Subversion Repositories sdram_16bit
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 1 to Rev 2
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 1 → Rev 2
0,0 → 1,93
`timescale 1ns/1ps |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// assert_task |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
task automatic assert_task(input v, string file, int line, input string s); |
begin |
if (!v) |
begin |
$display("ASSERT: %s:%0d - %s", file, line, s); |
$finish(1); |
end |
end |
endtask |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
`define ASSERT(v) assert_task(v, `__FILE__, `__LINE__, `"v`") |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
`define ASSERT_ALWAYS(condition) \ |
generate \ |
if(1) \ |
begin \ |
wire test = condition; \ |
always @(test)\ |
`ASSERT(condition); \ |
end \ |
endgenerate |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
integer v_timeout_cycles; \ |
\ |
always @(posedge ``RST or posedge ``CLK) \ |
if (``RST) \ |
v_timeout_cycles <= 0; \ |
else \ |
begin \ |
if (``VALID) \ |
begin \ |
v_timeout_cycles <= 0; \ |
end \ |
else \ |
begin \ |
v_timeout_cycles <= v_timeout_cycles + 1; \ |
`ASSERT(v_timeout_cycles < ``TIMEOUT); \ |
end \ |
end |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
`define CLOCK_GEN(NAME, CYCLE) \ |
reg ``NAME; \ |
initial \ |
begin \ |
``NAME <= 0; \ |
forever # (``CYCLE / 2) ``NAME = ~``NAME; \ |
end |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
`define RESET_GEN(NAME, DELAY) \ |
reg ``NAME; \ |
initial \ |
begin \ |
``NAME <= 1; \ |
# ``DELAY \ |
``NAME <= 0; \ |
end |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TB_VCD |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
`define TB_VCD(TOP, NAME) \ |
initial \ |
begin \ |
$dumpfile(``NAME); \ |
$dumpvars(0,``TOP); \ |
end |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
`define TB_RUN_FOR(TIME) initial #``TIME $finish; |
0,0 → 1,262
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Module |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
module wb_master |
( |
input clk_i, |
input rst_i, |
// Wishbone I/F |
output reg [31:0] addr_o, |
output reg [31:0] data_o, |
input [31:0] data_i, |
output reg [3:0] sel_o, |
output reg [2:0] cti_o, |
output reg cyc_o, |
output reg stb_o, |
output reg we_o, |
input ack_i, |
input stall_i |
); |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Params |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
parameter MIN_ADDRESS = 0; |
parameter MAX_ADDRESS = 8192; |
parameter BURST_ENABLED = 1; |
parameter READ_ONLY = 0; |
parameter WRITE_ONLY = 0; |
parameter SEQUENTIAL_ONLY = 0; |
parameter RANDOM_DELAY = 1; |
parameter DELAY_RATE = 3; |
`include "simulation.svh" |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Request Queue |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
typedef struct |
{ |
reg [31:0] address; |
reg [31:0] data; |
reg [3:0] sel; |
reg we; |
} request_t; |
request_t requests[$]; |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Memory |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
reg [31:0] mem[*]; |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// write |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
task automatic write(input [31:0] addr, input [31:0] data); |
begin |
mem[addr[31:2]] = data; |
end |
endtask |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// read |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
task automatic read(input [31:0] addr, output [31:0] data); |
begin |
if (mem.exists(addr[31:2])) |
data = mem[addr[31:2]]; |
else |
data = 32'bx; |
end |
endtask |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// write_bytes |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
task automatic write_bytes(input [31:0] addr, input [31:0] data, input [31:0] sel); |
begin |
reg [31:0] new_data; |
read(addr, new_data); |
if (sel[3]) |
new_data[31:24] = data[31:24]; |
if (sel[2]) |
new_data[23:16] = data[23:16]; |
if (sel[1]) |
new_data[15:8] = data[15:8]; |
if (sel[0]) |
new_data[7:0] = data[7:0]; |
write(addr, new_data); |
end |
endtask |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// compare |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
task automatic compare(input [31:0] addr, input [31:0] data, input [31:0] sel, output match); |
begin |
reg [31:0] new_data; |
read(addr, new_data); |
match = 1; |
if (sel[3]) |
if (new_data[31:24] !== data[31:24]) |
match = 0; |
if (sel[2]) |
if (new_data[23:16] !== data[23:16]) |
match = 0; |
if (sel[1]) |
if (new_data[15:8] !== data[15:8]) |
match = 0; |
if (sel[0]) |
if (new_data[7:0] !== data[7:0]) |
match = 0; |
if (!match) |
begin |
$display("ERROR: Expected %x Got %x Mask %x", new_data, data, sel); |
end |
end |
endtask |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// request |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
initial |
begin |
request_t req; |
reg burst; |
reg [2:0] burst_cnt; |
addr_o = 32'bz; |
data_o = 32'bz; |
sel_o = 4'bz; |
we_o = 1'bz; |
stb_o = 1'b0; |
cti_o = 3'bz; |
burst = 1'b0; |
burst_cnt = 0; |
req.address = 0; |
forever |
begin |
@(posedge clk_i); |
// Command presented and accepted |
if (stb_o && !stall_i) |
begin |
requests.push_back(req); |
addr_o = 32'bz; |
data_o = 32'bz; |
sel_o = 4'bz; |
we_o = 1'bz; |
cti_o = 3'bz; |
stb_o = 1'b0; |
end |
// Continuation of a burst |
if (!stb_o && burst) |
begin |
req.address = req.address + 4; |
req.data = req.we ? $urandom : 32'bz; |
addr_o = req.address; |
addr_o[1:0] = 2'b0; |
data_o = req.data; |
cti_o = (burst_cnt == 1) ? 3'b111 : 3'b010; |
sel_o = req.sel; |
we_o = req.we; |
stb_o = 1'b1; |
burst_cnt = burst_cnt - 1; |
if (burst_cnt == 0) |
burst = 0; |
end |
// Ready to issue a new command? |
if (!stb_o) |
begin |
begin |
repeat ($urandom_range(DELAY_RATE,0)) @(posedge clk_i); |
end |
req.address = req.address + 4; |
else |
req.address = $urandom_range(MAX_ADDRESS,MIN_ADDRESS); |
if (READ_ONLY) |
req.we = 1'b0; |
else if (WRITE_ONLY) |
req.we = 1'b1; |
else |
req.we = $urandom; |
req.data = req.we ? $urandom : 32'bz; |
begin |
burst = $urandom; |
burst_cnt = 7; |
end |
else |
burst = 0; |
req.sel = (!burst && req.we) ? $urandom : 4'b1111; |
addr_o = req.address; |
addr_o[1:0] = 2'b0; |
data_o = req.data; |
sel_o = req.sel; |
we_o = req.we; |
cti_o = (!burst) ? 3'b111 : 3'b010; |
stb_o = 1'b1; |
end |
end |
end |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// response |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
always @(posedge clk_i) |
begin |
request_t req; |
if (ack_i) |
begin |
`ASSERT(requests.size() > 0); |
req = requests.pop_front(); |
// Write |
if (req.we) |
begin |
write_bytes(req.address, req.data, req.sel); |
end |
// Read |
else |
begin |
reg match; |
compare(req.address, data_i, req.sel, match); |
`ASSERT(match); |
end |
end |
end |
always @ * |
begin |
cyc_o = stb_o || (requests.size() > 0); |
end |
endmodule |
0,0 → 1,36
TRACE ?= 1 |
MAX_ADDRESS ?= 8192 |
PART ?= IS42VM16400K |
all: compile run view |
# Testbench |
SRC+= ./top_tb.sv wb_master.sv IS42VM16400K.v MT48LC8M16A2.v |
# DUT |
SRC+= ../rtl/sdram.v |
ifeq ($(TRACE),1) |
SRC_FLAGS += +define+TRACE=$(TRACE) |
endif |
SRC_FLAGS += +define+PART=$(PART) |
INC_DIRS = -I. |
compile : |
vlib work |
vlog $(SRC) $(SRC_FLAGS) |
run : compile |
vsim -c -do "run -all" top_tb |
view : compile |
ifeq ($(TRACE),1) |
gtkwave waveform.vcd gtksettings.sav |
endif |
clean : |
-rm -rf work waveform.vcd transcript |
0,0 → 1,1731
/************************************************************************ |
* |
* Copyright(c) ISSI Inc., 2010 |
* |
* == 64M Low power SDRAM behavioral Model by ESC == |
* |
* Address : 1940 Zanker Road San Jose,CA95112-4216,U.S.A. |
* Tel : +1-408-969-6600, Fax : +1-408-969-7800 |
* |
* Revision : Rev0.0 (2010.10.4) |
* |
* Running Options |
* +S50 : Set AC timing parameter for -50(200MHz ) |
* +S60 : Set AC timing parameter for -60(166MHz ) |
* +S75 : Set AC timing parameter for -75(133MHz ) |
* +VERBOSE : Display internal operation status |
* |
************************************************************************/ |
`timescale 1ns / 1ps |
`define S60 |
//`define VERBOSE |
module IS42VM16400K (dq, addr, ba, clk, cke, csb, rasb, casb, web, dqm); |
parameter no_of_bank = 2; |
parameter no_of_addr = 13; |
parameter no_of_data = 16; |
parameter no_of_col = 9; |
parameter no_of_dqm = 2; |
parameter mem_sizes = 4194304; |
// Timing Parameters for -50 PC200 |
`ifdef S50 |
parameter tAC3 = 5.0; |
parameter tHZ3 = 5.0; |
parameter tAC2 = 8.0; |
parameter tHZ2 = 8.0; |
parameter tOH = 2.0; |
parameter tMRD = 2.0; |
parameter tRAS = 40.0; |
parameter tRC = 55.0; |
parameter tRCD = 18.0; |
parameter tRFC = 60.0; |
parameter tXSR = 60.0; |
parameter tRP = 15.0; |
parameter tRRD = 10.0; |
parameter tDPLa = 5.0; |
parameter tDPLm = 12.0; |
parameter tDPDX = 100000.0; |
`endif |
// Timing Parameters for -60 PC166 |
`ifdef S60 |
parameter tAC3 = 5.5; |
parameter tHZ3 = 5.5; |
parameter tAC2 = 8.0; |
parameter tHZ2 = 8.0; |
parameter tOH = 2.5; |
parameter tMRD = 2.0; |
parameter tRAS = 42.0; |
parameter tRC = 60.0; |
parameter tRCD = 18.0; |
parameter tRFC = 66.0; |
parameter tXSR = 66.0; |
parameter tRP = 18.0; |
parameter tRRD = 12.0; |
parameter tDPLa = 6.0; |
parameter tDPLm = 12.0; |
parameter tDPDX = 100000.0; |
`endif |
// Timing Parameters for -75 PC133 |
`ifdef S75 |
parameter tAC3 = 6.0; |
parameter tHZ3 = 6.0; |
parameter tAC2 = 8.0; |
parameter tHZ2 = 8.0; |
parameter tOH = 2.5; |
parameter tMRD = 2.0; |
parameter tRAS = 45.0; |
parameter tRC = 67.5; |
parameter tRCD = 22.5; |
parameter tRFC = 67.5; |
parameter tXSR = 67.5; |
parameter tRP = 22.5; |
parameter tRRD = 15.0; |
parameter tDPLa = 7.5; |
parameter tDPLm = 15.0; |
parameter tDPDX = 100000.0; |
`endif |
inout [no_of_data - 1 : 0] dq; |
input [no_of_addr - 1 : 0] addr; |
input [no_of_bank - 1 : 0] ba; |
input clk; |
input cke; |
input csb; |
input rasb; |
input casb; |
input web; |
input [no_of_dqm - 1 : 0] dqm; |
`protect |
reg [no_of_data - 1 : 0] bank0 [0 : mem_sizes]; |
reg [no_of_data - 1 : 0] bank1 [0 : mem_sizes]; |
reg [no_of_data - 1 : 0] bank2 [0 : mem_sizes]; |
reg [no_of_data - 1 : 0] bank3 [0 : mem_sizes]; |
reg [no_of_bank - 1 : 0] bank_addr [0 : 3]; // bank address Pipeline |
reg [no_of_col - 1 : 0] Col_addr [0 : 3]; // Column address Pipeline |
reg [3 : 0] Command [0 : 3]; // Command Operation Pipeline |
reg [no_of_dqm - 1 : 0] dqm_reg0, dqm_reg1; // DQM Operation Pipeline |
reg [no_of_dqm - 1 : 0] dqm_save [0 : 3]; // DQM Operation Pipeline |
reg [no_of_addr - 1 : 0] B0_row_addr, B1_row_addr, B2_row_addr, B3_row_addr; |
reg [no_of_addr - 1 : 0] Mode_reg; |
reg [no_of_addr - 1 : 0] EMode_reg; |
reg [no_of_data - 1 : 0] dq_reg, dq_dqm; |
reg [no_of_col - 1 : 0] Col_temp, Burst_counter; |
reg Act_b0, Act_b1, Act_b2, Act_b3; // bank Activate |
reg Pc_b0, Pc_b1, Pc_b2, Pc_b3; // bank Precharge |
reg [1 : 0] bank_precharge [0 : 3]; // Precharge Command |
reg A10_precharge [0 : 3]; // addr[10] = 1 (All banks) |
reg Auto_precharge [0 : 3]; // RW Auto Precharge (bank) |
reg Read_precharge [0 : 3]; // R Auto Precharge |
reg Write_precharge [0 : 3]; // W Auto Precharge |
reg RW_interrupt_read [0 : 3]; // RW Interrupt Read with Auto Precharge |
reg RW_interrupt_write [0 : 3]; // RW Interrupt Write with Auto Precharge |
reg [1 : 0] RW_interrupt_bank; // RW Interrupt bank |
integer RW_interrupt_counter [0 : 3]; // RW Interrupt Counter |
integer Count_precharge [0 : 3]; // RW Auto Precharge Counter |
reg Data_in_enable; |
reg Data_out_enable; |
reg [no_of_bank - 1 : 0] bank, Prev_bank; |
reg [no_of_addr - 1 : 0] Row; |
reg [no_of_col - 1 : 0] Col, Col_brst; |
reg [19:0] ccc; |
reg [3:0] bit; |
reg [2:0] CL; |
reg [8:0] BL; |
reg RIW_violate; |
reg Dout_Drive_Flag; |
reg Pre_Dout_Drive_Flag; |
reg [10:0] Count_at_Read; |
reg Read_cmd_received; |
reg Read_cmd_received_cke; |
reg Write_cmd_received_cke; |
reg state_act_pwrdn,state_pre_pwrdn,state_dpdn,state_self; |
reg dpdn_check_start; |
reg [10:0] Read_cmd_count; |
reg [10:0] Read_cmd_count_cke; |
reg [10:0] Write_cmd_count_cke; |
reg [3:0] cmp_count; |
// Internal system clock |
reg ckeZ, Sys_clk; |
// Commands Decode |
wire Active_enable = ~csb & ~rasb & casb & web ; |
wire Aref_enable = ~csb & ~rasb & ~casb & web & cke; |
wire Sref_enable = ~csb & ~rasb & ~casb & web & ~cke; |
wire Burst_term = ~csb & rasb & casb & ~web & cke; |
wire Deep_pwrdn = ~csb & rasb & casb & ~web & ~cke; |
wire Mode_reg_enable = ~csb & ~rasb & ~casb & ~web & ~ba[1] & ~ba[0]; |
wire EMode_reg_enable = ~csb & ~rasb & ~casb & ~web & ba[1] & ~ba[0]; |
wire Prech_enable = ~csb & ~rasb & casb & ~web ; |
wire Read_enable = ~csb & rasb & ~casb & web ; |
wire Write_enable = ~csb & rasb & ~casb & ~web ; |
// Burst Length Decode |
wire Burst_length_1 = ~Mode_reg[2] & ~Mode_reg[1] & ~Mode_reg[0]; |
wire Burst_length_2 = ~Mode_reg[2] & ~Mode_reg[1] & Mode_reg[0]; |
wire Burst_length_4 = ~Mode_reg[2] & Mode_reg[1] & ~Mode_reg[0]; |
wire Burst_length_8 = ~Mode_reg[2] & Mode_reg[1] & Mode_reg[0]; |
wire Burst_length_f = Mode_reg[2] & Mode_reg[1] & Mode_reg[0]; |
// CAS Latency Decode |
wire Cas_latency_1 = ~Mode_reg[6] & ~Mode_reg[5] & Mode_reg[4]; |
wire Cas_latency_2 = ~Mode_reg[6] & Mode_reg[5] & ~Mode_reg[4]; |
wire Cas_latency_3 = ~Mode_reg[6] & Mode_reg[5] & Mode_reg[4]; |
// Write Burst Mode |
wire Write_burst_mode = Mode_reg[9]; |
`ifdef VERBOSE |
wire Debug = 1'b1; // Debug messages : 1 = On |
`else |
wire Debug = 1'b0; // Debug messages : 1 = On |
`endif |
wire dq_chk = Sys_clk & Data_in_enable; // Check setup/hold time for DQ |
// CKE function |
wire clk_suspend_write= (Act_b0 | Act_b1 | Act_b2 | Act_b3) & Write_cmd_received_cke; |
wire clk_suspend_read = (Act_b0 | Act_b1 | Act_b2 | Act_b3) & Read_cmd_received_cke; |
wire act_pwrdn = (Act_b0 | Act_b1 | Act_b2 | Act_b3) & (~Read_cmd_received_cke & ~Write_cmd_received_cke); |
wire pch_pwrdn = (Pc_b0 & Pc_b1 & Pc_b2 & Pc_b3) & (~Read_cmd_received_cke | ~Write_cmd_received_cke); |
assign dq = dq_reg; // DQ buffer |
// Commands Operation |
`define ACT 0 |
`define NOP 1 |
`define READ 2 |
`define WRITE 3 |
`define PRECH 4 |
`define A_REF 5 |
`define BST 6 |
`define LMR 7 |
// Timing Check variable |
real MRD_chk; |
real WR_chkm0, WR_chkm1, WR_chkm2, WR_chkm3; |
real RFC_chk, RRD_chk; |
real RC_chk0, RC_chk1, RC_chk2, RC_chk3 ; |
real RAS_chk0, RAS_chk1, RAS_chk2, RAS_chk3 ; |
real RCD_chk0, RCD_chk1, RCD_chk2, RCD_chk3 ; |
real RP_chk0, RP_chk1, RP_chk2, RP_chk3 ; |
real SELF_chk, DPDN_chk ; |
initial begin |
mem_init; |
dq_reg = {no_of_data{1'bz}}; |
Data_in_enable = 0; Data_out_enable = 0; |
Act_b0 = 1; Act_b1 = 1; Act_b2 = 1; Act_b3 = 1; |
Pc_b0 = 0; Pc_b1 = 0; Pc_b2 = 0; Pc_b3 = 0; |
WR_chkm0 = 0; WR_chkm1 = 0; WR_chkm2 = 0; WR_chkm3 = 0; |
RW_interrupt_read[0] = 0; RW_interrupt_read[1] = 0; RW_interrupt_read[2] = 0; RW_interrupt_read[3] = 0; |
RW_interrupt_write[0] = 0; RW_interrupt_write[1] = 0; RW_interrupt_write[2] = 0; RW_interrupt_write[3] = 0; |
MRD_chk = 0; RFC_chk = 0; RRD_chk = 0; |
