1 |
32 |
redbear |
# (C) 2001-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
2 |
# Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
3 |
# software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output
4 |
40 |
redbear |
# files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation
5 |
32 |
redbear |
# files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject
6 |
# to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription
7 |
40 |
redbear |
# Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable
8 |
32 |
redbear |
# license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the
9 |
# sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by
10 |
# Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
11 |
# agreement for further details.
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
# -------------------------------
18 |
# If you modify this files, all your changes will be lost if you
19 |
# regenerate the core!
20 |
21 |
22 |
# ----------------
23 |
# This file contains the traversal routines that are used by both
24 |
# hps_sdram_p0_pin_assignments.tcl and hps_sdram_p0.sdc scripts.
25 |
26 |
# These routines are only meant to support these two scripts.
27 |
# Trying to using them in a different context can have unexpected
28 |
# results.
29 |
30 |
set script_dir [file dirname [info script]]
31 |
32 |
source [file join $script_dir hps_sdram_p0_parameters.tcl]
33 |
load_package sdc_ext
34 |
35 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_find_all_pins { mystring } {
36 |
set allpins [get_pins -compatibility_mode $mystring ]
37 |
38 |
foreach_in_collection pin $allpins {
39 |
set pinname [ get_pin_info -name $pin ]
40 |
41 |
puts "$pinname"
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_index_in_collection { col j } {
47 |
set i 0
48 |
foreach_in_collection path $col {
49 |
if {$i == $j} {
50 |
return $path
51 |
52 |
set i [expr $i + 1]
53 |
54 |
return ""
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_clock_to_pin_name_mapping {} {
59 |
set result [list]
60 |
set clocks_collection [get_clocks]
61 |
foreach_in_collection clock $clocks_collection {
62 |
set clock_name [get_clock_info -name $clock]
63 |
set clock_target [get_clock_info -targets $clock]
64 |
set first_index [hps_sdram_p0_index_in_collection $clock_target 0]
65 |
set catch_exception [catch {get_pin_info -name $first_index} pin_name]
66 |
if {$catch_exception == 0} {
67 |
lappend result [list $clock_name $pin_name]
68 |
69 |
70 |
return $result
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_clock_name_from_pin_name { pin_name } {
75 |
set table [hps_sdram_p0_get_clock_to_pin_name_mapping]
76 |
foreach entry $table {
77 |
if {[string compare [lindex [lindex [split $entry] 1] 0] $pin_name] == 0} {
78 |
return [lindex $entry 0]
79 |
80 |
81 |
return ""
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_clock_name_from_pin_name_vseries {pin_name suffix} {
86 |
set name [hps_sdram_p0_get_clock_name_from_pin_name $pin_name]
87 |
if {[string compare -nocase $name ""] == 0} {
88 |
set pll_clock $pin_name
89 |
regsub {[^\|]+$} $pll_clock {} pll_clock
90 |
set pll_clock "${pll_clock}pll_${suffix}"
91 |
} else {
92 |
set pll_clock $name
93 |
94 |
return $pll_clock
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_clock_name_from_pin_name_pre_vseries {pin_name suffix} {
99 |
set name [hps_sdram_p0_get_clock_name_from_pin_name $pin_name]
100 |
if {[string compare -nocase $name ""] == 0} {
101 |
set pll_clock $pin_name
102 |
regsub {upll_memphy\|auto_generated\|pll1\|clk\[[0-9]+\]$} $pll_clock "pll" pll_clock
103 |
set pll_clock "${pll_clock}_${suffix}"
104 |
} else {
105 |
set pll_clock $name
106 |
107 |
return $pll_clock
108 |
109 |
110 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_or_add_clock_vseries_from_virtual_refclk {args} {
111 |
array set opts { /
112 |
-suffix "" /
113 |
-target "" /
114 |
-period "" /
115 |
-phase 0 }
116 |
117 |
array set opts $args
118 |
119 |
set clock_name [hps_sdram_p0_get_clock_name_from_pin_name $opts(-target)]
120 |
121 |
122 |
if {[string compare -nocase $clock_name ""] == 0} {
123 |
set clock_name $opts(-target)
124 |
set suffix $opts(-suffix)
125 |
126 |
regsub {~PLL_OUTPUT_COUNTER\|divclk$} $clock_name "" clock_name
127 |
regsub {_phy$} $clock_name "" clock_name
128 |
regsub {[0-9]+$} $clock_name "" clock_name
129 |
set clock_name "${clock_name}_${suffix}"
130 |
set re [expr $opts(-period) * $opts(-phase)/360]
131 |
set fe [expr $opts(-period) * $opts(-phase)/360 + $opts(-period)/2]
132 |
133 |
create_clock \
134 |
-name $clock_name \
135 |
-period $opts(-period) \
136 |
-waveform [ list $re $fe ] \
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
return $clock_name
141 |
142 |
143 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_or_add_clock_vseries {args} {
144 |
array set opts { /
145 |
-suffix "" /
146 |
-target "" /
147 |
-source "" /
148 |
-multiply_by 1 /
149 |
-divide_by 1 /
150 |
-phase 0 }
151 |
152 |
array set opts $args
153 |
set target $opts(-target)
154 |
155 |
set clock_name [hps_sdram_p0_get_clock_name_from_pin_name $opts(-target)]
156 |
157 |
if {[string compare -nocase $clock_name ""] == 0} {
158 |
set clock_name $opts(-target)
159 |
set suffix $opts(-suffix)
160 |
161 |
regsub {~PLL_OUTPUT_COUNTER\|divclk$} $clock_name "" clock_name
162 |
regsub {_phy$} $clock_name "" clock_name
163 |
regsub {[0-9]+$} $clock_name "" clock_name
164 |
regsub -all {\\} $clock_name "" clock_name
165 |
set clock_name "${clock_name}_${suffix}"
166 |
set source_name "\{$opts(-source)\}"
167 |
168 |
create_generated_clock \
169 |
-name ${clock_name} \
170 |
-source ${source_name} \
171 |
-multiply_by $opts(-multiply_by) \
172 |
-divide_by $opts(-divide_by) \
173 |
-phase $opts(-phase) \
174 |
175 |
176 |
177 |
return $clock_name
178 |
179 |
180 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_or_add_clock_pre_vseries {args} {
181 |
array set opts { /
182 |
-suffix "" /
183 |
-target "" /
184 |
-source "" /
185 |
-multiply_by 1 /
186 |
-divide_by 1 /
187 |
-phase 0 }
188 |
189 |
array set opts $args
190 |
191 |
set clock_name [hps_sdram_p0_get_clock_name_from_pin_name $opts(-target)]
192 |
193 |
if {[string compare -nocase $clock_name ""] == 0} {
194 |
set clock_name $opts(-target)
195 |
set suffix $opts(-suffix)
196 |
197 |
regsub {upll_memphy\|auto_generated\|pll1\|clk\[[0-9]+\]$} $clock_name "pll" clock_name
198 |
set clock_name "${clock_name}_${suffix}"
199 |
200 |
create_generated_clock \
201 |
-name $clock_name \
202 |
-source $opts(-source) \
203 |
-multiply_by $opts(-multiply_by) \
204 |
-divide_by $opts(-divide_by) \
205 |
-phase $opts(-phase) \
206 |
207 |
208 |
209 |
return $clock_name
210 |
211 |
212 |
213 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_source_clock_pin_name {node_name} {
214 |
215 |
set nodename ""
216 |
set nodes [get_nodes $node_name]
217 |
hps_sdram_p0_traverse_fanin_up_to_depth [hps_sdram_p0_index_in_collection $nodes 0] hps_sdram_p0_is_node_type_pll_clk clock results_array 10
218 |
if {[array size results_array] == 1} {
219 |
set pin_id [lindex [array names results_array] 0]
220 |
if {[string compare -nocase $pin_id ""] != 0} {
221 |
set nodename [get_node_info -name $pin_id]
222 |
223 |
224 |
return $nodename
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_find_all_keepers { mystring } {
229 |
set allkeepers [get_keepers $mystring ]
230 |
231 |
foreach_in_collection keeper $allkeepers {
232 |
set keepername [ get_node_info -name $keeper ]
233 |
234 |
puts "$keepername"
235 |
236 |
237 |
238 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_round_3dp { x } {
239 |
return [expr { round($x * 1000) / 1000.0 } ]
240 |
241 |
242 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_timequest_name {hier_name} {
243 |
set sta_name ""
244 |
for {set inst_start [string first ":" $hier_name]} {$inst_start != -1} {} {
245 |
incr inst_start
246 |
set inst_end [string first "|" $hier_name $inst_start]
247 |
if {$inst_end == -1} {
248 |
append sta_name [string range $hier_name $inst_start end]
249 |
set inst_start -1
250 |
} else {
251 |
append sta_name [string range $hier_name $inst_start $inst_end]
252 |
set inst_start [string first ":" $hier_name $inst_end]
253 |
254 |
255 |
return $sta_name
256 |
257 |
258 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_are_entity_names_on { } {
259 |
set entity_names_on 1
260 |
261 |
262 |
return [set_project_mode -is_show_entity]
263 |
264 |
265 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_core_instance_list {corename} {
266 |
set full_instance_list [hps_sdram_p0_get_core_full_instance_list $corename]
267 |
set instance_list [list]
268 |
269 |
foreach inst $full_instance_list {
270 |
set sta_name [hps_sdram_p0_get_timequest_name $inst]
271 |
if {[lsearch $instance_list [escape_brackets $sta_name]] == -1} {
272 |
lappend instance_list $sta_name
273 |
274 |
275 |
return $instance_list
276 |
277 |
278 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_core_full_instance_list {corename} {
279 |
set allkeepers [get_keepers * ]
280 |
281 |
set_project_mode -always_show_entity_name on
282 |
283 |
set instance_list [list]
284 |
285 |
set inst_regexp {(^.*}
286 |
append inst_regexp {:[A-Za-z0-9\.\\_\[\]\-\$():]+)\|}
287 |
append inst_regexp ${corename}
288 |
append inst_regexp {:[A-Za-z0-9\.\\_\[\]\-\$():]+\|}
289 |
append inst_regexp "${corename}_acv_hard_memphy"
290 |
append inst_regexp {:umemphy}
291 |
292 |
foreach_in_collection keeper $allkeepers {
293 |
set name [ get_node_info -name $keeper ]
294 |
295 |
if {[regexp -- $inst_regexp $name -> hier_name] == 1} {
296 |
if {[lsearch $instance_list [escape_brackets $hier_name]] == -1} {
297 |
lappend instance_list $hier_name
298 |
299 |
300 |
301 |
302 |
set_project_mode -always_show_entity_name qsf
303 |
304 |
if {[ llength $instance_list ] == 0} {
305 |
post_message -type error "The auto-constraining script was not able to detect any instance for core < $corename >"
306 |
post_message -type error "Verify the following:"
307 |
post_message -type error " The core < $corename > is instantiated within another component (wrapper)"
308 |
post_message -type error " The core is not the top-level of the project"
309 |
post_message -type error " The memory interface pins are exported to the top-level of the project"
310 |
post_message -type error "Alternatively, if you are no longer instantiating core < $corename >,"
311 |
post_message -type error " clean up any stale SDC_FILE references from the QSF/QIP files."
