Subversion Repositories a-z80
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 3 to Rev 8
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 3 → Rev 8
14,7 → 14,7
// PROGRAM "Quartus II 64-Bit" |
// VERSION "Version 13.0.1 Build 232 06/12/2013 Service Pack 1 SJ Web Edition" |
// CREATED "Fri Nov 07 10:28:48 2014" |
// CREATED "Tue Mar 08 06:12:46 2016" |
module reg_file( |
reg_sel_sys_lo, |
23,7 → 23,6
reg_sel_gp_hi, |
reg_sel_ir, |
reg_sel_pc, |
ctl_sw_4d, |
ctl_sw_4u, |
reg_sel_wz, |
reg_sel_sp, |
45,6 → 44,8
ctl_reg_out_lo, |
ctl_reg_out_hi, |
clk, |
reg_sw_4d_lo, |
reg_sw_4d_hi, |
db_hi_as, |
db_hi_ds, |
db_lo_as, |
58,7 → 59,6
input wire reg_sel_gp_hi; |
input wire reg_sel_ir; |
input wire reg_sel_pc; |
input wire ctl_sw_4d; |
input wire ctl_sw_4u; |
input wire reg_sel_wz; |
input wire reg_sel_sp; |
80,6 → 80,8
input wire ctl_reg_out_lo; |
input wire ctl_reg_out_hi; |
input wire clk; |
input wire reg_sw_4d_lo; |
input wire reg_sw_4d_hi; |
inout wire [7:0] db_hi_as; |
inout wire [7:0] db_hi_ds; |
inout wire [7:0] db_lo_as; |
501,14 → 503,14
assign gdfx_temp0[1] = ctl_sw_4u ? db_lo_as[1] : 1'bz; |
assign gdfx_temp0[0] = ctl_sw_4u ? db_lo_as[0] : 1'bz; |
assign db_lo_as[7] = ctl_sw_4d ? gdfx_temp0[7] : 1'bz; |
assign db_lo_as[6] = ctl_sw_4d ? gdfx_temp0[6] : 1'bz; |
assign db_lo_as[5] = ctl_sw_4d ? gdfx_temp0[5] : 1'bz; |
assign db_lo_as[4] = ctl_sw_4d ? gdfx_temp0[4] : 1'bz; |
assign db_lo_as[3] = ctl_sw_4d ? gdfx_temp0[3] : 1'bz; |
assign db_lo_as[2] = ctl_sw_4d ? gdfx_temp0[2] : 1'bz; |
assign db_lo_as[1] = ctl_sw_4d ? gdfx_temp0[1] : 1'bz; |
assign db_lo_as[0] = ctl_sw_4d ? gdfx_temp0[0] : 1'bz; |
assign db_lo_as[7] = reg_sw_4d_lo ? gdfx_temp0[7] : 1'bz; |
assign db_lo_as[6] = reg_sw_4d_lo ? gdfx_temp0[6] : 1'bz; |
assign db_lo_as[5] = reg_sw_4d_lo ? gdfx_temp0[5] : 1'bz; |
assign db_lo_as[4] = reg_sw_4d_lo ? gdfx_temp0[4] : 1'bz; |
assign db_lo_as[3] = reg_sw_4d_lo ? gdfx_temp0[3] : 1'bz; |
assign db_lo_as[2] = reg_sw_4d_lo ? gdfx_temp0[2] : 1'bz; |
assign db_lo_as[1] = reg_sw_4d_lo ? gdfx_temp0[1] : 1'bz; |
assign db_lo_as[0] = reg_sw_4d_lo ? gdfx_temp0[0] : 1'bz; |
assign gdfx_temp1[7] = ctl_sw_4u ? db_hi_as[7] : 1'bz; |
assign gdfx_temp1[6] = ctl_sw_4u ? db_hi_as[6] : 1'bz; |
519,14 → 521,14
assign gdfx_temp1[1] = ctl_sw_4u ? db_hi_as[1] : 1'bz; |
assign gdfx_temp1[0] = ctl_sw_4u ? db_hi_as[0] : 1'bz; |
assign db_hi_as[7] = ctl_sw_4d ? gdfx_temp1[7] : 1'bz; |
assign db_hi_as[6] = ctl_sw_4d ? gdfx_temp1[6] : 1'bz; |
assign db_hi_as[5] = ctl_sw_4d ? gdfx_temp1[5] : 1'bz; |
assign db_hi_as[4] = ctl_sw_4d ? gdfx_temp1[4] : 1'bz; |
assign db_hi_as[3] = ctl_sw_4d ? gdfx_temp1[3] : 1'bz; |
assign db_hi_as[2] = ctl_sw_4d ? gdfx_temp1[2] : 1'bz; |
assign db_hi_as[1] = ctl_sw_4d ? gdfx_temp1[1] : 1'bz; |
assign db_hi_as[0] = ctl_sw_4d ? gdfx_temp1[0] : 1'bz; |
assign db_hi_as[7] = reg_sw_4d_hi ? gdfx_temp1[7] : 1'bz; |
assign db_hi_as[6] = reg_sw_4d_hi ? gdfx_temp1[6] : 1'bz; |
assign db_hi_as[5] = reg_sw_4d_hi ? gdfx_temp1[5] : 1'bz; |
assign db_hi_as[4] = reg_sw_4d_hi ? gdfx_temp1[4] : 1'bz; |
assign db_hi_as[3] = reg_sw_4d_hi ? gdfx_temp1[3] : 1'bz; |
assign db_hi_as[2] = reg_sw_4d_hi ? gdfx_temp1[2] : 1'bz; |
assign db_hi_as[1] = reg_sw_4d_hi ? gdfx_temp1[1] : 1'bz; |
assign db_hi_as[0] = reg_sw_4d_hi ? gdfx_temp1[0] : 1'bz; |
assign db_lo_ds[7] = ctl_reg_out_lo ? gdfx_temp0[7] : 1'bz; |
assign db_lo_ds[6] = ctl_reg_out_lo ? gdfx_temp0[6] : 1'bz; |
14,7 → 14,7
// PROGRAM "Quartus II 64-Bit" |
// VERSION "Version 13.0.1 Build 232 06/12/2013 Service Pack 1 SJ Web Edition" |
// CREATED "Fri Oct 31 20:41:01 2014" |
// CREATED "Tue Mar 08 20:46:27 2016" |
module reg_control( |
ctl_reg_exx, |
33,6 → 33,7
ctl_reg_sys_we_hi, |
ctl_reg_sys_we, |
clk, |
ctl_sw_4d, |
ctl_reg_gp_hilo, |
ctl_reg_gp_sel, |
ctl_reg_sys_hilo, |
56,7 → 57,9
reg_sel_sys_hi, |
reg_gp_we, |
reg_sys_we_lo, |
reg_sys_we_hi |
reg_sys_we_hi, |
reg_sw_4d_lo, |
reg_sw_4d_hi |
); |
76,6 → 79,7
input wire ctl_reg_sys_we_hi; |
input wire ctl_reg_sys_we; |
input wire clk; |
input wire ctl_sw_4d; |
input wire [1:0] ctl_reg_gp_hilo; |
input wire [1:0] ctl_reg_gp_sel; |
input wire [1:0] ctl_reg_sys_hilo; |
100,23 → 104,26
output wire reg_gp_we; |
output wire reg_sys_we_lo; |
output wire reg_sys_we_hi; |
output wire reg_sw_4d_lo; |
output wire reg_sw_4d_hi; |
reg bank_af; |
reg bank_exx; |
reg bank_hl_de1; |
reg bank_hl_de2; |
wire reg_sys_we_lo_ALTERA_SYNTHESIZED; |
124,7 → 131,7
138,6 → 145,9
assign reg_sel_wz = ctl_reg_sel_wz; |
assign reg_sel_ir = ctl_reg_sel_ir; |
146,86 → 156,89
assign reg_sel_sys_lo = ctl_reg_sys_hilo[0]; |
assign reg_sel_sys_hi = ctl_reg_sys_hilo[1]; |
assign reg_gp_we = ctl_reg_gp_we; |
assign reg_sw_4d_lo = ctl_sw_4d; |
assign reg_sel_bc = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_49 & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_50; |
assign reg_sel_bc = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_52 & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_53; |
assign reg_sel_af = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_2 & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_51; |
assign reg_sel_af = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_2 & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_54; |
assign reg_sel_sp = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_52 & ctl_reg_use_sp; |
assign reg_sel_sp = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_55 & ctl_reg_use_sp; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_5 = ~ctl_reg_use_sp; |
assign reg_sel_ix = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_53 & use_ix; |
assign reg_sel_ix = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_56 & use_ix; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_37 = ctl_reg_ex_de_hl & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_50; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_37 = ctl_reg_ex_de_hl & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_53; |
assign reg_sel_iy = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_53 & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_10; |
assign reg_sel_iy = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_56 & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_10; |
assign reg_sel_af2 = bank_af & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_51; |
assign reg_sel_af2 = bank_af & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_54; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_2 = ~bank_af; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_44 = bank_hl_de2 & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_56; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_47 = bank_hl_de2 & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_59; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_47 = bank_hl_de2 & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_55; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_50 = bank_hl_de2 & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_58; |
assign reg_sel_de = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_50 & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_21; |
assign reg_sel_de = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_53 & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_21; |
assign reg_sel_hl = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_50 & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_23; |
assign reg_sel_hl = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_53 & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_23; |
assign reg_sel_de2 = bank_exx & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_24; |
assign reg_sel_hl2 = bank_exx & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_25; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_39 = bank_hl_de1 & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_56; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_40 = bank_hl_de1 & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_59; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_50 = ~bank_exx; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_53 = ~bank_exx; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_43 = bank_hl_de1 & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_55; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_46 = bank_hl_de1 & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_58; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_57 = ~bank_hl_de1; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_60 = ~bank_hl_de1; |
assign reg_sys_we_hi = ctl_reg_sys_we | ctl_reg_sys_we_hi; |
assign reg_sel_pc = ctl_reg_sel_pc & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_32; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_32 = ~ctl_reg_not_pc; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_36 = ~ctl_reg_gp_sel[1]; |
assign reg_sys_we_lo = ctl_reg_sys_we_lo | ctl_reg_sys_we; |
assign reg_sys_we_lo_ALTERA_SYNTHESIZED = ctl_reg_sys_we_lo | ctl_reg_sys_we; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_53 = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_58 & use_ixiy; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_56 = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_61 & use_ixiy; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_41 = ~ctl_reg_gp_sel[0]; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_44 = ~ctl_reg_gp_sel[0]; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_38 = ctl_reg_ex_de_hl & bank_exx; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_39 = ctl_reg_ex_de_hl & bank_exx; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_34 = ~use_ixiy; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_56 = ctl_reg_gp_sel[0] & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_36; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_59 = ctl_reg_gp_sel[0] & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_36; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_10 = ~use_ix; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_54 = ~bank_hl_de2; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_57 = ~bank_hl_de2; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_43 = ~reg_sys_we_lo_ALTERA_SYNTHESIZED; |
always@(posedge clk or negedge nreset) |
begin |
if (!nreset) |
236,7 → 249,9
bank_hl_de1 <= bank_hl_de1 ^ SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_37; |
end |
always@(posedge clk or negedge nreset) |
begin |
if (!nreset) |
244,21 → 259,25
bank_hl_de2 <= 0; |
end |
else |
bank_hl_de2 <= bank_hl_de2 ^ SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_38; |
bank_hl_de2 <= bank_hl_de2 ^ SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_39; |
end |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_58 = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_41 & ctl_reg_gp_sel[1]; |
assign reg_sw_4d_hi = ctl_sw_4d & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_42; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_38 = ctl_reg_sys_hilo[1] & SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_43 & ctl_reg_sel_ir; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_61 = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_44 & ctl_reg_gp_sel[1]; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_52 = ctl_reg_gp_sel[0] & ctl_reg_gp_sel[1]; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_55 = ctl_reg_gp_sel[0] & ctl_reg_gp_sel[1]; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_30 = ~ctl_reg_gp_sel[0]; |
assign SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_31 = ~ctl_reg_gp_sel[1]; |
274,7 → 293,7
bank_exx <= bank_exx ^ ctl_reg_exx; |
end |
assign reg_sel_bc2 = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_49 & bank_exx; |
assign reg_sel_bc2 = SYNTHESIZED_WIRE_52 & bank_exx; |
always@(posedge clk or negedge nreset) |
287,5 → 306,6
bank_af <= bank_af ^ ctl_reg_ex_af; |
end |
assign reg_sys_we_lo = reg_sys_we_lo_ALTERA_SYNTHESIZED; |
endmodule |
30,7 → 30,8
// ----------------- CONTROL ----------------- |
reg ctl_sw_4u_sig; // Bus switch #4 upstream gate |
reg ctl_sw_4d_sig; // Bus switch #4 downstream gate |
reg reg_sw_4d_lo_sig; // Bus switch #4 downstream gate low byte lane |
reg reg_sw_4d_hi_sig; // Bus switch #4 downstream gate high byte lane |
// ----------------- GP REGS ----------------- |
reg reg_sel_af_sig; // Select AF register |
63,7 → 64,8
assert(db_sig===arg); |
initial begin |
ctl_sw_4d_sig = 0; |
reg_sw_4d_lo_sig = 0; |
reg_sw_4d_hi_sig = 0; |
ctl_sw_4u_sig = 0; |
reg_sel_af_sig = 0; // Select AF register |
139,7 → 141,8
.reg_sel_gp_hi(reg_sel_gp_hi_sig) , // input reg_sel_gp_hi_sig |
.reg_sel_ir(reg_sel_ir_sig) , // input reg_sel_ir_sig |
.reg_sel_pc(reg_sel_pc_sig) , // input reg_sel_pc_sig |
.ctl_sw_4d(ctl_sw_4d_sig) , // input ctl_sw_4d_sig |
.reg_sw_4d_lo(reg_sw_4d_lo_sig) , // input reg_sw_4d_lo_sig |
.reg_sw_4d_hi(reg_sw_4d_hi_sig) , // input reg_sw_4d_hi_sig |
.ctl_sw_4u(ctl_sw_4u_sig) , // input ctl_sw_4u_sig |
.reg_sel_wz(reg_sel_wz_sig) , // input reg_sel_wz_sig |
.reg_sel_sp(reg_sel_sp_sig) , // input reg_sel_sp_sig |
2,9 → 2,9
; |
; All Rights Reserved. |
; |
; |
; |
[Library] |
std = $MODEL_TECH/../std |
129,7 → 129,7
work = work |
[vcom] |
; VHDL93 variable selects language version as the default. |
; VHDL93 variable selects language version as the default. |
; Default is VHDL-2002. |
; Value of 0 or 1987 for VHDL-1987. |
; Value of 1 or 1993 for VHDL-1993. |
251,7 → 251,7
UserTimeUnit = default |
; Default run length |
RunLength = 0 ns |
RunLength = 100 ns |
; Maximum iterations that can be run without advancing simulation time |
IterationLimit = 5000 |
272,7 → 272,7
BreakOnAssertion = 4 |
; Assertion Message Format |
; %S - Severity Level |
; %S - Severity Level |
; %R - Report Message |
; %T - Time of assertion |
; %D - Delta |
424,10 → 424,10
; description of a message. |
; Control transcripting of elaboration/runtime messages. |
; The default is to have messages appear in the transcript and |
; The default is to have messages appear in the transcript and |
; recorded in the wlf file (messages that are recorded in the |
; wlf file can be viewed in the MsgViewer). The other settings |
; are to send messages only to the transcript or only to the |
; are to send messages only to the transcript or only to the |
; wlf file. The valid values are |
; both {default} |
; tran {transcript only} |
469,42 → 469,42
ForceSoftPaths = 1 |
ProjectStatusDelay = 5000 |
VERILOG_DoubleClick = Edit |
VERILOG_CustomDoubleClick = |
VERILOG_CustomDoubleClick = |
SYSTEMVERILOG_DoubleClick = Edit |
SYSTEMVERILOG_CustomDoubleClick = |
SYSTEMVERILOG_CustomDoubleClick = |
VHDL_DoubleClick = Edit |
VHDL_CustomDoubleClick = |
VHDL_CustomDoubleClick = |
PSL_DoubleClick = Edit |
PSL_CustomDoubleClick = |
PSL_CustomDoubleClick = |
TEXT_DoubleClick = Edit |
TEXT_CustomDoubleClick = |
TEXT_CustomDoubleClick = |
SYSTEMC_DoubleClick = Edit |
SYSTEMC_CustomDoubleClick = |
SYSTEMC_CustomDoubleClick = |
TCL_DoubleClick = Edit |
TCL_CustomDoubleClick = |
TCL_CustomDoubleClick = |
MACRO_DoubleClick = Edit |
MACRO_CustomDoubleClick = |
MACRO_CustomDoubleClick = |
VCD_DoubleClick = Edit |
VCD_CustomDoubleClick = |
VCD_CustomDoubleClick = |
SDF_DoubleClick = Edit |
SDF_CustomDoubleClick = |
SDF_CustomDoubleClick = |
XML_DoubleClick = Edit |
XML_CustomDoubleClick = |
XML_CustomDoubleClick = |
LOGFILE_DoubleClick = Edit |
LOGFILE_CustomDoubleClick = |
LOGFILE_CustomDoubleClick = |
UCDB_DoubleClick = Edit |
UCDB_CustomDoubleClick = |
UCDB_CustomDoubleClick = |
UPF_DoubleClick = Edit |
UPF_CustomDoubleClick = |
UPF_CustomDoubleClick = |
PCF_DoubleClick = Edit |
PCF_CustomDoubleClick = |
PCF_CustomDoubleClick = |
PROJECT_DoubleClick = Edit |
PROJECT_CustomDoubleClick = |
PROJECT_CustomDoubleClick = |
VRM_DoubleClick = Edit |
VRM_CustomDoubleClick = |
VRM_CustomDoubleClick = |
DEBUGDATABASE_DoubleClick = Edit |
DEBUGDATABASE_CustomDoubleClick = |
DEBUGDATABASE_CustomDoubleClick = |
DEBUGARCHIVE_DoubleClick = Edit |
DEBUGARCHIVE_CustomDoubleClick = |
DEBUGARCHIVE_CustomDoubleClick = |
Project_Major_Version = 10 |
Project_Minor_Version = 1 |
12,6 → 12,8
add wave -noupdate -divider Control |
add wave -noupdate -itemcolor Violet /test_registers/ctl_sw_4u_sig |
add wave -noupdate -itemcolor Violet /test_registers/ctl_sw_4d_sig |
add wave -noupdate -itemcolor Violet /test_registers/reg_file_inst/reg_sw_4d_lo |
add wave -noupdate -itemcolor Violet /test_registers/reg_file_inst/reg_sw_4d_hi |
add wave -noupdate /test_registers/ctl_reg_in_hi_sig |
add wave -noupdate /test_registers/ctl_reg_in_lo_sig |
add wave -noupdate /test_registers/ctl_reg_out_hi_sig |
41,10 → 43,10
add wave -noupdate -color Coral -itemcolor Gold /test_registers/reg_sel_sys_hi_sig |
add wave -noupdate -color Coral -itemcolor Gold /test_registers/reg_sel_sys_lo_sig |
TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree] |
WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {1300 ns} 0} |
WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {1200 ns} 0} |
quietly wave cursor active 1 |
configure wave -namecolwidth 236 |
configure wave -valuecolwidth 67 |
configure wave -namecolwidth 260 |
configure wave -valuecolwidth 39 |
configure wave -justifyvalue left |
configure wave -signalnamewidth 0 |
configure wave -snapdistance 10 |
40,186 → 40,193
(port |
(pt 0 64) |
(input) |
(text "ctl_sw_4d" (rect 0 0 60 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_sw_4d" (rect 21 59 81 73)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_sw_4u" (rect 0 0 60 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_sw_4u" (rect 21 59 81 73)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 64)(pt 16 64)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 80) |
(input) |
(text "ctl_sw_4u" (rect 0 0 60 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_sw_4u" (rect 21 75 81 89)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_wz" (rect 0 0 68 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_wz" (rect 21 75 89 89)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 80)(pt 16 80)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 96) |
(input) |
(text "reg_sel_wz" (rect 0 0 68 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_wz" (rect 21 91 89 105)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_sp" (rect 0 0 63 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_sp" (rect 21 91 84 105)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 96)(pt 16 96)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 112) |
(input) |
(text "reg_sel_sp" (rect 0 0 63 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_sp" (rect 21 107 84 121)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_iy" (rect 0 0 59 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_iy" (rect 21 107 80 121)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 112)(pt 16 112)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 128) |
(input) |
(text "reg_sel_iy" (rect 0 0 59 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_iy" (rect 21 123 80 137)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_ix" (rect 0 0 59 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_ix" (rect 21 123 80 137)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 128)(pt 16 128)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 144) |
(input) |
(text "reg_sel_ix" (rect 0 0 59 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_ix" (rect 21 139 80 153)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_hl2" (rect 0 0 66 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_hl2" (rect 21 139 87 153)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 144)(pt 16 144)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 160) |
