Subversion Repositories raytrac
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 64 to Rev 65
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 64 → Rev 65
0,0 → 1,174
/* |
* memMaker.c |
* memoryMaker |
* |
* Created by julian on 23/02/11. |
* The goal of this peace of code is to create a memory initialization file of random fixed point numbers |
* in order to simulate RtEngine. |
* Usage is |
*/ |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <unistd.h> |
#include <math.h> |
#include <time.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#ifdef __MINGW32__ |
#define random() ((((long int)rand())<<17)|rand()) |
#define srandom srand |
#endif |
char australia[]="DEPTH = %03d;\nWIDTH = %02d;\nADDRESS_RADIX=HEX;\nDATA_RADIX=HEX;\nCONTENT\nBEGIN\n\n\0"; |
char canada[]="END;\n\0"; |
struct { |
int depth; |
int width; |
int dec; |
char *initialheader; |
char *end; |
int R; |
}memparam={0,0,0,australia,canada,0}; |
//mpx memparam={0,0,australia}; |
void optParser(int argc, char ** argv){ |
char a=0; |
int e=0,d=0,t=0,s=0,i=0; |
/*memparam.initialheader=australia; |
memparam.width=0; |
memparam.depth=0;*/ |
while ((a=getopt(argc,argv,"t:e:d:Rr"))!=-1){ |
switch(a){ |
case 'R': //Raiz Cuadrada |
memparam.R=1; |
break; |
case 'r': //random |
memparam.R=2; |
break; |
case 't': |
if (t){ |
fprintf (stdout, "error:Doble parametro t...\n"); |
exit(-1); |
} |
t++; |
memparam.depth=atoi(optarg); |
break; |
case 'e': |
if (e){ |
fprintf (stdout, "error:Doble parametro e...\n"); |
exit(-1); |
} |
e++; |
memparam.width+=atoi(optarg); |
break; |
case 'd': |
if (d){ |
fprintf (stdout,"error:Doble parametro d...\n"); |
exit(-1); |
} |
d++; |
memparam.dec=atoi(optarg); |
memparam.width+=memparam.dec; |
break; |
case '?': |
fprintf(stdout,"error: WTF! %c !?\n",optopt); |
exit(-1); |
break; |
} |
} |
if (!e || !d || !t){ |
fprintf(stdout,"uso: memMaker -t numeroDePosicionesDeMemoria -e numeroDeBitsParaLaRepresentacionEntera -d numeroDeBitsParaLaRepresentacionDecimal\n"); |
exit(-1); |
} |
if ((e+d)>31){ |
fprintf(stdout,"enteros + decimales no puede ser mayor a 31 bits!\n"); |
exit(-1); |
} |
} |
int hexreq(long int x){ |
return ((int)(log2(x)/4))+1; |
} |
int f0inv(float x){ |
int I; |
float fI; |
fI=(1/x); |
//fprintf (stdout," %f %f ", x, fI); |
fI*=pow(2,memparam.dec); |
I=fI; |
return I; |
} |
int f1sqrt(float x){ |
int S; |
float fS; |
fS=(sqrt(x)*pow(2,memparam.dec)); |
S=fS; |
return S; |
} |
int f2random(float x){ |
int mask=pow(2,memparam.width+1)-1; |
return random()&mask; |
} |
typedef int (*ff2i)(float); |
void generatenums(void){ |
int index; |
unsigned long int factor; |
float ffactor,epsilon; |
char buff[1024],sign; |
ff2i xf[]={f0inv,f1sqrt,f2random}; |
int depthpfw=hexreq(memparam.depth); |
int widthpfw=((int)(memparam.width/4))+(memparam.width%4?1:0); |
srandom(time(0)); |
epsilon=1/(float)memparam.depth; |
fprintf(stdout,"-- epsilon: %f\n",epsilon); |
for(index=0;index<memparam.depth ;index++){ |
factor=xf[memparam.R](1+index*epsilon); |
sign=memparam.R==2?((factor&(1<<memparam.width))?'-':'+'):'+'; |
ffactor=(factor&(1<<memparam.width))?(factor^(int)(pow(2,memparam.width+1)-1))+1:factor; |
ffactor/=pow(2,memparam.dec); |
memset(buff,0,1024); |
sprintf(buff,"%c0%dx : %c0%dx; -- FIXED => %x . %x (%d . %d) FLOAT %c%f\n", |
'%', |
depthpfw, |
'%', |
widthpfw, |
factor>>memparam.dec, |
factor&(int)(pow(2,memparam.dec)-1), |
factor>>memparam.dec, |
factor&(int)(pow(2,memparam.dec)-1), |
sign, |
ffactor); |
fprintf(stdout,buff,index,factor); |
} |
} |
void printmem(void){ |
fprintf (stdout,memparam.initialheader,memparam.depth,memparam.width+1); |
generatenums(); |
fprintf (stdout,memparam.end); |
} |
int main (int argc, char **argv){ |
fprintf (stdout,"--RAND MAX: 0x%x\n", RAND_MAX); |
#ifdef __MINGW32__ |
fprintf (stdout,"--MINGW32 VERSION\n"); |
#else |
fprintf (stdout,"--UNIX BASED VERSION\n"); |
#endif |
optParser(argc,argv); |
printmem(); |
} |