1 |
19 |
sckoarn |
2 |
-- Copyright 2011 Ken Campbell
3 |
-- All Rights Reserved
4 |
5 |
-- $Author: ken $
6 |
7 |
-- $date: $
8 |
9 |
-- $Id: $
10 |
11 |
-- $Source: $
12 |
13 |
-- Description :
14 |
-- Code snipets from / for various VHDL Test Bench Facilities.
15 |
16 |
-- Contents:
17 |
-- Section 1: Code from Usage Tips: Interrupts and Waiting.
18 |
-- Section 2: Code from CPU emulation: some starter commands
19 |
-- Section 3: Code for internal test bench implementation
20 |
-- Section 4: Code for Verify commands
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
-- Section 1: Interrupts and Waiting.
28 |
architecture bhv of tb_xxx is
29 |
-- ...
30 |
constant MAX_TIME : integer := 60000;
31 |
-- ...
32 |
33 |
Read_file : process
34 |
-- ...
35 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "WAIT_IRQ", 0);
36 |
-- ...
37 |
38 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "WAIT_IRQ") then
39 |
temp_int := 0; -- initialize counter
40 |
while(dut_irq /= '1') then -- while IRQ not asserted
41 |
wait for clk'event and clk = '1'; -- wait for clock cycle
42 |
temp_int := temp_int + 1; -- add one to clock counter
43 |
assert (temp_int /= MAX_TIME) -- if count = max time quit.
44 |
report "Error: Time out while waiting for IRQ!!"
45 |
severity failure;
46 |
end loop;
47 |
48 |
49 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "MAX_WAIT_SET", 1);
50 |
-- ...
51 |
52 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "MAX_WAIT_SET") then
53 |
MAX_TIME <= par1; -- set the max
54 |
wait for 0 ps;
55 |
56 |
architecture bhv of tb_xxx is
57 |
-- ...
58 |
signal irq_expect : boolean := false;
59 |
-- ...
60 |
Read_file : process
61 |
-- ...
62 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "EXPECT_IRQ", 1);
63 |
-- ...
64 |
65 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "EXPECT_IRQ") then
66 |
if(par1 = 0) then
67 |
irq_expect <= false;
68 |
69 |
irq_expect <= true;
70 |
end if;
71 |
wait for 0 ps;
72 |
-- ...
73 |
end process Read_file;
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
process(clk, dut_irq)
78 |
79 |
-- on the falling edge, assume rising edge assertion, one clock wide
80 |
if(clk'event and clk = '0') then
81 |
if(dut_irq = '1') then
82 |
if(irq_expect = true) then
83 |
assert (false)
84 |
report "NOTE: An expected IRQ occurred."
85 |
severity note;
86 |
87 |
assert (false)
88 |
report "ERROR: An unexpected IRQ occurred."
89 |
severity failure;
90 |
end if;
91 |
end if;
92 |
end if;
93 |
end process irq_mon;
94 |
-- END Section 1:
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
-- Section 2: CPU Emulation Commands
101 |
-- starting from the top of the bhv architecture
102 |
architecture bhv of xxx_tb is
103 |
-- create type for cpu array of registers
104 |
-- Type needed for CPU registers, it can be resized if needed
105 |
type cpu_reg_array is array(0 to 7) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
106 |
-- optional constant to help test for zero
107 |
constant zeros : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0');
108 |
-- ...
109 |
-- ...
110 |
111 |
Read_file: process
112 |
-- ... variable definitions
113 |
114 |
-- CCR def
115 |
-- bit 0 zero, will be set when results are zero
116 |
-- bit 1 equal, will be set when compared values are equal
117 |
-- bit 2 greater than, will be set when source1 is > source2
118 |
-- bit 3 less than, will be set when source1 is < source2
119 |
-- others undefined
120 |
variable v_reg_ccr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- condition code register
121 |
variable v_regs : cpu_reg_array; -- Create variable of cpu regs
122 |
variable v_tmp_bit : std_logic; -- nice place to store a bit temp
123 |
variable v_read_data : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
124 |
-- ...
125 |
begin -- process Read_file
126 |
-- ...
