1 |
32 |
redbear |
# (C) 2001-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
2 |
# Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
3 |
# software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output
4 |
# files any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation
5 |
# files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject
6 |
# to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription
7 |
# Agreement, Intel MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other applicable
8 |
# license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the
9 |
# sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by
10 |
# Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
11 |
# agreement for further details.
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
# -------------------------------
18 |
# If you modify this files, all your changes will be lost if you
19 |
# regenerate the core!
20 |
21 |
22 |
# ----------------
23 |
# This file contains the timing constraints for the UniPHY memory
24 |
# interface.
25 |
# * The timing parameters used by this file are assigned
26 |
# in the hps_sdram_p0_timing.tcl script.
27 |
# * The helper routines are defined in hps_sdram_p0_pin_map.tcl
28 |
29 |
30 |
# ----
31 |
32 |
set script_dir [file dirname [info script]]
33 |
34 |
source "$script_dir/hps_sdram_p0_parameters.tcl"
35 |
source "$script_dir/hps_sdram_p0_timing.tcl"
36 |
source "$script_dir/hps_sdram_p0_pin_map.tcl"
37 |
38 |
load_package ddr_timing_model
39 |
40 |
set synthesis_flow 0
41 |
set sta_flow 0
42 |
set fit_flow 0
43 |
if { $::TimeQuestInfo(nameofexecutable) == "quartus_map" } {
44 |
set synthesis_flow 1
45 |
} elseif { $::TimeQuestInfo(nameofexecutable) == "quartus_sta" } {
46 |
set sta_flow 1
47 |
} elseif { $::TimeQuestInfo(nameofexecutable) == "quartus_fit" } {
48 |
set fit_flow 1
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
# #
53 |
54 |
# #
55 |
56 |
57 |
# This is a global setting and will apply to the whole design.
58 |
# This setting is required for the memory interface to be
59 |
# properly constrained.
60 |
61 |
62 |
# Debug switch. Change to 1 to get more run-time debug information
63 |
set debug 0
64 |
65 |
# All timing requirements will be represented in nanoseconds with up to 3 decimal places of precision
66 |
set_time_format -unit ns -decimal_places 3
67 |
68 |
# Determine if entity names are on
69 |
set entity_names_on [ hps_sdram_p0_are_entity_names_on ]
70 |
71 |
72 |
# #
73 |
74 |
# #
75 |
76 |
77 |
set io_standard "DIFFERENTIAL 1.5-V SSTL CLASS I"
78 |
79 |
# This is the peak-to-peak jitter on the whole read capture path
80 |
set DQSpathjitter [expr [get_micro_node_delay -micro DQDQS_JITTER -parameters [list IO] -in_fitter]/1000.0]
81 |
82 |
# This is the proportion of the DQ-DQS read capture path jitter that applies to setup
83 |
set DQSpathjitter_setup_prop [expr [get_micro_node_delay -micro DQDQS_JITTER_DIVISION -parameters [list IO] -in_fitter]/100.0]
84 |
85 |
# This is the peak-to-peak jitter, of which half is considered to be tJITper
86 |
set tJITper [expr [get_micro_node_delay -micro MEM_CK_PERIOD_JITTER -parameters [list IO PHY_SHORT] -in_fitter -period $t(CK)]/2000.0 + $SSN(pullin_o)]
87 |
88 |
89 |
# #
90 |
91 |
# #
92 |
93 |
94 |
