
Subversion Repositories sv_dir_tb

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 4 to Rev 5
    Reverse comparison

Rev 4 → Rev 5

1,6 → 1,6
#! /usr/bin/env wish
## Copyright 2014 Ken Campbell
## Copyright 2018 Ken Campbell
## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
16,7 → 16,7
##-- $Author: $ Ken Campbell
##-- $Date: $ June 26 2014
##-- $Date: $ August 2018
##-- $Id: $
25,14 → 25,15
##-- Description :
##-- This application takes a text file containing the definition of a Verilog
## module, produces a file set for the SV Directed Test Bench.
##-- This file is the GUI items.
## package requires
package require Iwidgets 4.0
package require Ttk
package require Tk
## set the current version info
set version "Beta 1.1"
set version "Version 1.0"
## put up a title on the main window boarder
wm title . "SV TB Gen $version"
43,8 → 44,10
## Working Directory or vhdl directory
set workd [frame .wdf]
set ent_dir [iwidgets::entryfield $workd.cen1 -labeltext "Working Directory"]
set ent_lbl [label $workd.lbl1 -text "Top mod loc" -justify left]
set ent_dir [entry $workd.ent1]
button $workd.br0 -text "Browse" -command {fill_list}
pack $ent_lbl -side left
pack $workd.br0 -side right
pack $ent_dir -fill x
pack $workd -fill x -pady 6
51,8 → 54,10
## Output directory
set tlist [frame .lstf]
set odir [iwidgets::entryfield $tlist.ent1 -labeltext "Output Directory"]
set odir_lbl [label $tlist.lbl2 -text "Output loc" -justify left]
set odir [entry $tlist.ent2]
set lbut [button $tlist.br1 -text "Browse" -command {browsed_from_set $odir $odir}]
pack $odir_lbl -side left
pack $lbut -side right
pack $odir -fill x
pack $tlist -fill x
59,8 → 64,10
## Template location
set tdirf [frame .tmpf]
set tdir [iwidgets::entryfield $tdirf.ent2 -width 60 -labeltext "Template Location"]
set tdir_lbl [label $tdirf.lbl3 -text "Template loc" -justify left]
set tdir [entry $tdirf.ent3]
set tbut [button $tdirf.br2 -text "Browse" -command {browse_set_entry $tdir}]
pack $tdir_lbl -side left
pack $tbut -side right
pack $tdir -fill x
pack $tdirf -fill x -pady 6
71,14 → 78,17
## type spec
set tsf [frame .tsfr]
set load_but [button $tsf.bt1 -text "Generate" -command ttb_gen]
set mo_sel [iwidgets::optionmenu $tsf.mode -labeltext "Mode"]
set test_but [button $tsf.bt2 -text "Source" -command {source tb_gen_parser.tcl}]
set comb_vals {"No mod" "Gen mod"}
set comb_val "No mod"
set mo_sel [ttk::combobox $tsf.mode -textvariable comb_val -values $comb_vals -state readonly]
set gbatv 0
#set gbat [checkbutton $tsf.chb1 -text "Gen Build Script" -variable gbatv]
set cpakv 0
#set cpak [checkbutton $tsf.chb2 -text "Copy Package" -variable cpakv]
##$mo_sel insert end Work Recurse List
$mo_sel insert end "No mod" "Gen mod"
set p_view [iwidgets::feedback $tsf.fb1 -labeltext "Generation Status" -barheight 10]
$mo_sel insert end "No mod"
$mo_sel insert end "Gen mod"
#"Gen mod"
set gen_prog 0.0
set p_view [ttk::progressbar $tsf.fb1 -variable gen_prog]
set statsVar ""
##set stat_txt [label $tsf.lb1 -textvariable statsVar]
set stat_txt [label .lb1 -textvariable statsVar]
90,6 → 100,7
#pack $gbat -side left
pack $mo_sel -side left
pack $load_but -side left -padx 20
pack $test_but -side left -padx 20
pack $p_view -side left
pack $tsf.bout1 -side right
pack $tsf -fill x
96,21 → 107,22
pack $stat_txt -fill x
## create paned window
set win [iwidgets::panedwindow .pw -width 200 -height 300 ]
$win add top -margin 4 -minimum 100
$win add middle -margin 4 -minimum 100
$win configure -orient vertical
$win fraction 80 20
$win paneconfigure 1 -minimum 60
## create two locations for objects
set wtop [$win childsite 0]
set wbot [$win childsite 1]
set win [panedwindow .pw -width 200 -height 300 -orient horizontal]
pack $win -fill both -expand yes
set wtop [frame $win.wf1]
set wmid [frame $win.wf2]
$win add $wtop $wmid
## create two object boxes
set list_win [iwidgets::selectionbox $ -margin 2 -itemscommand load_ent_file \
-itemslabel "SV Files" -selectionlabel "Selected SV File"]
set view_win [iwidgets::scrolledtext $wbot.rts -borderwidth 2 -wrap none]
set sel_lst {}
set m_select ""
set list_win [listbox $ -listvariable sel_lst -height 16]
