1 |
19 |
sckoarn |
2 |
-- Copyright -----------------------------------
3 |
-- All Rights Reserved
4 |
5 |
-- $Author: $
6 |
7 |
-- $date: $
8 |
9 |
-- $Id: $
10 |
11 |
-- $Source: $
12 |
13 |
-- Description :
14 |
-- This file was generated by TTB Gen Plus Beta 2.0
15 |
-- on 01 May 2011 20:35:06
16 |
17 |
-- This software contains concepts confidential to ----------------
18 |
-- ---------. and is only made available within the terms of a written
19 |
-- agreement.
20 |
21 |
-- Revision History:
22 |
-- $Log: $
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
architecture bhv of packet_gen_tb is
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
signal tb_clk : std_logic;
32 |
33 |
34 |
-- Component defintion
35 |
36 |
37 |
-- USER Component instantiations
38 |
--for all: Arbitor use entity tb_objects.arbitor(bhv);
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
-- clock driver process
45 |
-- the main clock generator
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
tb_clk <= '0';
50 |
wait for 20 ns;
51 |
tb_clk <= '1';
52 |
wait for 20 ns;
53 |
end process clock_driver;
54 |
55 |
56 |
-- Read_file Process:
57 |
58 |
-- This process is the main process of the testbench. This process reads
59 |
-- the stumulus file, parses it, creates lists of records, then uses these
60 |
-- lists to exicute user instructions. There are two passes through the
61 |
-- script. Pass one reads in the stimulus text file, checks it, creates
62 |
-- lists of valid instructions, valid list of variables and finialy a list
63 |
-- of user instructions(the sequence). The second pass through the file,
64 |
-- records are drawn from the user instruction list, variables are converted
65 |
-- to integers and put through the elsif structure for exicution.
66 |
67 |
Read_file: process
68 |
variable current_line : text_line; -- The current input line
69 |
variable inst_list : inst_def_ptr; -- the instruction list
70 |
variable defined_vars : var_field_ptr; -- defined variables
71 |
variable inst_sequ : stim_line_ptr; -- the instruction sequence
72 |
variable file_list : file_def_ptr; -- pointer to the list of file names
73 |
variable last_sequ_num: integer;
74 |
variable last_sequ_ptr: stim_line_ptr;
75 |
76 |
variable instruction : text_field; -- instruction field
77 |
variable par1 : integer; -- paramiter 1
78 |
variable par2 : integer; -- paramiter 2
79 |
variable par3 : integer; -- paramiter 3
80 |
variable par4 : integer; -- paramiter 4
81 |
variable par5 : integer; -- paramiter 5
82 |
variable par6 : integer; -- paramiter 6
83 |
variable txt : stm_text_ptr;
84 |
variable nbase : base; -- the number base to use
85 |
variable len : integer; -- length of the instruction field
86 |
variable file_line : integer; -- Line number in the stimulus file
87 |
variable file_name : text_line; -- the file name the line came from
88 |
variable v_line : integer := 0; -- sequence number
89 |
variable stack : stack_register; -- Call stack
90 |
variable stack_ptr : integer := 0; -- call stack pointer
91 |
variable wh_stack : stack_register; -- while stack
92 |
variable wh_dpth : integer := 0; -- while depth
93 |
variable wh_ptr : integer := 0; -- while pointer
94 |
variable loop_num : integer := 0;
95 |
variable curr_loop_count : int_array := (others => 0);
96 |
variable term_loop_count : int_array := (others => 0);
97 |
variable loop_line : int_array := (others => 0);
98 |
99 |
variable messages : boolean := TRUE;
100 |
variable if_state : boolean := FALSE;
101 |
variable wh_state : boolean := FALSE;
102 |
variable wh_end : boolean := FALSE;
103 |
variable rand : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
104 |
variable rand_back : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
105 |
variable valid : integer;
106 |
107 |
-- scratchpad variables
108 |
variable i : integer;
109 |
variable temp_int : integer;
110 |
variable temp_index : integer;
111 |
variable temp_str : text_field;
112 |
variable v_temp_vec1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
113 |
variable v_temp_vec2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
114 |
115 |
116 |
-- Area for Procedures which may be usefull to more than one instruction.
117 |
-- By coding here commonly used code sections ...
118 |
-- you know the benifits.
119 |
120 |
121 |
-- This procedure writes to the arbitor model access port
122 |
-- procedure arb_write(add: in integer; .....
123 |
-- end arb_write;
124 |
125 |
126 |
begin -- process Read_file
127 |
128 |
request <= '0';
129 |
stm_in <= stm_neut;
130 |
--fname <= "";
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 |
-- Stimulus file instruction definition
135 |
-- This is where the instructions used in the stimulus file are defined.