RAS_chk0 = 0; RAS_chk1 = 0; RAS_chk2 = 0; RAS_chk3 = 0; |
RCD_chk0 = 0; RCD_chk1 = 0; RCD_chk2 = 0; RCD_chk3 = 0; |
RC_chk0 = 0; RC_chk1 = 0; RC_chk2 = 0; RC_chk3 = 0; |
RP_chk0 = 0; RP_chk1 = 0; RP_chk2 = 0; RP_chk3 = 0; |
SELF_chk = 0; DPDN_chk = 0; |
Read_cmd_received=0; |
Read_cmd_count=0; |
Read_cmd_received_cke=0; |
Read_cmd_count_cke=0; |
Write_cmd_received_cke=0; |
Write_cmd_count_cke=0; |
state_act_pwrdn=0; |
state_pre_pwrdn=0; |
state_dpdn=0; |
state_self=0; |
dpdn_check_start=0; |
EMode_reg=0; |
Mode_reg=0; |
Count_at_Read=0; |
$timeformat (-9, 2, " ns", 12); |
end |
// System clock generator |
always begin |
@ (posedge clk) begin |
Sys_clk = ckeZ; |
ckeZ = cke; |
end |
@ (negedge clk) begin |
Sys_clk = 1'b0; |
end |
end |
always @ (posedge clk) begin |
// CKE Exit |
if (cke === 1'b1) begin |
if (state_self === 1'b1) begin |
state_self = 1'b0; |
SELF_chk=$realtime; |
if (Debug) $display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = SREFX : Self Refresh exit", $realtime); |
end else if (state_dpdn == 1'b1) begin |
state_dpdn = 1'b0; |
DPDN_chk=$realtime; |
if (Debug) $display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = DPDNX : Deep Powerdown exit", $realtime); |
end else if (state_act_pwrdn == 1'b1) begin |
state_act_pwrdn = 1'b0; |
if (Debug) $display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = APDNX : Active Power down exit", $realtime); |
end else if (state_pre_pwrdn == 1'b1) begin |
state_pre_pwrdn = 1'b0; |
if (Debug) $display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = PPDNX : Precharge Power down exit", $realtime); |
end |
end |
end |
always @ (Dout_Drive_Flag) begin |
if(Cas_latency_2 ==1) begin |
Pre_Dout_Drive_Flag <= #tHZ2 Dout_Drive_Flag; |
end else if(Cas_latency_3 ==1) begin |
Pre_Dout_Drive_Flag <= #tHZ3 Dout_Drive_Flag; |
end |
end |
always @ (posedge Sys_clk) begin |
// Internal Commamd Pipelined |
Command[0] = Command[1]; |
Command[1] = Command[2]; |
Command[2] = Command[3]; |
Command[3] = `NOP; |
Col_addr[0] = Col_addr[1]; |
Col_addr[1] = Col_addr[2]; |
Col_addr[2] = Col_addr[3]; |
Col_addr[3] = {no_of_col{1'b0}}; |
bank_addr[0] = bank_addr[1]; |
bank_addr[1] = bank_addr[2]; |
bank_addr[2] = bank_addr[3]; |
bank_addr[3] = 2'b00; |
bank_precharge[0] = bank_precharge[1]; |
bank_precharge[1] = bank_precharge[2]; |
bank_precharge[2] = bank_precharge[3]; |
bank_precharge[3] = 2'b00; |
A10_precharge[0] = A10_precharge[1]; |
A10_precharge[1] = A10_precharge[2]; |
A10_precharge[2] = A10_precharge[3]; |
A10_precharge[3] = 1'b0; |
// dqm pipeline for Read |
dqm_reg0 = dqm_reg1; |
dqm_reg1 = dqm; |
dqm_save[3]=dqm_save[2]; |
dqm_save[2]=dqm_save[1]; |
dqm_save[1]=dqm_save[0]; |
dqm_save[0]=dqm; |
if (Read_cmd_received == 1'b1) begin |
Read_cmd_count = Read_cmd_count + 1; |
end |
else begin |
Read_cmd_count = 4'b0; |
end |
//if (Read_cmd_count == (BL+CL+1)) begin |
if (Read_cmd_count == Count_at_Read+(BL+CL+1)) begin |
Read_cmd_received = 1'b0; |
end |
// Count for CKE |
if (Read_cmd_received_cke == 1'b1) begin |
Read_cmd_count_cke = Read_cmd_count_cke + 1; |
end |
else begin |
Read_cmd_count_cke = 4'b0; |
end |
if (Read_cmd_count_cke == (BL+CL-1)) begin |
Read_cmd_received_cke = 1'b0; |
end |
// Count for CKE |
if (Write_cmd_received_cke == 1'b1) begin |
Write_cmd_count_cke = Write_cmd_count_cke + 1; |
end |
else begin |
Write_cmd_count_cke = 4'b0; |
end |
if (Write_cmd_count_cke == BL) begin |
Write_cmd_received_cke = 1'b0; |
end |
// Read or Write with Auto Precharge Counter |
if (Auto_precharge[0] === 1'b1) begin |
Count_precharge[0] = Count_precharge[0] + 1; |
end |
if (Auto_precharge[1] === 1'b1) begin |
Count_precharge[1] = Count_precharge[1] + 1; |
end |
if (Auto_precharge[2] === 1'b1) begin |
Count_precharge[2] = Count_precharge[2] + 1; |
end |
if (Auto_precharge[3] === 1'b1) begin |
Count_precharge[3] = Count_precharge[3] + 1; |
end |
// Read or Write Interrupt Counter |
if (RW_interrupt_write[0] === 1'b1) begin |
RW_interrupt_counter[0] = RW_interrupt_counter[0] + 1; |
end |
if (RW_interrupt_write[1] === 1'b1) begin |
RW_interrupt_counter[1] = RW_interrupt_counter[1] + 1; |
end |
if (RW_interrupt_write[2] === 1'b1) begin |
RW_interrupt_counter[2] = RW_interrupt_counter[2] + 1; |
end |
if (RW_interrupt_write[3] === 1'b1) begin |
RW_interrupt_counter[3] = RW_interrupt_counter[3] + 1; |
end |
// tMRD Counter |
MRD_chk = MRD_chk + 1; |
// Auto Refresh |
if (Aref_enable === 1'b1) begin |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t AREF : Auto Refresh", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = AREF : Auto Refresh", $realtime); |
end |
// DPDXN to Auto Refresh |
if (($realtime - DPDN_chk < tDPDX) && (dpdn_check_start)) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : Pwrup violation(DPDX to AREF)", $realtime); |
end |
// Self exit to Auto Refresh |
if ($realtime - SELF_chk < tXSR) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tXSR violation(SREFX to AREF)", $realtime); |
end |
// Auto Refresh to Auto Refresh |
if ($realtime - RFC_chk < tRFC) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRFC violation during Auto Refresh", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRFC violation(AREF to AREF)", $realtime); |
end |
// Precharge to Auto Refresh |
if (($realtime - RP_chk0 < tRP)) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Auto Refresh", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRP violation(PRECHARGE0 to AREF)", $realtime); |
end |
if (($realtime - RP_chk1 < tRP)) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Auto Refresh", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRP violation(PRECHARGE1 to AREF)", $realtime); |
end |
if (($realtime - RP_chk2 < tRP)) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Auto Refresh", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRP violation(PRECHARGE2 to AREF)", $realtime); |
end |
if (($realtime - RP_chk3 < tRP)) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Auto Refresh", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRP violation(PRECHARGE3 to AREF)", $realtime); |
end |
// Precharge to Refresh |
if (Pc_b0 === 1'b0 || Pc_b1 === 1'b0 || Pc_b2 === 1'b0 || Pc_b3 === 1'b0) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: All banks must be Precharge before Auto Refresh", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : All banks must be Precharged before AREF", $realtime); |
end |
// Load Mode Register to Auto Refresh |
if (MRD_chk < tMRD) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tMRD violation during Auto Refresh", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tMRD violation(MRS to AREF)", $realtime); |
end |
// Record Current tRFC time |
RFC_chk = $realtime; |
end |
// Load Mode Register |
if (Mode_reg_enable === 1'b1) begin |
// Register Mode |
Mode_reg = addr; |
// Decode CAS Latency, Burst Length, Burst Type, and Write Burst Mode |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t LMR : Load Mode Register", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = MRS : Load Mode Register", $realtime); |
// CAS Latency |
case (addr[6 : 4]) |
3'b010 : $display (" CAS Latency = 2"); |
3'b011 : $display (" CAS Latency = 3"); |
default : $display (" CAS Latency = Reserved"); |
endcase |
case (addr[6 : 4]) |
3'b010 : CL=2; |
3'b011 : CL=3; |
default : CL=3; |
endcase |
// Burst Length |
case (addr[2 : 0]) |
3'b000 : $display (" Burst Length = 1"); |
3'b001 : $display (" Burst Length = 2"); |
3'b010 : $display (" Burst Length = 4"); |
3'b011 : $display (" Burst Length = 8"); |
3'b111 : $display (" Burst Length = Full"); |
default : $display (" Burst Length = Reserved"); |
endcase |
case (addr[2 : 0]) |
3'b000 : BL=1; |
3'b001 : BL=2; |
3'b010 : BL=4; |
3'b011 : BL=8; |
3'b111 : BL=512; |
default : BL=4; |
endcase |
// Burst Type |
if (addr[3] === 1'b0) begin |
$display (" Burst Type = Sequential"); |
end else if (addr[3] === 1'b1) begin |
$display (" Burst Type = Interleaved"); |
end else begin |
$display (" Burst Type = Reserved"); |
end |
// Write Burst Mode |
if (addr[9] === 1'b0) begin |
$display (" Write Burst Mode = Programmed Burst Length"); |
end else if (addr[9] === 1'b1) begin |
$display (" Write Burst Mode = Single Location Access"); |
end else begin |
$display (" Write Burst Mode = Reserved"); |
end |
end |
// Precharge to Load Mode Register |
if (Pc_b0 === 1'b0 && Pc_b1 === 1'b0 && Pc_b2 === 1'b0 && Pc_b3 === 1'b0 ) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: all banks must be Precharge before Load Mode Register", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : all banks must be Precharge before Load Mode Register", $realtime); |
end |
// Precharge to Load Mode Register |
if (($realtime - RP_chk0 < tRP) || ($realtime - RP_chk1 < tRP) || |
($realtime - RP_chk2 < tRP) || ($realtime - RP_chk3 < tRP)) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Load Mode Register", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRP violation(PRECHARGE to MRS)", $realtime); |
end |
// Auto Refresh to Load Mode Register |
if ($realtime - RFC_chk < tRFC) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRFC violation during Load Mode Register", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRFC violation(AREF to MRS)", $realtime); |
end |
// Load Mode Register to Load Mode Register |
if (MRD_chk < tMRD) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tMRD violation during Load Mode Register", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tMRD violation(MRS to MRS)", $realtime); |
end |
// Reset MRD Counter |
MRD_chk = 0; |
end |
// Load Extended Mode Register |
if (EMode_reg_enable === 1'b1) begin |
// Register Mode |
EMode_reg = addr; |
// Decode Driver Strength, Maximum Case Temp, Self Refresh Coverage |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t LMR : Load Mode Register", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = EMRS : Load Extended Mode Register", $realtime); |
// Driver Strength |
case (addr[6 : 5]) |
2'b00 : $display (" Driver Strength = Full"); |
2'b01 : $display (" Driver Strength = 1/2"); |
2'b10 : $display (" Driver Strength = 1/4"); |
2'b11 : $display (" Driver Strength = 1/8"); |
default : $display (" Driver Strength = Reserved"); |
endcase |
// Self Refresh Coverage |
case (addr[2 : 0]) |
3'b000 : $display (" Self Refresh Coverage = All Banks"); |
3'b001 : $display (" Self Refresh Coverage = TWO Bank"); |
3'b010 : $display (" Self Refresh Coverage = One Bank"); |
3'b101 : $display (" Self Refresh Coverage = Half of one Banks"); |
3'b110 : $display (" Self Refresh Coverage = Quater of one Banks"); |
default : $display (" Self Refresh Coverage = Reserved"); |
endcase |
end |
// Precharge to Load Mode Register |
if (Pc_b0 === 1'b0 && Pc_b1 === 1'b0 && Pc_b2 === 1'b0 && Pc_b3 === 1'b0) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: all banks must be Precharge before Load Mode Register", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : all banks must be Precharge before Load Mode Register", $realtime); |
end |
// Precharge to Load Mode Register |
if (($realtime - RP_chk0 < tRP) || ($realtime - RP_chk1 < tRP) || |
($realtime - RP_chk2 < tRP) || ($realtime - RP_chk3 < tRP)) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Load Mode Register", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRP violation(PRECHARGE to EMRS)", $realtime); |
end |
// Auto Refresh to Load Mode Register |
if ($realtime - RFC_chk < tRFC) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRFC violation during Load Mode Register", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRFC violation(AREF to EMRS)", $realtime); |
end |
// Load Mode Register to Load Mode Register |
if (MRD_chk < tMRD) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tMRD violation during Load Mode Register", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tMRD violation(MRS to EMRS)", $realtime); |
end |
// Reset MRD Counter |
MRD_chk = 0; |
end |
// Active Block (Latch bank address and Row address) |
if (Active_enable === 1'b1) begin |
// Activate an open bank can corrupt data |
if ((ba === 2'b00 && Act_b0 === 1'b1) || (ba === 2'b01 && Act_b1 === 1'b1) || |
(ba === 2'b10 && Act_b2 === 1'b1) || (ba === 2'b11 && Act_b3 === 1'b1)) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: bank already activated -- data can be corrupted", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : bank already activated -- data could be corrupted", $realtime); |
// $display ("Time = %t : Bank = %d, Act_b0 = %d, Act_b2 = %d", $realtime, ba, Act_b0, Act_b2); |
end |
// Activate bank 0 |
if (ba === 2'b00 && Pc_b0 === 1'b1) begin |
// Debug Message |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ACT : bank = 0 Row = %d", $realtime, addr); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = ACT : bank = 0 Row = 'h%h", $realtime, addr); |
end |
// Self exit to ACTIVE |
if ($realtime - SELF_chk < tXSR) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tXSR violation(SREFX to ACT0)", $realtime); |
end |
// DPDXN to Precharge |
if (($realtime - DPDN_chk < tDPDX) && (dpdn_check_start)) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : Pwrup violation(DPDX to ACT0)", $realtime); |
end |
// ACTIVE to ACTIVE command period |
if ($realtime - RC_chk0 < tRC) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRC violation during Activate bank 0", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRC violation (ACT0 to ACT0) ", $realtime); |
end |
// Precharge to Activate bank 0 |
if ($realtime - RP_chk0 < tRP) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Activate bank 0", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRP violation (PRECHARGE0 to PRECHARGE0) ", $realtime); |
end |
// Record variables |
Act_b0 = 1'b1; |
Pc_b0 = 1'b0; |
B0_row_addr = addr [no_of_addr - 1 : 0]; |
RAS_chk0 = $realtime; |
RC_chk0 = $realtime; |
RCD_chk0 = $realtime; |
end |
// Activate bank 1 |
if (ba === 2'b01 && Pc_b1 === 1'b1) begin |
// Debug Message |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ACT : bank = 1 Row = %d", $realtime, addr); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = ACT : bank = 1 Row = 'h%h", $realtime, addr); |
end |
// DPDXN to Precharge |
if (($realtime - DPDN_chk < tDPDX) && (dpdn_check_start)) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : Pwrup violation(DPDX to ACT1)", $realtime); |
end |
// Self exit to ACTIVE |
if ($realtime - SELF_chk < tXSR) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tXSR violation(SREFX to ACT1)", $realtime); |
end |
// ACTIVE to ACTIVE command period |
if ($realtime - RC_chk1 < tRC) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRC violation during Activate bank 1", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRC violation (ACT1 to ACT1) ", $realtime); |
end |
// Precharge to Activate bank 1 |
if ($realtime - RP_chk1 < tRP) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Activate bank 1", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRP violation (PRECHARGE1 to PRECHARGE1) ", $realtime); |
end |
// Record variables |
Act_b1 = 1'b1; |
Pc_b1 = 1'b0; |