312 |
313 |
314 |
return $instance_list
315 |
316 |
317 |
318 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_traverse_fanin_up_to_depth { node_id match_command edge_type results_array_name depth} {
319 |
upvar 1 $results_array_name results
320 |
321 |
if {$depth < 0} {
322 |
error "Internal error: Bad timing netlist search depth"
323 |
324 |
set fanin_edges [get_node_info -${edge_type}_edges $node_id]
325 |
set number_of_fanin_edges [llength $fanin_edges]
326 |
for {set i 0} {$i != $number_of_fanin_edges} {incr i} {
327 |
set fanin_edge [lindex $fanin_edges $i]
328 |
set fanin_id [get_edge_info -src $fanin_edge]
329 |
if {$match_command == "" || [eval $match_command $fanin_id] != 0} {
330 |
set results($fanin_id) 1
331 |
} elseif {$depth == 0} {
332 |
} else {
333 |
hps_sdram_p0_traverse_fanin_up_to_depth $fanin_id $match_command $edge_type results [expr {$depth - 1}]
334 |
335 |
336 |
337 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_is_node_type_pll_inclk { node_id } {
338 |
set cell_id [get_node_info -cell $node_id]
339 |
340 |
if {$cell_id == ""} {
341 |
set result 0
342 |
} else {
343 |
set atom_type [get_cell_info -atom_type $cell_id]
344 |
if {$atom_type == "FRACTIONAL_PLL"} {
345 |
set node_name [get_node_info -name $node_id]
346 |
set fanin_edges [get_node_info -clock_edges $node_id]
347 |
if {([string match "*|refclkin" $node_name] || [string match "*|refclkin\\\[0\\\]" $node_name]) && [llength $fanin_edges] > 0} {
348 |
set result 1
349 |
} else {
350 |
set result 0
351 |
352 |
} elseif {$atom_type == "HPS_SDRAM_PLL"} {
353 |
set node_name [get_node_info -name $node_id]
354 |
set fanin_edges [get_node_info -clock_edges $node_id]
355 |
if {[string match "*|ref_clk" $node_name] && [llength $fanin_edges] > 0} {
356 |
set result 1
357 |
} else {
358 |
set result 0
359 |
360 |
} elseif {$atom_type == "PLL"} {
361 |
set node_name [get_node_info -name $node_id]
362 |
set fanin_edges [get_node_info -clock_edges $node_id]
363 |
if {([string match "*|refclk" $node_name] || [string match "*|refclk\\\[0\\\]" $node_name]) && [llength $fanin_edges] > 0} {
364 |
set result 1
365 |
} else {
366 |
set result 0
367 |
368 |
} else {
369 |
set result 0
370 |
371 |
372 |
return $result
373 |
374 |
375 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_is_node_type_pin { node_id } {
376 |
set node_type [get_node_info -type $node_id]
377 |
if {$node_type == "port"} {
378 |
set result 1
379 |
} else {
380 |
set result 0
381 |
382 |
return $result
383 |
384 |
385 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_input_clk_id { pll_output_node_id } {
386 |
if {[hps_sdram_p0_is_node_type_pll_clk $pll_output_node_id]} {
387 |
array set results_array [list]
388 |
hps_sdram_p0_traverse_fanin_up_to_depth $pll_output_node_id hps_sdram_p0_is_node_type_pll_inclk clock results_array 2
389 |
if {[array size results_array] == 1} {
390 |
# Found PLL inclk, now find the input pin
391 |
set pll_inclk_id [lindex [array names results_array] 0]
392 |
set result [get_node_info -name $pll_inclk_id]
393 |
} else {
394 |
post_message -type critical_warning "Could not find PLL clock for [get_node_info -name $pll_output_node_id]"
395 |
set result -1
396 |
397 |
} else {
398 |
error "Internal error: hps_sdram_p0_get_input_clk_id only works on PLL output clocks"
399 |
400 |
return $result
401 |
402 |
403 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_is_node_type_pll_clk { node_id } {
404 |
set cell_id [get_node_info -cell $node_id]
405 |
406 |
if {$cell_id == ""} {
407 |
set result 0
408 |
} else {
409 |
set atom_type [get_cell_info -atom_type $cell_id]
410 |
if {$atom_type == "PLL_OUTPUT_COUNTER"} {
411 |
set node_name [get_node_info -name $node_id]
412 |
if {[string match "*|pll*~PLL_OUTPUT_COUNTER*|divclk" $node_name]} {
413 |
set result 1
414 |
} else {
415 |
set result 0
416 |
417 |
} elseif {$atom_type == "HPS_SDRAM_PLL"} {
418 |
set node_name [get_node_info -name $node_id]
419 |
if {[string match "*|*pll|*_clk" $node_name]} {
420 |
set result 1
421 |
} else {
422 |
set result 0
423 |
424 |
} elseif {$atom_type == "PLL"} {
425 |
set node_name [get_node_info -name $node_id]
426 |
if {[string match "*|pll*|divclk" $node_name]} {
427 |
set result 1
428 |
} else {
429 |
set result 0
430 |
431 |
} else {
432 |
set result 0
433 |
434 |
435 |
return $result
436 |
437 |
438 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_pll_clock { dest_id_list node_type clock_id_name search_depth} {
439 |
if {$clock_id_name != ""} {
440 |
upvar 1 $clock_id_name clock_id
441 |
442 |
set clock_id -1
443 |
444 |
array set clk_array [list]
445 |
foreach node_id $dest_id_list {
446 |
hps_sdram_p0_traverse_fanin_up_to_depth $node_id hps_sdram_p0_is_node_type_pll_clk clock clk_array $search_depth
447 |
448 |
if {[array size clk_array] == 1} {
449 |
set clock_id [lindex [array names clk_array] 0]
450 |
set clk [get_node_info -name $clock_id]
451 |
} elseif {[array size clk_array] > 1} {
452 |
puts "Found more than 1 clock driving the $node_type"
453 |
set clk ""
454 |
} else {
455 |
set clk ""
456 |
457 |
458 |
return $clk
459 |
460 |
461 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_pll_clock_name { clock_id } {
462 |
set clock_name [get_node_info -name $clock_id]
463 |
464 |
return $clock_name
465 |
466 |
467 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_pll_clock_name_for_acf { clock_id pll_output_wire_name } {
468 |
set clock_name [get_node_info -name $clock_id]
469 |
regexp {(.*)\|pll\d+\~PLL_OUTPUT_COUNTER} $clock_name matched clock_name
470 |
regexp {(.*)\|pll\d+_phy\~PLL_OUTPUT_COUNTER} $clock_name matched clock_name
471 |
set clock_name "$clock_name|$pll_output_wire_name"
472 |
return $clock_name
473 |
474 |
475 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_output_clock_id { ddio_output_pin_list pin_type msg_list_name {max_search_depth 20} } {
476 |
upvar 1 $msg_list_name msg_list
477 |
set output_clock_id -1
478 |
479 |
set output_id_list [list]
480 |
set pin_collection [get_keepers -no_duplicates $ddio_output_pin_list]
481 |
if {[get_collection_size $pin_collection] == [llength $ddio_output_pin_list]} {
482 |
foreach_in_collection id $pin_collection {
483 |
lappend output_id_list $id
484 |
485 |
} elseif {[get_collection_size $pin_collection] == 0} {
486 |
lappend msg_list "warning" "Could not find any $pin_type pins"
487 |
} else {
488 |
lappend msg_list "warning" "Could not find all $pin_type pins"
489 |
490 |
hps_sdram_p0_get_pll_clock $output_id_list $pin_type output_clock_id $max_search_depth
491 |
return $output_clock_id
492 |
493 |
494 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_output_clock_id2 { ddio_output_pin_list pin_type msg_list_name {max_search_depth 20} } {
495 |
upvar 1 $msg_list_name msg_list
496 |
set output_clock_id -1
497 |
498 |
set output_id_list [list]
499 |
set pin_collection [get_pins -no_duplicates $ddio_output_pin_list]
500 |
if {[get_collection_size $pin_collection] == [llength $ddio_output_pin_list]} {
501 |
foreach_in_collection id $pin_collection {
502 |
lappend output_id_list $id
503 |
504 |
} elseif {[get_collection_size $pin_collection] == 0} {
505 |
lappend msg_list "warning" "Could not find any $pin_type pins"
506 |
} else {
507 |
lappend msg_list "warning" "Could not find all $pin_type pins"
508 |
509 |
hps_sdram_p0_get_pll_clock $output_id_list $pin_type output_clock_id $max_search_depth
510 |
return $output_clock_id
511 |
512 |
513 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_is_node_type_clkbuf { node_id } {
514 |
set cell_id [get_node_info -cell $node_id]
515 |
if {$cell_id == ""} {
516 |
set result 0
517 |
} else {
518 |
set atom_type [get_cell_info -atom_type $cell_id]
519 |
if {$atom_type == "CLKBUF" || $atom_type == "PHY_CLKBUF"} {
520 |
set result 1
521 |
} else {
522 |
set result 0
523 |
524 |
525 |
return $result
526 |
527 |
528 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_clkbuf_clock { dest_id_list node_type clock_id_name search_depth} {
529 |
if {$clock_id_name != ""} {
530 |
upvar 1 $clock_id_name clock_id
531 |
532 |
set clock_id -1
533 |
534 |
array set clk_array [list]
535 |
foreach node_id $dest_id_list {
536 |
hps_sdram_p0_traverse_fanin_up_to_depth $node_id hps_sdram_p0_is_node_type_clkbuf clock clk_array $search_depth
537 |
538 |
if {[array size clk_array] == 1} {
539 |
set clock_id [lindex [array names clk_array] 0]
540 |
set clk [get_node_info -name $clock_id]
541 |
} elseif {[array size clk_array] > 1} {
542 |
set clk ""
543 |
} else {
544 |
set clk ""
545 |
546 |
547 |
return $clk
548 |
549 |
550 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_output_clock_clkbuf_id { ddio_output_pin_list pin_type msg_list_name {max_search_depth 20} } {
551 |
upvar 1 $msg_list_name msg_list
552 |
set output_clock_id -1
553 |
554 |
set output_id_list [list]
555 |
set pin_collection [get_keepers -no_duplicates $ddio_output_pin_list]
556 |
if {[get_collection_size $pin_collection] == [llength $ddio_output_pin_list]} {
557 |
foreach_in_collection id $pin_collection {
558 |
lappend output_id_list $id
559 |
560 |
} elseif {[get_collection_size $pin_collection] == 0} {
561 |
lappend msg_list "warning" "Could not find any $pin_type pins"
562 |
} else {
563 |
lappend msg_list "warning" "Could not find all $pin_type pins"
564 |
565 |
hps_sdram_p0_get_clkbuf_clock $output_id_list $pin_type output_clock_id $max_search_depth
566 |
return $output_clock_id
567 |
568 |
569 |
570 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_is_node_type_clk_phase_select { node_id } {
571 |
set cell_id [get_node_info -cell $node_id]
572 |
if {$cell_id == ""} {
573 |
set result 0
574 |
} else {
575 |
set atom_type [get_cell_info -atom_type $cell_id]
576 |
if {$atom_type == "CLK_PHASE_SELECT"} {
577 |
set result 1
578 |
} else {
579 |
set result 0
580 |
581 |
582 |
return $result
583 |
584 |
585 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_clk_phase_select_clock { dest_id_list node_type clock_id_name search_depth} {
586 |
if {$clock_id_name != ""} {
587 |
upvar 1 $clock_id_name clock_id
588 |
589 |
set clock_id -1
590 |
591 |
array set clk_array [list]
592 |
foreach node_id $dest_id_list {
593 |
hps_sdram_p0_traverse_fanin_up_to_depth $node_id hps_sdram_p0_is_node_type_clk_phase_select clock clk_array $search_depth
594 |
595 |
if {[array size clk_array] == 1} {
596 |
set clock_id [lindex [array names clk_array] 0]
597 |
set clk [get_node_info -name $clock_id]
598 |
} elseif {[array size clk_array] > 1} {
599 |
set clk ""
600 |
} else {
601 |
set clk ""
602 |
603 |
604 |
return $clk
605 |
606 |
607 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_output_clock_clk_phase_select_id { ddio_output_pin_list pin_type msg_list_name {max_search_depth 20} } {
608 |
upvar 1 $msg_list_name msg_list
609 |
set output_clock_id -1
610 |
611 |
set output_id_list [list]
612 |
set pin_collection [get_keepers -no_duplicates $ddio_output_pin_list]
613 |
if {[get_collection_size $pin_collection] == [llength $ddio_output_pin_list]} {
614 |
foreach_in_collection id $pin_collection {
615 |
lappend output_id_list $id
616 |
617 |
} elseif {[get_collection_size $pin_collection] == 0} {
618 |
lappend msg_list "warning" "Could not find any $pin_type pins"
619 |
} else {
620 |
lappend msg_list "warning" "Could not find all $pin_type pins"
621 |
622 |
hps_sdram_p0_get_clk_phase_select_clock $output_id_list $pin_type output_clock_id $max_search_depth
623 |
return $output_clock_id
624 |
625 |
626 |
proc post_sdc_message {msg_type msg} {
627 |
if { $::TimeQuestInfo(nameofexecutable) != "quartus_fit"} {
628 |
post_message -type $msg_type $msg
629 |
630 |
631 |
632 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_names_in_collection { col } {
633 |
set res [list]
634 |
foreach_in_collection node $col {
635 |
lappend res [ get_node_info -name $node ]
636 |
637 |
return $res
638 |
639 |
640 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_list { FH listname pinname } {
641 |
upvar $listname local_list
642 |
643 |
puts $FH ""
644 |
puts $FH " # $pinname"
645 |
puts $FH " set pins($pinname) \[ list \]"
646 |
foreach pin $local_list($pinname) {
647 |
puts $FH " lappend pins($pinname) $pin"
648 |
649 |
650 |
651 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_list_of_list { FH listname pinname } {
652 |
upvar $listname local_list
653 |
654 |
puts $FH ""
655 |
puts $FH " # $pinname"
656 |
puts $FH " set pins($pinname) \[ list \]"
657 |
set count_groups 0
658 |
foreach sublist $local_list($pinname) {
659 |
puts $FH ""
660 |
puts $FH " # GROUP - ${count_groups}"
661 |
puts $FH " set group_${count_groups} \[ list \]"
662 |
foreach pin $sublist {
663 |
puts $FH " lappend group_${count_groups} $pin"
664 |
665 |
puts $FH ""
666 |
puts $FH " lappend pins($pinname) \$group_${count_groups}"
667 |
668 |
incr count_groups
669 |
670 |
671 |
672 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_string { FH stringname pinname } {
673 |
upvar $stringname local_string
674 |
675 |
puts $FH ""
676 |
puts $FH " # $pinname"
677 |
puts $FH " set pins($pinname) $local_string($pinname)"
678 |
679 |
680 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_format_3dp { x } {
681 |
return [format %.3f $x]
682 |
683 |
684 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_colours { x y } {
685 |
686 |
set fcolour [list "black"]
687 |
if {$x < 0} {
688 |
lappend fcolour "red"
689 |
} else {
690 |
lappend fcolour "blue"
691 |
692 |
if {$y < 0} {
693 |
lappend fcolour "red"
694 |
} else {
695 |
lappend fcolour "blue"
696 |
697 |
698 |
return $fcolour
699 |
700 |
701 |
proc min { a b } {
702 |
if { $a == "" } {
703 |
return $b
704 |
} elseif { $a < $b } {
705 |
return $a
706 |
} else {
707 |
return $b
708 |
709 |
710 |
711 |
proc max { a b } {
712 |
if { $a == "" } {
713 |
return $b
714 |
} elseif { $a > $b } {
715 |
return $a
716 |
} else {
717 |
return $b
718 |
719 |
720 |
721 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_max_in_collection { col attribute } {
722 |
set i 0
723 |
set max 0
724 |
foreach_in_collection path $col {
725 |
if {$i == 0} {
726 |
set max [get_path_info $path -${attribute}]
727 |
} else {
728 |
set temp [get_path_info $path -${attribute}]
729 |
if {$temp > $max} {
730 |
set max $temp
731 |
732 |
733 |
set i [expr $i + 1]
734 |
735 |
return $max
736 |
737 |
738 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_min_in_collection { col attribute } {
739 |
set i 0
