Subversion Repositories spacewire_light
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 6 to Rev 7
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 6 → Rev 7
23,25 → 23,28
-- Stage B: The input signals are re-registered on the rising edge of "rxclk" |
-- for further processing. This implies that every rising edge of "rxclk" |
-- produces two new samples of "spw_di" and two new samples of "spw_si". |
-- Some preparation is done for data/strobe decoding. |
-- |
-- Stage C: Transitions in input signals are detected by comparing the XOR |
-- of data and strobe to the XOR of the previous data and strobe samples. |
-- If there is a difference, we know that either data or strobe has changed |
-- and the new value of data is a valid new bit. Every rising edge of "rxclk" |
-- thus produces either zero, one or two new data bits. |
-- thus produces either zero, or one or two new data bits. |
-- |
-- Received data bits are pushed into a cyclic buffer. A two-hot array marks |
-- the two positions where the next received bits will go into the buffer. |
-- In addition, a 4-step gray-encoded counter "headptr" indicates the current |
-- position in the cyclic buffer. |
-- Stage D: Received bits are collected in groups of "rxchunk" bits |
-- (unless rxchunk=1, in which case groups of 2 bits are used). Complete |
-- groups are pushed into an 8-deep cyclic buffer. A 3-bit counter "headptr" |
-- indicates the current position in the cyclic buffer. |
-- |
-- The contents of the cyclic buffer and the head pointer are re-registered |
-- on the rising edge of the system clock. A binary counter "tailptr" points |
-- to next group of bits to read from the cyclic buffer. A comparison between |
-- "tailptr" and "headptr" determines whether those bits have already been |
-- received and safely stored in the buffer. |
-- The system clock domain reads bit groups from the cyclic buffer. A tail |
-- pointer indicates the next location to read from the buffer. A comparison |
-- between the "tailptr" and a re-synchronized copy of the "headptr" determines |
-- whether valid bits are available in the buffer. |
-- |
-- Activity detection is based on a 3-bit counter "bitcnt". This counter is |
-- incremented whenever the rxclk domain receives 1 or 2 new bits. The system |
-- clock domain monitors a re-synchronized copy of the activity counter to |
-- determine whether it has been updated since the previous system clock cycle. |
-- |
-- Implementation guidelines |
-- ------------------------- |
-- |
62,6 → 65,7
library ieee; |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; |
use ieee.numeric_std.all; |
use work.spwpkg.all; |
entity spwrecvfront_fast is |
101,109 → 105,138
attribute FSM_EXTRACT: string; |
attribute FSM_EXTRACT of spwrecvfront_fast: entity is "NO"; |
-- Turn off register replication. |
-- Without this, XST will happily replicate my synchronization flip-flops. |
attribute REGISTER_DUPLICATION: string; |
attribute REGISTER_DUPLICATION of spwrecvfront_fast: entity is "FALSE"; |
end entity spwrecvfront_fast; |
architecture spwrecvfront_arch of spwrecvfront_fast is |
-- size of the cyclic buffer in bits; |
-- typically 4 times rxchunk, except when rxchunk = 1 |
type chunk_array_type is array(1 to 4) of integer; |
constant chunk_to_buflen: chunk_array_type := ( 8, 8, 12, 16 ); |
constant c_buflen: integer := chunk_to_buflen(rxchunk); |
-- width of bit groups in cyclic buffer; |
-- typically equal to rxchunk, except when rxchunk = 1 |
type memwidth_array_type is array(1 to 4) of integer; |
constant chunk_to_memwidth: memwidth_array_type := ( 2, 2, 3, 4 ); |
constant memwidth: integer := chunk_to_memwidth(rxchunk); |
-- convert from straight binary to reflected binary gray code |
function gray_encode(b: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is |
variable g: std_logic_vector(b'high downto b'low); |
begin |
g(b'high) := b(b'high); |
for i in b'high-1 downto b'low loop |
g(i) := b(i) xor b(i+1); |