136 |
-- Syntax is
137 |
-- define_instruction(inst_def_ptr, instruction, paramiters)
138 |
-- inst_def_ptr: is a record pointer defined in tb_pkg_header
139 |
-- instruction: the text instruction name ie. "ADD_VAR"
140 |
-- paramiters: the number of fields or paramiters passed
141 |
142 |
-- Some basic instruction are created here, the user should create new
143 |
-- instructions below the standard ones.
144 |
145 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "DEFINE_VAR", 2); -- Define a Variable
146 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "EQU_VAR", 2);
147 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "ADD_VAR", 2);
148 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "SUB_VAR", 2);
149 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "CALL", 1);
150 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "RETURN_CALL", 0);
151 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "JUMP", 1);
152 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "LOOP", 1);
153 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "END_LOOP", 0);
154 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "IF", 3);
155 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "ELSEIF", 3);
156 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "ELSE", 0);
157 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "END_IF", 0);
158 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "WHILE", 3);
159 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "END_WHILE", 0);
160 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "MESSAGES_OFF", 0);
161 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "MESSAGES_ON", 0);
162 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "ABORT", 0); -- Error exit from sim
163 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "FINISH", 0); -- Normal exit from sim
164 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "INCLUDE", 1); -- Include a script file
165 |
-- Start User defined instructions
166 |
167 |
-- End User defined instructions
168 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "RESET_SYS", 0);
169 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "REQUEST", 0);
170 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "WRITE_STM", 2);
171 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "SET_FN", 0);
172 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "TEST_INST", 7);
173 |
174 |
-- Read, test, and load the stimulus file
175 |
read_instruction_file(stimulus_file, inst_list, defined_vars, inst_sequ,
176 |
177 |
178 |
-- initialize last info
179 |
last_sequ_num := 0;
180 |
last_sequ_ptr := inst_sequ;
181 |
182 |
-- Using the Instruction record list, get the instruction and implement
183 |
-- it as per the statements in the elsif tree.
184 |
while(v_line < inst_sequ.num_of_lines) loop
185 |
v_line := v_line + 1;
186 |
access_inst_sequ(inst_sequ, defined_vars, file_list, v_line, instruction,
187 |
par1, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6, txt, len, file_name, file_line,
188 |
last_sequ_num, last_sequ_ptr);
189 |
190 |
191 |
--if(instruction(1 to len) = "DEFINE_VAR") then
192 |
-- null; -- This instruction was implemented while reading the file
193 |
194 |
195 |
if(instruction(1 to len) = "INCLUDE") then
196 |
null; -- This instruction was implemented while reading the file
197 |
198 |
199 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "ABORT") then
200 |
assert (false)
201 |
report "The test has aborted due to an error!!"
202 |
severity failure;
203 |
204 |
205 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "FINISH") then
206 |
assert (false)
207 |
report "Test Finished with NO errors!!"
208 |
severity failure;
209 |
210 |
211 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "EQU_VAR") then
212 |
update_variable(defined_vars, par1, par2, valid);
213 |
214 |
215 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "ADD_VAR") then
216 |
index_variable(defined_vars, par1, temp_int, valid);
217 |
if(valid /= 0) then
218 |
temp_int := temp_int + par2;
219 |
update_variable(defined_vars, par1, temp_int, valid);
220 |
221 |
assert (false)
222 |
report "ADD_VAR Error: Not a valid Variable??"
223 |
severity failure;
224 |
end if;
225 |
226 |
227 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "SUB_VAR") then
228 |
index_variable(defined_vars, par1, temp_int, valid);
229 |
if(valid /= 0) then
230 |
temp_int := temp_int - par2;
231 |
update_variable(defined_vars, par1, temp_int, valid);
232 |
233 |
assert (false)
234 |
report "SUB_VAR Error: Not a valid Variable??"
235 |
severity failure;
236 |
end if;
237 |
238 |
239 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "CALL") then
240 |
if(stack_ptr >= 7) then
241 |
assert (false)
242 |
report "Call Error: Stack over run, calls to deeply nested!!"
243 |
severity failure;
244 |
end if;
245 |
stack(stack_ptr) := v_line;
246 |
stack_ptr := stack_ptr + 1;
247 |
v_line := par1 - 1;
248 |
249 |
250 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "RETURN_CALL") then
251 |
if(stack_ptr <= 0) then
252 |
assert (false)
253 |
report "Call Error: Stack under run??"