set list_ent [entry $wtop.lent -textvariable m_select]
#set view_win [iwidgets::scrolledtext $wbot.rts -borderwidth 2 -wrap none]
set view_win [text $wmid.rts -borderwidth 2 -wrap none]
pack $list_win -fill both -expand yes
pack $list_ent -anchor s -fill x -expand yes
pack $view_win -fill both -expand yes
## some tags for the view window
135,18 → 147,19
## field passed to it
proc browsed_from_set { src dest } {
set wdir [$src get]
puts $wdir
if {$wdir == ""} {
iwidgets::extfileselectiondialog .dsb -modality application -fileson false
set curd [pwd]
puts $curd
set fn [tk_chooseDirectory -title "Choose a directory" -initialdir $curd]
} else {
iwidgets::extfileselectiondialog .dsb -modality application -fileson false \
-directory $wdir
set fn [tk_chooseDirectory -initialdir $wdir -title "Choose a directory"]
if {[.dsb activate]} {
set dchoice [.dsb get]
if {$fn != ""} {
$dest configure -state normal
$dest delete 0 end
$dest insert 0 "$dchoice"
$dest insert 0 "$fn"
$dest configure -state readonly
destroy .dsb
156,593 → 169,21
## Using extfileselectiondialog get a directory and update the
## field passed to it
proc browse_set_entry { dest } {
iwidgets::extfileselectiondialog .dsb -modality application
set fn [tk_getOpenFile]
if {[.dsb activate]} {
set dchoice [.dsb get]
if {$fn != ""} {
$dest configure -state normal
$dest delete 0 end
$dest insert 0 "$dchoice"
$dest insert 0 "$fn"
$dest configure -state readonly
destroy .dsb
## proc pars_pindef
proc pars_pindef { pins } {
set pdef {}
set def_lst {}
set lc 0
set logic_lst {}
set dut_modport {}
set names_lst {}
## Now with the GUI set up, load the parser
source "tb_gen_parser.tcl"
foreach l $pins {
set is_mult [string first "," $l]
set is_bv [string first "\[" $l]
set l [string trim $l "\;"]
## if is a vector def
#puts $l
#puts "is_bv: $is_bv"
if {$is_bv > 0} {
set is_cbv [string first "\]" $l]
set bv_spec [string range $l $is_bv $is_cbv]
set type [string range $l 0 $is_bv-1]
set names [string range $l $is_cbv+1 end]
set snames [split $names ","]
foreach n $snames {
##set n [string trim $n "\;"]
lappend names_lst [string trim $n]
if {$type != "inout"} {
set tmp "logic "
} else {
set tmp "wire "
append tmp $bv_spec " [string trim $n]\;"
lappend logic_lst $tmp
set tmp [string trim $type]
append tmp " [string trim $n],"
lappend dut_modport $tmp
#puts "$type $bv_spec [string trim $n]\;"
} else {
set sl [split $l ","]
set frst [split [lindex $sl 0]]
set type [string trim [lindex $frst 0]]
set fname [string trim [lindex $frst end]]
set sl [lrange $sl 1 end]
lappend names_lst [string trim $fname]
if {$type != "inout"} {
set tmp "logic "
} else {
set tmp "wire "
#set tmp "logic "
append tmp "$fname\;"
lappend logic_lst $tmp
set tmp $type
append tmp " $fname,"
lappend dut_modport $tmp
foreach n $sl {
lappend names_lst [string trim $n]
if {$type != "inout"} {
set tmp "logic "
} else {
set tmp "wire "
append tmp "[string trim $n]\;"
lappend logic_lst $tmp
set tmp $type
append tmp " [string trim $n],"
lappend dut_modport $tmp
lappend def_lst $logic_lst
lappend def_lst $dut_modport
lappend def_lst $names_lst
return $def_lst
## end pars_pindef
## Write header to file passed
proc write_header { handle } {
global version
##global scan_date
set raw_date [clock scan now]
set scan_date [clock format $raw_date -format "%d %b %Y %T"]
## so CVS will not modify selections, they have to be chopped up
set auth "// \$Auth"
append auth "or: \$"
puts $handle "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
puts $handle "// Copyright ///////////////////////////////////"
puts $handle "// All Rights Reserved"
puts $handle "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
puts $handle "$auth"
puts $handle "//"
puts $handle "//"
puts $handle "// Description :"
puts $handle "// This file was generated by SV TB Gen $version"
puts $handle "// on $scan_date"
puts $handle "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
puts $handle "// This software contains concepts confidential to ////////////////"
puts $handle "// /////////. and is only made available within the terms of a written"
puts $handle "// agreement."