end loop; |
return g; |
end function; |
-- convert from reflected binary gray code to straight binary |
function gray_decode(g: in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is |
variable b: std_logic_vector(g'high downto g'low); |
begin |
b(g'high) := g(g'high); |
for i in g'high-1 downto g'low loop |
b(i) := g(i) xor b(i+1); |
end loop; |
return b; |
end function; |
-- stage A: input flip-flops for rising/falling rxclk |
signal s_a_di0: std_logic; |
signal s_a_di1: std_logic; |
signal s_a_si0: std_logic; |
signal s_a_si1: std_logic; |
-- registers in rxclk domain |
type rxregs_type is record |
-- reset synchronizer |
reset: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); |
-- stage B: re-register input samples and prepare for data/strobe decoding |
-- stage B: re-register input samples |
b_di0: std_ulogic; |
b_si0: std_ulogic; |
b_di1: std_ulogic; |
b_si1: std_ulogic; |
b_xor0: std_ulogic; -- b_xor0 = b_di0 xor b_si0 |
-- stage C: after data/strobe decoding |
-- stage C: data/strobe decoding |
c_bit: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); |
c_val: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); |
c_xor1: std_ulogic; |
-- cyclic bit buffer |
bufdata: std_logic_vector(c_buflen-1 downto 0); -- data bits |
bufmark: std_logic_vector(c_buflen-1 downto 0); -- two-hot, marking destination of next two bits |
headptr: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- gray encoded head position |
headlow: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- least significant bits of head position |
headinc: std_ulogic; -- must update headptr on next clock |
-- stage D: collect groups of memwidth bits |
d_shift: std_logic_vector(memwidth-1 downto 0); |
d_count: std_logic_vector(memwidth-1 downto 0); |
-- cyclic buffer access |
bufdata: std_logic_vector(memwidth-1 downto 0); |
bufwrite: std_ulogic; |
headptr: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); |
-- activity detection |
bitcnt: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- gray counter |
bitcnt: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); |
end record; |
-- registers in system clock domain |
type regs_type is record |
-- cyclic bit buffer, re-registered to the system clock |
bufdata: std_logic_vector(c_buflen-1 downto 0); -- data bits |
headptr: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- gray encoded head position |
-- tail pointer (binary) |
-- data path from buffer to output |
tailptr: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); |
inbvalid: std_ulogic; |
-- split 2-bit groups if rxchunk=1 |
splitbit: std_ulogic; |
splitinx: std_ulogic; |
splitvalid: std_ulogic; |
-- activity detection |
bitcnt: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); |
bitcntp: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); |
bitcntpp: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); |
-- output registers |
inact: std_ulogic; |
inbvalid: std_ulogic; |
inbits: std_logic_vector(rxchunk-1 downto 0); |
rxen: std_ulogic; |
-- reset signal towards rxclk domain |
rxdis: std_ulogic; |
end record; |
-- registers |
signal r, rin: regs_type; |
constant regs_reset: regs_type := ( |
tailptr => "000", |
inbvalid => '0', |
splitbit => '0', |
splitinx => '0', |
splitvalid => '0', |
bitcntp => "000", |
inact => '0', |
rxdis => '1' ); |
-- Signals that are re-synchronized from rxclk to system clock domain. |
type syncsys_type is record |
headptr: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- pointer in cyclic buffer |
bitcnt: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- activity detection |
end record; |
-- Registers. |
signal r: regs_type := regs_reset; |
signal rin: regs_type; |
signal rrx, rrxin: rxregs_type; |
-- Synchronized signals after crossing clock domains. |
signal syncrx_rstn: std_logic; |
signal syncsys: syncsys_type; |
-- Output data from cyclic buffer. |
signal s_bufdout: std_logic_vector(memwidth-1 downto 0); |
-- stage A: input flip-flops for rising/falling rxclk |
