1 |
8 |
constantin |
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
2 |
3 |
// Company:
4 |
// Engineer:
5 |
6 |
// Create Date: 16:09:49 11/04/2013
7 |
// Design Name:
8 |
// Module Name: SinglePathFPAdder
9 |
// Project Name:
10 |
// Target Devices:
11 |
// Tool versions:
12 |
// Description: A ± B
13 |
14 |
// Dependencies:
15 |
16 |
// Revision:
17 |
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
18 |
// Additional Comments:
19 |
20 |
21 |
9 |
constantin |
module SinglePathFPAdder #( parameter size_mantissa = 24, //calculate the size containing the hiden bit 1.M
22 |
8 |
constantin |
parameter size_exponent = 8,
23 |
parameter size_exception_field = 2,
24 |
parameter size_counter = 5, //log2(size_mantissa) + 1 = 5)
25 |
parameter [size_exception_field - 1 : 0] zero = 0, //00
26 |
parameter [size_exception_field - 1 : 0] normal_number= 1, //01
27 |
parameter [size_exception_field - 1 : 0] infinity = 2, //10
28 |
parameter [size_exception_field - 1 : 0] NaN = 3, //11
29 |
parameter pipeline = 0,
30 |
parameter pipeline_pos = 0, // 8 bits
31 |
parameter double_size_mantissa = size_mantissa + size_mantissa,
32 |
parameter double_size_counter = size_counter + 1,
33 |
parameter size = size_mantissa + size_exponent + size_exception_field)
34 |
35 |
9 |
constantin |
( input sub,
36 |
input [size - 1 : 0] a_number_i,
37 |
input [size - 1 : 0] b_number_i,
38 |
output[size - 1 : 0] resulted_number_o);
39 |
8 |
constantin |
40 |
9 |
constantin |
41 |
wire [size_exception_field - 1 : 0] sp_case_a_number, sp_case_b_number;
42 |
8 |
constantin |
wire [size_mantissa - 1 : 0] m_a_number, m_b_number;
43 |
wire [size_exponent - 1 : 0] e_a_number, e_b_number;
44 |
wire s_a_number, s_b_number;
45 |
46 |
9 |
constantin |
wire [size_exponent : 0] a_greater_exponent, b_greater_exponent;
47 |
wire [size_exponent - 1 : 0] unadjusted_exponent;
48 |
49 |
8 |
constantin |
wire [size_exponent - 1 : 0] exp_difference;
50 |
9 |
constantin |
wire [size_exponent : 0] exp_inter;
51 |
wire [size_mantissa - 1 : 0] shifted_m_b;
52 |
wire [size_mantissa - 1 : 0] initial_rounding_bits, inter_rounding_bits, final_rounding_bits;
53 |
8 |
constantin |
wire eff_op;
54 |
55 |
9 |
constantin |
wire [size_counter - 1 : 0] lzs;
56 |
wire [size_mantissa + 1 : 0] adder_mantissa;
57 |
wire [size_mantissa + 1 : 0] rounded_mantissa;
58 |
wire [size_mantissa : 0] unnormalized_mantissa, unrounded_mantissa;
59 |
8 |
constantin |
60 |
9 |
constantin |
wire [size_exception_field - 1 : 0] resulted_exception_field;
61 |
wire [size_mantissa - 1 : 0] resulted_mantissa;
62 |
wire [size_exponent - 1 : 0] resulted_exponent;
63 |
8 |
constantin |
wire resulted_sign;
64 |
65 |
9 |
constantin |
wire dummy_bit;
66 |
wire zero_flag;
67 |
8 |
constantin |
68 |
9 |
constantin |
69 |
8 |
constantin |
assign e_a_number = a_number_i[size_mantissa + size_exponent - 1 : size_mantissa - 1];
70 |
assign e_b_number = b_number_i[size_mantissa + size_exponent - 1 : size_mantissa - 1];
71 |
assign s_a_number = a_number_i[size - size_exception_field - 1];
72 |
assign s_b_number = b_number_i[size - size_exception_field - 1];
73 |
assign sp_case_a_number = a_number_i[size - 1 : size - size_exception_field];
74 |
assign sp_case_b_number = b_number_i[size - 1 : size - size_exception_field];
75 |
9 |
constantin |
76 |
77 |
//find the greater exponent
78 |
assign a_greater_exponent = e_a_number - e_b_number;
79 |
assign b_greater_exponent = e_b_number - e_a_number;
80 |
81 |
8 |
constantin |
//find the difference between exponents
82 |
9 |
constantin |
assign exp_difference = (a_greater_exponent[size_exponent])? b_greater_exponent[size_exponent - 1 : 0] : a_greater_exponent[size_exponent - 1 : 0];
83 |
assign exp_inter = (b_greater_exponent[size_exponent])? {1'b0, e_a_number} : {1'b0, e_b_number};
84 |
85 |
//set shifter always on m_b_number
86 |
assign {m_a_number, m_b_number} = (b_greater_exponent[size_exponent])?