740 |
set min 0
741 |
foreach_in_collection path $col {
742 |
if {$i == 0} {
743 |
set min [get_path_info $path -${attribute}]
744 |
} else {
745 |
set temp [get_path_info $path -${attribute}]
746 |
if {$temp < $min} {
747 |
set min $temp
748 |
749 |
750 |
set i [expr $i + 1]
751 |
752 |
return $min
753 |
754 |
755 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_min_in_collection_to_name { col attribute name } {
756 |
set i 0
757 |
set min 0
758 |
foreach_in_collection path $col {
759 |
if {[get_node_info -name [get_path_info $path -to]] == $name} {
760 |
if {$i == 0} {
761 |
set min [get_path_info $path -${attribute}]
762 |
} else {
763 |
set temp [get_path_info $path -${attribute}]
764 |
if {$temp < $min} {
765 |
set min $temp
766 |
767 |
768 |
set i [expr $i + 1]
769 |
770 |
771 |
return $min
772 |
773 |
774 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_min_in_collection_from_name { col attribute name } {
775 |
set i 0
776 |
set min 0
777 |
foreach_in_collection path $col {
778 |
if {[get_node_info -name [get_path_info $path -from]] == $name} {
779 |
if {$i == 0} {
780 |
set min [get_path_info $path -${attribute}]
781 |
} else {
782 |
set temp [get_path_info $path -${attribute}]
783 |
if {$temp < $min} {
784 |
set min $temp
785 |
786 |
787 |
set i [expr $i + 1]
788 |
789 |
790 |
return $min
791 |
792 |
793 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_max_in_collection_to_name { col attribute name } {
794 |
set i 0
795 |
set max 0
796 |
foreach_in_collection path $col {
797 |
if {[get_node_info -name [get_path_info $path -to]] == $name} {
798 |
if {$i == 0} {
799 |
set max [get_path_info $path -${attribute}]
800 |
} else {
801 |
set temp [get_path_info $path -${attribute}]
802 |
if {$temp > $max} {
803 |
set max $temp
804 |
805 |
806 |
set i [expr $i + 1]
807 |
808 |
809 |
return $max
810 |
811 |
812 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_max_in_collection_from_name { col attribute name } {
813 |
set i 0
814 |
set max 0
815 |
foreach_in_collection path $col {
816 |
if {[get_node_info -name [get_path_info $path -from]] == $name} {
817 |
if {$i == 0} {
818 |
set max [get_path_info $path -${attribute}]
819 |
} else {
820 |
set temp [get_path_info $path -${attribute}]
821 |
if {$temp > $max} {
822 |
set max $temp
823 |
824 |
825 |
set i [expr $i + 1]
826 |
827 |
828 |
return $max
829 |
830 |
831 |
832 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_min_in_collection_to_name2 { col attribute name } {
833 |
set i 0
834 |
set min 0
835 |
foreach_in_collection path $col {
836 |
if {[regexp $name [get_node_info -name [get_path_info $path -to]]]} {
837 |
if {$i == 0} {
838 |
set min [get_path_info $path -${attribute}]
839 |
} else {
840 |
set temp [get_path_info $path -${attribute}]
841 |
if {$temp < $min} {
842 |
set min $temp
843 |
844 |
845 |
set i [expr $i + 1]
846 |
847 |
848 |
return $min
849 |
850 |
851 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_min_in_collection_from_name2 { col attribute name } {
852 |
set i 0
853 |
set min 0
854 |
foreach_in_collection path $col {
855 |
if {[regexp $name [get_node_info -name [get_path_info $path -from]]]} {
856 |
if {$i == 0} {
857 |
set min [get_path_info $path -${attribute}]
858 |
} else {
859 |
set temp [get_path_info $path -${attribute}]
860 |
if {$temp < $min} {
861 |
set min $temp
862 |
863 |
864 |
set i [expr $i + 1]
865 |
866 |
867 |
return $min
868 |
869 |
870 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_max_in_collection_to_name2 { col attribute name } {
871 |
set i 0
872 |
set max 0
873 |
foreach_in_collection path $col {
874 |
if {[regexp $name [get_node_info -name [get_path_info $path -to]]]} {
875 |
if {$i == 0} {
876 |
set max [get_path_info $path -${attribute}]
877 |
} else {
878 |
set temp [get_path_info $path -${attribute}]
879 |
if {$temp > $max} {
880 |
set max $temp
881 |
882 |
883 |
set i [expr $i + 1]
884 |
885 |
886 |
return $max
887 |
888 |
889 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_max_in_collection_from_name2 { col attribute name } {
890 |
set i 0
891 |
set max 0
892 |
foreach_in_collection path $col {
893 |
if {[regexp $name [get_node_info -name [get_path_info $path -from]]]} {
894 |
if {$i == 0} {
895 |
set max [get_path_info $path -${attribute}]
896 |
} else {
897 |
set temp [get_path_info $path -${attribute}]
898 |
if {$temp > $max} {
899 |
set max $temp
900 |
901 |
902 |
set i [expr $i + 1]
903 |
904 |
905 |
return $max
906 |
907 |
908 |
909 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_max_clock_path_delay_through_clock_node {from through to} {
910 |
set init 0
911 |
set max_delay 0
912 |
set paths [get_path -rise_from $through -rise_to $to]
913 |
foreach_in_collection path1 $paths {
914 |
set delay [get_path_info $path1 -arrival_time]
915 |
set clock_node [get_node_info -name [get_path_info $path1 -from]]
916 |
917 |
set paths2 [get_path -rise_from $from -rise_to $clock_node]
918 |
foreach_in_collection path2 $paths2 {
919 |
set total_delay [expr $delay + [get_path_info $path2 -arrival_time]]
920 |
if {$init == 0 || $total_delay > $max_delay} {
921 |
set init 1
922 |
set max_delay $total_delay
923 |
924 |
925 |
926 |
return $max_delay
927 |
928 |
929 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_min_clock_path_delay_through_clock_node {from through to} {
930 |
set init 0
931 |
set min_delay 0
932 |
set paths [get_path -rise_from $through -rise_to $to -min_path]
933 |
foreach_in_collection path1 $paths {
934 |
set delay [get_path_info $path1 -arrival_time]
935 |
set clock_node [get_node_info -name [get_path_info $path1 -from]]
936 |
937 |
set paths2 [get_path -rise_from $from -rise_to $clock_node -min_path]
938 |
foreach_in_collection path2 $paths2 {
939 |
set total_delay [expr $delay + [get_path_info $path2 -arrival_time]]
940 |
if {$init == 0 || $total_delay < $min_delay} {
941 |
set init 1
942 |
set min_delay $total_delay
943 |
944 |
945 |
946 |
return $min_delay
947 |
948 |
949 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_model_corner {} {
950 |
951 |
set operating_conditions [get_operating_conditions]
952 |
set return_value [list]
953 |
if {[regexp {^([0-9])_H([0-9])_([a-z]+)_([a-z0-9_\-]+)} $operating_conditions matched speedgrade transceiver model corner]} {
954 |
955 |
} elseif {[regexp {^([A-Z0-9]+)_([a-z]+)_([a-z0-9_\-]+)} $operating_conditions matched speedgrade model corner]} {
956 |
957 |
958 |
regsub {\-} $corner "n" corner
959 |
set return_value [list $model $corner]
960 |
return $return_value
961 |
962 |
963 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_min_aiot_delay {pinname} {
964 |
965 |
set atom_id [get_atom_node_by_name -name $pinname]
966 |
set sin_pin [create_pin_object -atom $atom_id]
967 |
set results [get_simulation_results -pin $sin_pin -aiot]
968 |
969 |
set rise 0
970 |
set fall 0
971 |
foreach { key value } $results {
972 |
if {$key == "Absolute Rise Delay to Far-end"} {
973 |
set rise $value
974 |
} elseif {$key == "Absolute Fall Delay to Far-end"} {
975 |
set fall $value
976 |
977 |
978 |
return [min $rise $fall]
979 |
980 |
981 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_rise_aiot_delay {pinname} {
982 |
983 |
set atom_id [get_atom_node_by_name -name $pinname]
984 |
set sin_pin [create_pin_object -atom $atom_id]
985 |
set results [get_simulation_results -pin $sin_pin -aiot]
986 |
987 |
set rise 0
988 |
foreach { key value } $results {
989 |
if {$key == "Absolute Rise Delay to Far-end"} {
990 |
set rise $value
991 |
992 |
993 |
return $rise
994 |
995 |
996 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_fall_aiot_delay {pinname} {
997 |
998 |
set atom_id [get_atom_node_by_name -name $pinname]
999 |
set sin_pin [create_pin_object -atom $atom_id]
1000 |
set results [get_simulation_results -pin $sin_pin -aiot]
1001 |
1002 |
set fall 0
1003 |
foreach { key value } $results {
1004 |
if {$key == "Absolute Fall Delay to Far-end"} {
1005 |
set fall $value
1006 |
1007 |
1008 |
return $fall
1009 |
1010 |
1011 |
1012 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_aiot_attr {pinname attr} {
1013 |
1014 |
set atom_id [get_atom_node_by_name -name $pinname]
1015 |
set sin_pin [create_pin_object -atom $atom_id]
1016 |
set results [get_simulation_results -pin $sin_pin -aiot]
1017 |
1018 |
set value 0
1019 |
foreach { key value } $results {
1020 |
if {$key == $attr} {
1021 |
return $value
1022 |
1023 |
1024 |
return $value
1025 |
1026 |
1027 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_pll_phase_shift {output_counter_name} {
1028 |
load_package atoms
1029 |
1030 |
set phase_shift ""
1031 |
1032 |
# Remove possible "|divclk" at the end of the name
1033 |
regsub {\|divclk$} $output_counter_name "" output_counter_name
1034 |
1035 |
# Get all PLL output counters
1036 |
set pll_output_counter_atoms [get_atom_nodes -type PLL_OUTPUT_COUNTER]
1037 |
1038 |
# Go through the output counters and find the one that matches the above and return the phase
1039 |
foreach_in_collection atom $pll_output_counter_atoms {
1040 |
set name [get_atom_node_info -key name -node $atom]
1041 |
regsub {^[^\:]+\:} $name "" name
1042 |
regsub -all {\|[^\:]+\:} $name "|" name
1043 |
1044 |
# If the name matches return the phase shift
1045 |
if {$name == $output_counter_name} {
1046 |
set phase_shift [get_atom_node_info -key TIME_PHASE_SHIFT -node $atom]
1047 |
regsub { ps} $phase_shift "" phase_shift
1048 |
1049 |
1050 |
1051 |
return $phase_shift
1052 |
1053 |
1054 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
1055 |
1056 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_io_standard {target_pin} {
1057 |
1058 |
# Description: Gets the I/O standard of the given memory interface pin
1059 |
# This function assumes the fitter has already completed and the
1060 |
# compiler report has been loaded.
1061 |
1062 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
1063 |
# Look through the pin report
1064 |
set io_std [hps_sdram_p0_get_fitter_report_pin_info $target_pin "I/O Standard" -1]
1065 |
if {$io_std == ""} {
1066 |
return "UNKNOWN"
1067 |
1068 |
set result ""
1069 |
switch -exact -- $io_std {
1070 |
"SSTL-2 Class I" {set result "SSTL_2_I"}
1071 |
"Differential 2.5-V SSTL Class I" {set result "DIFF_SSTL_2_I"}
1072 |
"SSTL-2 Class II" {set result "SSTL_2_II"}
1073 |
"Differential 2.5-V SSTL Class II" {set result "DIFF_SSTL_2_II"}
1074 |
"SSTL-18 Class I" {set result "SSTL_18_I"}
1075 |
"Differential 1.8-V SSTL Class I" {set result "DIFF_SSTL_18_I"}
1076 |
"SSTL-18 Class II" {set result "SSTL_18_II"}
1077 |
"Differential 1.8-V SSTL Class II" {set result "DIFF_SSTL_18_II"}
1078 |
"SSTL-15 Class I" {set result "SSTL_15_I"}
1079 |
"Differential 1.5-V SSTL Class I" {set result "DIFF_SSTL_15_I"}
1080 |
"SSTL-15 Class II" {set result "SSTL_15_II"}
1081 |
"Differential 1.5-V SSTL Class II" {set result "DIFF_SSTL_15_II"}
1082 |
"1.8-V HSTL Class I" {set result "HSTL_18_I"}
1083 |
"Differential 1.8-V HSTL Class I" {set result "DIFF_HSTL_18_I"}
1084 |
"1.8-V HSTL Class II" {set result "HSTL_18_II"}
1085 |
"Differential 1.8-V HSTL Class II" {set result "DIFF_HSTL_18_II"}
1086 |
"1.5-V HSTL Class I" {set result "HSTL_I"}
1087 |
"Differential 1.5-V HSTL Class I" {set result "DIFF_HSTL"}
1088 |
"1.5-V HSTL Class II" {set result "HSTL_II"}
1089 |
"Differential 1.5-V HSTL Class II" {set result "DIFF_HSTL_II"}
1090 |
"1.2-V HSTL Class I" {set result "SSTL_125"}
1091 |
"Differential 1.2-V HSTL Class I" {set result "DIFF_SSTL_125"}
1092 |
"1.2-V HSTL Class II" {set result "SSTL_125"}
1093 |
"Differential 1.2-V HSTL Class II" {set result "DIFF_SSTL_125"}
1094 |
"SSTL-15" {set result "SSTL_15"}
1095 |
"Differential 1.5-V SSTL" {set result "DIFF_SSTL_15"}
1096 |
"SSTL-135" {set result "SSTL_135"}
1097 |
"Differential 1.35-V SSTL" {set result "DIFF_SSTL_135"}
1098 |
"SSTL-125" {set result "SSTL_125"}
1099 |
"Differential 1.25-V SSTL" {set result "DIFF_SSTL_125"}
1100 |
"SSTL-12" {set result "DIFF_SSTL_125"}
1101 |
"Differential 1.2-V HSUL" {set result "DIFF_HSUL_12"}
1102 |
default {
1103 |
post_message -type error "Found unsupported Memory I/O standard $io_std on pin $target_pin"
1104 |
set result "UNKNOWN"
1105 |
1106 |
1107 |
return $result
1108 |
1109 |
1110 |
# Routine to find the termination pins
1111 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_rzq_pins { instname all_rzq_pins } {
1112 |
upvar $all_rzq_pins rzqpins
1113 |
load_package atoms
1114 |
1115 |
set rzq_pins [ list ]
1116 |
set entity_names_on [ hps_sdram_p0_are_entity_names_on ]
1117 |
1118 |
# Get all termination atoms, to which rzqpin should be attached
1119 |
set_project_mode -always_show_entity_name off
1120 |
set instance ${instname}*
1121 |
set atoms [get_atom_nodes -type TERMINATION -matching [escape_brackets $instance] ]
1122 |
post_message -type info "Number of Termination Atoms are [get_collection_size $atoms]"
1123 |
foreach_in_collection term_atom $atoms {
1124 |
set rzq_pin ""
1125 |
set atom $term_atom
1126 |
set term_atom_name [get_atom_node_info -key name -node $term_atom]
1127 |
post_message -type info "Found Termination Atom $term_atom_name"
1128 |
set type [get_atom_node_info -key type -node $term_atom]
1129 |
1130 |
# Check until you traverse to an IO_PAD for the RZQ Pin
1131 |
while { ![regexp IO_PAD $type ] } {
1132 |
set name [get_atom_node_info -key name -node $atom]
1133 |
set iterms [get_atom_iports -node $atom]
1134 |
set iterm_size [llength $iterms]
1135 |
# Check for Multiple Inputs
1136 |
if { $iterm_size > 1 } {
1137 |
post_message -type error " Multiple inputs to a node:$name attached to a Termination_Atom:$term_atom_name "
1138 |
1139 |
1140 |
1141 |
1142 |
foreach iterm $iterms {
1143 |
set fanin [get_atom_port_info -node $atom -type iport -port_id $iterm -key fanin]
1144 |
set atom [lindex $fanin 0]
1145 |
set type [get_atom_node_info -key type -node $atom]
1146 |
set rzq_pin [get_atom_node_info -key name -node $atom]
1147 |
1148 |
1149 |
1150 |
lappend rzq_pins [ join $rzq_pin ]
1151 |
1152 |
1153 |
set_project_mode -always_show_entity_name qsf
1154 |
set rzqpins $rzq_pins
1155 |
1156 |
1157 |
1158 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_acv_read_offset { period dqs_phase dqs_period } {
1159 |
1160 |
set offset [expr abs(90/360.0*$period - $dqs_phase/360.0*$dqs_period)]
1161 |
if {$offset != 0} {
1162 |
set part_period [expr $dqs_phase/360.0*$dqs_period - 0.469/2.0 - 0.12]
1163 |
set offset [max 0.120 $part_period]