signal s_a_di0: std_logic; |
signal s_a_si0: std_logic; |
signal s_a_di1: std_logic; |
signal s_a_si1: std_logic; |
signal s_a_di2: std_logic; |
signal s_a_si2: std_logic; |
-- force use of IOB flip-flops |
attribute IOB: string; |
attribute IOB of s_a_di0: signal is "TRUE"; |
attribute IOB of s_a_di1: signal is "TRUE"; |
attribute IOB of s_a_si0: signal is "TRUE"; |
attribute IOB of s_a_si1: signal is "TRUE"; |
attribute IOB of s_a_di2: signal is "TRUE"; |
attribute IOB of s_a_si2: signal is "TRUE"; |
begin |
-- Cyclic data buffer. |
bufmem: spwram |
generic map ( |
abits => 3, |
dbits => memwidth ) |
port map ( |
rclk => clk, |
wclk => rxclk, |
ren => '1', |
raddr => r.tailptr, |
rdata => s_bufdout, |
wen => rrx.bufwrite, |
waddr => rrx.headptr, |
wdata => rrx.bufdata ); |
-- Synchronize reset signal for rxclk domain. |
syncrx_reset: syncdff |
port map ( clk => rxclk, rst => r.rxdis, di => '1', do => syncrx_rstn ); |
-- Synchronize signals from rxclk domain to system clock domain. |
syncsys_headptr0: syncdff |
port map ( clk => clk, rst => r.rxdis, di => rrx.headptr(0), do => syncsys.headptr(0) ); |
syncsys_headptr1: syncdff |
port map ( clk => clk, rst => r.rxdis, di => rrx.headptr(1), do => syncsys.headptr(1) ); |
syncsys_headptr2: syncdff |
port map ( clk => clk, rst => r.rxdis, di => rrx.headptr(2), do => syncsys.headptr(2) ); |
syncsys_bitcnt0: syncdff |
port map ( clk => clk, rst => r.rxdis, di => rrx.bitcnt(0), do => syncsys.bitcnt(0) ); |
syncsys_bitcnt1: syncdff |
port map ( clk => clk, rst => r.rxdis, di => rrx.bitcnt(1), do => syncsys.bitcnt(1) ); |
syncsys_bitcnt2: syncdff |
port map ( clk => clk, rst => r.rxdis, di => rrx.bitcnt(2), do => syncsys.bitcnt(2) ); |
-- sample inputs on rising edge of rxclk |
process (rxclk) is |
begin |
if rising_edge(rxclk) then |
s_a_di0 <= spw_di; |
s_a_si0 <= spw_si; |
s_a_di1 <= spw_di; |
s_a_si1 <= spw_si; |
end if; |
end process; |
211,42 → 244,41
process (rxclk) is |
begin |
if falling_edge(rxclk) then |
s_a_di1 <= spw_di; |
s_a_si1 <= spw_si; |
s_a_di2 <= spw_di; |
s_a_si2 <= spw_si; |
-- reregister inputs in fabric flip-flops |
s_a_di0 <= s_a_di2; |
s_a_si0 <= s_a_si2; |
end if; |
end process; |
-- combinatorial process |
process (r, rrx, rxen, s_a_di0, s_a_di1, s_a_si0, s_a_si1) |
process (r, rrx, rxen, syncrx_rstn, syncsys, s_bufdout, s_a_di0, s_a_si0, s_a_di1, s_a_si1) |
variable v: regs_type; |
variable vrx: rxregs_type; |
variable v_i: integer range 0 to 7; |
variable v_tail: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); |
begin |
v := r; |
vrx := rrx; |
v_i := 0; |
v_tail := (others => '0'); |
-- ---- SAMPLE CLOCK DOMAIN ---- |
-- stage B: re-register input samples |
vrx.b_di0 := s_a_di0; |
vrx.b_si0 := s_a_si0; |
vrx.b_di1 := s_a_di1; |
vrx.b_xor0 := s_a_di0 xor s_a_si0; |
vrx.b_si1 := s_a_si1; |
-- stage C: decode data/strobe and detect valid bits |
if (rrx.b_xor0 xor rrx.c_xor1) = '1' then |
-- b_di0 is a valid new bit |
if (rrx.b_di0 xor rrx.b_si0 xor rrx.c_xor1) = '1' then |
vrx.c_bit(0) := rrx.b_di0; |
else |
-- skip b_di0 and try b_di1 |
vrx.c_bit(0) := rrx.b_di1; |
end if; |
vrx.c_bit(1) := rrx.b_di1; |
vrx.c_val(0) := (rrx.b_xor0 xor rrx.c_xor1) or (rrx.b_di1 xor rrx.b_si1 xor rrx.b_xor0); |
vrx.c_val(1) := (rrx.b_xor0 xor rrx.c_xor1) and (rrx.b_di1 xor rrx.b_si1 xor rrx.b_xor0); |
vrx.c_val(0) := (rrx.b_di0 xor rrx.b_si0 xor rrx.c_xor1) or |
(rrx.b_di0 xor rrx.b_si0 xor rrx.b_di1 xor rrx.b_si1); |
vrx.c_val(1) := (rrx.b_di0 xor rrx.b_si0 xor rrx.c_xor1) and |
(rrx.b_di0 xor rrx.b_si0 xor rrx.b_di1 xor rrx.b_si1); |
vrx.c_xor1 := rrx.b_di1 xor rrx.b_si1; |
-- Note: |
254,193 → 286,118
-- c_val = "01" if one new bit is received; the new bit is in c_bit(0) |
-- c_val = "11" if two new bits are received |
-- Note: |
-- bufmark contains two '1' bits in neighbouring positions, marking |
-- the positions that newly received bits will be written to. |
-- stage D: collect groups of memwidth bits |
if rrx.c_val(0) = '1' then |
