1 |
32 |
redbear |
// (C) 2001-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
2 |
// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
3 |
// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output
4 |
// files any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation
5 |
// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject
6 |
// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription
7 |
// Agreement, Intel MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other applicable
8 |
// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the
9 |
// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by
10 |
// Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
11 |
// agreement for further details.
12 |
13 |
14 |
// $Id: //acds/rel/17.0std/ip/merlin/altera_merlin_traffic_limiter/altera_merlin_traffic_limiter.sv#1 $
15 |
// $Revision: #1 $
16 |
// $Date: 2017/01/22 $
17 |
// $Author: swbranch $
18 |
19 |
// -----------------------------------------------------
20 |
// Merlin Traffic Limiter
21 |
22 |
// Ensures that non-posted transaction responses are returned
23 |
// in order of request. Out-of-order responses can happen
24 |
// when a master does a non-posted transaction on a slave
25 |
// while responses are pending from a different slave.
26 |
27 |
// Examples:
28 |
// 1) read to any latent slave, followed by a read to a
29 |
// variable-latent slave
30 |
// 2) read to any fixed-latency slave, followed by a read
31 |
// to another fixed-latency slave whose fixed latency is smaller.
32 |
// 3) non-posted write to any latent slave, followed by a non-posted
33 |
// write or read to any variable-latent slave.
34 |
35 |
// This component has two implementation modes that ensure
36 |
// response order, controlled by the REORDER parameter.
37 |
38 |
// 0) Backpressure to prevent a master from switching slaves
39 |
// until all outstanding responses have returned. We also
40 |
// have to suppress the non-posted transaction, obviously.
41 |
42 |
// 1) Reorder the responses as they return using a memory
43 |
// block.
44 |
// -----------------------------------------------------
45 |
46 |
`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
47 |
48 |
// altera message_off 10036
49 |
module altera_merlin_traffic_limiter
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
ST_DATA_W = 72,
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
// -------------------------------------
71 |
// internal: allows optimization between this
72 |
// component and the demux
73 |
// -------------------------------------
74 |
75 |
76 |
// -------------------------------------
77 |
// Prevents all RAW and WAR hazards by waiting for
78 |
// responses to return before issuing a command
79 |
// with different direction.
80 |
81 |
// This is intended for Avalon masters which are
82 |
// connected to AXI slaves, because of the differing
83 |
// ordering models for the protocols.
84 |
85 |
// If PREVENT_HAZARDS is 1, then the current implementation
86 |
// needs to know whether incoming writes will be posted or
87 |
// not at compile-time. Only one of SUPPORTS_POSTED_WRITES
88 |
89 |
90 |
// When PREVENT_HAZARDS is 0 there is no such restriction.
91 |
92 |
// It is possible to be less restrictive for memories.
93 |
// -------------------------------------
94 |
95 |
96 |
// -------------------------------------
97 |
// Used only when hazard prevention is on, but may be used
98 |
// for optimization work in the future.
99 |
// -------------------------------------
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 |
// -------------------------------------------------
104 |
// Enables the reorder buffer which allows a master to
105 |
// switch slaves while responses are pending.
106 |
// Reponses will be reordered following command issue order.
