
Subversion Repositories vhld_tb

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 17 to Rev 19
    Reverse comparison

Rev 17 → Rev 19

1,18 → 1,16
-- Copyright 2007 Ken Campbell
-- Copyright 2011 Ken Campbell
-- $Author: sckoarn $
-- $Date: 2008-02-24 01:34:11 $
-- $Date: $
-- $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $
-- $Id: $
-- $Id: template_tb_bhv.vhd,v 1.4 2008-02-24 01:34:11 sckoarn Exp $
-- $Source: $
-- $Source: /home/marcus/revision_ctrl_test/oc_cvs/cvs/vhld_tb/source/template_tb_bhv.vhd,v $
-- Description : The the testbench package template behave file.
-- Initial GNU release.
-- GNU release 2 Beta.
--This file is part of The VHDL Test Bench.
31,20 → 29,6
-- along with The VHDL Test Bench; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-- Revision History:
-- $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
-- Revision 1.3 2007/11/14 02:35:56 sckoarn
-- Fix to WHILE instruction: Change if_state typo to wh_state
-- Revision 1.2 2007/09/02 04:04:04 sckoarn
-- Update of version 1.2 tb_pkg
-- See documentation for details
-- Revision 2007/04/06 04:06:48 sckoarn
-- Import of the vhld_tb
architecture bhv of tb_Top is
151,7 → 135,7
-- Syntax is
-- define_instruction(inst_def_ptr, instruction, paramiters)
-- inst_def_ptr: is a record pointer defined in tb_pkg_header
-- instruction: the text instruction name ie. "DEFINE_VAR"
-- instruction: the text instruction name ie. "ADD_VAR"
-- paramiters: the number of fields or paramiters passed
-- Some basic instruction are created here, the user should create new
176,10 → 160,10
define_instruction(inst_list, "MESSAGES_ON", 0);
define_instruction(inst_list, "ABORT", 0); -- Error exit from sim
define_instruction(inst_list, "FINISH", 0); -- Normal exit from sim
define_instruction(inst_list, "INCLUDE", 1); -- Define a Variable
define_instruction(inst_list, "INCLUDE", 1); -- Include a script file
-- Start User defined instructions
-- User defined instructions
-- End User defined instructions
-- Read, test, and load the stimulus file
read_instruction_file(stimulus_file, inst_list, defined_vars, inst_sequ,
523,3 → 507,19
end bhv;
-- Revision History:
-- version 1.4
-- $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
-- Revision 1.3 2007/11/14 02:35:56 sckoarn
-- Fix to WHILE instruction: Change if_state typo to wh_state
-- Revision 1.2 2007/09/02 04:04:04 sckoarn
-- Update of version 1.2 tb_pkg
-- See documentation for details
-- Revision 2007/04/06 04:06:48 sckoarn
-- Import of the vhld_tb
1,1872 → 1,1843
-- Copyright 2009 Ken Campbell
-- $Author: sckoarn $
-- $Date: 2008-02-24 01:34:11 $
-- $Id: tb_pkg_body.vhd,v 1.3 2008-02-24 01:34:11 sckoarn Exp $
-- $Source: /home/marcus/revision_ctrl_test/oc_cvs/cvs/vhld_tb/source/tb_pkg_body.vhd,v $
-- Description : The the testbench package body file.
-- Initial GNU release.
--This file is part of The VHDL Test Bench.
-- The VHDL Test Bench is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- The VHDL Test Bench is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with The VHDL Test Bench; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-- Revision History:
-- $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
-- Revision 1.2 2007/09/02 04:04:04 sckoarn
-- Update of version 1.2 tb_pkg
-- See documentation for details
-- Revision 2007/04/06 04:06:48 sckoarn
-- Import of the vhld_tb
package body tb_pkg is
-- is_digit
function is_digit(constant c: in character) return boolean is
variable rtn : boolean;
if (c >= '0' and c <= '9') then
rtn := true;
rtn := false;
end if;
return rtn;
end is_digit;
-- is_space
function is_space(constant c: in character) return boolean is
variable rtn : boolean;
if(c = ' ' or c = ht) then
rtn := true;
rtn := false;
end if;
return rtn;
end is_space;
-- to_char
function ew_to_char(int: integer) return character is
variable c: character;
c := nul;
case int is
when 0 => c := '0';
when 1 => c := '1';
when 2 => c := '2';
when 3 => c := '3';
when 4 => c := '4';
when 5 => c := '5';
when 6 => c := '6';
when 7 => c := '7';
when 8 => c := '8';
when 9 => c := '9';
when 10 => c := 'A';
when 11 => c := 'B';
when 12 => c := 'C';
when 13 => c := 'D';
when 14 => c := 'E';
when 15 => c := 'F';
when others =>
report LF & "Error: ew_to_char was given a non Number didgit."
severity failure;
end case;
return c;
end ew_to_char;
-- to_string function integer
function to_str(int: integer) return string is
return ew_to_str(int,dec) ;
end to_str ;
-- ew_str_cat
function ew_str_cat(s1: stm_text;
s2: text_field) return stm_text is
variable i: integer;
variable j: integer;
variable sc: stm_text;
sc := s1;
i := 1;
while(sc(i) /= nul) loop
i := i + 1;
end loop;
j := 1;
while(s2(j) /= nul) loop
sc(i) := s2(j);
i := i + 1;
j := j + 1;
end loop;
return sc;
end ew_str_cat;
-- fld_len field length
-- inputs : string of type text_field
-- return : integer number of non 'nul' chars
function fld_len(s : in text_field) return integer is
variable i: integer := 1;
while(s(i) /= nul) loop
i := i + 1;
end loop;
return (i - 1);
end fld_len;
-- c2int convert character to integer
function c2int(c: in character) return integer is
variable i: integer;
i := -1;
case c is
when '0' => i := 0;
when '1' => i := 1;
when '2' => i := 2;
when '3' => i := 3;
when '4' => i := 4;
when '5' => i := 5;
when '6' => i := 6;
when '7' => i := 7;
when '8' => i := 8;
when '9' => i := 9;
when others =>
report LF & "Error: c2int was given a non Number didgit."
severity failure;
end case;
return i;
end c2int;
-- str2integer Convert a string to integer number.
