
Subversion Repositories amber

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 39 to Rev 40
    Reverse comparison

Rev 39 → Rev 40

149,10 → 149,18
if [ $SET_G == 1 ]; then
if [ $SET_5 == 1 ]; then
if [ $SET_L == 1 ]; then
if [ $SET_5 == 1 ]; then
1,6 → 1,5
flow4 3936
tmp 2756
add 3576
adc 3228
sub 3356
sbc 4256
58,3 → 57,4
inflate_bug 3220
swp_lock_bug 3220
cache_swap_bug 25448
add 1692
64,22 → 64,43
wire start_write;
wire start_read;
reg start_read_r = 'd0;
wire [WB_DWIDTH-1:0] read_data;
wire [WB_DWIDTH-1:0] write_data;
wire [WB_SWIDTH-1:0] byte_enable;
wire [MADDR_WIDTH-1:0] address;
reg [7:0] jitter_r = 8'h0f;
reg [1:0] start_read_r = 'd0;
reg start_read_r = 'd0;
// Can't start a write while a read is completing. The ack for the read cycle
// needs to be sent first
assign start_write = i_wb_stb && i_wb_we && !start_read_r;
assign start_read = i_wb_stb && !i_wb_we && !start_read_r;
assign start_write = i_wb_stb && i_wb_we && !(|start_read_r) && jitter_r[0];
assign start_write = i_wb_stb && i_wb_we && !(|start_read_r);
assign start_read = i_wb_stb && !i_wb_we && !(|start_read_r);
always @( posedge i_wb_clk )
jitter_r <= {jitter_r[6:0], jitter_r[7] ^ jitter_r[4] ^ jitter_r[1]};
always @( posedge i_wb_clk )
if (start_read)
start_read_r <= {3'd0, start_read};
else if (o_wb_ack)
start_read_r <= 'd0;
start_read_r <= {start_read_r[2:0], start_read};
always @( posedge i_wb_clk )
start_read_r <= start_read;
always @( posedge i_wb_clk )
start_read_r <= start_read;
assign o_wb_err = 1'd0;
assign write_data = i_wb_dat;
86,9 → 107,14
assign byte_enable = i_wb_sel;
assign o_wb_dat = read_data;
assign address = i_wb_adr[MADDR_WIDTH+3:4];
assign o_wb_ack = i_wb_stb && ( start_write || start_read_r );
assign o_wb_ack = i_wb_stb && ( start_write || start_read_r[jitter_r[1]] );
assign o_wb_ack = i_wb_stb && ( start_write || start_read_r );
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Instantiate SRAMs
// ------------------------------------------------------
72,6 → 72,9
// Debug switches
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add jitter to wishbone accesses
// Print UART debug messages
63,7 → 63,12
wire start_write;
wire start_read;
reg start_read_r = 'd0;
reg [7:0] jitter_r = 8'h0f;
reg [1:0] start_read_r = 'd0;
reg start_read_r = 'd0;
wire [WB_DWIDTH-1:0] read_data;
wire [WB_DWIDTH-1:0] write_data;
wire [WB_SWIDTH-1:0] byte_enable;
72,12 → 77,29
// Can't start a write while a read is completing. The ack for the read cycle
// needs to be sent first
assign start_write = i_wb_stb && i_wb_we && !start_read_r;
assign start_write = i_wb_stb && i_wb_we && !(|start_read_r) && jitter_r[0];
assign start_write = i_wb_stb && i_wb_we && !(|start_read_r);
assign start_read = i_wb_stb && !i_wb_we && !start_read_r;
always @( posedge i_wb_clk )
start_read_r <= start_read;
always @( posedge i_wb_clk )
jitter_r <= {jitter_r[6:0], jitter_r[7] ^ jitter_r[4] ^ jitter_r[1]};
always @( posedge i_wb_clk )
if (start_read)
start_read_r <= {3'd0, start_read};
else if (o_wb_ack)
start_read_r <= 'd0;
start_read_r <= {start_read_r[2:0], start_read};
always @( posedge i_wb_clk )
start_read_r <= start_read;
assign o_wb_err = 1'd0;
85,8 → 107,13
assign byte_enable = i_wb_sel;
assign o_wb_dat = read_data;
assign address = i_wb_adr[MADDR_WIDTH+1:2];
assign o_wb_ack = i_wb_stb && ( start_write || start_read_r );
assign o_wb_ack = i_wb_stb && ( start_write || start_read_r[jitter_r[1]] );
assign o_wb_ack = i_wb_stb && ( start_write || start_read_r );
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Instantiate SRAMs
// ------------------------------------------------------
/sim/ File deleted
/sim/ File deleted
/sim/ File deleted
0,0 → 1,127
onerror {resume}
quietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix decimal -radixenum numeric /tb/clk_count
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {uart 0} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_uart0/i_uart_rxd
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {uart 0} -format Literal {/tb/u_system/u_uart0/rx_fifo[0]}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {uart 0} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_uart0/fifo_enable
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {uart 0} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_uart0/rx_fifo_push
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {uart 0} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_uart0/rx_fifo_push_not_full
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {uart 0} -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_uart0/rx_byte
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {uart 0} -format Literal -radix ascii /tb/u_system/u_uart0/xRXD_STATE
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {uart 0} -format Literal -radix decimal /tb/u_system/u_uart0/TX_BITADJUST_COUNT
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {uart 0} -format Literal -radix decimal /tb/u_system/u_uart0/TX_BITPULSE_COUNT
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {uart 0} -format Literal -radix ascii /tb/u_system/u_uart0/xTXD_STATE
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group tb_uart -format Logic /tb/u_tb_uart/i_uart_rxd
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group tb_uart -format Logic /tb/u_tb_uart/o_uart_txd
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group tb_uart -format Literal /tb/u_tb_uart/rx_bit_count
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group tb_uart -format Logic /tb/u_tb_uart/rx_bit_start
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group tb_uart -format Literal /tb/u_tb_uart/rx_byte
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Literal /tb/u_system/ddr3_addr
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Literal /tb/u_system/ddr3_ba
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Logic /tb/u_system/ddr3_cas_n
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Logic /tb/u_system/ddr3_ck_n
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Logic /tb/u_system/ddr3_ck_p
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Logic /tb/u_system/ddr3_cke