(input) |
(text "reg_sel_hl2" (rect 0 0 66 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_hl2" (rect 21 155 87 169)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_hl" (rect 0 0 59 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_hl" (rect 21 155 80 169)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 160)(pt 16 160)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 176) |
(input) |
(text "reg_sel_hl" (rect 0 0 59 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_hl" (rect 21 171 80 185)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_de2" (rect 0 0 70 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_de2" (rect 21 171 91 185)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 176)(pt 16 176)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 192) |
(input) |
(text "reg_sel_de2" (rect 0 0 70 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_de2" (rect 21 187 91 201)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_de" (rect 0 0 63 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_de" (rect 21 187 84 201)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 192)(pt 16 192)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 208) |
(input) |
(text "reg_sel_de" (rect 0 0 63 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_de" (rect 21 203 84 217)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_bc2" (rect 0 0 70 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_bc2" (rect 21 203 91 217)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 208)(pt 16 208)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 224) |
(input) |
(text "reg_sel_bc2" (rect 0 0 70 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_bc2" (rect 21 219 91 233)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_bc" (rect 0 0 63 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_bc" (rect 21 219 84 233)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 224)(pt 16 224)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 240) |
(input) |
(text "reg_sel_bc" (rect 0 0 63 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_bc" (rect 21 235 84 249)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_af2" (rect 0 0 68 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_af2" (rect 21 235 89 249)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 240)(pt 16 240)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 256) |
(input) |
(text "reg_sel_af2" (rect 0 0 68 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_af2" (rect 21 251 89 265)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_af" (rect 0 0 61 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_af" (rect 21 251 82 265)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 256)(pt 16 256)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 272) |
(input) |
(text "reg_sel_af" (rect 0 0 61 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_af" (rect 21 267 82 281)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_in_hi" (rect 0 0 71 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_in_hi" (rect 21 267 92 281)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 272)(pt 16 272)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 288) |
(input) |
(text "ctl_reg_in_hi" (rect 0 0 71 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_in_hi" (rect 21 283 92 297)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_in_lo" (rect 0 0 71 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_in_lo" (rect 21 283 92 297)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 288)(pt 16 288)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 304) |
(input) |
(text "ctl_reg_in_lo" (rect 0 0 71 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_in_lo" (rect 21 299 92 313)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_out_lo" (rect 0 0 80 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_out_lo" (rect 21 299 101 313)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 304)(pt 16 304)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 320) |
(input) |
(text "ctl_reg_out_lo" (rect 0 0 80 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_out_lo" (rect 21 315 101 329)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_out_hi" (rect 0 0 80 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_out_hi" (rect 21 315 101 329)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 320)(pt 16 320)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 336) |
(input) |
(text "ctl_reg_out_hi" (rect 0 0 80 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_out_hi" (rect 21 331 101 345)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sw_4d_lo" (rect 0 0 82 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sw_4d_lo" (rect 21 331 103 345)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 336)(pt 16 336)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 352) |
(input) |
(text "reg_gp_we" (rect 0 0 66 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_gp_we" (rect 21 347 87 361)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sw_4d_hi" (rect 0 0 82 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sw_4d_hi" (rect 21 347 103 361)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 352)(pt 16 352)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 368) |
(input) |
(text "reg_sys_we_lo" (rect 0 0 89 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sys_we_lo" (rect 21 363 110 377)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_gp_we" (rect 0 0 66 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_gp_we" (rect 21 363 87 377)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 368)(pt 16 368)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 384) |
(input) |
(text "reg_sel_sys_lo" (rect 0 0 87 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_sys_lo" (rect 21 379 108 393)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sys_we_lo" (rect 0 0 89 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sys_we_lo" (rect 21 379 110 393)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 384)(pt 16 384)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 400) |
(input) |
(text "reg_sel_gp_lo" (rect 0 0 80 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_gp_lo" (rect 21 395 101 409)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_sys_lo" (rect 0 0 87 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_sys_lo" (rect 21 395 108 409)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 400)(pt 16 400)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 416) |
(input) |
(text "clk" (rect 0 0 15 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "clk" (rect 21 411 36 425)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_gp_lo" (rect 0 0 80 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_gp_lo" (rect 21 411 101 425)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 416)(pt 16 416)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 432) |
(input) |
(text "reg_sys_we_hi" (rect 0 0 89 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sys_we_hi" (rect 21 427 110 441)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "clk" (rect 0 0 15 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "clk" (rect 21 427 36 441)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 432)(pt 16 432)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 448) |
(input) |
(text "reg_sel_sys_hi" (rect 0 0 87 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_sys_hi" (rect 21 443 108 457)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sys_we_hi" (rect 0 0 89 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sys_we_hi" (rect 21 443 110 457)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 448)(pt 16 448)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 464) |
(input) |
(text "reg_sel_gp_hi" (rect 0 0 80 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_gp_hi" (rect 21 459 101 473)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_sys_hi" (rect 0 0 87 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_sys_hi" (rect 21 459 108 473)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 464)(pt 16 464)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 480) |
(input) |
(text "reg_sel_gp_hi" (rect 0 0 80 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_gp_hi" (rect 21 475 101 489)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 480)(pt 16 480)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 224 32) |
(bidir) |
(text "db_lo_ds[7..0]" (rect 0 0 80 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
20,9 → 20,9
*/ |
(header "symbol" (version "1.2")) |
(symbol |
(rect 16 16 280 400) |
(rect 16 16 280 432) |
(text "reg_control" (rect 5 0 69 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "inst" (rect 8 368 25 380)(font "Arial" )) |
(text "inst" (rect 8 400 25 412)(font "Arial" )) |
(port |
(pt 0 32) |
(input) |
131,32 → 131,39
(port |
(pt 0 272) |
(input) |
(text "ctl_reg_sel_ir" (rect 0 0 76 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_sel_ir" (rect 21 267 97 281)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_sw_4d" (rect 0 0 60 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_sw_4d" (rect 21 267 81 281)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 272)(pt 16 272)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 288) |
(input) |
(text "ctl_reg_sel_pc" (rect 0 0 83 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_sel_pc" (rect 21 283 104 297)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_sel_ir" (rect 0 0 76 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_sel_ir" (rect 21 283 97 297)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 288)(pt 16 288)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 304) |
(input) |
(text "ctl_reg_not_pc" (rect 0 0 84 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_not_pc" (rect 21 299 105 313)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_sel_pc" (rect 0 0 83 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_sel_pc" (rect 21 299 104 313)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 304)(pt 16 304)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 320) |
(input) |
(text "ctl_reg_sel_wz" (rect 0 0 88 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_sel_wz" (rect 21 315 109 329)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_not_pc" (rect 0 0 84 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_not_pc" (rect 21 315 105 329)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 320)(pt 16 320)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 336) |
(input) |
(text "ctl_reg_sel_wz" (rect 0 0 88 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "ctl_reg_sel_wz" (rect 21 331 109 345)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 0 336)(pt 16 336)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 264 32) |
(output) |
(text "reg_gp_we" (rect 0 0 66 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
285,25 → 292,39
(port |
(pt 264 320) |
(output) |
(text "reg_sel_ir" (rect 0 0 56 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_ir" (rect 187 315 243 329)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sw_4d_lo" (rect 0 0 82 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sw_4d_lo" (rect 161 315 243 329)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 264 320)(pt 248 320)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 264 336) |
(output) |
(text "reg_sel_pc" (rect 0 0 63 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_pc" (rect 180 331 243 345)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sw_4d_hi" (rect 0 0 82 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sw_4d_hi" (rect 161 331 243 345)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 264 336)(pt 248 336)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 264 352) |
(output) |
(text "reg_sel_wz" (rect 0 0 68 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_wz" (rect 175 347 243 361)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_ir" (rect 0 0 56 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_ir" (rect 187 347 243 361)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 264 352)(pt 248 352)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 264 368) |
(output) |
(text "reg_sel_pc" (rect 0 0 63 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_pc" (rect 180 363 243 377)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 264 368)(pt 248 368)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 264 384) |
(output) |
(text "reg_sel_wz" (rect 0 0 68 14)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "reg_sel_wz" (rect 175 379 243 393)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(line (pt 264 384)(pt 248 384)) |
) |
(drawing |
(rectangle (rect 16 16 248 368)) |
(rectangle (rect 16 16 248 400)) |
) |
) |
37,7 → 37,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 2672 256 2848 272) |
(rect 2688 256 2864 272) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 15 6 43 16)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "reg_sel_gp_lo" (rect 100 4 167 16)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 0 8) |
70,7 → 70,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 2672 848 2848 864) |
(rect 2688 848 2864 864) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 15 0 43 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "reg_sel_gp_hi" (rect 100 0 167 12)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 0 8) |
121,25 → 121,8
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 600 32 616 208) |
(rect 664 32 680 208) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 0 133 10 161)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "ctl_sw_4d" (rect 0 9 12 57)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(pt 8 176) |
(drawing |
(line (pt 12 92)(pt 12 117)) |
(line (pt 4 92)(pt 4 117)) |
(line (pt 8 121)(pt 8 176)) |
(line (pt 12 92)(pt 4 92)) |
(line (pt 4 117)(pt 8 121)) |
(line (pt 12 117)(pt 8 121)) |
) |
(flipy_rotate90) |
(text "VCC" (rect 7 136 17 156)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 648 32 664 208) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 0 133 10 161)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "ctl_sw_4u" (rect 0 9 12 57)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(pt 8 176) |
(drawing |
155,7 → 138,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 752 32 768 208) |
(rect 768 32 784 208) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 0 133 10 161)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "reg_sel_wz" (rect 0 9 12 62)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(pt 8 176) |
172,7 → 155,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 896 32 912 208) |
(rect 912 32 928 208) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 0 133 10 161)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "reg_sel_sp" (rect 0 9 12 62)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(pt 8 176) |
189,7 → 172,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 1056 32 1072 208) |
(rect 1072 32 1088 208) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 0 133 10 161)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "reg_sel_iy" (rect 0 9 12 59)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(pt 8 176) |
206,7 → 189,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 1200 32 1216 208) |
(rect 1216 32 1232 208) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 0 133 10 161)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "reg_sel_ix" (rect 0 9 12 58)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(pt 8 176) |
223,7 → 206,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 1344 32 1360 208) |
(rect 1360 32 1376 208) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 0 133 10 161)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "reg_sel_hl2" (rect 0 9 12 64)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(pt 8 176) |
240,7 → 223,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 1488 32 1504 208) |
(rect 1504 32 1520 208) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 0 133 10 161)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "reg_sel_hl" (rect 0 9 12 58)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(pt 8 176) |
257,7 → 240,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 1632 32 1648 208) |
(rect 1648 32 1664 208) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 0 133 10 161)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "reg_sel_de2" (rect 0 9 12 68)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(pt 8 176) |
274,7 → 257,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 1776 32 1792 208) |
(rect 1792 32 1808 208) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 0 133 10 161)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "reg_sel_de" (rect 0 9 12 62)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(pt 8 176) |
291,7 → 274,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 1920 32 1936 208) |
(rect 1936 32 1952 208) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 0 133 10 161)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "reg_sel_bc2" (rect 0 9 12 68)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(pt 8 176) |
308,7 → 291,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 2064 32 2080 208) |
(rect 2080 32 2096 208) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 0 133 10 161)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "reg_sel_bc" (rect 0 9 12 62)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(pt 8 176) |
325,7 → 308,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 2208 32 2224 208) |
(rect 2224 32 2240 208) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 0 133 10 161)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "reg_sel_af2" (rect 0 9 12 66)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(pt 8 176) |
342,7 → 325,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 2352 32 2368 208) |
(rect 2368 32 2384 208) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 0 133 10 161)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "reg_sel_af" (rect 0 9 12 60)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(pt 8 176) |
359,7 → 342,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 2672 224 2848 240) |
(rect 2688 224 2864 240) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 15 6 43 16)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "reg_gp_we" (rect 116 4 167 16)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 0 8) |
408,7 → 391,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 2520 32 2536 208) |
(rect 2536 32 2552 208) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 0 133 10 161)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "ctl_reg_in_hi" (rect 0 9 12 70)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(pt 8 176) |
425,7 → 408,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 2536 32 2552 208) |
(rect 2552 32 2568 208) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 0 133 10 161)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "ctl_reg_in_lo" (rect 0 9 12 70)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(pt 8 176) |
442,7 → 425,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 2560 32 2576 208) |
(rect 2576 32 2592 208) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 0 133 10 161)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "ctl_reg_out_lo" (rect 0 9 12 77)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(pt 8 176) |