# These parameters are used to make constraints more readeable
95 |
96 |
# Half of memory clock cycle
97 |
set half_period [ hps_sdram_p0_round_3dp [ expr $t(CK) / 2.0 ] ]
98 |
99 |
# Half of reference clock
100 |
set ref_half_period [ hps_sdram_p0_round_3dp [ expr $t(refCK) / 2.0 ] ]
101 |
102 |
# Minimum delay on data output pins
103 |
set t(wru_output_min_delay_external) [expr $t(DH) + $board(intra_DQS_group_skew) + $ISI(DQ)/2 + $ISI(DQS)/2 - $board(DQ_DQS_skew)]
104 |
set t(wru_output_min_delay_internal) [expr $t(WL_DCD) + $t(WL_JITTER)*(1.0-$t(WL_JITTER_DIVISION)) + $SSN(rel_pullin_o)]
105 |
set data_output_min_delay [ hps_sdram_p0_round_3dp [ expr - $t(wru_output_min_delay_external) - $t(wru_output_min_delay_internal)]]
106 |
107 |
# Maximum delay on data output pins
108 |
set t(wru_output_max_delay_external) [expr $t(DS) + $board(intra_DQS_group_skew) + $ISI(DQ)/2 + $ISI(DQS)/2 + $board(DQ_DQS_skew)]
109 |
set t(wru_output_max_delay_internal) [expr $t(WL_DCD) + $t(WL_JITTER)*$t(WL_JITTER_DIVISION) + $SSN(rel_pushout_o)]
110 |
set data_output_max_delay [ hps_sdram_p0_round_3dp [ expr $t(wru_output_max_delay_external) + $t(wru_output_max_delay_internal)]]
111 |
112 |
# Maximum delay on data input pins
113 |
set t(rdu_input_max_delay_external) [expr $t(DQSQ) + $board(intra_DQS_group_skew) + $board(DQ_DQS_skew) + $ISI(READ_DQ)/2 + $ISI(READ_DQS)/2]
114 |
set t(rdu_input_max_delay_internal) [expr $DQSpathjitter*$DQSpathjitter_setup_prop + $SSN(rel_pushout_i)]
115 |
set data_input_max_delay [ hps_sdram_p0_round_3dp [ expr $t(rdu_input_max_delay_external) + $t(rdu_input_max_delay_internal) ]]
116 |
117 |
# Minimum delay on data input pins
118 |
set t(rdu_input_min_delay_external) [expr $board(intra_DQS_group_skew) - $board(DQ_DQS_skew) + $ISI(READ_DQ)/2 + $ISI(READ_DQS)/2]
119 |
set t(rdu_input_min_delay_internal) [expr $t(DCD) + $DQSpathjitter*(1.0-$DQSpathjitter_setup_prop) + $SSN(rel_pullin_i)]
120 |
set data_input_min_delay [ hps_sdram_p0_round_3dp [ expr - $t(rdu_input_min_delay_external) - $t(rdu_input_min_delay_internal) ]]
121 |
122 |
# Minimum delay on address and command paths
123 |
set ac_min_delay [ hps_sdram_p0_round_3dp [ expr - $t(IH) -$fpga(tPLL_JITTER) - $fpga(tPLL_PSERR) - $board(intra_addr_ctrl_skew) + $board(addresscmd_CK_skew) - $ISI(addresscmd_hold) ]]
124 |
125 |
# Maximum delay on address and command paths
126 |
set ac_max_delay [ hps_sdram_p0_round_3dp [ expr $t(IS) +$fpga(tPLL_JITTER) + $fpga(tPLL_PSERR) + $board(intra_addr_ctrl_skew) + $board(addresscmd_CK_skew) + $ISI(addresscmd_setup) ]]
127 |
128 |
if { $debug } {
129 |
post_message -type info "SDC: Computed Parameters:"
130 |
post_message -type info "SDC: --------------------"
131 |
post_message -type info "SDC: half_period: $half_period"
132 |
post_message -type info "SDC: data_output_min_delay: $data_output_min_delay"
133 |
post_message -type info "SDC: data_output_max_delay: $data_output_max_delay"
134 |
post_message -type info "SDC: data_input_min_delay: $data_input_min_delay"
135 |
post_message -type info "SDC: data_input_max_delay: $data_input_max_delay"
136 |
post_message -type info "SDC: ac_min_delay: $ac_min_delay"
137 |
post_message -type info "SDC: ac_max_delay: $ac_max_delay"
138 |
post_message -type info "SDC: Using Timing Models: Micro"