107 |
// -------------------------------------------------
108 |
109 |
110 |
111 |
// -------------------
112 |
// Clock & Reset
113 |
// -------------------
114 |
input clk,
115 |
input reset,
116 |
117 |
// -------------------
118 |
// Command
119 |
// -------------------
120 |
input cmd_sink_valid,
121 |
input [ST_DATA_W-1 : 0] cmd_sink_data,
122 |
input [ST_CHANNEL_W-1 : 0] cmd_sink_channel,
123 |
input cmd_sink_startofpacket,
124 |
input cmd_sink_endofpacket,
125 |
output cmd_sink_ready,
126 |
127 |
output reg [VALID_WIDTH-1 : 0] cmd_src_valid,
128 |
output reg [ST_DATA_W-1 : 0] cmd_src_data,
129 |
output reg [ST_CHANNEL_W-1 : 0] cmd_src_channel,
130 |
output reg cmd_src_startofpacket,
131 |
output reg cmd_src_endofpacket,
132 |
input cmd_src_ready,
133 |
134 |
// -------------------
135 |
// Response
136 |
// -------------------
137 |
input rsp_sink_valid,
138 |
input [ST_DATA_W-1 : 0] rsp_sink_data,
139 |
input [ST_CHANNEL_W-1 : 0] rsp_sink_channel,
140 |
input rsp_sink_startofpacket,
141 |
input rsp_sink_endofpacket,
142 |
output reg rsp_sink_ready,
143 |
144 |
output reg rsp_src_valid,
145 |
output reg [ST_DATA_W-1 : 0] rsp_src_data,
146 |
output reg [ST_CHANNEL_W-1 : 0] rsp_src_channel,
147 |
output reg rsp_src_startofpacket,
148 |
output reg rsp_src_endofpacket,
149 |
input rsp_src_ready
150 |
151 |
152 |
// -------------------------------------
153 |
// Local Parameters
154 |
// -------------------------------------
155 |
localparam DEST_ID_W = PKT_DEST_ID_H - PKT_DEST_ID_L + 1;
156 |
localparam COUNTER_W = log2ceil(MAX_OUTSTANDING_RESPONSES + 1);
157 |
localparam PAYLOAD_W = ST_DATA_W + ST_CHANNEL_W + 4;
158 |
159 |
localparam MAX_DEST_ID = 1 << (DEST_ID_W);
160 |
161 |
162 |
// -------------------------------------------------------
163 |
// Memory Parameters
164 |
// ------------------------------------------------------
165 |
localparam MAX_BYTE_CNT = 1 << (PKT_BYTE_CNT_W);
166 |
167 |
168 |
// Memory stores packet width, including sop and eop
169 |
localparam MEM_W = ST_DATA_W + ST_CHANNEL_W + 1 + 1;
170 |
171 |
172 |
// -----------------------------------------------------
173 |
// Input Stage
174 |
175 |
// Figure out if the destination id has changed
176 |
// -----------------------------------------------------
177 |
wire stage1_dest_changed;
178 |
wire stage1_trans_changed;
179 |
wire [PAYLOAD_W-1 : 0] stage1_payload;
180 |
wire in_nonposted_cmd;
181 |
reg [ST_CHANNEL_W-1:0] last_channel;
182 |
wire [DEST_ID_W-1 : 0] dest_id;
183 |
reg [DEST_ID_W-1 : 0] last_dest_id;
184 |
reg was_write;
185 |
wire is_write;
186 |
wire suppress;
187 |
wire save_dest_id;
188 |
189 |
wire suppress_change_dest_id;
190 |
wire suppress_max_outstanding;
191 |
wire suppress_change_trans_but_not_dest;
192 |
wire suppress_change_trans_for_one_slave;
193 |
194 |
generate if (PREVENT_HAZARDS == 1) begin : convert_posted_to_nonposted_block
195 |
assign in_nonposted_cmd = 1'b1;
196 |
end else begin : non_posted_cmd_assignment_block
197 |
assign in_nonposted_cmd = (cmd_sink_data[PKT_TRANS_POSTED] == 0);
198 |
199 |
200 |
201 |
// ------------------------------------
202 |
// Optimization: for the unpipelined case, we can save the destid if
203 |
// this is an unsuppressed nonposted command. This eliminates
204 |
// dependence on the backpressure signal.
205 |
206 |
// Not a problem for the pipelined case.