-- inputs : string
-- output : int value
function str2integer(str: in string) return integer is
variable l: integer;
variable j: integer := 1;
variable rtn: integer := 0;
l := fld_len(str);
for i in l downto 1 loop
rtn := rtn + (c2int(str(j)) *(10**(i - 1)));
j := j + 1;
end loop;
return rtn;
end str2integer;
-- hex2integer convert hex Stimulus field to integer
-- inputs : string of type text_field containing only Hex numbers
-- return : integer value
function hex2integer(hex_number: in text_field;
file_name: in text_line;
line: in integer) return integer is
variable len: integer;
variable temp_field: text_field;
variable temp_int: integer;
variable power: integer;
variable int_number: integer;
len := fld_len(hex_number);
power := 0;
temp_int := 0;
for i in len downto 1 loop
case hex_number(i) is
when '0' =>
int_number := 0;
when '1' =>
int_number := 1;
when '2' =>
int_number := 2;
when '3' =>
int_number := 3;
when '4' =>
int_number := 4;
when '5' =>
int_number := 5;
when '6' =>
int_number := 6;
when '7' =>
int_number := 7;
when '8' =>
int_number := 8;
when '9' =>
int_number := 9;
when 'a' | 'A'=>
int_number := 10;
when 'b' | 'B'=>
int_number := 11;
when 'c' | 'C'=>
int_number := 12;
when 'd' | 'D'=>
int_number := 13;
when 'e' | 'E'=>
int_number := 14;
when 'f' | 'F'=>
int_number := 15;
when others =>
report LF & "Error: hex2integer found non Hex didgit on line "
& (integer'image(line)) & " of file " & file_name
severity failure;
end case;
temp_int := temp_int + (int_number *(16 ** power));
power := power + 1;
end loop;
return temp_int;
end hex2integer;
-- convert character to 4 bit vector
-- input character
-- output std_logic_vector 4 bits
function c2std_vec(c: in character) return std_logic_vector is
case c is
when '0' => return "0000";
when '1' => return "0001";
when '2' => return "0010";
when '3' => return "0011";
when '4' => return "0100";
when '5' => return "0101";
when '6' => return "0110";
when '7' => return "0111";
when '8' => return "1000";
when '9' => return "1001";
when 'a' | 'A' => return "1010";
when 'b' | 'B' => return "1011";
when 'c' | 'C' => return "1100";
when 'd' | 'D' => return "1101";
when 'e' | 'E' => return "1110";
when 'f' | 'F' => return "1111";
when others =>
report LF & "Error: c2std_vec found non Hex didgit on file line "
severity failure;
return "XXXX";
end case;
end c2std_vec;
-- std_vec2c convert 4 bit std_vector to a character
-- input std_logic_vector 4 bits
-- output character
function std_vec2c(vec: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)) return character is
case vec is
when "0000" => return '0';
when "0001" => return '1';
when "0010" => return '2';
when "0011" => return '3';
when "0100" => return '4';
when "0101" => return '5';
when "0110" => return '6';
when "0111" => return '7';
when "1000" => return '8';
when "1001" => return '9';
when "1010" => return 'A';
when "1011" => return 'B';
when "1100" => return 'C';
when "1101" => return 'D';
when "1110" => return 'E';
when "1111" => return 'F';
when others =>
report LF & "Error: std_vec2c found non-binary didgit in vec "
severity failure;
return 'X';
end case;
end std_vec2c;
-- bin2integer convert bin Stimulus field to integer
-- inputs : string of type text_field containing only binary numbers
-- return : integer value
function bin2integer(bin_number: in text_field;
file_name: in text_line;
line: in integer) return integer is
variable len: integer;
variable temp_field: text_field;
variable temp_int: integer;
variable power: integer;
variable int_number: integer;
len := fld_len(bin_number);
power := 0;
temp_int := 0;
for i in len downto 1 loop
case bin_number(i) is
when '0' =>
int_number := 0;
when '1' =>
int_number := 1;
when others =>
report LF & "Error: bin2integer found non Binary didgit on line "
& (integer'image(line)) & " of file " & file_name
severity failure;
end case;
temp_int := temp_int + (int_number *(2 ** power));
power := power + 1;
end loop;
return temp_int;
end bin2integer;
-- stim_to_integer convert Stimulus field to integer
-- inputs : string of type text_field "stimulus format of number"
-- return : integer value
function stim_to_integer(field: in text_field;
file_name: in text_line;
line: in integer) return integer is
variable len: integer;
variable text: text_field;
variable value: integer := 1;
variable temp_str : string(1 to 48);
len := fld_len(field);
case field(1) is
when 'x' | 'h' =>
value := 2;
while(field(value) /= nul) loop
temp_str(value - 1) := field(value);
value := value + 1;
end loop;
value := hex2integer(temp_str,file_name,line);
when 'b' =>
value := 2;
while(field(value) /= nul) loop
temp_str(value - 1) := field(value);
value := value + 1;
end loop;
value := bin2integer(temp_str,file_name,line);
when others =>
-- value := from_string(field(1 to len));
value := str2integer(field);
end case;
return value;
end stim_to_integer;
-- to_str function with base parameter
-- Convert integer to number base
function ew_to_str(int: integer; b: base) return text_field is
variable temp : text_field ;
variable temp1 : text_field ;
variable radix : integer := 0;
variable num : integer := 0;
variable power : integer := 1;
variable len : integer := 1;
variable pre : string(1 to 2);
variable i : integer;
variable j : integer;
variable vec : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
num := int;
temp := (others => nul);
case b is
when bin =>
radix := 2; -- depending on what
pre := "0b";
when oct =>
radix := 8; -- base the number is
pre := "0o";
when hex =>
radix := 16; -- to be displayed as
pre := "0x";
when dec =>
radix := 10; -- choose a radix range
pre := (others => nul);
end case ;
-- Now jump through Hoops because of sign
if(num < 0 and b = hex) then
vec := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(int, 32));
temp(1) := std_vec2c(vec(31 downto 28));
temp(2) := std_vec2c(vec(27 downto 24));
temp(3) := std_vec2c(vec(23 downto 20));
temp(4) := std_vec2c(vec(19 downto 16));
temp(5) := std_vec2c(vec(15 downto 12));
temp(6) := std_vec2c(vec(11 downto 8));
temp(7) := std_vec2c(vec(7 downto 4));
temp(8) := std_vec2c(vec(3 downto 0));
while num >= radix loop -- determine how many
len := len + 1; -- characters required
num := num / radix; -- to represent the
end loop ; -- number.
for i in len downto 1 loop -- convert the number to
temp(i) := ew_to_char(int/power mod radix); -- a string starting
power := power * radix; -- with the right hand
end loop ; -- side.
end if;
-- add prefix if is one
if(pre(1) /= nul) then
temp1 := temp;
i := 1;
j := 3;
temp(1 to 2) := pre;
while(temp1(i) /= nul) loop
temp(j) := temp1(i);
i := i + 1;
j := j + 1;
end loop;
end if;
return temp;
end ew_to_str ;
-- Procedure to print instruction records to stdout *for debug*
procedure print_inst(variable inst : in stim_line_ptr) is
variable l: text_line;
variable l_i: integer := 1;
variable j: integer := 1;
while (inst.instruction(j) /= nul) loop
l(l_i) := inst.instruction(j);
j := j +1;
l_i := l_i + 1;
end loop;
l(l_i) := ' ';
l_i := l_i + 1;
j := 1;
-- field one
if(inst.inst_field_1(1) /= nul) then
while (inst.inst_field_1(j) /= nul) loop
l(l_i) := inst.inst_field_1(j);
j := j +1;
l_i := l_i + 1;
end loop;
l(l_i) := ' ';
l_i := l_i + 1;
j := 1;
-- field two
if(inst.inst_field_2(1) /= nul) then
while (inst.inst_field_2(j) /= nul) loop
l(l_i) := inst.inst_field_2(j);
j := j +1;
l_i := l_i + 1;
end loop;
l(l_i) := ' ';
l_i := l_i + 1;
j := 1;
-- field three
if(inst.inst_field_3(1) /= nul) then
while (inst.inst_field_3(j) /= nul) loop
l(l_i) := inst.inst_field_3(j);
j := j +1;
l_i := l_i + 1;
end loop;
l(l_i) := ' ';
l_i := l_i + 1;
j := 1;
-- field four
if(inst.inst_field_4(1) /= nul) then
while (inst.inst_field_4(j) /= nul) loop
l(l_i) := inst.inst_field_4(j);
j := j +1;
l_i := l_i + 1;
end loop;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
print(" Sequence Number: " & to_str(inst.line_number) &
" File Line Number: " & to_str(inst.file_line));
if(inst.num_of_lines > 0) then
print(" Number of Lines: " & to_str(inst.num_of_lines));
end if;
end print_inst;
-- access_variable
-- inputs:
-- Text field containing variable
-- outputs:
-- value $VAR returns Value of VAR
-- value VAR returns index of VAR
-- valid is 1 if valid 0 if not
