Subversion Repositories rs232_interface
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 2 to Rev 3
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 2 → Rev 3
0,0 → 1,165
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Create Date: 21:12:48 05/06/2010 |
-- Module Name: UART - Behavioral |
-- Used TAB of 4 Spaces |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
library IEEE; |
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; |
entity uart is |
generic ( |
CLK_FREQ : integer := 50; -- Main frequency (MHz) |
SER_FREQ : integer := 9600 -- Baud rate (bps) |
); |
port ( |
-- Control |
clk : in std_logic; |
rst : in std_logic; |
-- External Interface |
rx : in std_logic; |
tx : out std_logic; |
-- uPC Interface |
tx_req : in std_logic; |
tx_end : out std_logic; |
tx_data : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
rx_ready : out std_logic; |
rx_data : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) |
); |
end uart; |
architecture Behavioral of uart is |
-- Constants |
constant uart_idle : std_logic := '1'; |
constant uart_start : std_logic := '0'; |
-- Types |
type state is (idle,data,stop1,stop2); |
-- Signals |
signal rx_fsm : state; |
signal tx_fsm : state; |
signal clock_en : std_logic; |
-- Data Temp |
signal data_cnt_tx : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000"; |
signal data_cnt_rx : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000"; |
signal rx_data_tmp : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
signal tx_data_tmp : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
begin |
clock_manager:process(clk) |
variable counter : integer range 0 to conv_integer((CLK_FREQ*1_000_000)/SER_FREQ-1); |
begin |
if clk'event and clk = '1' then |
-- Normal Operation |
if counter = (CLK_FREQ*1_000_000)/SER_FREQ-1 then |
clock_en <= '1'; |
counter := 0; |
else |
clock_en <= '0'; |
counter := counter + 1; |
end if; |
-- Reset condition |
if rst = '1' then |
counter := 0; |
end if; |
end if; |
end process; |
tx_proc:process(clk) |
variable data_cnt : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); |
begin |
if clk'event and clk = '1' then |
if clock_en = '1' then |
-- Default values |
tx_end <= '0'; |
tx <= uart_idle; |
-- FSM description |
case tx_fsm is |
-- Wait to transfer data |
when idle => |
-- Send Init Bit |
if tx_req = '1' then |
tx <= uart_start; |
tx_data_tmp <= tx_data; |
tx_fsm <= data; |
data_cnt_tx <= (others=>'1'); |
end if; |
-- Data receive |
when data => |
tx <= tx_data_tmp(0); |
if data_cnt_tx = 0 then |
tx_fsm <= stop1; |
data_cnt_tx <= (others=>'1'); |
else |
tx_data_tmp <= '0' & tx_data_tmp(7 downto 1); |
data_cnt_tx <= data_cnt_tx - 1; |
end if; |
-- End of communication |
when stop1 => |
-- Send Stop Bit |
tx <= uart_idle; |
tx_fsm <= stop2; |
when stop2 => |
-- Send Stop Bit |
tx_end <= '1'; |
tx <= uart_idle; |
tx_fsm <= idle; |
-- Invalid States |
when others => null; |
end case; |
-- Reset condition |
if rst = '1' then |
tx_fsm <= idle; |
tx_data_tmp <= (others=>'0'); |
end if; |
end if; |
end if; |
end process; |
rx_proc:process(clk) |
begin |
if clk'event and clk = '1' then |
if clock_en = '1' then |
-- Default values |
rx_ready <= '0'; |
-- FSM description |
case rx_fsm is |
-- Wait to transfer data |
when idle => |
if rx = uart_start then |
rx_fsm <= data; |
end if; |
data_cnt_rx <= (others=>'0'); |
-- Data receive |
when data => |
if data_cnt_rx = 7 then |
rx_fsm <= idle; |
rx_ready <= '1'; |
rx_data(7) <= rx; |
for i in 0 to 6 loop |
rx_data(i) <= rx_data_tmp(6-i); |
end loop; |
else |
rx_data_tmp <= rx_data_tmp(6 downto 0) & rx; |
data_cnt_rx <= data_cnt_rx + 1; |
end if; |
when others => null; |
end case; |
-- Reset condition |
if rst = '1' then |
rx_fsm <= idle; |
rx_ready <= '0'; |
rx_data <= (others=>'0'); |
data_cnt_rx <= (others=>'0'); |
end if; |
end if; |
end if; |
end process; |
end Behavioral; |