B1_row_addr = addr [no_of_addr - 1 : 0]; |
RAS_chk1 = $realtime; |
RC_chk1 = $realtime; |
RCD_chk1 = $realtime; |
end |
// Activate bank 2 |
if (ba === 2'b10 && Pc_b2 === 1'b1) begin |
// Debug Message |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ACT : bank = 2 Row = %d", $realtime, addr); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = ACT : bank = 2 Row = 'h%h", $realtime, addr); |
end |
// DPDXN to Precharge |
if (($realtime - DPDN_chk < tDPDX) && (dpdn_check_start)) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : Pwrup violation(DPDX to ACT2)", $realtime); |
end |
// Self exit to ACTIVE |
if ($realtime - SELF_chk < tXSR) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tXSR violation(SREFX to ACT2)", $realtime); |
end |
// ACTIVE to ACTIVE command period |
if ($realtime - RC_chk2 < tRC) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRC violation during Activate bank 2", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRC violation (ACT2 to ACT2) ", $realtime); |
end |
// Precharge to Activate bank 2 |
if ($realtime - RP_chk2 < tRP) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Activate bank 2", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRP violation (PRECHARGE2 to PRECHARGE2) ", $realtime); |
end |
// Record variables |
Act_b2 = 1'b1; |
Pc_b2 = 1'b0; |
B2_row_addr = addr [no_of_addr - 1 : 0]; |
RAS_chk2 = $realtime; |
RC_chk2 = $realtime; |
RCD_chk2 = $realtime; |
end |
// Activate bank 3 |
if (ba === 2'b11 && Pc_b3 === 1'b1) begin |
// Debug Message |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ACT : bank = 3 Row = %d", $realtime, addr); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = ACT : bank = 3 Row = 'h%h", $realtime, addr); |
end |
// DPDXN to Precharge |
if (($realtime - DPDN_chk < tDPDX) && (dpdn_check_start)) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : Pwrup violation(DPDX to ACT3)", $realtime); |
end |
// Self exit to ACTIVE |
if ($realtime - SELF_chk < tXSR) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tXSR violation(SREFX to ACT3)", $realtime); |
end |
// ACTIVE to ACTIVE command period |
if ($realtime - RC_chk3 < tRC) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRC violation during Activate bank 3", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRC violation (ACT1 to ACT3) ", $realtime); |
end |
// Precharge to Activate bank 3 |
if ($realtime - RP_chk3 < tRP) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Activate bank 3", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRP violation (PRECHARGE3 to PRECHARGE3) ", $realtime); |
end |
// Record variables |
Act_b3 = 1'b1; |
Pc_b3 = 1'b0; |
B3_row_addr = addr [no_of_addr - 1 : 0]; |
RAS_chk3 = $realtime; |
RC_chk3 = $realtime; |
RCD_chk3 = $realtime; |
end |
// Active other bank to Active bank A |
if ((Prev_bank != ba) && ($realtime - RRD_chk < tRRD) && (ba === 2'b00)) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRRD violation during Activate bank = %d", $realtime, ba); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRRD violation(ACT Others to ACT0) ", $realtime); |
end |
// Active other bank to Active bank B |
if ((Prev_bank != ba) && ($realtime - RRD_chk < tRRD) && (ba === 2'b01)) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRRD violation during Activate bank = %d", $realtime, ba); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRRD violation(ACT Others to ACT1) ", $realtime); |
end |
// Active other bank to Active bank C |
if ((Prev_bank != ba) && ($realtime - RRD_chk < tRRD) && (ba === 2'b10)) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRRD violation during Activate bank = %d", $realtime, ba); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRRD violation(ACT Others to ACT2) ", $realtime); |
end |
// Active other bank to Active bank D |
if ((Prev_bank != ba) && ($realtime - RRD_chk < tRRD) && (ba === 2'b11)) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRRD violation during Activate bank = %d", $realtime, ba); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRRD violation(ACT Others to ACT3) ", $realtime); |
end |
// Auto Refresh to Activate |
if ($realtime - RFC_chk < tRFC) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRFC violation during Activate bank = %d", $realtime, ba); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRFC violation(AREF to ACT)", $realtime); |
end |
// Load Mode Register to Active |
if (MRD_chk < tMRD ) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tMRD violation during Activate bank = %d", $realtime, ba); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tMRD violation(MRS to ACT)", $realtime); |
end |
// Record variables for checking violation |
RRD_chk = $realtime; |
Prev_bank = ba; |
end |
// Precharge Block |
if (Prech_enable == 1'b1) begin |
// Load Mode Register to Precharge |
if ($realtime - MRD_chk < tMRD) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tMRD violaiton during Precharge", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tMRD violation(MRS to PRECHARGE)", $realtime); |
end |
//Precharge bank 0 |
if ((addr[10] === 1'b1 || (addr[10] === 1'b0 && ba === 2'b00)) && Act_b0 === 1'b1) begin |
Act_b0 = 1'b0; |
Pc_b0 = 1'b1; |
RP_chk0 = $realtime; |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ACT : bank = 0 Row = %d", $realtime, addr); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = PCHG : bank = 0 ", $realtime); |
end |
// DPDXN to Precharge |
if (($realtime - DPDN_chk < tDPDX) && (dpdn_check_start)) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : Pwrup violation(DPDX to PRECHARGE0)", $realtime); |
end |
// Activate to Precharge |
if ($realtime - RAS_chk0 < tRAS) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRAS violation during Precharge", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRAS violation(ACT0 to PRECHARGE0)", $realtime); |
end |
// tWR violation check for write |
if ($realtime - WR_chkm0 < tDPLm) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tWR violation during Precharge", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tDPL violation(LAST DATA to PRECHARGE0)", $realtime); |
end |
end |
// Precharge bank 1 |
if ((addr[10] === 1'b1 || (addr[10] === 1'b0 && ba === 2'b01)) && Act_b1 === 1'b1) begin |
Act_b1 = 1'b0; |
Pc_b1 = 1'b1; |
RP_chk1 = $realtime; |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ACT : bank = 1 Row = %d", $realtime, addr); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = PCHG : bank = 1 ", $realtime); |
end |
// DPDXN to Precharge |
if (($realtime - DPDN_chk < tDPDX) && (dpdn_check_start)) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : Pwrup violation(DPDX to PRECHARGE1)", $realtime); |
end |
// Activate to Precharge |
if ($realtime - RAS_chk1 < tRAS) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRAS violation during Precharge", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRAS violation(ACT1 to PRECHARGE1)", $realtime); |
end |
// tWR violation check for write |
if ($realtime - WR_chkm1 < tDPLm) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tWR violation during Precharge", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tDPL violation(LAST DATA to PRECHARGE1)", $realtime); |
end |
end |
// Precharge bank 2 |
if ((addr[10] === 1'b1 || (addr[10] === 1'b0 && ba === 2'b10)) && Act_b2 === 1'b1) begin |
Act_b2 = 1'b0; |
Pc_b2 = 1'b1; |
RP_chk2 = $realtime; |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ACT : bank = 2 Row = %d", $realtime, addr); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = PCHG : bank = 2 ", $realtime); |
end |
// DPDXN to Precharge |
if (($realtime - DPDN_chk < tDPDX) && (dpdn_check_start)) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : Pwrup violation(DPDX to PRECHARGE2)", $realtime); |
end |
// Activate to Precharge |
if ($realtime - RAS_chk2 < tRAS) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRAS violation during Precharge", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRAS violation(ACT2 to PRECHARGE2)", $realtime); |
end |
// tWR violation check for write |
if ($realtime - WR_chkm2 < tDPLm) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tWR violation during Precharge", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tDPL violation(LAST DATA to PRECHARGE2)", $realtime); |
end |
end |
// Precharge bank 3 |
if ((addr[10] === 1'b1 || (addr[10] === 1'b0 && ba === 2'b11)) && Act_b3 === 1'b1) begin |
Act_b3 = 1'b0; |
Pc_b3 = 1'b1; |
RP_chk3 = $realtime; |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ACT : bank = 3 Row = %d", $realtime, addr); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = PCHG : bank = 3 ", $realtime); |
end |
// DPDXN to Precharge |
if (($realtime - DPDN_chk < tDPDX) && (dpdn_check_start)) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : Pwrup violation(DPDX to PRECHARGE3)", $realtime); |
end |
// Activate to Precharge |
if ($realtime - RAS_chk3 < tRAS) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRAS violation during Precharge", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRAS violation(ACT3 to PRECHARGE3)", $realtime); |
end |
// tWR violation check for write |
if ($realtime - WR_chkm3 < tDPLm) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t ERROR: tWR violation during Precharge", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tDPL violation(LAST DATA to PRECHARGE3)", $realtime); |
end |
end |
// Terminate a Write Immediately (if same bank or all banks) |
if (Data_in_enable === 1'b1 && (bank === ba || addr[10] === 1'b1)) begin |
Data_in_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
// Precharge Command Pipeline for Read |
if (Cas_latency_3 === 1'b1) begin |
Command[2] = `PRECH; |
bank_precharge[2] = ba; |
A10_precharge[2] = addr[10]; |
end else if (Cas_latency_2 === 1'b1) begin |
Command[1] = `PRECH; |
bank_precharge[1] = ba; |
A10_precharge[1] = addr[10]; |
end |
end |
// Burst terminate |
if (Burst_term === 1'b1) begin |
// Terminate a Write Immediately |
if (Data_in_enable == 1'b1) begin |
Data_in_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
// Terminate a Read Depend on CAS Latency |
if (Cas_latency_3 === 1'b1) begin |
Command[2] = `BST; |
end else if (Cas_latency_2 == 1'b1) begin |
Command[1] = `BST; |
end |
// Display debug message |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t BST : Burst Terminate",$realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = BST : Burst Stop", $realtime); |
end |
end |
// Read, Write, Column Latch |
if (Read_enable === 1'b1) begin |
Read_cmd_received = 1'b1; |
Read_cmd_received_cke = 1'b1; |
//Read_cmd_count = 0; |
Count_at_Read = Read_cmd_count; |
Read_cmd_count_cke = 0; |
Write_cmd_received_cke = 1'b0; |
// Check to see if bank is open (ACT) |
if ((ba == 2'b00 && Pc_b0 == 1'b1) || (ba == 2'b01 && Pc_b1 == 1'b1) || |
(ba == 2'b10 && Pc_b2 == 1'b1) || (ba == 2'b11 && Pc_b3 == 1'b1)) begin |
//$display("%m : at time %t ERROR: bank is not Activated for Read", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : bank is not Activated for Read", $realtime); |
end |
// Activate to Read or Write |
if ((ba == 2'b00) && ($realtime - RCD_chk0 < tRCD) || |
(ba == 2'b01) && ($realtime - RCD_chk1 < tRCD) || |
(ba == 2'b10) && ($realtime - RCD_chk2 < tRCD) || |
(ba == 2'b11) && ($realtime - RCD_chk3 < tRCD)) begin |
//$display("%m : at time %t ERROR: tRCD violation during Read", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRCD violation(ACT to READ)", $realtime); |
end |
// CAS Latency pipeline |
if (Cas_latency_3 == 1'b1) begin |
Command[2] = `READ; |
Col_addr[2] = addr; |
bank_addr[2] = ba; |
end else if (Cas_latency_2 == 1'b1) begin |
Command[1] = `READ; |
Col_addr[1] = addr; |
bank_addr[1] = ba; |
end |
// Read interrupt Write (terminate Write immediately) |
if (Data_in_enable == 1'b1) begin |
Data_in_enable = 1'b0; |
// Interrupting a Write with Autoprecharge |
if (Auto_precharge[RW_interrupt_bank] == 1'b1 && Write_precharge[RW_interrupt_bank] == 1'b1) begin |
RW_interrupt_write[RW_interrupt_bank] = 1'b1; |
RW_interrupt_counter[RW_interrupt_bank] = 0; |
// Display debug message |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Read interrupt Write with Autoprecharge", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = Read interrupt Write with Autoprecharge", $realtime); |
end |
end |
end |
// Read with Auto Precharge |
if (addr[10] == 1'b1) begin |
Auto_precharge[ba] = 1'b1; |
Count_precharge[ba] = 0; |
RW_interrupt_bank = ba; |
Read_precharge[ba] = 1'b1; |
end |
end |
// Write Command |
if (Write_enable == 1'b1) begin |
RIW_violate=1'b0; |
if ((Pre_Dout_Drive_Flag == 1'b1) || (Dout_Drive_Flag == 1'b1)) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : Read and Write Data collision", $realtime); |
end |
else if ((Data_out_enable == 1'b1) && (&(dqm_save[1]) != 1'b1)) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : Read and Write Data collision", $realtime); |
end |
Write_cmd_received_cke=1'b1; |
Read_cmd_received=1'b0; |
Read_cmd_received_cke=1'b0; |
Write_cmd_count_cke=1'b0; |
// Activate to Write |
if ((ba == 2'b00 && Pc_b0 == 1'b1) || (ba == 2'b01 && Pc_b1 == 1'b1) || |
(ba == 2'b10 && Pc_b2 == 1'b1) || (ba == 2'b11 && Pc_b3 == 1'b1)) begin |
//$display("%m : at time %t ERROR: bank is not Activated for Write", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : bank is not Activated for Write", $realtime); |
end |
if ((ba == 2'b00) && ($realtime - RCD_chk0 < tRCD)) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR = %t, %t: tRCD violation(ACT0 to WRITE)", $realtime, RCD_chk0,$realtime-RCD_chk0); |
end |
if ((ba == 2'b01) && ($realtime - RCD_chk1 < tRCD)) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR = %t, %t: tRCD violation(ACT1 to WRITE)", $realtime, RCD_chk1,$realtime-RCD_chk1); |
end |
if ((ba == 2'b10) && ($realtime - RCD_chk2 < tRCD)) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR = %t, %t: tRCD violation(ACT2 to WRITE)", $realtime, RCD_chk2,$realtime-RCD_chk2); |
end |
if ((ba == 2'b11) && ($realtime - RCD_chk3 < tRCD)) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR = %t, %t: tRCD violation(ACT3 to WRITE)", $realtime, RCD_chk3,$realtime-RCD_chk3); |
end |
// Latch Write command, bank, and Column |
Command[0] = `WRITE; |
Command[1] = `NOP; |
Col_addr[0] = addr; |
bank_addr[0] = ba; |
// Write interrupt Write (terminate Write immediately) |
if (Data_in_enable == 1'b1) begin |
Data_in_enable = 1'b0; |
// Interrupting a Write with Autoprecharge |
if (Auto_precharge[RW_interrupt_bank] == 1'b1 && Write_precharge[RW_interrupt_bank] == 1'b1) begin |
RW_interrupt_write[RW_interrupt_bank] = 1'b1; |
// Display debug message |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Read bank %d interrupt Write bank %d with Autoprecharge", $realtime, ba, RW_interrupt_bank); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = Write bank %d interrupt Write bank %d with Autoprecharge", $realtime, ba, RW_interrupt_bank); |
end |
end |
end |
// Write interrupt Read (terminate Read immediately) |
if (Data_out_enable == 1'b1) begin |
Data_out_enable = 1'b0; |
// Interrupting a Read with Autoprecharge |