127 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "READ_TO_REG", 2);
128 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "REG_TO_VAR", 2);
129 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "MOV", 2);
130 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "MOVI", 2);
131 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "AND", 3);
132 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "ANDI", 3);
133 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "OR", 3);
134 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "NOT", 2);
135 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "XOR", 3);
136 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "SLL", 2);
137 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "SLR", 2);
138 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "CMP", 2);
139 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "BE", 1);
140 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "BZ", 1);
141 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "BB", 4);
142 |
143 |
144 |
-- Read, test, and load the stimulus file
145 |
read_instruction_file(stimulus_file, inst_list, defined_vars, inst_sequ,
146 |
147 |
-- initialize last info
148 |
last_sequ_num := 0;
149 |
last_sequ_ptr := inst_sequ;
150 |
-- initialize registers -- this is the zering of the registers and CCR
151 |
v_regs := (others => (others => '0'));
152 |
v_reg_ccr := (others => '0');
153 |
-- ...
154 |
155 |
156 |
-- Read a addressed location to the local register array
157 |
-- par1 address
158 |
-- par2 target reg (index)
159 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "READ_TO_REG") then
160 |
v_temp_vec1 := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(par1, 32));
161 |
STM_ADD <= v_temp_vec1;
162 |
STM_DAT <= (others => 'Z');
163 |
STM_RWN <= '1';
164 |
wait for 1 ps;
165 |
STM_REQ_N <= '0';
166 |
wait until STM_ACK_N'event and STM_ACK_N = '0';
167 |
STM_REQ_N <= '1';
168 |
STM_ADD <= (others => 'Z');
169 |
v_read_data := STM_DAT;
170 |
v_regs(par2) := STM_DAT;
171 |
STM_RWN <= '1';
172 |
wait for 1 ps;
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 |
-- Write a register array value to a Variable.
177 |
-- par1 target reg (index)
178 |
-- par2 Variable to update with value from target reg
179 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "REG_TO_VAR") then
180 |
temp_int := to_uninteger(v_regs(par1)); --<< NEW to_uninteger conversion function
181 |
update_variable(defined_vars, par2, temp_int, valid);
182 |
-- the to_uninteger function was added because to add the function through
183 |
-- std_developerskit overflowed my PE student simulator. I am tired of
184 |
-- conversion and created my own function, tb_pkg contained. see additional
185 |
-- code at the bottom of this section. You can replace this with functions
186 |
-- you usually use, or use std_developerskit if you are on real tools.
187 |
188 |
-- MOV
189 |
-- Move one register contents to another register. Source contents maintained
190 |
-- par1 reg1 index
191 |
-- par2 reg2 index
192 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "MOV") then
193 |
v_regs(par2) := v_regs(par1);
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 |
-- Move value passed to destination register
198 |
-- par1 value
199 |
-- par2 reg index
200 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "MOVI") then
201 |
v_regs(par2) := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(par1, 32));
202 |
203 |
204 |
-- AND
205 |
-- AND two registers and write results to target register
206 |
-- par1 reg1 index
207 |
-- par2 reg2 index
208 |
-- par3 target results reg index
209 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "AND") then
210 |
v_regs(par3) := v_regs(par1) and v_regs(par2);
211 |
if(v_regs(par3) = zeros) then
212 |
v_reg_ccr(0) := '1';
213 |
214 |
v_reg_ccr(0) := '0';
215 |
end if;
216 |
217 |
218 |
219 |
-- AND the passed value with the indexed register and store in register index
220 |
-- par1 value
221 |
-- par2 reg index
222 |
-- par3 target results reg index
223 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "ANDI") then
224 |
v_regs(par3) := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(par1, 32)) and v_regs(par2);