procedure access_variable(variable var_list : in var_field_ptr;
variable var : in text_field;
variable value : out integer;
variable valid : out integer) is
variable l : integer;
variable l_2 : integer;
variable var_ptr : var_field_ptr;
variable temp_field : text_field;
variable ptr : integer := 0; -- 0 is index, 1 is pointer
l := fld_len(var);
valid := 0;
-- if the variable is a special
if(var(1) = '=') then
value := 0;
valid := 1;
elsif(var(1 to 2) = ">=") then
value := 4;
valid := 1;
elsif(var(1 to 2) = "<=") then
value := 5;
valid := 1;
elsif(var(1) = '>') then
value := 1;
valid := 1;
elsif(var(1) = '<') then
value := 2;
valid := 1;
elsif(var(1 to 2) = "!=") then
value := 3;
valid := 1;
if(var(1) = '$') then
ptr := 1; -- this is a pointer
for i in 2 to l loop
temp_field(i-1) := var(i);
end loop;
temp_field := var;
end if;
var_ptr := var_list;
while(var_ptr.next_rec /= null) loop
-- if we have a match
if(temp_field = var_ptr.var_name) then
if(ptr = 1) then
value := var_ptr.var_value;
valid := 1;
value := var_ptr.var_index;
valid := 1;
end if;
end if;
var_ptr := var_ptr.next_rec;
end loop;
-- if we have a match and was the last record
if(var_ptr.next_rec = null and temp_field = var_ptr.var_name) then
if(ptr = 1) then
value := var_ptr.var_value;
valid := 1;
value := var_ptr.var_index;
valid := 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end access_variable;
-- index_variable
-- inputs:
-- index: the index of the variable being accessed
-- outputs:
-- Variable Value
-- valid is 1 if valid 0 if not
procedure index_variable(variable var_list : in var_field_ptr;
variable index : in integer;
variable value : out integer;
variable valid : out integer) is
variable ptr: var_field_ptr;
ptr := var_list;
valid := 0;
while(ptr.next_rec /= null) loop
if(ptr.var_index = index) then
value := ptr.var_value;
valid := 1;
end if;
ptr := ptr.next_rec;
end loop;
if(ptr.var_index = index) then
value := ptr.var_value;
valid := 1;
end if;
end index_variable;
-- update_variable
-- inputs:
-- index: the index of the variable being updated
-- outputs:
-- valid is 1 if valid 0 if not
procedure update_variable(variable var_list : in var_field_ptr;
variable index : in integer;
variable value : in integer;
variable valid : out integer) is
variable ptr: var_field_ptr;
ptr := var_list;
valid := 0;
while(ptr.next_rec /= null) loop
if(ptr.var_index = index) then
ptr.var_value := value;
valid := 1;
end if;
ptr := ptr.next_rec;
end loop;
-- check the current one
if(ptr.var_index = index) then
ptr.var_value := value;
valid := 1;
end if;
end update_variable;
-- Read a line from a file
-- inputs : file of type text
-- outputs : The line of type text_line
procedure file_read_line(file file_name: text;
variable file_line: out text_line
) is
variable index: integer; -- index into string
variable rline: line;
index := 1; -- set index to begin of string
file_line := (others => nul);
if(not endfile(file_name)) then
while(rline'right /= (index - 1) and rline'length /= 0) loop
file_line(index) := rline(index);
index := index + 1;
end loop;
end if;
end file_read_line;
-- procedure to break a line down in to text fields
procedure tokenize_line(variable text_line: in text_line;
variable token1: out text_field;
variable token2: out text_field;
variable token3: out text_field;
variable token4: out text_field;
variable token5: out text_field;
variable token6: out text_field;
variable token7: out text_field;
variable txt_ptr: out stm_text_ptr;
variable valid: out integer) is
variable token_index: integer := 0;
variable current_token: text_field;
variable token_number: integer := 0;
variable c: string(1 to 2);
variable comment_found: integer := 0;
variable txt_found: integer := 0;
variable j: integer;
-- null outputs
token1 := (others => nul);
token2 := (others => nul);
token3 := (others => nul);
token4 := (others => nul);
token5 := (others => nul);
token6 := (others => nul);
token7 := (others => nul);
txt_ptr := null;
valid := 0;
txt_found := 0;
j := 1;
-- loop for max number of char
for i in 1 to text_line'high loop
-- collect for comment test ** assumed no line will be max 256
c(1) := text_line(i);
c(2) := text_line(i + 1); -- or this line will blow up
if(c = "--") then
comment_found := 1;
end if;
-- if is begin text char '"'
if(c(1) = '"') then --" <-- this double quote is just to fix highlighting.
txt_found := 1;
txt_ptr := new stm_text;
end if;
-- if we have found a txt string
if (txt_found = 1 and text_line(i) /= nul) then
-- if string too long, prevent tool hang, truncate and notify
if(j > c_stm_text_len) then
print("tokenize_line: truncated txt line, it was larger than c_stm_text_len");
end if;
txt_ptr(j) := text_line(i);
j := j + 1;
-- if is a character store in the right token
elsif(is_space(text_line(i)) = false and text_line(i) /= nul) then
token_index := token_index + 1;
current_token(token_index) := text_line(i);
-- else is a space, deal with pointers
elsif(is_space(text_line(i + 1)) = false and text_line(i + 1) /= nul) then
case token_number is
when 0 =>
if(token_index /= 0) then
token1 := current_token;
current_token := (others => nul);
token_number := 1;
valid := 1;
token_index := 0;
end if;
when 1 =>
token2 := current_token;
current_token := (others => nul);
token_number := 2;
valid := 2;
token_index := 0;
when 2 =>
token3 := current_token;
current_token := (others => nul);
token_number := 3;
valid := 3;
token_index := 0;
when 3 =>
token4 := current_token;
current_token := (others => nul);
token_number := 4;
valid := 4;
token_index := 0;
when 4 =>
token5 := current_token;
current_token := (others => nul);
token_number := 5;
valid := 5;
token_index := 0;
when 5 =>
token6 := current_token;
current_token := (others => nul);
token_number := 6;
valid := 6;
token_index := 0;
when 6 =>
token7 := current_token;
current_token := (others => nul);
token_number := 7;
valid := 7;
token_index := 0;
when 7 =>
when others =>
end case;
end if;
-- break from loop if is null
if(text_line(i) = nul) then
if(token_index /= 0) then
case token_number is
when 0 =>
token1 := current_token;
valid := 1;
when 1 =>
token2 := current_token;
valid := 2;
when 2 =>
token3 := current_token;
valid := 3;
when 3 =>
token4 := current_token;
valid := 4;
when 4 =>
token5 := current_token;
valid := 5;
when 5 =>
token6 := current_token;
valid := 6;
when 6 =>
token7 := current_token;
valid := 7;
when others =>
end case;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
-- did we find a comment and there is a token
if(comment_found = 1) then
if(token_index /= 0) then
case token_number is
when 0 =>
token1 := current_token;
valid := 1;
when 1 =>
token2 := current_token;
valid := 2;
when 2 =>
token3 := current_token;
valid := 3;
when 3 =>
token4 := current_token;
valid := 4;
when 4 =>
token5 := current_token;
valid := 5;
when 5 =>
token6 := current_token;
valid := 6;
when 6 =>
token7 := current_token;
valid := 7;
when others =>
end case;
end if;
end if;
end tokenize_line;
-- Add a new instruction to the instruction list
-- inputs : the linked list of instructions
-- the instruction
-- the number of args
-- outputs : Updated instruction set linked list
procedure define_instruction(variable inst_set: inout inst_def_ptr;
constant inst: in string;
constant args: in integer) is
variable v_inst_ptr: inst_def_ptr;
variable v_prev_ptr: inst_def_ptr;
variable v_new_ptr: inst_def_ptr;
variable v_temp_inst: inst_def_ptr;
variable v_length: integer;
variable v_list_size: integer;
variable v_dup_error: boolean;
assert(inst'high <= max_field_len)
report LF & "Error: Creation of Instruction of length greater than Max_field_len attemped!!" &
LF & "This Max is currently set to " & (integer'image(max_field_len))
severity failure;
-- get to the last element and test is not exsiting
v_temp_inst := inst_set;
v_inst_ptr := inst_set;
-- zero the size
v_list_size := 0;
while(v_inst_ptr /= null) loop
-- if there is a chance of a duplicate command
if(v_inst_ptr.instruction_l = inst'high) then
v_dup_error := true;
for i in 1 to inst'high loop
if(v_inst_ptr.instruction(i) /= inst(i)) then
v_dup_error := false;
end if;
end loop;
-- if we find a duplicate, die
assert(v_dup_error = false)
report LF & "Error: Duplicate instruction definition attempted!"