if (Auto_precharge[RW_interrupt_bank] == 1'b1 && Read_precharge[RW_interrupt_bank] == 1'b1) begin |
RW_interrupt_read[RW_interrupt_bank] = 1'b1; |
// Display debug message |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Write bank %d interrupt Read bank %d with Autoprecharge", $realtime, ba, RW_interrupt_bank); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = Write bank %d interrupt Read bank %d with Autoprecharge", $realtime, ba, RW_interrupt_bank); |
end |
end |
end |
// Write with Auto Precharge |
if (addr[10] == 1'b1) begin |
Auto_precharge[ba] = 1'b1; |
Count_precharge[ba] = 0; |
RW_interrupt_bank = ba; |
Write_precharge[ba] = 1'b1; |
end |
end |
/* |
Write with Auto Precharge Calculation |
The device start internal precharge when: |
1. Meet minimum tRAS requirement |
and 2. tWR cycle(s) after last valid data |
or 3. Interrupt by a Read or Write (with or without Auto Precharge) |
Note: Model is starting the internal precharge 1 cycle after they meet all the |
requirement but tRP will be compensate for the time after the 1 cycle. |
*/ |
if ((Auto_precharge[0] == 1'b1) && (Write_precharge[0] == 1'b1)) begin |
if ((($realtime - RAS_chk0 >= tRAS) && // Case 1 |
(((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 || Write_burst_mode == 1'b1) && Count_precharge [0] >= 1) || // Case 2 |
(Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [0] >= 2) || |
(Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [0] >= 4) || |
(Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [0] >= 8))) || |
(RW_interrupt_write[0] == 1'b1 && RW_interrupt_counter[0] >= 1)) begin // Case 3 |
Auto_precharge[0] = 1'b0; |
Write_precharge[0] = 1'b0; |
RW_interrupt_write[0] = 1'b0; |
Pc_b0 = 1'b1; |
Act_b0 = 1'b0; |
RP_chk0 = $realtime + tDPLa; |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for bank 0", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = Start Internal Auto Precharge for bank 0", $realtime+tDPLa); |
end |
end |
end |
if ((Auto_precharge[1] == 1'b1) && (Write_precharge[1] == 1'b1)) begin |
if ((($realtime - RAS_chk1 >= tRAS) && // Case 1 |
(((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 || Write_burst_mode == 1'b1) && Count_precharge [1] >= 1) || // Case 2 |
(Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [1] >= 2) || |
(Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [1] >= 4) || |
(Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [1] >= 8))) || |
(RW_interrupt_write[1] == 1'b1 && RW_interrupt_counter[1] >= 1)) begin // Case 3 |
Auto_precharge[1] = 1'b0; |
Write_precharge[1] = 1'b0; |
RW_interrupt_write[1] = 1'b0; |
Pc_b1 = 1'b1; |
Act_b1 = 1'b0; |
RP_chk1 = $realtime + tDPLa; |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for bank 1", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = Start Internal Auto Precharge for bank 1", $realtime+tDPLa); |
end |
end |
end |
if ((Auto_precharge[2] == 1'b1) && (Write_precharge[2] == 1'b1)) begin |
if ((($realtime - RAS_chk2 >= tRAS) && // Case 1 |
(((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 || Write_burst_mode == 1'b1) && Count_precharge [2] >= 1) || // Case 2 |
(Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [2] >= 2) || |
(Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [2] >= 4) || |
(Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [2] >= 8))) || |
(RW_interrupt_write[2] == 1'b1 && RW_interrupt_counter[2] >= 1)) begin // Case 3 |
Auto_precharge[2] = 1'b0; |
Write_precharge[2] = 1'b0; |
RW_interrupt_write[2] = 1'b0; |
Pc_b2 = 1'b1; |
Act_b2 = 1'b0; |
RP_chk2 = $realtime + tDPLa; |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for bank 2", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = Start Internal Auto Precharge for bank 2", $realtime+tDPLa); |
end |
end |
end |
if ((Auto_precharge[3] == 1'b1) && (Write_precharge[3] == 1'b1)) begin |
if ((($realtime - RAS_chk3 >= tRAS) && // Case 1 |
(((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 || Write_burst_mode == 1'b1) && Count_precharge [3] >= 1) || // Case 2 |
(Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [3] >= 2) || |
(Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [3] >= 4) || |
(Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [3] >= 8))) || |
(RW_interrupt_write[3] == 1'b1 && RW_interrupt_counter[3] >= 1)) begin // Case 3 |
Auto_precharge[3] = 1'b0; |
Write_precharge[3] = 1'b0; |
RW_interrupt_write[3] = 1'b0; |
Pc_b3 = 1'b1; |
Act_b3 = 1'b0; |
RP_chk3 = $realtime + tDPLa; |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for bank 3", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = Start Internal Auto Precharge for bank 3", $realtime+tDPLa); |
end |
end |
end |
// Read with Auto Precharge Calculation |
// The device start internal precharge: |
// 1. Meet minimum tRAS requirement |
// and 2. CAS Latency - 1 cycles before last burst |
// or 3. Interrupt by a Read or Write (with or without AutoPrecharge) |
if ((Auto_precharge[0] == 1'b1) && (Read_precharge[0] == 1'b1)) begin |
if ((($realtime - RAS_chk0 >= tRAS) && // Case 1 |
((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[0] >= 1) || // Case 2 |
(Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[0] >= 2) || |
(Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[0] >= 4) || |
(Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[0] >= 8))) || |
(RW_interrupt_read[0] == 1'b1)) begin // Case 3 |
Pc_b0 = 1'b1; |
Act_b0 = 1'b0; |
RP_chk0 = $realtime; |
Auto_precharge[0] = 1'b0; |
Read_precharge[0] = 1'b0; |
RW_interrupt_read[0] = 1'b0; |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for bank 0", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = Start Internal Auto Precharge for bank 0", $realtime); |
end |
end |
end |
if ((Auto_precharge[1] == 1'b1) && (Read_precharge[1] == 1'b1)) begin |
if ((($realtime - RAS_chk1 >= tRAS) && |
((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[1] >= 1) || |
(Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[1] >= 2) || |
(Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[1] >= 4) || |
(Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[1] >= 8))) || |
(RW_interrupt_read[1] == 1'b1)) begin |
Pc_b1 = 1'b1; |
Act_b1 = 1'b0; |
RP_chk1 = $realtime; |
Auto_precharge[1] = 1'b0; |
Read_precharge[1] = 1'b0; |
RW_interrupt_read[1] = 1'b0; |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for bank 1", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = Start Internal Auto Precharge for bank 1", $realtime); |
end |
end |
end |
if ((Auto_precharge[2] == 1'b1) && (Read_precharge[2] == 1'b1)) begin |
if ((($realtime - RAS_chk2 >= tRAS) && |
((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[2] >= 1) || |
(Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[2] >= 2) || |
(Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[2] >= 4) || |
(Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[2] >= 8))) || |
(RW_interrupt_read[2] == 1'b1)) begin |
Pc_b2 = 1'b1; |
Act_b2 = 1'b0; |
RP_chk2 = $realtime; |
Auto_precharge[2] = 1'b0; |
Read_precharge[2] = 1'b0; |
RW_interrupt_read[2] = 1'b0; |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for bank 2", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = Start Internal Auto Precharge for bank 2", $realtime); |
end |
end |
end |
if ((Auto_precharge[3] == 1'b1) && (Read_precharge[3] == 1'b1)) begin |
if ((($realtime - RAS_chk3 >= tRAS) && |
((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[3] >= 1) || |
(Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[3] >= 2) || |
(Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[3] >= 4) || |
(Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[3] >= 8))) || |
(RW_interrupt_read[3] == 1'b1)) begin |
Pc_b3 = 1'b1; |
Act_b3 = 1'b0; |
RP_chk3 = $realtime; |
Auto_precharge[3] = 1'b0; |
Read_precharge[3] = 1'b0; |
RW_interrupt_read[3] = 1'b0; |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display ("%m : at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for bank 3", $realtime); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = Start Internal Auto Precharge for bank 3", $realtime); |
end |
end |
end |
// CKE Function |
if (cke === 1'b0) begin |
if (Sref_enable === 1'b1) begin |
state_self = 1'b1; |
if (Debug) begin |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = SREF : Self Refresh", $realtime); |
if (EMode_reg[2:0]==3'b000) $display (" Refresh Full Bank"); |
if (EMode_reg[2:0]==3'b001) begin |
$display (" Refresh Only TWO Bank"); |
abbank_init; |
end |
if (EMode_reg[2:0]==3'b010) begin |
$display (" Refresh Only One Bank(BANK A)"); |
bbank_init; |
end |
if (EMode_reg[2:0]==3'b101) begin |
$display (" Refresh Only half of one Bank(BANK A, A10=0)"); |
half_init; |
end |
if (EMode_reg[2:0]==3'b110) begin |
$display (" Refresh Only Quarter of one Bank(BANK A, A10=0)"); |
quat_init; |
end |
end |
// Precharge to Auto Refresh |
if (($realtime - RP_chk0 < tRP) || ($realtime - RP_chk1 < tRP) || |
($realtime - RP_chk2 < tRP) || ($realtime - RP_chk3 < tRP)) |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRP violation(PRECHARGE to SREF)", $realtime); |
// Precharge to Refresh |
if (Pc_b0 === 1'b0 || Pc_b1 === 1'b0 || Pc_b2 === 1'b0 || Pc_b3 === 1'b0) |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : All banks must be Precharged before SREF", $realtime); |
// Load Mode Register to Self Refresh |
if (MRD_chk < tMRD) |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tMRD violation(MRS to SREF)", $realtime); |
end else if (Deep_pwrdn == 1'b1) begin |
state_dpdn = 1'b1; |
dpdn_check_start = 1'b1; |
Act_b0 = 0; Act_b1 = 0; Act_b2 = 0; Act_b3 = 0; |
Pc_b0 = 1; Pc_b1 = 1; Pc_b2 = 1; Pc_b3 = 1; |
mem_init; |
if (Debug) $display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = DPDN : Deep Powerdown", $realtime); |
// Precharge to Auto Refresh |
if (($realtime - RP_chk0 < tRP) || ($realtime - RP_chk1 < tRP) || |
($realtime - RP_chk2 < tRP) || ($realtime - RP_chk3 < tRP)) |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : tRP violation(PRECHARGE to DPDN)", $realtime); |
// Precharge to Refresh |
if (Pc_b0 === 1'b0 || Pc_b1 === 1'b0 || Pc_b2 === 1'b0 || Pc_b3 === 1'b0) |
$display ("Time = %t : ERROR : All banks must be Precharged before DPDN", $realtime); |
end else if (act_pwrdn == 1'b1) begin |
state_act_pwrdn = 1'b1; |
if (Debug) $display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = APDN : Active Power down", $realtime); |
end else if (pch_pwrdn == 1'b1) begin |
state_pre_pwrdn = 1'b1; |
if (Debug) $display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = PPDN : Precharge Power down", $realtime); |
end else if (clk_suspend_write == 1'b1) begin |
if (Debug) $display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = CKSW : Clock Suspend during Write", $realtime); |
end else if (clk_suspend_read == 1'b1) begin |
if (Debug) $display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = CKSR : Clock Suspend during Read", $realtime); |
end |
end |
// Internal Precharge or Bst |
if (Command[0] == `PRECH) begin // Precharge terminate a read with same bank or all banks |
if (bank_precharge[0] == bank || A10_precharge[0] == 1'b1) begin |
if (Data_out_enable == 1'b1) begin |
Data_out_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
end |
end else if (Command[0] == `BST) begin // BST terminate a read to current bank |
if (Data_out_enable == 1'b1) begin |
Data_out_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
end |
if (Data_out_enable == 1'b0) begin |
dq_reg <= #tOH {no_of_data{1'bz}}; |
Dout_Drive_Flag <= #tOH 1'b0; |
end |
// Detect Read or Write command |
if (Command[0] == `READ) begin |
bank = bank_addr[0]; |
Col = Col_addr[0]; |
Col_brst = Col_addr[0]; |
case (bank_addr[0]) |
2'b00 : Row = B0_row_addr; |
2'b01 : Row = B1_row_addr; |
2'b10 : Row = B2_row_addr; |
2'b11 : Row = B3_row_addr; |
endcase |
Burst_counter = 0; |
Data_in_enable = 1'b0; |
Data_out_enable = 1'b1; |
end else if (Command[0] == `WRITE) begin |
bank = bank_addr[0]; |
Col = Col_addr[0]; |
Col_brst = Col_addr[0]; |
case (bank_addr[0]) |
2'b00 : Row = B0_row_addr; |
2'b01 : Row = B1_row_addr; |
2'b10 : Row = B2_row_addr; |
2'b11 : Row = B3_row_addr; |
endcase |
Burst_counter = 0; |
Data_in_enable = 1'b1; |
Data_out_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
// DQ buffer (Driver/Receiver) |
if (Data_in_enable == 1'b1) begin // Writing Data to Memory |
// Array buffer |
case (bank) |
2'b00 : dq_dqm = bank0 [{Row, Col}]; |
2'b01 : dq_dqm = bank1 [{Row, Col}]; |
2'b10 : dq_dqm = bank2 [{Row, Col}]; |
2'b11 : dq_dqm = bank3 [{Row, Col}]; |
endcase |
// dqm operation |
if (dqm[0] == 1'b0) begin |
dq_dqm [ 7 : 0] = dq [ 7 : 0 ] & dq [ 7 : 0 ]; |
end |
if (dqm[1] == 1'b0) begin |
dq_dqm [15 : 8] = dq [15 : 8] & dq [15 : 8]; |
end |
// Write to memory |
case (bank) |
2'b00 : bank0 [{Row, Col}] = dq_dqm; |
2'b01 : bank1 [{Row, Col}] = dq_dqm; |
2'b10 : bank2 [{Row, Col}] = dq_dqm; |
2'b11 : bank3 [{Row, Col}] = dq_dqm; |
endcase |
// Display debug message |
if (dqm !== 2'b11) begin |
// Record tWR for manual precharge |
if (bank == 2'b00) WR_chkm0 = $realtime; |
if (bank == 2'b01) WR_chkm1 = $realtime; |
if (bank == 2'b10) WR_chkm2 = $realtime; |
if (bank == 2'b11) WR_chkm3 = $realtime; |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display("%m : at time %t WRITE: bank = %d Row = %d, Col = %d, Data = %d", $realtime, bank, Row, Col, dq_dqm); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = WRITE : bank = %d Row = 'h%h, Col = 'h%h, Data = 'h%h", $realtime, bank, Row, Col, dq_dqm); |
end |
end else begin |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display("%m : at time %t WRITE: bank = %d Row = %d, Col = %d, Data = Hi-Z due to DQM", $realtime, bank, Row, Col); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = WRITE : bank = %d Row = 'h%h, Col = 'h%h, Data = Hi-Z due to DQM", $realtime, bank, Row, Col); |
end |
end |
// Advance burst counter subroutine |
if(Cas_latency_2 == 1) begin |
#tHZ2 Burst_decode; |
end else if(Cas_latency_3 == 1) begin |
#tHZ3 Burst_decode; |
end |
end else if (Data_out_enable == 1'b1) begin // Reading Data from Memory |
// Array buffer |
case (bank) |
2'b00 : dq_dqm = bank0[{Row, Col}]; |
2'b01 : dq_dqm = bank1[{Row, Col}]; |
2'b10 : dq_dqm = bank2[{Row, Col}]; |
2'b11 : dq_dqm = bank3[{Row, Col}]; |
endcase |
// dqm operation |
if (dqm_reg0 [0] == 1'b1) begin |
dq_dqm [ 7 : 0] = 8'bz; |
end |
if (dqm_reg0 [1] == 1'b1) begin |
dq_dqm [15 : 8] = 8'bz; |
end |
if(Cas_latency_2 ==1) begin |
// Display debug message |
if ( &(dqm_reg0) != 1'b1) begin |
dq_reg = #tAC2 dq_dqm; |
Dout_Drive_Flag = 1'b1; |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display("%m : at time %t READ : bank = %d Row = %d, Col = %d, Data = %d", $realtime, bank, Row, Col, dq_reg); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = READ : bank = %d Row = 'h%h, Col = 'h%h, Data = 'h%h", $realtime, bank, Row, Col, dq_reg); |
end |
end else begin |
dq_reg = #tHZ2 {no_of_data{1'bz}}; |