225 |
if(v_regs(par3) = zeros) then
226 |
v_reg_ccr(0) := '1';
227 |
228 |
v_reg_ccr(0) := '0';
229 |
end if;
230 |
231 |
232 |
-- OR
233 |
-- OR two registers and write results to target register
234 |
-- par1 reg1 index
235 |
-- par2 reg2 index
236 |
-- par3 target results reg index
237 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "OR") then
238 |
v_regs(par3) := v_regs(par1) or v_regs(par2);
239 |
if(v_regs(par3) = zeros) then
240 |
v_reg_ccr(0) := '1';
241 |
242 |
v_reg_ccr(0) := '0';
243 |
end if;
244 |
245 |
246 |
-- XOR
247 |
-- XOR two registers and write results to target register
248 |
-- par1 reg1 index
249 |
-- par2 reg2 index
250 |
-- par3 target results reg index
251 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "XOR") then
252 |
v_regs(par3) := v_regs(par1) xor v_regs(par2);
253 |
if(v_regs(par3) = zeros) then
254 |
v_reg_ccr(0) := '1';
255 |
256 |
v_reg_ccr(0) := '0';
257 |
end if;
258 |
259 |
260 |
-- NOT
261 |
-- NOT a register and write results to target register
262 |
-- par1 reg1 index
263 |
-- par2 target results reg index
264 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "NOT") then
265 |
v_regs(par2) := not v_regs(par1);
266 |
if(v_regs(par2) = zeros) then
267 |
v_reg_ccr(0) := '1';
268 |
269 |
v_reg_ccr(0) := '0';
270 |
end if;
271 |
272 |
273 |
-- SLL
274 |
-- Shift the register left rotate the upper bits into the lower bits
275 |
-- par1 reg1 index
276 |
-- par2 bit positions to Left
277 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "SLL") then
278 |
v_temp_vec1 := v_regs(par1);
279 |
temp_int := par2 - 1;
280 |
v_regs(par1) := v_temp_vec1(31-par2 downto 0) & v_temp_vec1(31 downto 31 - temp_int);
281 |
282 |
283 |
-- SLR
284 |
-- Shift the register right rotate the lower bits into the upper bits
285 |
-- par1 reg1 index
286 |
-- par2 bit positions to Right
287 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "SLR") then
288 |
v_temp_vec1 := v_regs(par1);
289 |
temp_int := par2 - 1;
290 |
v_regs(par1) := v_temp_vec1(temp_int downto 0) & v_temp_vec1(31 downto par2);
291 |
292 |
293 |
-- CMP
294 |
-- Compare one register against another and set CCR bits, no effect on registers
295 |
-- par1 reg1 index source1
296 |
-- par2 reg2 index source2
297 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "CMP") then
298 |
v_reg_ccr := (others => '0');
299 |
if(v_regs(par1) = v_regs(par2)) then
300 |
v_reg_ccr(1) := '1';
301 |
elsif(v_regs(par1) > v_regs(par2)) then
302 |
v_reg_ccr(2) := '1';
303 |
elsif(v_regs(par1) < v_regs(par2)) then
304 |
v_reg_ccr(3) := '1';
305 |
end if;
306 |
307 |
if(v_regs(par1) = zeros) then
308 |
v_reg_ccr(1) := '0';
309 |
end if;
310 |
311 |
312 |
-- BE
313 |
-- Branch if equal
314 |
-- par1 jump location
315 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "BE") then
316 |
if(v_reg_ccr(1) = '1') then
317 |
v_line := par1 - 1;
318 |
wh_state := false;
319 |
wh_stack := (others => 0);
320 |
wh_dpth := 0;
321 |
wh_ptr := 0;
322 |
--stack := (others => 0);
323 |
--stack_ptr := 0;
324 |
end if;
325 |
326 |
327 |
-- BZ
328 |
-- Branch if Zero
329 |
-- par1 jump location
330 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "BZ") then
331 |
if(v_reg_ccr(0) = '1') then
332 |
v_line := par1 - 1;
333 |
wh_state := false;
334 |
wh_stack := (others => 0);
335 |
wh_dpth := 0;
336 |
wh_ptr := 0;
337 |
--stack := (others => 0);
338 |
--stack_ptr := 0;
339 |
end if;
340 |
341 |
342 |
-- BB
343 |
-- Branch if bit in register is set/clear
344 |
-- par1 register
345 |
-- par2 register bit index
346 |
-- par3 compare value : 0/1
347 |
-- par4 jump location
348 |
elsif(instruction(1 to len) = "BB") then
349 |
v_temp_vec1 := v_regs(par1);
350 |
if(par3 = 0) then
351 |
v_tmp_bit := '0';
352 |
353 |
v_tmp_bit := '1';
354 |
end if;
355 |
if(v_temp_vec1(par2) = v_tmp_bit) then
356 |
v_line := par4 - 1;
357 |
wh_state := false;
358 |
wh_stack := (others => 0);
359 |
wh_dpth := 0;
360 |
wh_ptr := 0;
361 |
--stack := (others => 0);
362 |
--stack_ptr := 0;
363 |
end if;
364 |
-- ...
365 |
end process Read_file;
366 |
end bhv;
367 |
-- Stimulus_file commands used for testing. I used no VERIFY command
368 |
-- as I watched the functionality in single stepping through code.
