Subversion Repositories ov7670-sccb
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- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 4 to Rev 5
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 4 → Rev 5
File deleted
Property changes :
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/hdl/SCCBRegisterTable.vhd
--- trunk/hdl/SCCBRegisterTable.vhd (revision 4)
+++ trunk/hdl/SCCBRegisterTable.vhd (nonexistent)
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
--- OV7670 CMOS kamera modulunun RGB565 modunda calismasini saglayan register
--- ve bu registerlerin olmasi gereken verileri icerir.
-library IEEE;
-use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
-entity SCCBRegisterTable is
- port (
- PIClock : in std_logic;
- PIReset : in std_logic;
- PITrig : in std_logic;
- PIDone : in std_logic;
- PIReady : in std_logic;
- POCfgFinished : out std_logic;
- POStart : out std_logic;
- POEnable : out std_logic;
- POAddress : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
- PORegister : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- POWriteData : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
- );
-end SCCBRegisterTable;
-architecture Behavioral of SCCBRegisterTable is
- constant CDeviceBaseAddress : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"21";
- constant CDeviceWriteAddress : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"42";
- constant CDeviceReadAddress : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"43";
- signal STrig : std_logic := '0';
- signal SDone : std_logic := '0';
- signal SReady : std_logic := '0';
- signal SCfgFinished : std_logic := '0';
- signal SStart : std_logic := '0';
- signal SEnable : std_logic := '0';
- signal SAddress : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := (others => '0');
- signal SRegister : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
- signal SWriteData : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
- signal STrigPrev : std_logic := '0';
- signal STrigRising : std_logic := '0';
- signal STrigFalling : std_logic := '0';
- signal SReadyPrev : std_logic := '0';
- signal SReadyRising : std_logic := '0';
- signal SCounter : integer range 0 to 58 := 0;
- signal SWaitCtr : integer range 0 to 255 := 0;
- STrig <= PITrig;
- SDone <= PIDone;
- SReady <= PIReady;
- POCfgFinished <= SCfgFinished;
- POStart <= SStart;
- POEnable <= SEnable;
- POAddress <= SAddress;
- PORegister <= SRegister;
- POWriteData <= SWriteData;
- READY_EDGE : process(PIClock, PIReset)
- begin
- if PIReset = '0' then
- SReadyPrev <= '0';
- SReadyRising <= '0';
- elsif rising_edge(PIClock) then
- SReadyPrev <= SReady;
- if SReady = '1' and SReadyPrev = '0' then
- SReadyRising <= '1';
- else
- SReadyRising <= '0';
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- TRIG_EDGES : process(PIClock, PIReset)
- begin
- if PIReset = '0' then
- STrigPrev <= '0';
- STrigRising <= '0';
- STrigFalling <= '0';
- elsif rising_edge(PIClock) then
- STrigPrev <= STrig;
- if STrig = '1' and STrigPrev = '0' then
- STrigRising <= '1';
- else
- STrigRising <= '0';
- end if;
- if STrig = '0' and STrigPrev = '1' then
- STrigFalling <= '1';
- else
- STrigFalling <= '0';
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- BACKEND : process(PIClock, PIReset)
- begin
- if PIReset = '0' then
- SCfgFinished <= '0';
- SStart <= '0';
- SEnable <= '0';
- SAddress <= (others => '0');
- SRegister <= (others => '0');
- SWriteData <= (others => '0');
- SCounter <= 0;
- elsif rising_edge(PIClock) then
- if SWaitCtr <= 254 then
- SWaitCtr <= SWaitCtr + 1;
- else
- if (SReady = '1' and STrigFalling = '1' and SStart = '0') or (SStart = '1' and SReadyRising = '1') then
- SEnable <= '1';
- SStart <= '1';
- SAddress <= CDeviceBaseAddress(6 downto 0);
- if SCounter <= 56 then