Dout_Drive_Flag = 1'b0; |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display("%m : at time %t READ : bank = %d Row = %d, Col = %d, Data = Hi-Z due to DQM", $realtime, bank, Row, Col); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = READ : bank = %d Row = 'h%h, Col = 'h%h, Data = Hi-Z due to DQM", $realtime, bank, Row, Col); |
end |
end |
end else if(Cas_latency_3 ==1) begin |
// Display debug message |
if ( &(dqm_reg0) != 1'b1) begin |
dq_reg = #tAC3 dq_dqm; |
Dout_Drive_Flag = 1'b1; |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display("%m : at time %t READ : bank = %d Row = %d, Col = %d, Data = %d", $realtime, bank, Row, Col, dq_reg); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = READ : bank = %d Row = 'h%h, Col = 'h%h, Data = 'h%h", $realtime, bank, Row, Col, dq_reg); |
end |
end else begin |
dq_reg = #tHZ3 {no_of_data{1'bz}}; |
Dout_Drive_Flag = 1'b0; |
if (Debug) begin |
//$display("%m : at time %t READ : bank = %d Row = %d, Col = %d, Data = Hi-Z due to DQM", $realtime, bank, Row, Col); |
$display ("Time = %t : OPERATION = READ : bank = %d Row = 'h%h, Col = 'h%h, Data = Hi-Z due to DQM", $realtime, bank, Row, Col); |
end |
end |
end |
// Advance burst counter subroutine |
Burst_decode; |
end |
end |
// Burst counter decode |
task Burst_decode; |
begin |
// Advance Burst Counter |
Burst_counter = Burst_counter + 1; |
// Burst Type |
if (Mode_reg[3] == 1'b0) begin // Sequential Burst |
Col_temp = Col + 1; |
end else if (Mode_reg[3] == 1'b1) begin // Interleaved Burst |
Col_temp[2] = Burst_counter[2] ^ Col_brst[2]; |
Col_temp[1] = Burst_counter[1] ^ Col_brst[1]; |
Col_temp[0] = Burst_counter[0] ^ Col_brst[0]; |
end |
// Burst Length |
if (Burst_length_2) begin // Burst Length = 2 |
Col [0] = Col_temp [0]; |
end else if (Burst_length_4) begin // Burst Length = 4 |
Col [1 : 0] = Col_temp [1 : 0]; |
end else if (Burst_length_8) begin // Burst Length = 8 |
Col [2 : 0] = Col_temp [2 : 0]; |
end else begin // Burst Length = FULL |
Col = Col_temp; |
end |
// Burst Read Single Write |
if (Write_burst_mode == 1'b1) begin |
Data_in_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
// Data Counter |
if (Burst_length_1 == 1'b1) begin |
if (Burst_counter >= 1) begin |
Data_in_enable = 1'b0; |
Data_out_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
end else if (Burst_length_2 == 1'b1) begin |
if (Burst_counter >= 2) begin |
Data_in_enable = 1'b0; |
Data_out_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
end else if (Burst_length_4 == 1'b1) begin |
if (Burst_counter >= 4) begin |
Data_in_enable = 1'b0; |
Data_out_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
end else if (Burst_length_8 == 1'b1) begin |
if (Burst_counter >= 8) begin |
Data_in_enable = 1'b0; |
Data_out_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
end |
end |
endtask |
task mem_init; |
begin |
for (ccc=0;ccc<'b1000_0000_0000_0000_0000;ccc=ccc+1) |
begin |
bank0[ccc]=32'bxxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx; |
bank1[ccc]=32'bxxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx; |
bank2[ccc]=32'bxxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx; |
bank3[ccc]=32'bxxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx; |
//bank0[ccc]=16'b1111_1111_1111_1111; |
//bank1[ccc]=16'b1111_1111_1111_1111; |
end |
end |
endtask |
task abbank_init; |
begin |
for (ccc=0;ccc<'b1000_0000_0000_0000_0000;ccc=ccc+1) |
begin |
bank0[ccc]=32'bxxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx; |
bank1[ccc]=32'bxxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx; |
end |
end |
endtask |
task bbank_init; |
begin |
for (ccc=0;ccc<'b1000_0000_0000_0000_0000;ccc=ccc+1) |
begin |
bank1[ccc]=32'bxxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx; |
end |
end |
endtask |
task half_init; |
begin |
bbank_init; |
for (ccc='b0100_0000_0000_0000_0000;ccc<'b1000_0000_0000_0000_0000;ccc=ccc+1) |
begin |
bank0[ccc]=32'bxxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx; |
end |
end |
endtask |
task quat_init; |
begin |
bbank_init; |
for (ccc='b0010_0000_0000_0000_0000;ccc<'b1000_0000_0000_0000_0000;ccc=ccc+1) |
begin |
bank0[ccc]=32'bxxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx; |
end |
end |
endtask |
`endprotect |
// Timing Parameters |
specify |
specparam |
`ifdef S50 |
tAH = 1.0, // addr, ba Hold Time |
tAS = 1.5, // addr, ba Setup Time |
tCH = 2.5, // Clock High-Level Width |
tCL = 2.5, // Clock Low-Level Width |
tCK = 5.0, // Clock Cycle Time |
tDH = 1.0, // Data-in Hold Time |
tDS = 1.5, // Data-in Setup Time |
tCKH = 1.0, // CKE Hold Time |
tCKS = 1.5, // CKE Setup Time |
tCMH = 1.0, // CSB, RASB, CASB, WEB, DQMB Hold Time |
tCMS = 1.5; // CSB, RASB, CASB, WEB, DQMB Setup Time |
`endif |
`ifdef S60 |
tAH = 1.0, // addr, ba Hold Time |
tAS = 1.5, // addr, ba Setup Time |
tCH = 2.5, // Clock High-Level Width |
tCL = 2.5, // Clock Low-Level Width |
tCK = 6.0, // Clock Cycle Time |
tDH = 1.0, // Data-in Hold Time |
tDS = 1.5, // Data-in Setup Time |
tCKH = 1.0, // CKE Hold Time |
tCKS = 1.5, // CKE Setup Time |
tCMH = 1.0, // CSB, RASB, CASB, WEB, DQMB Hold Time |
tCMS = 1.5; // CSB, RASB, CASB, WEB, DQMB Setup Time |
`endif |
`ifdef S75 |
tAH = 1.0, // addr, ba Hold Time |
tAS = 2.0, // addr, ba Setup Time |
tCH = 2.5, // Clock High-Level Width |
tCL = 2.5, // Clock Low-Level Width |
tCK = 7.5, // Clock Cycle Time |
tDH = 1.0, // Data-in Hold Time |
tDS = 2.0, // Data-in Setup Time |
tCKH = 1.0, // CKE Hold Time |
tCKS = 2.0, // CKE Setup Time |
tCMH = 1.0, // CSB, RASB, CASB, WEB, DQMB Hold Time |
tCMS = 2.0; // CSB, RASB, CASB, WEB, DQMB Setup Time |
`endif |
$width (posedge clk, tCH); |
$width (negedge clk, tCL); |
$period (negedge clk, tCK); |
$period (posedge clk, tCK); |
$setuphold(posedge clk, cke, tCKS, tCKH); |
$setuphold(posedge clk, csb, tCMS, tCMH); |
$setuphold(posedge clk, casb, tCMS, tCMH); |
$setuphold(posedge clk, rasb, tCMS, tCMH); |
$setuphold(posedge clk, web, tCMS, tCMH); |
$setuphold(posedge clk, addr, tAS, tAH); |
$setuphold(posedge clk, ba, tAS, tAH); |
$setuphold(posedge clk, dqm, tCMS, tCMH); |
$setuphold(posedge dq_chk, dq, tDS, tDH); |
endspecify |
endmodule |
0,0 → 1,963
/**************************************************************************************** |
* |
* File Name: MT48LC8M16A2.V |
* Version: 0.0f |
* Date: July 8th, 1999 |
* Model: BUS Functional |
* Simulator: Model Technology (PC version 5.2e PE) |
* |
* Dependencies: None |
* |
* Author: Son P. Huynh |
* Email: sphuynh@micron.com |
* Phone: (208) 368-3825 |
* Company: Micron Technology, Inc. |
* Model: MT48LC8M16A2 (2Meg x 16 x 4 Banks) |
* |
* Description: Micron 128Mb SDRAM Verilog model |
* |
* Limitation: - Doesn't check for 4096 cycle refresh |
* |
* Note: - Set simulator resolution to "ps" accuracy |
* - Set Debug = 0 to disable $display messages |
* |
* |
* Copyright � 1998 Micron Semiconductor Products, Inc. |
* All rights researved |
* |
* Rev Author Phone Date Changes |
* ---- ---------------------------- ---------- --------------------------------------- |
* 0.0f Son Huynh 208-368-3825 07/08/1999 - Fix tWR = 1 clk + 7.5 ns (Auto) |
* Micron Technology Inc. - Fix tWR = 15 ns (Manual) |
* - Fix tRP (Autoprecharge to AutoRefresh) |
* |
* 0.0a Son Huynh 208-368-3825 05/13/1998 - First Release (from 64Mb rev 0.0e) |
* Micron Technology Inc. |
****************************************************************************************/ |
`timescale 1ns / 100ps |
module MT48LC8M16A2 (dq, addr, ba, clk, cke, csb, rasb, casb, web, dqm); |
parameter addr_bits = 13; |
parameter data_bits = 16; |
parameter col_bits = 9; |
parameter mem_sizes = 2097151; // 2 Meg |
inout [data_bits - 1 : 0] dq; |
input [addr_bits - 1 : 0] addr; |
input [1 : 0] ba; |
input clk; |
input cke; |
input csb; |
input rasb; |
input casb; |
input web; |
input [1 : 0] dqm; |
reg [data_bits - 1 : 0] Bank0 [0 : mem_sizes]; |
reg [data_bits - 1 : 0] Bank1 [0 : mem_sizes]; |
reg [data_bits - 1 : 0] Bank2 [0 : mem_sizes]; |
reg [data_bits - 1 : 0] Bank3 [0 : mem_sizes]; |
reg [1 : 0] Bank_addr [0 : 3]; // Bank Address Pipeline |
reg [col_bits - 1 : 0] Col_addr [0 : 3]; // Column Address Pipeline |
reg [3 : 0] Command [0 : 3]; // Command Operation Pipeline |
reg [1 : 0] Dqm_reg0, Dqm_reg1; // DQM Operation Pipeline |
reg [addr_bits - 1 : 0] B0_row_addr, B1_row_addr, B2_row_addr, B3_row_addr; |
reg [addr_bits - 1 : 0] Mode_reg; |
reg [data_bits - 1 : 0] Dq_reg, Dq_dqm; |
reg [col_bits - 1 : 0] Col_temp, Burst_counter; |
reg Act_b0, Act_b1, Act_b2, Act_b3; // Bank Activate |
reg Pc_b0, Pc_b1, Pc_b2, Pc_b3; // Bank Precharge |
reg [1 : 0] Bank_precharge [0 : 3]; // Precharge Command |
reg A10_precharge [0 : 3]; // addr[10] = 1 (All banks) |
reg Auto_precharge [0 : 3]; // RW AutoPrecharge (Bank) |
reg Read_precharge [0 : 3]; // R AutoPrecharge |
reg Write_precharge [0 : 3]; // W AutoPrecharge |
integer Count_precharge [0 : 3]; // RW AutoPrecharge (Counter) |
reg RW_interrupt_read [0 : 3]; // RW Interrupt Read with Auto Precharge |
reg RW_interrupt_write [0 : 3]; // RW Interrupt Write with Auto Precharge |
reg Data_in_enable; |
reg Data_out_enable; |
reg [1 : 0] Bank, Previous_bank; |
reg [addr_bits - 1 : 0] Row; |
reg [col_bits - 1 : 0] Col, Col_brst; |
// Internal system clock |
reg CkeZ, Sys_clk; |
// Commands Decode |
wire Active_enable = ~csb & ~rasb & casb & web; |
wire Aref_enable = ~csb & ~rasb & ~casb & web; |
wire Burst_term = ~csb & rasb & casb & ~web; |
wire Mode_reg_enable = ~csb & ~rasb & ~casb & ~web; |
wire Prech_enable = ~csb & ~rasb & casb & ~web; |
wire Read_enable = ~csb & rasb & ~casb & web; |
wire Write_enable = ~csb & rasb & ~casb & ~web; |
// Burst Length Decode |
wire Burst_length_1 = ~Mode_reg[2] & ~Mode_reg[1] & ~Mode_reg[0]; |
wire Burst_length_2 = ~Mode_reg[2] & ~Mode_reg[1] & Mode_reg[0]; |
wire Burst_length_4 = ~Mode_reg[2] & Mode_reg[1] & ~Mode_reg[0]; |
wire Burst_length_8 = ~Mode_reg[2] & Mode_reg[1] & Mode_reg[0]; |
// CAS Latency Decode |
wire Cas_latency_2 = ~Mode_reg[6] & Mode_reg[5] & ~Mode_reg[4]; |
wire Cas_latency_3 = ~Mode_reg[6] & Mode_reg[5] & Mode_reg[4]; |
// Write Burst Mode |
wire Write_burst_mode = Mode_reg[9]; |
reg Debug; // Debug messages : 1 = On |
wire Dq_chk = Sys_clk & Data_in_enable; // Check setup/hold time for DQ |
assign dq = Dq_reg; // DQ buffer |
// Commands Operation |
`define ACT 0 |
`define NOP 1 |
`define READ 2 |
`define READ_A 3 |
`define WRITE 4 |
`define WRITE_A 5 |
`define PRECH 6 |
`define A_REF 7 |
`define BST 8 |
`define LMR 9 |
// Timing Parameters for -75 (PC133) and CAS Latency = 2 |
parameter tAC = 6.0; |
parameter tHZ = 7.0; |
parameter tOH = 2.7; |
parameter tMRD = 2.0; // 2 clk Cycles |
parameter tRAS = 44.0; |
parameter tRC = 66.0; |
parameter tRCD = 20.0; |
parameter tRP = 20.0; |
parameter tRRD = 15.0; |
parameter tWRa = 7.5; // A2 Version - Auto precharge mode only (1 clk + 7.5 ns) |
parameter tWRp = 15.0; // A2 Version - Precharge mode only (15 ns) |
// Timing Check variable |
integer MRD_chk; |
integer WR_counter [0 : 3]; |
time WR_chk [0 : 3]; |
time RC_chk, RRD_chk; |
time RAS_chk0, RAS_chk1, RAS_chk2, RAS_chk3; |
time RCD_chk0, RCD_chk1, RCD_chk2, RCD_chk3; |
time RP_chk0, RP_chk1, RP_chk2, RP_chk3; |
initial begin |
Debug = 1'b0; |
Dq_reg = {data_bits{1'bz}}; |
{Data_in_enable, Data_out_enable} = 0; |
{Act_b0, Act_b1, Act_b2, Act_b3} = 4'b0000; |
{Pc_b0, Pc_b1, Pc_b2, Pc_b3} = 4'b0000; |
{WR_chk[0], WR_chk[1], WR_chk[2], WR_chk[3]} = 0; |
{WR_counter[0], WR_counter[1], WR_counter[2], WR_counter[3]} = 0; |
{RW_interrupt_read[0], RW_interrupt_read[1], RW_interrupt_read[2], RW_interrupt_read[3]} = 0; |
{RW_interrupt_write[0], RW_interrupt_write[1], RW_interrupt_write[2], RW_interrupt_write[3]} = 0; |
{MRD_chk, RC_chk, RRD_chk} = 0; |
{RAS_chk0, RAS_chk1, RAS_chk2, RAS_chk3} = 0; |
{RCD_chk0, RCD_chk1, RCD_chk2, RCD_chk3} = 0; |
{RP_chk0, RP_chk1, RP_chk2, RP_chk3} = 0; |
$timeformat (-9, 0, " ns", 12); |
//$readmemh("bank0.txt", Bank0); |
//$readmemh("bank1.txt", Bank1); |
//$readmemh("bank2.txt", Bank2); |
//$readmemh("bank3.txt", Bank3); |
end |
// System clock generator |
always begin |
@ (posedge clk) begin |
Sys_clk = CkeZ; |
CkeZ = cke; |
end |
@ (negedge clk) begin |
Sys_clk = 1'b0; |
end |
end |
always @ (posedge Sys_clk) begin |
// Internal Commamd Pipelined |
Command[0] = Command[1]; |
Command[1] = Command[2]; |
Command[2] = Command[3]; |
Command[3] = `NOP; |
Col_addr[0] = Col_addr[1]; |
Col_addr[1] = Col_addr[2]; |
Col_addr[2] = Col_addr[3]; |
Col_addr[3] = {col_bits{1'b0}}; |
Bank_addr[0] = Bank_addr[1]; |
Bank_addr[1] = Bank_addr[2]; |
Bank_addr[2] = Bank_addr[3]; |
Bank_addr[3] = 2'b0; |
Bank_precharge[0] = Bank_precharge[1]; |
Bank_precharge[1] = Bank_precharge[2]; |
Bank_precharge[2] = Bank_precharge[3]; |
Bank_precharge[3] = 2'b0; |
A10_precharge[0] = A10_precharge[1]; |
A10_precharge[1] = A10_precharge[2]; |
A10_precharge[2] = A10_precharge[3]; |
A10_precharge[3] = 1'b0; |
// dqm pipeline for Read |
Dqm_reg0 = Dqm_reg1; |
Dqm_reg1 = dqm; |
// Read or Write with Auto Precharge Counter |
if (Auto_precharge[0] == 1'b1) begin |
Count_precharge[0] = Count_precharge[0] + 1; |
end |
if (Auto_precharge[1] == 1'b1) begin |
Count_precharge[1] = Count_precharge[1] + 1; |
end |
if (Auto_precharge[2] == 1'b1) begin |
Count_precharge[2] = Count_precharge[2] + 1; |
end |
if (Auto_precharge[3] == 1'b1) begin |
Count_precharge[3] = Count_precharge[3] + 1; |
end |
// tMRD Counter |
MRD_chk = MRD_chk + 1; |
// tWR Counter for Write |
WR_counter[0] = WR_counter[0] + 1; |
WR_counter[1] = WR_counter[1] + 1; |
WR_counter[2] = WR_counter[2] + 1; |
WR_counter[3] = WR_counter[3] + 1; |
// Auto Refresh |
if (Aref_enable == 1'b1) begin |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t AREF : Auto Refresh", $time); |
// Auto Refresh to Auto Refresh |
if ($time - RC_chk < tRC) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: tRC violation during Auto Refresh", $time); |
end |
// Precharge to Auto Refresh |
if ($time - RP_chk0 < tRP || $time - RP_chk1 < tRP || $time - RP_chk2 < tRP || $time - RP_chk3 < tRP) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Auto Refresh", $time); |
end |
// Precharge to Refresh |
if (Pc_b0 == 1'b0 || Pc_b1 == 1'b0 || Pc_b2 == 1'b0 || Pc_b3 == 1'b0) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: All banks must be Precharge before Auto Refresh", $time); |
end |
// Record Current tRC time |
RC_chk = $time; |
end |
// Load Mode Register |
if (Mode_reg_enable == 1'b1) begin |
// Decode CAS Latency, Burst Length, Burst Type, and Write Burst Mode |
if (Pc_b0 == 1'b1 && Pc_b1 == 1'b1 && Pc_b2 == 1'b1 && Pc_b3 == 1'b1) begin |
Mode_reg = addr; |
if (Debug) begin |
$display ("at time %t LMR : Load Mode Register", $time); |
// CAS Latency |
if (addr[6 : 4] == 3'b010) |
$display (" CAS Latency = 2"); |
else if (addr[6 : 4] == 3'b011) |
$display (" CAS Latency = 3"); |
else |
$display (" CAS Latency = Reserved"); |
// Burst Length |
if (addr[2 : 0] == 3'b000) |
$display (" Burst Length = 1"); |
else if (addr[2 : 0] == 3'b001) |
$display (" Burst Length = 2"); |
else if (addr[2 : 0] == 3'b010) |
$display (" Burst Length = 4"); |
else if (addr[2 : 0] == 3'b011) |