369 |
DEFINE_VAR dat x01
370 |
EQU_VAR dat x12345678
371 |
372 |
373 |
OR 0 1 2
374 |
AND 0 2 1
375 |
MOV 1 3
376 |
XOR 0 1 4
377 |
NOT 4 5
378 |
SLL 0 1
379 |
SLL 1 2
380 |
SLL 2 3
381 |
SLL 3 4
382 |
SLR 0 1
383 |
SLR 1 2
384 |
SLR 2 3
385 |
SLR 3 4
386 |
MOVI x87654321 7
387 |
388 |
ANDI 0 0 0
389 |
BZ $B1
390 |
MOVI x1234678 0
391 |
392 |
393 |
CMP 1 2
394 |
BE $B2
395 |
MOVI 0 1
396 |
397 |
398 |
BB 0 0 1 $B3
399 |
BB 0 0 0 $B3 "Didnt jup as expected
400 |
MOVI 0 1
401 |
402 |
403 |
404 |
405 |
406 |
407 |
-- tb_pkg function
408 |
--- header section
409 |
410 |
-- convert a std_logic_vector to an unsigned integer
411 |
function to_uninteger ( constant vect : in std_logic_vector
412 |
) return integer;
413 |
-- body section
414 |
415 |
function to_uninteger ( constant vect : in std_logic_vector
416 |
) return integer is
417 |
variable result : integer := 0;
418 |
variable len : integer := vect'length;
419 |
variable idx : integer;
420 |
variable tmp_str : text_field;
421 |
variable file_name: text_line;
422 |
423 |
-- point to start of string
424 |
idx := 1;
425 |
-- convert std_logic_vector to text_field
426 |
for i in len - 1 downto 0 loop
427 |
if(vect(i) = '1') then
428 |
tmp_str(idx) := '1';
429 |
elsif(vect(i) = '0') then
430 |
tmp_str(idx) := '0';
431 |
432 |
433 |
report LF & "ERROR: Non 0/1 value found in std_logic_vector passed to to_uninteger function!!" & LF &
434 |
"Returning 0."
435 |
severity note;
436 |
return result;
437 |
end if;
438 |
idx := idx + 1;
439 |
end loop;
440 |
-- call bin txt to int fuction with dummy fn and sequ idx
441 |
result := bin2integer(tmp_str, file_name, idx);
442 |
return result;
443 |
444 |
end to_uninteger;
445 |
446 |
447 |
448 |
-- Section 2: END
449 |
450 |
451 |
452 |
453 |
-- Section 3: Begin
454 |
-- This section presents the code needed to make an internal test bench
455 |
-- an optional compile item through the use of VHDL generics and generate
456 |
-- statements.
457 |
458 |
-- this is the top enity or at the level where you can assign the
459 |
-- en_bfm generic and it makes sense
460 |
entity my_top_dut is
461 |
generic (
462 |
g_en_bfm : integer := 0
463 |
464 |
port (
465 |
-- top port definitions
466 |
467 |
end enity my_top_dut;
468 |
469 |
470 |
architecture struct of my_top_dut is
471 |
-- this is the component of an internal block of my_top_dut
472 |
component rtl_block
473 |
port (
474 |
reset_n : in std_logic;
475 |
clk_in : in std_logic;
476 |
-- ...
477 |
478 |
end component;
479 |
-- bhv_block has the same pin out as rtl_block, except for the generic
480 |
component bhv_block
481 |
generic (
482 |
stimulus_file: in string
483 |
484 |
port (
485 |
reset_n : in std_logic;
486 |
clk_in : in std_logic;
487 |
-- ...
488 |
489 |
end component;
490 |
491 |
492 |
-- if generic is default value, include rtl
493 |
if(g_en_bfm = 0) generate
494 |
495 |
rtl_b1: rtl_block
496 |
port map(
497 |
reset_n => reset_n,
498 |
clk_in => clk,
499 |
-- ...
500 |
501 |
end generate;
502 |
-- if generic is set for bhv, include it
503 |
if(g_en_bfm = 1) generate
504 |
505 |
bfm: bhv_block
506 |
generic map(
507 |
stimulus_file => "stm/stimulus_file.stm"
508 |
509 |
port map(
510 |
reset_n => reset_n,
511 |
clk_in => clk,
512 |
-- ...
513 |
514 |
end generate;
515 |
-- ...
516 |
end struct;
517 |
518 |
-- Section 3 End:
519 |
520 |
521 |
522 |
-- Section 4 Start:
523 |
-- This section provides some example VERIFY commands.