severity failure;
end if;
v_prev_ptr := v_inst_ptr; -- store for pointer updates
v_inst_ptr := v_inst_ptr.next_rec;
v_list_size := v_list_size + 1;
end loop;
-- add the new instruction
v_new_ptr := new inst_def;
-- if this is the first command return new pointer
if(v_list_size = 0) then
v_temp_inst := v_new_ptr;
-- else write new pointer to next_rec
v_prev_ptr.next_rec := v_new_ptr;
end if;
v_new_ptr.instruction_l := inst'high;
v_new_ptr.params := args;
-- copy the instruction text into field
for i in 1 to v_new_ptr.instruction_l loop
v_new_ptr.instruction(i) := inst(i);
end loop;
-- return the pointer
inst_set := v_temp_inst;
end define_instruction;
-- Check for valid instruction in the list of instructions
procedure check_valid_inst(variable inst : in text_field;
variable inst_set : in inst_def_ptr;
variable token_num: in integer;
variable line_num : in integer;
variable name : in text_line) is
variable l : integer := 0;
variable seti: inst_def_ptr;
variable match: integer := 0;
variable ilv: integer := 0; -- inline variable
-- create useable pointer
seti := inst_set;
-- count up the characters in inst
l := fld_len(inst);
-- if this is a referance variable -- handle in add variable Proc
if(inst(l) = ':') then
match := 1;
ilv := 1;
-- process list till null next
while (seti.next_rec /= null) loop
if(seti.instruction_l = l) then
match := 1;
for j in 1 to l loop
if(seti.instruction(j) /= inst(j)) then
match := 0;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
if(match = 0) then
seti := seti.next_rec;
end if;
end loop;
-- check current one
if(seti.instruction_l = l and match = 0) then
match := 1;
for j in 1 to l loop
if(seti.instruction(j) /= inst(j)) then
match := 0;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end if;
-- if we had a match, check the number of paramiters
if(match = 1 and ilv = 0) then
assert(seti.params = (token_num - 1))
report LF & "Error: Undefined Instruction was found, incorrect number of fields passed!" & LF &
"This is found on line " & (integer'image(line_num)) & " in file " & name & LF
severity failure;
end if;
-- if we find a duplicate, die
assert(match = 1)
report LF & "Error: Undefined Instruction on line " & (integer'image(line_num)) &
" found in input file " & name & LF
severity failure;
end check_valid_inst;
-- add_variable
-- This procedure adds a variable to the variable list. This is localy
-- available at this time.
procedure add_variable(variable var_list : inout var_field_ptr;
variable p1 : in text_field; -- should be var name
variable p2 : in text_field; -- should be value
variable token_num : in integer;
variable sequ_num : in integer;
variable line_num : in integer;
variable name : in text_line;
variable length : in integer) is
variable temp_var: var_field_ptr;
variable current_ptr: var_field_ptr;
variable index: integer := 1;
variable len: integer := 0;
-- if this is NOT the first one
if(var_list /= null) then
current_ptr := var_list;
index := index + 1;
if(p1(length) /= ':') then -- is not an inline variable
while(current_ptr.next_rec /= null) loop
-- if we have defined the current before then die
assert(current_ptr.var_name /= p1)
report LF & "Error: Attemping to add a duplicate Variable definition "
& " on line " & (integer'image(line_num)) & " of file " & name
severity failure;
current_ptr := current_ptr.next_rec;
index := index + 1;
end loop;
-- if we have defined the current before then die. This checks the last one
assert(current_ptr.var_name /= p1)
report LF & "Error: Attemping to add a duplicate Variable definition "
& " on line " & (integer'image(line_num)) & " of file " & name
severity failure;
temp_var := new var_field;
temp_var.var_name := p1; -- direct write of text_field
temp_var.var_value := stim_to_integer(p2,name,line_num); -- convert text_field to integer
temp_var.var_index := index;
current_ptr.next_rec := temp_var;
else -- this is an inline variable
while(current_ptr.next_rec /= null) loop
-- if we have defined the current before then die
len := fld_len(current_ptr.var_name);
assert(current_ptr.var_name(1 to len) /= p1(1 to (length - 1)))
report LF & "Error: Attemping to add a duplicate Inline Variable definition "
& " on line " & (integer'image(line_num)) & " of file " & name
severity failure;
current_ptr := current_ptr.next_rec;
index := index + 1;
end loop;
-- if we have defined the current before then die. This checks the last one
len := fld_len(current_ptr.var_name);
assert(current_ptr.var_name(1 to len) /= p1(1 to (length - 1)))
report LF & "Error: Attemping to add a duplicate Inline Variable definition "
& " on line " & (integer'image(line_num)) & " of file " & name
severity failure;
temp_var := new var_field;
temp_var.var_name(1 to (length - 1)) := p1(1 to (length - 1));
temp_var.var_value := sequ_num;
temp_var.var_index := index;
current_ptr.next_rec := temp_var;
end if;
-- this is the first one
if(p1(length) /= ':') then -- is not an inline variable
temp_var := new var_field;
temp_var.var_name := p1; -- direct write of text_field
temp_var.var_index := index;
temp_var.var_value := stim_to_integer(p2,name,line_num); -- convert text_field to integer
var_list := temp_var;
temp_var := new var_field;
temp_var.var_name(1 to (length - 1)) := p1(1 to (length - 1));
temp_var.var_value := sequ_num;
temp_var.var_index := index;
var_list := temp_var;
end if;
end if;
end add_variable;
-- add_instruction
-- This is the procedure that adds the instruction to the linked list of
-- instructions. Also Variable addition are called and or handled.
-- the instruction sequence Link list.