$display (" Burst Length = 8"); |
else if (addr[3 : 0] == 4'b0111) |
$display (" Burst Length = Full"); |
else |
$display (" Burst Length = Reserved"); |
// Burst Type |
if (addr[3] == 1'b0) |
$display (" Burst Type = Sequential"); |
else if (addr[3] == 1'b1) |
$display (" Burst Type = Interleaved"); |
else |
$display (" Burst Type = Reserved"); |
// Write Burst Mode |
if (addr[9] == 1'b0) |
$display (" Write Burst Mode = Programmed Burst Length"); |
else if (addr[9] == 1'b1) |
$display (" Write Burst Mode = Single Location Access"); |
else |
$display (" Write Burst Mode = Reserved"); |
end |
end else begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: all banks must be Precharge before Load Mode Register", $time); |
end |
// REF to LMR |
if ($time - RC_chk < tRC) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: tRC violation during Load Mode Register", $time); |
end |
// LMR to LMR |
if (MRD_chk < tMRD) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: tMRD violation during Load Mode Register", $time); |
end |
MRD_chk = 0; |
end |
// Active Block (Latch Bank Address and Row Address) |
if (Active_enable == 1'b1) begin |
if (ba == 2'b00 && Pc_b0 == 1'b1) begin |
{Act_b0, Pc_b0} = 2'b10; |
B0_row_addr = addr [addr_bits - 1 : 0]; |
RCD_chk0 = $time; |
RAS_chk0 = $time; |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t ACT : Bank = 0 Row = %d", $time, addr); |
// Precharge to Activate Bank 0 |
if ($time - RP_chk0 < tRP) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Activate bank 0", $time); |
end |
end else if (ba == 2'b01 && Pc_b1 == 1'b1) begin |
{Act_b1, Pc_b1} = 2'b10; |
B1_row_addr = addr [addr_bits - 1 : 0]; |
RCD_chk1 = $time; |
RAS_chk1 = $time; |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t ACT : Bank = 1 Row = %d", $time, addr); |
// Precharge to Activate Bank 1 |
if ($time - RP_chk1 < tRP) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Activate bank 1", $time); |
end |
end else if (ba == 2'b10 && Pc_b2 == 1'b1) begin |
{Act_b2, Pc_b2} = 2'b10; |
B2_row_addr = addr [addr_bits - 1 : 0]; |
RCD_chk2 = $time; |
RAS_chk2 = $time; |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t ACT : Bank = 2 Row = %d", $time, addr); |
// Precharge to Activate Bank 2 |
if ($time - RP_chk2 < tRP) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Activate bank 2", $time); |
end |
end else if (ba == 2'b11 && Pc_b3 == 1'b1) begin |
{Act_b3, Pc_b3} = 2'b10; |
B3_row_addr = addr [addr_bits - 1 : 0]; |
RCD_chk3 = $time; |
RAS_chk3 = $time; |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t ACT : Bank = 3 Row = %d", $time, addr); |
// Precharge to Activate Bank 3 |
if ($time - RP_chk3 < tRP) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: tRP violation during Activate bank 3", $time); |
end |
end else if (ba == 2'b00 && Pc_b0 == 1'b0) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: Bank 0 is not Precharged.", $time); |
end else if (ba == 2'b01 && Pc_b1 == 1'b0) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: Bank 1 is not Precharged.", $time); |
end else if (ba == 2'b10 && Pc_b2 == 1'b0) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: Bank 2 is not Precharged.", $time); |
end else if (ba == 2'b11 && Pc_b3 == 1'b0) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: Bank 3 is not Precharged.", $time); |
end |
// Active Bank A to Active Bank B |
if ((Previous_bank != ba) && ($time - RRD_chk < tRRD)) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: tRRD violation during Activate bank = %d", $time, ba); |
end |
// Load Mode Register to Active |
if (MRD_chk < tMRD ) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: tMRD violation during Activate bank = %d", $time, ba); |
end |
// Auto Refresh to Activate |
if ($time - RC_chk < tRC) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: tRC violation during Activate bank = %d", $time, ba); |
end |
// Record variables for checking violation |
RRD_chk = $time; |
Previous_bank = ba; |
end |
// Precharge Block |
if (Prech_enable == 1'b1) begin |
if (addr[10] == 1'b1) begin |
{Pc_b0, Pc_b1, Pc_b2, Pc_b3} = 4'b1111; |
{Act_b0, Act_b1, Act_b2, Act_b3} = 4'b0000; |
RP_chk0 = $time; |
RP_chk1 = $time; |
RP_chk2 = $time; |
RP_chk3 = $time; |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t PRE : Bank = ALL",$time); |
// Activate to Precharge all banks |
if (($time - RAS_chk0 < tRAS) || ($time - RAS_chk1 < tRAS) || |
($time - RAS_chk2 < tRAS) || ($time - RAS_chk3 < tRAS)) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: tRAS violation during Precharge all bank", $time); |
end |
// tWR violation check for write |
if (($time - WR_chk[0] < tWRp) || ($time - WR_chk[1] < tWRp) || |
($time - WR_chk[2] < tWRp) || ($time - WR_chk[3] < tWRp)) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: tWR violation during Precharge all bank", $time); |
end |
end else if (addr[10] == 1'b0) begin |
if (ba == 2'b00) begin |
{Pc_b0, Act_b0} = 2'b10; |
RP_chk0 = $time; |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t PRE : Bank = 0",$time); |
// Activate to Precharge Bank 0 |
if ($time - RAS_chk0 < tRAS) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: tRAS violation during Precharge bank 0", $time); |
end |
end else if (ba == 2'b01) begin |
{Pc_b1, Act_b1} = 2'b10; |
RP_chk1 = $time; |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t PRE : Bank = 1",$time); |
// Activate to Precharge Bank 1 |
if ($time - RAS_chk1 < tRAS) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: tRAS violation during Precharge bank 1", $time); |
end |
end else if (ba == 2'b10) begin |
{Pc_b2, Act_b2} = 2'b10; |
RP_chk2 = $time; |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t PRE : Bank = 2",$time); |
// Activate to Precharge Bank 2 |
if ($time - RAS_chk2 < tRAS) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: tRAS violation during Precharge bank 2", $time); |
end |
end else if (ba == 2'b11) begin |
{Pc_b3, Act_b3} = 2'b10; |
RP_chk3 = $time; |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t PRE : Bank = 3",$time); |
// Activate to Precharge Bank 3 |
if ($time - RAS_chk3 < tRAS) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: tRAS violation during Precharge bank 3", $time); |
end |
end |
// tWR violation check for write |
if ($time - WR_chk[ba] < tWRp) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display ("at time %t ERROR: tWR violation during Precharge bank %d", $time, ba); |
end |
end |
// Terminate a Write Immediately (if same bank or all banks) |
if (Data_in_enable == 1'b1 && (Bank == ba || addr[10] == 1'b1)) begin |
Data_in_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
// Precharge Command Pipeline for Read |
if (Cas_latency_3 == 1'b1) begin |
Command[2] = `PRECH; |
Bank_precharge[2] = ba; |
A10_precharge[2] = addr[10]; |
end else if (Cas_latency_2 == 1'b1) begin |
Command[1] = `PRECH; |
Bank_precharge[1] = ba; |
A10_precharge[1] = addr[10]; |
end |
end |
// Burst terminate |
if (Burst_term == 1'b1) begin |
// Terminate a Write Immediately |
if (Data_in_enable == 1'b1) begin |
Data_in_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
// Terminate a Read Depend on CAS Latency |
if (Cas_latency_3 == 1'b1) begin |
Command[2] = `BST; |
end else if (Cas_latency_2 == 1'b1) begin |
Command[1] = `BST; |
end |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t BST : Burst Terminate",$time); |
end |
// Read, Write, Column Latch |
if (Read_enable == 1'b1 || Write_enable == 1'b1) begin |
// Check to see if bank is open (ACT) |
if ((ba == 2'b00 && Pc_b0 == 1'b1) || (ba == 2'b01 && Pc_b1 == 1'b1) || |
(ba == 2'b10 && Pc_b2 == 1'b1) || (ba == 2'b11 && Pc_b3 == 1'b1)) begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display("at time %t ERROR: Cannot Read or Write - Bank %d is not Activated", $time, ba); |
end |
// Activate to Read or Write |
if ((ba == 2'b00) && ($time - RCD_chk0 < tRCD)) |
begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display("at time %t ERROR: tRCD violation during Read or Write to Bank 0", $time); |
end |
if ((ba == 2'b01) && ($time - RCD_chk1 < tRCD)) |
begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display("at time %t ERROR: tRCD violation during Read or Write to Bank 1", $time); |
end |
if ((ba == 2'b10) && ($time - RCD_chk2 < tRCD)) |
begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display("at time %t ERROR: tRCD violation during Read or Write to Bank 2", $time); |
end |
if ((ba == 2'b11) && ($time - RCD_chk3 < tRCD)) |
begin |
//->tb.test_control.error_detected; |
$display("at time %t ERROR: tRCD violation during Read or Write to Bank 3", $time); |
end |
// Read Command |
if (Read_enable == 1'b1) begin |
// CAS Latency pipeline |
if (Cas_latency_3 == 1'b1) begin |
if (addr[10] == 1'b1) begin |
Command[2] = `READ_A; |
end else begin |
Command[2] = `READ; |
end |
Col_addr[2] = addr; |
Bank_addr[2] = ba; |
end else if (Cas_latency_2 == 1'b1) begin |
if (addr[10] == 1'b1) begin |
Command[1] = `READ_A; |
end else begin |
Command[1] = `READ; |
end |
Col_addr[1] = addr; |
Bank_addr[1] = ba; |
end |
// Read interrupt Write (terminate Write immediately) |
if (Data_in_enable == 1'b1) begin |
Data_in_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
// Write Command |
end else if (Write_enable == 1'b1) begin |
if (addr[10] == 1'b1) begin |
Command[0] = `WRITE_A; |
end else begin |
Command[0] = `WRITE; |
end |
Col_addr[0] = addr; |
Bank_addr[0] = ba; |
// Write interrupt Write (terminate Write immediately) |
if (Data_in_enable == 1'b1) begin |
Data_in_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
// Write interrupt Read (terminate Read immediately) |
if (Data_out_enable == 1'b1) begin |
Data_out_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
end |
// Interrupting a Write with Autoprecharge |
if (Auto_precharge[Bank] == 1'b1 && Write_precharge[Bank] == 1'b1) begin |
RW_interrupt_write[Bank] = 1'b1; |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t NOTE : Read/Write Bank %d interrupt Write Bank %d with Autoprecharge", $time, ba, Bank); |
end |
// Interrupting a Read with Autoprecharge |
if (Auto_precharge[Bank] == 1'b1 && Read_precharge[Bank] == 1'b1) begin |
RW_interrupt_read[Bank] = 1'b1; |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t NOTE : Read/Write Bank %d interrupt Read Bank %d with Autoprecharge", $time, ba, Bank); |
end |
// Read or Write with Auto Precharge |
if (addr[10] == 1'b1) begin |
Auto_precharge[ba] = 1'b1; |
Count_precharge[ba] = 0; |
if (Read_enable == 1'b1) begin |
Read_precharge[ba] = 1'b1; |
end else if (Write_enable == 1'b1) begin |
Write_precharge[ba] = 1'b1; |
end |
end |
end |
// Read with Auto Precharge Calculation |
// The device start internal precharge: |
// 1. CAS Latency - 1 cycles before last burst |
// and 2. Meet minimum tRAS requirement |
// or 3. Interrupt by a Read or Write (with or without AutoPrecharge) |
if ((Auto_precharge[0] == 1'b1) && (Read_precharge[0] == 1'b1)) begin |
if ((($time - RAS_chk0 >= tRAS) && // Case 2 |
((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[0] >= 1) || // Case 1 |
(Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[0] >= 2) || |
(Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[0] >= 4) || |
(Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[0] >= 8))) || |
(RW_interrupt_read[0] == 1'b1)) begin // Case 3 |
Pc_b0 = 1'b1; |
Act_b0 = 1'b0; |
RP_chk0 = $time; |
Auto_precharge[0] = 1'b0; |
Read_precharge[0] = 1'b0; |
RW_interrupt_read[0] = 1'b0; |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for Bank 0", $time); |
end |
end |
if ((Auto_precharge[1] == 1'b1) && (Read_precharge[1] == 1'b1)) begin |
if ((($time - RAS_chk1 >= tRAS) && |
((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[1] >= 1) || |
(Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[1] >= 2) || |
(Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[1] >= 4) || |
(Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[1] >= 8))) || |
(RW_interrupt_read[1] == 1'b1)) begin |
Pc_b1 = 1'b1; |
Act_b1 = 1'b0; |
RP_chk1 = $time; |
Auto_precharge[1] = 1'b0; |
Read_precharge[1] = 1'b0; |
RW_interrupt_read[1] = 1'b0; |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for Bank 1", $time); |
end |
end |
if ((Auto_precharge[2] == 1'b1) && (Read_precharge[2] == 1'b1)) begin |
if ((($time - RAS_chk2 >= tRAS) && |
((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[2] >= 1) || |
(Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[2] >= 2) || |
(Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[2] >= 4) || |
(Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[2] >= 8))) || |
(RW_interrupt_read[2] == 1'b1)) begin |
Pc_b2 = 1'b1; |
Act_b2 = 1'b0; |
RP_chk2 = $time; |
Auto_precharge[2] = 1'b0; |
Read_precharge[2] = 1'b0; |
RW_interrupt_read[2] = 1'b0; |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for Bank 2", $time); |
end |
end |
if ((Auto_precharge[3] == 1'b1) && (Read_precharge[3] == 1'b1)) begin |
if ((($time - RAS_chk3 >= tRAS) && |
((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[3] >= 1) || |
(Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[3] >= 2) || |
(Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[3] >= 4) || |
(Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge[3] >= 8))) || |
(RW_interrupt_read[3] == 1'b1)) begin |
Pc_b3 = 1'b1; |
Act_b3 = 1'b0; |
RP_chk3 = $time; |
Auto_precharge[3] = 1'b0; |
Read_precharge[3] = 1'b0; |
RW_interrupt_read[3] = 1'b0; |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for Bank 3", $time); |
end |
end |
// Internal Precharge or Bst |
if (Command[0] == `PRECH) begin // Precharge terminate a read with same bank or all banks |
if (Bank_precharge[0] == Bank || A10_precharge[0] == 1'b1) begin |
if (Data_out_enable == 1'b1) begin |
Data_out_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
end |
end else if (Command[0] == `BST) begin // BST terminate a read to current bank |
if (Data_out_enable == 1'b1) begin |
Data_out_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
end |
if (Data_out_enable == 1'b0) begin |
Dq_reg <= #tOH {data_bits{1'bz}}; |
end |
// Detect Read or Write command |
if (Command[0] == `READ || Command[0] == `READ_A) begin |
Bank = Bank_addr[0]; |
Col = Col_addr[0]; |
Col_brst = Col_addr[0]; |
if (Bank_addr[0] == 2'b00) begin |
Row = B0_row_addr; |
end else if (Bank_addr[0] == 2'b01) begin |
Row = B1_row_addr; |
end else if (Bank_addr[0] == 2'b10) begin |
Row = B2_row_addr; |
end else if (Bank_addr[0] == 2'b11) begin |
Row = B3_row_addr; |
end |
Burst_counter = 0; |
Data_in_enable = 1'b0; |
Data_out_enable = 1'b1; |
end else if (Command[0] == `WRITE || Command[0] == `WRITE_A) begin |
Bank = Bank_addr[0]; |
Col = Col_addr[0]; |
Col_brst = Col_addr[0]; |
if (Bank_addr[0] == 2'b00) begin |
Row = B0_row_addr; |
end else if (Bank_addr[0] == 2'b01) begin |
Row = B1_row_addr; |
end else if (Bank_addr[0] == 2'b10) begin |
Row = B2_row_addr; |
end else if (Bank_addr[0] == 2'b11) begin |
Row = B3_row_addr; |
end |
Burst_counter = 0; |
Data_in_enable = 1'b1; |
Data_out_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