-- Update the cyclic buffer. |
for i in 0 to c_buflen-1 loop |
-- update data bit at position (i) |
if rrx.bufmark(i) = '1' then |
if rrx.bufmark((i+1) mod rrx.bufmark'length) = '1' then |
-- this is the first of the two marked positions; |
-- put the first received bit here (if any) |
vrx.bufdata(i) := rrx.c_bit(0); |
else |
-- this is the second of the two marked positions; |
-- put the second received bit here (if any) |
vrx.bufdata(i) := rrx.c_bit(1); |
end if; |
-- shift incoming bits into register |
if rrx.c_val(1) = '1' then |
vrx.d_shift := rrx.c_bit & rrx.d_shift(memwidth-1 downto 2); |
else |
vrx.d_shift := rrx.c_bit(0) & rrx.d_shift(memwidth-1 downto 1); |
end if; |
-- update marker at position (i) |
if rrx.c_val(0) = '1' then |
if rrx.c_val(1) = '1' then |
-- shift two positions |
vrx.bufmark(i) := rrx.bufmark((i+rrx.bufmark'length-2) mod rrx.bufmark'length); |
else |
-- shift one position |
vrx.bufmark(i) := rrx.bufmark((i+rrx.bufmark'length-1) mod rrx.bufmark'length); |
end if; |
-- prepare to store a group of memwidth bits |
if rrx.d_count(0) = '1' then |
-- only one more bit needed |
vrx.bufdata := rrx.c_bit(0) & rrx.d_shift(memwidth-1 downto 1); |
else |
vrx.bufdata := rrx.c_bit & rrx.d_shift(memwidth-1 downto 2); |
end if; |
end loop; |
-- Update "headlow", the least significant bits of the head position. |
-- This is a binary counter from 0 to rxchunk-1, or from 0 to 1 |
-- if rxchunk = 1. If the counter overflows, "headptr" will be |
-- updated in the next clock cycle. |
case rxchunk is |
when 1 | 2 => |
-- count from "00" to "01" |
if rrx.c_val(1) = '1' then -- got two new bits |
vrx.headlow(0) := rrx.headlow(0); |
vrx.headinc := '1'; |
elsif rrx.c_val(0) = '1' then -- got one new bit |
vrx.headlow(0) := not rrx.headlow(0); |
vrx.headinc := rrx.headlow(0); |
else -- got nothing |
vrx.headlow(0) := rrx.headlow(0); |
vrx.headinc := '0'; |
end if; |
when 3 => |
-- count from "00" to "10" |
if rrx.c_val(1) = '1' then -- got two new bits |
case rrx.headlow is |
when "00" => vrx.headlow := "10"; |
when "01" => vrx.headlow := "00"; |
when others => vrx.headlow := "01"; |
end case; |
vrx.headinc := rrx.headlow(0) or rrx.headlow(1); |
elsif rrx.c_val(0) = '1' then -- got one new bit |
if rrx.headlow(1) = '1' then |
vrx.headlow := "00"; |
vrx.headinc := '1'; |
else |
vrx.headlow(0) := not rrx.headlow(0); |
vrx.headlow(1) := rrx.headlow(0); |
vrx.headinc := '0'; |
end if; |
else -- got nothing |
vrx.headlow := rrx.headlow; |
vrx.headinc := '0'; |
end if; |
when 4 => |
-- count from "00" to "11" |
if rrx.c_val(1) = '1' then -- got two new bits |
vrx.headlow(0) := rrx.headlow(0); |
vrx.headlow(1) := not rrx.headlow(1); |
vrx.headinc := rrx.headlow(1); |
elsif rrx.c_val(0) = '1' then -- got one new bit |
vrx.headlow(0) := not rrx.headlow(0); |
vrx.headlow(1) := rrx.headlow(1) xor rrx.headlow(0); |
vrx.headinc := rrx.headlow(0) and rrx.headlow(1); |
else -- got nothing |
vrx.headlow := rrx.headlow; |
vrx.headinc := '0'; |
end if; |
end case; |
-- countdown nr of needed bits (one-hot counter) |
if rrx.c_val(1) = '1' then |
vrx.d_count := rrx.d_count(1 downto 0) & rrx.d_count(memwidth-1 downto 2); |
else |
vrx.d_count := rrx.d_count(0 downto 0) & rrx.d_count(memwidth-1 downto 1); |
end if; |
-- Update the gray-encoded head position. |
if rrx.headinc = '1' then |
case rrx.headptr is |
when "00" => vrx.headptr := "01"; |
when "01" => vrx.headptr := "11"; |
when "11" => vrx.headptr := "10"; |
when others => vrx.headptr := "00"; |
end case; |
end if; |
-- stage D: store groups of memwidth bits |
vrx.bufwrite := rrx.c_val(0) and (rrx.d_count(0) or (rrx.c_val(1) and rrx.d_count(1))); |
-- Increment head pointer. |
if rrx.bufwrite = '1' then |
vrx.headptr := std_logic_vector(unsigned(rrx.headptr) + 1); |
end if; |
-- Activity detection. |
if rrx.c_val(0) = '1' then |
vrx.bitcnt := gray_encode( |
std_logic_vector(unsigned(gray_decode(rrx.bitcnt)) + 1)); |
vrx.bitcnt := std_logic_vector(unsigned(rrx.bitcnt) + 1); |