-- inputs:
-- stim_line_ptr is the pointer to the instruction List
-- inst is the instruction token
-- p1 paramitor one, corrisponds to field one of stimulus
-- p2 paramitor one, corrisponds to field two of stimulus
-- p3 paramitor one, corrisponds to field three of stimulus
-- p4 paramitor one, corrisponds to field four of stimulus
-- p5 paramitor one, corrisponds to field three of stimulus
-- p6 paramitor one, corrisponds to field four of stimulus
-- str_ptr pointer to string for print instruction
-- token_num the number of tokens, including instruction
-- sequ_num is the stimulus file line referance ie program line number
-- line_num Line number in the text file
-- outputs:
-- none. Error will terminate sim
procedure add_instruction(variable inst_list : inout stim_line_ptr;
variable var_list : inout var_field_ptr;
variable inst : in text_field;
variable p1 : in text_field;
variable p2 : in text_field;
variable p3 : in text_field;
variable p4 : in text_field;
variable p5 : in text_field;
variable p6 : in text_field;
variable str_ptr : in stm_text_ptr;
variable token_num : in integer;
variable sequ_num : inout integer;
variable line_num : in integer;
variable file_name : in text_line;
variable file_idx : in integer) is
variable temp_stim_line: stim_line_ptr;
variable temp_current: stim_line_ptr;
variable valid: integer;
variable l: integer;
valid := 1;
l := fld_len(inst);
temp_current := inst_list;
-- take care of special cases
if(inst(1 to l) = "DEFINE_VAR") then
l := fld_len(p1);
-- Add the variable to the Variable pool, not considered an instruction
valid := 0; --Removes this from the instruction list
elsif(inst(l) = ':') then
valid := 0;
end if;
if(valid = 1) then
-- prepare the new record
temp_stim_line := new stim_line;
temp_stim_line.instruction := inst;
temp_stim_line.inst_field_1 := p1;
temp_stim_line.inst_field_2 := p2;
temp_stim_line.inst_field_3 := p3;
temp_stim_line.inst_field_4 := p4;
temp_stim_line.inst_field_5 := p5;
temp_stim_line.inst_field_6 := p6;
temp_stim_line.txt := str_ptr;
temp_stim_line.line_number := sequ_num;
temp_stim_line.file_idx := file_idx;
temp_stim_line.file_line := line_num;
-- if is not the first instruction
if(inst_list /= null) then
while(temp_current.next_rec /= null) loop
temp_current := temp_current.next_rec;
end loop;
temp_current.next_rec := temp_stim_line;
inst_list.num_of_lines := inst_list.num_of_lines + 1;
-- other wise is first instruction to be added
inst_list := temp_stim_line;
inst_list.num_of_lines := 1;
end if;
sequ_num := sequ_num + 1;
-- print_inst(temp_stim_line); -- for debug
end if;
end add_instruction;
-- test_inst_sequ
-- This procedure accesses the full instruction sequence and checks for valid
-- variables. This is prior to the simulation run start.
procedure test_inst_sequ(variable inst_sequ : in stim_line_ptr;
variable file_list : in file_def_ptr;
variable var_list : in var_field_ptr
) is
variable temp_text_field: text_field;
variable temp_var: text_field;
variable inst_ptr: stim_line_ptr;
variable valid: integer;
variable line: integer; -- value of the file_line
variable file_name: text_line;
variable v_p: integer;
variable inst : text_field;
variable txt : stm_text_ptr;
variable inst_len : integer;
variable fname : text_line;
variable file_line : integer;
variable temp_fn_prt: file_def_ptr;
variable tmp_int : integer;
inst_ptr := inst_sequ;
-- go through all the instructions
while(inst_ptr.next_rec /= null) loop
inst := inst_ptr.instruction;
inst_len := fld_len(inst_ptr.instruction);
file_line := inst_ptr.file_line;
line := inst_ptr.file_line;
-- recover the file name this line came from
temp_fn_prt := file_list;
tmp_int := inst_ptr.file_idx;
while (temp_fn_prt.next_rec /= null) loop
if(temp_fn_prt.rec_idx = tmp_int) then
end if;
temp_fn_prt := temp_fn_prt.next_rec;
end loop;
for i in 1 to fname'high loop
file_name(i) := temp_fn_prt.file_name(i);
end loop;
txt := inst_ptr.txt;
-- load parameter one
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_1;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric do nothing
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b' or is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: First variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- load parameter two
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_2;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric do nothing
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b' or is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: Second variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- load parameter three
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_3;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric do nothing
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b' or is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: Third variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- load parameter four
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_4;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric do nothing
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b'or is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: Forth variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- load parameter five
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_5;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric do nothing
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b' or is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: Fifth variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- load parameter six
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_6;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric field convert to integer
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b' or is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: Sixth variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- point to next record
inst_ptr := inst_ptr.next_rec;
end loop;
end test_inst_sequ;
-- The read include file procedure
-- This is the main procedure for reading, parcing, checking and returning
-- the instruction sequence Link list.
procedure read_include_file(variable name: text_line;
variable sequ_numb: inout integer;
variable file_list: inout file_def_ptr;
variable inst_set: inout inst_def_ptr;
variable var_list: inout var_field_ptr;
variable inst_sequ: inout stim_line_ptr;
variable status: inout integer) is
variable l: text_line; -- the line
variable l_num: integer; -- line number file
variable sequ_line: integer; -- line number program
variable t1: text_field;
variable t2: text_field;
variable t3: text_field;
variable t4: text_field;
variable t5: text_field;
variable t6: text_field;
variable t7: text_field;
variable t_txt: stm_text_ptr;
variable valid: integer;
variable v_inst_ptr: inst_def_ptr;
variable v_var_prt: var_field_ptr;
variable v_sequ_ptr: stim_line_ptr;
variable v_len: integer;
variable v_stat: file_open_status;
variable idx: integer;
variable v_tmp: text_line;
variable v_tmp_fn_ptr: file_def_ptr;
variable v_new_fn: integer;
variable v_tmp_fn: file_def_ptr;
variable v_txt: stm_text; --stm_text_ptr;
sequ_line := sequ_numb;
v_tmp_fn_ptr := file_list;
-- for linux systems, trailing spaces need to be removed
-- from file names
-- copy text string to temp
for i in 1 to c_stm_text_len loop
if(name(i) = nul) then
v_tmp(i) := name(i);
v_tmp(i) := name(i);
end if;
end loop;
--fix up any trailing white space in txt
idx := 0;
-- get to the end of the string
for i in 1 to c_stm_text_len loop
if(v_tmp(i) /= nul) then
idx := idx + 1;
end if;
end loop;
-- now nul out spaces
for i in idx downto 1 loop
if(is_space(v_tmp(i)) = true) then
v_tmp(i) := nul;
end if;
end loop;
-- open include file
file_open(v_stat, include_file, v_tmp, read_mode);
if(v_stat /= open_ok) then
print("Error: Unable to open include file " & name);
status := 1;
end if;
l_num := 1; -- initialize line number
-- the file is opened, put it on the file name LL
while (v_tmp_fn_ptr.next_rec /= null) loop
v_tmp_fn_ptr := v_tmp_fn_ptr.next_rec;
end loop;
v_new_fn := v_tmp_fn_ptr.rec_idx + 1;
v_tmp_fn := new file_def;
v_tmp_fn_ptr.next_rec := v_tmp_fn;
v_tmp_fn.rec_idx := v_new_fn;
-- nul the text line
v_tmp_fn.file_name := (others => nul);
for i in 1 to name'high loop
v_tmp_fn.file_name(i) := name(i);
end loop;
v_tmp_fn.next_rec := null;
v_inst_ptr := inst_set;
v_var_prt := var_list;
v_sequ_ptr := inst_sequ;
-- while not the end of file read it
while(not endfile(include_file)) loop
-- tokenize the line
v_len := fld_len(t1);
if(t1(1 to v_len) = "INCLUDE") then
print("Nested INCLUDE statement found in " & v_tmp & " on line " &
report LF & "Error: Nested INCLUDE statements are not supported at this time."
severity failure;
-- if there was valid tokens
elsif(valid /= 0) then
check_valid_inst(t1, v_inst_ptr, valid, l_num, name);
end if;
l_num := l_num + 1;
end loop; -- end loop read file
sequ_numb := sequ_line;
inst_set := v_inst_ptr;
var_list := v_var_prt;
inst_sequ := v_sequ_ptr;
end read_include_file;
-- The read instruction file procedure
-- This is the main procedure for reading, parcing, checking and returning
-- the instruction sequence Link list.