- SCounter <= SCounter + 1;
- case SCounter is
- when 0 =>
- SRegister <= x"12";
- SWriteData <= x"80";
- when 1 =>
- SRegister <= x"12";
- SWriteData <= x"80";
- when 2 =>
- SRegister <= x"12";
- SWriteData <= x"04";
- when 3 =>
- SRegister <= x"11";
- SWriteData <= x"00";
- when 4 =>
- SRegister <= x"0C";
- SWriteData <= x"00";
- when 5 =>
- SRegister <= x"3E";
- SWriteData <= x"00";
- when 6 =>
- SRegister <= x"8C";
- SWriteData <= x"00";
- when 7 =>
- SRegister <= x"04";
- SWriteData <= x"00";
- when 8 =>
- SRegister <= x"40";
- SWriteData <= x"10";
- when 9 =>
- SRegister <= x"3A";
- SWriteData <= x"04";
- when 10 =>
- SRegister <= x"14";
- SWriteData <= x"38";
- when 11 =>
- SRegister <= x"4F";
- SWriteData <= x"40";
- when 12 =>
- SRegister <= x"50";
- SWriteData <= x"34";
- when 13 =>
- SRegister <= x"51";
- SWriteData <= x"0C";
- when 14 =>
- SRegister <= x"52";
- SWriteData <= x"17";
- when 15 =>
- SRegister <= x"53";
- SWriteData <= x"29";
- when 16 =>
- SRegister <= x"54";
- SWriteData <= x"40";
- when 17 =>
- SRegister <= x"58";
- SWriteData <= x"1E";
- when 18 =>
- SRegister <= x"3D";
- SWriteData <= x"C0";
- when 19 =>
- SRegister <= x"11";
- SWriteData <= x"00";
- when 20 =>
- SRegister <= x"17";
- SWriteData <= x"11";
- when 21 =>
- SRegister <= x"18";
- SWriteData <= x"61";
- when 22 =>
- SRegister <= x"32";
- SWriteData <= x"A4";
- when 23 =>
- SRegister <= x"19";
- SWriteData <= x"03";
- when 24 =>
- SRegister <= x"1A";
- SWriteData <= x"7B";
- when 25 =>
- SRegister <= x"03";
- SWriteData <= x"0A";
- when 26 =>
- SRegister <= x"0E";
- SWriteData <= x"61";
- when 27 =>
- SRegister <= x"0F";
- SWriteData <= x"4B";
- when 28 =>
- SRegister <= x"16";
- SWriteData <= x"02";
- when 29 =>
- SRegister <= x"1E";
- SWriteData <= x"37";
- when 30 =>
- SRegister <= x"21";
- SWriteData <= x"02";
- when 31 =>
- SRegister <= x"22";
- SWriteData <= x"91";
- when 32 =>
- SRegister <= x"29";
- SWriteData <= x"07";
- when 33 =>
- SRegister <= x"33";
- SWriteData <= x"0B";
- when 34 =>
- SRegister <= x"35";
- SWriteData <= x"0B";
- when 35 =>
- SRegister <= x"37";
- SWriteData <= x"1D";
- when 36 =>
- SRegister <= x"38";
- SWriteData <= x"71";
- when 37 =>
- SRegister <= x"39";
- SWriteData <= x"2A";
- when 38 =>
- SRegister <= x"3C";
- SWriteData <= x"78";
- when 39 =>
- SRegister <= x"4D";
- SWriteData <= x"40";
- when 40 =>
- SRegister <= x"4E";
- SWriteData <= x"20";
- when 41 =>
- SRegister <= x"69";
- SWriteData <= x"00";
- when 42 =>
- SRegister <= x"6B";
- SWriteData <= x"4A";
- when 43 =>
- SRegister <= x"74";
- SWriteData <= x"10";
- when 44 =>
- SRegister <= x"8D";
- SWriteData <= x"4F";
- when 45 =>
- SRegister <= x"8E";
- SWriteData <= x"00";
- when 46 =>
- SRegister <= x"8F";
- SWriteData <= x"00";
- when 47 =>
- SRegister <= x"90";
- SWriteData <= x"00";
- when 48 =>
- SRegister <= x"91";
- SWriteData <= x"00";
- when 49 =>
- SRegister <= x"96";
- SWriteData <= x"00";
- when 50 =>
- SRegister <= x"9A";
- SWriteData <= x"00";
- when 51 =>
- SRegister <= x"B0";
- SWriteData <= x"84";
- when 52 =>
- SRegister <= x"B1";
- SWriteData <= x"0C";
- when 53 =>
- SRegister <= x"B2";
- SWriteData <= x"0E";
- when 54 =>
- SRegister <= x"B3";
- SWriteData <= x"82";
- when 55 =>
- SRegister <= x"B8";
- SWriteData <= x"0A";
- when others =>
- SRegister <= x"FF";
- SWriteData <= x"FF";
- SMode <= '0';
- SStart <= '0';
- SEnable <= '0';
- SCfgFinished <= '1';
- SCounter <= 0;
- end case;
- else
- SAddress <= SAddress;
- SEnable <= SEnable;
- SStart <= '0';
- SCounter <= 0;
- SRegister <= SRegister;
- SWriteData <= SWriteData;
- end if;
- else
- SAddress <= SAddress;
- SEnable <= SEnable;
- SStart <= SStart;
- SRegister <= SRegister;
- SWriteData <= SWriteData;
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
-end Behavioral;