207 |
// ------------------------------------
208 |
209 |
if (PIPELINED) begin : pipelined_save_dest_id
210 |
assign save_dest_id = cmd_sink_valid & cmd_sink_ready & in_nonposted_cmd;
211 |
end else begin : unpipelined_save_dest_id
212 |
assign save_dest_id = cmd_sink_valid & ~(suppress_change_dest_id | suppress_max_outstanding) & in_nonposted_cmd;
213 |
214 |
215 |
216 |
always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
217 |
if (reset) begin
218 |
last_dest_id <= 0;
219 |
last_channel <= 0;
220 |
was_write <= 0;
221 |
222 |
else if (save_dest_id) begin
223 |
last_dest_id <= dest_id;
224 |
last_channel <= cmd_sink_channel;
225 |
was_write <= is_write;
226 |
227 |
228 |
229 |
assign dest_id = cmd_sink_data[PKT_DEST_ID_H:PKT_DEST_ID_L];
230 |
assign is_write = cmd_sink_data[PKT_TRANS_WRITE];
231 |
assign stage1_dest_changed = (last_dest_id != dest_id);
232 |
assign stage1_trans_changed = (was_write != is_write);
233 |
234 |
assign stage1_payload = {
235 |
236 |
237 |
238 |
239 |
240 |
stage1_trans_changed };
241 |
242 |
// -----------------------------------------------------
243 |
// (Optional) pipeline between input and output
244 |
// -----------------------------------------------------
245 |
wire stage2_valid;
246 |
reg stage2_ready;
247 |
wire [PAYLOAD_W-1 : 0] stage2_payload;
248 |
249 |
250 |
if (PIPELINED == 1) begin : pipelined_limiter
251 |
252 |
253 |
254 |
) stage1_pipe (
255 |
.clk (clk),
256 |
.reset (reset),
257 |
.in_ready (cmd_sink_ready),
258 |
.in_valid (cmd_sink_valid),
259 |
.in_data (stage1_payload),
260 |
.out_valid (stage2_valid),
261 |
.out_ready (stage2_ready),
262 |
.out_data (stage2_payload)
263 |
264 |
end else begin : unpipelined_limiter
265 |
assign stage2_valid = cmd_sink_valid;
266 |
assign stage2_payload = stage1_payload;
267 |
assign cmd_sink_ready = stage2_ready;
268 |
269 |
270 |
271 |
// -----------------------------------------------------
272 |
// Output Stage
273 |
// -----------------------------------------------------
274 |
wire [ST_DATA_W-1 : 0] stage2_data;
275 |
wire [ST_CHANNEL_W-1:0] stage2_channel;
276 |
wire stage2_startofpacket;
277 |
wire stage2_endofpacket;
278 |
wire stage2_dest_changed;
279 |
wire stage2_trans_changed;
280 |
reg has_pending_responses;
281 |
reg [COUNTER_W-1 : 0] pending_response_count;
282 |
reg [COUNTER_W-1 : 0] next_pending_response_count;
283 |
wire nonposted_cmd;
284 |
wire nonposted_cmd_accepted;
285 |
wire response_accepted;
286 |
wire response_sink_accepted;
287 |
wire response_src_accepted;
288 |
wire count_is_1;
289 |
wire count_is_0;
290 |
reg internal_valid;
291 |
wire [VALID_WIDTH-1:0] wide_valid;
292 |
293 |
assign { stage2_data,
294 |
295 |
296 |
297 |
298 |
stage2_trans_changed } = stage2_payload;
299 |
300 |
generate if (PREVENT_HAZARDS == 1) begin : stage2_nonposted_block
301 |
assign nonposted_cmd = 1'b1;
302 |
end else begin
303 |
assign nonposted_cmd = (stage2_data[PKT_TRANS_POSTED] == 0);
304 |
305 |
306 |
307 |
assign nonposted_cmd_accepted = nonposted_cmd && internal_valid && (cmd_src_ready && cmd_src_endofpacket);
308 |
309 |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
310 |
// Use the sink's control signals here, because write responses may be dropped
311 |
// when hazard prevention is on.
312 |
313 |
// When case REORDER, move all side to rsp_source as all packets from rsp_sink will
314 |
// go in the reorder memory.
315 |
// One special case when PREVENT_HAZARD is on, need to use reorder_memory_valid
316 |
// as the rsp_source will drop
317 |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
318 |
319 |
assign response_sink_accepted = rsp_sink_valid && rsp_sink_ready && rsp_sink_endofpacket;
320 |
// Avoid Qis warning when incase, no REORDER, the signal reorder_mem_valid is not in used.
