Subversion Repositories raytrac
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 154 to Rev 155
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 154 → Rev 155
25,8 → 25,9
library ieee; |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; |
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; |
library lpm; |
use lpm.all; |
use work.arithpack.all; |
--! Esta entidad recibe dos números en formato punto flotante IEEE 754, de precision simple y devuelve las mantissas signadas y corridas, y el exponente correspondiente al resultado antes de normalizarlo al formato float. |
--!\nLas 2 mantissas y el exponente entran despues a la entidad add2 que suma las mantissas y entrega el resultado en formato IEEE 754. |
entity fadd32 is |
39,22 → 40,8
end entity; |
architecture fadd32_arch of fadd32 is |
component lpm_mult |
generic ( |
lpm_hint : string; |
lpm_representation : string; |
lpm_type : string; |
lpm_widtha : natural; |
lpm_widthb : natural; |
lpm_widthp : natural |
); |
port ( |
dataa : in std_logic_vector ( lpm_widtha-1 downto 0 ); |
datab : in std_logic_vector ( lpm_widthb-1 downto 0 ); |
result : out std_logic_vector( lpm_widthp-1 downto 0 ) |
); |
end component; |
signal s1zero,s7sign : std_logic; |
signal s5token : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); |
173,11 → 160,35
end case; |
end process; |
denormhighshiftermult:lpm_mult |
port map (s1shifter,s1zero&s1umantshift(22 downto 06),s1ph); |
generic map ( |
lpm_pipeline => 0, |
lpm_representation => "UNSIGNED", |
lpm_type => "LPM_MULT", |
lpm_widtha => 9, |
lpm_widthb => 18, |
lpm_widthp => 27 |
) |
port map ( |
dataa => s1shifter, |
datab => s1zero&s1umantshift(22 downto 06), |
result => s1ph |
); |
denormlowshiftermult:lpm_mult |
port map (s1shifter,s1umantshift(5 downto 0)&"000",s1pl); |
generic map ( |
lpm_pipeline => 0, |
lpm_representation => "UNSIGNED", |
lpm_type => "LPM_MULT", |
lpm_widtha => 9, |
lpm_widthb => 9, |
lpm_widthp => 18 |
) |
port map ( |
dataa => s1shifter, |
datab => s1umantshift(5 downto 0)&"000", |
result => s1pl |
); |
s1postshift(23 downto 7) <= s1ph(25 downto 9); |
s1postshift(06 downto 0) <= s1ph(08 downto 2) or s1pl(17 downto 11); |
243,11 → 254,35
--! Etapa 6: Ejecutar el corrimiento para normalizar la mantissa. |
normhighshiftermult:lpm_mult |
port map (s6factorhot9,s6result(24 downto 7),s6ph); |
generic map ( |
lpm_pipeline => 0, |
lpm_representation => "UNSIGNED", |
lpm_type => "LPM_MULT", |
lpm_widtha => 9, |
lpm_widthb => 18, |
lpm_widthp => 27 |
) |
port map ( |
dataa => s6factorhot9, |
datab => s6result(24 downto 7), |
result => s6ph |
); |
normlowshiftermult:lpm_mult |
port map (s6factorhot9,s6result(06 downto 0)&"00",s6pl); |
generic map ( |
lpm_pipeline => 0, |
lpm_representation => "UNSIGNED", |
lpm_type => "LPM_MULT", |
lpm_widtha => 9, |
lpm_widthb => 9, |
lpm_widthp => 18 |
) |
port map ( |
dataa => s6factorhot9, |
datab => s6result(06 downto 0)&"00", |
result => s6pl |
); |
s6postshift(22 downto 15) <= s6ph(16 downto 09); |
s6postshift(14 downto 06) <= s6ph(08 downto 00) + s6pl(17 downto 09); |
s6postshift(05 downto 00) <= s6pl(08 downto 03); |
112,6 → 112,23
); |
end component; |
component lpm_mult |
generic ( |
lpm_hint : string; |
lpm_pipeline : natural; |
lpm_representation : string; |
lpm_type : string; |