1164 |
1165 |
1166 |
return $offset
1167 |
1168 |
# (C) 2001-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
1169 |
# Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
1170 |
# software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output
1171 |
40 |
redbear |
# files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation
1172 |
32 |
redbear |
# files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject
1173 |
# to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription
1174 |
40 |
redbear |
# Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable
1175 |
32 |
redbear |
# license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the
1176 |
# sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by
1177 |
# Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
1178 |
# agreement for further details.
1179 |
1180 |
1181 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_sort_proc {a b} {
1182 |
set idxs [list 1 2 0]
1183 |
foreach i $idxs {
1184 |
set ai [lindex $a $i]
1185 |
set bi [lindex $b $i]
1186 |
if {$ai > $bi} {
1187 |
return 1
1188 |
} elseif { $ai < $bi } {
1189 |
return -1
1190 |
1191 |
1192 |
return 0
1193 |
1194 |
1195 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_traverse_atom_path {atom_id atom_oport_id path} {
1196 |
# Return list of {atom oterm_id} pairs by tracing the atom netlist starting from the given atom_id through the given path
1197 |
# Path consists of list of {atom_type fanin|fanout|end <port_type> <-optional>}
1198 |
set result [list]
1199 |
if {[llength $path] > 0} {
1200 |
set path_point [lindex $path 0]
1201 |
set atom_type [lindex $path_point 0]
1202 |
set next_direction [lindex $path_point 1]
1203 |
set port_type [lindex $path_point 2]
1204 |
set atom_optional [lindex $path_point 3]
1205 |
if {[get_atom_node_info -key type -node $atom_id] == $atom_type} {
1206 |
if {$next_direction == "end"} {
1207 |
if {[get_atom_port_info -key type -node $atom_id -port_id $atom_oport_id -type oport] == $port_type} {
1208 |
lappend result [list $atom_id $atom_oport_id]
1209 |
1210 |
} elseif {$next_direction == "atom"} {
1211 |
lappend result [list $atom_id]
1212 |
} elseif {$next_direction == "fanin"} {
1213 |
set atom_iport [get_atom_iport_by_type -node $atom_id -type $port_type]
1214 |
if {$atom_iport != -1} {
1215 |
set iport_fanin [get_atom_port_info -key fanin -node $atom_id -port_id $atom_iport -type iport]
1216 |
set source_atom [lindex $iport_fanin 0]
1217 |
set source_oterm [lindex $iport_fanin 1]
1218 |
set result [hps_sdram_p0_traverse_atom_path $source_atom $source_oterm [lrange $path 1 end]]
1219 |
} elseif {$atom_optional == "-optional"} {
1220 |
set result [hps_sdram_p0_traverse_atom_path $atom_id $atom_oport_id [lrange $path 1 end]]
1221 |
1222 |
} elseif {$next_direction == "fanout"} {
1223 |
set atom_oport [get_atom_oport_by_type -node $atom_id -type $port_type]
1224 |
if {$atom_oport != -1} {
1225 |
set oport_fanout [get_atom_port_info -key fanout -node $atom_id -port_id $atom_oport -type oport]
1226 |
foreach dest $oport_fanout {
1227 |
set dest_atom [lindex $dest 0]
1228 |
set dest_iterm [lindex $dest 1]
1229 |
set fanout_result_list [hps_sdram_p0_traverse_atom_path $dest_atom -1 [lrange $path 1 end]]
1230 |
foreach fanout_result $fanout_result_list {
1231 |
if {[lsearch $result $fanout_result] == -1} {
1232 |
lappend result $fanout_result
1233 |
1234 |
1235 |
1236 |
1237 |
} else {
1238 |
error "Unexpected path"
1239 |
1240 |
} elseif {$atom_optional == "-optional"} {
1241 |
set result [hps_sdram_p0_traverse_atom_path $atom_id $atom_oport_id [lrange $path 1 end]]
1242 |
1243 |
1244 |
return $result
1245 |
1246 |
1247 |
# Get the fitter name of the PLL output driving the given pin
1248 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_traverse_to_ddio_out_pll_clock {pin msg_list_name} {
1249 |
upvar 1 $msg_list_name msg_list
1250 |
set result ""
1251 |
if {$pin != ""} {
1252 |
set pin_id [get_atom_node_by_name -name $pin]
1253 |
set pin_to_pll_path [list {IO_PAD fanin PADIN} {IO_OBUF fanin I} {PSEUDO_DIFF_OUT fanin I -optional} {DELAY_CHAIN fanin DATAIN -optional} {DELAY_CHAIN fanin DATAIN -optional} {DDIO_OUT fanin CLKHI -optional} {OUTPUT_PHASE_ALIGNMENT fanin CLK -optional} {CLKBUF fanin INCLK -optional} {PLL end CLK}]
1254 |
set pll_id_list [hps_sdram_p0_traverse_atom_path $pin_id -1 $pin_to_pll_path]
1255 |
if {[llength $pll_id_list] == 1} {
1256 |
set atom_oterm_pair [lindex $pll_id_list 0]
1257 |
set result [get_atom_port_info -key name -node [lindex $atom_oterm_pair 0] -port_id [lindex $atom_oterm_pair 1] -type oport]
1258 |
} else {
1259 |
lappend msg_list "Error: PLL clock not found for $pin"
1260 |
1261 |
1262 |
return $result
1263 |
1264 |
1265 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_traverse_to_leveling_delay_chain {pin msg_list_name} {
1266 |
upvar 1 $msg_list_name msg_list
1267 |
set result ""
1268 |
if {$pin != ""} {
1269 |
set pin_id [get_atom_node_by_name -name $pin]
1270 |
set pin_to_leveling_path [list {IO_PAD fanin PADIN} {IO_OBUF fanin I} {PSEUDO_DIFF_OUT fanin I -optional} {DELAY_CHAIN fanin DATAIN -optional} {DELAY_CHAIN fanin DATAIN -optional} {DDIO_OUT fanin CLK -optional} {FF fanin CLK -optional} {DDIO_OUT fanin CLKHI -optional} {CLK_PHASE_SELECT fanin CLKIN -optional} {LEVELING_DELAY_CHAIN end CLKOUT} ]
1271 |
set leveling_id_list [hps_sdram_p0_traverse_atom_path $pin_id -1 $pin_to_leveling_path]
1272 |
if {[llength $leveling_id_list] == 1} {
1273 |
set atom_oterm_pair [lindex $leveling_id_list 0]
1274 |
set result [get_atom_node_info -key name -node [lindex $atom_oterm_pair 0]]
1275 |
} else {
1276 |
lappend msg_list "Error: Leveling delay chain not found for $pin"
1277 |
1278 |
1279 |
1280 |
regsub {^[^\:]+\:} $result "" result
1281 |
regsub -all {\|[^\:]+\:} $result "|" result
1282 |
1283 |
return $result
1284 |
1285 |
1286 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_traverse_to_clock_phase_select {pin msg_list_name} {
1287 |
upvar 1 $msg_list_name msg_list
1288 |
set result ""
1289 |
if {$pin != ""} {
1290 |
set pin_id [get_atom_node_by_name -name $pin]
1291 |
set pin_to_cps_path [list {IO_PAD fanin PADIN} {IO_OBUF fanin I} {PSEUDO_DIFF_OUT fanin I -optional} {DELAY_CHAIN fanin DATAIN -optional} {DELAY_CHAIN fanin DATAIN -optional} {DDIO_OUT fanin CLK -optional} {FF fanin CLK -optional} {DDIO_OUT fanin CLKHI -optional} {CLK_PHASE_SELECT end CLKOUT} ]
1292 |
set cps_id_list [hps_sdram_p0_traverse_atom_path $pin_id -1 $pin_to_cps_path]
1293 |
if {[llength $cps_id_list] == 1} {
1294 |
set atom_oterm_pair [lindex $cps_id_list 0]
1295 |
set result [get_atom_node_info -key name -node [lindex $atom_oterm_pair 0]]
1296 |
} else {
1297 |
lappend msg_list "Error: Clock phase select not found for $pin"
1298 |
1299 |
1300 |
1301 |
regsub {^[^\:]+\:} $result "" result
1302 |
regsub -all {\|[^\:]+\:} $result "|" result
1303 |
1304 |
return $result
1305 |
1306 |
1307 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_traverse_to_clkbuf {pin msg_list_name} {
1308 |
upvar 1 $msg_list_name msg_list
1309 |
set result ""
1310 |
if {$pin != ""} {
1311 |
set pin_id [get_atom_node_by_name -name $pin]
1312 |
set pin_to_clkbuf_path [list {IO_PAD fanin PADIN} {IO_OBUF fanin I} {PSEUDO_DIFF_OUT fanin I -optional} {DELAY_CHAIN fanin DATAIN -optional} {DELAY_CHAIN fanin DATAIN -optional} {DDIO_OUT fanin CLK -optional} {FF fanin CLK -optional} {DDIO_OUT fanin CLKHI -optional} {CLKBUF end OUTCLK} ]
1313 |
set clkbuf_id_list [hps_sdram_p0_traverse_atom_path $pin_id -1 $pin_to_clkbuf_path]
1314 |
if {[llength $clkbuf_id_list] == 1} {
1315 |
set atom_oterm_pair [lindex $clkbuf_id_list 0]
1316 |
set result [get_atom_node_info -key name -node [lindex $atom_oterm_pair 0]]
1317 |
} else {
1318 |
lappend msg_list "Error: Clock buffer not found for $pin"
1319 |
1320 |
1321 |
1322 |
regsub {^[^\:]+\:} $result "" result
1323 |
regsub -all {\|[^\:]+\:} $result "|" result
1324 |
1325 |
return $result
1326 |
1327 |
1328 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_traverse_to_dll {dqs_pin msg_list_name} {
1329 |
upvar 1 $msg_list_name msg_list
1330 |
set dqs_pin_id [get_atom_node_by_name -name $dqs_pin]
1331 |
set dqs_to_dll_path [list {IO_PAD fanout PADOUT} {IO_IBUF fanout O} {DQS_DELAY_CHAIN fanin DELAYCTRLIN} {DLL end DELAYCTRLOUT}]
1332 |
set dll_id_list [hps_sdram_p0_traverse_atom_path $dqs_pin_id -1 $dqs_to_dll_path]
1333 |
set result ""
1334 |
if {[llength $dll_id_list] == 1} {
1335 |
set dll_atom_oterm_pair [lindex $dll_id_list 0]
1336 |
set result [get_atom_node_info -key name -node [lindex $dll_atom_oterm_pair 0]]
1337 |
} elseif {[llength $dll_id_list] > 1} {
1338 |
lappend msg_list "Error: Found more than 1 DLL"
1339 |
} else {
1340 |
lappend msg_list "Error: DLL not found"
1341 |
1342 |
return $result
1343 |
1344 |
1345 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_check_hybrid_interface { inst pins_array_name mem_if_memtype } {
1346 |
upvar $pins_array_name pins
1347 |
1348 |
foreach q_group $pins(q_groups) {
1349 |
set q_group $q_group
1350 |
lappend q_groups $q_group
1351 |
1352 |
set all_dq_pins [ join [ join $q_groups ] ]
1353 |
set dm_pins $pins(dm_pins)
1354 |
1355 |
set all_dq_dm_pins [ concat $all_dq_pins $dm_pins ]
1356 |
foreach dq_dm_pin $all_dq_dm_pins {
1357 |
set io_type [hps_sdram_p0_get_fitter_report_pin_io_type_info $dq_dm_pin]
1358 |
if {[string compare -nocase "Column I/O" $io_type] == 0} {
1359 |
set io_types("column") 1
1360 |
} elseif {[string compare -nocase "Row I/O" $io_type] == 0} {
1361 |
set io_types("row") 1
1362 |
} else {
1363 |
post_message -type warning "Could not determine IO type for pin $dq_dm_pin"
1364 |
1365 |
1366 |
1367 |
if {[llength [array names io_types]] == 0} {
1368 |
post_message -type warning "Could not determine if memory interface $inst is implemented in hybrid mode. Assuming memory interface is implemented in non-hybrid mode"
1369 |
return 0
1370 |
} elseif {[llength [array names io_types]] == 1} {
1371 |
return 0
1372 |
} elseif {[llength [array names io_types]] == 2} {
1373 |
return 1
1374 |
} else {
1375 |
post_message -type error "Internal Error: Found IO types [array names io_types]"
1376 |
qexit -error
1377 |
1378 |
1379 |
1380 |
1381 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_verify_flexible_timing_assumptions { inst pins_array_name mem_if_memtype } {
1382 |
return 1
1383 |
1384 |
1385 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_verify_high_performance_timing_assumptions { inst pins_array_name mem_if_memtype } {
1386 |
upvar $pins_array_name pins
1387 |
1388 |
set num_errors 0
1389 |
load_package verify_ddr
1390 |
set ck_ckn_pairs [list]
1391 |
set failed_assumptions [list]
1392 |
if {[llength $pins(ck_pins)] > 0 && [llength $pins(ck_pins)] == [llength $pins(ckn_pins)]} {
1393 |
for {set ck_index 0} {$ck_index != [llength $pins(ck_pins)]} {incr ck_index} {
1394 |
lappend ck_ckn_pairs [list [lindex $pins(ck_pins) $ck_index] [lindex $pins(ckn_pins) $ck_index]]
1395 |
1396 |
} else {
1397 |
incr num_errors
1398 |
lappend failed_assumptions "Error: Could not locate same number of CK pins as CK# pins"
1399 |
1400 |
1401 |
set read_pins_list [list]
1402 |
set write_pins_list [list]
1403 |
set read_clock_pairs [list]
1404 |
set write_clock_pairs [list]
1405 |
foreach { dqs } $pins(dqs_pins) { dqsn } $pins(dqsn_pins) { dq_list } $pins(q_groups) {
1406 |
lappend read_pins_list [list $dqs $dq_list]
1407 |
lappend read_clock_pairs [list $dqs $dqsn]
1408 |
1409 |
1410 |
foreach { dqs } $pins(dqs_pins) { dqsn } $pins(dqsn_pins) { dm_list } $pins(dm_pins) { dq_list } $pins(q_groups) {
1411 |
lappend write_pins_list [list $dqs [concat $dq_list $dm_list]]
1412 |
lappend write_clock_pairs [list $dqs $dqsn]
1413 |
1414 |
1415 |
set all_write_dqs_list $pins(dqs_pins)
1416 |
set all_d_list $pins(all_dq_pins)
1417 |
if {[llength $pins(q_groups)] == 0} {
1418 |
incr num_errors
1419 |
lappend failed_assumptions "Error: Could not locate DQS pins"
1420 |
1421 |
1422 |
if {$num_errors == 0} {
1423 |
set msg_list [list]
1424 |
set dll_name [hps_sdram_p0_traverse_to_dll $dqs msg_list]
1425 |
set clk_to_write_d [hps_sdram_p0_traverse_to_ddio_out_pll_clock [lindex $all_d_list 0] msg_list]
1426 |
set clk_to_write_clock [hps_sdram_p0_traverse_to_ddio_out_pll_clock [lindex $all_write_dqs_list 0] msg_list]
1427 |
set clk_to_ck_ckn [hps_sdram_p0_traverse_to_ddio_out_pll_clock [lindex $pins(ck_pins) 0] msg_list]
1428 |
foreach msg $msg_list {
1429 |
set verify_assumptions_exception 1
1430 |
incr num_errors
1431 |
lappend failed_assumptions $msg
1432 |
1433 |
if {$num_errors == 0} {
1434 |
set verify_assumptions_exception 0
1435 |
set verify_assumptions_result {0}
1436 |