139 |
140 |
141 |
# This is the main call to the netlist traversal routines
142 |
# that will automatically find all pins and registers required
143 |
# to apply timing constraints.
144 |
# During the fitter, the routines will be called only once
145 |
# and cached data will be used in all subsequent calls.
146 |
if { ! [ info exists hps_sdram_p0_sdc_cache ] } {
147 |
set hps_sdram_p0_sdc_cache 1
148 |
hps_sdram_p0_initialize_ddr_db hps_sdram_p0_ddr_db
149 |
} else {
150 |
if { $debug } {
151 |
post_message -type info "SDC: reusing cached DDR DB"
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
# If multiple instances of this core are present in the
156 |
# design they will all be constrained through the
157 |
# following loop
158 |
set instances [ array names hps_sdram_p0_ddr_db ]
159 |
foreach { inst } $instances {
160 |
if { [ info exists pins ] } {
161 |
# Clean-up stale content
162 |
unset pins
163 |
164 |
array set pins $hps_sdram_p0_ddr_db($inst)
165 |
166 |
set prefix $inst
167 |
if { $entity_names_on } {
168 |
set prefix [ string map "| |*:" $inst ]
169 |
set prefix "*:$prefix"
170 |
171 |
172 |
173 |
# #
174 |
# Transfer the pin names to more readable variables #
175 |
# #
176 |
177 |
178 |
set dqs_pins $pins(dqs_pins)
179 |
set dqsn_pins $pins(dqsn_pins)
180 |
set q_groups [ list ]
181 |
foreach { q_group } $pins(q_groups) {
182 |
set q_group $q_group
183 |
lappend q_groups $q_group
184 |
185 |
set all_dq_pins [ join [ join $q_groups ] ]
186 |
187 |
set ck_pins $pins(ck_pins)
188 |
set ckn_pins $pins(ckn_pins)
189 |
set add_pins $pins(add_pins)
190 |
set ba_pins $pins(ba_pins)
191 |
set cmd_pins $pins(cmd_pins)
192 |
set reset_pins $pins(reset_pins)
193 |
set ac_pins [ concat $add_pins $ba_pins $cmd_pins ]
194 |
set dm_pins $pins(dm_pins)
195 |
set all_dq_dm_pins [ concat $all_dq_pins $dm_pins ]
196 |
197 |
set pll_ref_clock "pll_ref_clock"
198 |
set pll_dq_write_clock $pins(pll_dq_write_clock)
199 |
set pll_ck_clock $pins(pll_ck_clock)
200 |
set pll_write_clock $pins(pll_write_clock)
201 |
set pll_driver_core_clock $pins(pll_driver_core_clock)
202 |
203 |
set dqs_in_clocks $pins(dqs_in_clocks)
204 |
set dqs_out_clocks $pins(dqs_out_clocks)
205 |
set dqsn_out_clocks $pins(dqsn_out_clocks)
206 |
207 |
set afi_reset_reg $pins(afi_reset_reg)
208 |
set sync_reg $pins(sync_reg)
209 |
set read_capture_ddio $pins(read_capture_ddio)
210 |
set fifo_wraddress_reg $pins(fifo_wraddress_reg)
211 |
set fifo_rdaddress_reg $pins(fifo_rdaddress_reg)
212 |
set fifo_wrdata_reg $pins(fifo_wrdata_reg)
213 |
set fifo_rddata_reg $pins(fifo_rddata_reg)
214 |
215 |
216 |
# #
217 |
218 |
# #
219 |
220 |
221 |
# Phase Jitter on DQS paths. This parameter is queried at run time
222 |
set fpga(tDQS_PHASE_JITTER) [ expr [ get_integer_node_delay -integer $::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_dqs_delay_chain_length -parameters {IO MAX HIGH} -src DQS_PHASE_JITTER -in_fitter ] / 1000.0 ]
223 |
224 |
# Phase Error on DQS paths. This parameter is queried at run time
225 |
set fpga(tDQS_PSERR) [ expr [ get_integer_node_delay -integer $::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_dqs_delay_chain_length -parameters {IO MAX HIGH} -src DQS_PSERR -in_fitter ] / 1000.0 ]
226 |
227 |
# Correct input min/max delay for queried parameters
228 |
set t(rdu_input_min_delay_external) [expr $t(rdu_input_min_delay_external) + ($t(CK)/2.0 - $t(QH_time))]
229 |
set t(rdu_input_min_delay_internal) [expr $t(rdu_input_min_delay_internal) + $fpga(tDQS_PSERR) + $tJITper]
230 |
set t(rdu_input_max_delay_external) [expr $t(rdu_input_max_delay_external)]