254 |
severity failure;
255 |
end if;
256 |
stack_ptr := stack_ptr - 1;
257 |
v_line := stack(stack_ptr);
258 |
259 |
260 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "JUMP") then
261 |
v_line := par1 - 1;
262 |
wh_state := false;
263 |
wh_stack := (others => 0);
264 |
wh_dpth := 0;
265 |
wh_ptr := 0;
266 |
stack := (others => 0);
267 |
stack_ptr := 0;
268 |
269 |
270 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "LOOP") then
271 |
loop_num := loop_num + 1;
272 |
loop_line(loop_num) := v_line;
273 |
curr_loop_count(loop_num) := 0;
274 |
term_loop_count(loop_num) := par1;
275 |
assert (messages)
276 |
report LF & "Executing LOOP Command" &
277 |
LF & " Nested Loop:" & HT & integer'image(loop_num) &
278 |
LF & " Loop Length:" & HT & integer'image(par1)
279 |
severity note;
280 |
281 |
282 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "END_LOOP") then
283 |
curr_loop_count(loop_num) := curr_loop_count(loop_num) + 1;
284 |
if (curr_loop_count(loop_num) = term_loop_count(loop_num)) then
285 |
loop_num := loop_num - 1;
286 |
287 |
v_line := loop_line(loop_num);
288 |
end if;
289 |
290 |
291 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "IF") then
292 |
if_state := false;
293 |
case par2 is
294 |
when 0 => if(par1 = par3) then if_state := true; end if;
295 |
when 1 => if(par1 > par3) then if_state := true; end if;
296 |
when 2 => if(par1 < par3) then if_state := true; end if;
297 |
when 3 => if(par1 /= par3) then if_state := true; end if;
298 |
when 4 => if(par1 >= par3) then if_state := true; end if;
299 |
when 5 => if(par1 <= par3) then if_state := true; end if;
300 |
when others =>
301 |
assert (false)
302 |
report LF & "ERROR: IF instruction got an unexpected value" &
303 |
LF & " in parameter 2!" & LF &
304 |
"Found on line " & integer'image(file_line) & " in file " & file_name
305 |
severity failure;
306 |
end case;
307 |
308 |
if(if_state = false) then
309 |
v_line := v_line + 1;
310 |
access_inst_sequ(inst_sequ, defined_vars, file_list, v_line, instruction,
311 |
par1, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6, txt, len, file_name, file_line,
312 |
last_sequ_num, last_sequ_ptr);
313 |
while(instruction(1 to len) /= "ELSE" and
314 |
instruction(1 to len) /= "ELSEIF" and
315 |
instruction(1 to len) /= "END_IF") loop
316 |
if(v_line < inst_sequ.num_of_lines) then
317 |
v_line := v_line + 1;
318 |
access_inst_sequ(inst_sequ, defined_vars, file_list, v_line, instruction,
319 |
par1, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6, txt, len, file_name, file_line,
320 |
last_sequ_num, last_sequ_ptr);
321 |
322 |
assert (false)
323 |
report LF & "ERROR: IF instruction unable to find terminating" &
324 |
LF & " ELSE, ELSEIF or END_IF statement."
325 |
severity failure;
326 |
end if;
327 |
end loop;
328 |
v_line := v_line - 1; -- re-align so it will be operated on.
329 |
end if;
330 |
331 |
332 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "ELSEIF") then
333 |
if(if_state = true) then -- if the if_state is true then skip to the end
334 |
v_line := v_line + 1;
335 |
access_inst_sequ(inst_sequ, defined_vars, file_list, v_line, instruction,
336 |
par1, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6, txt, len, file_name, file_line,
337 |
last_sequ_num, last_sequ_ptr);
338 |
while(instruction(1 to len) /= "END_IF") loop
339 |
if(v_line < inst_sequ.num_of_lines) then
340 |
v_line := v_line + 1;
341 |
access_inst_sequ(inst_sequ, defined_vars, file_list, v_line, instruction,
342 |
par1, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6, txt, len, file_name, file_line,
343 |
last_sequ_num, last_sequ_ptr);
344 |
345 |
assert (false)
346 |
report LF & "ERROR: IF instruction unable to find terminating" &
347 |
LF & " ELSE, ELSEIF or END_IF statement."
348 |
severity failure;
349 |
end if;
350 |
end loop;
351 |
v_line := v_line - 1; -- re-align so it will be operated on.