puts $handle "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
puts $handle ""
## A directory has been selected now fill the list win with *V files
proc fill_list {} {
global ent_dir odir
global tlist_ent use_list list_win ts_ent statsVar
global view_win mo_sel
## get the user selection
browsed_from_set $ent_dir $ent_dir
## as a default make output dir = input dir
set tmp_dir [$ent_dir get]
$odir delete 0 end
$odir insert end $tmp_dir
$odir configure -state readonly
## clear the list window and selection
$list_win clear items
$list_win clear selection
$view_win clear
## get the working directory
set dir [$ent_dir get]
## get the list of VHDL files in working directory
set ftype ".*v"
set file_lst ""
set file_lst [glob -directory $dir *$ftype]
## for each of the files in the file_lst
foreach l $file_lst {
## creat string that is just the file name: no path
set testt $l
set nstart [string last "/" $l]
incr nstart
set name_str [string range $l $nstart end]
## insert item on list
$list_win insert items 1 $name_str
## load the vhdl file that has just been selected from list_win
proc load_ent_file {} {
global ent_dir list_win view_win statsVar
## update selection with selected item
$list_win selectitem
set sel_dx [$list_win curselection]
if {$sel_dx == ""} {
## recover the selected item
set ln [$list_win get]
## Get the working directory
#puts $ln
set lp [$ent_dir get]
## append the file name
append lp "/" $ln
## if the file does not exist return
set fexist [file exist $lp]
if {$fexist == 0} {
set ent_file [open $lp r]
## clear the view_win
$view_win clear
set file_list {}
## load file to memory
while {![eof $ent_file]} {
## Get a line
set rline [gets $ent_file]
lappend file_list $rline
close $ent_file
## put file in text window and highlite the entity part
set ent_found 0
set in_ent 0
set statsVar ""
foreach l $file_list {
if {$in_ent == 0} {
set ent_def [string first module $l]
if {$ent_def >= 0} {
set ent_name [lindex $l 1]
set statsVar "Module: $ent_name found"
set ent_found 1
set in_ent 1
$view_win insert end "$l\n" highlite
} else {
$view_win insert end "$l\n"
} else {
set ent_def [string first "endmodule" $l]
if {$ent_def >= 0} {
set end_name [lindex $l 1]
set end_found 1
set in_ent 0
$view_win insert end "$l\n" highlite
} else {
$view_win insert end "$l\n" highlite
if {$ent_found == 0} {
set statsVar "No Module found!!"
##$view_win import $lp
##$view_win yview moveto 1
##puts $lp
proc ttb_gen {} {
global mo_sel template ent_dir list_win odir p_view tdir
global cpakv gbatv
set template [$tdir get]
$p_view configure -steps 7
$p_view reset
## recover the selected item
set ln [$list_win get]
## Get the working directory
#puts $ln
set lp [$ent_dir get]
## append the file name
append lp "/" $ln
set path_text $lp
set destin_text [$odir get]
set infile [open $path_text r]
set file_list {}
## Read in the file and strip comments as we do
while {![eof $infile]} {
## Get a line
set rline [gets $infile]
#puts $rline
## get rid of white space
set rline [string trim $rline]
## Find comment if there
set cindex [string first "//" $rline]
## if a comment was found at the start of the line
if {$cindex == 0 || $rline == ""} {
## else was not found so put line in list
} elseif {$cindex > 0} {
# get rid of trailing comments and trim off spaces
set rline [string trim [string range $rline 0 $cindex-1]]
lappend file_list $rline
} else {
lappend file_list $rline
close $infile
$p_view step
## check for the module def
set mod_name ""
foreach l $file_list {
set mod_def [string first module $l]
if {$mod_def >= 0} {
set ml [split $l]
set mod_name [lindex $l 1]
#puts "Module name is: $mod_name"
## if no ent die
if {$mod_def < 0} {
dbg_msg "A module definition was not found in the file provided."