procedure read_instruction_file(constant file_name: string;
variable inst_set: inout inst_def_ptr;
variable var_list: inout var_field_ptr;
variable inst_sequ: inout stim_line_ptr;
variable file_list: inout file_def_ptr) is
variable l: text_line; -- the line
variable l_num: integer; -- line number file
variable sequ_line: integer; -- line number program
variable t1: text_field;
variable t2: text_field;
variable t3: text_field;
variable t4: text_field;
variable t5: text_field;
variable t6: text_field;
variable t7: text_field;
variable t_txt: stm_text_ptr;
variable valid: integer;
variable v_ostat: integer;
variable v_inst_ptr: inst_def_ptr;
variable v_var_prt: var_field_ptr;
variable v_sequ_ptr: stim_line_ptr;
variable v_len: integer;
variable v_stat: file_open_status;
variable v_name: text_line;
variable v_iname: text_line;
variable v_tmp_fn: file_def_ptr;
variable v_fn_idx: integer;
variable v_idx: integer;
-- open the stimulus_file and check
file_open(v_stat, stimulus, file_name, read_mode);
assert(v_stat = open_ok)
report LF & "Error: Unable to open stimulus_file " & file_name
severity failure;
-- copy file name to type text_line
for i in 1 to file_name'high loop
v_name(i) := file_name(i);
end loop;
-- the first item on the file names link list
file_list := null;
v_tmp_fn := new file_def;
v_tmp_fn.rec_idx := 1;
v_fn_idx := 1;
v_idx := 1;
-- nul the text line
v_tmp_fn.file_name := (others => nul);
for i in 1 to file_name'high loop
v_tmp_fn.file_name(i) := file_name(i);
end loop;
v_tmp_fn.next_rec := null;
l_num := 1;
sequ_line := 1;
v_ostat := 0;
v_inst_ptr := inst_set;
v_var_prt := var_list;
v_sequ_ptr := inst_sequ;
-- while not the end of file read it
while(not endfile(stimulus)) loop
-- tokenize the line
v_len := fld_len(t1);
-- if there is an INCLUDE instruction
if(t1(1 to v_len) = "INCLUDE") then
-- if file name is in par2
if(valid = 2) then
v_iname := (others => nul);
for i in 1 to max_field_len loop
v_iname(i) := t2(i);
end loop;
-- elsif the text string is not null
elsif(t_txt /= null) then
v_iname := (others => nul);
for i in 1 to c_stm_text_len loop
v_iname(i) := t_txt(i);
if(t_txt(i) = nul) then
end if;
end loop;
report LF & "Error: INCLUDE instruction has not file name included. Found on" & LF &
"line " & (integer'image(l_num)) & " in file " & file_name & LF
severity failure;
end if;
print("INCLUDE found: Loading file " & v_iname);
-- if include file not found
if(v_ostat = 1) then
end if;
-- if there was valid tokens
elsif(valid /= 0) then
check_valid_inst(t1, v_inst_ptr, valid, l_num, v_name);
end if;
l_num := l_num + 1;
end loop; -- end loop read file
file_close(stimulus); -- close the file when done
assert(v_ostat = 0)
report LF & "Include file specified on line " & (integer'image(l_num)) &
" in file " & file_name &
" was not found! Test Terminated" & LF
severity failure;
inst_set := v_inst_ptr;
var_list := v_var_prt;
inst_sequ := v_sequ_ptr;
file_list := v_tmp_fn;
-- Now that all the stimulus is loaded, test for invalid variables
test_inst_sequ(inst_sequ, v_tmp_fn, var_list);
end read_instruction_file;
-- access_inst_sequ
-- This procedure accesses the instruction sequence and returns the parameters
-- as they exsist related to the variables state.
-- INPUTS: inst_sequ link list of instructions from stimulus
-- var_list link list of variables
-- file_list link list of file names
-- sequ_num the sequence number to recover
-- OUTPUTS: inst instruction text
-- p1 paramiter 1 in integer form
-- p2 paramiter 2 in integer form
-- p3 paramiter 3 in integer form
-- p4 paramiter 4 in integer form
-- p5 paramiter 5 in integer form
-- p6 paramiter 6 in integer form
-- txt pointer to any text string of this sequence
-- inst_len the lenth of inst in characters
-- fname file name this sequence came from
-- file_line the line number in fname this sequence came from
procedure access_inst_sequ(variable inst_sequ : in stim_line_ptr;
variable var_list : in var_field_ptr;
variable file_list : in file_def_ptr;
variable sequ_num : in integer;
variable inst : out text_field;
variable p1 : out integer;
variable p2 : out integer;
variable p3 : out integer;
variable p4 : out integer;
variable p5 : out integer;
variable p6 : out integer;
variable txt : out stm_text_ptr;
variable inst_len : out integer;
variable fname : out text_line;
variable file_line : out integer;
variable last_num : inout integer;
variable last_ptr : inout stim_line_ptr
) is
variable temp_text_field: text_field;
variable temp_var: text_field;
variable inst_ptr: stim_line_ptr;
variable valid: integer;
variable line: integer; -- value of the file_line
variable file_name: text_line;
variable tmp_int: integer;
variable temp_fn_prt: file_def_ptr;
-- get to the instruction indicated by sequ_num
-- check to see if this sequence is before the last
-- so search from start
if(last_num > sequ_num) then
inst_ptr := inst_sequ;
while(inst_ptr.next_rec /= null) loop
if(inst_ptr.line_number = sequ_num) then
inst_ptr := inst_ptr.next_rec;
end if;
end loop;
-- else is equal or greater, so search forward
inst_ptr := last_ptr;
while(inst_ptr.next_rec /= null) loop
if(inst_ptr.line_number = sequ_num) then
inst_ptr := inst_ptr.next_rec;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
-- update the last sequence number and record pointer
last_num := sequ_num;
last_ptr := inst_ptr;
-- output the instruction and its length
inst := inst_ptr.instruction;
inst_len := fld_len(inst_ptr.instruction);
file_line := inst_ptr.file_line;
line := inst_ptr.file_line;
-- recover the file name this line came from
temp_fn_prt := file_list;
tmp_int := inst_ptr.file_idx;
while (temp_fn_prt.next_rec /= null) loop
if(temp_fn_prt.rec_idx = tmp_int) then
end if;
temp_fn_prt := temp_fn_prt.next_rec;
end loop;
for i in 1 to fname'high loop
file_name(i) := temp_fn_prt.file_name(i);
end loop;
txt := inst_ptr.txt;
-- load parameter one
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_1;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric field convert to integer
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b') then
p1 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
elsif(is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
p1 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: First variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- load parameter two
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_2;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric field convert to integer
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b') then
p2 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
elsif(is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
p2 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: Second variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- load parameter three
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_3;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric field convert to integer
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b') then
p3 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
elsif(is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
p3 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: Third variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- load parameter four
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_4;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric field convert to integer
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b') then
p4 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
elsif(is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
p4 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: Forth variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- load parameter five
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_5;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric field convert to integer
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b') then
p5 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
elsif(is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
p5 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: Fifth variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- load parameter six
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_6;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric field convert to integer
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b') then
p6 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
elsif(is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
p6 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: Sixth variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
end access_inst_sequ;
-- dump inst_sequ
-- This procedure dumps to the simulation window the current instruction
-- sequence. The whole thing will be dumped, which could be big.