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Literal /tb/u_system/ddr3_dm
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Literal /tb/u_system/ddr3_dq
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Literal /tb/u_system/ddr3_dqs_n
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Literal /tb/u_system/ddr3_dqs_p
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Logic /tb/u_system/ddr3_odt
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Logic /tb/u_system/ddr3_ras_n
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Logic /tb/u_system/ddr3_reset_n
add wave -noupdate -expand -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Logic /tb/u_system/ddr3_we_n
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -expand -group {Core Memory Accesses} -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/pc
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -expand -group {Core Memory Accesses} -format Literal -radix ascii /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/u_decompile/xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -expand -group {Core Memory Accesses} -format Literal -radix ascii /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/xCONTROL_STATE
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -expand -group {Core Memory Accesses} -format Literal -radix ascii /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/xMODE
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -expand -group {Core Memory Accesses} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/fetch_stall
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -expand -group {Core Memory Accesses} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/o_write_enable
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -expand -group {Core Memory Accesses} -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/o_write_data
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Fetch -height 20 -expand -group {Instruction Cache} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/o_stall
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Fetch -height 20 -expand -group {Instruction Cache} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/read_stall
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Fetch -height 20 -expand -group {Instruction Cache} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/o_wb_req
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Fetch -height 20 -expand -group {Instruction Cache} -format Literal -radix ascii /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/xC_STATE
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Fetch -height 20 -expand -group {Instruction Cache} -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/miss_address
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Fetch -height 20 -expand -group {Instruction Cache} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/read_miss
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Fetch -height 20 -expand -group {Instruction Cache} -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/o_read_data
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Fetch -height 20 -expand -group {Instruction Cache} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_coprocessor/o_cache_enable
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Fetch -height 20 -expand -group {Instruction Cache} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/i_core_stall
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Fetch -height 20 -expand -group {Instruction Cache} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/i_select
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Fetch -height 20 -expand -group {Instruction Cache} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/sel_cache
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Fetch -height 20 -expand -group {Instruction Cache} -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/tag_wdata
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Fetch -height 20 -expand -group {Instruction Cache} -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/tag_address
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Fetch -height 20 -expand -group {Instruction Cache} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/tag_wenable
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Decode -format Literal -radix ascii /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/xMODE
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Decode -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/instruction_execute
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Decode -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/interrupt
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Decode -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/mtrans_num_registers
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Decode -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/pre_fetch_instruction_wen
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Decode -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/instruction
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Decode -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/instruction_valid
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Decode -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/saved_current_instruction_wen
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Decode -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/use_saved_current_instruction
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Decode -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/pc_wen_nxt
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Decode -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/write_pc
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/execute
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -format Literal -radix ascii /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/u_decompile/xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/i_pc_sel
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group Registers -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/reg_write_nxt