## exit
$p_view step
set mod_list {}
## check for end module
foreach l $file_list {
lappend mod_list $l
set end_def [string first endmodule $l]
if {$end_def >= 0} {
## if no end die
if {$end_def < 0} {
dbg_msg "no endmodule statement found for this module"
## exit
## collect the parameters if there are.
set parameter_list {}
set p_found 0
foreach l $mod_list {
set p_found [string first "parameter" $l]
if {$p_found >= 0} {
lappend $parameter_list $l
#foreach l $mod_list {
# puts $l
## a few checks have been done, and non-relevant stuff stripped off.
## now create an arrry of just the pin names and related info
set port_lst {}
set lc 0
foreach l $mod_list {
## make lines that are continued, one line.
set cont [string first "\;" $l]
if {$cont < 0 && $lc == 0} {
set tmp $l
set lc 1
} elseif {$cont < 0 && $lc == 1} {
append tmp $l
} elseif {$lc == 1} {
append tmp $l
set lc 0
set l $tmp
## look for the port statements
set inp [string first "input" $l]
if {$inp >= 0} {
lappend port_lst $l
set onp [string first "output" $l]
if {$onp >= 0} {
lappend port_lst $l
set ionp [string first "inout" $l]
if {$ionp >= 0} {
lappend port_lst $l
#foreach p $port_lst {
# puts $p
## Change the port list into a pin info list
set io_pins [pars_pindef $port_lst]
set log_lst [lindex $io_pins 0]
set mod_lst [lindex $io_pins 1]
set name_lst [lindex $io_pins 2]
#foreach r $log_lst {
# puts $r
#foreach r $mod_lst {
# puts $r
#foreach r $name_lst {
# puts $r
# dbg_msg $split_pin
## calculate the longest pin name in characters
set name_length 0
foreach l $name_lst {
set temp_length [string length $l]
if {$temp_length > $name_length} {
set name_length $temp_length
#dbg_msg $name_length
## Make the name length one bigger
incr name_length
$p_view step
## Generate the tb top.
set tfn $destin_text
append tfn "/"
set tfh [open $tfn w]
write_header $tfh
puts $tfh "`include \"../sv/\""
puts $tfh ""
puts $tfh "module tb_top \(\)\;"
puts $tfh ""
puts $tfh " string STM_FILE = \"../stm/stimulus_file.stm\"\;"
puts $tfh " string tmp_fn"
puts $tfh ""
puts $tfh " // Handle plus args"
puts $tfh " initial begin : file_select"
puts $tfh " if\(\$value\$plusargs\(\"STM_FILE=%s\", tmp_fn\)\) begin"
puts $tfh " stm_file = tmp_fn\;"
puts $tfh " end"
puts $tfh " end"
puts $tfh ""
puts $tfh " dut_if theif\(\)\;"
puts $tfh ""
puts $tfh " $mod_name u1 \("
set llen [llength $name_lst]
set idx 1
foreach n $name_lst {
set ln $n
set len [string length $ln]
while {$len < $name_length} {
append ln " "
set len [string length $ln]
if {$idx < $llen} {
puts $tfh " .$ln \(theif.$n\),"
} else {
puts $tfh " .$ln \(theif.$n\)"
incr idx
puts $tfh " \)\;"
puts $tfh ""
puts $tfh " tb_mod prg_inst\(theif\)\;"
puts $tfh ""
puts $tfh "endmodule"
close $tfh
$p_view step
## generate the interface file.
set ifn $destin_text
append ifn "/"
set ifh [open $ifn w]
write_header $ifh
puts $ifh "interface dut_if\(\)\;"
puts $ifh ""
foreach l $log_lst {
puts $ifh " $l"
puts $ifh ""
puts $ifh " modport dut_conn\("
set llen [llength $mod_lst]
set idx 1
foreach p $mod_lst {
if {$idx < $llen} {
puts $ifh " $p"
} else {
puts $ifh " [string trim $p ","]"
incr idx
puts $ifh " \)\;"
puts $ifh ""
puts $ifh " modport tb_conn\("
set idx 1
foreach p $mod_lst {
set in [string first "input" $p]
set out [string first "output" $p]
if {$in >= 0} {
set type "output "
} elseif {$out >= 0} {
set type "input "
} else {
set type "inout "
set sp [split $p]
if {$idx < $llen} {
puts $ifh " $type [lindex $sp end]"
} else {
puts $ifh " $type [string trim [lindex $sp end] ","]"
incr idx
puts $ifh " \)\;"
puts $ifh ""
puts $ifh "endinterface"