-- ** intended for testbench development debug **
-- procedure dump_inst_sequ(variable inst_sequ : in stim_line_ptr) is
-- variable v_sequ : stim_line_ptr;
-- begin
-- v_sequ := inst_sequ;
-- while(v_sequ.next_rec /= null) loop
-- print("-----------------------------------------------------------------");
-- print("Instruction is " & v_sequ.instruction &
-- " Par1: " & v_sequ.inst_field_1 &
-- " Par2: " & v_sequ.inst_field_2 &
-- " Par3: " & v_sequ.inst_field_3 &
-- " Par4: " & v_sequ.inst_field_4);
-- print("Line Number: " & to_str(v_sequ.line_number) & " File Line Number: " & to_str(v_sequ.file_line) &
-- " File Name: " & v_sequ.file_name);
-- v_sequ := v_sequ.next_rec;
-- end loop;
-- -- get the last one
-- print("-----------------------------------------------------------------");
-- print("Instruction is " & v_sequ.instruction & " Par1: " & v_sequ.inst_field_1 &
-- " Par2: " & v_sequ.inst_field_2 & " Par3: " & v_sequ.inst_field_3 &
-- " Par4: " & v_sequ.inst_field_4);
-- print("Line Number: " & to_str(v_sequ.line_number) & " File Line Number: " & to_str(v_sequ.file_line) &
-- " File Name: " & v_sequ.file_name);
-- end dump_inst_sequ;
-- Procedure to print messages to stdout
procedure print(s: in string) is
variable l: line;
write(l, s);
end print;
-- procedure to print to the stdout the txt pointer
procedure txt_print(variable ptr: in stm_text_ptr) is
variable txt_str : stm_text;
if (ptr /= null) then
txt_str := (others => nul);
for i in 1 to c_stm_text_len loop
if (ptr(i) = nul) then
end if;
txt_str(i) := ptr(i);
end loop;
end if;
end txt_print;
-- procedure to print to the stdout the txt pointer, and
-- sub any variables found
procedure txt_print_wvar(variable var_list : in var_field_ptr;
variable ptr : in stm_text_ptr;
constant b : in base) is
variable i: integer;
variable j: integer;
variable k: integer;
variable txt_str: stm_text;
variable tmp_str: stm_text;
variable v1: integer;
variable valid: integer;
variable tmp_field: text_field;
variable tmp_i: integer;
if(ptr /= null) then
i := 1;
j := 1;
txt_str := (others => nul);
while(i <= c_stm_text_len and j <= c_stm_text_len) loop
if(ptr(i) /= '$') then
txt_str(j) := ptr(i);
i := i + 1;
j := j + 1;
tmp_field := (others => nul);
tmp_i := 1;
tmp_field(tmp_i) := ptr(i);
i := i + 1;
tmp_i := tmp_i + 1;
-- parse to the next space
while(ptr(i) /= ' ' and ptr(i) /= nul) loop
tmp_field(tmp_i) := ptr(i);
i := i + 1;
tmp_i := tmp_i + 1;
end loop;
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Invalid Variable found in stm_text_ptr: ignoring."
severity warning;
if(valid = 1) then
txt_str := ew_str_cat(txt_str, ew_to_str(v1, b));
k := 1;
while(txt_str(k) /= nul) loop
k := k + 1;
end loop;
j := k;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
-- print the created string
end if;
end txt_print_wvar;
end tb_pkg;
-- Copyright 2011 Ken Campbell
-- $Author: sckoarn $
-- $Date: $
-- $Id: $
-- $Source: $
-- Description : The the testbench package body file.
-- GNU release 2 Beta.
--This file is part of The VHDL Test Bench.
-- The VHDL Test Bench is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- The VHDL Test Bench is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with The VHDL Test Bench; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package body tb_pkg is
-- is_digit
function is_digit(constant c: in character) return boolean is
variable rtn : boolean;
if (c >= '0' and c <= '9') then
rtn := true;
rtn := false;
end if;
return rtn;
end is_digit;
-- is_space
function is_space(constant c: in character) return boolean is
variable rtn : boolean;
if(c = ' ' or c = ht) then
rtn := true;
rtn := false;
end if;
return rtn;
end is_space;
-- to_char
function ew_to_char(int: integer) return character is
variable c: character;
c := nul;
case int is
when 0 => c := '0';
when 1 => c := '1';
when 2 => c := '2';
when 3 => c := '3';
when 4 => c := '4';
when 5 => c := '5';
when 6 => c := '6';
when 7 => c := '7';
when 8 => c := '8';
when 9 => c := '9';
when 10 => c := 'A';
when 11 => c := 'B';
when 12 => c := 'C';
when 13 => c := 'D';
when 14 => c := 'E';
when 15 => c := 'F';
when others =>
report LF & "Error: ew_to_char was given a non Number didgit."
severity failure;
end case;
return c;
end ew_to_char;
-- to_string function integer
function to_str(int: integer) return string is
return ew_to_str(int,dec) ;
end to_str ;
-- ew_str_cat
function ew_str_cat(s1: stm_text;
s2: text_field) return stm_text is
variable i: integer;
variable j: integer;
variable sc: stm_text;
sc := s1;
i := 1;
while(sc(i) /= nul) loop
i := i + 1;
end loop;
j := 1;
while(s2(j) /= nul) loop
sc(i) := s2(j);
i := i + 1;
j := j + 1;
end loop;
return sc;
end ew_str_cat;
-- fld_len field length
-- inputs : string of type text_field
-- return : integer number of non 'nul' chars
function fld_len(s : in text_field) return integer is
variable i: integer := 1;
while(s(i) /= nul) loop
i := i + 1;
end loop;
return (i - 1);
end fld_len;
-- c2int convert character to integer
function c2int(c: in character) return integer is
variable i: integer;
i := -1;
case c is
when '0' => i := 0;
when '1' => i := 1;
when '2' => i := 2;
when '3' => i := 3;
when '4' => i := 4;
when '5' => i := 5;
when '6' => i := 6;
when '7' => i := 7;
when '8' => i := 8;
when '9' => i := 9;
when others =>
report LF & "Error: c2int was given a non Number didgit."
severity failure;
end case;
return i;
end c2int;
-- str2integer Convert a string to integer number.
