk => clk, rst => r.rxdis, di => rrx.bitcnt(0), do => syncsys.bitcnt(0) );
229 |
syncsys_bitcnt1: syncdff
230 |
port map ( clk => clk, rst => r.rxdis, di => rrx.bitcnt(1), do => syncsys.bitcnt(1) );
231 |
syncsys_bitcnt2: syncdff
232 |
port map ( clk => clk, rst => r.rxdis, di => rrx.bitcnt(2), do => syncsys.bitcnt(2) );
233 |
234 |
2 |
jorisvr |
-- sample inputs on rising edge of rxclk
235 |
process (rxclk) is
236 |
237 |
if rising_edge(rxclk) then
238 |
7 |
jorisvr |
s_a_di1 <= spw_di;
239 |
s_a_si1 <= spw_si;
240 |
2 |
jorisvr |
end if;
241 |
end process;
242 |
243 |
-- sample inputs on falling edge of rxclk
244 |
process (rxclk) is
245 |
246 |
if falling_edge(rxclk) then
247 |
7 |
jorisvr |
s_a_di2 <= spw_di;
248 |
s_a_si2 <= spw_si;
249 |
-- reregister inputs in fabric flip-flops
250 |
s_a_di0 <= s_a_di2;
251 |
s_a_si0 <= s_a_si2;
252 |
2 |
jorisvr |
end if;
253 |
end process;
254 |
255 |
-- combinatorial process
256 |
7 |
jorisvr |
process (r, rrx, rxen, syncrx_rstn, syncsys, s_bufdout, s_a_di0, s_a_si0, s_a_di1, s_a_si1)
257 |
2 |
jorisvr |
variable v: regs_type;
258 |
variable vrx: rxregs_type;
259 |
260 |
v := r;
261 |
vrx := rrx;
262 |
263 |
264 |
265 |
-- stage B: re-register input samples
266 |
vrx.b_di0 := s_a_di0;
267 |
7 |
jorisvr |
vrx.b_si0 := s_a_si0;
268 |
2 |
jorisvr |
vrx.b_di1 := s_a_di1;
269 |
vrx.b_si1 := s_a_si1;
270 |
271 |
-- stage C: decode data/strobe and detect valid bits
272 |
7 |
jorisvr |
if (rrx.b_di0 xor rrx.b_si0 xor rrx.c_xor1) = '1' then
273 |
2 |
jorisvr |
vrx.c_bit(0) := rrx.b_di0;
274 |
275 |
vrx.c_bit(0) := rrx.b_di1;
276 |
end if;
277 |
vrx.c_bit(1) := rrx.b_di1;
278 |
7 |
jorisvr |
vrx.c_val(0) := (rrx.b_di0 xor rrx.b_si0 xor rrx.c_xor1) or
279 |
(rrx.b_di0 xor rrx.b_si0 xor rrx.b_di1 xor rrx.b_si1);
280 |
vrx.c_val(1) := (rrx.b_di0 xor rrx.b_si0 xor rrx.c_xor1) and
281 |
(rrx.b_di0 xor rrx.b_si0 xor rrx.b_di1 xor rrx.b_si1);
282 |
2 |
jorisvr |
vrx.c_xor1 := rrx.b_di1 xor rrx.b_si1;
283 |
284 |
-- Note:
285 |
-- c_val = "00" if no new bits are received
286 |
-- c_val = "01" if one new bit is received; the new bit is in c_bit(0)
287 |
-- c_val = "11" if two new bits are received
288 |
289 |
7 |
jorisvr |
-- stage D: collect groups of memwidth bits
290 |
if rrx.c_val(0) = '1' then
291 |
2 |
jorisvr |
292 |
7 |
jorisvr |
-- shift incoming bits into register
293 |
if rrx.c_val(1) = '1' then
294 |
vrx.d_shift := rrx.c_bit & rrx.d_shift(memwidth-1 downto 2);
295 |
296 |
vrx.d_shift := rrx.c_bit(0) & rrx.d_shift(memwidth-1 downto 1);
297 |
2 |
jorisvr |
end if;
298 |
7 |
jorisvr |
299 |
-- prepare to store a group of memwidth bits
300 |
if rrx.d_count(0) = '1' then
301 |
-- only one more bit needed
302 |
vrx.bufdata := rrx.c_bit(0) & rrx.d_shift(memwidth-1 downto 1);
303 |
304 |
vrx.bufdata := rrx.c_bit & rrx.d_shift(memwidth-1 downto 2);
305 |
2 |
jorisvr |
end if;
306 |
307 |
7 |
jorisvr |
-- countdown nr of needed bits (one-hot counter)
308 |
if rrx.c_val(1) = '1' then
309 |
vrx.d_count := rrx.d_count(1 downto 0) & rrx.d_count(memwidth-1 downto 2);
310 |
311 |
vrx.d_count := rrx.d_count(0 downto 0) & rrx.d_count(memwidth-1 downto 1);
312 |
end if;
313 |
2 |
jorisvr |
314 |
end if;
315 |
316 |
7 |
jorisvr |
-- stage D: store groups of memwidth bits
317 |
vrx.bufwrite := rrx.c_val(0) and (rrx.d_count(0) or (rrx.c_val(1) and rrx.d_count(1)));
318 |
319 |
-- Increment head pointer.
