Subversion Repositories rs232_interface
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 9 to Rev 10
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 9 → Rev 10
40,39 → 40,40
constant RST_LVL : std_logic := '1'; |
-- Types |
type state is (idle,data,parity,stop1,stop2); -- Stop1 and Stop2 are inter frame gap |
type state is (idle,data,parity,stop1,stop2); -- Stop1 and Stop2 are inter frame gap signals |
-- Signals |
-- RX Signals |
signal rx_fsm : state; -- Control of reception |
signal rx_clk_en : std_logic; -- Received clock enable |
signal rx_rcv_init : std_logic; -- Start of reception |
signal rx_par_bit : std_logic; -- Calculated Parity bit |
signal rx_data_tmp : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Serial to parallel converter |
signal rx_data_cnt : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Count received bits |
-- TX Signals |
signal tx_fsm : state; -- Control of transmission |
signal clock_en : std_logic; -- Internal clock enable |
signal tx_clk_en : std_logic; -- Transmited clock enable |
signal tx_par_bit : std_logic; -- Calculated Parity bit |
signal tx_data_tmp : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Parallel to serial converter |
signal tx_data_cnt : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Count transmited bits |
-- RX Data Temp |
signal rx_par_bit : std_logic; |
signal rx_data_tmp : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
signal rx_data_cnt : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); |
-- TX Data Temp |
signal tx_par_bit : std_logic; |
signal tx_data_tmp : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
signal tx_data_cnt : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); |
begin |
clock_manager:process(clk) |
tx_clk_gen:process(clk) |
variable counter : integer range 0 to conv_integer((CLK_FREQ*1_000_000)/SER_FREQ-1); |
begin |
if clk'event and clk = '1' then |
-- Normal Operation |
if counter = (CLK_FREQ*1_000_000)/SER_FREQ-1 then |
clock_en <= '1'; |
tx_clk_en <= '1'; |
counter := 0; |
else |
clock_en <= '0'; |
tx_clk_en <= '0'; |
counter := counter + 1; |
end if; |
-- Reset condition |
if rst = RST_LVL then |
tx_clk_en := '0'; |
counter := 0; |
end if; |
end if; |
82,7 → 83,7
variable data_cnt : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); |
begin |
if clk'event and clk = '1' then |
if clock_en = '1' then |
if tx_clk_en = '1' then |
-- Default values |
tx_end <= '0'; |
tx <= UART_IDLE; |
140,10 → 141,68
end if; |
end process; |
rx_start_detect:process(clk) |
variable deb_buf : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); |
variable deb_val : std_logic; |
variable deb_old : std_logic; |
begin |
if clk'event and clk = '1' then |
-- Store previous debounce value |
deb_old := deb_val; |
-- Debounce logic |
if deb_buf = "0000" then |
deb_val := '0'; |
elsif deb_buf = "1111" then |
deb_val := '1'; |
end if; |
-- Data storage to debounce |
deb_buf := deb_buf(2 downto 0) & rx; |
-- Check RX idle state |
if rx_fsm = idle then |
-- Falling edge detection |
if deb_old = '1' and deb_val = '0' then |
rx_rcv_init <= '1'; |
end if; |
-- Default assignments |
else |
rx_rcv_init <= '0'; |
end if; |
-- Reset condition |
if rst = RST_LVL then |
deb_old := '0'; |
deb_val := '0'; |
deb_buf <= (others=>'0'); |
rx_rcv_init <= '0'; |
end if; |
end if; |
end if; |
rx_clk_gen:process(clk) |
variable counter : integer range 0 to conv_integer((CLK_FREQ*1_000_000)/SER_FREQ-1); |
begin |
if clk'event and clk = '1' then |
-- Normal Operation |
if counter = (CLK_FREQ*1_000_000)/SER_FREQ-1 and rx_rcv_init = '1' then |
rx_clk_en <= '1'; |
counter := 0; |
else |
rx_clk_en <= '0'; |
counter := counter + 1; |
end if; |
-- Reset condition |
if rst = RST_LVL then |
rx_clk_en <= '0'; |
counter := 0; |
end if; |
end if; |
end process; |
rx_proc:process(clk) |
begin |
if clk'event and clk = '1' then |
if clock_en = '1' then |
if rx_clk_en = '1' then |
-- Default values |
rx_ready <= '0'; |
-- FSM description |
150,7 → 209,7
case rx_fsm is |
-- Wait to transfer data |
when idle => |
if rx = UART_START then |
if rx_rcv_init = '1' then |
rx_fsm <= data; |
end if; |
rx_par_bit <= '0'; |
14,6 → 14,10
Change Log: |
2011/01/08: |
- Implemented asynchronous clocks. |
- Implemented RX clock regenaration. |
2010/11/30: |
- Implemented PARITY (not tested!). |