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group Registers -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/i_reg_bank_wen
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group Registers -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/u_register_bank/r0
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group Registers -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/u_register_bank/r1
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group Registers -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/u_register_bank/r2
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group Registers -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/u_register_bank/r3
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group Registers -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/u_register_bank/r8
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group Registers -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/u_register_bank/r12_out
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group Registers -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/u_register_bank/r13_out
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group Registers -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/u_register_bank/r14_irq
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group Registers -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/u_register_bank/r14_svc
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group Registers -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/u_register_bank/r14_out
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group Registers -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/pc_wen
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group Registers -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/pc_nxt
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group Registers -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/rn
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group Registers -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/u_register_bank/r15
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group internals -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/instruction_execute
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group internals -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/pre_fetch_instruction
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group internals -format Literal -radix ascii /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/xCONTROL_STATE
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group internals -format Literal -radix ascii /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/xMODE
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group internals -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/i_pc_sel
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group internals -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/o_pc_wen
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group internals -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/u_decompile/execute_valid
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group internals -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/u_register_bank/r14_irq
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group internals -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/pc_wen
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group internals -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/i_pc_sel
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group internals -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/alu_out
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group internals -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/i_status_bits_flags_wen
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group internals -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/status_bits_flags
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group internals -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/i_status_bits_sel
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group internals -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/i_condition
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -expand -group Execute -height 20 -group internals -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/execute
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Wishbone -height 20 -expand -group {WB Bus} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/o_wb_cyc
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Wishbone -height 20 -expand -group {WB Bus} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/o_wb_stb
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Wishbone -height 20 -expand -group {WB Bus} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/i_wb_ack
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Wishbone -height 20 -expand -group {WB Bus} -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/o_wb_dat
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Wishbone -height 20 -expand -group {WB Bus} -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/o_wb_sel
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Wishbone -height 20 -expand -group {WB Bus} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/o_wb_we
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Wishbone -height 20 -expand -group {WB Bus} -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/i_wb_dat
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Wishbone -height 20 -expand -group {WB Bus} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/i_wb_err
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Co-Processor -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_coprocessor/fault_address
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Co-Processor -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_coprocessor/fault_status
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/u_barrel_shift/i_shift_amount
TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree]
WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {30001543 ps} 0} {{Cursor 3} {81811238721 ps} 0}
configure wave -namecolwidth 258
configure wave -valuecolwidth 203
configure wave -justifyvalue left
configure wave -signalnamewidth 1
configure wave -snapdistance 10
configure wave -datasetprefix 0
configure wave -rowmargin 8
configure wave -childrowmargin 6
configure wave -gridoffset 0
configure wave -gridperiod 1
configure wave -griddelta 4000
configure wave -timeline 0
configure wave -timelineunits ns
WaveRestoreZoom {0 ps} {9019087 ps}
0,0 → 1,17
onerror {resume}
log -r /tb/*
configure list -usestrobe 0
configure list -strobestart {0 ps} -strobeperiod {0 ps}
configure list -usesignaltrigger 1
configure list -delta all
configure list -signalnamewidth 0
configure list -datasetprefix 0
configure list -namelimit 5
radix -hexadecimal
run -all
0,0 → 1,200
onerror {resume}
quietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix decimal -radixenum numeric /tb/clk_count
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group {uart 0} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_uart0/i_uart_rxd
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group {uart 0} -format Literal {/tb/u_system/u_uart0/rx_fifo[0]}
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group {uart 0} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_uart0/fifo_enable
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group {uart 0} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_uart0/rx_fifo_push
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group {uart 0} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_uart0/rx_fifo_push_not_full
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group {uart 0} -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_uart0/rx_byte
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group {uart 0} -format Literal -radix ascii /tb/u_system/u_uart0/xRXD_STATE
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group {uart 0} -format Literal -radix decimal /tb/u_system/u_uart0/TX_BITADJUST_COUNT
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group {uart 0} -format Literal -radix decimal /tb/u_system/u_uart0/TX_BITPULSE_COUNT
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group {uart 0} -format Literal -radix ascii /tb/u_system/u_uart0/xTXD_STATE
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group tb_uart -format Logic /tb/u_tb_uart/i_uart_rxd
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group tb_uart -format Logic /tb/u_tb_uart/o_uart_txd
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group tb_uart -format Literal /tb/u_tb_uart/rx_bit_count
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group tb_uart -format Logic /tb/u_tb_uart/rx_bit_start
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group tb_uart -format Literal /tb/u_tb_uart/rx_byte
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Literal /tb/u_system/ddr3_addr
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Literal /tb/u_system/ddr3_ba
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Logic /tb/u_system/ddr3_cas_n
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Logic /tb/u_system/ddr3_ck_n
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Logic /tb/u_system/ddr3_ck_p
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Logic /tb/u_system/ddr3_cke
add wave -noupdate -group System -height 20 -group {DDR3 Bus} -format Literal /tb/u_system/ddr3_dm
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add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Wishbone -group {Port 2} -format Logic /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_wishbone/u_a25_wishbone_buf_p2/i_rdata_valid
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Co-Processor -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_coprocessor/fault_address
add wave -noupdate -expand -group Amber -height 20 -group Co-Processor -format Literal /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_coprocessor/fault_status
TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree]
WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {18717538 ps} 0} {{Cursor 3} {81811238721 ps} 0}
configure wave -namecolwidth 258
configure wave -valuecolwidth 245
configure wave -justifyvalue left
configure wave -signalnamewidth 1
configure wave -snapdistance 10
configure wave -datasetprefix 0
configure wave -rowmargin 8
configure wave -childrowmargin 6
configure wave -gridoffset 0
configure wave -gridperiod 1
configure wave -griddelta 4000
configure wave -timeline 0
configure wave -timelineunits ns
WaveRestoreZoom {18646423 ps} {18952439 ps}
0,0 → 1,17
onerror {resume}
log -r /tb/*
configure list -usestrobe 0
configure list -strobestart {0 ps} -strobeperiod {0 ps}
configure list -usesignaltrigger 1
configure list -delta all
configure list -signalnamewidth 0
configure list -datasetprefix 0
configure list -namelimit 5
radix -hexadecimal
run -all
0,0 → 1,34
log -r /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/*
log -r /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/*
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/u_register_bank/*
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/*
log /tb/clk_count
log /tb/u_system/u_uart0/i_uart_rxd
log /tb/u_system/u_uart0/rx_fifo
log /tb/u_system/u_uart0/fifo_enable
log /tb/u_system/u_uart0/rx_fifo_push
log /tb/u_system/u_uart0/rx_fifo_push_not_full
log /tb/u_system/u_uart0/rx_byte
log /tb/u_system/u_uart0/xRXD_STATE
log /tb/u_system/u_uart0/TX_BITADJUST_COUNT
log /tb/u_system/u_uart0/TX_BITPULSE_COUNT
log /tb/u_system/u_uart0/xTXD_STATE
log /tb/u_tb_uart/i_uart_rxd
log /tb/u_tb_uart/o_uart_txd
log /tb/u_tb_uart/rx_bit_count
log /tb/u_tb_uart/rx_bit_start
log /tb/u_tb_uart/rx_byte
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/fetch_stall
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/o_wb_cyc
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/o_wb_stb
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/i_wb_ack
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/o_wb_dat
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/o_wb_sel
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/o_wb_we