close $ifh
$p_view step
## generate the tb_prg file from template.
set prg_gen [$mo_sel get]
if {$prg_gen == "No mod"} {
$p_view step
$p_view step
set tpl_fh [open $template r]
set tpl_lst {}
set hfound 0
while {![eof $tpl_fh]} {
set rline [gets $tpl_fh]
if {$hfound == 0} {
set head [string first ">>header" $rline]
if {$head == 0} {
set hfound 1
} else {
lappend tpl_lst $rline
#foreach l $tpl_lst {
# puts $l
set pfn $destin_text
append pfn "/"
set pfh [open $pfn w]
set idx 0
foreach l $tpl_lst {
set ent_pt [string first ">>insert sigs" $l]
if {$ent_pt == 0} {
set tpl_lst [lreplace $tpl_lst $idx $idx]
foreach l $log_lst {
set tpl_lst [linsert $tpl_lst $idx " $l"]
incr $idx
incr idx
#foreach l $tpl_lst {
# puts $l
$p_view step
set idx 0
foreach l $tpl_lst {
set ent_pt [string first ">>drive sigs" $l]
if {$ent_pt == 0} {
set tpl_lst [lreplace $tpl_lst $idx $idx]
set midx 0
foreach l $name_lst {
set dir [lindex $mod_lst $midx]
#puts $dir
set idir [string first "input" $dir]
if {$idir >= 0} {
set tmp " assign tif."
append tmp "$l = $l\;"
set tpl_lst [linsert $tpl_lst $idx $tmp]
} else {
set tmp " assign $l"
append tmp " = tif.$l\;"
set tpl_lst [linsert $tpl_lst $idx $tmp]
incr idx
incr midx
incr idx
write_header $pfh
foreach l $tpl_lst {
puts $pfh $l
$p_view step
close $pfh
## end ttb_gen
## show about message
749,7 → 190,7
proc show_about {} {
global version
set msg "Copyright 2014 Ken Campbell\n
set msg "Copyright 2019 Ken Campbell\n
Version $version\n
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n
761,3 → 202,6
## enable pop up console for debug
bind . <F12> {catch {console show}}
#bind $list_win <<ListboxSelect>> {load_ent_file}
#bind $list_win <<ListboxSelect>> {set m_select [$list_win curselection]}
bind $list_win <<ListboxSelect>> {set sel_dx [$list_win curselection]; set m_select [$list_win get $sel_dx]; load_ent_file}
0,0 → 1,641
## Copyright 2019 Ken Campbell
## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
## You may obtain a copy of the License at
## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
## limitations under the License.
##-- $Author: $ Ken Campbell
##-- $Date: $ Jan. 2019
##-- $Id: $
##-- $Source: $
##-- Description :
##-- This application takes a text file containing the definition of a Verilog
## module, produces a file set for the SV Directed Test Bench.
##-- This file is the parser and generator.