459,7 → 442,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 2576 32 2592 208) |
(rect 2592 32 2608 208) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 0 133 10 161)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "ctl_reg_out_hi" (rect 0 9 12 77)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(pt 8 176) |
491,8 → 474,42
(text "VCC" (rect 136 7 156 17)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 616 32 632 208) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 0 133 10 161)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "reg_sw_4d_lo" (rect 0 9 12 75)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(pt 8 176) |
(drawing |
(line (pt 12 92)(pt 12 117)) |
(line (pt 4 92)(pt 4 117)) |
(line (pt 8 121)(pt 8 176)) |
(line (pt 12 92)(pt 4 92)) |
(line (pt 4 117)(pt 8 121)) |
(line (pt 12 117)(pt 8 121)) |
) |
(flipy_rotate90) |
(text "VCC" (rect 7 136 17 156)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 600 32 616 208) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 0 133 10 161)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "reg_sw_4d_hi" (rect 0 9 12 75)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(pt 8 176) |
(drawing |
(line (pt 12 92)(pt 12 117)) |
(line (pt 4 92)(pt 4 117)) |
(line (pt 8 121)(pt 8 176)) |
(line (pt 12 92)(pt 4 92)) |
(line (pt 4 117)(pt 8 121)) |
(line (pt 12 117)(pt 8 121)) |
) |
(flipy_rotate90) |
(text "VCC" (rect 7 136 17 156)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
) |
(pin |
(bidir) |
(rect 2672 352 2848 368) |
(rect 2688 352 2864 368) |
(text "BIDIR" (rect 1 0 25 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "db_lo_ds[7..0]" (rect 90 0 159 12)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 0 8) |
509,7 → 526,7
) |
(pin |
(bidir) |
(rect 2672 704 2848 720) |
(rect 2688 704 2864 720) |
(text "BIDIR" (rect 1 0 25 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "db_hi_ds[7..0]" (rect 90 0 159 12)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 0 8) |
589,7 → 606,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
629,7 → 646,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
669,7 → 686,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
709,7 → 726,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
721,7 → 738,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1104 280 1152 344) |
(rect 1120 280 1168 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst20" (rect -1 3 11 32)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
749,7 → 766,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
761,7 → 778,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1104 728 1152 792) |
(rect 1120 728 1168 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst21" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
789,7 → 806,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
801,7 → 818,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1248 280 1296 344) |
(rect 1264 280 1312 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst26" (rect -1 3 11 32)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
829,7 → 846,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
841,7 → 858,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1248 728 1296 792) |
(rect 1264 728 1312 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst27" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
869,7 → 886,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
881,7 → 898,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1392 280 1440 344) |
(rect 1408 280 1456 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst32" (rect -1 3 11 32)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
909,7 → 926,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
921,7 → 938,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1392 728 1440 792) |
(rect 1408 728 1456 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst33" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
949,7 → 966,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
961,7 → 978,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1536 280 1584 344) |
(rect 1552 280 1600 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst38" (rect -1 3 11 32)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
989,7 → 1006,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
1001,7 → 1018,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1536 728 1584 792) |
(rect 1552 728 1600 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst39" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1029,7 → 1046,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
1041,7 → 1058,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1680 280 1728 344) |
(rect 1696 280 1744 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst44" (rect -1 3 11 32)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1069,7 → 1086,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
1081,7 → 1098,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1680 728 1728 792) |
(rect 1696 728 1744 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst45" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1109,7 → 1126,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
1121,7 → 1138,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1824 280 1872 344) |
(rect 1840 280 1888 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst50" (rect -1 3 11 32)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1149,7 → 1166,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
1161,7 → 1178,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1824 728 1872 792) |
(rect 1840 728 1888 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst51" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1189,7 → 1206,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
1201,7 → 1218,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1968 280 2016 344) |
(rect 1984 280 2032 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst56" (rect -1 3 11 32)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1229,7 → 1246,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
1241,7 → 1258,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1968 728 2016 792) |
(rect 1984 728 2032 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst57" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1269,7 → 1286,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
1281,7 → 1298,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 2112 280 2160 344) |
(rect 2128 280 2176 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst62" (rect -1 3 11 32)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1309,7 → 1326,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
1321,7 → 1338,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 2112 728 2160 792) |
(rect 2128 728 2176 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst63" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1349,7 → 1366,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
1361,7 → 1378,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 2256 280 2304 344) |
(rect 2272 280 2320 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst68" (rect -1 3 11 32)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1389,7 → 1406,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
1401,7 → 1418,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 2256 728 2304 792) |
(rect 2272 728 2320 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst69" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1429,7 → 1446,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
1441,7 → 1458,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 2400 280 2448 344) |
(rect 2416 280 2464 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst74" (rect -1 3 11 32)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1469,7 → 1486,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
1481,7 → 1498,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 2400 728 2448 792) |
(rect 2416 728 2464 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst75" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1509,7 → 1526,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
1521,7 → 1538,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 800 280 848 344) |
(rect 816 280 864 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "i2" (rect -1 3 11 11)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1549,7 → 1566,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
1561,7 → 1578,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 800 728 848 792) |
(rect 816 728 864 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "i3" (rect 37 53 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1589,7 → 1606,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
1601,7 → 1618,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 944 280 992 344) |
(rect 960 280 1008 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "i8" (rect -1 3 11 11)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1629,7 → 1646,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
1641,7 → 1658,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 944 728 992 792) |
(rect 960 728 1008 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "i9" (rect 37 53 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1669,7 → 1686,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
1681,7 → 1698,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1064 400 1160 520) |
(rect 1080 400 1176 520) |
(text "reg_latch" (rect 82 5 96 58)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))(vertical)) |
(text "latch_iy_lo" (rect 4 8 16 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1719,7 → 1736,7
(fill (color 85 255 127)) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1064 560 1160 680) |
(rect 1080 560 1176 680) |
(text "reg_latch" (rect 82 62 96 115)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))(vertical)) |
(text "latch_iy_hi" (rect 4 59 16 112)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1757,7 → 1774,7
(fill (color 85 255 127)) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1208 400 1304 520) |
(rect 1224 400 1320 520) |
(text "reg_latch" (rect 82 5 96 58)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))(vertical)) |
(text "latch_ix_lo" (rect 4 8 16 59)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1795,7 → 1812,7
(fill (color 85 255 127)) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1208 560 1304 680) |
(rect 1224 560 1320 680) |
(text "reg_latch" (rect 82 62 96 115)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))(vertical)) |
(text "latch_ix_hi" (rect 4 61 16 112)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1833,7 → 1850,7
(fill (color 85 255 127)) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1352 400 1448 520) |
(rect 1368 400 1464 520) |
(text "reg_latch" (rect 82 5 96 58)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))(vertical)) |
(text "latch_hl2_lo" (rect 4 8 16 65)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1871,7 → 1888,7
(fill (color 85 255 127)) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1496 400 1592 520) |
(rect 1512 400 1608 520) |
(text "reg_latch" (rect 82 5 96 58)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))(vertical)) |
(text "latch_hl_lo" (rect 4 8 16 59)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1909,7 → 1926,7
(fill (color 85 255 127)) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1496 560 1592 680) |
(rect 1512 560 1608 680) |
(text "reg_latch" (rect 82 62 96 115)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))(vertical)) |
(text "latch_hl_hi" (rect 4 61 16 112)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1947,7 → 1964,7
(fill (color 85 255 127)) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1640 400 1736 520) |
(rect 1656 400 1752 520) |
(text "reg_latch" (rect 82 5 96 58)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))(vertical)) |
(text "latch_de2_lo" (rect 4 8 16 69)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
1985,7 → 2002,7
(fill (color 85 255 127)) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1640 560 1736 680) |
(rect 1656 560 1752 680) |
(text "reg_latch" (rect 82 62 96 115)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))(vertical)) |
(text "latch_de2_hi" (rect 4 51 16 112)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2023,7 → 2040,7
(fill (color 85 255 127)) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1784 400 1880 520) |
(rect 1800 400 1896 520) |
(text "reg_latch" (rect 82 5 96 58)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))(vertical)) |
(text "latch_de_lo" (rect 4 8 16 63)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2061,7 → 2078,7
(fill (color 85 255 127)) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1784 560 1880 680) |
(rect 1800 560 1896 680) |
(text "reg_latch" (rect 82 62 96 115)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))(vertical)) |
(text "latch_de_hi" (rect 4 57 16 112)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2099,7 → 2116,7
(fill (color 85 255 127)) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1928 400 2024 520) |
(rect 1944 400 2040 520) |
(text "reg_latch" (rect 82 5 96 58)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))(vertical)) |
(text "latch_bc2_lo" (rect 4 8 16 69)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2137,7 → 2154,7
(fill (color 85 255 127)) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1928 560 2024 680) |
(rect 1944 560 2040 680) |
(text "reg_latch" (rect 82 62 96 115)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))(vertical)) |
(text "latch_bc2_hi" (rect 4 51 16 112)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2175,7 → 2192,7
(fill (color 85 255 127)) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 2072 400 2168 520) |
(rect 2088 400 2184 520) |
(text "reg_latch" (rect 82 5 96 58)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))(vertical)) |
(text "latch_bc_lo" (rect 4 8 16 63)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2213,7 → 2230,7
(fill (color 85 255 127)) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 2072 560 2168 680) |
(rect 2088 560 2184 680) |
(text "reg_latch" (rect 82 62 96 115)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))(vertical)) |
(text "latch_bc_hi" (rect 4 57 16 112)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2251,7 → 2268,7
(fill (color 85 255 127)) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 2216 400 2312 520) |
(rect 2232 400 2328 520) |
(text "reg_latch" (rect 82 5 96 58)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))(vertical)) |
(text "latch_af2_lo" (rect 4 8 16 68)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2289,7 → 2306,7
(fill (color 85 255 127)) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 2216 560 2312 680) |
(rect 2232 560 2328 680) |
(text "reg_latch" (rect 82 62 96 115)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))(vertical)) |
(text "latch_af2_hi" (rect 4 52 16 112)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2327,7 → 2344,7
(fill (color 85 255 127)) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 2360 400 2456 520) |
(rect 2376 400 2472 520) |
(text "reg_latch" (rect 82 5 96 58)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))(vertical)) |
(text "latch_af_lo" (rect 4 8 16 62)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2365,7 → 2382,7
(fill (color 85 255 127)) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 2360 560 2456 680) |
(rect 2376 560 2472 680) |
(text "reg_latch" (rect 82 62 96 115)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))(vertical)) |
(text "latch_af_hi" (rect 4 58 16 112)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2493,7 → 2510,7
(pt 48 16) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 32 7 49 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 32 7 46 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 32 7 49 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(line (pt 39 16)(pt 48 16)) |
) |
(drawing |
2532,7 → 2549,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
2572,7 → 2589,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
2584,7 → 2601,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 744 280 792 344) |
(rect 760 280 808 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst5" (rect -1 3 11 26)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2612,7 → 2629,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
2624,7 → 2641,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 888 280 936 344) |
(rect 904 280 952 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst9" (rect -1 3 11 26)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2652,7 → 2669,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
2664,7 → 2681,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1048 280 1096 344) |
(rect 1064 280 1112 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst10" (rect -1 3 11 32)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2692,7 → 2709,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
2704,7 → 2721,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1192 280 1240 344) |
(rect 1208 280 1256 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst13" (rect -1 3 11 32)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2732,7 → 2749,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
2744,7 → 2761,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1336 280 1384 344) |
(rect 1352 280 1400 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst14" (rect -1 3 11 32)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2772,7 → 2789,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
2784,7 → 2801,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1480 280 1528 344) |
(rect 1496 280 1544 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst16" (rect -1 3 11 32)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2812,7 → 2829,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
2824,7 → 2841,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1624 280 1672 344) |
(rect 1640 280 1688 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst17" (rect -1 3 11 32)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2852,7 → 2869,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
2864,7 → 2881,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1768 280 1816 344) |
(rect 1784 280 1832 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst18" (rect -1 3 11 32)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2892,7 → 2909,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
2904,7 → 2921,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1912 280 1960 344) |
(rect 1928 280 1976 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst22" (rect -1 3 11 32)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2932,7 → 2949,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
2944,7 → 2961,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 2056 280 2104 344) |
(rect 2072 280 2120 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst23" (rect -1 3 11 32)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
2972,7 → 2989,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
2984,7 → 3001,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 2200 280 2248 344) |
(rect 2216 280 2264 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst24" (rect -1 3 11 32)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