set verify_assumptions_exception [catch {verify_assumptions -uniphy -memory_type $mem_if_memtype \
1437 |
-read_pins_list $read_pins_list -write_pins_list $write_pins_list -ck_ckn_pairs $ck_ckn_pairs \
1438 |
-clk_to_write_d $clk_to_write_d -clk_to_write_clock $clk_to_write_clock -clk_to_ck_ckn $clk_to_ck_ckn \
1439 |
-dll $dll_name -read_clock_pairs $read_clock_pairs -write_clock_pairs $write_clock_pairs} verify_assumptions_result]
1440 |
if {$verify_assumptions_exception == 0} {
1441 |
incr num_errors [lindex $verify_assumptions_result 0]
1442 |
set failed_assumptions [concat $failed_assumptions [lrange $verify_assumptions_result 1 end]]
1443 |
1444 |
1445 |
if {$verify_assumptions_exception != 0} {
1446 |
lappend failed_assumptions "Error: MACRO timing assumptions could not be verified"
1447 |
incr num_errors
1448 |
1449 |
1450 |
1451 |
if {$num_errors != 0} {
1452 |
for {set i 0} {$i != [llength $failed_assumptions]} {incr i} {
1453 |
set raw_msg [lindex $failed_assumptions $i]
1454 |
if {[regexp {^\W*(Info|Extra Info|Warning|Critical Warning|Error): (.*)$} $raw_msg -- msg_type msg]} {
1455 |
regsub " " $msg_type _ msg_type
1456 |
if {$msg_type == "Error"} {
1457 |
set msg_type "critical_warning"
1458 |
1459 |
post_message -type $msg_type $msg
1460 |
} else {
1461 |
post_message -type info $raw_msg
1462 |
1463 |
1464 |
post_message -type critical_warning "Read Capture and Write timing analyses may not be valid due to violated timing model assumptions"
1465 |
1466 |
1467 |
return [expr $num_errors == 0]
1468 |
1469 |
1470 |
# Return a tuple of the tCCS value for a given device
1471 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_tccs { mem_if_memtype dqs_list period args} {
1472 |
global TimeQuestInfo
1473 |
array set options [list "-write_deskew" "none" "-dll_length" 0 "-config_period" 0 "-ddr3_discrete" 0]
1474 |
foreach {option value} $args {
1475 |
if {[array names options -exact "$option"] != ""} {
1476 |
set options($option) $value
1477 |
} else {
1478 |
error "ERROR: Unknown get_tccs option $option (with value $value; args are $args)"
1479 |
1480 |
1481 |
1482 |
if {$mem_if_memtype == "ddr2"} {
1483 |
set options(-write_deskew) "none"
1484 |
1485 |
1486 |
set speedgrade [ get_speedgrade_string ]
1487 |
if { ($mem_if_memtype == "ddr3") && ($speedgrade != "2") && ($options(-write_deskew) == "dynamic") } {
1488 |
set options(-write_deskew) "static"
1489 |
1490 |
1491 |
if { ($mem_if_memtype == "ddr3") && ($options(-write_deskew) == "none") } {
1492 |
set options(-write_deskew) "static"
1493 |
1494 |
1495 |
if { ($mem_if_memtype == "ddr3") && ($speedgrade == "4") && ($options(-ddr3_discrete) == 0)} {
1496 |
set options(-ddr3_discrete) 1
1497 |
1498 |
1499 |
set interface_type [hps_sdram_p0_get_io_interface_type $dqs_list]
1500 |
# The tCCS for a VHPAD interface is the same as a HPAD interface
1501 |
if {$interface_type == "VHPAD"} {
1502 |
set interface_type "HPAD"
1503 |
1504 |
set io_std [hps_sdram_p0_get_io_standard [lindex $dqs_list 0]]
1505 |
set result [list 0 0]
1506 |
if {$interface_type != "" && $interface_type != "UNKNOWN" && $io_std != "" && $io_std != "UNKNOWN"} {
1507 |
package require ::quartus::ddr_timing_model
1508 |
1509 |
set tccs_params [list IO $interface_type]
1510 |
if {($mem_if_memtype == "ddr3") && ($options(-ddr3_discrete) == 1)} {
1511 |
lappend tccs_params NONLEVELED
1512 |
} elseif {($mem_if_memtype == "ddr3") && ($options(-write_deskew) == "static")} {
1513 |
if {$options(-dll_length) == 12} {
1514 |
set options(-dll_length) 10
1515 |
1516 |
if {$options(-dll_length) != 0} {
1517 |
lappend tccs_params STATIC_DESKEW_$options(-dll_length)
1518 |
} else {
1519 |
# No DLL length dependency
1520 |
lappend tccs_params STATIC_DESKEW
1521 |
1522 |
} elseif {($mem_if_memtype == "ddr3") && ($options(-write_deskew) == "dynamic")} {
1523 |
lappend tccs_params DYNAMIC_DESKEW
1524 |
1525 |
if {$options(-ddr3_discrete) == 0 && $options(-write_deskew) != "none"} {
1526 |
set mode [hps_sdram_p0_get_deskew_freq_range $tccs_params $period]
1527 |
if {$mode == [list]} {
1528 |
post_message -type critical_warning "Memory interface with period $period and write $options(-write_deskew) deskew does not fall in a supported frequency range"
1529 |
} elseif {[lindex $mode 0] != [list]} {
1530 |
lappend tccs_params [lindex $mode 0]
1531 |
puts $tccs_params
1532 |
1533 |
1534 |
if {[catch {get_io_standard_node_delay -dst TCCS_LEAD -io_standard $io_std -parameters $tccs_params} tccs_lead] != 0 || $tccs_lead == "" || $tccs_lead == 0 || \
1535 |
[catch {get_io_standard_node_delay -dst TCCS_LAG -io_standard $io_std -parameters $tccs_params} tccs_lag] != 0 || $tccs_lag == "" || $tccs_lag == 0 } {
1536 |
set family $TimeQuestInfo(family)
1537 |
error "Missing $family timing model for tCCS of $io_std $tccs_params"
1538 |
} else {
1539 |
return [list $tccs_lead $tccs_lag]
1540 |
1541 |
1542 |
1543 |
1544 |
# For static deskew, get the frequency range of the given configuration
1545 |
# Return triplet {mode min_freq max_freq}
1546 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_deskew_freq_range {timing_params period} {
1547 |
set mode [list]
1548 |
# freq_range list should be sorted from low to high
1549 |
if {[lindex $timing_params 2] == "STATIC_DESKEW_8" || [lindex $timing_params 2] == "STATIC_DESKEW_10"} {
1550 |
# These modes have more than 2 freq ranges
1551 |
set range_list [list LOW HIGH]
1552 |
} else {
1553 |
# Just 1 freq range
1554 |
set range_list [list [list]]
1555 |
1556 |
set freq_mode [list]
1557 |
foreach freq_range $range_list {
1558 |
if {[catch {get_micro_node_delay -micro MIN -parameters [concat $timing_params $freq_range]} min_freq] != 0 || $min_freq == "" ||
1559 |
[catch {get_micro_node_delay -micro MAX -parameters [concat $timing_params $freq_range]} max_freq] != 0 || $max_freq == ""} {
1560 |
# Invalid mode
1561 |
} else {
1562 |
set max_freq_period [expr 1000.0 / $min_freq]
1563 |
set min_freq_period [expr 1000.0 / $max_freq]
1564 |
lappend freq_mode [list $freq_range $min_freq $max_freq]
1565 |
if {$period >= $min_freq_period && $period <= $max_freq_period} {
1566 |
set mode [lindex $freq_mode end]
1567 |
1568 |
1569 |
1570 |
1571 |
if {$mode == [list] && $freq_mode != [list]} {
1572 |
if {$period < $min_freq_period} {
1573 |
# Fastest mode
1574 |
set mode [lindex $freq_mode end]
1575 |
} else {
1576 |
# Slowest mode
1577 |
set mode [lindex $freq_mode 0]
1578 |
1579 |
1580 |
return $mode
1581 |
1582 |
1583 |
1584 |
1585 |
1586 |
# Return a tuple of setup,hold time for read capture
1587 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_tsw { mem_if_memtype dqs_list period args} {
1588 |
global TimeQuestInfo
1589 |
array set options [list "-read_deskew" "none" "-dll_length" 0 "-config_period" 0 "-ddr3_discrete" 0]
1590 |
foreach {option value} $args {
1591 |
if {[array names options -exact "$option"] != ""} {
1592 |
set options($option) $value
1593 |
} else {
1594 |
error "ERROR: Unknown get_tsw option $option (with value $value; args are $args)"
1595 |
1596 |
1597 |
1598 |
set interface_type [hps_sdram_p0_get_io_interface_type $dqs_list]
1599 |
if {$interface_type == "VHPAD"} {
1600 |
set interface_type "HPAD"
1601 |
1602 |
set io_std [hps_sdram_p0_get_io_standard [lindex $dqs_list 0]]
1603 |
1604 |
if {$interface_type != "" && $interface_type != "UNKNOWN" && $io_std != "" && $io_std != "UNKNOWN"} {
1605 |
package require ::quartus::ddr_timing_model
1606 |
set family $TimeQuestInfo(family)
1607 |
set tsw_params [list IO $interface_type]
1608 |
if {$options(-ddr3_discrete) == 1} {
1609 |
lappend tsw_params NONLEVELED
1610 |
} elseif {$options(-read_deskew) == "static"} {
1611 |
if {$options(-dll_length) != 0} {
1612 |
lappend tsw_params STATIC_DESKEW_$options(-dll_length)
1613 |
} else {
1614 |
# No DLL length dependency
1615 |
lappend tsw_params STATIC_DESKEW
1616 |
1617 |
} elseif {$options(-read_deskew) == "dynamic"} {
1618 |
lappend tsw_params DYNAMIC_DESKEW
1619 |
1620 |
1621 |
if {[catch {get_io_standard_node_delay -dst TSU -io_standard $io_std -parameters $tsw_params} tsw_setup] != 0 || $tsw_setup == "" || $tsw_setup == 0 || \
1622 |
[catch {get_io_standard_node_delay -dst TH -io_standard $io_std -parameters $tsw_params} tsw_hold] != 0 || $tsw_hold == "" || $tsw_hold == 0 } {
1623 |
error "Missing $family timing model for tSW of $io_std $tsw_params"
1624 |
} else {
1625 |
# Derate tSW for DDR2 on VPAD in CIII Q240 parts
1626 |
# The tSW for HPADs and for other interface types on C8 devices
1627 |
# have a large guardband, so derating for them is not required
1628 |
if {[get_part_info -package -pin_count $TimeQuestInfo(part)] == "PQFP 240"} {
1629 |
if {[catch {get_io_standard_node_delay -dst TSU -io_standard $io_std -parameters [list IO $interface_type Q240_DERATING]} tsw_setup_derating] != 0 || $tsw_setup_derating == 0 || \
1630 |
[catch {get_io_standard_node_delay -dst TH -io_standard $io_std -parameters [list IO $interface_type Q240_DERATING]} tsw_hold_derating] != 0 || $tsw_hold_derating == 0} {
1631 |
set f "$io_std/$interface_type/$family"
1632 |
switch -glob $f {
1633 |
"SSTL_18*/VPAD/Cyclone III" {
1634 |
set tsw_setup_derating 50
1635 |
set tsw_hold_derating 135
1636 |
1637 |
"SSTL_18*/VPAD/Cyclone IV E" {
1638 |
set tsw_setup_derating 50
1639 |
set tsw_hold_derating 135
1640 |
1641 |
default {
1642 |
set tsw_setup_derating 0
1643 |
set tsw_hold_derating 0
1644 |
1645 |
1646 |
1647 |
incr tsw_setup $tsw_setup_derating
1648 |
incr tsw_hold $tsw_hold_derating
1649 |
1650 |
return [list $tsw_setup $tsw_hold]
1651 |
1652 |
1653 |
1654 |
1655 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
1656 |
1657 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_fitter_report_pin_info_from_report {target_pin info_type pin_report_id} {
1658 |
1659 |
# Description: Gets the report field for the given pin in the given report
1660 |
1661 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
1662 |
set pin_name_column [hps_sdram_p0_get_report_column $pin_report_id "Name"]
1663 |
set info_column [hps_sdram_p0_get_report_column $pin_report_id $info_type]
1664 |
set result ""
1665 |
1666 |
if {$pin_name_column == 0 && 0} {
1667 |
set row_index [get_report_panel_row_index -id $pin_report_id $target_pin]
1668 |
if {$row_index != -1} {
1669 |
set row [get_report_panel_row -id $pin_report_id -row $row_index]
1670 |
set result [lindex $row $info_column]
1671 |
1672 |
} else {
1673 |
set report_rows [get_number_of_rows -id $pin_report_id]
1674 |
for {set row_index 1} {$row_index < $report_rows && $result == ""} {incr row_index} {
1675 |
set row [get_report_panel_row -id $pin_report_id -row $row_index]
1676 |
set pin [lindex $row $pin_name_column]
1677 |
if {$pin == $target_pin} {
1678 |
set result [lindex $row $info_column]
1679 |
1680 |
1681 |
1682 |
return $result
1683 |
1684 |
1685 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
1686 |
1687 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_fitter_report_pin_info {target_pin info_type preferred_report_id {found_report_id_name ""}} {
1688 |
1689 |
# Description: Gets the report field for the given pin by searching through the
1690 |
# input, output and bidir pin reports
1691 |
1692 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
1693 |
if {$found_report_id_name != ""} {
1694 |
upvar 1 $found_report_id_name found_report_id
1695 |
1696 |
set found_report_id -1
1697 |
set result ""
1698 |
if {$preferred_report_id == -1} {
1699 |
set pin_report_list [list "Fitter||Resource Section||Bidir Pins" "Fitter||Resource Section||Input Pins" "Fitter||Resource Section||Output Pins"]
1700 |
for {set pin_report_index 0} {$pin_report_index != [llength $pin_report_list] && $result == ""} {incr pin_report_index} {
1701 |
set pin_report_id [get_report_panel_id [lindex $pin_report_list $pin_report_index]]
1702 |
if {$pin_report_id != -1} {
1703 |
set result [hps_sdram_p0_get_fitter_report_pin_info_from_report $target_pin $info_type $pin_report_id]
1704 |
if {$result != ""} {
1705 |
set found_report_id $pin_report_id
1706 |
1707 |
} else {
1708 |
post_message -type error "hps_sdram_p0_pin_map.tcl: Failed to find fitter report. If report timing is run after an ECO, the user must set_global_assignment -name ECO_REGENERATE_REPORT ON in hps_sdram_p0.qsf and in hps_sdram_p0_pin_assignment.tcl files and rerun ECO and STA"
1709 |
1710 |
1711 |
} else {
1712 |
set result [hps_sdram_p0_get_fitter_report_pin_info_from_report $target_pin $info_type $preferred_report_id]
1713 |
if {$result != ""} {
1714 |
set found_report_id $preferred_report_id
1715 |
1716 |
1717 |
return $result
1718 |
1719 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
1720 |
1721 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_fitter_report_pin_io_type_info {target_pin} {