352 |
353 |
354 |
case par2 is
355 |
when 0 => if(par1 = par3) then if_state := true; end if;
356 |
when 1 => if(par1 > par3) then if_state := true; end if;
357 |
when 2 => if(par1 < par3) then if_state := true; end if;
358 |
when 3 => if(par1 /= par3) then if_state := true; end if;
359 |
when 4 => if(par1 >= par3) then if_state := true; end if;
360 |
when 5 => if(par1 <= par3) then if_state := true; end if;
361 |
when others =>
362 |
assert (false)
363 |
report LF & "ERROR: ELSEIF instruction got an unexpected value" &
364 |
LF & " in parameter 2!" & LF &
365 |
"Found on line " & integer'image(file_line) & " in file " & file_name
366 |
severity failure;
367 |
end case;
368 |
369 |
if(if_state = false) then
370 |
v_line := v_line + 1;
371 |
access_inst_sequ(inst_sequ, defined_vars, file_list, v_line, instruction,
372 |
par1, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6, txt, len, file_name, file_line,
373 |
last_sequ_num, last_sequ_ptr);
374 |
while(instruction(1 to len) /= "ELSE" and
375 |
instruction(1 to len) /= "ELSEIF" and
376 |
instruction(1 to len) /= "END_IF") loop
377 |
if(v_line < inst_sequ.num_of_lines) then
378 |
v_line := v_line + 1;
379 |
access_inst_sequ(inst_sequ, defined_vars, file_list, v_line, instruction,
380 |
par1, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6, txt, len, file_name, file_line,
381 |
last_sequ_num, last_sequ_ptr);
382 |
383 |
assert (false)
384 |
report LF & "ERROR: ELSEIF instruction unable to find terminating" &
385 |
LF & " ELSE, ELSEIF or END_IF statement."
386 |
severity failure;
387 |
end if;
388 |
end loop;
389 |
v_line := v_line - 1; -- re-align so it will be operated on.
390 |
end if;
391 |
end if;
392 |
393 |
394 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "ELSE") then
395 |
if(if_state = true) then -- if the if_state is true then skip the else
396 |
v_line := v_line + 1;
397 |
access_inst_sequ(inst_sequ, defined_vars, file_list, v_line, instruction,
398 |
par1, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6, txt, len, file_name, file_line,
399 |
last_sequ_num, last_sequ_ptr);
400 |
while(instruction(1 to len) /= "END_IF") loop
401 |
if(v_line < inst_sequ.num_of_lines) then
402 |
v_line := v_line + 1;
403 |
access_inst_sequ(inst_sequ, defined_vars, file_list, v_line, instruction,
404 |
par1, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6, txt, len, file_name, file_line,
405 |
last_sequ_num, last_sequ_ptr);
406 |
407 |
assert (false)
408 |
report LF & "ERROR: IF instruction unable to find terminating" &
409 |
LF & " ELSE, ELSEIF or END_IF statement."
410 |
severity failure;
411 |
end if;
412 |
end loop;
413 |
v_line := v_line - 1; -- re-align so it will be operated on.
414 |
end if;
415 |
416 |
417 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "END_IF") then
418 |
null; -- instruction is a place holder for finding the end of IF.
419 |
420 |
421 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "WHILE") then
422 |
wh_state := false;
423 |
case par2 is
424 |
when 0 => if(par1 = par3) then wh_state := true; end if;
425 |
when 1 => if(par1 > par3) then wh_state := true; end if;
426 |
when 2 => if(par1 < par3) then wh_state := true; end if;
427 |
when 3 => if(par1 /= par3) then wh_state := true; end if;
428 |
when 4 => if(par1 >= par3) then wh_state := true; end if;
429 |
when 5 => if(par1 <= par3) then wh_state := true; end if;
430 |
when others =>
431 |
assert (false)
432 |
report LF & "ERROR: WHILE instruction got an unexpected value" &
433 |
LF & " in parameter 2!" & LF &
434 |
"Found on line " & integer'image(file_line) & " in file " & file_name
435 |
severity failure;
436 |
end case;
437 |
438 |
if(wh_state = true) then
439 |
wh_stack(wh_ptr) := v_line;
440 |
wh_ptr := wh_ptr + 1;
441 |
442 |
wh_end := false;
443 |
while(wh_end /= true) loop
444 |
if(v_line < inst_sequ.num_of_lines) then
445 |
v_line := v_line + 1;
446 |
access_inst_sequ(inst_sequ, defined_vars, file_list, v_line, instruction,
447 |
par1, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6, txt, len, file_name, file_line,
448 |
last_sequ_num, last_sequ_ptr);
449 |
450 |
assert (false)
451 |
report LF & "ERROR: WHILE instruction unable to find terminating" &
452 |
LF & " END_WHILE statement."