proc pars_pindef { pins } {
set pdef {}
set def_lst {}
set lc 0
set logic_lst {}
set dut_modport {}
set names_lst {}
foreach l $pins {
set is_mult [string first "," $l]
set is_bv [string first "\[" $l]
set l [string trim $l "\;"]
## if is a vector def
#puts $l
#handle precompile
set ispre [string first "`" $l]
if {$ispre >= 0} {
#strip `timescale
if {[string first "timescale" $l] >= 0} {
lappend names_lst $l
lappend logic_lst $l
lappend dut_modport $l
#puts "is_bv: $is_bv"
if {$is_bv > 0} {
set is_cbv [string first "\]" $l]
set bv_spec [string range $l $is_bv $is_cbv]
set type [string range $l 0 $is_bv-1]
set names [string range $l $is_cbv+1 end]
set snames [split $names ","]
foreach n $snames {
##set n [string trim $n "\;"]
lappend names_lst [string trim $n]
if {$type != "inout"} {
set tmp "logic "
} else {
set tmp "wire "
append tmp $bv_spec " [string trim $n]\;"
lappend logic_lst $tmp
set tmp [string trim $type]
append tmp " [string trim $n],"
lappend dut_modport $tmp
#puts "$type $bv_spec [string trim $n]\;"
} else {
set sl [split $l ","]
set frst [split [lindex $sl 0]]
set type [string trim [lindex $frst 0]]
set fname [string trim [lindex $frst end]]
set sl [lrange $sl 1 end]
lappend names_lst [string trim $fname]
if {$type != "inout"} {
set tmp "logic "
} else {
set tmp "wire "
#set tmp "logic "
append tmp "$fname\;"
lappend logic_lst $tmp
set tmp $type
append tmp " $fname,"
lappend dut_modport $tmp
foreach n $sl {
if {$n == ""} {
puts $n
lappend names_lst [string trim $n]
if {$type != "inout"} {
set tmp "logic "
} else {
set tmp "wire "
append tmp "[string trim $n]\;"
lappend logic_lst $tmp
set tmp $type
append tmp " [string trim $n],"
lappend dut_modport $tmp
lappend def_lst $logic_lst
lappend def_lst $dut_modport
lappend def_lst $names_lst
return $def_lst
## end pars_pindef
## Write header to file passed
proc write_header { handle } {
global version
##global scan_date
set raw_date [clock scan now]
set scan_date [clock format $raw_date -format "%d %b %Y %T"]
## so CVS will not modify selections, they have to be chopped up
set auth "// \$Auth"
append auth "or: \$"
puts $handle "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
puts $handle "// Copyright ///////////////////////////////////"
puts $handle "// All Rights Reserved"
puts $handle "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
puts $handle "$auth"
puts $handle "//"
puts $handle "//"
puts $handle "// Description :"
puts $handle "// This file was generated by SV TB Gen $version"
puts $handle "// on $scan_date"
puts $handle "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
puts $handle "// This software contains concepts confidential to ////////////////"
puts $handle "// /////////. and is only made available within the terms of a written"
puts $handle "// agreement."
puts $handle "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
puts $handle ""
## A directory has been selected now fill the list win with *V files
proc fill_list {} {
global ent_dir odir
global tlist_ent use_list list_win ts_ent statsVar
global view_win mo_sel sel_lst
## get the user selection
browsed_from_set $ent_dir $ent_dir
## as a default make output dir = input dir
set tmp_dir [$ent_dir get]
$odir delete 0 end
$odir insert end $tmp_dir
$odir configure -state readonly
## clear the list window and selection
#$list_win clear items
#$list_win clear selection
#$view_win clear
## get the working directory
set dir [$ent_dir get]
## get the list of VHDL files in working directory
set ftype ".*v"
set file_lst ""
set file_lst [glob -directory $dir *$ftype]
#puts $file_lst
## for each of the files in the file_lst
foreach l $file_lst {
## creat string that is just the file name: no path
puts "File : $l"
set testt $l
set nstart [string last "/" $l]
incr nstart
#puts "Index : $nstart"
set name_str [string range $l $nstart end]
set sel_lst [lappend sel_lst $name_str]
#puts $sel_lst
## insert item on list
#$list_win insert items 1 $name_str
## load the vhdl file that has just been selected from list_win
proc load_ent_file {} {
global ent_dir list_win view_win statsVar gen_prog
set gen_prog 0.0
## update selection with selected item
#set fn [$list_win curselection]
set sel_dx [$list_win curselection]
if {$sel_dx == ""} {
## recover the selected item
set ln [$list_win get $sel_dx]
## Get the working directory
#puts $ln
set lp [$ent_dir get]
## append the file name
append lp "/" $ln
## if the file does not exist return
set fexist [file exist $lp]
if {$fexist == 0} {
set ent_file [open $lp r]
## clear the view_win
$view_win delete 1.0 end
set file_list {}
## load file to memory
while {![eof $ent_file]} {
## Get a line
set rline [gets $ent_file]
lappend file_list $rline
close $ent_file
## put file in text window and highlite the entity part
set ent_found 0
set in_ent 0
set statsVar ""
foreach l $file_list {
if {$in_ent == 0} {
set ent_def [string first module $l]
if {$ent_def >= 0} {
set ent_name [lindex $l 1]
set statsVar "Module: $ent_name found"
set ent_found 1
set in_ent 1
$view_win insert end "$l\n" highlite
} else {
$view_win insert end "$l\n"
} else {
set ent_def [string first "endmodule" $l]
if {$ent_def >= 0} {
set end_name [lindex $l 1]
set end_found 1
set in_ent 0
$view_win insert end "$l\n" highlite
} else {
$view_win insert end "$l\n" highlite
if {$ent_found == 0} {
set statsVar "No Module found!!"