321 |
wire reorder_mem_out_valid;
322 |
wire reorder_mem_valid;
323 |
324 |
if (REORDER) begin
325 |
assign reorder_mem_out_valid = reorder_mem_valid;
326 |
end else begin
327 |
assign reorder_mem_out_valid = '0;
328 |
329 |
330 |
331 |
assign response_src_accepted = reorder_mem_out_valid & rsp_src_ready & rsp_src_endofpacket;
332 |
assign response_accepted = (REORDER == 1) ? response_src_accepted : response_sink_accepted;
333 |
334 |
always @* begin
335 |
next_pending_response_count = pending_response_count;
336 |
337 |
if (nonposted_cmd_accepted)
338 |
next_pending_response_count = pending_response_count + 1'b1;
339 |
if (response_accepted)
340 |
next_pending_response_count = pending_response_count - 1'b1;
341 |
if (nonposted_cmd_accepted && response_accepted)
342 |
next_pending_response_count = pending_response_count;
343 |
344 |
345 |
assign count_is_1 = (pending_response_count == 1);
346 |
assign count_is_0 = (pending_response_count == 0);
347 |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
348 |
// count_max_reached : count if maximum command reach to backpressure
349 |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
350 |
reg count_max_reached;
351 |
always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
352 |
if (reset) begin
353 |
pending_response_count <= 0;
354 |
has_pending_responses <= 0;
355 |
count_max_reached <= 0;
356 |
357 |
else begin
358 |
pending_response_count <= next_pending_response_count;
359 |
// synthesis translate_off
360 |
if (count_is_0 && response_accepted)
361 |
$display("%t: %m: Error: unexpected response: pending_response_count underflow", $time());
362 |
// synthesis translate_on
363 |
has_pending_responses <= has_pending_responses
364 |
&& ~(count_is_1 && response_accepted && ~nonposted_cmd_accepted)
365 |
|| (count_is_0 && nonposted_cmd_accepted && ~response_accepted);
366 |
count_max_reached <= (next_pending_response_count == MAX_OUTSTANDING_RESPONSES);
367 |
368 |
369 |
370 |
371 |
wire suppress_prevent_harzard_for_particular_destid;
372 |
wire this_destid_trans_changed;
373 |
genvar j;
374 |
375 |
if (REORDER) begin: fifo_dest_id_write_read_control_reorder_on
376 |
wire [COUNTER_W - 1 : 0] current_trans_seq_of_this_destid;
377 |
wire [MAX_DEST_ID - 1 : 0] current_trans_seq_of_this_destid_valid;
378 |
wire [MAX_DEST_ID - 1 : 0] responses_arrived;
379 |
reg [COUNTER_W - 1:0] trans_sequence;
380 |
wire [MAX_DEST_ID - 1 : 0] trans_sequence_we;
381 |
382 |
wire [COUNTER_W : 0] trans_sequence_plus_trans_type;
383 |
wire current_trans_type_of_this_destid;
384 |
wire [COUNTER_W : 0] current_trans_seq_of_this_destid_plus_trans_type [MAX_DEST_ID];
385 |
// ------------------------------------------------------------
386 |
// Control write trans_sequence to fifos
387 |
388 |
// 1. when command accepted, read destid from command packet,
389 |
// write this id to the fifo (each fifo for each desitid)
390 |
// 2. when response acepted, read the destid from response packet,
391 |
// will know which sequence of this response, write it to
392 |
// correct segment in memory.
393 |
// what if two commands go to same slave, the two sequences
394 |
// go time same fifo, this even helps us to maintain order
395 |
// when two commands same thread to one slave.
396 |
// -----------------------------------------------------------
397 |
wire [DEST_ID_W - 1 : 0] rsp_sink_dest_id;
398 |
wire [DEST_ID_W - 1 : 0] cmd_dest_id;
399 |
assign rsp_sink_dest_id = rsp_sink_data[PKT_SRC_ID_H : PKT_SRC_ID_L];
400 |
401 |
// write in fifo the trans_sequence and type of transaction
402 |
assign trans_sequence_plus_trans_type = {stage2_data[PKT_TRANS_WRITE], trans_sequence};
403 |
404 |
// read the cmd_dest_id from output of pipeline stage so that either
405 |
// or not, it wont affect how we write to fifo
406 |
assign cmd_dest_id = stage2_data[PKT_DEST_ID_H : PKT_DEST_ID_L];
407 |
// -------------------------------------
408 |
// Get the transaction_seq for that dest_id
409 |
// -------------------------------------
410 |
wire [COUNTER_W - 1: 0] trans_sequence_rsp;
411 |
wire [COUNTER_W : 0] trans_sequence_rsp_plus_trans_type;
412 |
wire [COUNTER_W - 1: 0] trans_sequence_rsp_this_destid_waiting;
413 |
wire [COUNTER_W : 0] sequence_and_trans_type_this_destid_waiting;
414 |
wire trans_sequence_rsp_this_destid_waiting_valid;
415 |
assign trans_sequence_rsp_plus_trans_type = current_trans_seq_of_this_destid_plus_trans_type[rsp_sink_dest_id];
416 |
assign trans_sequence_rsp = trans_sequence_rsp_plus_trans_type[COUNTER_W - 1: 0];
417 |
418 |
// do I need to check if this fifo is valid, it should be always valid, unless a command not yet sent
419 |
// and response comes back which means something weird happens.