// DQ buffer (Driver/Receiver) |
if (Data_in_enable == 1'b1) begin // Writing Data to Memory |
// Array buffer |
if (Bank == 2'b00) Dq_dqm [15 : 0] = Bank0 [{Row, Col}]; |
if (Bank == 2'b01) Dq_dqm [15 : 0] = Bank1 [{Row, Col}]; |
if (Bank == 2'b10) Dq_dqm [15 : 0] = Bank2 [{Row, Col}]; |
if (Bank == 2'b11) Dq_dqm [15 : 0] = Bank3 [{Row, Col}]; |
// dqm operation |
if (dqm[0] == 1'b0) Dq_dqm [ 7 : 0] = dq [ 7 : 0]; |
if (dqm[1] == 1'b0) Dq_dqm [15 : 8] = dq [15 : 8]; |
// Write to memory |
if (Bank == 2'b00) Bank0 [{Row, Col}] = Dq_dqm [15 : 0]; |
if (Bank == 2'b01) Bank1 [{Row, Col}] = Dq_dqm [15 : 0]; |
if (Bank == 2'b10) Bank2 [{Row, Col}] = Dq_dqm [15 : 0]; |
if (Bank == 2'b11) Bank3 [{Row, Col}] = Dq_dqm [15 : 0]; |
// Output result |
if (dqm == 2'b11) begin |
if (Debug) $display("at time %t WRITE: Bank = %d Row = %d, Col = %d, Data = Hi-Z due to DQM", $time, Bank, Row, Col); |
end else begin |
if (Debug) $display("at time %t WRITE: Bank = %d Row = %d, Col = %d, Data = %h, dqm = %b", $time, Bank, Row, Col, Dq_dqm, dqm); |
// Record tWR time and reset counter |
WR_chk [Bank] = $time; |
WR_counter [Bank] = 0; |
end |
// Advance burst counter subroutine |
#tHZ Burst; |
end else if (Data_out_enable == 1'b1) begin // Reading Data from Memory |
// Array buffer |
if (Bank == 2'b00) Dq_dqm [15 : 0] = Bank0 [{Row, Col}]; |
if (Bank == 2'b01) Dq_dqm [15 : 0] = Bank1 [{Row, Col}]; |
if (Bank == 2'b10) Dq_dqm [15 : 0] = Bank2 [{Row, Col}]; |
if (Bank == 2'b11) Dq_dqm [15 : 0] = Bank3 [{Row, Col}]; |
// dqm operation |
if (Dqm_reg0[0] == 1'b1) Dq_dqm [ 7 : 0] = 8'bz; |
if (Dqm_reg0[1] == 1'b1) Dq_dqm [15 : 8] = 8'bz; |
// Display result |
Dq_reg [15 : 0] = #tAC Dq_dqm [15 : 0]; |
if (Dqm_reg0 == 2'b11) begin |
if (Debug) $display("at time %t READ : Bank = %d Row = %d, Col = %d, Data = Hi-Z due to DQM", $time, Bank, Row, Col); |
end else begin |
if (Debug) $display("at time %t READ : Bank = %d Row = %d, Col = %d, Data = %h, dqm = %b", $time, Bank, Row, Col, Dq_reg, Dqm_reg0); |
end |
// Advance burst counter subroutine |
Burst; |
end |
end |
// Write with Auto Precharge Calculation |
// The device start internal precharge: |
// 1. tWR Clock after last burst |
// and 2. Meet minimum tRAS requirement |
// or 3. Interrupt by a Read or Write (with or without AutoPrecharge) |
always @ (WR_counter[0]) begin |
if ((Auto_precharge[0] == 1'b1) && (Write_precharge[0] == 1'b1)) begin |
if ((($time - RAS_chk0 >= tRAS) && // Case 2 |
(((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 || Write_burst_mode == 1'b1) && Count_precharge [0] >= 1) || // Case 1 |
(Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [0] >= 2) || |
(Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [0] >= 4) || |
(Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [0] >= 8))) || |
(RW_interrupt_write[0] == 1'b1 && WR_counter[0] >= 2)) begin // Case 3 (stop count when interrupt) |
Auto_precharge[0] = 1'b0; |
Write_precharge[0] = 1'b0; |
RW_interrupt_write[0] = 1'b0; |
#tWRa; // Wait for tWR |
Pc_b0 = 1'b1; |
Act_b0 = 1'b0; |
RP_chk0 = $time; |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for Bank 0", $time); |
end |
end |
end |
always @ (WR_counter[1]) begin |
if ((Auto_precharge[1] == 1'b1) && (Write_precharge[1] == 1'b1)) begin |
if ((($time - RAS_chk1 >= tRAS) && |
(((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 || Write_burst_mode == 1'b1) && Count_precharge [1] >= 1) || |
(Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [1] >= 2) || |
(Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [1] >= 4) || |
(Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [1] >= 8))) || |
(RW_interrupt_write[1] == 1'b1 && WR_counter[1] >= 2)) begin |
Auto_precharge[1] = 1'b0; |
Write_precharge[1] = 1'b0; |
RW_interrupt_write[1] = 1'b0; |
#tWRa; // Wait for tWR |
Pc_b1 = 1'b1; |
Act_b1 = 1'b0; |
RP_chk1 = $time; |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for Bank 1", $time); |
end |
end |
end |
always @ (WR_counter[2]) begin |
if ((Auto_precharge[2] == 1'b1) && (Write_precharge[2] == 1'b1)) begin |
if ((($time - RAS_chk2 >= tRAS) && |
(((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 || Write_burst_mode == 1'b1) && Count_precharge [2] >= 1) || |
(Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [2] >= 2) || |
(Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [2] >= 4) || |
(Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [2] >= 8))) || |
(RW_interrupt_write[2] == 1'b1 && WR_counter[2] >= 2)) begin |
Auto_precharge[2] = 1'b0; |
Write_precharge[2] = 1'b0; |
RW_interrupt_write[2] = 1'b0; |
#tWRa; // Wait for tWR |
Pc_b2 = 1'b1; |
Act_b2 = 1'b0; |
RP_chk2 = $time; |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for Bank 2", $time); |
end |
end |
end |
always @ (WR_counter[3]) begin |
if ((Auto_precharge[3] == 1'b1) && (Write_precharge[3] == 1'b1)) begin |
if ((($time - RAS_chk3 >= tRAS) && |
(((Burst_length_1 == 1'b1 || Write_burst_mode == 1'b1) && Count_precharge [3] >= 1) || |
(Burst_length_2 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [3] >= 2) || |
(Burst_length_4 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [3] >= 4) || |
(Burst_length_8 == 1'b1 && Count_precharge [3] >= 8))) || |
(RW_interrupt_write[3] == 1'b1 && WR_counter[3] >= 2)) begin |
Auto_precharge[3] = 1'b0; |
Write_precharge[3] = 1'b0; |
RW_interrupt_write[3] = 1'b0; |
#tWRa; // Wait for tWR |
Pc_b3 = 1'b1; |
Act_b3 = 1'b0; |
RP_chk3 = $time; |
if (Debug) $display ("at time %t NOTE : Start Internal Auto Precharge for Bank 3", $time); |
end |
end |
end |
task Burst; |
begin |
// Advance Burst Counter |
Burst_counter = Burst_counter + 1; |
// Burst Type |
if (Mode_reg[3] == 1'b0) begin // Sequential Burst |
Col_temp = Col + 1; |
end else if (Mode_reg[3] == 1'b1) begin // Interleaved Burst |
Col_temp[2] = Burst_counter[2] ^ Col_brst[2]; |
Col_temp[1] = Burst_counter[1] ^ Col_brst[1]; |
Col_temp[0] = Burst_counter[0] ^ Col_brst[0]; |
end |
// Burst Length |
if (Burst_length_2) begin // Burst Length = 2 |
Col [0] = Col_temp [0]; |
end else if (Burst_length_4) begin // Burst Length = 4 |
Col [1 : 0] = Col_temp [1 : 0]; |
end else if (Burst_length_8) begin // Burst Length = 8 |
Col [2 : 0] = Col_temp [2 : 0]; |
end else begin // Burst Length = FULL |
Col = Col_temp; |
end |
// Burst Read Single Write |
if (Write_burst_mode == 1'b1) begin |
Data_in_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
// Data Counter |
if (Burst_length_1 == 1'b1) begin |
if (Burst_counter >= 1) begin |
Data_in_enable = 1'b0; |
Data_out_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
end else if (Burst_length_2 == 1'b1) begin |
if (Burst_counter >= 2) begin |
Data_in_enable = 1'b0; |
Data_out_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
end else if (Burst_length_4 == 1'b1) begin |
if (Burst_counter >= 4) begin |
Data_in_enable = 1'b0; |
Data_out_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
end else if (Burst_length_8 == 1'b1) begin |
if (Burst_counter >= 8) begin |
Data_in_enable = 1'b0; |
Data_out_enable = 1'b0; |
end |
end |
end |
endtask |
// Timing Parameters for -75 (PC133) and CAS Latency = 2 |
specify |
specparam |
tAH = 0.8, // addr, ba Hold Time |
tAS = 1.5, // addr, ba Setup Time |
tCH = 2.5, // Clock High-Level Width |
tCL = 2.5, // Clock Low-Level Width |
tCK = 10, // Clock Cycle Time |
tDH = 0.8, // Data-in Hold Time |
tDS = 1.5, // Data-in Setup Time |
tCKH = 0.8, // CKE Hold Time |
tCKS = 1.5, // CKE Setup Time |
tCMH = 0.8, // CS#, RAS#, CAS#, WE#, DQM# Hold Time |
tCMS = 1.5; // CS#, RAS#, CAS#, WE#, DQM# Setup Time |
$width (posedge clk, tCH); |
$width (negedge clk, tCL); |
$period (negedge clk, tCK); |
$period (posedge clk, tCK); |
$setuphold(posedge clk, cke, tCKS, tCKH); |
$setuphold(posedge clk, csb, tCMS, tCMH); |
$setuphold(posedge clk, casb, tCMS, tCMH); |
$setuphold(posedge clk, rasb, tCMS, tCMH); |
$setuphold(posedge clk, web, tCMS, tCMH); |
$setuphold(posedge clk, addr, tAS, tAH); |
$setuphold(posedge clk, ba, tAS, tAH); |
$setuphold(posedge clk, dqm, tCMS, tCMH); |
$setuphold(posedge Dq_chk, dq, tDS, tDH); |
endspecify |
endmodule |
0,0 → 1,36
@28 |
top_tb.clk |
top_tb.rst |
@200 |
- |
-DUT |
@22 |
#{top_tb.addr[31:0]} top_tb.addr[31] top_tb.addr[30] top_tb.addr[29] top_tb.addr[28] top_tb.addr[27] top_tb.addr[26] top_tb.addr[25] top_tb.addr[24] top_tb.addr[23] top_tb.addr[22] top_tb.addr[21] top_tb.addr[20] top_tb.addr[19] top_tb.addr[18] top_tb.addr[17] top_tb.addr[16] top_tb.addr[15] top_tb.addr[14] top_tb.addr[13] top_tb.addr[12] top_tb.addr[11] top_tb.addr[10] top_tb.addr[9] top_tb.addr[8] top_tb.addr[7] top_tb.addr[6] top_tb.addr[5] top_tb.addr[4] top_tb.addr[3] top_tb.addr[2] top_tb.addr[1] top_tb.addr[0] |
#{top_tb.data_w[31:0]} top_tb.data_w[31] top_tb.data_w[30] top_tb.data_w[29] top_tb.data_w[28] top_tb.data_w[27] top_tb.data_w[26] top_tb.data_w[25] top_tb.data_w[24] top_tb.data_w[23] top_tb.data_w[22] top_tb.data_w[21] top_tb.data_w[20] top_tb.data_w[19] top_tb.data_w[18] top_tb.data_w[17] top_tb.data_w[16] top_tb.data_w[15] top_tb.data_w[14] top_tb.data_w[13] top_tb.data_w[12] top_tb.data_w[11] top_tb.data_w[10] top_tb.data_w[9] top_tb.data_w[8] top_tb.data_w[7] top_tb.data_w[6] top_tb.data_w[5] top_tb.data_w[4] top_tb.data_w[3] top_tb.data_w[2] top_tb.data_w[1] top_tb.data_w[0] |
#{top_tb.data_r[31:0]} top_tb.data_r[31] top_tb.data_r[30] top_tb.data_r[29] top_tb.data_r[28] top_tb.data_r[27] top_tb.data_r[26] top_tb.data_r[25] top_tb.data_r[24] top_tb.data_r[23] top_tb.data_r[22] top_tb.data_r[21] top_tb.data_r[20] top_tb.data_r[19] top_tb.data_r[18] top_tb.data_r[17] top_tb.data_r[16] top_tb.data_r[15] top_tb.data_r[14] top_tb.data_r[13] top_tb.data_r[12] top_tb.data_r[11] top_tb.data_r[10] top_tb.data_r[9] top_tb.data_r[8] top_tb.data_r[7] top_tb.data_r[6] top_tb.data_r[5] top_tb.data_r[4] top_tb.data_r[3] top_tb.data_r[2] top_tb.data_r[1] top_tb.data_r[0] |
#{top_tb.sel[3:0]} top_tb.sel[3] top_tb.sel[2] top_tb.sel[1] top_tb.sel[0] |
@28 |
top_tb.we |
top_tb.stb |
top_tb.cyc |
top_tb.stall |
top_tb.ack |
@200 |
- |
@28 |
top_tb.sdram_clk |
top_tb.sdram_cke |
@22 |
#{top_tb.sdram_addr[12:0]} top_tb.sdram_addr[12] top_tb.sdram_addr[11] top_tb.sdram_addr[10] top_tb.sdram_addr[9] top_tb.sdram_addr[8] top_tb.sdram_addr[7] top_tb.sdram_addr[6] top_tb.sdram_addr[5] top_tb.sdram_addr[4] top_tb.sdram_addr[3] top_tb.sdram_addr[2] top_tb.sdram_addr[1] top_tb.sdram_addr[0] |
@28 |
#{top_tb.sdram_ba[1:0]} top_tb.sdram_ba[1] top_tb.sdram_ba[0] |
top_tb.sdram_cas |
top_tb.sdram_cs |
@22 |
#{top_tb.sdram_data[15:0]} top_tb.sdram_data[15] top_tb.sdram_data[14] top_tb.sdram_data[13] top_tb.sdram_data[12] top_tb.sdram_data[11] top_tb.sdram_data[10] top_tb.sdram_data[9] top_tb.sdram_data[8] top_tb.sdram_data[7] top_tb.sdram_data[6] top_tb.sdram_data[5] top_tb.sdram_data[4] top_tb.sdram_data[3] top_tb.sdram_data[2] top_tb.sdram_data[1] top_tb.sdram_data[0] |
@28 |
#{top_tb.sdram_dqm[1:0]} top_tb.sdram_dqm[1] top_tb.sdram_dqm[0] |
top_tb.sdram_ras |
top_tb.sdram_we |
[pattern_trace] 1 |
[pattern_trace] 0 |
0,0 → 1,160
`timescale 100ps/100ps |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Module |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
module top_tb ; |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Simulation |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
`include "simulation.svh" |
`CLOCK_GEN(clk, 200) |
`RESET_GEN(rst, 200) |
`ifdef TRACE |
`TB_VCD(top_tb, "waveform.vcd") |
`endif |
`TB_RUN_FOR(10ms) |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Registers / Wires |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
wire [31:0] addr; |
wire [31:0] data_w; |
wire [31:0] data_r; |
wire [3:0] sel; |
wire [2:0] cti; |
wire stb; |
wire cyc; |
wire we; |
wire stall; |
wire ack; |
// SDRAM Interface |
wire sdram_clk; |
wire sdram_cke; |
wire sdram_cs; |
wire sdram_ras; |
wire sdram_cas; |
wire sdram_we; |
wire [1:0] sdram_dqm; |
wire [12:0] sdram_addr; |
wire [1:0] sdram_ba; |
wire [15:0] sdram_data; |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Instantiation |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Wishbone master |
wb_master |
#( |
) |
u_master |
( |
.clk_i(clk), |
.rst_i(rst), |
// Wishbone I/F |
.addr_o(addr), |
.data_o(data_w), |
.data_i(data_r), |
.stb_o(stb), |
.sel_o(sel), |
.cyc_o(cyc), |
.cti_o(cti), |
.we_o(we), |
.stall_i(stall), |
.ack_i(ack) |
); |
// SDRAM Controller |
sdram |
#( |
) |
u_dut |
( |
.clk_i(clk), |
.rst_i(rst), |
// Wishbone I/F |
.addr_i(addr), |
.data_i(data_w), |
.data_o(data_r), |
.stb_i(stb), |
.sel_i(sel), |
.cyc_i(cyc), |
.we_i(we), |
.stall_o(stall), |
.ack_o(ack), |
// SDRAM Interface |
.sdram_clk_o(sdram_clk), |
.sdram_cke_o(sdram_cke), |
.sdram_cs_o(sdram_cs), |
.sdram_ras_o(sdram_ras), |
.sdram_cas_o(sdram_cas), |
.sdram_we_o(sdram_we), |
.sdram_dqm_o(sdram_dqm), |
.sdram_addr_o(sdram_addr), |
.sdram_ba_o(sdram_ba), |
.sdram_data_io(sdram_data) |
); |
// SDRAM |
u_ram |
( |
.dq(sdram_data), |
.addr(sdram_addr), |
.ba(sdram_ba), |
.clk(sdram_clk), |
.cke(sdram_cke), |
.csb(sdram_cs), |
.rasb(sdram_ras), |
.casb(sdram_cas), |
.web(sdram_we), |
.dqm(sdram_dqm) |
); |
//------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Debug |
//------------------------------------------------------------------- |
integer perf_cycles; |
integer perf_resps; |
initial |
begin |
perf_cycles = 0; |
perf_resps = 0; |
end |
always @ (posedge clk) |
begin |
perf_cycles = perf_cycles + 1; |
if (ack) |
perf_resps = perf_resps + 1; |
if (perf_cycles == 50000) |
begin |
$display("Transfer Rate = %dMB/s\n", ((perf_resps * 4) * 1000) / 1048576); |
perf_resps = 0; |
perf_cycles = 0; |
end |
end |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Test bench timeout |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
`TB_TIMEOUT(clk, rst, stb && !stall, 100000) |
endmodule |
0,0 → 1,741
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Simple SDRAM Controller |
// V0.1 |
// Ultra-Embedded.com |
// Copyright 2015 |
// |
// Email: admin@ultra-embedded.com |
// |
// License: GPL |
// If you would like a version with a more permissive license for |
// use in closed source commercial applications please contact me |
// for details. |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
// This file is open source HDL; you can redistribute it and/or |
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as |
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of |
// the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
// |
// This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
// GNU General Public License for more details. |
// |
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public |
// License along with this file; if not, write to the Free Software |
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 |
// USA |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
module sdram |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Params |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
#( |
parameter SDRAM_MHZ = 50, |
parameter SDRAM_ADDR_W = 24, |
parameter SDRAM_COL_W = 9, |