3012,7 → 3029,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
3024,7 → 3041,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 2344 280 2392 344) |
(rect 2360 280 2408 344) |
(text "AND3" (rect 38 1 48 25)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst28" (rect -1 3 11 32)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
3052,7 → 3069,7
(pt 24 64) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 62)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 21 48 33 65)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 43)(pt 24 64)) |
) |
(drawing |
3064,7 → 3081,7
(rotate270) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 744 728 792 792) |
(rect 760 728 808 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst19" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
3092,7 → 3109,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
3104,7 → 3121,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 888 728 936 792) |
(rect 904 728 952 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst25" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
3132,7 → 3149,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
3144,7 → 3161,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1048 728 1096 792) |
(rect 1064 728 1112 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst29" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
3172,7 → 3189,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
3184,7 → 3201,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1192 728 1240 792) |
(rect 1208 728 1256 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst30" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
3212,7 → 3229,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
3224,7 → 3241,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1336 728 1384 792) |
(rect 1352 728 1400 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst31" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
3252,7 → 3269,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
3264,7 → 3281,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1480 728 1528 792) |
(rect 1496 728 1544 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst34" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
3292,7 → 3309,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
3304,7 → 3321,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1624 728 1672 792) |
(rect 1640 728 1688 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst35" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
3332,7 → 3349,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
3344,7 → 3361,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1768 728 1816 792) |
(rect 1784 728 1832 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst36" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
3372,7 → 3389,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
3384,7 → 3401,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 1912 728 1960 792) |
(rect 1928 728 1976 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst37" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
3412,7 → 3429,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
3424,7 → 3441,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 2056 728 2104 792) |
(rect 2072 728 2120 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst40" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
3452,7 → 3469,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
3464,7 → 3481,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 2200 728 2248 792) |
(rect 2216 728 2264 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst41" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
3492,7 → 3509,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
3504,7 → 3521,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 2344 728 2392 792) |
(rect 2360 728 2408 792) |
(text "AND3" (rect 0 39 10 63)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))(vertical)) |
(text "inst42" (rect 37 32 49 61)(font "Arial" )(vertical)) |
(port |
3532,7 → 3549,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
3572,7 → 3589,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
3612,7 → 3629,7
(pt 24 0) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 16)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 15 2 27 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(vertical)(invisible)) |
(line (pt 24 21)(pt 24 0)) |
) |
(drawing |
3624,7 → 3641,7
(rotate90) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 632 328 680 360) |
(rect 648 328 696 360) |
(text "TRI" (rect 1 0 16 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "tri1" (rect 3 21 18 33)(font "Arial" )) |
(port |
3645,7 → 3662,7
(pt 48 16) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 32 7 49 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 32 7 46 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 32 7 49 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(line (pt 32 16)(pt 48 16)) |
) |
(drawing |
3655,7 → 3672,7
) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 632 360 680 392) |
(rect 648 360 696 392) |
(text "TRI" (rect 32 22 47 32)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "tri2" (rect 30 -1 45 11)(font "Arial" )) |
(port |
3676,7 → 3693,7
(pt 0 16) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 32 7 49 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 2 13 16 25)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 2 13 19 25)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(line (pt 16 16)(pt 0 16)) |
) |
(drawing |
3687,7 → 3704,7
(rotate180) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 632 680 680 712) |
(rect 648 680 696 712) |
(text "TRI" (rect 1 0 16 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "tri3" (rect 3 21 18 33)(font "Arial" )) |
(port |
3708,7 → 3725,7
(pt 48 16) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 32 7 49 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 32 7 46 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 32 7 49 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(line (pt 32 16)(pt 48 16)) |
) |
(drawing |
3718,7 → 3735,7
) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 632 712 680 744) |
(rect 648 712 696 744) |
(text "TRI" (rect 32 22 47 32)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "tri4" (rect 30 -1 45 11)(font "Arial" )) |
(port |
3739,7 → 3756,7
(pt 0 16) |
(output) |
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) |
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) |
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) |
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) |
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(pt 960 280) |
(pt 960 216) |
(pt 1096 280) |
(pt 1096 264) |
) |
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(pt 1264 280) |
(pt 1264 216) |
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(pt 1408 280) |
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) |
(connector |
(pt 1840 280) |
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(pt 1432 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1984 280) |
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(pt 1528 280) |
(pt 1528 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2128 280) |
(pt 2128 216) |
(pt 1576 280) |
(pt 1576 264) |
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) |
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(pt 2496 840) |
(pt 2496 232) |
(pt 1816 280) |
(pt 1816 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 296 808) |
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(pt 1864 264) |
) |
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(pt 440 808) |
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(pt 1960 280) |
(pt 1960 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 736 808) |
(pt 736 216) |
(pt 2008 280) |
(pt 2008 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 880 808) |
(pt 880 216) |
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(pt 2104 264) |
) |
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(pt 1040 808) |
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(pt 1616 808) |
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(pt 2440 264) |
) |
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(pt 1760 808) |
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(pt 848 248) |
) |
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(pt 1904 808) |
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(pt 992 248) |
) |
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(pt 2048 808) |
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) |
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(pt 2336 808) |
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(pt 1440 280) |
(pt 1440 248) |
) |
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(pt 376 792) |
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(pt 1584 280) |
(pt 1584 248) |
) |
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(pt 384 792) |
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(pt 1728 280) |
(pt 1728 248) |
) |
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(pt 392 792) |
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(pt 1872 280) |
(pt 1872 248) |
) |
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(pt 520 792) |
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(pt 2016 248) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 528 792) |
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(pt 2160 280) |
(pt 2160 248) |
) |
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(pt 536 792) |
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) |
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(pt 2496 248) |
) |
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) |
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(pt 928 232) |
) |
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(pt 1272 792) |
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(pt 1088 232) |
) |
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) |
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) |
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(pt 1416 792) |
(pt 1416 856) |
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) |
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(pt 1424 792) |
(pt 1424 824) |
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(pt 1520 232) |
) |
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) |
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(pt 1560 792) |
(pt 1560 856) |
(pt 1808 280) |
(pt 1808 232) |
) |
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) |
(connector |
(pt 1696 792) |
(pt 1696 808) |
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(pt 2096 232) |
) |
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(pt 1704 792) |
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(pt 2240 232) |
) |
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(pt 1712 792) |
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) |
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(pt 1840 792) |
(pt 1840 808) |
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(pt 832 216) |
) |
(connector |
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(pt 976 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1856 792) |
(pt 1856 824) |
(pt 1280 280) |
(pt 1280 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1984 792) |
(pt 1984 808) |
(pt 1424 280) |
(pt 1424 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1992 792) |
(pt 1992 856) |
(pt 1568 280) |
(pt 1568 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2000 792) |
(pt 2000 824) |
(pt 1712 280) |
(pt 1712 216) |
) |
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(pt 2128 792) |
(pt 2128 808) |
(pt 1856 280) |
(pt 1856 216) |
) |
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) |
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) |
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) |
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(pt 2288 792) |
(pt 2288 824) |
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) |
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(pt 2416 792) |
(pt 2416 808) |
(pt 752 808) |
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) |
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(pt 2424 792) |
(pt 2424 856) |
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) |
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(pt 2432 792) |
(pt 2432 824) |
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) |
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(pt 816 792) |
(pt 816 808) |
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) |
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(pt 824 792) |
(pt 824 856) |
(pt 1344 808) |
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) |
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(pt 832 792) |
(pt 832 824) |
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) |
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(pt 960 792) |
(pt 960 808) |
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) |
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(pt 968 792) |
(pt 968 856) |
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) |
(connector |
(pt 976 792) |
(pt 976 824) |
(pt 1920 808) |
(pt 1920 216) |
) |
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(pt 328 344) |
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(pt 2064 216) |
) |
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(pt 472 344) |
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(pt 2208 216) |
) |
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(pt 2352 216) |
) |
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(pt 912 344) |
(pt 912 376) |
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) |
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) |
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(pt 1288 856) |
) |
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) |
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(pt 1792 344) |
(pt 1792 376) |
(pt 1424 792) |
(pt 1424 808) |
) |
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(pt 1432 792) |
(pt 1432 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2080 344) |
(pt 2080 376) |
(pt 1440 792) |
(pt 1440 824) |
) |
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(pt 2224 344) |
(pt 2224 376) |
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(pt 1568 808) |
) |
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) |
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(pt 760 792) |
(pt 760 808) |
(pt 1584 792) |
(pt 1584 824) |
) |
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(pt 768 792) |
(pt 768 840) |
(pt 1712 792) |
(pt 1712 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 776 792) |
(pt 776 856) |
(pt 1720 792) |
(pt 1720 856) |
) |
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(pt 904 792) |
(pt 904 808) |
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(pt 1728 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 912 792) |
(pt 912 840) |
(pt 1856 792) |
(pt 1856 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 920 792) |
(pt 920 856) |
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(pt 1864 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1064 792) |
(pt 1064 808) |
(pt 1872 792) |
(pt 1872 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1072 792) |
(pt 1072 840) |
(pt 2000 792) |
(pt 2000 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1080 792) |
(pt 1080 856) |
(pt 2008 792) |
(pt 2008 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1208 792) |
(pt 1208 808) |
(pt 2016 792) |
(pt 2016 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1216 792) |
(pt 1216 840) |
(pt 2144 792) |
(pt 2144 808) |
) |
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(pt 1224 792) |
(pt 1224 856) |
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(pt 2152 856) |
) |
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(pt 1352 792) |
(pt 1352 808) |
(pt 2160 792) |
(pt 2160 824) |
) |
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(pt 1360 792) |
(pt 1360 840) |
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(pt 2288 808) |
) |
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(pt 1368 792) |
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(pt 2296 856) |
) |
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(pt 1496 792) |
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(pt 2304 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1504 792) |
(pt 1504 840) |
(pt 2432 792) |
(pt 2432 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1512 792) |
(pt 1512 856) |
(pt 2440 792) |
(pt 2440 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1640 792) |
(pt 1640 808) |
(pt 2448 792) |
(pt 2448 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1648 792) |
(pt 1648 840) |
(pt 832 792) |
(pt 832 808) |
) |
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(pt 1656 792) |
(pt 1656 856) |
(pt 840 792) |
(pt 840 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1784 792) |
(pt 1784 808) |
(pt 848 792) |
(pt 848 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1792 792) |
(pt 1792 840) |
(pt 976 792) |
(pt 976 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1800 792) |
(pt 1800 856) |
(pt 984 792) |
(pt 984 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1928 792) |
(pt 1928 808) |
(pt 992 792) |
(pt 992 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1936 792) |
(pt 1936 840) |
(pt 784 344) |
(pt 784 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1944 792) |
(pt 1944 856) |
(pt 928 344) |
(pt 928 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2072 792) |
(pt 2072 808) |
(pt 1088 344) |
(pt 1088 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2080 792) |
(pt 2080 840) |
(pt 1232 344) |
(pt 1232 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2088 792) |
(pt 2088 856) |
(pt 1376 344) |
(pt 1376 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2216 792) |
(pt 2216 808) |
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(pt 1520 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2224 792) |
(pt 2224 840) |
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) |
(connector |
(pt 2232 792) |
(pt 2232 856) |
(pt 1808 344) |
(pt 1808 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2360 792) |
(pt 2360 808) |
(pt 1952 344) |
(pt 1952 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2368 792) |
(pt 2368 840) |
(pt 2096 344) |
(pt 2096 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2376 792) |
(pt 2376 856) |
(pt 2240 344) |
(pt 2240 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 320 792) |
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(pt 2384 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 328 792) |
(pt 328 840) |
(pt 776 792) |
(pt 776 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 336 792) |
(pt 336 856) |
(pt 784 792) |
(pt 784 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 464 792) |
(pt 464 808) |
(pt 792 792) |
(pt 792 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 472 792) |
(pt 472 840) |
(pt 920 792) |
(pt 920 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 480 792) |
(pt 480 856) |
(pt 928 792) |
(pt 928 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 656 744) |
(pt 656 760) |
(pt 936 792) |
(pt 936 856) |
) |
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(pt 328 696) |
