Subversion Repositories t6507lp
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 201 to Rev 200
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 201 → Rev 200
44,15 → 44,14
`include "timescale.v" |
module t6532(clk, reset_n, io_lines, enable, rw_mem, address, data); |
module t6532(clk, io_lines, enable, rw_mem, address, data); |
parameter [3:0] DATA_SIZE = 4'd8; |
parameter [3:0] ADDR_SIZE = 4'd10; // this is the *local* addr_size |
parameter [3:0] ADDR_SIZE = 4'd7; // this is the *local* addr_size |
localparam [3:0] DATA_SIZE_ = DATA_SIZE - 4'd1; |
localparam [3:0] ADDR_SIZE_ = ADDR_SIZE - 4'd1; |
input clk; // master clock signal, 1.19mhz |
input reset_n; |
input [15:0] io_lines; // inputs from the keyboard controller |
input enable; // since the address bus is shared an enable signal is used |
input rw_mem; // read == 0, write == 1 |
59,7 → 58,7
input [ADDR_SIZE_:0] address; // system address bus |
inout [DATA_SIZE_:0] data; // controler <=> riot data bus |
reg [DATA_SIZE_:0] ram [8'hFF:8'h80]; // the ram itself. TODO: test the memory compiler |
reg [DATA_SIZE_:0] ram [8'h80:8'hFF]; // the ram itself. TODO: test the memory compiler |
reg [DATA_SIZE_:0] port_a; |
reg [DATA_SIZE_:0] port_b; |
reg [DATA_SIZE_:0] ddra; |
77,148 → 76,130
reg [DATA_SIZE_:0] data_drv; // wrapper for the data bus |
assign data = (rw_mem || !reset_n) ? 8'bZ : data_drv; // if under writing the bus receives the data from cpu, else local data. |
assign data = (rw_mem) ? 8'bZ: data_drv; // if under writing the bus receives the data from cpu, else local data. |
always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin // I/O handling |
if (reset_n == 1'b0) begin |
port_a <= 8'h00; |
port_b <= 8'h00; |
ddra <= 8'h00; |
always @(posedge clk) begin // I/O handling |
port_b[0] <= ~io_lines[0]; // these two are not actually switches |
port_b[1] <= ~io_lines[1]; |
if (io_lines[3]) begin // these are. |
port_b[3] <= !port_b[3]; |
end |
if (io_lines[6]) begin |
port_b[6] <= !port_b[6]; |
end |
if (io_lines[7]) begin |
port_b[7] <= !port_b[7]; |
end |
else begin |
port_b[0] <= ~io_lines[0]; // these two are not actually switches |
port_b[1] <= ~io_lines[1]; |
if (io_lines[3]) begin // these are. |
port_b[3] <= !port_b[3]; |
end |
if (io_lines[6]) begin |
port_b[6] <= !port_b[6]; |
end |
if (io_lines[7]) begin |
port_b[7] <= !port_b[7]; |
end |
port_a[0] <= (ddra[0] == 0) ? io_lines[8] : port_a[0]; |
port_a[1] <= (ddra[1] == 0) ? io_lines[9] : port_a[1]; |
port_a[2] <= (ddra[2] == 0) ? io_lines[10] : port_a[2]; |
port_a[3] <= (ddra[3] == 0) ? io_lines[11] : port_a[3]; |
port_a[4] <= (ddra[4] == 0) ? io_lines[12] : port_a[4]; |
port_a[5] <= (ddra[5] == 0) ? io_lines[13] : port_a[5]; |
port_a[6] <= (ddra[6] == 0) ? io_lines[14] : port_a[6]; |
port_a[7] <= (ddra[7] == 0) ? io_lines[15] : port_a[7]; |
port_a[0] <= (ddra[0] == 1'b0) ? io_lines[8] : port_a[0]; |
port_a[1] <= (ddra[1] == 1'b0) ? io_lines[9] : port_a[1]; |
port_a[2] <= (ddra[2] == 1'b0) ? io_lines[10] : port_a[2]; |
port_a[3] <= (ddra[3] == 1'b0) ? io_lines[11] : port_a[3]; |
port_a[4] <= (ddra[4] == 1'b0) ? io_lines[12] : port_a[4]; |
port_a[5] <= (ddra[5] == 1'b0) ? io_lines[13] : port_a[5]; |
port_a[6] <= (ddra[6] == 1'b0) ? io_lines[14] : port_a[6]; |
port_a[7] <= (ddra[7] == 1'b0) ? io_lines[15] : port_a[7]; |
end |
always @(posedge clk) begin // R/W register/memory handling |
if (reading) begin // reading! |
case (address) |
10'h280: data_drv <= port_a; |
10'h281: data_drv <= ddra; |
10'h282: data_drv <= port_b; |
10'h283: data_drv <= 8'h00; // portb ddr is always input |
10'h284: data_drv <= timer; |