parameter SDRAM_BANK_W = 2, |
parameter SDRAM_DQM_W = 2, |
parameter SDRAM_BANKS = 2 ** SDRAM_BANK_W, |
parameter SDRAM_REFRESH_CNT = 2 ** SDRAM_ROW_W, |
parameter SDRAM_START_DELAY = 100000 / (1000 / SDRAM_MHZ), // 100uS |
parameter SDRAM_READ_LATENCY = 2, |
parameter SDRAM_TARGET = "XILINX" |
) |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Ports |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
( |
input clk_i, |
input rst_i, |
// Wishbone Interface |
input stb_i, |
input we_i, |
input [3:0] sel_i, |
input cyc_i, |
input [31:0] addr_i, |
input [31:0] data_i, |
output [31:0] data_o, |
output stall_o, |
output ack_o, |
// SDRAM Interface |
output sdram_clk_o, |
output sdram_cke_o, |
output sdram_cs_o, |
output sdram_ras_o, |
output sdram_cas_o, |
output sdram_we_o, |
output [1:0] sdram_dqm_o, |
output [12:0] sdram_addr_o, |
output [1:0] sdram_ba_o, |
inout [15:0] sdram_data_io |
); |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Defines / Local params |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
localparam CMD_W = 4; |
localparam CMD_NOP = 4'b0111; |
localparam CMD_ACTIVE = 4'b0011; |
localparam CMD_READ = 4'b0101; |
localparam CMD_WRITE = 4'b0100; |
localparam CMD_TERMINATE = 4'b0110; |
localparam CMD_PRECHARGE = 4'b0010; |
localparam CMD_REFRESH = 4'b0001; |
localparam CMD_LOAD_MODE = 4'b0000; |
// Mode: Burst Length = 4 bytes, CAS=2 |
localparam MODE_REG = {3'b000,1'b0,2'b00,3'b010,1'b0,3'b001}; |
// SM states |
localparam STATE_W = 4; |
localparam STATE_INIT = 4'd0; |
localparam STATE_DELAY = 4'd1; |
localparam STATE_IDLE = 4'd2; |
localparam STATE_ACTIVATE = 4'd3; |
localparam STATE_READ = 4'd4; |
localparam STATE_READ_WAIT = 4'd5; |
localparam STATE_WRITE0 = 4'd6; |
localparam STATE_WRITE1 = 4'd7; |
localparam STATE_PRECHARGE = 4'd8; |
localparam STATE_REFRESH = 4'd9; |
localparam AUTO_PRECHARGE = 10; |
localparam ALL_BANKS = 10; |
localparam SDRAM_DATA_W = 16; |
localparam CYCLE_TIME_NS = 1000 / SDRAM_MHZ; |
// SDRAM timing |
localparam SDRAM_TRCD_CYCLES = (20 + (CYCLE_TIME_NS-1)) / CYCLE_TIME_NS; |
localparam SDRAM_TRP_CYCLES = (20 + (CYCLE_TIME_NS-1)) / CYCLE_TIME_NS; |
localparam SDRAM_TRFC_CYCLES = (60 + (CYCLE_TIME_NS-1)) / CYCLE_TIME_NS; |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Registers / Wires |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Xilinx placement pragmas: |
//synthesis attribute IOB of command_q is "TRUE" |
//synthesis attribute IOB of addr_q is "TRUE" |
//synthesis attribute IOB of dqm_q is "TRUE" |
//synthesis attribute IOB of cke_q is "TRUE" |
//synthesis attribute IOB of bank_q is "TRUE" |
//synthesis attribute IOB of data_q is "TRUE" |
reg [CMD_W-1:0] command_q; |
reg [SDRAM_ROW_W-1:0] addr_q; |
reg [SDRAM_DATA_W-1:0] data_q; |
reg data_rd_en_q; |
reg [SDRAM_DQM_W-1:0] dqm_q; |
reg cke_q; |
reg [SDRAM_BANK_W-1:0] bank_q; |
// Buffer half word during read and write commands |
reg [SDRAM_DATA_W-1:0] data_buffer_q; |
reg [SDRAM_DQM_W-1:0] dqm_buffer_q; |
wire [SDRAM_DATA_W-1:0] sdram_data_in_w; |
reg refresh_q; |
reg [SDRAM_BANKS-1:0] row_open_q; |
reg [SDRAM_ROW_W-1:0] active_row_q[0:SDRAM_BANKS-1]; |
reg [STATE_W-1:0] state_q; |
reg [STATE_W-1:0] next_state_r; |
reg [STATE_W-1:0] target_state_r; |
reg [STATE_W-1:0] target_state_q; |
reg [STATE_W-1:0] delay_state_q; |
// Address bits |
wire [SDRAM_ROW_W-1:0] addr_col_w = {{(SDRAM_ROW_W-SDRAM_COL_W){1'b0}}, addr_i[SDRAM_COL_W:2], 1'b0}; |
wire [SDRAM_ROW_W-1:0] addr_row_w = addr_i[SDRAM_ADDR_W:SDRAM_COL_W+2+1]; |
wire [SDRAM_BANK_W-1:0] addr_bank_w = addr_i[SDRAM_COL_W+2:SDRAM_COL_W+2-1]; |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// SDRAM State Machine |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
always @ * |
begin |
next_state_r = state_q; |
target_state_r = target_state_q; |
case (state_q) |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
if (refresh_q) |
next_state_r = STATE_IDLE; |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
// Pending refresh |
// Note: tRAS (open row time) cannot be exceeded due to periodic |
// auto refreshes. |
if (refresh_q) |
begin |
// Close open rows, then refresh |
if (|row_open_q) |
next_state_r = STATE_PRECHARGE; |
else |
next_state_r = STATE_REFRESH; |
target_state_r = STATE_REFRESH; |
end |
// Access request |
else if (stb_i && cyc_i) |
begin |
// Open row hit |
if (row_open_q[addr_bank_w] && addr_row_w == active_row_q[addr_bank_w]) |
begin |
if (we_i) |
next_state_r = STATE_WRITE0; |
else |
next_state_r = STATE_READ; |
end |
// Row miss, close row, open new row |
else if (row_open_q[addr_bank_w]) |
begin |
next_state_r = STATE_PRECHARGE; |
if (we_i) |
target_state_r = STATE_WRITE0; |
else |
target_state_r = STATE_READ; |
end |
// No open row, open row |
else |
begin |
next_state_r = STATE_ACTIVATE; |
if (we_i) |
target_state_r = STATE_WRITE0; |
else |
target_state_r = STATE_READ; |
end |
end |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
// Proceed to read or write state |
next_state_r = target_state_r; |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
next_state_r = STATE_READ_WAIT; |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
next_state_r = STATE_IDLE; |
// Another pending read request (with no refresh pending) |
if (!refresh_q && stb_i && cyc_i && !we_i) |
begin |
// Open row hit |
if (row_open_q[addr_bank_w] && addr_row_w == active_row_q[addr_bank_w]) |
next_state_r = STATE_READ; |
end |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
next_state_r = STATE_WRITE1; |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
next_state_r = STATE_IDLE; |
// Another pending write request (with no refresh pending) |
if (!refresh_q && stb_i && cyc_i && we_i) |
begin |
// Open row hit |
if (row_open_q[addr_bank_w] && addr_row_w == active_row_q[addr_bank_w]) |
next_state_r = STATE_WRITE0; |
end |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
// Closing row to perform refresh |
if (target_state_r == STATE_REFRESH) |
next_state_r = STATE_REFRESH; |
// Must be closing row to open another |
else |
next_state_r = STATE_ACTIVATE; |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
next_state_r = STATE_IDLE; |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
next_state_r = delay_state_q; |
end |
default: |
; |
endcase |
end |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Delays |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
localparam DELAY_W = 4; |
reg [DELAY_W-1:0] delay_q; |
reg [DELAY_W-1:0] delay_r; |
/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */ |
always @ * |
begin |
case (state_q) |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
delay_r = SDRAM_TRCD_CYCLES; |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
// Another pending read request (with no refresh pending) |
if (!refresh_q && stb_i && cyc_i && !we_i) |
begin |
// Open row hit |
if (row_open_q[addr_bank_w] && addr_row_w == active_row_q[addr_bank_w]) |
delay_r = 4'd0; |
end |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
delay_r = SDRAM_TRP_CYCLES; |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
// tRFC |
delay_r = SDRAM_TRFC_CYCLES; |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
delay_r = delay_q - 4'd1; |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
// Others |
//----------------------------------------- |
default: |
begin |
delay_r = {DELAY_W{1'b0}}; |
end |
endcase |
end |
/* verilator lint_on WIDTH */ |
// Record target state |
always @ (posedge rst_i or posedge clk_i) |
if (rst_i) |
target_state_q <= STATE_IDLE; |
else |
target_state_q <= target_state_r; |
// Record delayed state |
always @ (posedge rst_i or posedge clk_i) |
if (rst_i) |
delay_state_q <= STATE_IDLE; |
// On entering into delay state, record intended next state |
else if (state_q != STATE_DELAY && delay_r != {DELAY_W{1'b0}}) |
delay_state_q <= next_state_r; |
// Update actual state |
always @ (posedge rst_i or posedge clk_i) |
if (rst_i) |
state_q <= STATE_INIT; |
// Delaying... |
else if (delay_r != {DELAY_W{1'b0}}) |
state_q <= STATE_DELAY; |
else |
state_q <= next_state_r; |
// Update delay flops |
always @ (posedge rst_i or posedge clk_i) |
if (rst_i) |
delay_q <= {DELAY_W{1'b0}}; |
else |
delay_q <= delay_r; |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Refresh counter |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
localparam REFRESH_CNT_W = 17; |
reg [REFRESH_CNT_W-1:0] refresh_timer_q; |
always @ (posedge rst_i or posedge clk_i) |
if (rst_i) |
refresh_timer_q <= SDRAM_START_DELAY + 100; |
else if (refresh_timer_q == {REFRESH_CNT_W{1'b0}}) |
refresh_timer_q <= SDRAM_REFRESH_CYCLES; |
else |
refresh_timer_q <= refresh_timer_q - 1; |
always @ (posedge rst_i or posedge clk_i) |
if (rst_i) |
refresh_q <= 1'b0; |
else if (refresh_timer_q == {REFRESH_CNT_W{1'b0}}) |
refresh_q <= 1'b1; |
else if (state_q == STATE_REFRESH) |
refresh_q <= 1'b0; |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Input sampling |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
reg [SDRAM_DATA_W-1:0] sample_data0_q; |
always @ (posedge rst_i or posedge clk_i) |
if (rst_i) |
sample_data0_q <= {SDRAM_DATA_W{1'b0}}; |
else |
sample_data0_q <= sdram_data_in_w; |
reg [SDRAM_DATA_W-1:0] sample_data_q; |
always @ (posedge rst_i or posedge clk_i) |
if (rst_i) |
sample_data_q <= {SDRAM_DATA_W{1'b0}}; |
else |
sample_data_q <= sample_data0_q; |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Command Output |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
integer idx; |
always @ (posedge rst_i or posedge clk_i) |
if (rst_i) |
begin |
command_q <= CMD_NOP; |
data_q <= 16'b0; |
addr_q <= {SDRAM_ROW_W{1'b0}}; |
bank_q <= {SDRAM_BANK_W{1'b0}}; |
cke_q <= 1'b0; |
dqm_q <= {SDRAM_DQM_W{1'b0}}; |
data_rd_en_q <= 1'b1; |
dqm_buffer_q <= {SDRAM_DQM_W{1'b0}}; |
for (idx=0;idx<SDRAM_BANKS;idx=idx+1) |
active_row_q[idx] <= {SDRAM_ROW_W{1'b0}}; |
row_open_q <= {SDRAM_BANKS{1'b0}}; |
end |
else |
begin |
case (state_q) |
//----------------------------------------- |
// STATE_IDLE / Default (delays) |
//----------------------------------------- |
default: |
begin |
// Default |
command_q <= CMD_NOP; |
addr_q <= {SDRAM_ROW_W{1'b0}}; |
bank_q <= {SDRAM_BANK_W{1'b0}}; |
data_rd_en_q <= 1'b1; |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
// Assert CKE |
if (refresh_timer_q == 50) |
begin |
// Assert CKE after 100uS |
cke_q <= 1'b1; |
end |
else if (refresh_timer_q == 40) |
begin |
// Precharge all banks |
command_q <= CMD_PRECHARGE; |
addr_q[ALL_BANKS] <= 1'b1; |
end |
// 2 x REFRESH (with at least tREF wait) |
else if (refresh_timer_q == 20 || refresh_timer_q == 30) |
begin |
command_q <= CMD_REFRESH; |
end |
// Load mode register |
else if (refresh_timer_q == 10) |
begin |
command_q <= CMD_LOAD_MODE; |
addr_q <= MODE_REG; |
end |
// Other cycles during init - just NOP |
else |
begin |
command_q <= CMD_NOP; |
addr_q <= {SDRAM_ROW_W{1'b0}}; |
bank_q <= {SDRAM_BANK_W{1'b0}}; |
end |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
// Select a row and activate it |
command_q <= CMD_ACTIVE; |
addr_q <= addr_row_w; |
bank_q <= addr_bank_w; |
active_row_q[addr_bank_w] <= addr_row_w; |
row_open_q[addr_bank_w] <= 1'b1; |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
// Precharge due to refresh, close all banks |
if (target_state_r == STATE_REFRESH) |
begin |
// Precharge all banks |
command_q <= CMD_PRECHARGE; |
addr_q[ALL_BANKS] <= 1'b1; |
row_open_q <= {SDRAM_BANKS{1'b0}}; |
end |
else |
begin |
// Precharge specific banks |
command_q <= CMD_PRECHARGE; |
addr_q[ALL_BANKS] <= 1'b0; |
bank_q <= addr_bank_w; |
row_open_q[addr_bank_w] <= 1'b0; |
end |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
// Auto refresh |
command_q <= CMD_REFRESH; |
addr_q <= {SDRAM_ROW_W{1'b0}}; |
bank_q <= {SDRAM_BANK_W{1'b0}}; |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
command_q <= CMD_READ; |
addr_q <= addr_col_w; |
bank_q <= addr_bank_w; |
// Disable auto precharge (auto close of row) |
addr_q[AUTO_PRECHARGE] <= 1'b0; |
// Read mask (all bytes in burst) |
dqm_q <= {SDRAM_DQM_W{1'b0}}; |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
command_q <= CMD_WRITE; |
addr_q <= addr_col_w; |
bank_q <= addr_bank_w; |
data_q <= data_i[15:0]; |
// Disable auto precharge (auto close of row) |
addr_q[AUTO_PRECHARGE] <= 1'b0; |
// Write mask |
dqm_q <= ~sel_i[1:0]; |
dqm_buffer_q <= ~sel_i[3:2]; |
data_rd_en_q <= 1'b0; |
end |
//----------------------------------------- |
//----------------------------------------- |
begin |
// Burst continuation |
command_q <= CMD_NOP; |
data_q <= data_buffer_q; |
// Disable auto precharge (auto close of row) |
addr_q[AUTO_PRECHARGE] <= 1'b0; |
// Write mask |
dqm_q <= dqm_buffer_q; |
end |
endcase |
end |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Record read events |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
reg [SDRAM_READ_LATENCY+1:0] rd_q; |
always @ (posedge rst_i or posedge clk_i) |
if (rst_i) |
rd_q <= {(SDRAM_READ_LATENCY+2){1'b0}}; |
else |
rd_q <= {rd_q[SDRAM_READ_LATENCY:0], (state_q == STATE_READ)}; |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Data Buffer |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Buffer upper 16-bits of write data so write command can be accepted |
// in WRITE0. Also buffer lower 16-bits of read data. |
always @ (posedge rst_i or posedge clk_i) |
if (rst_i) |
data_buffer_q <= 16'b0; |
else if (state_q == STATE_WRITE0) |
data_buffer_q <= data_i[31:16]; |
else if (rd_q[SDRAM_READ_LATENCY+1]) |
data_buffer_q <= sample_data_q; |
// Read data output |
assign data_o = {sample_data_q, data_buffer_q}; |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Wishbone ACK |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
reg ack_q; |
always @ (posedge rst_i or posedge clk_i) |
if (rst_i) |
ack_q <= 1'b0; |
else |
begin |
if (state_q == STATE_WRITE1) |
ack_q <= 1'b1; |
else if (rd_q[SDRAM_READ_LATENCY+1]) |
ack_q <= 1'b1; |
else |
ack_q <= 1'b0; |
end |
assign ack_o = ack_q; |
// Accept wishbone command in READ or WRITE0 states |
assign stall_o = ~(state_q == STATE_READ || state_q == STATE_WRITE0); |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
// SDRAM I/O |
//----------------------------------------------------------------- |
genvar i; |
generate |
begin |
// 180 degree phase delayed sdram clock output |
#( |
.INIT(1'b0), |
) |
u_clock_delay |
( |
.Q(sdram_clk_o), |
.C0(clk_i), |
.C1(~clk_i), |
.CE(1'b1), |
.R(1'b0), |
.S(1'b0), |
.D0(1'b0), |
.D1(1'b1) |
); |
for (i=0; i < 16; i = i + 1) |
begin |
#( |
.DRIVE(12), |
) |
u_data_buf |
( |
.O(sdram_data_in_w[i]), |
.IO(sdram_data_io[i]), |
.I(data_q[i]), |
.T(data_rd_en_q) |
); |
end |
end |
else |
begin |
assign sdram_clk_o = ~clk_i; |
assign sdram_data_io = data_rd_en_q ? 16'bz : data_q; |
assign sdram_data_in_w = sdram_data_io; |
end |
endgenerate |
assign sdram_cke_o = cke_q; |
assign sdram_cs_o = command_q[3]; |
assign sdram_ras_o = command_q[2]; |
assign sdram_cas_o = command_q[1]; |
assign sdram_we_o = command_q[0]; |
assign sdram_dqm_o = dqm_q; |
assign sdram_ba_o = bank_q; |
assign sdram_addr_o = addr_q; |
endmodule |