(pt 368 696) |
(pt 1080 792) |
(pt 1080 808) |
) |
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(pt 424 544) |
(pt 384 544) |
(bus) |
(pt 1088 792) |
(pt 1088 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 384 544) |
(pt 384 560) |
(bus) |
(pt 1096 792) |
(pt 1096 856) |
) |
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(pt 384 528) |
(bus) |
(pt 1224 792) |
(pt 1224 808) |
) |
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(pt 328 376) |
(pt 368 376) |
(pt 1232 792) |
(pt 1232 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 384 344) |
(pt 384 400) |
(pt 1240 792) |
(pt 1240 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 368 376) |
(pt 368 400) |
(pt 1368 792) |
(pt 1368 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 472 376) |
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(pt 1376 792) |
(pt 1376 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 528 344) |
(pt 528 400) |
(pt 1384 792) |
(pt 1384 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 512 376) |
(pt 512 400) |
(pt 1512 792) |
(pt 1512 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 472 696) |
(pt 512 696) |
(pt 1520 792) |
(pt 1520 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 568 544) |
(pt 528 544) |
(bus) |
(pt 1528 792) |
(pt 1528 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 528 544) |
(pt 528 560) |
(bus) |
(pt 1656 792) |
(pt 1656 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 864 528) |
(pt 824 528) |
(bus) |
(pt 1664 792) |
(pt 1664 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 768 376) |
(pt 808 376) |
(pt 1672 792) |
(pt 1672 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 824 344) |
(pt 824 400) |
(pt 1800 792) |
(pt 1800 808) |
) |
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(pt 808 376) |
(pt 808 400) |
(pt 1808 792) |
(pt 1808 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 912 376) |
(pt 952 376) |
(pt 1816 792) |
(pt 1816 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 968 344) |
(pt 968 400) |
(pt 1944 792) |
(pt 1944 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 952 376) |
(pt 952 400) |
(pt 1952 792) |
(pt 1952 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1072 376) |
(pt 1112 376) |
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(pt 1960 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1128 344) |
(pt 1128 400) |
(pt 2088 792) |
(pt 2088 808) |
) |
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(pt 1112 376) |
(pt 1112 400) |
(pt 2096 792) |
(pt 2096 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1216 376) |
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) |
(connector |
(pt 1272 344) |
(pt 1272 400) |
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(pt 2232 808) |
) |
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(pt 1256 376) |
(pt 1256 400) |
(pt 2240 792) |
(pt 2240 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1360 376) |
(pt 1400 376) |
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(pt 2248 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1416 344) |
(pt 1416 400) |
(pt 2376 792) |
(pt 2376 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1400 376) |
(pt 1400 400) |
(pt 2384 792) |
(pt 2384 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1504 376) |
(pt 1544 376) |
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(pt 2392 856) |
) |
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(pt 1560 344) |
(pt 1560 400) |
(pt 672 744) |
(pt 672 760) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1544 376) |
(pt 1544 400) |
(pt 880 528) |
(pt 840 528) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1648 376) |
(pt 1688 376) |
(pt 784 376) |
(pt 824 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1704 344) |
(pt 1704 400) |
(pt 840 344) |
(pt 840 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1688 376) |
(pt 1688 400) |
(pt 824 376) |
(pt 824 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1792 376) |
(pt 1832 376) |
(pt 928 376) |
(pt 968 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1848 344) |
(pt 1848 400) |
(pt 984 344) |
(pt 984 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1832 376) |
(pt 1832 400) |
(pt 968 376) |
(pt 968 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1936 376) |
(pt 1976 376) |
(pt 1088 376) |
(pt 1128 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1992 344) |
(pt 1992 400) |
(pt 1144 344) |
(pt 1144 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1976 376) |
(pt 1976 400) |
(pt 1128 376) |
(pt 1128 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2080 376) |
(pt 2120 376) |
(pt 1232 376) |
(pt 1272 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2136 344) |
(pt 2136 400) |
(pt 1288 344) |
(pt 1288 400) |
) |
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(pt 2120 376) |
(pt 2120 400) |
(pt 1272 376) |
(pt 1272 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2224 376) |
(pt 2264 376) |
(pt 1376 376) |
(pt 1416 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2280 344) |
(pt 2280 400) |
(pt 1432 344) |
(pt 1432 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2264 376) |
(pt 2264 400) |
(pt 1416 376) |
(pt 1416 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2368 376) |
(pt 2408 376) |
(pt 1520 376) |
(pt 1560 376) |
) |
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(pt 2424 344) |
(pt 2424 400) |
(pt 1576 344) |
(pt 1576 400) |
) |
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(pt 2408 376) |
(pt 2408 400) |
(pt 1560 376) |
(pt 1560 400) |
) |
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(pt 2408 696) |
(pt 1664 376) |
(pt 1704 376) |
) |
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(pt 2464 544) |
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(pt 1720 344) |
(pt 1720 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2424 544) |
(pt 2424 560) |
(bus) |
(pt 1704 376) |
(pt 1704 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2224 696) |
(pt 2264 696) |
(pt 1808 376) |
(pt 1848 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2320 544) |
(pt 2280 544) |
(bus) |
(pt 1864 344) |
(pt 1864 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2280 544) |
(pt 2280 560) |
(bus) |
(pt 1848 376) |
(pt 1848 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2080 696) |
(pt 2120 696) |
(pt 1952 376) |
(pt 1992 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2176 544) |
(pt 2136 544) |
(bus) |
(pt 2008 344) |
(pt 2008 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2136 544) |
(pt 2136 560) |
(bus) |
(pt 1992 376) |
(pt 1992 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1936 696) |
(pt 1976 696) |
(pt 2096 376) |
(pt 2136 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2032 544) |
(pt 1992 544) |
(bus) |
(pt 2152 344) |
(pt 2152 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1992 544) |
(pt 1992 560) |
(bus) |
(pt 2136 376) |
(pt 2136 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1792 696) |
(pt 1832 696) |
(pt 2240 376) |
(pt 2280 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1888 544) |
(pt 1848 544) |
(bus) |
(pt 2296 344) |
(pt 2296 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1848 544) |
(pt 1848 560) |
(bus) |
(pt 2280 376) |
(pt 2280 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1648 696) |
(pt 1688 696) |
(pt 2384 376) |
(pt 2424 376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1744 544) |
(pt 1704 544) |
(bus) |
(pt 2440 344) |
(pt 2440 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1704 544) |
(pt 1704 560) |
(bus) |
(pt 2424 376) |
(pt 2424 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1504 696) |
(pt 1544 696) |
(pt 2384 696) |
(pt 2424 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1600 544) |
(pt 1560 544) |
(pt 2480 544) |
(pt 2440 544) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1560 544) |
(pt 1560 560) |
(pt 2440 544) |
(pt 2440 560) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1360 696) |
(pt 1400 696) |
(pt 2240 696) |
(pt 2280 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1456 544) |
(pt 1416 544) |
(pt 2336 544) |
(pt 2296 544) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1416 544) |
(pt 1416 560) |
(pt 2296 544) |
(pt 2296 560) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1216 696) |
(pt 1256 696) |
(pt 2096 696) |
(pt 2136 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1312 544) |
(pt 1272 544) |
(pt 2192 544) |
(pt 2152 544) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1272 544) |
(pt 1272 560) |
(pt 2152 544) |
(pt 2152 560) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1072 696) |
(pt 1112 696) |
(pt 1952 696) |
(pt 1992 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1168 544) |
(pt 1128 544) |
(pt 2048 544) |
(pt 2008 544) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1128 544) |
(pt 1128 560) |
(pt 2008 544) |
(pt 2008 560) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 912 696) |
(pt 952 696) |
(pt 1808 696) |
(pt 1848 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1008 544) |
(pt 968 544) |
(pt 1904 544) |
(pt 1864 544) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 968 544) |
(pt 968 560) |
(pt 1864 544) |
(pt 1864 560) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 768 696) |
(pt 808 696) |
(pt 1664 696) |
(pt 1704 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 864 544) |
(pt 824 544) |
(pt 1760 544) |
(pt 1720 544) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 824 544) |
(pt 824 560) |
(pt 1720 544) |
(pt 1720 560) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 920 264) |
(pt 968 264) |
(pt 1520 696) |
(pt 1560 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 968 264) |
(pt 1080 264) |
(pt 1616 544) |
(pt 1576 544) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1080 264) |
(pt 1128 264) |
(pt 1576 544) |
(pt 1576 560) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1128 264) |
(pt 1224 264) |
(pt 1376 696) |
(pt 1416 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1224 264) |
(pt 1272 264) |
(pt 1472 544) |
(pt 1432 544) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1272 264) |
(pt 1368 264) |
(pt 1432 544) |
(pt 1432 560) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1368 264) |
(pt 1416 264) |
(pt 1232 696) |
(pt 1272 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1416 264) |
(pt 1512 264) |
(pt 1328 544) |
(pt 1288 544) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1512 264) |
(pt 1560 264) |
(pt 1288 544) |
(pt 1288 560) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1560 264) |
(pt 1656 264) |
(pt 1088 696) |
(pt 1128 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 976 248) |
(pt 1136 248) |
(pt 1184 544) |
(pt 1144 544) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1136 248) |
(pt 1280 248) |
(pt 1144 544) |
(pt 1144 560) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1280 248) |
(pt 1424 248) |
(pt 928 696) |
(pt 968 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1424 248) |
(pt 1568 248) |
(pt 1024 544) |
(pt 984 544) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1568 248) |
(pt 1712 248) |
(pt 984 544) |
(pt 984 560) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1712 248) |
(pt 1856 248) |
(pt 784 696) |
(pt 824 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1856 248) |
(pt 2000 248) |
(pt 880 544) |
(pt 840 544) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2000 248) |
(pt 2144 248) |
(pt 840 544) |
(pt 840 560) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2144 248) |
(pt 2288 248) |
(pt 696 344) |
(pt 712 344) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2288 248) |
(pt 2432 248) |
(pt 696 376) |
(pt 712 376) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 320 208) |
(pt 320 216) |
(pt 696 696) |
(pt 712 696) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 320 216) |
(pt 320 280) |
(pt 696 728) |
(pt 712 728) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 296 216) |
(pt 320 216) |
(pt 2664 248) |
(pt 2672 248) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 320 216) |
(pt 376 216) |
(pt 2672 248) |
(pt 2672 232) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 464 208) |
(pt 464 216) |
(pt 2608 392) |
(pt 2608 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 464 216) |
(pt 464 280) |
(pt 2608 416) |
(pt 2608 680) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 440 216) |
(pt 464 216) |
(pt 2608 744) |
(pt 2608 760) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 464 216) |
(pt 520 216) |
(pt 2632 344) |
(pt 2648 344) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 760 208) |
(pt 760 216) |
(pt 2632 376) |
(pt 2648 376) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 760 216) |
(pt 760 280) |
(pt 2632 696) |
(pt 2648 696) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 736 216) |
(pt 760 216) |
(pt 2632 728) |
(pt 2648 728) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 760 216) |
(pt 816 216) |
(pt 2608 416) |
(pt 2656 416) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 904 208) |
(pt 904 216) |
(pt 2608 760) |
(pt 2544 760) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 904 216) |
(pt 904 280) |
(pt 2560 400) |
(pt 2608 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 880 216) |
(pt 904 216) |
(pt 2608 328) |
(pt 2608 320) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 904 216) |
(pt 960 216) |
(pt 2608 320) |
(pt 2584 320) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1064 208) |
(pt 1064 216) |
(pt 2656 304) |
(pt 2656 416) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1064 216) |
(pt 1064 280) |
(pt 2600 304) |
(pt 2656 304) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1040 216) |
(pt 1064 216) |
(pt 984 520) |
(pt 984 528) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1064 216) |
(pt 1120 216) |
(pt 1144 520) |
(pt 1144 528) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1208 208) |
(pt 1208 216) |
(pt 1288 520) |
(pt 1288 528) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1208 216) |
(pt 1208 280) |
(pt 1432 520) |
(pt 1432 528) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1184 216) |
(pt 1208 216) |
(pt 1576 520) |
(pt 1576 528) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1208 216) |
(pt 1264 216) |
(pt 1720 520) |
(pt 1720 528) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1352 208) |
(pt 1352 216) |
(pt 1864 520) |
(pt 1864 528) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1352 216) |
(pt 1352 280) |
(pt 2008 520) |
(pt 2008 528) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1328 216) |
(pt 1352 216) |
(pt 2152 520) |
(pt 2152 528) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1352 216) |
(pt 1408 216) |
(pt 2296 520) |
(pt 2296 528) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1496 208) |
(pt 1496 216) |
(pt 2440 520) |
(pt 2440 528) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1496 216) |
(pt 1496 280) |
(pt 840 528) |
(pt 840 520) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1472 216) |
(pt 1496 216) |
(pt 2440 680) |
(pt 2440 728) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1496 216) |
(pt 1552 216) |
(pt 2424 680) |
(pt 2424 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1640 208) |
(pt 1640 216) |
(pt 2296 680) |
(pt 2296 728) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1640 216) |
(pt 1640 280) |
(pt 2280 680) |
(pt 2280 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1616 216) |
(pt 1640 216) |
(pt 2152 680) |
(pt 2152 728) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1640 216) |
(pt 1696 216) |
(pt 2136 680) |
(pt 2136 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1784 208) |
(pt 1784 216) |
(pt 2008 680) |
(pt 2008 728) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1784 216) |
(pt 1784 280) |
(pt 1992 680) |
(pt 1992 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1760 216) |
(pt 1784 216) |
(pt 1864 680) |
(pt 1864 728) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1784 216) |
(pt 1840 216) |
(pt 1848 680) |
(pt 1848 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1928 208) |
(pt 1928 216) |
(pt 1720 680) |
(pt 1720 728) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1928 216) |
(pt 1928 280) |
(pt 1704 680) |
(pt 1704 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1904 216) |
(pt 1928 216) |
(pt 1576 680) |
(pt 1576 728) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1928 216) |
(pt 1984 216) |
(pt 1560 680) |
(pt 1560 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2072 208) |
(pt 2072 216) |
(pt 1432 680) |
(pt 1432 728) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2072 216) |
(pt 2072 280) |
(pt 1416 680) |
(pt 1416 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2048 216) |
(pt 2072 216) |
(pt 1288 680) |
(pt 1288 728) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2072 216) |
(pt 2128 216) |
(pt 1272 680) |
(pt 1272 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2216 208) |
(pt 2216 216) |
(pt 1144 680) |
(pt 1144 728) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2216 216) |
(pt 2216 280) |
(pt 1128 680) |
(pt 1128 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2192 216) |
(pt 2216 216) |
(pt 984 680) |
(pt 984 728) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2216 216) |
(pt 2272 216) |
(pt 968 680) |
(pt 968 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2360 208) |
(pt 2360 216) |
(pt 840 680) |
(pt 840 728) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2360 216) |
(pt 2360 280) |
(pt 824 680) |
(pt 824 696) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2336 216) |
(pt 2360 216) |
(pt 2584 208) |
(pt 2584 320) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2360 216) |
(pt 2416 216) |
(pt 2600 208) |
(pt 2600 304) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 264) |
(pt 336 264) |
(pt 2544 208) |
(pt 2544 760) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 336 264) |
(pt 384 264) |
(pt 2560 208) |
(pt 2560 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 384 264) |
(pt 480 264) |
(pt 936 264) |
(pt 984 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 480 264) |
(pt 528 264) |
(pt 984 264) |
(pt 1096 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 528 264) |
(pt 776 264) |
(pt 1096 264) |
(pt 1144 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 776 264) |
(pt 824 264) |
(pt 1144 264) |
(pt 1240 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 360) |
(pt 424 360) |
(bus) |
(pt 1240 264) |
(pt 1288 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 616 344) |
(pt 616 360) |
(bus) |
(pt 1288 264) |
(pt 1384 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 616 360) |
(pt 616 376) |
(bus) |
(pt 1384 264) |
(pt 1432 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 424 360) |
(pt 568 360) |
(bus) |
(pt 1432 264) |
(pt 1528 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 568 360) |
(pt 616 360) |
(bus) |
(pt 992 248) |
(pt 1152 248) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 712) |
(pt 424 712) |
(bus) |
(pt 1152 248) |
(pt 1296 248) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 616 696) |
(pt 616 712) |
(bus) |
(pt 1296 248) |
(pt 1440 248) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 616 712) |
(pt 616 728) |
(bus) |
(pt 1440 248) |
(pt 1584 248) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 424 712) |
(pt 568 712) |
(bus) |
(pt 1584 248) |
(pt 1728 248) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 568 712) |
(pt 616 712) |
(bus) |
(pt 1728 248) |