87 |
{{1'b1, a_number_i[size_mantissa - 2 :0]}, {1'b1, b_number_i[size_mantissa - 2 :0]}} :
88 |
{{1'b1, b_number_i[size_mantissa - 2 :0]}, {1'b1, a_number_i[size_mantissa - 2 :0]}};
89 |
90 |
//shift m_b_number
91 |
8 |
constantin |
shifter #( .INPUT_SIZE(size_mantissa),
92 |
9 |
constantin |
93 |
94 |
.DIRECTION(1'b0), //0=right, 1=left
95 |
96 |
97 |
8 |
constantin |
m_b_shifter_instance( .a(m_b_number),//mantissa
98 |
9 |
constantin |
.arith(1'b0),//logical shift
99 |
100 |
.shifted_a({shifted_m_b, initial_rounding_bits}));
101 |
8 |
constantin |
102 |
//istantiate effective_operation_component
103 |
effective_op effective_op_instance( .a_sign(s_a_number), .b_sign(s_b_number), .sub(sub), .eff_op(eff_op));
104 |
9 |
constantin |
105 |
//compute unnormalized_mantissa
106 |
assign adder_mantissa = (eff_op)? ({1'b0, m_a_number} - {1'b0, shifted_m_b}) : ({1'b0, m_a_number} + {1'b0, shifted_m_b});
107 |
8 |
constantin |
108 |
9 |
constantin |
assign {unnormalized_mantissa, inter_rounding_bits} =
109 |
(adder_mantissa[size_mantissa + 1])? ({~adder_mantissa[size_mantissa : 0], ~initial_rounding_bits}) :
110 |
({adder_mantissa[size_mantissa : 0], initial_rounding_bits});
111 |
112 |
8 |
constantin |
//compute leading_zeros over unnormalized mantissa
113 |
9 |
constantin |
leading_zeros #( .SIZE_INT(size_mantissa + 1), .SIZE_COUNTER(size_counter), .PIPELINE(pipeline))
114 |
leading_zeros_instance (.a(unnormalized_mantissa[size_mantissa : 0]),
115 |
116 |
8 |
constantin |
117 |
9 |
constantin |
118 |
8 |
constantin |
//compute shifting over unnormalized_mantissa
119 |
9 |
constantin |
shifter #( .INPUT_SIZE(double_size_mantissa + 1),
120 |
121 |
.OUTPUT_SIZE(double_size_mantissa + 2),
122 |
8 |
constantin |
.DIRECTION(1'b1), //0=right, 1=left
123 |
124 |
125 |
9 |
constantin |
shifter_instance( .a({unnormalized_mantissa, inter_rounding_bits}),//mantissa
126 |
8 |
constantin |
.arith(1'b0),//logical shift
127 |
128 |
9 |
constantin |
.shifted_a({unrounded_mantissa, final_rounding_bits, dummy_bit}));
129 |
130 |
//instantiate rounding_component
131 |
rounding #( .SIZE_MOST_S_MANTISSA(size_mantissa + 2),
132 |
133 |
rounding_instance( .unrounded_mantissa({1'b0, unrounded_mantissa}),
134 |
135 |
136 |
8 |
constantin |
137 |
9 |
constantin |
//adjust exponent in case of overflow
138 |
assign adjust_exponent = (rounded_mantissa[size_mantissa + 1])? 2'd2 : 2'd1;
139 |
8 |
constantin |
140 |
//compute resulted_exponent
141 |
9 |
constantin |
assign unadjusted_exponent = exp_inter - lzs;
142 |
assign resulted_exponent = unadjusted_exponent + adjust_exponent;
143 |
8 |
constantin |
144 |
9 |
constantin |
assign resulted_mantissa = (rounded_mantissa[size_mantissa + 1])? (rounded_mantissa[size_mantissa + 1 : 2]) : (rounded_mantissa[size_mantissa : 1]);
145 |
8 |
constantin |
146 |
//compute exception_field
147 |
special_cases #( .size_exception_field(size_exception_field),
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 |
special_cases_instance( .sp_case_a_number(sp_case_a_number),
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
9 |
constantin |
//set zero_flag in case of equal numbers
157 |
assign zero_flag = ~(|(resulted_mantissa));
158 |
159 |
//compute resulted_sign
160 |
assign resulted_sign = (eff_op)?
161 |
(!a_greater_exponent[size_exponent]? (!b_greater_exponent[size_exponent]? ~adder_mantissa[size_mantissa+1] : s_a_number) : ~s_b_number) :
162 |
163 |
164 |
assign resulted_number_o = (zero_flag)? {size{1'b0}} :
165 |
{resulted_exception_field, resulted_sign, resulted_exponent, resulted_mantissa[size_mantissa - 2 : 0]};
166 |
167 |
8 |
constantin |