end if; |
-- Synchronize reset signal for rxclk domain. |
if r.rxen = '0' then |
vrx.reset := "11"; |
else |
vrx.reset := "0" & rrx.reset(1); |
end if; |
-- Synchronous reset of rxclk domain. |
if rrx.reset(0) = '1' then |
vrx.bufmark := (0 => '1', 1 => '1', others => '0'); |
vrx.headptr := "00"; |
vrx.headlow := "00"; |
vrx.headinc := '0'; |
if syncrx_rstn = '0' then |
vrx.c_val := "00"; |
vrx.c_xor1 := '0'; |
vrx.d_count := (others => '0'); |
vrx.d_count(memwidth-1) := '1'; |
vrx.bufwrite := '0'; |
vrx.headptr := "000"; |
vrx.bitcnt := "000"; |
end if; |
-- ---- SYSTEM CLOCK DOMAIN ---- |
-- Re-register cyclic buffer and head pointer in the system clock domain. |
v.bufdata := rrx.bufdata; |
v.headptr := rrx.headptr; |
-- Increment tailptr if there was new data on the previous clock. |
if r.inbvalid = '1' then |
v.tailptr := std_logic_vector(unsigned(r.tailptr) + 1); |
end if; |
-- Compare tailptr to headptr to decide whether there is new data. |
-- If the values are equal, we are about to read data which were not |
-- yet released by the rxclk domain |
-- Note: headptr is gray-coded while tailptr is normal binary. |
if rxchunk = 1 then |
-- headptr counts blocks of 2 bits while tailptr counts single bits |
v_tail := v.tailptr(2 downto 1); |
else |
-- headptr and tailptr both count blocks of rxchunk bits |
v_tail := v.tailptr(1 downto 0); |
end if; |
if (r.headptr(1) = v_tail(1)) and |
((r.headptr(0) xor r.headptr(1)) = v_tail(0)) then |
-- pointers have the same value |
-- If the values are equal, we are about to read a location which has |
-- not yet been written by the rxclk domain. |
if r.tailptr = syncsys.headptr then |
-- No more data in cyclic buffer. |
v.inbvalid := '0'; |
else |
-- Reading valid data from cyclic buffer. |
v.inbvalid := '1'; |
-- Increment tail pointer. |
if rxchunk /= 1 then |
v.tailptr := std_logic_vector(unsigned(r.tailptr) + 1); |
end if; |
end if; |
-- Multiplex bits from the cyclic buffer into the output register. |
if rxen = '1' then |
if rxchunk = 1 then |
-- cyclic buffer contains 8 slots of 1 bit wide |
v_i := to_integer(unsigned(v.tailptr)); |
v.inbits := r.bufdata(v_i downto v_i); |
-- If rxchunk=1, split 2-bit groups into separate bits. |
if rxchunk = 1 then |
-- Select one of the two bits. |
if r.splitinx = '0' then |
v.splitbit := s_bufdout(0); |
else |
-- cyclic buffer contains 4 slots of rxchunk bits wide |
v_i := to_integer(unsigned(v.tailptr(1 downto 0))); |
v.inbits := r.bufdata(rxchunk*v_i+rxchunk-1 downto rxchunk*v_i); |
v.splitbit := s_bufdout(1); |
end if; |
-- Indicate valid bit. |
v.splitvalid := r.inbvalid; |
-- Increment tail pointer. |
if r.inbvalid = '1' then |
v.splitinx := not r.splitinx; |
if r.splitinx = '0' then |
v.tailptr := std_logic_vector(unsigned(r.tailptr) + 1); |
end if; |
end if; |
end if; |
-- Activity detection. |
v.bitcnt := rrx.bitcnt; |
v.bitcntp := r.bitcnt; |
v.bitcntpp := r.bitcntp; |
if rxen = '1' then |
if r.bitcntp = r.bitcntpp then |
v.inact := r.inbvalid; |
else |
v.inact := '1'; |
end if; |
v.bitcntp := syncsys.bitcnt; |
if r.bitcntp = syncsys.bitcnt then |
v.inact := '0'; |
else |
v.inact := '1'; |
end if; |
-- Synchronous reset of system clock domain. |
if rxen = '0' then |
v.tailptr := "000"; |
v.inact := '0'; |
v.inbvalid := '0'; |
v.inbits := (others => '0'); |
v := regs_reset; |
end if; |
-- Register rxen to ensure glitch-free signal to rxclk domain |
v.rxen := rxen; |
v.rxdis := not rxen; |
-- drive outputs |
inact <= r.inact; |
inbvalid <= r.inbvalid; |
inbits <= r.inbits; |
if rxchunk = 1 then |
inbvalid <= r.splitvalid; |
inbits(0) <= r.splitbit; |
else |
inbvalid <= r.inbvalid; |
inbits <= s_bufdout; |
end if; |
-- update registers |
rrxin <= vrx; |
38,9 → 38,8
-- into a stream of tokens. The tokens are pushed to the txclk domain through |
-- the FIFO buffer as described above. |
-- |
-- The data path through the txclk domain is divided into stages A through F |