default: data_drv <= ram[address]; |
endcase |
end |
else if (writing) begin // writing! |
case (address) |
10'h294: begin |
c1_timer <= 1; |
c8_timer <= 0; |
c64_timer <= 0; |
c1024_timer <= 0; |
timer <= data; |
flipped <= 0; |
counter <= 1; |
end |
10'h295: begin |
c1_timer <= 0; |
c8_timer <= 1; |
c64_timer <= 0; |
c1024_timer <= 0; |
timer <= data; |
flipped <= 0; |
counter <= 8; |
end |
10'h296: begin |
c1_timer <= 0; |
c8_timer <= 0; |
c64_timer <= 1; |
c1024_timer <= 0; |
timer <= data; |
flipped <= 0; |
counter <= 64; |
end |
10'h297: begin |
c1_timer <= 0; |
c8_timer <= 0; |
c64_timer <= 0; |
c1024_timer <= 1; |
timer <= data; |
flipped <= 0; |
counter <= 1024; |
end |
default: begin |
ram[address] <= data; |
end |
endcase |
end |
end |
always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin // R/W register/memory handling |
if (reset_n == 1'b0) begin |
data_drv <= 8'h00; |
c1_timer <= 1'b0; |
c8_timer <= 1'b0; |
c64_timer <= 1'b0; |
c1024_timer <= 1'b0; |
timer <= 8'h00; |
flipped <= 1'b0; |
counter <= 11'd0; |
end |
else begin |
if (reading) begin // reading! |
case (address) |
10'h280: data_drv <= port_a; |
10'h281: data_drv <= ddra; |
10'h282: data_drv <= port_b; |
10'h283: data_drv <= 8'h00; // portb ddr is always input |
10'h284: data_drv <= timer; |
default: data_drv <= ram[address[6:0]]; |
endcase |
end |
else if (writing) begin // writing! |
case (address) |
10'h294: begin |
c1_timer <= 1'b1; |
c8_timer <= 1'b0; |
c64_timer <= 1'b0; |
c1024_timer <= 1'b0; |
timer <= data; |
flipped <= 1'b0; |
counter <= 11'd1; |
end |
10'h295: begin |
c1_timer <= 1'b0; |
c8_timer <= 1'b1; |
c64_timer <= 1'b0; |
c1024_timer <= 1'b0; |
timer <= data; |
flipped <= 1'b0; |
counter <= 11'd8; |
end |
10'h296: begin |
c1_timer <= 1'b0; |
c8_timer <= 1'b0; |
c64_timer <= 1'b1; |
c1024_timer <= 1'b0; |
timer <= data; |
flipped <= 1'b0; |
counter <= 11'd64; |
end |
10'h297: begin |
c1_timer <= 1'b0; |
c8_timer <= 1'b0; |
c64_timer <= 1'b0; |
c1024_timer <= 1'b1; |
timer <= data; |
flipped <= 1'b0; |
counter <= 11'd1024; |
end |
default: begin |
ram[address[6:0]] <= data; |
end |
endcase |
end |
if (!writing_at_timer) begin |
if (counter == 11'd0) begin |
timer <= timer - 8'd1; |
if (timer == 8'd0) begin |
flipped <= 1'b1; |
end |
if (c1_timer || flipped) begin |
counter <= 11'd1; |
end |
if (c8_timer) begin |
counter <= 11'd8; |
end |
if (c64_timer) begin |
counter <= 11'd64; |
end |
if (c1024_timer) begin |
counter <= 11'd1024; |
end |
always @(posedge clk) begin // timer! |
if (!writing_at_timer) begin |
if (counter == 0) begin |
timer <= timer - 1; |
if (timer == 0) begin |
flipped <= 1'b1; |
end |
else begin |
counter <= counter - 11'd1; |
if (c1_timer || flipped) begin |
counter <= 1; |
end |
if (c8_timer) begin |
counter <= 8; |
end |
if (c64_timer) begin |
counter <= 64; |
end |
if (c1024_timer) begin |
counter <= 1024; |
end |
end |
else begin |
counter <= counter - 1; |
end |
end |
end |
always @(*) begin // logic for easier controlling |
always @(*) begin// logic for easier controlling |
reading = 1'b0; |
writing = 1'b0; |
writing_at_timer = 1'b0; |
if (enable && reset_n) begin |
if (rw_mem == 1'b0) begin |
reading = 1'b1; |
end |
else begin |
writing = 1'b1; |
if (enable && rw_mem == 0) begin |
reading = 1'b1; |
end |
else if (enable && rw_mem) begin |
writing = 1'b1; |
if ( (address == 10'h294) || (address == 10'h295) || (address == 10'h296) || (address == 10'h297) ) begin |
writing_at_timer = 1'b1; |
end |
if (address == 10'h294 || address == 10'h295 || address == 10'h296 || address == 10'h297) begin |
writing_at_timer = 1'b1; |
end |
end |
end |