420 |
// It is worth to do an assertion but now to avoid QIS warning, just do as normal ST handshaking
421 |
// check valid and ready
422 |
423 |
for (j = 0; j < MAX_DEST_ID; j = j+1)
424 |
begin : write_and_read_trans_sequence
425 |
assign trans_sequence_we[j] = (cmd_dest_id == j) && nonposted_cmd_accepted;
426 |
assign responses_arrived[j] = (rsp_sink_dest_id == j) && response_sink_accepted;
427 |
428 |
429 |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
430 |
// This is array of fifos, which will be created base on how many slaves
431 |
// that this master can see (max dest_id_width)
432 |
// Each fifo, will store the trans_sequence, which go to that slave
433 |
// On the response path, based in the response from which slave
434 |
// the fifo of that slave will be read, to check the sequences.
435 |
// and this sequence is the write address to the memory
436 |
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
437 |
// There are 3 sequences run around the limiter, they have a relationship
438 |
// And this is how the key point of reorder work:
439 |
440 |
// trans_sequence : command sequence, each command go thru the limiter
441 |
// will have a sequence to show their order. A simple
442 |
// counter from 0 go up and repeat.
443 |
// trans_sequence_rsp : response sequence, each response that go back to limiter,
444 |
// will be read from trans_fifos to know their sequence.
445 |
// expect_trans_sequence : Expected sequences for response that the master is waiting
446 |
// The limiter will hold this sequence and wait until exactly response
447 |
// for this sequence come back (trans_sequence_rsp)
448 |
// aka: if trans_sequence_rsp back is same as expect_trans_sequence
449 |
// then it is correct order, else response store in memory and
450 |
// send out to master later, when expect_trans_sequence match.
451 |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
452 |
for (j = 0;j < MAX_DEST_ID; j = j+1) begin : trans_sequence_per_fifo
453 |
454 |
455 |
456 |
.BITS_PER_SYMBOL (COUNTER_W + 1), // one bit extra to store type of transaction
457 |
458 |
459 |
460 |
461 |
462 |
463 |
464 |
465 |
466 |
467 |
) dest_id_fifo
468 |
469 |
.clk (clk),
470 |
.reset (reset),
471 |
.in_data (trans_sequence_plus_trans_type),
472 |
.in_valid (trans_sequence_we[j]),
473 |
.in_ready (),
474 |
.out_data (current_trans_seq_of_this_destid_plus_trans_type[j]),
475 |
.out_valid (current_trans_seq_of_this_destid_valid[j]),
476 |
.out_ready (responses_arrived[j]),
477 |
.csr_address (2'b00), // (terminated)
478 |
.csr_read (1'b0), // (terminated)
479 |
.csr_write (1'b0), // (terminated)
480 |
.csr_readdata (), // (terminated)
481 |
.csr_writedata (32'b00000000000000000000000000000000), // (terminated)
482 |
.almost_full_data (), // (terminated)
483 |
.almost_empty_data (), // (terminated)
484 |
.in_startofpacket (1'b0), // (terminated)
485 |
.in_endofpacket (1'b0), // (terminated)
486 |
.out_startofpacket (), // (terminated)
487 |
.out_endofpacket (), // (terminated)
488 |
.in_empty (1'b0), // (terminated)
489 |
.out_empty (), // (terminated)
490 |
.in_error (1'b0), // (terminated)
491 |
.out_error (), // (terminated)
492 |
.in_channel (1'b0), // (terminated)
493 |
.out_channel () // (terminated)
494 |
495 |
end // block: trans_sequence_per_fifo
496 |
497 |
// -------------------------------------------------------
498 |
// Calculate the transaction sequence, just simple increase
499 |
// when each commands pass by
500 |
// --------------------------------------------------------
501 |
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset)
502 |
503 |
if (reset) begin
504 |
trans_sequence <= '0;
505 |
end else begin
506 |
if (nonposted_cmd_accepted)
507 |
trans_sequence <= ( (trans_sequence + 1'b1) == MAX_OUTSTANDING_RESPONSES) ? '0 : trans_sequence + 1'b1;