524 |
525 |
Read_file: process
526 |
-- ...
527 |
variable v_tmp_bit : std_logic;
528 |
variable v_upb : integer := 31; -- upper bounds
529 |
variable v_lob : integer := 0; -- lower bounds
530 |
variable v_temp_read : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
531 |
-- ...
532 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "SLICE_SET", 2);
533 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "VERIFY", 1);
534 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "VERIFY_BIT", 2);
535 |
define_instruction(inst_list, "VERIFY_SLICE", 1);
536 |
-- ...
537 |
538 |
539 |
540 |
-- SLICE_SET set the slice of the data for testing
541 |
-- par1 upper bound value - must be larger than par2 and less than 32
542 |
-- par2 lower bound value
543 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "SLICE_SET") then
544 |
-- test user input.
545 |
assert (par1 < 32 and par1 >= 1)
546 |
report LF & "ERROR: Par1 in SLICE_SET command input range is out of bounds" & LF &
547 |
"Found on line " & (integer'image(file_line)) & " in file " & file_name
548 |
severity failure;
549 |
assert (par2 < 31 and par2 >= 0)
550 |
report LF & "ERROR: Par2 in SLICE_SET command input range is out of bounds" & LF &
551 |
"Found on line " & (integer'image(file_line)) & " in file " & file_name
552 |
severity failure;
553 |
assert (par1 > par2)
554 |
report LF & "ERROR: SLICE_SET command bounds incorrectly defined. Par1 must be greater than Par2." & LF &
555 |
"Found on line " & (integer'image(file_line)) & " in file " & file_name
556 |
severity failure;
557 |
-- update variables
558 |
v_upb := par1;
559 |
v_lob := par2;
560 |
561 |
562 |
-- VERIFY test that the data in temp_read is the passed value.
563 |
-- par1 value to test against.
564 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "VERIFY") then
565 |
v_temp_vec1 := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(par1, 32));
566 |
567 |
assert (v_temp_vec1 = v_temp_read)
568 |
report LF & "ERROR: VERIFY command compare value was not as expected!!" &
569 |
LF & "Got " & (to_hstring(v_temp_read)) &
570 |
LF & "Expected " & (to_hstring(v_temp_vec1)) & LF &
571 |
"Found on line " & (integer'image(file_line)) & " in file " & file_name
572 |
severity failure;
573 |
574 |
575 |
-- VERIFY_BIT test that the data bit in temp_read is the passed value.
576 |
-- par1 index into 32 bit temp_read
577 |
-- par2 bit value
578 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "VERIFY_BIT") then
579 |
assert (par1 >= 0 and par1 < 32)
580 |
report LF & "ERROR: VERIFY_BIT command bit index is out of range. Valid is 0 - 31." & LF &
581 |
"Found on line " & (integer'image(file_line)) & " in file " & file_name
582 |
severity failure;
583 |
if(par2 = 0) then
584 |
v_tmp_bit := '0';
585 |
586 |
v_tmp_bit := '1';
587 |
end if;
588 |
assert (v_temp_read(par1) = v_tmp_bit)
589 |
report LF & "ERROR: VERIFY_BIT command miss-compare!" & LF &
590 |
"We tested for " & (integer'image(par2)) & LF &
591 |
"Found on line " & (integer'image(file_line)) & " in file " & file_name
592 |
severity failure;
593 |
594 |
595 |
-- VERIFY_SLICE test that the data in temp_read is the passed value.
596 |
-- par1 value
597 |
elsif (instruction(1 to len) = "VERIFY_SLICE") then
598 |
v_temp_vec1 := (others => '0');
599 |
temp_int := v_upb - v_lob + 1;
600 |
v_temp_vec1(v_upb downto v_lob) := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(par1, temp_int));
601 |
-- no need to test ranges here
602 |
assert (v_temp_vec1(v_upb downto v_lob) = v_temp_read(v_upb downto v_lob))
603 |
report LF & "ERROR: VERIFY_SLICE Compare Value was not as expected!!" &
604 |
LF & "Got " & (to_hstring(v_temp_read(v_upb downto v_lob))) &
605 |
LF & "Expected " & (to_hstring(v_temp_vec1(v_upb downto v_lob))) & LF &
606 |
"Found on line " & (integer'image(file_line)) & " in file " & file_name
607 |
severity failure;
608 |
609 |
-- END Section 4
610 |