1722 |
1723 |
# Description: Gets the type of IO, either column or row for
1724 |
# a given pin. If none found then "" is returned.
1725 |
1726 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
1727 |
set result ""
1728 |
set pin_report_id [get_report_panel_id "Fitter||Resource Section||All Package Pins"]
1729 |
if {$pin_report_id != -1} {
1730 |
set pin_name_column [hps_sdram_p0_get_report_column $pin_report_id "Pin Name/Usage"]
1731 |
set info_column [hps_sdram_p0_get_report_column $pin_report_id "I/O Type"]
1732 |
if {$pin_name_column == 0 && 0} {
1733 |
set row_index [get_report_panel_row_index -id $pin_report_id $target_pin]
1734 |
if {$row_index != -1} {
1735 |
set row [get_report_panel_row -id $pin_report_id -row $row_index]
1736 |
set result [lindex $row $info_column]
1737 |
1738 |
} else {
1739 |
set report_rows [get_number_of_rows -id $pin_report_id]
1740 |
for {set row_index 1} {$row_index < $report_rows && $result == ""} {incr row_index} {
1741 |
set row [get_report_panel_row -id $pin_report_id -row $row_index]
1742 |
set pin [lindex $row $pin_name_column]
1743 |
if {$pin == $target_pin} {
1744 |
set result [lindex $row $info_column]
1745 |
1746 |
1747 |
1748 |
} else {
1749 |
set pin_report_id [get_report_panel_id "Fitter||Resource Section||DQS Summary"]
1750 |
if {$pin_report_id != -1} {
1751 |
1752 |
set report_rows [get_number_of_rows -id $pin_report_id]
1753 |
set pin_name_column [hps_sdram_p0_get_report_column $pin_report_id "Name"]
1754 |
set info_column [hps_sdram_p0_get_report_column $pin_report_id "I/O Edge"]
1755 |
1756 |
for {set row_index 1} {$row_index < $report_rows && $result == ""} {incr row_index} {
1757 |
set row [get_report_panel_row -id $pin_report_id -row $row_index]
1758 |
set pin [lindex $row $pin_name_column]
1759 |
regsub -all {[ \r\t\n]+} $pin "" pin_no_whitespace
1760 |
if {$pin_no_whitespace == $target_pin} {
1761 |
set result [lindex $row $info_column]
1762 |
1763 |
1764 |
1765 |
if {($result == "Bottom") || ($result == "Top")} {
1766 |
set result "Column I/O"
1767 |
} elseif {($result == "Left") || ($result == "Right")} {
1768 |
set result "Row I/O"
1769 |
1770 |
1771 |
1772 |
1773 |
return $result
1774 |
1775 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
1776 |
1777 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_io_interface_type {pin_list} {
1778 |
1779 |
# Description: Gets the type of pin that the given pins are placed on
1780 |
# either (HPAD, VPAD, HYBRID, "", or UNKNOWN).
1781 |
# "" is returned if pin_list is empty
1782 |
# UNKNOWN is returned if an error was encountered
1783 |
# This function assumes the fitter has already completed and the
1784 |
# compiler report has been loaded.
1785 |
1786 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
1787 |
set preferred_report_id -1
1788 |
set interface_type ""
1789 |
foreach target_pin $pin_list {
1790 |
set io_bank [hps_sdram_p0_get_fitter_report_pin_info $target_pin "I/O Bank" $preferred_report_id preferred_report_id]
1791 |
if {[regexp -- {^([0-9]+)[A-Z]*} $io_bank -> io_bank_number]} {
1792 |
if {$io_bank_number == 1 || $io_bank_number == 2 || $io_bank_number == 5 || $io_bank_number == 6} {
1793 |
# Row I/O
1794 |
if {$interface_type == ""} {
1795 |
set interface_type "HPAD"
1796 |
} elseif {$interface_type == "VIO"} {
1797 |
set interface_type "HYBRID"
1798 |
1799 |
} elseif {$io_bank_number == 3 || $io_bank_number == 4 || $io_bank_number == 7 || $io_bank_number == 8} {
1800 |
if {$interface_type == ""} {
1801 |
set interface_type "VPAD"
1802 |
} elseif {$interface_type == "HIO"} {
1803 |
set interface_type "HYBRID"
1804 |
1805 |
} else {
1806 |
post_message -type critical_warning "Unknown I/O bank $io_bank for pin $target_pin"
1807 |
# Assume worst case performance (mixed HIO/VIO interface)
1808 |
set interface_type "HYBRID"
1809 |
1810 |
1811 |
1812 |
return $interface_type
1813 |
1814 |
1815 |
1816 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
1817 |
1818 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_report_column { report_id str} {
1819 |
1820 |
# Description: Gets the report column index with the given header string
1821 |
1822 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
1823 |
set target_col [get_report_panel_column_index -id $report_id $str]
1824 |
if {$target_col == -1} {
1825 |
error "Cannot find $str column"
1826 |
1827 |
return $target_col
1828 |
1829 |
1830 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_traverse_to_dll_id {dqs_pin msg_list_name} {
1831 |
upvar 1 $msg_list_name msg_list
1832 |
set dqs_pin_id [get_atom_node_by_name -name $dqs_pin]
1833 |
set dqs_to_dll_path [list {IO_PAD fanout PADOUT} {IO_IBUF fanout O} {DQS_DELAY_CHAIN fanin DELAYCTRLIN} {DLL end DELAYCTRLOUT}]
1834 |
set dll_id_list [hps_sdram_p0_traverse_atom_path $dqs_pin_id -1 $dqs_to_dll_path]
1835 |
set dll_id -1
1836 |
if {[llength $dll_id_list] == 1} {
1837 |
set dll_atom_oterm_pair [lindex $dll_id_list 0]
1838 |
set dll_id [lindex $dll_atom_oterm_pair 0]
1839 |
} elseif {[llength $dll_id_list] > 1} {
1840 |
lappend msg_list "Error: Found more than 1 DLL"
1841 |
} else {
1842 |
lappend msg_list "Error: DLL not found"
1843 |
1844 |
return $dll_id
1845 |
1846 |
1847 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_traverse_to_dqs_delaychain_id {dqs_pin msg_list_name} {
1848 |
upvar 1 $msg_list_name msg_list
1849 |
set dqs_pin_id [get_atom_node_by_name -name $dqs_pin]
1850 |
set dqs_to_delaychain_path [list {IO_PAD fanout PADOUT} {IO_IBUF fanout O} {DQS_DELAY_CHAIN atom}]
1851 |
set delaychain_id_list [hps_sdram_p0_traverse_atom_path $dqs_pin_id -1 $dqs_to_delaychain_path]
1852 |
set delaychain_id -1
1853 |
if {[llength $delaychain_id_list] == 1} {
1854 |
set delaychain_atom_oterm_pair [lindex $delaychain_id_list 0]
1855 |
set delaychain_id [lindex $delaychain_atom_oterm_pair 0]
1856 |
} elseif {[llength $delaychain_id_list] > 1} {
1857 |
lappend msg_list "Error: Found more than 1 DQS delaychain"
1858 |
} else {
1859 |
lappend msg_list "Error: DQS delaychain not found"
1860 |
1861 |
return $delaychain_id
1862 |
1863 |
1864 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_dqs_phase { dqs_pins } {
1865 |
set dqs_phase -100
1866 |
set dqs0 [lindex $dqs_pins 0]
1867 |
if {$dqs0 != ""} {
1868 |
set dqs_delay_chain_id [hps_sdram_p0_traverse_to_dqs_delaychain_id $dqs0 msg_list]
1869 |
if {$dqs_delay_chain_id != -1} {
1870 |
set dqs_phase [get_atom_node_info -key INT_DQS_PHASE_SHIFT -node $dqs_delay_chain_id]
1871 |
1872 |
1873 |
1874 |
set dqs_phase [expr {$dqs_phase / 100}]
1875 |
1876 |
if {$dqs_phase < 0} {
1877 |
set dqs_phase 90
1878 |
post_message -type critical_warning "Unable to determine DQS delay chain phase shift. Assuming default setting of $dqs_phase"
1879 |
1880 |
1881 |
return $dqs_phase
1882 |
1883 |
1884 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_dqs_period { dqs_pins } {
1885 |
set dqs_period -100
1886 |
set dqs0 [lindex $dqs_pins 0]
1887 |
if {$dqs0 != ""} {
1888 |
set dll_id [hps_sdram_p0_traverse_to_dll_id $dqs0 msg_list]
1889 |
if {$dll_id != -1} {
1890 |
set dqs_period_str [get_atom_node_info -key TIME_INPUT_FREQUENCY -node $dll_id]
1891 |
if {[regexp {(.*) ps} $dqs_period_str matched dqs_period_ps] == 1} {
1892 |
set dqs_period [expr $dqs_period_ps/1000.0]
1893 |
} elseif {[regexp {(.*) ps} $dqs_period_str matched dqs_period_ns] == 1} {
1894 |
set dqs_period $dqs_period_ns
1895 |
1896 |
1897 |
1898 |
1899 |
1900 |
if {$dqs_period < 0} {
1901 |
set dqs_period 0
1902 |
post_message -type critical_warning "Unable to determine DQS delay chain period. Assuming default setting of $dqs_period"
1903 |
1904 |
1905 |
return $dqs_period
1906 |
1907 |
1908 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_operating_conditions_number {} {
1909 |
set cur_operating_condition [get_operating_conditions]
1910 |
set counter 0
1911 |
foreach_in_collection op [get_available_operating_conditions] {
1912 |
if {[string compare $cur_operating_condition $op] == 0} {
1913 |
return $counter
1914 |
1915 |
incr counter
1916 |
1917 |
return $counter
1918 |
1919 |
1920 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_rzq_pins { instname all_rzq_pins } {
1921 |
upvar $all_rzq_pins rzqpins
1922 |
load_package atoms
1923 |
1924 |
set rzq_pins [ list ]
1925 |
set entity_names_on [ hps_sdram_p0_are_entity_names_on ]
1926 |
1927 |
# Get all termination atoms, to which rzqpin should be attached
1928 |
set_project_mode -always_show_entity_name off
1929 |
set instance ${instname}*
1930 |
set atoms [get_atom_nodes -type TERMINATION -matching [escape_brackets $instance] ]
1931 |
post_message -type info "Number of Termination Atoms: [get_collection_size $atoms]"
1932 |
foreach_in_collection term_atom $atoms {
1933 |
set rzq_pin ""
1934 |
set atom $term_atom
1935 |
set term_atom_name [get_atom_node_info -key name -node $term_atom]
1936 |
post_message -type info "Found Termination Atom $term_atom_name"
1937 |
set type [get_atom_node_info -key type -node $term_atom]
1938 |
1939 |
# Check until you traverse to an IO_PAD for the RZQ Pin
1940 |
while { ![regexp IO_PAD $type ] } {
1941 |
set name [get_atom_node_info -key name -node $atom]
1942 |
set iterms [get_atom_iports -node $atom]
1943 |
set iterm_size [llength $iterms]
1944 |
# Check for Multiple Inputs
1945 |
if { $iterm_size > 1 } {
1946 |
post_message -type error " Multiple inputs to a node:$name attached to a Termination_Atom:$term_atom_name "
1947 |
1948 |
1949 |
1950 |
1951 |
foreach iterm $iterms {
1952 |
set fanin [get_atom_port_info -node $atom -type iport -port_id $iterm -key fanin]
1953 |
set atom [lindex $fanin 0]
1954 |
set type [get_atom_node_info -key type -node $atom]
1955 |
set rzq_pin [get_atom_node_info -key name -node $atom]
1956 |
1957 |
1958 |
1959 |
lappend rzq_pins [ join $rzq_pin ]
1960 |
1961 |
1962 |
set_project_mode -always_show_entity_name qsf
1963 |
set rzqpins $rzq_pins
1964 |
1965 |
1966 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_ddr_pins { instname allpins } {
1967 |
# We need to make a local copy of the allpins associative array
1968 |
upvar allpins pins
1969 |
global ::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_dqs_group_size
1970 |
global ::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_number_of_dqs_groups
1971 |
1972 |
set synthesis_flow 0
1973 |
set sta_flow 0
1974 |
if { $::TimeQuestInfo(nameofexecutable) == "quartus_map" } {
1975 |
set synthesis_flow 1
1976 |
} elseif { $::TimeQuestInfo(nameofexecutable) == "quartus_sta" } {
1977 |
set sta_flow 1
1978 |
1979 |
1980 |
set dqs_inst "altdq_dqs2_inst|"
1981 |
set dqs_pins [ list ]
1982 |
set dqsn_pins [ list ]
1983 |
set q_groups [ list ]
1984 |
set dqs_in_clocks [ list ]
1985 |
set dqs_out_clocks [ list ]
1986 |
set dqsn_out_clocks [ list ]
1987 |
1988 |
for { set i 0 } { $i < $::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_number_of_dqs_groups } { incr i } {
1989 |
1990 |
set dqs_string ${instname}|p0|umemphy|uio_pads|dq_ddio\[$i\].ubidir_dq_dqs|${dqs_inst}obuf_os_0|o
1991 |
set dqs_local_pins [ hps_sdram_p0_get_names_in_collection [ get_fanouts $dqs_string ] ]
1992 |
set dqsn_string ${instname}|p0|umemphy|uio_pads|dq_ddio\[$i\].ubidir_dq_dqs|${dqs_inst}obuf_os_bar_0|o
1993 |
set dqsn_local_pins [ hps_sdram_p0_get_names_in_collection [ get_fanouts $dqsn_string ] ]
1994 |
1995 |
set dm_string ${instname}|p0|umemphy|uio_pads|dq_ddio\[$i\].ubidir_dq_dqs|${dqs_inst}extra_output_pad_gen\[0\].obuf_1|o
1996 |
set dm_local_pins [ hps_sdram_p0_get_names_in_collection [ get_fanouts $dm_string ] ]
1997 |
1998 |
set dqs_in_clock(dqs_pin) [ lindex $dqs_local_pins 0 ]
1999 |
set dqs_in_clock(dqs_shifted_pin) "${instname}|p0|umemphy|uio_pads|dq_ddio[$i].ubidir_dq_dqs|${dqs_inst}dqs_delay_chain|dqsbusout"
2000 |
set dqs_in_clock(div_name) "${instname}|div_clock_$i"
2001 |
set dqs_in_clock(div_pin) "${instname}|p0|umemphy|uread_datapath|read_capture_clk_div2[$i]"
2002 |
2003 |
lappend dqs_in_clocks [ array get dqs_in_clock ]
2004 |
2005 |
set dqs_out_clock(dst) [ lindex $dqs_local_pins 0 ]
2006 |
set dqs_out_clock(src) $dqs_string
2007 |
set dqs_out_clock(dm_pin) [ lindex $dm_local_pins 0 ]
2008 |
set dqsn_out_clock(dst) [ lindex $dqsn_local_pins 0 ]
2009 |
set dqsn_out_clock(src) $dqsn_string
2010 |
set dqsn_out_clock(dm_pin) [ lindex $dm_local_pins 0 ]
2011 |
lappend dqs_out_clocks [ array get dqs_out_clock ]
2012 |
lappend dqsn_out_clocks [ array get dqsn_out_clock ]
2013 |
2014 |
set q_group [ list ]
2015 |
for { set j 0 } { $j < $::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_dqs_group_size } { incr j } {
2016 |
set index [ expr $i * $::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_dqs_group_size + $j ]
2017 |
set q_string ${instname}|p0|umemphy|uio_pads|dq_ddio\[$i\].ubidir_dq_dqs|${dqs_inst}pad_gen\[${j}\].data_out|o
2018 |
set tmp_q_pins [ hps_sdram_p0_get_names_in_collection [ get_fanouts $q_string ] ]
2019 |
2020 |
lappend q_group $tmp_q_pins
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
if { [llength $dqs_local_pins] != 1} { post_sdc_message critical_warning "Could not find DQS pin number $i" }
2024 |
if { [llength $dqsn_local_pins] != 1} { post_sdc_message critical_warning "Could not find DQSn pin number $i" }
2025 |
if { [llength $q_group] != $::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_dqs_group_size} {
2026 |
post_sdc_message critical_warning "Could not find correct number of D pins for K pin $i. \
2027 |
Found [llength $q_group] pins. Expecting ${::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_dqs_group_size}."