231 |
set t(rdu_input_max_delay_internal) [expr $t(rdu_input_max_delay_internal) + $fpga(tDQS_PSERR)]
232 |
233 |
set final_data_input_max_delay [ hps_sdram_p0_round_3dp [ expr $data_input_max_delay + $fpga(tDQS_PSERR) ]]
234 |
set final_data_input_min_delay [ hps_sdram_p0_round_3dp [ expr $data_input_min_delay - $t(CK) / 2.0 + $t(QH_time) - $fpga(tDQS_PSERR) - $tJITper]]
235 |
236 |
if { $debug } {
237 |
post_message -type info "SDC: Jitter Parameters"
238 |
post_message -type info "SDC: -----------------"
239 |
post_message -type info "SDC: DQS Phase: $::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_dqs_delay_chain_length"
240 |
post_message -type info "SDC: fpga(tDQS_PHASE_JITTER): $fpga(tDQS_PHASE_JITTER)"
241 |
post_message -type info "SDC: fpga(tDQS_PSERR): $fpga(tDQS_PSERR)"
242 |
post_message -type info "SDC: t(QH_time): $t(QH_time)"
243 |
post_message -type info "SDC:"
244 |
post_message -type info "SDC: Derived Parameters:"
245 |
post_message -type info "SDC: -----------------"
246 |
post_message -type info "SDC: Corrected data_input_max_delay: $final_data_input_max_delay"
247 |
post_message -type info "SDC: Corrected data_input_min_delay: $final_data_input_min_delay"
248 |
post_message -type info "SDC: -----------------"
249 |
250 |
251 |
# ----------------------- #
252 |
# - - #
253 |
254 |
# - - #
255 |
# ----------------------- #
256 |
257 |
# This is the reference clock used by the PLL to derive any other clock in the core
258 |
if { [get_collection_size [get_clocks -nowarn $pll_ref_clock]] > 0 } { remove_clock $pll_ref_clock }
259 |
260 |
# ------------------ #
261 |
# - - #
262 |
# --- PLL CLOCKS --- #
263 |
# - - #
264 |
# ------------------ #
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 |
269 |
# DQ write clock
270 |
set local_pll_dq_write_clk [ hps_sdram_p0_get_or_add_clock_vseries_from_virtual_refclk \
271 |
-target $pll_dq_write_clock \
272 |
-suffix "dq_write_clk" \
273 |
-period $t(CK) \
274 |
-phase $::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_pll_phase(PLL_WRITE_CLK) ]
275 |
276 |
# DQS write clock
277 |
set local_pll_write_clk [ hps_sdram_p0_get_or_add_clock_vseries_from_virtual_refclk \
278 |
-target $pll_write_clock \
279 |
-suffix "write_clk" \
280 |
-period $t(CK) \
281 |
-phase $::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_pll_phase(PLL_MEM_CLK) ]
282 |
283 |
284 |
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 |
289 |
# Pulse-generator used by DQS tracking
290 |
set local_sampling_clock "${inst}|hps_sdram_p0_sampling_clock"
291 |
292 |
if {[get_collection_size [get_registers -nowarn $pins(dqs_enable_regs_pins)]] > 0} {
293 |
create_generated_clock \
294 |
-add \
295 |
-name $local_sampling_clock \
296 |
-source $pll_write_clock \
297 |
-multiply_by 1 \
298 |
-divide_by 1 \
299 |
-phase 0 \
300 |
301 |
302 |
303 |
# If this is the example design, then we need to find the PLL output which is used in the core by the driver and MPFE ports.
304 |
# The node name is known; check to see if it exists (implying the example design) before creating the clock.
305 |
if {[string compare -nocase $pll_driver_core_clock "_UNDEFINED_PIN_"] != 0} {
306 |
set local_pll_driver_core_clk [ hps_sdram_p0_get_or_add_clock_vseries \
307 |
-target $pll_driver_core_clock \
308 |
-suffix "driver_core_clk" \
309 |
-source $pll_ref_clock \
310 |
-multiply_by 1 \
311 |
-divide_by 1 \
312 |
-phase 0 ]
313 |
314 |
315 |
316 |
# -------------------- #
317 |
# - - #
318 |
# --- SYSTEM CLOCK --- #
319 |
# - - #
320 |
# -------------------- #
321 |