-- in a half-hearted attempt to keep things simple. Stage A is just a |
-- synchronizer for the buffer status flags from the system clock domain. |
-- The data path through the txclk domain is divided into stages B through F |
-- in a half-hearted attempt to keep things simple. |
-- |
-- Stage B takes a token from the FIFO buffer and updates a buffer status |
-- flag to indicate that the buffer slot needs to be refilled. If the FIFO |
184,10 → 183,6
attribute FSM_EXTRACT: string; |
attribute FSM_EXTRACT of spwxmit_fast: entity is "NO"; |
-- Turn off register duplication to avoid synchronization problems. |
attribute REGISTER_DUPLICATION: string; |
attribute REGISTER_DUPLICATION of spwxmit_fast: entity is "FALSE"; |
end entity spwxmit_fast; |
architecture spwxmit_fast_arch of spwxmit_fast is |
210,9 → 205,6
-- sync to system clock domain |
txflip0: std_ulogic; |
txflip1: std_ulogic; |
-- stage A |
a_sysflip0: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); |
a_sysflip1: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); |
-- stage B |
b_update: std_ulogic; |
b_mux: std_ulogic; |
245,9 → 237,6
txclkdone: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); |
txclkdiv: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
txdivnorm: std_ulogic; |
txdivsafe: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); |
-- tx enable logic |
txensync: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); |
end record; |
-- Registers in system clock domain |
264,9 → 253,6
token0: token_type; |
token1: token_type; |
tokmux: std_ulogic; |
-- sync feedback from txclk domain |
txflip0: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); |
txflip1: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); |
-- transmitter management |
pend_fct: std_ulogic; -- '1' if an outgoing FCT is pending |
pend_char: std_ulogic; -- '1' if an outgoing N-Char is pending |
296,8 → 282,6
token0 => token_reset, |
token1 => token_reset, |
tokmux => '0', |
txflip0 => "00", |
txflip1 => "00", |
pend_fct => '0', |
pend_char => '0', |
pend_data => (others => '0'), |
307,6 → 291,21
allow_char => '0', |
sent_fct => '0' ); |
-- Signals that are re-synchronized from system clock to txclk domain. |
type synctx_type is record |
rstn: std_ulogic; |
sysflip0: std_ulogic; |
sysflip1: std_ulogic; |
txen: std_ulogic; |
txdivsafe: std_ulogic; |
end record; |
-- Signals that are re-synchronized from txclk to system clock domain. |
type syncsys_type is record |
txflip0: std_ulogic; |
txflip1: std_ulogic; |
end record; |
-- Registers |
signal rtx: txregs_type; |
signal rtxin: txregs_type; |
313,9 → 312,9
signal r: regs_type := regs_reset; |
signal rin: regs_type; |
-- Reset synchronizer for txclk domain |
signal s_tx_rst_sync: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "11"; |
signal s_tx_reset: std_ulogic := '1'; |
-- Synchronized signals after crossing clock domains. |
signal synctx: synctx_type; |
signal syncsys: syncsys_type; |
-- Output flip-flops |
signal s_spwdo: std_logic; |
328,12 → 327,32
begin |
-- Reset synchronizer for txclk domain. |
synctx_rst: syncdff |
port map ( clk => txclk, rst => rst, di => '1', do => synctx.rstn ); |
-- Synchronize signals from system clock domain to txclk domain. |
synctx_sysflip0: syncdff |
port map ( clk => txclk, rst => rst, di => r.sysflip0, do => synctx.sysflip0 ); |
synctx_sysflip1: syncdff |
port map ( clk => txclk, rst => rst, di => r.sysflip1, do => synctx.sysflip1 ); |
synctx_txen: syncdff |
port map ( clk => txclk, rst => rst, di => r.txenreg, do => synctx.txen ); |
synctx_txdivsafe: syncdff |
port map ( clk => txclk, rst => rst, di => r.txdivsafe, do => synctx.txdivsafe ); |
-- Synchronize signals from txclk domain to system clock domain. |
syncsys_txflip0: syncdff |
port map ( clk => clk, rst => rst, di => rtx.txflip0, do => syncsys.txflip0 ); |
syncsys_txflip1: syncdff |
port map ( clk => clk, rst => rst, di => rtx.txflip1, do => syncsys.txflip1 ); |
-- Drive SpaceWire output signals |