2028 |
2029 |
2030 |
lappend dqs_pins [ join $dqs_local_pins ]
2031 |
lappend dqsn_pins [ join $dqsn_local_pins ]
2032 |
lappend dm_pins [ join $dm_local_pins ]
2033 |
lappend q_groups [ join $q_group ]
2034 |
2035 |
2036 |
set pins(dqs_pins) $dqs_pins
2037 |
set pins(dqsn_pins) $dqsn_pins
2038 |
set pins(dm_pins) $dm_pins
2039 |
set pins(q_groups) $q_groups
2040 |
set pins(all_dq_pins) [ join [ join $q_groups ] ]
2041 |
set pins(dqs_in_clocks) $dqs_in_clocks
2042 |
set pins(dqs_out_clocks) $dqs_out_clocks
2043 |
set pins(dqsn_out_clocks) $dqsn_out_clocks
2044 |
2045 |
set pins(all_dq_dm_pins) [ concat $pins(all_dq_pins) $pins(dm_pins) ]
2046 |
2047 |
# Other Outputs
2048 |
2049 |
set pins(ck_pins) [ list ]
2050 |
set pins(ckn_pins) [ list ]
2051 |
set pins(add_pins) [ list ]
2052 |
set pins(ba_pins) [ list ]
2053 |
set pins(cmd_pins) [ list ]
2054 |
set pins(reset_pins) [ list ]
2055 |
2056 |
set patterns [ list ]
2057 |
lappend patterns ck_pins ${instname}|p0|umemphy|uio_pads|uaddr_cmd_pads|clock_gen[*].uclk_generator|pseudo_diffa_0|o
2058 |
lappend patterns ckn_pins ${instname}|p0|umemphy|uio_pads|uaddr_cmd_pads|clock_gen[*].uclk_generator|pseudo_diffa_0|obar
2059 |
2060 |
set addr_cmd_postfix "acblock[*].ddio_out|dataout"
2061 |
lappend patterns reset_pins ${instname}|p0|umemphy|uio_pads|uaddr_cmd_pads|ureset_n_pad|${addr_cmd_postfix}
2062 |
2063 |
lappend patterns add_pins ${instname}|p0|umemphy|uio_pads|uaddr_cmd_pads|uaddress_pad|${addr_cmd_postfix}
2064 |
lappend patterns ba_pins ${instname}|p0|umemphy|uio_pads|uaddr_cmd_pads|ubank_pad|${addr_cmd_postfix}
2065 |
lappend patterns cmd_pins ${instname}|p0|umemphy|uio_pads|uaddr_cmd_pads|ucmd_pad|${addr_cmd_postfix}
2066 |
2067 |
foreach {pin_type pattern} $patterns {
2068 |
set local_pins [ hps_sdram_p0_get_names_in_collection [ get_fanouts $pattern ] ]
2069 |
if {[llength $local_pins] == 0} {
2070 |
post_message -type critical_warning "Could not find pin of type $pin_type from pattern $pattern"
2071 |
} else {
2072 |
foreach pin [lsort -unique $local_pins] {
2073 |
lappend pins($pin_type) $pin
2074 |
2075 |
2076 |
2077 |
2078 |
2079 |
set pins(ac_pins) [ concat $pins(add_pins) $pins(ba_pins) $pins(cmd_pins) $pins(reset_pins)]
2080 |
set pins(ac_wo_reset_pins) [ concat $pins(add_pins) $pins(ba_pins) $pins(cmd_pins)]
2081 |
2082 |
set pins(afi_ck_pins) ${instname}|p0|umemphy|afi_clk_reg
2083 |
set pins(dqs_enable_regs_pins) ${instname}|p0|umemphy|uio_pads|dq_ddio[*].ubidir_dq_dqs|altdq_dqs2_inst|dqs_enable_ctrl~DQSENABLEOUT_DFF
2084 |
set inst_driver ""
2085 |
set pins(driver_core_ck_pins) ""
2086 |
if {[regexp -nocase {if[0-9]$} $instname] == 1} {
2087 |
set inst_driver [regsub {if[0-9]$} $instname "d0"]
2088 |
2089 |
if {[string compare -nocase $inst_driver ""] != 0} {
2090 |
set pins(driver_core_ck_pins) ${inst_driver}|traffic_generator_0|pnf_per_bit_persist[0]
2091 |
2092 |
2093 |
2094 |
2095 |
2096 |
2097 |
set pll_ck_clock "_UNDEFINED_PIN_"
2098 |
set pll_dq_write_clock "_UNDEFINED_PIN_"
2099 |
set pll_write_clock "_UNDEFINED_PIN_"
2100 |
set pll_ref_clock "_UNDEFINED_PIN_"
2101 |
set pll_ref_clock_input_buffer "_UNDEFINED_PIN_"
2102 |
set pll_driver_core_clock "_UNDEFINED_PIN_"
2103 |
2104 |
set msg_list [ list ]
2105 |
2106 |
2107 |
set pll_ck_clock_id [hps_sdram_p0_get_output_clock_id $pins(ck_pins) "CK Output" msg_list]
2108 |
if {$pll_ck_clock_id == -1} {
2109 |
foreach {msg_type msg} $msg_list {
2110 |
post_message -type $msg_type "hps_sdram_p0_pin_map.tcl: $msg"
2111 |
2112 |
post_message -type critical_warning "hps_sdram_p0_pin_map.tcl: Failed to find PLL clock for pins [join $pins(ck_pins)]"
2113 |
} else {
2114 |
set pll_ck_clock [hps_sdram_p0_get_pll_clock_name $pll_ck_clock_id]
2115 |
2116 |
set pins(pll_ck_clock) $pll_ck_clock
2117 |
2118 |
2119 |
2120 |
if {[string compare -nocase $pins(driver_core_ck_pins) ""] != 0 && [get_collection_size [get_registers -nowarn $pins(driver_core_ck_pins)]] > 0} {
2121 |
set pll_driver_core_clock_id [hps_sdram_p0_get_output_clock_id $pins(driver_core_ck_pins) "DRIVER CORE CK" msg_list]
2122 |
if {$pll_driver_core_clock_id == -1} {
2123 |
foreach {msg_type msg} $msg_list {
2124 |
post_message -type $msg_type "hps_sdram_p0_pin_map.tcl: $msg"
2125 |
2126 |
post_message -type critical_warning "hps_sdram_p0_pin_map.tcl: Failed to find PLL clock for pins [join $pins(driver_core_ck_pins)]"
2127 |
} else {
2128 |
set pll_driver_core_clock [hps_sdram_p0_get_pll_clock_name $pll_driver_core_clock_id]
2129 |
2130 |
2131 |
set pins(pll_driver_core_clock) $pll_driver_core_clock
2132 |
2133 |
2134 |
2135 |
2136 |
set pll_dq_write_clock_id [hps_sdram_p0_get_output_clock_id [ join [ join $pins(q_groups) ]] "Write DQ CK" msg_list 20]
2137 |
if {$pll_dq_write_clock_id == -1} {
2138 |
foreach {msg_type msg} $msg_list {
2139 |
post_message -type $msg_type "hps_sdram_p0_pin_map.tcl: $msg"
2140 |
2141 |
post_message -type critical_warning "hps_sdram_p0_pin_map.tcl: Failed to find PLL clock for pins [ join [ join $pins(q_groups) ]]"
2142 |
} else {
2143 |
set pll_dq_write_clock [hps_sdram_p0_get_pll_clock_name $pll_dq_write_clock_id]
2144 |
2145 |
set pins(pll_dq_write_clock) $pll_dq_write_clock
2146 |
2147 |
2148 |
set pll_write_clock_id [hps_sdram_p0_get_output_clock_id $pins(dqs_pins) "Write CK" msg_list 20]
2149 |
if {$pll_write_clock_id == -1} {
2150 |
foreach {msg_type msg} $msg_list {
2151 |
post_message -type $msg_type "hps_sdram_p0_pin_map.tcl: $msg"
2152 |
2153 |
post_message -type critical_warning "hps_sdram_p0_pin_map.tcl: Failed to find PLL clock for pins $pins(dqs_pins)"
2154 |
} else {
2155 |
set pll_write_clock [hps_sdram_p0_get_pll_clock_name $pll_write_clock_id]
2156 |
2157 |
set pins(pll_write_clock) $pll_write_clock
2158 |
2159 |
2160 |
2161 |
2162 |
2163 |
2164 |
2165 |
set entity_names_on [ hps_sdram_p0_are_entity_names_on ]
2166 |
2167 |
# Instance name prefix
2168 |
2169 |
set prefix [ string map "| |*:" $instname ]
2170 |
set prefix "*:$prefix"
2171 |
2172 |
2173 |
2174 |
2175 |
2176 |
# Pending ALTDQ_DQS fix
2177 |
# Half rate: separate read and write ALTDQ_DQS
2178 |
# Full rate: bidirectional ALTDQ_DQS
2179 |
2180 |
set read_capture_ddio_prefix [expr { $entity_names_on ? \
2181 |
"$prefix|*:p0|*:umemphy|*:uio_pads|*:dq_ddio\[*\].ubidir_dq_dqs|*:" : \
2182 |
"$instname|p0|umemphy|uio_pads|dq_ddio\[*\].ubidir_dq_dqs|" }]
2183 |
2184 |
set read_capture_ddio [list "${read_capture_ddio_prefix}${dqs_inst}*input_path_gen\[*\].capture_reg~DFFLO" \
2185 |
2186 |
set pins(read_capture_ddio) $read_capture_ddio
2187 |
2188 |
2189 |
2190 |
2191 |
2192 |
# the output of this flop feeds the asynchronous clear pin of the reset registers and should be false pathed
2193 |
# since the deassertion of the reset is synchronous with the use of a reset pipeline
2194 |
# normal timing analysis will take care that
2195 |
set afi_reset_reg $prefix|*:p0|*:umemphy|*:ureset|*:ureset_afi_clk|reset_reg[3]
2196 |
if { ! $entity_names_on } {
2197 |
set afi_reset_reg $instname|p0|umemphy|ureset|ureset_afi_clk|reset_reg[3]
2198 |
2199 |
set pins(afi_reset_reg) $afi_reset_reg
2200 |
2201 |
2202 |
# first flop of a synchronzier
2203 |
# sequencer issues multiple resets during calibration, reset is synced over from AFI to read capture clock domain
2204 |
set sync_reg $prefix|*:p0|*:umemphy|*:uread_datapath|read_buffering[*].seq_read_fifo_reset_sync
2205 |
if { ! $entity_names_on } {
2206 |
set sync_reg $instname|p0|umemphy|uread_datapath|read_buffering[*].seq_read_fifo_reset_sync
2207 |
2208 |
set pins(sync_reg) $sync_reg
2209 |
2210 |
2211 |
2212 |
2213 |
2214 |
2215 |
set fifo_wraddress_reg $prefix|*:p0|*:umemphy|*:uread_datapath|read_buffering[*].read_subgroup[*].wraddress[*]
2216 |
if { ! $entity_names_on } {
2217 |
set fifo_wraddress_reg $instname|p0|umemphy|uread_datapath|read_buffering[*].read_subgroup[*].wraddress[*]
2218 |
2219 |
set pins(fifo_wraddress_reg) $fifo_wraddress_reg
2220 |
2221 |
set fifo_rdaddress_reg $prefix|*:p0|*:umemphy|*:uread_datapath|read_buffering[*].read_subgroup[*].rdaddress[*]
2222 |
if { ! $entity_names_on } {
2223 |
set fifo_rdaddress_reg $instname|p0|umemphy|uread_datapath|read_buffering[*].read_subgroup[*].rdaddress[*]
2224 |
2225 |
set pins(fifo_rdaddress_reg) $fifo_rdaddress_reg
2226 |
2227 |
set fifo_wrdata_reg $prefix|*:p0|*:umemphy|*:uio_pads|*:dq_ddio[*].ubidir_dq_dqs|*:altdq_dqs2_inst|input_path_gen[*].read_fifo|*INPUT_DFF*
2228 |
if { ! $entity_names_on } {
2229 |
set fifo_wrdata_reg $instname|p0|umemphy|uio_pads|dq_ddio[*].ubidir_dq_dqs|altdq_dqs2_inst|input_path_gen[*].read_fifo|*INPUT_DFF*
2230 |
2231 |
set pins(fifo_wrdata_reg) $fifo_wrdata_reg
2232 |
2233 |
set fifo_rddata_reg $prefix|*:p0|*:umemphy|*:uio_pads|*:dq_ddio[*].ubidir_dq_dqs|*:altdq_dqs2_inst|input_path_gen[*].read_fifo|dout[*]
2234 |
if { ! $entity_names_on } {
2235 |
set fifo_rddata_reg $instname|p0|umemphy|uio_pads|dq_ddio[*].ubidir_dq_dqs|altdq_dqs2_inst|input_path_gen[*].read_fifo|dout[*]
2236 |
2237 |
set pins(fifo_rddata_reg) $fifo_rddata_reg
2238 |
2239 |
2240 |
2241 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_initialize_ddr_db { ddr_db_par } {
2242 |
upvar $ddr_db_par local_ddr_db
2243 |
2244 |
global ::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_corename
2245 |
2246 |
post_sdc_message info "Initializing DDR database for CORE $::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_corename"
2247 |
set instance_list [hps_sdram_p0_get_core_instance_list $::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_corename]
2248 |
# set local_ddr_db(instance_list) $instance_list
2249 |
2250 |
foreach instname $instance_list {
2251 |
post_sdc_message info "Finding port-to-pin mapping for CORE: $::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_corename INSTANCE: $instname"
2252 |
2253 |
hps_sdram_p0_get_ddr_pins $instname allpins
2254 |
2255 |
hps_sdram_p0_verify_ddr_pins allpins
2256 |
2257 |
set local_ddr_db($instname) [ array get allpins ]
2258 |
2259 |
2260 |
2261 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_verify_ddr_pins { pins_par } {
2262 |
upvar $pins_par pins
2263 |
2264 |
# Verify Q groups
2265 |
set current_q_group_size -1
2266 |
foreach q_group $pins(q_groups) {
2267 |
set group_size [ llength $q_group ]
2268 |
if { $group_size == 0 } {
2269 |
post_message -type critical_warning "Q group of size 0"
2270 |
2271 |
if { $current_q_group_size == -1 } {
2272 |
set current_q_group_size $group_size
2273 |
} else {
2274 |
if { $current_q_group_size != $group_size } {
2275 |
post_message -type critical_warning "Inconsistent Q group size across groups"
2276 |
2277 |
2278 |
2279 |
2280 |