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/i_wb_dat
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/i_wb_err
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_coprocessor/fault_address
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_coprocessor/fault_status
run -all
0,0 → 1,105
log -r /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/*
log -r /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_mem/*
log -r /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/*
log -r /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_wishbone/*
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/u_register_bank/*
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/*
log /tb/u_system/boot_mem128/u_boot_mem/*
log /tb/clk_count
log /tb/u_system/u_uart0/i_uart_rxd
log /tb/u_system/u_uart0/rx_fifo
log /tb/u_system/u_uart0/fifo_enable
log /tb/u_system/u_uart0/rx_fifo_push
log /tb/u_system/u_uart0/rx_fifo_push_not_full
log /tb/u_system/u_uart0/rx_byte
log /tb/u_system/u_uart0/xRXD_STATE
log /tb/u_system/u_uart0/TX_BITADJUST_COUNT
log /tb/u_system/u_uart0/TX_BITPULSE_COUNT
log /tb/u_system/u_uart0/xTXD_STATE
log /tb/u_tb_uart/i_uart_rxd
log /tb/u_tb_uart/o_uart_txd
log /tb/u_tb_uart/rx_bit_count
log /tb/u_tb_uart/rx_bit_start
log /tb/u_tb_uart/rx_byte
log /tb/u_system/ddr3_addr
log /tb/u_system/ddr3_ba
log /tb/u_system/ddr3_cas_n
log /tb/u_system/ddr3_ck_n
log /tb/u_system/ddr3_ck_p
log /tb/u_system/ddr3_cke
log /tb/u_system/ddr3_dm
log /tb/u_system/ddr3_dq
log /tb/u_system/ddr3_dqs_n
log /tb/u_system/ddr3_dqs_p
log /tb/u_system/ddr3_odt
log /tb/u_system/ddr3_ras_n
log /tb/u_system/ddr3_reset_n
log /tb/u_system/ddr3_we_n
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/fetch_stall
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/o_fetch_stall
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/sel_cache
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/o_stall
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/read_stall
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/o_wb_req
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/xC_STATE
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/miss_address
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/read_miss
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/o_read_data
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_coprocessor/o_cache_enable
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/i_core_stall
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/i_select
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/sel_cache
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/tag_wdata
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/tag_address
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_fetch/u_cache/tag_wenable
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/xMODE
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/xCONTROL_STATE
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/instruction_execute
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/interrupt
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/mtrans_num_registers
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/pre_fetch_instruction_wen
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/instruction
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/instruction_valid
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/saved_current_instruction_wen
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/use_saved_current_instruction
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/pc_wen_nxt
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/write_pc
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/execute
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/u_decompile/xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/i_pc_sel
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/pc_wen
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/pc_nxt
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/rn
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/u_register_bank/r15
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/instruction_execute
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/pre_fetch_instruction
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/u_decompile/xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/xCONTROL_STATE
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/xMODE
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/i_pc_sel
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/o_pc_wen
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_decode/u_decompile/execute_valid
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/u_register_bank/r14_irq
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/pc
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/pc_wen
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/i_pc_sel
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/alu_out
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/i_status_bits_flags_wen
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/status_bits_flags
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/i_status_bits_sel
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/i_condition
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_execute/execute
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/o_wb_cyc
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/o_wb_stb
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/i_wb_ack
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/o_wb_dat
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/o_wb_sel
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/o_wb_we
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/i_wb_dat
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/i_wb_err
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_coprocessor/fault_address
log /tb/u_system/u_amber/u_coprocessor/fault_status
run -all
sim Property changes : Modified: svn:ignore ## -16,5 +16,6 ## *.vtakwave work rt +vl vish_stacktrace.vstf vsim_stacktrace.vstf

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