320 |
if rrx.bufwrite = '1' then
321 |
vrx.headptr := std_logic_vector(unsigned(rrx.headptr) + 1);
322 |
end if;
323 |
324 |
2 |
jorisvr |
-- Activity detection.
325 |
if rrx.c_val(0) = '1' then
326 |
7 |
jorisvr |
vrx.bitcnt := std_logic_vector(unsigned(rrx.bitcnt) + 1);
327 |
2 |
jorisvr |
end if;
328 |
329 |
-- Synchronous reset of rxclk domain.
330 |
7 |
jorisvr |
if syncrx_rstn = '0' then
331 |
vrx.c_val := "00";
332 |
vrx.c_xor1 := '0';
333 |
vrx.d_count := (others => '0');
334 |
vrx.d_count(memwidth-1) := '1';
335 |
vrx.bufwrite := '0';
336 |
vrx.headptr := "000";
337 |
2 |
jorisvr |
vrx.bitcnt := "000";
338 |
end if;
339 |
340 |
341 |
342 |
-- Compare tailptr to headptr to decide whether there is new data.
343 |
7 |
jorisvr |
-- If the values are equal, we are about to read a location which has
344 |
-- not yet been written by the rxclk domain.
345 |
if r.tailptr = syncsys.headptr then
346 |
-- No more data in cyclic buffer.
347 |
2 |
jorisvr |
v.inbvalid := '0';
348 |
349 |
7 |
jorisvr |
-- Reading valid data from cyclic buffer.
350 |
2 |
jorisvr |
v.inbvalid := '1';
351 |
7 |
jorisvr |
-- Increment tail pointer.
352 |
if rxchunk /= 1 then
353 |
v.tailptr := std_logic_vector(unsigned(r.tailptr) + 1);
354 |
end if;
355 |
2 |
jorisvr |
end if;
356 |
7 |
jorisvr |
357 |
-- If rxchunk=1, split 2-bit groups into separate bits.
358 |
if rxchunk = 1 then
359 |
-- Select one of the two bits.
360 |
if r.splitinx = '0' then
361 |
v.splitbit := s_bufdout(0);
362 |
2 |
jorisvr |
363 |
7 |
jorisvr |
v.splitbit := s_bufdout(1);
364 |
2 |
jorisvr |
end if;
365 |
7 |
jorisvr |
-- Indicate valid bit.
366 |
v.splitvalid := r.inbvalid;
367 |
-- Increment tail pointer.
368 |
if r.inbvalid = '1' then
369 |
v.splitinx := not r.splitinx;
370 |
if r.splitinx = '0' then
371 |
v.tailptr := std_logic_vector(unsigned(r.tailptr) + 1);
372 |
end if;
373 |
end if;
374 |
2 |
jorisvr |
end if;
375 |
376 |
-- Activity detection.
377 |
7 |
jorisvr |
v.bitcntp := syncsys.bitcnt;
378 |
if r.bitcntp = syncsys.bitcnt then
379 |
v.inact := '0';
380 |
381 |
v.inact := '1';
382 |
2 |
jorisvr |
end if;
383 |
384 |
-- Synchronous reset of system clock domain.
385 |
if rxen = '0' then
386 |
7 |
jorisvr |
v := regs_reset;
387 |
2 |
jorisvr |
end if;
388 |
389 |
-- Register rxen to ensure glitch-free signal to rxclk domain
390 |
7 |
jorisvr |
v.rxdis := not rxen;
391 |
2 |
jorisvr |
392 |
-- drive outputs
393 |
inact <= r.inact;
394 |
7 |
jorisvr |
if rxchunk = 1 then
395 |
inbvalid <= r.splitvalid;
396 |
inbits(0) <= r.splitbit;
397 |
398 |
inbvalid <= r.inbvalid;
399 |
inbits <= s_bufdout;
400 |
end if;
401 |
2 |
jorisvr |
402 |
-- update registers
403 |
rrxin <= vrx;
404 |
rin <= v;
405 |
406 |
end process;
407 |
408 |
-- update registers on rising edge of rxclk
409 |
process (rxclk) is
410 |
411 |
if rising_edge(rxclk) then
412 |
rrx <= rrxin;
413 |
end if;
414 |
end process;
415 |
416 |
-- update registers on rising edge of system clock
417 |
process (clk) is
418 |
419 |
if rising_edge(clk) then
420 |
r <= rin;
421 |
end if;
422 |
end process;
423 |
424 |
end architecture spwrecvfront_arch;