##$view_win import $lp
##$view_win yview moveto 1
##puts $lp
proc ttb_gen {} {
global mo_sel template ent_dir list_win odir p_view tdir
global cpakv gbatv gen_prog comb_val m_select
set template [$tdir get]
$p_view configure -maximum 7
set gen_prog 1.0
## recover the selected item
#set sel_dx [$list_win curselection]
set ln $m_select
## Get the working directory
#puts $ln
set lp [$ent_dir get]
## append the file name
append lp "/" $ln
set path_text $lp
set destin_text [$odir get]
set infile [open $path_text r]
set file_list {}
## Read in the file and strip comments as we do
while {![eof $infile]} {
## Get a line
set rline [gets $infile]
#puts $rline
## get rid of white space
set rline [string trim $rline]
## Find comment if there
set cindex [string first "//" $rline]
## if a comment was found at the start of the line
if {$cindex == 0 || $rline == ""} {
## else was not found so put line in list
} elseif {$cindex > 0} {
# get rid of trailing comments and trim off spaces
set rline [string trim [string range $rline 0 $cindex-1]]
lappend file_list $rline
} else {
lappend file_list $rline
close $infile
$p_view step
## check for the module def
set mod_name ""
foreach l $file_list {
set mod_def [string first module $l]
if {$mod_def >= 0} {
set ml [split $l]
set mod_name [lindex $l 1]
#puts "Module name is: $mod_name"
## if no ent die
if {$mod_def < 0} {
dbg_msg "A module definition was not found in the file provided."
## exit
$p_view step
set mod_list {}
## check for end module
foreach l $file_list {
lappend mod_list $l
set end_def [string first endmodule $l]
if {$end_def >= 0} {
## if no end die
if {$end_def < 0} {
dbg_msg "no endmodule statement found for this module"
## exit
## collect the parameters if there are.
set parameter_list {}
set p_found 0
foreach l $mod_list {
set p_found [string first "parameter" $l]
if {$p_found >= 0} {
lappend $parameter_list $l
set gen_prog 2.0
#foreach l $mod_list {
# puts $l
## a few checks have been done, and non-relevant stuff stripped off.
## now create an arrry of just the pin names and related info
set port_lst {}
set lc 0
foreach l $mod_list {
## make lines that are continued, one line.
set cont [string first "\;" $l]
#set tick [string first "`" $l]
#if {$tick >= 0} {
# continue
## look for the port statements
set inp [string first "input " $l]
if {$inp >= 0} {
lappend port_lst $l
set onp [string first "output " $l]
if {$onp >= 0} {
lappend port_lst $l
set ionp [string first "inout " $l]
if {$ionp >= 0} {
lappend port_lst $l
set tick_dir [string first "`" $l]
if {$tick_dir >= 0} {
lappend port_lst $l
#puts $port_lst
#foreach p $port_lst {
# puts $p
## Change the port list into a pin info list
set io_pins [pars_pindef $port_lst]
set log_lst [lindex $io_pins 0]
set mod_lst [lindex $io_pins 1]
set name_lst [lindex $io_pins 2]
#foreach r $log_lst {
# puts $r
#foreach r $mod_lst {
# puts $r
#foreach r $name_lst {
# puts $r
# dbg_msg $split_pin
## calculate the longest pin name in characters
set name_length 0
foreach l $name_lst {
set temp_length [string length $l]