322 |
# This is the CK clock
323 |
foreach { ck_pin } $ck_pins {
324 |
create_generated_clock -multiply_by 1 -source $pll_write_clock -master_clock "$local_pll_write_clk" $ck_pin -name $ck_pin
325 |
set_clock_uncertainty -to [ get_clocks $ck_pin ] $t(WL_JITTER)
326 |
327 |
328 |
# This is the CK#clock
329 |
foreach { ckn_pin } $ckn_pins {
330 |
create_generated_clock -multiply_by 1 -invert -source $pll_write_clock -master_clock "$local_pll_write_clk" $ckn_pin -name $ckn_pin
331 |
set_clock_uncertainty -to [ get_clocks $ckn_pin ] $t(WL_JITTER)
332 |
333 |
334 |
# ------------------- #
335 |
# - - #
336 |
# --- READ CLOCKS --- #
337 |
# - - #
338 |
# ------------------- #
339 |
340 |
foreach dqs_in_clock_struct $dqs_in_clocks {
341 |
array set dqs_in_clock $dqs_in_clock_struct
342 |
# This is the DQS clock for Read Capture analysis (micro model)
343 |
create_clock -period $t(CK) -waveform [ list 0 $half_period ] $dqs_in_clock(dqs_pin) -name $dqs_in_clock(dqs_pin)_IN -add
344 |
345 |
# Clock Uncertainty is accounted for by the ...pathjitter parameters
346 |
set_clock_uncertainty -from [ get_clocks $dqs_in_clock(dqs_pin)_IN ] 0
347 |
348 |
349 |
# -------------------- #
350 |
# - - #
351 |
# --- WRITE CLOCKS --- #
352 |
# - - #
353 |
# -------------------- #
354 |
355 |
# This is the DQS clock for Data Write analysis (micro model)
356 |
foreach dqs_out_clock_struct $dqs_out_clocks {
357 |
array set dqs_out_clock $dqs_out_clock_struct
358 |
create_generated_clock -multiply_by 1 -master_clock [get_clocks $local_pll_write_clk] -source $pll_write_clock $dqs_out_clock(dst) -name $dqs_out_clock(dst)_OUT -add
359 |
360 |
# Clock Uncertainty is accounted for by the ...pathjitter parameters
361 |
set_clock_uncertainty -to [ get_clocks $dqs_out_clock(dst)_OUT ] 0
362 |
363 |
364 |
# This is the DQS#clock for Data Write analysis (micro model)
365 |
foreach dqsn_out_clock_struct $dqsn_out_clocks {
366 |
array set dqsn_out_clock $dqsn_out_clock_struct
367 |
create_generated_clock -multiply_by 1 -master_clock [get_clocks $local_pll_write_clk] -source $pll_write_clock $dqsn_out_clock(dst) -name $dqsn_out_clock(dst)_OUT -add
368 |
369 |
# Clock Uncertainty is accounted for by the ...pathjitter parameters
370 |
set_clock_uncertainty -to [ get_clocks $dqsn_out_clock(dst)_OUT ] 0
371 |
372 |
373 |
374 |
# #
375 |
376 |
# #
377 |
378 |
379 |
foreach { dqs_pin } $dqs_pins { dq_pins } $q_groups {
380 |
foreach { dq_pin } $dq_pins {
381 |
if {[get_collection_size [get_registers -nowarn $read_capture_ddio]] > 0} {
382 |
set_max_delay -from [get_ports $dq_pin] -to $read_capture_ddio 0
383 |
set_min_delay -from [get_ports $dq_pin] -to $read_capture_ddio [expr 0-$half_period]
384 |
385 |
386 |
# Specifies the maximum delay difference between the DQ pin and the DQS pin:
387 |
set_input_delay -max $final_data_input_max_delay -clock [get_clocks ${dqs_pin}_IN ] [get_ports $dq_pin] -add_delay
388 |
389 |
# Specifies the minimum delay difference between the DQ pin and the DQS pin:
390 |
set_input_delay -min $final_data_input_min_delay -clock [get_clocks ${dqs_pin}_IN ] [get_ports $dq_pin] -add_delay
391 |
392 |
393 |
394 |
395 |
# #
396 |
397 |
# #
398 |
399 |
400 |
foreach { dqs_pin } $dqs_pins { dq_pins } $q_groups {
401 |
foreach { dq_pin } $dq_pins {
402 |
# Specifies the minimum delay difference between the DQS pin and the DQ pins:
403 |
set_output_delay -min $data_output_min_delay -clock [get_clocks ${dqs_pin}_OUT ] [get_ports $dq_pin] -add_delay
404 |
405 |
# Specifies the maximum delay difference between the DQS pin and the DQ pins:
406 |