508 |
509 |
510 |
511 |
// -------------------------------------
512 |
// Control Memory for reorder responses
513 |
// -------------------------------------
514 |
wire [COUNTER_W - 1 : 0] next_rd_trans_sequence;
515 |
reg [COUNTER_W - 1 : 0] rd_trans_sequence;
516 |
reg [COUNTER_W - 1 : 0] next_expected_trans_sequence;
517 |
reg [COUNTER_W - 1 : 0] expect_trans_sequence;
518 |
wire [ST_DATA_W - 1 : 0] reorder_mem_data;
519 |
wire [ST_CHANNEL_W - 1 : 0] reorder_mem_channel;
520 |
wire reorder_mem_startofpacket;
521 |
wire reorder_mem_endofpacket;
522 |
wire reorder_mem_ready;
523 |
// -------------------------------------------
524 |
// Data to write and read from reorder memory
525 |
// Store everything includes channel, sop, eop
526 |
// -------------------------------------------
527 |
reg [MEM_W - 1 : 0] mem_in_rsp_sink_data;
528 |
reg [MEM_W - 1 : 0] reorder_mem_out_data;
529 |
530 |
531 |
mem_in_rsp_sink_data = {rsp_sink_data, rsp_sink_channel, rsp_sink_startofpacket, rsp_sink_endofpacket};
532 |
533 |
534 |
assign next_rd_trans_sequence = ((rd_trans_sequence + 1'b1) == MAX_OUTSTANDING_RESPONSES) ? '0 : rd_trans_sequence + 1'b1;
535 |
assign next_expected_trans_sequence = ((expect_trans_sequence + 1'b1) == MAX_OUTSTANDING_RESPONSES) ? '0 : expect_trans_sequence + 1'b1;
536 |
537 |
always_ff @(posedge clk, posedge reset)
538 |
539 |
if (reset) begin
540 |
rd_trans_sequence <= '0;
541 |
expect_trans_sequence <= '0;
542 |
end else begin
543 |
if (rsp_src_ready && reorder_mem_valid) begin
544 |
if (reorder_mem_endofpacket == 1) begin //endofpacket
545 |
expect_trans_sequence <= next_expected_trans_sequence;
546 |
rd_trans_sequence <= next_rd_trans_sequence;
547 |
548 |
549 |
550 |
end // always_ff @
551 |
552 |
553 |
// Case: Master Write to S0, read S1, and Read S0 back but if Write for S0
554 |
// not yet return then we need to backpressure this, else read S0 might take over write
555 |
// This is more checking after the fifo destid, as read S1 is inserted in midle
556 |
// when see new packet, try to look at the fifo for that slave id, check if it
557 |
// type of transaction
558 |
assign sequence_and_trans_type_this_destid_waiting = current_trans_seq_of_this_destid_plus_trans_type[cmd_dest_id];
559 |
assign current_trans_type_of_this_destid = sequence_and_trans_type_this_destid_waiting[COUNTER_W];
560 |
assign trans_sequence_rsp_this_destid_waiting_valid = current_trans_seq_of_this_destid_valid[cmd_dest_id];
561 |
// it might waiting other sequence, check if different type of transaction as only for PREVENT HAZARD
562 |
// if comming comamnd to one slave and this slave is still waiting for response from previous command
563 |
// which has diiferent type of transaction, we back-pressure this command to avoid HAZARD
564 |
assign suppress_prevent_harzard_for_particular_destid = (current_trans_type_of_this_destid != is_write) & trans_sequence_rsp_this_destid_waiting_valid;
565 |
566 |
// -------------------------------------
567 |
// Memory for reorder buffer
568 |
// -------------------------------------
569 |
570 |
571 |
572 |
573 |
574 |
575 |
576 |
) reorder_memory
577 |
578 |
.clk (clk),
579 |
.reset (reset),
580 |
.in_data (mem_in_rsp_sink_data),
581 |
.in_valid (rsp_sink_valid),
582 |
.in_ready (reorder_mem_ready),
583 |
.out_data (reorder_mem_out_data),
584 |
.out_valid (reorder_mem_valid),
585 |
.out_ready (rsp_src_ready),
586 |
.wr_segment (trans_sequence_rsp),
587 |
.rd_segment (expect_trans_sequence)
588 |
589 |
// -------------------------------------
590 |
// Output from reorder buffer
591 |
// -------------------------------------
592 |
assign reorder_mem_data = reorder_mem_out_data[MEM_W -1 : ST_CHANNEL_W + 2];
593 |
assign reorder_mem_channel = reorder_mem_out_data[ST_CHANNEL_W + 2 - 1 : 2];
594 |