lpm_widtha : natural; |
lpm_widthb : natural; |
lpm_widthp : natural |
); |
port ( |
dataa : in std_logic_vector ( lpm_widtha-1 downto 0 ); |
datab : in std_logic_vector ( lpm_widthb-1 downto 0 ); |
result : out std_logic_vector( lpm_widthp-1 downto 0 ) |
); |
end component; |
--! LPM Memory Compiler. |
component scfifo |
generic ( |
331,7 → 348,11
--! Función que devuelve un vector en punto flotante IEEE754 a través de un |
function ap_slv_calc_xyvec (x,y:integer; cam:apCamera) return v3f; |
--! Función que devuelve una cadena con el número flotante IEEE 754. |
function ap_slvf2string(sl:std_logic_vector) return string; |
--! Función para escribir en una sola línea una cadena de caracteres. |
procedure ap_print(f:in text;s:in string); |
340,6 → 361,13
package body arithpack is |
procedure ap_print(f:in text;s:in string) is |
variable l:line; |
begin |
write(l,s); |
writeline(f,l); |
end procedure |
function ap_slv2int (sl:std_logic_vector) return integer is |
alias s : std_logic_vector (sl'high downto sl'low) is sl; |
variable i : integer; |
424,5 → 452,19
return v; |
end function; |
function ap_slvf2string(sl:std_logic_vector) return string is |
alias f: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) is sl; |
variable r: real; |
begin |
r:=ap_slv2fp(f); |
return real'image(r); |
end function; |
end package body; |
25,6 → 25,9
library ieee; |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; |
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; |
use work.arithpack.all; |
entity fmul32 is |
port ( |
37,23 → 40,7
architecture fmul32_arch of fmul32 is |
component lpm_mult |
generic ( |
lpm_hint : string; |
lpm_pipeline : natural; |
lpm_representation : string; |
lpm_type : string; |
lpm_widtha : natural; |
lpm_widthb : natural; |
lpm_widthp : natural |
); |
port ( |
dataa : in std_logic_vector ( lpm_widtha-1 downto 0 ); |
datab : in std_logic_vector ( lpm_widthb-1 downto 0 ); |
result : out std_logic_vector ( lpm_widthp-1 downto 0 ) |
); |
end component; |
--Stage 0 signals |
signal s0sga,s0sgb,s0zrs : std_logic; |
114,14 → 101,50
--! Multipliers |
mult18x18ac:lpm_mult |
port map (s0zrs&s0uma(22 downto 6),s0zrs&s0umb(22 downto 6),s0ac); |
generic map ( |
lpm_pipeline => 0, |
lpm_representation => "UNSIGNED", |
lpm_type => "LPM_MULT", |
lpm_widtha => 18, |
lpm_widthb => 18, |
lpm_widthp => 36 |
) |
port map ( |
dataa => s0zrs&s0uma(22 downto 6), |
datab => s0zrs&s0umb(22 downto 6), |
result => s0ac |
); |
mult18x6ad:lpm_mult |
port map (s0zrs&s0uma(22 downto 6),s0umb(5 downto 0),s0ad); |
generic map ( |
lpm_pipeline => 0, |
lpm_representation => "UNSIGNED", |
lpm_type => "LPM_MULT", |
lpm_widtha => 18, |
lpm_widthb => 6, |
lpm_widthp => 24 |
) |
port map ( |
dataa => s0zrs&s0uma(22 downto 6), |
datab => s0umb(5 downto 0), |
result => s0ad |
); |
mult18x6bc:lpm_mult |
port map (s0zrs&s0umb(22 downto 6),s0uma(5 downto 0),s0bc); |
generic map ( |
lpm_pipeline => 0, |
lpm_representation => "UNSIGNED", |
lpm_type => "LPM_MULT", |
lpm_widtha => 18, |
lpm_widthb => 6, |
lpm_widthp => 24 |
) |
port map ( |
dataa => s0zrs&s0umb(22 downto 6), |
datab => s0uma(5 downto 0), |
result => s0bc |
); |
--! Exponent Addition |
process (s0sga,s0sgb,s0exa,s0exb) |
1,14 → 127,50
library ieee; |
use ieee.std_logic_1664.all; |
use work.arithpack.all; |