set_output_delay -max $data_output_max_delay -clock [get_clocks ${dqs_pin}_OUT ] [get_ports $dq_pin] -add_delay
407 |
408 |
409 |
410 |
foreach { dqsn_pin } $dqsn_pins { dq_pins } $q_groups {
411 |
foreach { dq_pin } $dq_pins {
412 |
# Specifies the minimum delay difference between the DQS#pin and the DQ pins:
413 |
set_output_delay -min $data_output_min_delay -clock [get_clocks ${dqsn_pin}_OUT ] [get_ports $dq_pin] -add_delay
414 |
415 |
# Specifies the maximum delay difference between the DQS#pin and the DQ pins:
416 |
set_output_delay -max $data_output_max_delay -clock [get_clocks ${dqsn_pin}_OUT ] [get_ports $dq_pin] -add_delay
417 |
418 |
419 |
420 |
foreach dqs_out_clock_struct $dqs_out_clocks {
421 |
array set dqs_out_clock $dqs_out_clock_struct
422 |
423 |
if { [string length $dqs_out_clock(dm_pin)] > 0 } {
424 |
# Specifies the minimum delay difference between the DQS and the DM pins:
425 |
set_output_delay -min $data_output_min_delay -clock [get_clocks $dqs_out_clock(dst)_OUT ] [get_ports $dqs_out_clock(dm_pin)] -add_delay
426 |
427 |
# Specifies the maximum delay difference between the DQS and the DM pins:
428 |
set_output_delay -max $data_output_max_delay -clock [get_clocks $dqs_out_clock(dst)_OUT ] [get_ports $dqs_out_clock(dm_pin)] -add_delay
429 |
430 |
431 |
432 |
foreach dqsn_out_clock_struct $dqsn_out_clocks {
433 |
array set dqsn_out_clock $dqsn_out_clock_struct
434 |
435 |
if { [string length $dqsn_out_clock(dm_pin)] > 0 } {
436 |
# Specifies the minimum delay difference between the DQS and the DM pins:
437 |
set_output_delay -min $data_output_min_delay -clock [get_clocks $dqsn_out_clock(dst)_OUT ] [get_ports $dqsn_out_clock(dm_pin)] -add_delay
438 |
439 |
# Specifies the maximum delay difference between the DQS and the DM pins:
440 |
set_output_delay -max $data_output_max_delay -clock [get_clocks $dqsn_out_clock(dst)_OUT ] [get_ports $dqsn_out_clock(dm_pin)] -add_delay
441 |
442 |
443 |
444 |
445 |
# #
446 |
# DQS vs CK PATH #
447 |
# #
448 |
449 |
450 |
foreach { ck_pin } $ck_pins {
451 |
set_output_delay -add_delay -clock [get_clocks $ck_pin] -max [hps_sdram_p0_round_3dp [expr $t(CK) - $t(DQSS)*$t(CK) - $board(minCK_DQS_skew) ]] $dqs_pins
452 |
set_output_delay -add_delay -clock [get_clocks $ck_pin] -min [hps_sdram_p0_round_3dp [expr $t(DQSS)*$t(CK) - $board(maxCK_DQS_skew) ]] $dqs_pins
453 |
set_false_path -to [get_clocks $ck_pin] -fall_from [get_clocks $local_pll_write_clk ]
454 |
455 |
456 |
457 |
# #
458 |
# A/C PATH #
459 |
# #
460 |
461 |
462 |
foreach { ck_pin } $ck_pins {
463 |
# ac_pins can contain input ports such as mem_err_out_n
464 |
# Loop through each ac pin to make sure we only apply set_output_delay to output ports
465 |
foreach { ac_pin } $ac_pins {
466 |
set ac_port [ get_ports $ac_pin ]
467 |
if {[get_collection_size $ac_port] > 0} {
468 |
if [ get_port_info -is_output_port $ac_port ] {
469 |
# Specifies the minimum delay difference between the DQS pin and the address/control pins:
470 |
set_output_delay -min [hps_sdram_p0_round_3dp [expr {$ac_min_delay + $t(CK)/2}]] -clock [get_clocks $ck_pin] $ac_port -add_delay
471 |
472 |
# Specifies the maximum delay difference between the DQS pin and the address/control pins:
473 |
set_output_delay -max [hps_sdram_p0_round_3dp [expr {$ac_max_delay + $t(CK)/2}]] -clock [get_clocks $ck_pin] $ac_port -add_delay
474 |
475 |
476 |
477 |
478 |
479 |
# Only the rising edge-launched control data needs to be timing analyzed in full rate
480 |
set_false_path -fall_from [ get_clocks ${local_pll_write_clk} ] -to [ get_ports $ac_pins ]