assign reorder_mem_startofpacket = reorder_mem_out_data[1];
595 |
assign reorder_mem_endofpacket = reorder_mem_out_data[0];
596 |
597 |
// -------------------------------------
598 |
// Because use generate statment
599 |
// so move all rsp_src_xxx controls here
600 |
// -------------------------------------
601 |
always_comb begin
602 |
cmd_src_data = stage2_data;
603 |
rsp_src_valid = reorder_mem_valid;
604 |
rsp_src_data = reorder_mem_data;
605 |
rsp_src_channel = reorder_mem_channel;
606 |
rsp_src_startofpacket = reorder_mem_startofpacket;
607 |
rsp_src_endofpacket = reorder_mem_endofpacket;
608 |
// -------------------------------------
609 |
// Forces commands to be non-posted if hazard prevention
610 |
// is on, also drops write responses
611 |
// -------------------------------------
612 |
rsp_sink_ready = reorder_mem_ready; // now it takes ready signal from the memory not direct from master
613 |
if (PREVENT_HAZARDS == 1) begin
614 |
cmd_src_data[PKT_TRANS_POSTED] = 1'b0;
615 |
616 |
if (rsp_src_data[PKT_TRANS_WRITE] == 1'b1 && SUPPORTS_POSTED_WRITES == 1 && SUPPORTS_NONPOSTED_WRITES == 0) begin
617 |
rsp_src_valid = 1'b0;
618 |
rsp_sink_ready = 1'b1;
619 |
620 |
621 |
end // always_comb
622 |
623 |
end // block: fifo_dest_id_write_read_control_reorder_on
624 |
625 |
626 |
// -------------------------------------
627 |
// Pass-through command and response
628 |
// -------------------------------------
629 |
630 |
631 |
632 |
cmd_src_channel = stage2_channel;
633 |
cmd_src_startofpacket = stage2_startofpacket;
634 |
cmd_src_endofpacket = stage2_endofpacket;
635 |
end // always_comb
636 |
637 |
// -------------------------------------
638 |
// When there is no REORDER requirement
639 |
// Just pass through signals
640 |
// -------------------------------------
641 |
642 |
if (!REORDER) begin : use_selector_or_pass_thru_rsp
643 |
always_comb begin
644 |
cmd_src_data = stage2_data;
645 |
// pass thru almost signals
646 |
rsp_src_valid = rsp_sink_valid;
647 |
rsp_src_data = rsp_sink_data;
648 |
rsp_src_channel = rsp_sink_channel;
649 |
rsp_src_startofpacket = rsp_sink_startofpacket;
650 |
rsp_src_endofpacket = rsp_sink_endofpacket;
651 |
// -------------------------------------
652 |
// Forces commands to be non-posted if hazard prevention
653 |
// is on, also drops write responses
654 |
// -------------------------------------
655 |
rsp_sink_ready = rsp_src_ready; // take care this, should check memory empty
656 |
if (PREVENT_HAZARDS == 1) begin
657 |
cmd_src_data[PKT_TRANS_POSTED] = 1'b0;
658 |
659 |
if (rsp_sink_data[PKT_TRANS_WRITE] == 1'b1 && SUPPORTS_POSTED_WRITES == 1 && SUPPORTS_NONPOSTED_WRITES == 0) begin
660 |
rsp_src_valid = 1'b0;
661 |
rsp_sink_ready = 1'b1;
662 |
663 |
664 |
end // always_comb
665 |
end // if (!REORDER)
666 |
667 |
668 |
// --------------------------------------------------------
669 |
// Backpressure & Suppression
670 |
// --------------------------------------------------------
671 |
// ENFORCE_ORDER: unused option, always is 1, remove it
672 |
// Now the limiter will suppress when max_outstanding reach
673 |
// --------------------------------------------------------
674 |
675 |
if (ENFORCE_ORDER) begin : enforce_order_block
676 |
assign suppress_change_dest_id = (REORDER == 1) ? 1'b0 : nonposted_cmd && has_pending_responses &&
677 |
(stage2_dest_changed || (PREVENT_HAZARDS == 1 && stage2_trans_changed));
678 |
end else begin : no_order_block
679 |
assign suppress_change_dest_id = 1'b0;
680 |
681 |
682 |
683 |
// ------------------------------------------------------------
684 |
// Even we allow change slave while still have pending responses
685 |
// But one special case, when PREVENT_HAZARD=1, we still allow
686 |
// switch slave while type of transaction change (RAW, WAR) but
687 |
// only to different slaves.