if {$temp_length > $name_length} {
set name_length $temp_length
#dbg_msg $name_length
## Make the name length one bigger
incr name_length
set gen_prog 3.0
#$p_view step
## Generate the tb top.
set tfn $destin_text
append tfn "/"
set tfh [open $tfn w]
write_header $tfh
puts $tfh "`include \"../sv/\""
puts $tfh ""
puts $tfh "module tb_top \(\)\;"
puts $tfh ""
puts $tfh " string STM_FILE = \"../stm/stimulus_file.stm\"\;"
puts $tfh " string tmp_fn;"
puts $tfh ""
puts $tfh " // Handle plus args"
puts $tfh " initial begin : file_select"
puts $tfh " if\(\$value\$plusargs\(\"STM_FILE=%s\", tmp_fn\)\) begin"
puts $tfh " stm_file = tmp_fn\;"
puts $tfh " end"
puts $tfh " end"
puts $tfh ""
puts $tfh " dut_if theif\(\)\;"
puts $tfh ""
puts $tfh " $mod_name u1 \("
set llen [llength $name_lst]
set idx 1
foreach n $name_lst {
set ln $n
set tick_dir [string first "`" $n]
if {$tick_dir >= 0} {
puts $tfh " $n"
incr idx
set len [string length $ln]
while {$len < $name_length} {
append ln " "
set len [string length $ln]
if {$idx < $llen} {
puts $tfh " .$ln \(theif.$n\),"
} else {
puts $tfh " .$ln \(theif.$n\)"
incr idx
puts $tfh " \)\;"
puts $tfh ""
puts $tfh " tb_mod prg_inst\(theif\)\;"
puts $tfh ""
puts $tfh "endmodule"
close $tfh
set gen_prog 4.0
#$p_view step
## generate the interface file.
set ifn $destin_text
append ifn "/"
set ifh [open $ifn w]
write_header $ifh
puts $ifh "interface dut_if\(\)\;"
puts $ifh ""
foreach l $log_lst {
puts $ifh " $l"
puts $ifh ""
puts $ifh " modport dut_conn\("
set llen [llength $mod_lst]
set idx 1
foreach p $mod_lst {
set tick_dir [string first "`" $l]
if {$tick_dir >= 0} {
puts $ifh " $p"
incr idx
if {$idx < $llen} {
puts $ifh " $p"
} else {
puts $ifh " [string trim $p ","]"
incr idx
puts $ifh " \)\;"
puts $ifh ""
puts $ifh " modport tb_conn\("
set idx 1
foreach p $mod_lst {
set tick_dir [string first "`" $p]
if {$tick_dir >= 0} {
puts $ifh " $p"
incr idx
set in [string first "input" $p]
set out [string first "output" $p]
if {$in >= 0} {
set type "output "
} elseif {$out >= 0} {
set type "input "
} else {
set type "inout "
set sp [split $p]
if {$idx < $llen} {
puts $ifh " $type [lindex $sp end]"
} else {
puts $ifh " $type [string trim [lindex $sp end] ","]"
incr idx
puts $ifh " \)\;"
puts $ifh ""
puts $ifh "endinterface"
close $ifh
set gen_prog 5.0
#$p_view step
## generate the tb_prg file from template.
#set prg_gen [$mo_sel get]
if {$comb_val == "No mod"} {
set gen_prog 7.0
#$p_view step
#$p_view step
set tpl_fh [open $template r]
set tpl_lst {}
set hfound 0
while {![eof $tpl_fh]} {
set rline [gets $tpl_fh]
if {$hfound == 0} {
set head [string first ">>header" $rline]
if {$head == 0} {
set hfound 1
} else {
lappend tpl_lst $rline
#foreach l $tpl_lst {
# puts $l
set pfn $destin_text
append pfn "/"
set pfh [open $pfn w]
set idx 0
foreach l $tpl_lst {
set ent_pt [string first ">>insert sigs" $l]
if {$ent_pt == 0} {
set tpl_lst [lreplace $tpl_lst $idx $idx]
foreach l $log_lst {
set tpl_lst [linsert $tpl_lst $idx " $l"]
incr idx
incr idx
#foreach l $tpl_lst {
# puts $l
set gen_prog 6.0
#$p_view step
set idx 0
foreach l $tpl_lst {
set ent_pt [string first ">>drive sigs" $l]
if {$ent_pt == 0} {
set tpl_lst [lreplace $tpl_lst $idx $idx]
set midx 0
foreach l $name_lst {
set dir [lindex $mod_lst $midx]
#puts $dir
#puts "$idx $l"
set idir [string first "input" $dir]
if {[string first "`" $l] >= 0} {
set tmp $l
} elseif {$idir >= 0} {
set tmp " assign tif."
append tmp "$l = $l\;"
} else {
set tmp " assign $l"
append tmp " = tif.$l\;"
set tpl_lst [linsert $tpl_lst $idx $tmp]
#puts [lindex $tpl_lst $idx]
incr idx
incr midx
#$p_view step
incr idx
write_header $pfh
foreach l $tpl_lst {
puts $pfh $l
set gen_prog 7.0
#$p_view step
close $pfh

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