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- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 5 to Rev 6
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Rev 5 → Rev 6
0,0 → 1,92
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Engineer: Armandas Jarušauskas (jarusauskas@gmail.com www.armandas.lt) |
-- |
-- Create date: 2010-08-03 |
-- Design name: Testbench for LTC2624 Quad 12 Bit DAC Controller |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
library ieee; |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; |
entity dac_tb is |
end dac_tb; |
architecture behaviour of dac_tb is |
constant T: time := 20 ns; |
signal clk, reset: std_logic; |
signal mosi, sck, cs, ready: std_logic; |
signal data, old_data: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); |
begin |
-- clock generator |
process |
begin |
clk <= '1'; |
wait for T / 2; |
clk <= '0'; |
wait for T / 2; |
end process; |
-- initial reset |
reset <= '1', '0' after T / 2; |
testbench: |
process |
variable value: std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); |
variable addr: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); |
variable command: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); |
begin |
value := "010000000000"; |
addr := "0010"; |
command := "0011"; |
data <= "00000000" & command & addr & value & "0000"; |
old_data <= "00000000" & command & addr & value & "0000"; |
-- testing bit order in the 32-bit word |
for i in 31 downto 0 loop |
wait until rising_edge(sck); |
assert mosi = data(i) |
report "Bit mismatch! (Order)" |
severity error; |
end loop; |
-- testing data latching |
for i in 31 downto 0 loop |
wait until rising_edge(sck); |
if i = 24 then |
data <= "10010101110101101010101110100110"; --(others => '1'); |
end if; |
assert mosi = old_data(i) |
report "Bit mismatch! (Latching)" |
severity error; |
end loop; |
-- what's happening after that? |
for i in 63 downto 0 loop |
wait until rising_edge(sck); |
end loop; |
-- end of simulation |
assert false |
report "Simulation completed." |
severity failure; |
end process; |
uut: entity work.dac_control |
port map( |
clk => clk, |
rst => reset, |
dac_mosi => mosi, |
dac_sck => sck, |
dac_cs => cs, |
rdy => ready, |
dac_data => data |
); |
end behaviour; |