688 |
// if to same slave, we still need back pressure that to make
689 |
// sure no racing
690 |
// ------------------------------------------------------------
691 |
692 |
693 |
if (REORDER) begin : prevent_hazard_block
694 |
assign suppress_change_trans_but_not_dest = nonposted_cmd && has_pending_responses &&
695 |
!stage2_dest_changed && (PREVENT_HAZARDS == 1 && stage2_trans_changed);
696 |
end else begin : no_hazard_block
697 |
assign suppress_change_trans_but_not_dest = 1'b0; // no REORDER, the suppress_changes_destid take care of this.
698 |
699 |
700 |
701 |
702 |
if (REORDER) begin : prevent_hazard_block_for_particular_slave
703 |
assign suppress_change_trans_for_one_slave = nonposted_cmd && has_pending_responses && (PREVENT_HAZARDS == 1 && suppress_prevent_harzard_for_particular_destid);
704 |
end else begin : no_hazard_block_for_particular_slave
705 |
assign suppress_change_trans_for_one_slave = 1'b0; // no REORDER, the suppress_changes_destid take care of this.
706 |
707 |
708 |
709 |
// ------------------------------------------
710 |
// Backpressure when max outstanding transactions are reached
711 |
// ------------------------------------------
712 |
713 |
if (REORDER) begin : max_outstanding_block
714 |
assign suppress_max_outstanding = count_max_reached;
715 |
end else begin
716 |
assign suppress_max_outstanding = 1'b0;
717 |
718 |
719 |
720 |
assign suppress = suppress_change_trans_for_one_slave | suppress_change_dest_id | suppress_max_outstanding;
721 |
assign wide_valid = { VALID_WIDTH {stage2_valid} } & stage2_channel;
722 |
723 |
always @* begin
724 |
stage2_ready = cmd_src_ready;
725 |
internal_valid = stage2_valid;
726 |
// --------------------------------------------------------
727 |
// change suppress condidtion, in case REODER it will alllow changing slave
728 |
// even still have pending transactions.
729 |
// -------------------------------------------------------
730 |
if (suppress) begin
731 |
stage2_ready = 0;
732 |
internal_valid = 0;
733 |
734 |
735 |
if (VALID_WIDTH == 1) begin
736 |
cmd_src_valid = {VALID_WIDTH{1'b0}};
737 |
cmd_src_valid[0] = internal_valid;
738 |
end else begin
739 |
// -------------------------------------
740 |
// Use the one-hot channel to determine if the destination
741 |
// has changed. This results in a wide valid bus
742 |
// -------------------------------------
743 |
cmd_src_valid = wide_valid;
744 |
if (nonposted_cmd & has_pending_responses) begin
745 |
if (!REORDER) begin
746 |
cmd_src_valid = wide_valid & last_channel;
747 |
// -------------------------------------
748 |
// Mask the valid signals if the transaction type has changed
749 |
// if hazard prevention is enabled
750 |
// -------------------------------------
751 |
752 |
cmd_src_valid = wide_valid & last_channel & { VALID_WIDTH {!stage2_trans_changed} };
753 |
end else begin // else: !if(!REORDER) if REORDER happen
754 |
755 |
cmd_src_valid = wide_valid & { VALID_WIDTH {!suppress_change_trans_for_one_slave} };
756 |
if (suppress_max_outstanding) begin
757 |
cmd_src_valid = {VALID_WIDTH {1'b0}};
758 |
759 |
760 |
761 |
762 |
763 |
764 |
765 |
// --------------------------------------------------
766 |
// Calculates the log2ceil of the input value.
767 |
768 |
// This function occurs a lot... please refactor.
769 |
// --------------------------------------------------
770 |
function integer log2ceil;
771 |
input integer val;
772 |
integer i;
773 |
774 |
775 |
i = 1;
776 |
log2ceil = 0;
777 |
778 |
while (i < val) begin
779 |
log2ceil = log2ceil + 1;
780 |
i = i << 1;
781 |
782 |
783 |
784 |
785 |
786 |
787 |