(pt 1872 248) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 976 824) |
(pt 1136 824) |
(pt 1872 248) |
(pt 2016 248) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1136 824) |
(pt 1280 824) |
(pt 2016 248) |
(pt 2160 248) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1280 824) |
(pt 1424 824) |
(pt 776 208) |
(pt 776 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1424 824) |
(pt 1568 824) |
(pt 776 216) |
(pt 776 280) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1568 824) |
(pt 1712 824) |
(pt 752 216) |
(pt 776 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1712 824) |
(pt 1856 824) |
(pt 776 216) |
(pt 832 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1856 824) |
(pt 2000 824) |
(pt 920 208) |
(pt 920 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2000 824) |
(pt 2144 824) |
(pt 920 216) |
(pt 920 280) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2144 824) |
(pt 2288 824) |
(pt 896 216) |
(pt 920 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2288 824) |
(pt 2432 824) |
(pt 920 216) |
(pt 976 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2432 824) |
(pt 2480 824) |
(pt 1080 208) |
(pt 1080 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 736 808) |
(pt 760 808) |
(pt 1080 216) |
(pt 1080 280) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 760 808) |
(pt 816 808) |
(pt 1056 216) |
(pt 1080 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 880 808) |
(pt 904 808) |
(pt 1080 216) |
(pt 1136 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 904 808) |
(pt 960 808) |
(pt 1224 208) |
(pt 1224 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1040 808) |
(pt 1064 808) |
(pt 1224 216) |
(pt 1224 280) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1064 808) |
(pt 1120 808) |
(pt 1200 216) |
(pt 1224 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1184 808) |
(pt 1208 808) |
(pt 1224 216) |
(pt 1280 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1208 808) |
(pt 1264 808) |
(pt 1368 208) |
(pt 1368 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 920 856) |
(pt 968 856) |
(pt 1368 216) |
(pt 1368 280) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 968 856) |
(pt 1080 856) |
(pt 1344 216) |
(pt 1368 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1328 808) |
(pt 1352 808) |
(pt 1368 216) |
(pt 1424 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1352 808) |
(pt 1408 808) |
(pt 1512 208) |
(pt 1512 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1080 856) |
(pt 1128 856) |
(pt 1512 216) |
(pt 1512 280) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1128 856) |
(pt 1224 856) |
(pt 1488 216) |
(pt 1512 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1472 808) |
(pt 1496 808) |
(pt 1512 216) |
(pt 1568 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1496 808) |
(pt 1552 808) |
(pt 1656 208) |
(pt 1656 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 912 840) |
(pt 1072 840) |
(pt 1656 216) |
(pt 1656 280) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1224 856) |
(pt 1272 856) |
(pt 1632 216) |
(pt 1656 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1272 856) |
(pt 1368 856) |
(pt 1656 216) |
(pt 1712 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1616 808) |
(pt 1640 808) |
(pt 1800 208) |
(pt 1800 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1640 808) |
(pt 1696 808) |
(pt 1800 216) |
(pt 1800 280) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1072 840) |
(pt 1216 840) |
(pt 1776 216) |
(pt 1800 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1368 856) |
(pt 1416 856) |
(pt 1800 216) |
(pt 1856 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1416 856) |
(pt 1512 856) |
(pt 1944 208) |
(pt 1944 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1760 808) |
(pt 1784 808) |
(pt 1944 216) |
(pt 1944 280) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1784 808) |
(pt 1840 808) |
(pt 1920 216) |
(pt 1944 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1216 840) |
(pt 1360 840) |
(pt 1944 216) |
(pt 2000 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1512 856) |
(pt 1560 856) |
(pt 2088 208) |
(pt 2088 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1560 856) |
(pt 1656 856) |
(pt 2088 216) |
(pt 2088 280) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1904 808) |
(pt 1928 808) |
(pt 2064 216) |
(pt 2088 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1928 808) |
(pt 1984 808) |
(pt 2088 216) |
(pt 2144 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1360 840) |
(pt 1504 840) |
(pt 2232 208) |
(pt 2232 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1656 856) |
(pt 1704 856) |
(pt 2232 216) |
(pt 2232 280) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1704 856) |
(pt 1800 856) |
(pt 2208 216) |
(pt 2232 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2048 808) |
(pt 2072 808) |
(pt 2232 216) |
(pt 2288 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2072 808) |
(pt 2128 808) |
(pt 2376 208) |
(pt 2376 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1504 840) |
(pt 1648 840) |
(pt 2376 216) |
(pt 2376 280) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1800 856) |
(pt 1848 856) |
(pt 2352 216) |
(pt 2376 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1848 856) |
(pt 1944 856) |
(pt 2376 216) |
(pt 2432 216) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2192 808) |
(pt 2216 808) |
(pt 384 264) |
(pt 480 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2216 808) |
(pt 2272 808) |
(pt 480 264) |
(pt 528 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1648 840) |
(pt 1792 840) |
(pt 528 264) |
(pt 792 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1944 856) |
(pt 1992 856) |
(pt 792 264) |
(pt 840 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1992 856) |
(pt 2088 856) |
(pt 208 360) |
(pt 424 360) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2336 808) |
(pt 2360 808) |
(pt 632 344) |
(pt 632 360) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2360 808) |
(pt 2416 808) |
(pt 632 360) |
(pt 632 376) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1792 840) |
(pt 1936 840) |
(pt 424 360) |
(pt 568 360) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1936 840) |
(pt 2080 840) |
(pt 568 360) |
(pt 632 360) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2080 840) |
(pt 2224 840) |
(pt 208 712) |
(pt 424 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2224 840) |
(pt 2368 840) |
(pt 632 696) |
(pt 632 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2368 840) |
(pt 2496 840) |
(pt 632 712) |
(pt 632 728) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2088 856) |
(pt 2136 856) |
(pt 424 712) |
(pt 568 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2136 856) |
(pt 2232 856) |
(pt 568 712) |
(pt 632 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2232 856) |
(pt 2280 856) |
(pt 992 824) |
(pt 1152 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2280 856) |
(pt 2376 856) |
(pt 1152 824) |
(pt 1296 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 296 808) |
(pt 320 808) |
(pt 1296 824) |
(pt 1440 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 320 808) |
(pt 376 808) |
(pt 1440 824) |
(pt 1584 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 440 808) |
(pt 464 808) |
(pt 1584 824) |
(pt 1728 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 464 808) |
(pt 520 808) |
(pt 1728 824) |
(pt 1872 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 856) |
(pt 336 856) |
(pt 1872 824) |
(pt 2016 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 336 856) |
(pt 384 856) |
(pt 2016 824) |
(pt 2160 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 384 856) |
(pt 480 856) |
(pt 2160 824) |
(pt 2304 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 480 856) |
(pt 528 856) |
(pt 2304 824) |
(pt 2448 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 528 856) |
(pt 776 856) |
(pt 2448 824) |
(pt 2496 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 776 856) |
(pt 824 856) |
(pt 752 808) |
(pt 776 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 608 208) |
(pt 608 400) |
(pt 776 808) |
(pt 832 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 608 400) |
(pt 608 760) |
(pt 896 808) |
(pt 920 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 656 208) |
(pt 656 312) |
(pt 920 808) |
(pt 976 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 656 312) |
(pt 656 328) |
(pt 1056 808) |
(pt 1080 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 232) |
(pt 216 232) |
(pt 1080 808) |
(pt 1136 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 216 232) |
(pt 328 232) |
(pt 1200 808) |
(pt 1224 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 328 232) |
(pt 472 232) |
(pt 1224 808) |
(pt 1280 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 472 232) |
(pt 768 232) |
(pt 1344 808) |
(pt 1368 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 280 248) |
(pt 392 248) |
(pt 1368 808) |
(pt 1424 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 392 248) |
(pt 536 248) |
(pt 936 856) |
(pt 984 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 536 248) |
(pt 832 248) |
(pt 984 856) |
(pt 1096 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 280 824) |
(pt 392 824) |
(pt 1488 808) |
(pt 1512 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 392 824) |
(pt 536 824) |
(pt 1512 808) |
(pt 1568 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 536 824) |
(pt 832 824) |
(pt 1096 856) |
(pt 1144 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 840) |
(pt 216 840) |
(pt 1144 856) |
(pt 1240 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 216 840) |
(pt 328 840) |
(pt 1632 808) |
(pt 1656 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 328 840) |
(pt 472 840) |
(pt 1656 808) |
(pt 1712 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 472 840) |
(pt 768 840) |
(pt 1240 856) |
(pt 1288 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 680 344) |
(pt 696 344) |
(bus) |
(pt 1288 856) |
(pt 1384 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 680 376) |
(pt 696 376) |
(bus) |
(pt 1776 808) |
(pt 1800 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 680 696) |
(pt 696 696) |
(bus) |
(pt 1800 808) |
(pt 1856 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 680 728) |
(pt 696 728) |
(bus) |
(pt 928 840) |
(pt 1088 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 696 344) |
(pt 696 360) |
(bus) |
(pt 1384 856) |
(pt 1432 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 696 360) |
(pt 696 376) |
(bus) |
(pt 1432 856) |
(pt 1528 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 696 360) |
(pt 864 360) |
(bus) |
(pt 1920 808) |
(pt 1944 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 864 360) |
(pt 1008 360) |
(bus) |
(pt 1944 808) |
(pt 2000 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1008 360) |
(pt 1168 360) |
(bus) |
(pt 1088 840) |
(pt 1232 840) |
) |
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(pt 1168 360) |
(pt 1312 360) |
(bus) |
(pt 1528 856) |
(pt 1576 856) |
) |
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(pt 1312 360) |
(pt 1456 360) |
(bus) |
(pt 1576 856) |
(pt 1672 856) |
) |
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(pt 1456 360) |
(pt 1600 360) |
(bus) |
(pt 2064 808) |
(pt 2088 808) |
) |
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(pt 1600 360) |
(pt 1744 360) |
(bus) |
(pt 2088 808) |
(pt 2144 808) |
) |
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(pt 1744 360) |
(pt 1888 360) |
(bus) |
(pt 1232 840) |
(pt 1376 840) |
) |
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(pt 1888 360) |
(pt 2032 360) |
(bus) |
(pt 1672 856) |
(pt 1720 856) |
) |
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(pt 2032 360) |
(pt 2176 360) |
(bus) |
(pt 1720 856) |
(pt 1816 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2176 360) |
(pt 2320 360) |
(bus) |
(pt 2208 808) |
(pt 2232 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 696 696) |
(pt 696 712) |
(bus) |
(pt 2232 808) |
(pt 2288 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 696 712) |
(pt 696 728) |
(bus) |
(pt 1376 840) |
(pt 1520 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 696 712) |
(pt 864 712) |
(bus) |
(pt 1816 856) |
(pt 1864 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 864 712) |
(pt 1008 712) |
(bus) |
(pt 1864 856) |
(pt 1960 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1008 712) |
(pt 1168 712) |
(bus) |
(pt 2352 808) |
(pt 2376 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1168 712) |
(pt 1312 712) |
(bus) |
(pt 2376 808) |
(pt 2432 808) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1312 712) |
(pt 1456 712) |
(bus) |
(pt 1520 840) |
(pt 1664 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1456 712) |
(pt 1600 712) |
(bus) |
(pt 1664 840) |
(pt 1808 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1600 712) |
(pt 1744 712) |
(bus) |
(pt 1808 840) |
(pt 1952 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1744 712) |
(pt 1888 712) |
(bus) |
(pt 1952 840) |
(pt 2096 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1888 712) |
(pt 2032 712) |
(bus) |
(pt 2096 840) |
(pt 2240 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2032 712) |
(pt 2176 712) |
(bus) |
(pt 2240 840) |
(pt 2384 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2176 712) |
(pt 2320 712) |
(bus) |
(pt 2384 840) |
(pt 2512 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 912 232) |
(pt 1072 232) |
(pt 1960 856) |
(pt 2008 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1072 232) |
(pt 1216 232) |
(pt 2008 856) |
(pt 2104 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1216 232) |
(pt 1360 232) |
(pt 2104 856) |
(pt 2152 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1360 232) |
(pt 1504 232) |
(pt 2152 856) |
(pt 2248 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1504 232) |
(pt 1648 232) |
(pt 280 824) |
(pt 392 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1648 232) |
(pt 1792 232) |
(pt 392 824) |
(pt 536 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1792 232) |
(pt 1936 232) |
(pt 536 824) |
(pt 848 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1936 232) |
(pt 2080 232) |
(pt 216 840) |
(pt 328 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2080 232) |
(pt 2224 232) |
(pt 328 840) |
(pt 472 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2224 232) |
(pt 2368 232) |
(pt 472 840) |
(pt 784 840) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1656 264) |
(pt 1704 264) |
(pt 384 856) |
(pt 480 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1704 264) |
(pt 1800 264) |
(pt 480 856) |
(pt 528 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1800 264) |
(pt 1848 264) |
(pt 528 856) |
(pt 792 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1848 264) |
(pt 1944 264) |
(pt 792 856) |
(pt 840 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1944 264) |
(pt 1992 264) |
(pt 672 208) |
(pt 672 312) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1992 264) |
(pt 2088 264) |
(pt 672 312) |
(pt 672 328) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2088 264) |
(pt 2136 264) |
(pt 216 232) |
(pt 328 232) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2136 264) |
(pt 2232 264) |
(pt 328 232) |
(pt 472 232) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2232 264) |
(pt 2280 264) |
(pt 472 232) |
(pt 784 232) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2280 264) |
(pt 2376 264) |
(pt 280 248) |
(pt 392 248) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2648 248) |
(pt 2656 248) |
(pt 392 248) |
(pt 536 248) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2656 248) |
(pt 2656 232) |
(pt 536 248) |
(pt 848 248) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2368 232) |
(pt 2496 232) |
(pt 712 344) |
(pt 712 360) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2432 248) |
(pt 2480 248) |
(pt 712 360) |
(pt 712 376) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2376 264) |
(pt 2424 264) |
(pt 712 360) |
(pt 880 360) |
(bus) |
) |
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(pt 2496 232) |
(pt 2656 232) |
(pt 880 360) |
(pt 1024 360) |
(bus) |
) |
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(pt 2480 248) |
(pt 2600 248) |
(pt 1024 360) |
(pt 1184 360) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2424 264) |
(pt 2672 264) |
(pt 1184 360) |
(pt 1328 360) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2656 232) |
(pt 2672 232) |
(pt 1328 360) |
(pt 1472 360) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2376 856) |
(pt 2424 856) |
(pt 1472 360) |
(pt 1616 360) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2424 856) |
(pt 2672 856) |
(pt 1616 360) |
(pt 1760 360) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2592 392) |
(pt 2592 400) |
(pt 1760 360) |
(pt 1904 360) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2592 416) |
(pt 2592 680) |
(pt 1904 360) |
(pt 2048 360) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2592 744) |
(pt 2592 760) |
(pt 712 696) |
(pt 712 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2616 344) |
(pt 2632 344) |
(pt 712 712) |
(pt 712 728) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2616 376) |
(pt 2632 376) |
(pt 712 712) |
(pt 880 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2616 696) |
(pt 2632 696) |
(pt 880 712) |
(pt 1024 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2616 728) |
(pt 2632 728) |
(pt 1024 712) |
(pt 1184 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2592 416) |
(pt 2640 416) |
(pt 1184 712) |
(pt 1328 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2592 760) |
(pt 2528 760) |
(pt 1328 712) |
(pt 1472 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2672 360) |
(pt 2632 360) |
(pt 1472 712) |
(pt 1616 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2672 712) |
(pt 2632 712) |
(pt 1616 712) |
(pt 1760 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2552 344) |
(pt 2552 360) |
(pt 1760 712) |
(pt 1904 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2552 360) |
(pt 2552 376) |
(pt 1904 712) |
(pt 2048 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2320 360) |
(pt 2464 360) |
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(pt 928 232) |
(pt 1088 232) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2464 360) |
(pt 2552 360) |
(bus) |
(pt 1088 232) |
(pt 1232 232) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2552 696) |
(pt 2552 712) |
(bus) |
(pt 1232 232) |
(pt 1376 232) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2552 712) |
(pt 2552 728) |
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(pt 1376 232) |
(pt 1520 232) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2320 712) |
(pt 2464 712) |
(bus) |
(pt 1520 232) |
(pt 1664 232) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2464 712) |
(pt 2552 712) |
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(pt 1664 232) |
(pt 1808 232) |
) |
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(pt 2544 400) |
(pt 2592 400) |
(pt 1808 232) |
(pt 1952 232) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2632 344) |
(pt 2632 360) |
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(pt 1952 232) |
(pt 2096 232) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2632 360) |
(pt 2632 376) |
(bus) |
(pt 1528 264) |
(pt 1576 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2632 696) |
(pt 2632 712) |
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(pt 1576 264) |