453 |
severity failure;
454 |
end if;
455 |
456 |
-- if is a while need to escape it
457 |
if(instruction(1 to len) = "WHILE") then
458 |
wh_dpth := wh_dpth + 1;
459 |
-- if is the end_while we are looking for
460 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "END_WHILE") then
461 |
if(wh_dpth = 0) then
462 |
wh_end := true;
463 |
464 |
wh_dpth := wh_dpth - 1;
465 |
end if;
466 |
end if;
467 |
end loop;
468 |
end if;
469 |
470 |
471 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "END_WHILE") then
472 |
if(wh_ptr > 0) then
473 |
v_line := wh_stack(wh_ptr - 1) - 1;
474 |
wh_ptr := wh_ptr - 1;
475 |
end if;
476 |
477 |
478 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "MESSAGES_OFF") then
479 |
messages := TRUE;
480 |
481 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "MESSAGES_ON") then
482 |
messages := FALSE;
483 |
484 |
485 |
486 |
487 |
-- USER Istruction area. Add all user instructions below this
488 |
489 |
490 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "RESET_SYS") then
491 |
STM_IN.rst_n <= '1';
492 |
wait until tb_clk'event and tb_clk = '1';
493 |
STM_IN.rst_n <= '0';
494 |
wait until tb_clk'event and tb_clk = '1';
495 |
STM_IN.rst_n <= '1';
496 |
wait for 0 ps;
497 |
498 |
499 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "SET_FN") then
500 |
i := 1;
501 |
while(txt(i) /= nul) loop
502 |
fname(i) <= txt(i);
503 |
i := i + 1;
504 |
end loop;
505 |
506 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "REQUEST") then
507 |
request <= '1';
508 |
wait until tb_clk'event and tb_clk = '0';
509 |
request <= '0';
510 |
wait until tb_clk'event and tb_clk = '1';
511 |
512 |
513 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "WRITE_STM") then
514 |
v_temp_vec1 := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(par1, 32));
515 |
v_temp_vec2 := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(par2, 32));
516 |
STM_IN.addr <= v_temp_vec1;
517 |
STM_IN.wdat <= v_temp_vec2;
518 |
STM_IN.rwn <= '0';
519 |
wait for 1 ps;
520 |
STM_IN.req_n <= '0';
521 |
wait until STM_OUT.ack_n'event and STM_OUT.ack_n = '0';
522 |
STM_IN.req_n <= '1';
523 |
STM_IN.addr <= (others => 'Z');
524 |
STM_IN.wdat <= (others => 'Z');
525 |
STM_IN.rwn <= '1';
526 |
wait for 1 ps;
527 |
528 |
529 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "TEST_INST") then
530 |
temp_int := 0;
531 |
if(par1 >= 0) then
532 |
temp_int := temp_int + 1;
533 |
if(par2 >= 0) then
534 |
temp_int := temp_int + 1;
535 |
if(par3 >= 0) then
536 |
temp_int := temp_int + 1;
537 |
if(par4 >= 0) then
538 |
temp_int := temp_int + 1;
539 |
if(par5 >= 0) then
540 |
temp_int := temp_int + 1;
541 |
if(par6 >= 0) then
542 |
temp_int := temp_int + 1;
543 |
end if;
544 |
end if;
545 |
end if;
546 |
end if;
547 |
end if;
548 |
end if;
549 |
print("TEST_INST had " & integer'image(temp_int) & " parameters passed.");
550 |
551 |
552 |
-- USER Istruction area. Add all user instructions above this
553 |
554 |
555 |
-- catch those little mistakes
556 |
557 |
assert (false)
558 |
report LF & "ERROR: Seems the command " & instruction(1 to len) & " was defined but" & LF &
559 |
"was not found in the elsif chain, please check spelling."
560 |
severity failure;
561 |
end if; -- else if structure end
562 |
-- after the instruction is finished print out any txt and sub vars
563 |
txt_print_wvar(defined_vars, txt, hex);
564 |
end loop; -- Main Loop end
565 |
566 |
assert (false)
567 |
report LF & "The end of the simulation! It was not terminated as expected." & LF
568 |
severity failure;
569 |
570 |
end process Read_file;
571 |
572 |
573 |
end bhv;
574 |
575 |
-- Revision History:
576 |
-- version 1.4
577 |
-- $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
578 |
-- Revision 1.3 2007/11/14 02:35:56 sckoarn
579 |
-- Fix to WHILE instruction: Change if_state typo to wh_state
580 |
581 |
-- Revision 1.2 2007/09/02 04:04:04 sckoarn
582 |
-- Update of version 1.2 tb_pkg
583 |
-- See documentation for details
584 |
585 |
-- Revision 2007/04/06 04:06:48 sckoarn
586 |
-- Import of the vhld_tb
587 |
588 |
589 |