spw_do <= s_spwdo; |
spw_so <= s_spwso; |
-- Combinatorial process |
process (r, rtx, rst, divcnt, xmiti, s_tx_reset) is |
process (r, rtx, rst, divcnt, xmiti, synctx, syncsys) is |
variable v: regs_type; |
variable vtx: txregs_type; |
variable v_needtoken: std_ulogic; |
348,12 → 367,6
-- ---- FAST CLOCK DOMAIN ---- |
-- Stage A: Synchronize token buffer counts from system clock domain. |
vtx.a_sysflip0(0) := r.sysflip0; |
vtx.a_sysflip0(1) := rtx.a_sysflip0(0); |
vtx.a_sysflip1(0) := r.sysflip1; |
vtx.a_sysflip1(1) := rtx.a_sysflip1(0); |
-- Stage B: Multiplex tokens from system clock domain. |
-- Update stage B three bit periods after updating stage C |
-- (i.e. in time for the next update of stage C). |
368,20 → 381,20
if rtx.b_update = '1' then |
if rtx.b_mux = '0' then |
-- get token from slot 0 |
vtx.b_valid := rtx.a_sysflip0(1) xor rtx.b_txflip; |
vtx.b_valid := synctx.sysflip0 xor rtx.b_txflip; |
vtx.b_token := r.token0; |
-- update mux flag if we got a valid token |
vtx.b_mux := rtx.a_sysflip0(1) xor rtx.b_txflip; |
vtx.txflip0 := rtx.a_sysflip0(1); |
vtx.b_mux := synctx.sysflip0 xor rtx.b_txflip; |
vtx.txflip0 := synctx.sysflip0; |
vtx.txflip1 := rtx.txflip1; |
else |
-- get token from slot 1 |
vtx.b_valid := rtx.a_sysflip1(1) xor rtx.b_txflip; |
vtx.b_valid := synctx.sysflip1 xor rtx.b_txflip; |
vtx.b_token := r.token1; |
-- update mux flag if we got a valid token |
vtx.b_mux := not (rtx.a_sysflip1(1) xor rtx.b_txflip); |
vtx.b_mux := not (synctx.sysflip1 xor rtx.b_txflip); |
vtx.txflip0 := rtx.txflip0; |
vtx.txflip1 := rtx.a_sysflip1(1); |
vtx.txflip1 := synctx.sysflip1; |
end if; |
end if; |
497,19 → 510,13
end if; |
-- Synchronize txclkdiv |
vtx.txdivsafe(0) := r.txdivsafe; |
vtx.txdivsafe(1) := rtx.txdivsafe(0); |
if rtx.txdivsafe(1) = '1' then |
if synctx.txdivsafe = '1' then |
vtx.txclkdiv := r.txdivreg; |
vtx.txdivnorm := r.txdivnorm; |
end if; |
-- Synchronize txen signal. |
vtx.txensync(0) := r.txenreg; |
vtx.txensync(1) := rtx.txensync(0); |
-- Transmitter disabled. |
if rtx.txensync(1) = '0' then |
if synctx.txen = '0' then |
vtx.txflip0 := '0'; |
vtx.txflip1 := '0'; |
vtx.b_update := '0'; |
528,10 → 535,9
end if; |
-- Reset. |
if s_tx_reset = '1' then |
if synctx.rstn = '0' then |
vtx.f_spwdo := '0'; |
vtx.f_spwso := '0'; |
vtx.txensync := "00"; |
vtx.txclken := '0'; |
vtx.txclkpre := '1'; |
vtx.txclkcnt := (others => '0'); |
566,12 → 572,6
v.txenreg := '0'; |
end if; |
-- Synchronize feedback from txclk domain. |
v.txflip0(0) := rtx.txflip0; |
v.txflip0(1) := r.txflip0(0); |
v.txflip1(0) := rtx.txflip1; |
v.txflip1(1) := r.txflip1(0); |
-- Store requests for FCT transmission. |
if xmiti.fct_in = '1' and r.allow_fct = '1' then |
v.pend_fct := '1'; |
594,11 → 594,11
-- Determine if a new token is needed. |
if r.tokmux = '0' then |
if r.sysflip0 = r.txflip0(1) then |
if r.sysflip0 = syncsys.txflip0 then |
v_needtoken := '1'; |
end if; |
else |
if r.sysflip1 = r.txflip1(1) then |
if r.sysflip1 = syncsys.txflip1 then |
v_needtoken := '1'; |
end if; |
end if; |
642,13 → 642,13
-- Put new token in slot. |
if v_havetoken = '1' then |
if r.tokmux = '0' then |
if r.sysflip0 = r.txflip0(1) then |
if r.sysflip0 = syncsys.txflip0 then |
v.sysflip0 := not r.sysflip0; |
v.token0 := v_token; |
v.tokmux := '1'; |
end if; |
else |
if r.sysflip1 = r.txflip1(1) then |
if r.sysflip1 = syncsys.txflip1 then |
v.sysflip1 := not r.sysflip1; |
v.token1 := v_token; |
v.tokmux := '0'; |
718,16 → 718,4
end if; |
end process; |
-- Reset synchronizer for txclk domain |
process (txclk, rst) is |
begin |
if rst = '1' then |
s_tx_rst_sync <= "11"; |
s_tx_reset <= '1'; |
elsif rising_edge(txclk) then |
s_tx_rst_sync <= s_tx_rst_sync(0 downto 0) & "0"; |
s_tx_reset <= s_tx_rst_sync(1); |
end if; |
end process; |
end architecture spwxmit_fast_arch; |
1,5 → 1,5
-- |
-- Synchronous dual-port RAM with separate clocks for read and write ports. |
-- Synchronous two-port RAM with separate clocks for read and write ports. |