(pt 1672 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2632 712) |
(pt 2632 728) |
(bus) |
(pt 1672 264) |
(pt 1720 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2552 344) |
(pt 2568 344) |
(bus) |
(pt 1720 264) |
(pt 1816 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2552 376) |
(pt 2568 376) |
(bus) |
(pt 1816 264) |
(pt 1864 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2552 696) |
(pt 2568 696) |
(bus) |
(pt 1864 264) |
(pt 1960 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2552 728) |
(pt 2568 728) |
(bus) |
(pt 1960 264) |
(pt 2008 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2592 328) |
(pt 2592 320) |
(pt 2008 264) |
(pt 2104 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2592 320) |
(pt 2568 320) |
(pt 2104 264) |
(pt 2152 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2640 304) |
(pt 2640 416) |
(pt 2152 264) |
(pt 2248 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2584 304) |
(pt 2640 304) |
(pt 2096 232) |
(pt 2240 232) |
) |
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(pt 968 520) |
(pt 968 528) |
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(pt 2160 248) |
(pt 2304 248) |
) |
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(pt 1128 520) |
(pt 1128 528) |
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(pt 2248 264) |
(pt 2296 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1272 520) |
(pt 1272 528) |
(bus) |
(pt 2240 232) |
(pt 2384 232) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1416 520) |
(pt 1416 528) |
(bus) |
(pt 2304 248) |
(pt 2448 248) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1560 520) |
(pt 1560 528) |
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(pt 2296 264) |
(pt 2392 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1704 520) |
(pt 1704 528) |
(bus) |
(pt 2384 232) |
(pt 2512 232) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1848 520) |
(pt 1848 528) |
(bus) |
(pt 2248 856) |
(pt 2296 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1992 520) |
(pt 1992 528) |
(bus) |
(pt 2296 856) |
(pt 2392 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2136 520) |
(pt 2136 528) |
(pt 2048 360) |
(pt 2192 360) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2280 520) |
(pt 2280 528) |
(pt 2192 360) |
(pt 2336 360) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2424 520) |
(pt 2424 528) |
(pt 2568 344) |
(pt 2568 360) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 384 680) |
(pt 384 728) |
(pt 2568 360) |
(pt 2568 376) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 368 680) |
(pt 368 696) |
(pt 2336 360) |
(pt 2480 360) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 528 680) |
(pt 528 728) |
(pt 2480 360) |
(pt 2568 360) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 512 680) |
(pt 512 696) |
(pt 2048 712) |
(pt 2192 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 824 528) |
(pt 824 520) |
(pt 2192 712) |
(pt 2336 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2424 680) |
(pt 2424 728) |
(pt 2568 696) |
(pt 2568 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2408 680) |
(pt 2408 696) |
(pt 2568 712) |
(pt 2568 728) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2280 680) |
(pt 2280 728) |
(pt 2336 712) |
(pt 2480 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2264 680) |
(pt 2264 696) |
(pt 2480 712) |
(pt 2568 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2136 680) |
(pt 2136 728) |
(pt 2264 520) |
(pt 2264 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2120 680) |
(pt 2120 696) |
(pt 2264 536) |
(pt 2264 560) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1992 680) |
(pt 1992 728) |
(pt 2408 520) |
(pt 2408 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1976 680) |
(pt 1976 696) |
(pt 2408 536) |
(pt 2408 560) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1848 680) |
(pt 1848 728) |
(pt 2120 520) |
(pt 2120 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1832 680) |
(pt 1832 696) |
(pt 2120 536) |
(pt 2120 560) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1704 680) |
(pt 1704 728) |
(pt 2264 536) |
(pt 2408 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1688 680) |
(pt 1688 696) |
(pt 1976 520) |
(pt 1976 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1560 680) |
(pt 1560 728) |
(pt 1976 536) |
(pt 1976 560) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1544 680) |
(pt 1544 696) |
(pt 2120 536) |
(pt 2264 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1416 680) |
(pt 1416 728) |
(pt 1832 520) |
(pt 1832 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1400 680) |
(pt 1400 696) |
(pt 1832 536) |
(pt 1832 560) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1272 680) |
(pt 1272 728) |
(pt 1976 536) |
(pt 2120 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1256 680) |
(pt 1256 696) |
(pt 1688 520) |
(pt 1688 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1128 680) |
(pt 1128 728) |
(pt 1688 536) |
(pt 1688 560) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1112 680) |
(pt 1112 696) |
(pt 1832 536) |
(pt 1976 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 968 680) |
(pt 968 728) |
(pt 1544 520) |
(pt 1544 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 952 680) |
(pt 952 696) |
(pt 1544 536) |
(pt 1544 560) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 824 680) |
(pt 824 728) |
(pt 1688 536) |
(pt 1832 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 808 680) |
(pt 808 696) |
(pt 1400 520) |
(pt 1400 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 528 520) |
(pt 528 528) |
(bus) |
(pt 1400 536) |
(pt 1400 560) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 384 520) |
(pt 384 528) |
(bus) |
(pt 1544 536) |
(pt 1688 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2392 520) |
(pt 2392 536) |
(pt 1256 520) |
(pt 1256 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2392 536) |
(pt 2392 560) |
(pt 1256 536) |
(pt 1256 560) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2248 536) |
(pt 2392 536) |
(pt 1400 536) |
(pt 1544 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2248 520) |
(pt 2248 536) |
(pt 1112 520) |
(pt 1112 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2248 536) |
(pt 2248 560) |
(pt 1112 536) |
(pt 1112 560) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2104 536) |
(pt 2248 536) |
(pt 1256 536) |
(pt 1400 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2104 520) |
(pt 2104 536) |
(pt 952 520) |
(pt 952 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2104 536) |
(pt 2104 560) |
(pt 952 536) |
(pt 952 560) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1960 536) |
(pt 2104 536) |
(pt 1112 536) |
(pt 1256 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1960 520) |
(pt 1960 536) |
(pt 496 520) |
(pt 496 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1960 536) |
(pt 1960 560) |
(pt 496 536) |
(pt 496 560) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1816 536) |
(pt 1960 536) |
(pt 208 536) |
(pt 352 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1816 520) |
(pt 1816 536) |
(pt 808 520) |
(pt 808 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1816 536) |
(pt 1816 560) |
(pt 808 536) |
(pt 808 560) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1672 536) |
(pt 1816 536) |
(pt 352 536) |
(pt 496 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1672 520) |
(pt 1672 536) |
(pt 496 536) |
(pt 808 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1672 536) |
(pt 1672 560) |
(pt 808 536) |
(pt 952 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1528 536) |
(pt 1672 536) |
(pt 952 536) |
(pt 1112 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1528 520) |
(pt 1528 536) |
(pt 2448 248) |
(pt 2496 248) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1528 536) |
(pt 1528 560) |
(pt 2392 264) |
(pt 2440 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1384 536) |
(pt 1528 536) |
(pt 2392 856) |
(pt 2440 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1384 520) |
(pt 1384 536) |
(pt 2512 232) |
(pt 2672 232) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1384 536) |
(pt 1384 560) |
(pt 2648 344) |
(pt 2648 360) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1240 536) |
(pt 1384 536) |
(pt 2648 360) |
(pt 2648 376) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1240 520) |
(pt 1240 536) |
(pt 2648 696) |
(pt 2648 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1240 536) |
(pt 1240 560) |
(pt 2648 712) |
(pt 2648 728) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1096 536) |
(pt 1240 536) |
(pt 632 344) |
(pt 648 344) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1096 520) |
(pt 1096 536) |
(pt 632 376) |
(pt 648 376) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1096 536) |
(pt 1096 560) |
(pt 632 696) |
(pt 648 696) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 936 536) |
(pt 1096 536) |
(pt 632 728) |
(pt 648 728) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 936 520) |
(pt 936 536) |
(pt 2496 248) |
(pt 2616 248) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 936 536) |
(pt 936 560) |
(pt 2568 344) |
(pt 2584 344) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 792 536) |
(pt 936 536) |
(pt 2568 376) |
(pt 2584 376) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 792 520) |
(pt 792 536) |
(pt 2568 696) |
(pt 2584 696) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 792 536) |
(pt 792 560) |
(pt 2568 728) |
(pt 2584 728) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 496 536) |
(pt 792 536) |
(pt 2440 264) |
(pt 2688 264) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 496 520) |
(pt 496 536) |
(pt 2440 856) |
(pt 2688 856) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 496 536) |
(pt 496 560) |
(pt 2672 232) |
(pt 2688 232) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 352 520) |
(pt 352 536) |
(pt 2648 360) |
(pt 2688 360) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 352 536) |
(pt 352 560) |
(pt 2648 712) |
(pt 2688 712) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2568 208) |
(pt 2568 320) |
(pt 672 400) |
(pt 624 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2584 208) |
(pt 2584 304) |
(pt 672 760) |
(pt 608 760) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2528 208) |
(pt 2528 760) |
(pt 624 208) |
(pt 624 400) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 2544 208) |
(pt 2544 400) |
(pt 608 208) |
(pt 608 760) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 352 536) |
(pt 496 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 536) |
(pt 352 536) |
) |
(junction (pt 216 232)) |
(junction (pt 216 840)) |
(junction (pt 864 360)) |
(junction (pt 696 360)) |
(junction (pt 1008 360)) |
(junction (pt 1168 360)) |
(junction (pt 1312 360)) |
(junction (pt 1456 360)) |
(junction (pt 1600 360)) |
(junction (pt 1744 360)) |
(junction (pt 1888 360)) |
(junction (pt 2032 360)) |
(junction (pt 2176 360)) |
(junction (pt 2320 360)) |
(junction (pt 864 712)) |
(junction (pt 696 712)) |
(junction (pt 1008 712)) |
(junction (pt 1168 712)) |
(junction (pt 1312 712)) |
(junction (pt 1456 712)) |
(junction (pt 1600 712)) |
(junction (pt 1744 712)) |
(junction (pt 1888 712)) |
(junction (pt 2032 712)) |
(junction (pt 2176 712)) |
(junction (pt 2320 712)) |
(junction (pt 968 264)) |
(junction (pt 1080 264)) |
(junction (pt 1128 264)) |
(junction (pt 1224 264)) |
(junction (pt 1272 264)) |
(junction (pt 1368 264)) |
(junction (pt 1416 264)) |
(junction (pt 1512 264)) |
(junction (pt 1560 264)) |
(junction (pt 1656 264)) |
(junction (pt 1704 264)) |
(junction (pt 1800 264)) |
(junction (pt 1848 264)) |
(junction (pt 1944 264)) |
(junction (pt 1992 264)) |
(junction (pt 2088 264)) |
(junction (pt 2136 264)) |
(junction (pt 2232 264)) |
(junction (pt 2280 264)) |
(junction (pt 2376 264)) |
(junction (pt 2424 264)) |
(junction (pt 776 264)) |
(junction (pt 1136 248)) |
(junction (pt 1280 248)) |
(junction (pt 1424 248)) |
(junction (pt 1568 248)) |
(junction (pt 1712 248)) |
(junction (pt 1856 248)) |
(junction (pt 2000 248)) |
(junction (pt 2144 248)) |
(junction (pt 2288 248)) |
(junction (pt 2432 248)) |
(junction (pt 2480 248)) |
(junction (pt 1072 232)) |
(junction (pt 1216 232)) |
(junction (pt 1360 232)) |
(junction (pt 1504 232)) |
(junction (pt 1648 232)) |
(junction (pt 1792 232)) |
(junction (pt 1936 232)) |
(junction (pt 2080 232)) |
(junction (pt 2224 232)) |
(junction (pt 2368 232)) |
(junction (pt 2496 232)) |
(junction (pt 320 216)) |
(junction (pt 464 216)) |
(junction (pt 760 216)) |
(junction (pt 904 216)) |
(junction (pt 1064 216)) |
(junction (pt 1208 216)) |
(junction (pt 1352 216)) |
(junction (pt 1496 216)) |
(junction (pt 1640 216)) |
(junction (pt 1784 216)) |
(junction (pt 1928 216)) |
(junction (pt 2072 216)) |
(junction (pt 2216 216)) |
(junction (pt 2360 216)) |
(junction (pt 336 264)) |
(junction (pt 384 264)) |
(junction (pt 480 264)) |
7260,63 → 7197,8
(junction (pt 528 264)) |
(junction (pt 424 360)) |
(junction (pt 568 360)) |
(junction (pt 616 360)) |
(junction (pt 424 712)) |
(junction (pt 568 712)) |
(junction (pt 616 712)) |
(junction (pt 1136 824)) |
(junction (pt 1280 824)) |
(junction (pt 1424 824)) |
(junction (pt 1568 824)) |
(junction (pt 1712 824)) |
(junction (pt 1856 824)) |
(junction (pt 2000 824)) |
(junction (pt 2144 824)) |
(junction (pt 2288 824)) |
(junction (pt 2432 824)) |
(junction (pt 760 808)) |
(junction (pt 904 808)) |
(junction (pt 1064 808)) |
(junction (pt 968 856)) |
(junction (pt 1208 808)) |
(junction (pt 1080 856)) |
(junction (pt 1128 856)) |
(junction (pt 1352 808)) |
(junction (pt 1072 840)) |
(junction (pt 1224 856)) |
(junction (pt 1272 856)) |
(junction (pt 1496 808)) |
(junction (pt 1216 840)) |
(junction (pt 1368 856)) |
(junction (pt 1416 856)) |
(junction (pt 1640 808)) |
(junction (pt 1360 840)) |
(junction (pt 1512 856)) |
(junction (pt 1560 856)) |
(junction (pt 1784 808)) |
(junction (pt 1504 840)) |
(junction (pt 1656 856)) |
(junction (pt 1704 856)) |
(junction (pt 1928 808)) |
(junction (pt 1648 840)) |
(junction (pt 1800 856)) |
(junction (pt 1848 856)) |
(junction (pt 2072 808)) |
(junction (pt 1792 840)) |
(junction (pt 1944 856)) |
(junction (pt 1992 856)) |
(junction (pt 2216 808)) |
(junction (pt 1936 840)) |
(junction (pt 2088 856)) |
(junction (pt 2136 856)) |
(junction (pt 2360 808)) |
(junction (pt 2080 840)) |
(junction (pt 2224 840)) |
(junction (pt 2368 840)) |
(junction (pt 2232 856)) |
(junction (pt 2280 856)) |
(junction (pt 2376 856)) |
(junction (pt 2424 856)) |
(junction (pt 320 808)) |
(junction (pt 464 808)) |
(junction (pt 336 856)) |
7323,9 → 7205,6
(junction (pt 384 856)) |
(junction (pt 480 856)) |
(junction (pt 528 856)) |
(junction (pt 776 856)) |
(junction (pt 608 400)) |
(junction (pt 656 312)) |
(junction (pt 328 232)) |
(junction (pt 472 232)) |
(junction (pt 392 248)) |
7334,39 → 7213,176
(junction (pt 536 824)) |
(junction (pt 328 840)) |
(junction (pt 472 840)) |
(junction (pt 2464 360)) |
(junction (pt 2464 712)) |
(junction (pt 2656 232)) |
(junction (pt 2552 360)) |
(junction (pt 2552 712)) |
(junction (pt 2632 360)) |
(junction (pt 2632 712)) |
(junction (pt 2392 536)) |
(junction (pt 2248 536)) |
(junction (pt 2104 536)) |
(junction (pt 1960 536)) |
(junction (pt 1816 536)) |
(junction (pt 1672 536)) |
(junction (pt 1528 536)) |
(junction (pt 1384 536)) |
(junction (pt 1240 536)) |
(junction (pt 1096 536)) |
(junction (pt 936 536)) |
(junction (pt 792 536)) |
(junction (pt 496 536)) |
(junction (pt 352 536)) |
(junction (pt 984 264)) |
(junction (pt 1096 264)) |
(junction (pt 1144 264)) |
(junction (pt 1240 264)) |
(junction (pt 1288 264)) |
(junction (pt 1384 264)) |
(junction (pt 1432 264)) |
(junction (pt 1528 264)) |
(junction (pt 1576 264)) |
(junction (pt 1152 248)) |
(junction (pt 1296 248)) |
(junction (pt 1440 248)) |
(junction (pt 1584 248)) |
(junction (pt 1728 248)) |
(junction (pt 1872 248)) |
(junction (pt 2016 248)) |
(junction (pt 2160 248)) |
(junction (pt 2304 248)) |
(junction (pt 776 216)) |
(junction (pt 920 216)) |
(junction (pt 1080 216)) |
(junction (pt 1224 216)) |
(junction (pt 1368 216)) |
(junction (pt 1512 216)) |
(junction (pt 1656 216)) |
(junction (pt 1800 216)) |
(junction (pt 1944 216)) |
(junction (pt 2088 216)) |
(junction (pt 2232 216)) |
(junction (pt 2376 216)) |
(junction (pt 792 264)) |
(junction (pt 632 360)) |
(junction (pt 632 712)) |
(junction (pt 1152 824)) |
(junction (pt 1296 824)) |
(junction (pt 1440 824)) |
(junction (pt 1584 824)) |
(junction (pt 1728 824)) |
(junction (pt 1872 824)) |
(junction (pt 2016 824)) |
(junction (pt 2160 824)) |
(junction (pt 2304 824)) |
(junction (pt 2448 824)) |
(junction (pt 776 808)) |
(junction (pt 920 808)) |
(junction (pt 1080 808)) |
(junction (pt 1224 808)) |
(junction (pt 984 856)) |
(junction (pt 1368 808)) |
(junction (pt 1096 856)) |
(junction (pt 1144 856)) |
(junction (pt 1512 808)) |
(junction (pt 1240 856)) |
(junction (pt 1288 856)) |
(junction (pt 1656 808)) |
(junction (pt 1088 840)) |
(junction (pt 1384 856)) |
(junction (pt 1432 856)) |
(junction (pt 1800 808)) |
(junction (pt 1232 840)) |
(junction (pt 1528 856)) |
(junction (pt 1576 856)) |
(junction (pt 1944 808)) |
(junction (pt 1376 840)) |
(junction (pt 1672 856)) |
(junction (pt 1720 856)) |
(junction (pt 2088 808)) |
(junction (pt 1520 840)) |
(junction (pt 1816 856)) |
(junction (pt 1864 856)) |
(junction (pt 2232 808)) |
(junction (pt 1664 840)) |
(junction (pt 1960 856)) |
(junction (pt 2008 856)) |
(junction (pt 2376 808)) |
(junction (pt 1808 840)) |
(junction (pt 1952 840)) |
(junction (pt 2096 840)) |
(junction (pt 2240 840)) |
(junction (pt 2384 840)) |
(junction (pt 2104 856)) |
(junction (pt 2152 856)) |
(junction (pt 2248 856)) |
(junction (pt 2296 856)) |
(junction (pt 792 856)) |
(junction (pt 672 312)) |
(junction (pt 880 360)) |
(junction (pt 712 360)) |
(junction (pt 1024 360)) |
(junction (pt 1184 360)) |
(junction (pt 1328 360)) |
(junction (pt 1472 360)) |
(junction (pt 1616 360)) |
(junction (pt 1760 360)) |
(junction (pt 1904 360)) |
(junction (pt 2048 360)) |
(junction (pt 2192 360)) |
(junction (pt 880 712)) |
(junction (pt 712 712)) |
(junction (pt 1024 712)) |
(junction (pt 1184 712)) |
(junction (pt 1328 712)) |
(junction (pt 1472 712)) |
(junction (pt 1616 712)) |
(junction (pt 1760 712)) |
(junction (pt 1904 712)) |
(junction (pt 2048 712)) |
(junction (pt 2192 712)) |
(junction (pt 1088 232)) |
(junction (pt 1232 232)) |
(junction (pt 1376 232)) |
(junction (pt 1520 232)) |
(junction (pt 1664 232)) |
(junction (pt 1808 232)) |
(junction (pt 1952 232)) |
(junction (pt 2096 232)) |
(junction (pt 2240 232)) |
(junction (pt 1672 264)) |
(junction (pt 1720 264)) |
(junction (pt 1816 264)) |
(junction (pt 1864 264)) |
(junction (pt 1960 264)) |
(junction (pt 2008 264)) |
(junction (pt 2104 264)) |
(junction (pt 2152 264)) |
(junction (pt 2248 264)) |
(junction (pt 2296 264)) |
(junction (pt 2384 232)) |
(junction (pt 2448 248)) |
(junction (pt 2392 264)) |
(junction (pt 2512 232)) |
(junction (pt 2496 248)) |
(junction (pt 2440 264)) |
(junction (pt 2672 232)) |
(junction (pt 2392 856)) |
(junction (pt 2440 856)) |
(junction (pt 2336 360)) |
(junction (pt 2480 360)) |
(junction (pt 2568 360)) |
(junction (pt 2336 712)) |
(junction (pt 2480 712)) |
(junction (pt 2568 712)) |
(junction (pt 2264 536)) |
(junction (pt 2408 536)) |
(junction (pt 2120 536)) |
(junction (pt 1976 536)) |
(junction (pt 1832 536)) |