481 |
482 |
483 |
# #
484 |
485 |
# #
486 |
487 |
488 |
489 |
# If powerdown feature is enabled, multicycle path from core logic to the CK generator.
490 |
# The PHY must be idle several cycles before entering and after exiting powerdown mode.
491 |
if { [get_collection_size [get_registers -nowarn ${prefix}|*p0|*umemphy|*uio_pads|*uaddr_cmd_pads|*clock_gen[*].umem_ck_pad|*]] > 0 } {
492 |
set_multicycle_path -to [get_registers ${prefix}|*p0|*umemphy|*uio_pads|*uaddr_cmd_pads|*clock_gen[*].umem_ck_pad|*] -end -setup 4
493 |
set_multicycle_path -to [get_registers ${prefix}|*p0|*umemphy|*uio_pads|*uaddr_cmd_pads|*clock_gen[*].umem_ck_pad|*] -end -hold 4
494 |
495 |
496 |
497 |
498 |
499 |
500 |
501 |
set read_fifo_read_dff ${prefix}|*p0|*altdq_dqs2_inst|*read_fifo~OUTPUT_DFF_*
502 |
set read_fifo_write_address_dff ${prefix}|*p0|*altdq_dqs2_inst|*read_fifo~WRITE_ADDRESS_DFF
503 |
set read_fifo_read_address_dff ${prefix}|*p0|*altdq_dqs2_inst|*read_fifo~READ_ADDRESS_DFF
504 |
set lfifo_in_read_en_dff ${prefix}|*p0|*lfifo~LFIFO_IN_READ_EN_DFF
505 |
set lfifo_in_read_en_full_dff ${prefix}|*p0|*lfifo~LFIFO_IN_READ_EN_FULL_DFF
506 |
set lfifo_dff_reg ${prefix}|*p0|*lfifo~LFIFO_OUT_OCT_LFIFO_DFF
507 |
set lfifo_out_rden_dff ${prefix}|*p0|*lfifo~LFIFO_OUT_RDEN_DFF
508 |
set lfifo_out_rdata_valid_dff ${prefix}|*p0|*lfifo~LFIFO_OUT_RDATA_VALID_DFF
509 |
set os_oct_ddio_oe_reg ${prefix}|*p0|*os_oct_ddio_oe~DFF
510 |
set lfifo_rd_latency_dff ${prefix}|*p0|*lfifo~RD_LATENCY_DFF*
511 |
set vfifo_qvld_in_dff ${prefix}|*p0|*altdq_dqs2_inst|vfifo~QVLD_IN_DFF
512 |
set vfifo_inc_wr_ptr_dff ${prefix}|*p0|*vfifo~INC_WR_PTR_DFF
513 |
set phase_align_dff ${prefix}|*p0|*altdq_dqs2_inst|phase_align_os~DFF*
514 |
set os_oe_reg ${prefix}|*p0|*os_oe_reg
515 |
set phase_align_dff ${prefix}|*p0|*phase_align_os~DFF*
516 |
set hphy_ff ${prefix}|*p0|*umemphy|hphy_inst~FF_*
517 |
set hmc_ff ${prefix}|*c0|hmc_inst~FF_*
518 |
set phy_read_latency_counter $hphy_ff
519 |
set read_fifo_reset $hphy_ff
520 |
set phy_reset_mem_stable $hphy_ff
521 |
522 |
set after_u2b 0
523 |
if {[get_collection_size [get_registers -nowarn $read_fifo_write_address_dff]] > 0} {
524 |
set after_u2b 1
525 |
526 |
527 |
if {$after_u2b} {
528 |
529 |
set_multicycle_path -from $hphy_ff -to $lfifo_in_read_en_full_dff -end -setup 2
530 |
set_multicycle_path -from $hphy_ff -to $lfifo_in_read_en_full_dff -end -hold 1
531 |
532 |
set_multicycle_path -from $read_fifo_reset -to $read_fifo_read_address_dff -end -setup 2
533 |
set_multicycle_path -from $read_fifo_reset -to $read_fifo_read_address_dff -end -hold 1
534 |
535 |
536 |
set_false_path -from $hmc_ff -to ${prefix}|*p0|*umemphy|*uio_pads|*uaddr_cmd_pads|*ddio_out*
537 |
set_false_path -from $hphy_ff -to $lfifo_in_read_en_dff
538 |
set_false_path -from $hmc_ff -to $lfifo_in_read_en_dff
539 |
set_false_path -from $hphy_ff -to $vfifo_inc_wr_ptr_dff
540 |
set_false_path -from $hmc_ff -to $vfifo_qvld_in_dff
541 |
set_false_path -from $lfifo_out_rdata_valid_dff -to $hphy_ff
542 |
set_false_path -from $phy_reset_mem_stable -to $vfifo_qvld_in_dff
543 |
set_false_path -from $phy_read_latency_counter -to $lfifo_rd_latency_dff
544 |
set_false_path -from $hphy_ff -to ${prefix}|*p0|*umemphy|*uio_pads|*uaddr_cmd_pads|*ddio_out*
545 |
set_false_path -from $hphy_ff -to ${prefix}|*p0|*umemphy|*altdq_dqs2_inst|*output_path_gen[*].ddio_out*
546 |
set_false_path -from $hphy_ff -to ${prefix}|*p0|*umemphy|*altdq_dqs2_inst|extra_output_pad_gen[*].ddio_out*
547 |
set_false_path -from $hphy_ff -to $hphy_ff