-- The synthesizer for Xilinx Spartan-3 will infer Block RAM for this entity. |
-- |
165,6 → 165,9
-- Pulse for TimeCode generation. |
tick_in: in std_logic; |
-- High for one clock cycle if a TimeCode was just received. |
tick_out: out std_logic; |
-- Data In signal from SpaceWire bus. |
spw_di: in std_logic; |
557,7 → 560,7
s_txfifo_rdata(23-8*v_txfifo_bytepos) = '1') then |
-- This is the last byte in the current word; |
-- OR the current byte is an EOP/EEP marker; |
-- OR the next byte in the current work is a non-EOP end-of-frame marker. |
-- OR the next byte in the current word is a non-EOP end-of-frame marker. |
v.txfifo_bytepos := "00"; |
v.txfifo_raddr := std_logic_vector(unsigned(r.txfifo_raddr) + 1); |
else |
831,6 → 834,9
msti.txfifo_nxfull <= r.txfifo_nxfull; |
msti.txfifo_highw <= r.txfifo_highw; |
-- Pass tick_out signal to output port. |
tick_out <= linko.tick_out; |
-- Drive APB output signals. |
apbo.prdata <= v_prdata; |
apbo.pirq <= (others => '0'); |
374,7 → 374,7
end component spwrecvfront_fast; |
-- Synchronous dual-port memory. |
-- Synchronous two-port memory. |
component spwram is |
generic ( |
abits: integer; |
390,4 → 390,14
wdata: in std_logic_vector(dbits-1 downto 0) ); |
end component spwram; |
-- Double flip-flop synchronizer. |
component syncdff is |
port ( |
clk: in std_logic; -- clock (destination domain) |
rst: in std_logic; -- asynchronous reset, active-high |
di: in std_logic; -- input data |
do: out std_logic ); -- output data |
end component syncdff; |
end package; |
130,6 → 130,7
ahbi: in ahb_mst_in_type; -- AHB master input signals |
ahbo: out ahb_mst_out_type; -- AHB master output signals |
tick_in: in std_logic; -- pulse for timecode generation |
tick_out: out std_logic; -- timecode received |
spw_di: in std_logic; -- Data In signal from SpaceWire bus |
spw_si: in std_logic; -- Strobe In signal from SpaceWire bus |
spw_do: out std_logic; -- Data Out signal to SpaceWire bus |
0,0 → 1,70
-- |
-- Double flip-flop synchronizer. |
-- |
-- This entity is used to safely capture asynchronous signals. |
-- |
-- An implementation may assign additional constraints to this entity |
-- in order to reduce the probability of meta-stability issues. |
-- For example, an extra tight timing constraint could be placed on |
-- the data path from syncdff_ff1 to syncdff_ff2 to ensure that |
-- meta-stability of ff1 is resolved before ff2 captures the signal. |
-- |
library ieee; |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; |
entity syncdff is |
port ( |
clk: in std_logic; -- clock (destination domain) |
rst: in std_logic; -- asynchronous reset, active-high |
di: in std_logic; -- input data |
do: out std_logic -- output data |
); |
-- Turn off register replication in XST. |
attribute REGISTER_DUPLICATION: string; |
attribute REGISTER_DUPLICATION of syncdff: entity is "NO"; |
end entity syncdff; |
architecture syncdff_arch of syncdff is |
-- flip-flops |
signal syncdff_ff1: std_ulogic := '0'; |
signal syncdff_ff2: std_ulogic := '0'; |
-- Turn of shift-register extraction in XST. |
attribute SHIFT_EXTRACT: string; |
attribute SHIFT_EXTRACT of syncdff_ff1: signal is "NO"; |
attribute SHIFT_EXTRACT of syncdff_ff2: signal is "NO"; |
-- Tell XST to place both flip-flops in the same slice. |
attribute RLOC: string; |
attribute RLOC of syncdff_ff1: signal is "X0Y0"; |
attribute RLOC of syncdff_ff2: signal is "X0Y0"; |
-- Tell XST to keep the flip-flop net names to be used in timing constraints. |
attribute KEEP: string; |
attribute KEEP of syncdff_ff1: signal is "SOFT"; |
attribute KEEP of syncdff_ff2: signal is "SOFT"; |
begin |
-- second flip-flop drives the output signal |
do <= syncdff_ff2; |
process (clk, rst) is |
begin |
if rst = '1' then |
-- asynchronous reset |
syncdff_ff1 <= '0'; |
syncdff_ff2 <= '0'; |
elsif rising_edge(clk) then |
-- data synchronization |
syncdff_ff1 <= di; |
syncdff_ff2 <= syncdff_ff1; |
end if; |
end process; |
end architecture syncdff_arch; |