entity rt_tb is |
end entity; |
architecture rt_tb_arch of rt_tb is |
signal clk,rst,rd,wr : std_logic; |
signal add : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); |
signal d,q : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); |
signal int : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
begin |
reset_p : process |
begin |
rst <= not(rstMasterValue); |
wait for 1 ns; |
rst <= rstMasterValue; |
wait for 52 ns; |
rst <= not(rstMasterValue); |
end process reset_p; |
clock_p : process |
begin |
clk <= '1'; |
clock_loop:loop |
wait for tclk_2; |
clk <= '0'; |
wait for tclk_2; |
clk <= '1'; |
end loop clock_loop; |
end process clock_p; |
dude : raytrac |
port map ( |
clk => clk, |
rst => rst, |
rd => rd, |
wr => wr, |
add => add, |
d => d, |
q => q, |
int => int |
); |
--! Este proceso cálcula los rayos/vectores que desde un observador van a una pantalla de 16x16 pixeles. |
--! Posteriormente cada uno de estos rayos vectores es ingresado a la memoria del Raytrac. Son 256 rayos/vectores, que se escriben en los primeros 16 bloques vectoriales de los 32 que posee el bloque vectorial A. |
--! Finalmente se escribe en la cola de instrucciones la instrucción "nrm". |
--! Para obtener más información sobre la interfase de programación del Raytrac, refierase al libro en el capítulo Máquina de Estados e Interfase de Programación. |
normalization_test_input : process (clk,rst) |
variable cam : apCamera; |
variable count : integer; |
variable v : v3f; |
begin |
if rst=rstMasterValue then |
count := 0; |
--! Camara observador. |
--! Resolución horizontal |
cam.resx:=16; |
--! Resolución vertical |
cam.resy:=16; |
--! Dimensión horizontal |
cam.width:=100; |
--! Dimensión vertical |
cam.height:=100; |
--! Distancia del observador al plano de proyección. |
cam.dist:=100; |
v(0):=(others => '0'); |
v(1):=(others => '0'); |
v(2):=(others => '0'); |
d <= (others => '0'); |
add <= (others => '0'); |
wr <= '0'; |
elsif clk='1' and clk'event then |
if count<256*3 then |
if count mod 3 = 0 then |
--! Calcular el vector que va desde el obsevador hasta un pixel x,y en particular. |
--! Cálculo de la columna: 0 <= c % 16 <= 15, 0 <= c <= 255. |
--! Cálculo de la fila: 0 <= c / 16 <= 15, 0 <= c <= 255. |
v:=ap_slv_calc_xyvec((count/3) mod 16, (count/3)/16,cam); |
end if; |
--! Alistar componente vectorial para ser escrito. |
d <= v(count mod 3); |
--! Activar escritura |
wr <= '1'; |
--! Direccionar en el bloque A comenzar |
add <= "00"&conv_std_logic_vector(count mod 3,2)&'0'&conv_std_logic_vector(count/3,8); |
--! Avanzar |
count:=count+1; |
elsif count=256*3 then |
--! Escribir la instrucción de normalización. |
wr <= '1'; |
--! La dirección por defecto para escribir en la cola de instrucciones es 0x0600 |
-- add <= "0 0110 0000 0000"; |
add <= x"0600"; |
d <= ap_format_instruction("nrm",0,15,0,0,0); |
count:=count+1; |
else |
--! Parar la escritura de datos. |
wr <= '0'; |
end if; |
end if; |
end process normalization_test; |
disp: process |
file f : text open write_mode is "default_output.csv"; |
begin |
ap_print(f,string'("#RAYTRAC TESTBENCH OUTPUT FILE")); |
ap_print(f,string'("#This file is automatically generated by tb_compiler script, by Julian Andres Guarin Reyes")); |
ap_print(f,string'("#TB_COMPILER_GEN")); |
end process |
end architecture; |