(junction (pt 1688 536)) |
(junction (pt 1544 536)) |
(junction (pt 1400 536)) |
(junction (pt 1256 536)) |
(junction (pt 1112 536)) |
(junction (pt 952 536)) |
(junction (pt 808 536)) |
(junction (pt 2648 360)) |
(junction (pt 2648 712)) |
(text "SW4" (rect 640 792 681 810)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)(font_size 12))) |
(text "Register Gate" (rect 2536 800 2650 818)(font "Arial" (color 0 0 0)(font_size 12))) |
(rectangle (rect 592 296 720 776)(fill (color 255 170 255))) |
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(rectangle (rect 592 296 728 776)(fill (color 255 170 255))) |
(rectangle (rect 2528 296 2664 776)(fill (color 255 170 255))) |
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(name "title-custom-medium") |
(section (rect 0 41 240 60)(text "DATE" (rect 2 0 30 12)(font "Arial" ))(text "May 17, 2014, 2016" (rect 56 3 191 19)(font "Arial" (font_size 10)))(border)) |
(section (rect 0 21 320 40)(text "DESIGNER" (rect 2 0 59 12)(font "Arial" ))(text "Goran Devic" (rect 56 2 151 19)(font "Arial" (font_size 11)))(border)) |
(section (rect 130 0 320 20)(text "MODULE" (rect 2 1 48 13)(font "Arial" ))(text "reg_file" (rect 43 2 109 21)(font "Arial" (font_size 12)(bold)))(border)) |
(section (rect 0 0 320 20)(text "PROJECT" (rect 2 0 52 12)(font "Arial" ))(text "A-Z80" (rect 56 2 106 21)(font "Arial" (font_size 12)(bold)))(border)) |
(section (rect 130 0 320 20)(text "MODULE" (rect 2 1 48 13)(font "Arial" ))(text "reg_file" (rect 43 2 109 21)(font "Arial" (font_size 12)(bold)))(border)) |
(section (rect 0 21 320 40)(text "DESIGNER" (rect 2 0 59 12)(font "Arial" ))(text "Goran Devic" (rect 56 2 151 19)(font "Arial" (font_size 11)))(border)) |
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(drawing |
) |
) |
149,7 → 149,7
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(pin |
(input) |
(rect 32 1296 208 1312) |
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(text "INPUT" (rect 133 0 161 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "ctl_reg_sel_pc" (rect 9 0 79 12)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 176 8) |
165,7 → 165,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 32 1264 208 1280) |
(rect 32 1400 208 1416) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 133 0 161 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "ctl_reg_sel_ir" (rect 9 0 73 12)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 176 8) |
181,7 → 181,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
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(text "INPUT" (rect 133 0 161 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "ctl_reg_sel_wz" (rect 9 0 79 12)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 176 8) |
213,7 → 213,7
) |
(pin |
(input) |
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(text "INPUT" (rect 133 0 161 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "ctl_reg_not_pc" (rect 9 0 80 12)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 176 8) |
309,21 → 309,37
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 40 472 208 488) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 125 0 153 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "clk" (rect 5 0 20 12)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 168 8) |
(rect 32 472 208 488) |
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(text "clk" (rect 9 0 23 12)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 176 8) |
(drawing |
(line (pt 84 12)(pt 109 12)) |
(line (pt 84 4)(pt 109 4)) |
(line (pt 113 8)(pt 168 8)) |
(line (pt 84 12)(pt 84 4)) |
(line (pt 109 4)(pt 113 8)) |
(line (pt 109 12)(pt 113 8)) |
(line (pt 92 12)(pt 117 12)) |
(line (pt 92 4)(pt 117 4)) |
(line (pt 121 8)(pt 176 8)) |
(line (pt 92 12)(pt 92 4)) |
(line (pt 117 4)(pt 121 8)) |
(line (pt 117 12)(pt 121 8)) |
) |
(text "VCC" (rect 128 7 148 17)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "VCC" (rect 136 7 156 17)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
) |
(pin |
(input) |
(rect 32 1304 208 1320) |
(text "INPUT" (rect 133 0 161 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "ctl_sw_4d" (rect 9 0 57 12)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 176 8) |
(drawing |
(line (pt 92 12)(pt 117 12)) |
(line (pt 92 4)(pt 117 4)) |
(line (pt 121 8)(pt 176 8)) |
(line (pt 92 12)(pt 92 4)) |
(line (pt 117 4)(pt 121 8)) |
(line (pt 117 12)(pt 121 8)) |
) |
(text "VCC" (rect 136 7 156 17)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
) |
(pin |
(output) |
(rect 1144 216 1320 232) |
(text "OUTPUT" (rect 1 0 39 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
485,7 → 501,7
) |
(pin |
(output) |
(rect 1144 1368 1320 1384) |
(rect 1144 1504 1320 1520) |
(text "OUTPUT" (rect 1 0 39 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "reg_sel_wz" (rect 90 0 143 12)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 0 8) |
501,7 → 517,7
) |
(pin |
(output) |
(rect 1144 1304 1320 1320) |
(rect 1144 1440 1320 1456) |
(text "OUTPUT" (rect 1 0 39 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "reg_sel_pc" (rect 90 0 143 12)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 0 8) |
517,7 → 533,7
) |
(pin |
(output) |
(rect 1144 1264 1320 1280) |
(rect 1144 1400 1320 1416) |
(text "OUTPUT" (rect 1 0 39 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "reg_sel_ir" (rect 90 0 137 12)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 0 8) |
659,6 → 675,38
(line (pt 78 12)(pt 82 8)) |
) |
) |
(pin |
(output) |
(rect 1144 1272 1320 1288) |
(text "OUTPUT" (rect 1 0 39 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "reg_sw_4d_lo" (rect 90 0 156 12)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 0 8) |
(drawing |
(line (pt 0 8)(pt 52 8)) |
(line (pt 52 4)(pt 78 4)) |
(line (pt 52 12)(pt 78 12)) |
(line (pt 52 12)(pt 52 4)) |
(line (pt 78 4)(pt 82 8)) |
(line (pt 82 8)(pt 78 12)) |
(line (pt 78 12)(pt 82 8)) |
) |
) |
(pin |
(output) |
(rect 1144 1328 1320 1344) |
(text "OUTPUT" (rect 1 0 39 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "reg_sw_4d_hi" (rect 90 0 156 12)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 0 8) |
(drawing |
(line (pt 0 8)(pt 52 8)) |
(line (pt 52 4)(pt 78 4)) |
(line (pt 52 12)(pt 78 12)) |
(line (pt 52 12)(pt 52 4)) |
(line (pt 78 4)(pt 82 8)) |
(line (pt 82 8)(pt 78 12)) |
(line (pt 78 12)(pt 82 8)) |
) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 328 136 376 168) |
(text "NOT" (rect 1 0 21 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
2163,7 → 2211,7
) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 680 1288 744 1336) |
(rect 680 1424 744 1472) |
(text "AND2" (rect 1 0 25 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "inst11" (rect 3 37 32 49)(font "Arial" )) |
(port |
2195,7 → 2243,7
) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 584 1328 632 1360) |
(rect 552 1464 600 1496) |
(text "NOT" (rect 1 0 21 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "inst13" (rect 3 21 32 33)(font "Arial" )) |
(port |
2285,6 → 2333,127
(arc (pt 25 35)(pt 49 24)(rect -6 -27 57 36)) |
) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 552 1328 600 1360) |
(text "NOT" (rect 1 0 21 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "inst23" (rect 3 21 32 33)(font "Arial" )) |
(port |
(pt 0 16) |
(input) |
(text "IN" (rect 2 7 13 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "IN" (rect 2 7 13 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(line (pt 0 16)(pt 13 16)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 48 16) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 32 7 49 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 32 7 49 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(line (pt 39 16)(pt 48 16)) |
) |
(drawing |
(line (pt 13 25)(pt 13 7)) |
(line (pt 13 7)(pt 31 16)) |
(line (pt 13 25)(pt 31 16)) |
(circle (rect 31 12 39 20)) |
) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 840 1312 904 1360) |
(text "AND2" (rect 1 0 25 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "inst28" (rect 3 37 32 49)(font "Arial" )) |
(port |
(pt 0 16) |
(input) |
(text "IN1" (rect 2 7 19 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "IN1" (rect 2 7 19 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(line (pt 0 16)(pt 14 16)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 32) |
(input) |
(text "IN2" (rect 2 23 19 35)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "IN2" (rect 2 23 19 35)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(line (pt 0 32)(pt 14 32)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 64 24) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(line (pt 42 24)(pt 64 24)) |
) |
(drawing |
(line (pt 14 12)(pt 30 12)) |
(line (pt 14 37)(pt 31 37)) |
(line (pt 14 12)(pt 14 37)) |
(arc (pt 31 37)(pt 30 12)(rect 18 12 43 37)) |
) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 760 1328 808 1360) |
(text "NOT" (rect 1 0 21 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "inst25" (rect 3 21 32 33)(font "Arial" )) |
(port |
(pt 0 16) |
(input) |
(text "IN" (rect 2 7 13 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "IN" (rect 2 7 13 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(line (pt 0 16)(pt 13 16)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 48 16) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 32 7 49 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 32 7 49 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(line (pt 39 16)(pt 48 16)) |
) |
(drawing |
(line (pt 13 25)(pt 13 7)) |
(line (pt 13 7)(pt 31 16)) |
(line (pt 13 25)(pt 31 16)) |
(circle (rect 31 12 39 20)) |
) |
) |
(symbol |
(rect 680 1320 744 1368) |
(text "AND3" (rect 1 0 25 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) |
(text "inst29" (rect 3 37 32 49)(font "Arial" )) |
(port |
(pt 0 16) |
(input) |
(text "IN1" (rect 2 7 19 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "IN1" (rect 2 7 19 19)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(line (pt 0 16)(pt 16 16)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 24) |
(input) |
(text "IN2" (rect 2 15 19 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "IN2" (rect 2 15 19 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(line (pt 0 24)(pt 16 24)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 0 32) |
(input) |
(text "IN3" (rect 2 23 19 35)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "IN3" (rect 2 23 19 35)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(line (pt 0 32)(pt 16 32)) |
) |
(port |
(pt 64 24) |
(output) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 65 27)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible)) |
(line (pt 43 24)(pt 64 24)) |
) |
(drawing |
(line (pt 16 12)(pt 31 12)) |
(line (pt 16 37)(pt 31 37)) |
(line (pt 16 12)(pt 16 37)) |
(arc (pt 31 36)(pt 31 12)(rect 19 12 44 37)) |
) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 616 680) |
(pt 600 680) |
2930,58 → 3099,6
(pt 928 776) |
) |
(connector |
(text "ctl_reg_sys_hilo[0]" (rect 1029 1192 1122 1204)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 1008 1208) |
(pt 1144 1208) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 1208) |
(pt 1008 1208) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1008 1208) |
(pt 1008 1240) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(text "ctl_reg_sys_hilo[1]" (rect 1030 1224 1123 1236)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 1008 1240) |
(pt 1144 1240) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 1272) |
(pt 1144 1272) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 744 1312) |
(pt 1144 1312) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 680 1304) |
(pt 208 1304) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 680 1320) |
(pt 656 1320) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 656 1320) |
(pt 656 1344) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 656 1344) |
(pt 632 1344) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 1344) |
(pt 584 1344) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 1376) |
(pt 1144 1376) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 744 1168) |
(pt 1144 1168) |
) |
2994,10 → 3111,6
(pt 208 1176) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 680 1112) |
(pt 208 1112) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 680 1128) |
(pt 640 1128) |
) |
3006,10 → 3119,6
(pt 640 1160) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 1144) |
(pt 640 1144) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 640 1128) |
(pt 640 1144) |
) |
3229,10 → 3338,6
(pt 368 536) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 480) |
(pt 336 480) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 712 896) |
(pt 712 880) |
) |
3263,6 → 3368,139
(pt 744 824) |
(pt 928 824) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 744 1448) |
(pt 1144 1448) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 680 1440) |
(pt 208 1440) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 1512) |
(pt 1144 1512) |
) |
(connector |
(text "ctl_reg_sys_hilo[0]" (rect 421 1192 514 1204)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 1144 1208) |
(pt 400 1208) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 1208) |
(pt 400 1208) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 400 1208) |
(pt 400 1240) |
(bus) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 1144 1280) |
(pt 400 1280) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 400 1280) |
(pt 400 1312) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 680 1344) |
(pt 600 1344) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 640 1240) |
(pt 640 1336) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 680 1336) |
(pt 640 1336) |
) |
(connector |
(text "ctl_reg_sys_hilo[1]" (rect 422 1224 515 1236)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 400 1240) |
(pt 640 1240) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 640 1240) |
(pt 1144 1240) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 640 1408) |
(pt 640 1352) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 680 1352) |
(pt 640 1352) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 1408) |
(pt 640 1408) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 640 1408) |
(pt 1144 1408) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 1480) |
(pt 552 1480) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 680 1456) |
(pt 640 1456) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 640 1456) |
(pt 640 1480) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 600 1480) |
(pt 640 1480) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 744 1344) |
(pt 760 1344) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 1312) |
(pt 400 1312) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 400 1312) |
(pt 824 1312) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 808 1344) |
(pt 840 1344) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 824 1312) |
(pt 824 1328) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 824 1328) |
(pt 840 1328) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 904 1336) |
(pt 1144 1336) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 1112) |
(pt 680 1112) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 480) |
(pt 336 480) |
) |
(connector |
(pt 208 1144) |
(pt 640 1144) |
) |
(connector |
(text "reg_sys_we_lo" (rect 407 1328 480 1340)(font "Arial" )) |
(pt 400 1344) |
(pt 552 1344) |
) |
(junction (pt 600 624)) |
(junction (pt 264 312)) |
(junction (pt 264 632)) |
3305,7 → 3543,6
(junction (pt 560 392)) |
(junction (pt 560 160)) |
(junction (pt 1008 96)) |
(junction (pt 1008 1208)) |
(junction (pt 640 1144)) |
(junction (pt 760 400)) |
(junction (pt 872 400)) |
3314,6 → 3551,10
(junction (pt 760 512)) |
(junction (pt 840 512)) |
(junction (pt 536 496)) |
(junction (pt 400 1208)) |
(junction (pt 400 1312)) |
(junction (pt 640 1240)) |
(junction (pt 640 1408)) |
(text "BC" (rect 440 120 456 134)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "2'b00" (rect 328 120 358 134)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "2'b01" (rect 328 280 358 294)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
3331,15 → 3572,16
(text "General Purpose registers control" (rect 592 32 820 48)(font "Arial" (font_size 10))) |
(text "Set 0" (rect 752 264 781 278)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "Set 1" (rect 752 248 781 262)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "Block PC (use for override to WZ, HL for jumps)" (rect 232 1328 503 1342)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "Block PC (use for override to WZ, HL for jumps)" (rect 232 1464 503 1478)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(text "Fix bus contention when reading I reg and bypassing int # (used for interrupt handling)" (rect 680 1288 1172 1302)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) |
(title_block |
(rect 32 1416 353 1477) |
(rect 32 1552 353 1613) |
(name "title-custom-medium") |
(section (rect 0 0 320 20)(text "PROJECT" (rect 2 0 52 12)(font "Arial" ))(text "A-Z80" (rect 56 2 106 21)(font "Arial" (font_size 12)(bold)))(border)) |
(section (rect 130 0 320 20)(text "MODULE" (rect 2 1 48 13)(font "Arial" ))(text "reg_control" (rect 43 2 146 21)(font "Arial" (font_size 12)(bold)))(border)) |
(section (rect 0 21 320 40)(text "DESIGNER" (rect 2 0 59 12)(font "Arial" ))(text "Goran Devic" (rect 56 2 151 19)(font "Arial" (font_size 11)))(border)) |
(section (rect 0 41 240 60)(text "DATE" (rect 2 0 30 12)(font "Arial" ))(text "May 17, 2014" (rect 56 3 149 19)(font "Arial" (font_size 10)))(border)) |
(section (rect 241 41 320 60)(text "REV" (rect 2 1 25 13)(font "Arial" ))(text "1.2" (rect 43 3 64 19)(font "Arial" (font_size 10)))(border)) |
(section (rect 0 41 240 60)(text "DATE" (rect 2 0 30 12)(font "Arial" ))(text "May 17, 2014, 2016" (rect 56 3 191 19)(font "Arial" (font_size 10)))(border)) |
(section (rect 241 41 320 60)(text "REV" (rect 2 1 25 13)(font "Arial" ))(text "1.3" (rect 43 3 64 19)(font "Arial" (font_size 10)))(border)) |
(drawing |
) |
) |
181,6 → 181,7
.ctl_reg_sys_we_hi(ctl_reg_sys_we_hi_sig),// input ctl_reg_sys_we_hi_sig |
.ctl_reg_sys_we(ctl_reg_sys_we_sig) , // input ctl_reg_sys_we_sig |
.clk(clk) , // input clk |
.ctl_sw_4d (ctl_sw_4d_sig) , // input ctl_sw_4d |
.reg_sel_bc(reg_sel_bc_sig) , // output reg_sel_bc_sig |
.reg_sel_bc2(reg_sel_bc2_sig) , // output reg_sel_bc2_sig |
.reg_sel_ix(reg_sel_ix_sig) , // output reg_sel_ix_sig |
201,7 → 202,9
.reg_sel_sys_hi(reg_sel_sys_hi_sig) , // output reg_sel_sys_hi_sig |
.reg_gp_we(reg_gp_we_sig) , // output reg_gp_we_sig |
.reg_sys_we_lo(reg_sys_we_lo_sig) , // output reg_sys_we_lo_sig |
.reg_sys_we_hi(reg_sys_we_hi_sig) // output reg_sys_we_hi_sig |
.reg_sys_we_hi(reg_sys_we_hi_sig) , // output reg_sys_we_hi_sig |
.reg_sw_4d_lo (reg_sw_4d_lo_sig) , // output reg_sw_4d_lo_sig |
.reg_sw_4d_hi (reg_sw_4d_hi_sig) // output reg_sw_4d_hi_sig |
); |
// Instantiate register file block |
213,7 → 216,8
.reg_sel_gp_hi(reg_sel_gp_hi_sig) , // input reg_sel_gp_hi_sig |
.reg_sel_ir(reg_sel_ir_sig) , // input reg_sel_ir_sig |
.reg_sel_pc(reg_sel_pc_sig) , // input reg_sel_pc_sig |
.ctl_sw_4d(ctl_sw_4d_sig) , // input ctl_sw_4d_sig |
.reg_sw_4d_lo(reg_sw_4d_lo_sig) , // input reg_sw_4d_lo_sig |
.reg_sw_4d_hi(reg_sw_4d_hi_sig) , // input reg_sw_4d_hi_sig |
.ctl_sw_4u(ctl_sw_4u_sig) , // input ctl_sw_4u_sig |
.reg_sel_wz(reg_sel_wz_sig) , // input reg_sel_wz_sig |
.reg_sel_sp(reg_sel_sp_sig) , // input reg_sel_sp_sig |