# Verify DM pins
2281 |
set counted_dm_pins [ llength $pins(dm_pins) ]
2282 |
if { $::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_number_of_dm_pins != $counted_dm_pins } {
2283 |
post_message -type critical_warning "Unexpected number of detected DM pins: $counted_dm_pins"
2284 |
post_message -type critical_warning " expected: $::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_number_of_dm_pins"
2285 |
2286 |
# Verify Address/Command/BA pins
2287 |
if { [ llength $pins(add_pins) ] == 0 } {
2288 |
post_message -type critical_warning "Address pins of size 0"
2289 |
2290 |
if { [ llength $pins(cmd_pins) ] == 0 } {
2291 |
post_message -type critical_warning "Command pins of size 0"
2292 |
2293 |
if { [ llength $pins(ba_pins) ] == 0 } {
2294 |
post_message -type critical_warning "BA pins of size 0"
2295 |
2296 |
if { [ llength $pins(reset_pins) ] == 0 } {
2297 |
post_message -type critical_warning "Reset pins of size 0"
2298 |
2299 |
2300 |
2301 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_all_instances_div_names { ddr_db_par } {
2302 |
upvar $ddr_db_par local_ddr_db
2303 |
2304 |
set div_names [ list ]
2305 |
set instnames [ array names local_ddr_db ]
2306 |
foreach instance $instnames {
2307 |
array set pins $local_ddr_db($instance)
2308 |
2309 |
foreach { dqs_in_clock_struct } $pins(dqs_in_clocks) {
2310 |
array set dqs_in_clock $dqs_in_clock_struct
2311 |
lappend div_names $dqs_in_clock(div_name)
2312 |
2313 |
2314 |
2315 |
return $div_names
2316 |
2317 |
2318 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_get_all_instances_dqs_pins { ddr_db_par } {
2319 |
upvar $ddr_db_par local_ddr_db
2320 |
2321 |
set dqs_pins [ list ]
2322 |
set instnames [ array names local_ddr_db ]
2323 |
foreach instance $instnames {
2324 |
array set pins $local_ddr_db($instance)
2325 |
2326 |
foreach { dqs_pin } $pins(dqs_pins) {
2327 |
lappend dqs_pins ${dqs_pin}_IN
2328 |
lappend dqs_pins ${dqs_pin}_OUT
2329 |
2330 |
foreach { dqsn_pin } $pins(dqsn_pins) {
2331 |
lappend dqs_pins ${dqsn_pin}_OUT
2332 |
2333 |
foreach { ck_pin } $pins(ck_pins) {
2334 |
lappend dqs_pins $ck_pin
2335 |
2336 |
foreach { ckn_pin } $pins(ckn_pins) {
2337 |
lappend dqs_pins $ckn_pin
2338 |
2339 |
2340 |
2341 |
return $dqs_pins
2342 |
2343 |
2344 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_dump_all_pins { ddr_db_par } {
2345 |
upvar $ddr_db_par local_ddr_db
2346 |
2347 |
set instnames [ array names local_ddr_db ]
2348 |
2349 |
set filename "${::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_corename}_all_pins.txt"
2350 |
if [ catch { open $filename w 0777 } FH ] {
2351 |
post_message -type error "Can't open file < $filename > for writing"
2352 |
2353 |
2354 |
post_message -type info "Dumping reference pin-map file: $filename"
2355 |
2356 |
set script_name [ info script ]
2357 |
puts $FH "# PIN MAP for core < $::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_corename >"
2358 |
puts $FH "#"
2359 |
puts $FH "# Generated by ${::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_corename}_pin_assignments.tcl"
2360 |
puts $FH "#"
2361 |
puts $FH "# This file is for reference only and is not used by Quartus Prime"
2362 |
puts $FH "#"
2363 |
puts $FH ""
2364 |
2365 |
foreach instance $instnames {
2366 |
array set pins $local_ddr_db($instance)
2367 |
2368 |
puts $FH "INSTANCE: $instance"
2369 |
puts $FH "DQS: $pins(dqs_pins)"
2370 |
puts $FH "DQSn: $pins(dqsn_pins)"
2371 |
puts $FH "DQ: $pins(q_groups)"
2372 |
2373 |
puts $FH "DM $pins(dm_pins)"
2374 |
2375 |
puts $FH "CK: $pins(ck_pins)"
2376 |
puts $FH "CKn: $pins(ckn_pins)"
2377 |
2378 |
puts $FH "ADD: $pins(add_pins)"
2379 |
puts $FH "CMD: $pins(cmd_pins)"
2380 |
puts $FH "RESET: $pins(reset_pins)"
2381 |
puts $FH "BA: $pins(ba_pins)"
2382 |
2383 |
puts $FH "PLL CK: $pins(pll_ck_clock)"
2384 |
puts $FH "PLL DQ WRITE: $pins(pll_dq_write_clock)"
2385 |
puts $FH "PLL WRITE: $pins(pll_write_clock)"
2386 |
puts $FH "PLL DRIVER CORE: $pins(pll_driver_core_clock)"
2387 |
2388 |
set i 0
2389 |
foreach dqs_in_clock_struct $pins(dqs_in_clocks) {
2390 |
array set dqs_in_clock $dqs_in_clock_struct
2391 |
puts $FH "DQS_IN_CLOCK DQS_PIN ($i): $dqs_in_clock(dqs_pin)"
2392 |
puts $FH "DQS_IN_CLOCK DQS_SHIFTED_PIN ($i): $dqs_in_clock(dqs_shifted_pin)"
2393 |
puts $FH "DQS_IN_CLOCK DIV_NAME ($i): $dqs_in_clock(div_name)"
2394 |
puts $FH "DQS_IN_CLOCK DIV_PIN ($i): $dqs_in_clock(div_pin)"
2395 |
2396 |
incr i
2397 |
2398 |
2399 |
set i 0
2400 |
foreach dqs_out_clock_struct $pins(dqs_out_clocks) {
2401 |
array set dqs_out_clock $dqs_out_clock_struct
2402 |
puts $FH "DQS_OUT_CLOCK SRC ($i): $dqs_out_clock(src)"
2403 |
puts $FH "DQS_OUT_CLOCK DST ($i): $dqs_out_clock(dst)"
2404 |
puts $FH "DQS_OUT_CLOCK DM ($i): $dqs_out_clock(dm_pin)"
2405 |
2406 |
incr i
2407 |
2408 |
2409 |
set i 0
2410 |
foreach dqsn_out_clock_struct $pins(dqsn_out_clocks) {
2411 |
array set dqsn_out_clock $dqsn_out_clock_struct
2412 |
puts $FH "DQSN_OUT_CLOCK SRC ($i): $dqsn_out_clock(src)"
2413 |
puts $FH "DQSN_OUT_CLOCK DST ($i): $dqsn_out_clock(dst)"
2414 |
puts $FH "DQSN_OUT_CLOCK DM ($i): $dqsn_out_clock(dm_pin)"
2415 |
2416 |
incr i
2417 |
2418 |
2419 |
puts $FH "READ CAPTURE DDIO: $pins(read_capture_ddio)"
2420 |
puts $FH "AFI RESET REGISTERS: $pins(afi_reset_reg)"
2421 |
puts $FH "SYNCHRONIZERS: $pins(sync_reg)"
2422 |
2423 |
puts $FH "SYNCHRONIZATION FIFO WRITE REGISTERS: $pins(fifo_wrdata_reg)"
2424 |
puts $FH "SYNCHRONIZATION FIFO READ REGISTERS: $pins(fifo_rddata_reg)"
2425 |
2426 |
puts $FH ""
2427 |
puts $FH "#"
2428 |
puts $FH "# END OF INSTANCE: $instance"
2429 |
puts $FH ""
2430 |
2431 |
2432 |
close $FH
2433 |
2434 |
proc hps_sdram_p0_dump_static_pin_map { ddr_db_par filename } {
2435 |
upvar $ddr_db_par local_ddr_db
2436 |
2437 |
set instnames [ array names local_ddr_db ]
2438 |
2439 |
if [ catch { open $filename w 0777 } FH ] {
2440 |
post_message -type error "Can't open file < $filename > for writing"
2441 |
2442 |
2443 |
post_message -type info "Dumping static pin-map file: $filename"
2444 |
2445 |
puts $FH "# AUTO-GENERATED static pin map for core < $::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_corename >"
2446 |
puts $FH ""
2447 |
puts $FH "proc ${::GLOBAL_hps_sdram_p0_corename}_initialize_static_ddr_db { ddr_db_par } {"
2448 |
puts $FH " upvar \$ddr_db_par local_ddr_db"
2449 |
puts $FH ""
2450 |
2451 |
foreach instname $instnames {
2452 |
array set pins $local_ddr_db($instname)
2453 |
2454 |
puts $FH " # Pin Mapping for instance: $instname"
2455 |
2456 |
hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_list $FH pins dqs_pins
2457 |
hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_list $FH pins dqsn_pins
2458 |
2459 |
hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_list_of_list $FH pins q_groups
2460 |
2461 |
puts $FH ""
2462 |
puts $FH " set pins(all_dq_pins) \[ join \[ join \$pins(q_groups) \] \]"
2463 |
2464 |
hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_list $FH pins dm_pins
2465 |
2466 |
hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_list $FH pins ck_pins
2467 |
hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_list $FH pins ckn_pins
2468 |
2469 |
hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_list $FH pins add_pins
2470 |
hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_list $FH pins cmd_pins
2471 |
hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_list $FH pins reset_pins
2472 |
hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_list $FH pins ba_pins
2473 |
2474 |
puts $FH ""
2475 |
puts $FH " set pins(ac_pins) \[ concat \$pins(add_pins) \$pins(ba_pins) \$pins(cmd_pins) \$pins(reset_pins)\]"
2476 |
2477 |
hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_string $FH pins pll_ck_clock
2478 |
hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_string $FH pins pll_dq_write_clock
2479 |
hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_string $FH pins pll_write_clock
2480 |
hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_string $FH pins pll_driver_core_clock
2481 |
2482 |
puts $FH ""
2483 |
puts $FH " set dqs_in_clocks \[ list \]"
2484 |
set i 0
2485 |
foreach dqs_in_clock_struct $pins(dqs_in_clocks) {
2486 |
array set dqs_in_clock $dqs_in_clock_struct
2487 |
puts $FH " # DIV Clock ($i)"
2488 |
puts $FH " set dqs_in_clock(dqs_pin) $dqs_in_clock(dqs_pin)"
2489 |
puts $FH " set dqs_in_clock(dqs_shifted_pin) $dqs_in_clock(dqs_shifted_pin)"
2490 |
puts $FH " set dqs_in_clock(div_name) $dqs_in_clock(div_name)"
2491 |
puts $FH " set dqs_in_clock(div_pin) $dqs_in_clock(div_pin)"
2492 |
2493 |
puts $FH " lappend dqs_in_clocks \[ array get dqs_in_clock \]"
2494 |
2495 |
incr i
2496 |
2497 |
puts $FH " set pins(dqs_in_clocks) \$dqs_in_clocks"
2498 |
2499 |
2500 |
puts $FH ""
2501 |
puts $FH " set dqs_out_clocks \[ list \]"
2502 |
set i 0
2503 |
foreach dqs_out_clock_struct $pins(dqs_out_clocks) {
2504 |
array set dqs_out_clock $dqs_out_clock_struct
2505 |
puts $FH " # DQS OUT Clock ($i)"
2506 |
puts $FH " set dqs_out_clock(src) $dqs_out_clock(src)"
2507 |
puts $FH " set dqs_out_clock(dst) $dqs_out_clock(dst)"
2508 |
puts $FH " set dqs_out_clock(dm_pin) $dqs_out_clock(dm_pin)"
2509 |
puts $FH " lappend dqs_out_clocks \[ array get dqs_out_clock \]"
2510 |
2511 |
incr i
2512 |
2513 |
puts $FH " set pins(dqs_out_clocks) \$dqs_out_clocks"
2514 |
2515 |
puts $FH ""
2516 |
puts $FH " set dqsn_out_clocks \[ list \]"
2517 |
set i 0
2518 |
foreach dqsn_out_clock_struct $pins(dqsn_out_clocks) {
2519 |
array set dqsn_out_clock $dqsn_out_clock_struct
2520 |
puts $FH " # DQSN OUT Clock ($i)"
2521 |
puts $FH " set dqsn_out_clock(src) $dqsn_out_clock(src)"
2522 |
puts $FH " set dqsn_out_clock(dst) $dqsn_out_clock(dst)"
2523 |
puts $FH " set dqsn_out_clock(dm_pin) $dqsn_out_clock(dm_pin)"
2524 |
puts $FH " lappend dqsn_out_clocks \[ array get dqsn_out_clock \]"
2525 |
2526 |
incr i
2527 |
2528 |
puts $FH " set pins(dqsn_out_clocks) \$dqsn_out_clocks"
2529 |
2530 |
hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_string $FH pins read_capture_ddio
2531 |
hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_string $FH pins afi_reset_reg
2532 |
hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_string $FH pins sync_reg
2533 |
hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_string $FH pins fifo_wraddress_reg
2534 |
hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_string $FH pins fifo_wrdata_reg
2535 |
hps_sdram_p0_static_map_expand_string $FH pins fifo_rddata_reg
2536 |
2537 |
puts $FH ""
2538 |
puts $FH " set local_ddr_db($instname) \[ array get pins \]"
2539 |
2540 |
2541 |
puts $FH "}"
2542 |
2543 |
close $FH
2544 |