548 |
set_false_path -from $hmc_ff -to $hphy_ff
549 |
set_false_path -from $hphy_ff -to $hmc_ff
550 |
set_false_path -from $hphy_ff -to $phase_align_dff
551 |
set_false_path -from ${prefix}|*s0|* -to [get_clocks $local_pll_write_clk]
552 |
set_false_path -from [get_clocks $local_pll_write_clk] -to ${prefix}|*s0|*hphy_bridge_s0_translator|av_readdata_pre[*]
553 |
554 |
set_false_path -from $read_fifo_read_dff -to $hphy_ff
555 |
556 |
557 |
558 |
# Sampling register to AVL clock is multicycled because of topology of the PHY
559 |
if {[get_collection_size [get_registers -nowarn $pins(dqs_enable_regs_pins)]] > 0} {
560 |
set_multicycle_path -from [get_clocks $local_sampling_clock] -setup 2
561 |
set_multicycle_path -from [get_clocks $local_sampling_clock] -hold 2
562 |
563 |
564 |
565 |
566 |
# #
567 |
568 |
# #
569 |
570 |
571 |
# Cut paths for memory clocks / async resets to avoid unconstrained warnings
572 |
foreach { pin } [concat $dqsn_pins $ck_pins $ckn_pins $reset_pins] {
573 |
set_false_path -to [get_ports $pin]
574 |
575 |
576 |
if { ! $synthesis_flow } {
577 |
foreach dqs_in_clock_struct $dqs_in_clocks dqsn_out_clock_struct $dqsn_out_clocks {
578 |
array set dqs_in_clock $dqs_in_clock_struct
579 |
array set dqsn_out_clock $dqsn_out_clock_struct
580 |
581 |
set_clock_groups -physically_exclusive -group "$dqs_in_clock(dqs_pin)_IN" -group "$dqs_in_clock(dqs_pin)_OUT $dqsn_out_clock(dst)_OUT"
582 |
583 |
584 |
585 |
586 |
587 |
foreach dqs_out_clock_struct $dqs_out_clocks {
588 |
array set dqs_out_clock $dqs_out_clock_struct
589 |
set_false_path -from $read_fifo_reset -to [ get_clocks $dqs_out_clock(dst)_OUT ]
590 |
591 |
592 |
# The paths between DQS_ENA_CLK and DQS_IN are calibrated, so they must not be analyzed
593 |
set_false_path -from [get_clocks $local_pll_write_clk] -to [get_clocks {*_IN}]
594 |
595 |
596 |
597 |
# The following registers serve as anchors for the pin_map.tcl
598 |
# script and are not used by the IP during memory operation
599 |
600 |
# Cut internal calibrated paths
601 |
set dqs_delay_chain_pst_dff ${prefix}|*p0|*altdq_dqs2_inst|dqs_delay_chain~POSTAMBLE_DFF
602 |
if {$after_u2b} {
603 |
set_false_path -from ${prefix}|*p0|*altdq_dqs2_inst|dqs_enable_ctrl~* -to $dqs_delay_chain_pst_dff
604 |
605 |
606 |
# Cut path to sampling register, calibrated by the PHY
607 |
if {[get_collection_size [get_registers -nowarn $pins(dqs_enable_regs_pins)]] > 0} {
608 |
set_false_path -to [get_clocks $local_sampling_clock]
609 |
610 |
611 |
# ------------------------------ #
612 |
# - - #
613 |
614 |
# - - #
615 |
# ------------------------------ #
616 |
if {$fit_flow} {
617 |
618 |
619 |
620 |
621 |
622 |
# -------------------------------- #
623 |
# - - #
624 |
625 |
# - - #
626 |
# -------------------------------- #
627 |
628 |
629 |
630 |
if {(($::quartus(nameofexecutable) ne "quartus_fit") && ($::quartus(nameofexecutable) ne "quartus_map"))} {
631 |
set dqs_clocks [hps_sdram_p0_get_all_instances_dqs_pins hps_sdram_p0_ddr_db]
632 |
# Leave clocks active when in debug mode
633 |
if {[llength $dqs_clocks] > 0 && !$debug} {
634 |
post_sdc_message info "Setting DQS clocks as inactive; use Report DDR to timing analyze DQS clocks"
635 |
set_active_clocks [remove_from_collection [get_active_clocks] [get_clocks $dqs_clocks]]
636 |
637 |
638 |
639 |
640 |
# #
641 |
642 |
# #
643 |
644 |
645 |
add_ddr_report_command "source [list [file join [file dirname [info script]] ${::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_corename}_report_timing.tcl]]"
646 |