-- inputs : string
-- output : int value
function str2integer(str: in string) return integer is
variable l: integer;
variable j: integer := 1;
variable rtn: integer := 0;
l := fld_len(str);
for i in l downto 1 loop
rtn := rtn + (c2int(str(j)) *(10**(i - 1)));
j := j + 1;
end loop;
return rtn;
end str2integer;
-- hex2integer convert hex Stimulus field to integer
-- inputs : string of type text_field containing only Hex numbers
-- return : integer value
function hex2integer(hex_number: in text_field;
file_name: in text_line;
line: in integer) return integer is
variable len: integer;
variable temp_field: text_field;
variable temp_int: integer;
variable power: integer;
variable int_number: integer;
len := fld_len(hex_number);
power := 0;
temp_int := 0;
for i in len downto 1 loop
case hex_number(i) is
when '0' =>
int_number := 0;
when '1' =>
int_number := 1;
when '2' =>
int_number := 2;
when '3' =>
int_number := 3;
when '4' =>
int_number := 4;
when '5' =>
int_number := 5;
when '6' =>
int_number := 6;
when '7' =>
int_number := 7;
when '8' =>
int_number := 8;
when '9' =>
int_number := 9;
when 'a' | 'A'=>
int_number := 10;
when 'b' | 'B'=>
int_number := 11;
when 'c' | 'C'=>
int_number := 12;
when 'd' | 'D'=>
int_number := 13;
when 'e' | 'E'=>
int_number := 14;
when 'f' | 'F'=>
int_number := 15;
when others =>
report LF & "Error: hex2integer found non Hex didgit on line "
& (integer'image(line)) & " of file " & file_name
severity failure;
end case;
temp_int := temp_int + (int_number *(16 ** power));
power := power + 1;
end loop;
return temp_int;
end hex2integer;
-- convert character to 4 bit vector
-- input character
-- output std_logic_vector 4 bits
function c2std_vec(c: in character) return std_logic_vector is
case c is
when '0' => return "0000";
when '1' => return "0001";
when '2' => return "0010";
when '3' => return "0011";
when '4' => return "0100";
when '5' => return "0101";
when '6' => return "0110";
when '7' => return "0111";
when '8' => return "1000";
when '9' => return "1001";
when 'a' | 'A' => return "1010";
when 'b' | 'B' => return "1011";
when 'c' | 'C' => return "1100";
when 'd' | 'D' => return "1101";
when 'e' | 'E' => return "1110";
when 'f' | 'F' => return "1111";
when others =>
report LF & "Error: c2std_vec found non Hex didgit on file line "
severity failure;
return "XXXX";
end case;
end c2std_vec;
-- std_vec2c convert 4 bit std_vector to a character
-- input std_logic_vector 4 bits
-- output character
function std_vec2c(vec: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)) return character is
case vec is
when "0000" => return '0';
when "0001" => return '1';
when "0010" => return '2';
when "0011" => return '3';
when "0100" => return '4';
when "0101" => return '5';
when "0110" => return '6';
when "0111" => return '7';
when "1000" => return '8';
when "1001" => return '9';
when "1010" => return 'A';
when "1011" => return 'B';
when "1100" => return 'C';
when "1101" => return 'D';
when "1110" => return 'E';
when "1111" => return 'F';
when others =>
report LF & "Error: std_vec2c found non-binary didgit in vec "
severity failure;
return 'X';
end case;
end std_vec2c;
-- bin2integer convert bin Stimulus field to integer
-- inputs : string of type text_field containing only binary numbers
-- return : integer value
function bin2integer(bin_number: in text_field;
file_name: in text_line;
line: in integer) return integer is
variable len: integer;
variable temp_field: text_field;
variable temp_int: integer;
variable power: integer;
variable int_number: integer;
len := fld_len(bin_number);
power := 0;
temp_int := 0;
for i in len downto 1 loop
case bin_number(i) is
when '0' =>
int_number := 0;
when '1' =>
int_number := 1;
when others =>
report LF & "Error: bin2integer found non Binary didgit on line "
& (integer'image(line)) & " of file " & file_name
severity failure;
end case;
if (int_number = 1) then
temp_int := temp_int + (int_number *(2 ** power));
end if;
power := power + 1;
end loop;
return temp_int;
end bin2integer;
-- stim_to_integer convert Stimulus field to integer
-- inputs : string of type text_field "stimulus format of number"
-- return : integer value
function stim_to_integer(field: in text_field;
file_name: in text_line;
line: in integer) return integer is
variable len: integer;
variable value: integer := 1;
variable temp_str : string(1 to 48);
len := fld_len(field);
case field(1) is
when 'x' | 'h' =>
value := 2;
while(field(value) /= nul) loop
temp_str(value - 1) := field(value);
value := value + 1;
end loop;
value := hex2integer(temp_str,file_name,line);
when 'b' =>
value := 2;
while(field(value) /= nul) loop
temp_str(value - 1) := field(value);
value := value + 1;
end loop;
value := bin2integer(temp_str,file_name,line);
when others =>
-- value := from_string(field(1 to len));
value := str2integer(field);
end case;
return value;
end stim_to_integer;
-- to_str function with base parameter
-- Convert integer to number base
function ew_to_str(int: integer; b: base) return text_field is
variable temp : text_field ;
variable temp1 : text_field ;
variable radix : integer := 0;
variable num : integer := 0;
variable power : integer := 1;
variable len : integer := 1;
variable pre : string(1 to 2);
variable i : integer;
variable j : integer;
variable vec : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
num := int;
temp := (others => nul);
case b is
when bin =>
radix := 2; -- depending on what
pre := "0b";
when oct =>
radix := 8; -- base the number is
pre := "0o";
when hex =>
radix := 16; -- to be displayed as
pre := "0x";
when dec =>
radix := 10; -- choose a radix range
pre := (others => nul);
end case ;
-- Now jump through Hoops because of sign
if(num < 0 and b = hex) then
vec := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(int, 32));
temp(1) := std_vec2c(vec(31 downto 28));
temp(2) := std_vec2c(vec(27 downto 24));
temp(3) := std_vec2c(vec(23 downto 20));
temp(4) := std_vec2c(vec(19 downto 16));
temp(5) := std_vec2c(vec(15 downto 12));
temp(6) := std_vec2c(vec(11 downto 8));
temp(7) := std_vec2c(vec(7 downto 4));
temp(8) := std_vec2c(vec(3 downto 0));
while num >= radix loop -- determine how many
len := len + 1; -- characters required
num := num / radix; -- to represent the
end loop ; -- number.
for i in len downto 1 loop -- convert the number to
temp(i) := ew_to_char(int/power mod radix); -- a string starting
power := power * radix; -- with the right hand
end loop ; -- side.
end if;
-- add prefix if is one
if(pre(1) /= nul) then
temp1 := temp;
i := 1;
j := 3;
temp(1 to 2) := pre;
while(temp1(i) /= nul) loop
temp(j) := temp1(i);
i := i + 1;
j := j + 1;
end loop;
end if;
return temp;
end ew_to_str ;
-- convert std_logic_vector to an unsigned integer
function to_uninteger ( constant vect : in std_logic_vector
) return integer is
variable result : integer := 0;
variable len : integer := vect'length;
variable idx : integer;
variable tmp_str : text_field;
variable file_name: text_line;
-- point to start of string
idx := 1;
-- convert std_logic_vector to text_field
for i in len - 1 downto 0 loop
if(vect(i) = '1') then
tmp_str(idx) := '1';
elsif(vect(i) = '0') then
tmp_str(idx) := '0';
report LF & "ERROR: Non 0/1 value found in std_logic_vector passed to to_uninteger function!!" & LF &
"Returning 0."
severity note;
return result;
end if;
idx := idx + 1;
end loop;
-- call bin txt to int fuction with dummy fn and sequ idx
result := bin2integer(tmp_str, file_name, idx);
return result;
end to_uninteger;
-- stm neut
function stm_neut return stm_sctl is
variable tmp : stm_sctl;
tmp.rst_n := '1';
tmp.addr := (others => 'Z');
tmp.wdat := (others => 'Z');
tmp.rwn := 'Z';
tmp.req_n := 'Z';
return tmp;
end stm_neut;
function stm_neut return stm_sack is
variable tmp : stm_sack;
tmp.rdat := (others => 'Z');
tmp.ack_n := '1';
tmp.rdy_n := '1';
tmp.irq_n := '1';
return tmp;
end stm_neut;
-- access_variable
-- inputs:
-- Text field containing variable
-- outputs:
-- value $VAR returns Value of VAR
-- value VAR returns index of VAR
-- valid is 1 if valid 0 if not
procedure access_variable(variable var_list : in var_field_ptr;
variable var : in text_field;
variable value : out integer;
variable valid : out integer) is
variable l : integer;
variable l_2 : integer;
variable var_ptr : var_field_ptr;
variable temp_field : text_field;
variable ptr : integer := 0; -- 0 is index, 1 is pointer
l := fld_len(var);
valid := 0;
-- if the variable is a special
if(var(1) = '=') then
value := 0;
valid := 1;
elsif(var(1 to 2) = ">=") then
value := 4;
valid := 1;
elsif(var(1 to 2) = "<=") then
value := 5;
valid := 1;
elsif(var(1) = '>') then
value := 1;
valid := 1;
elsif(var(1) = '<') then
value := 2;
valid := 1;
elsif(var(1 to 2) = "!=") then
value := 3;
valid := 1;
if(var(1) = '$') then
ptr := 1; -- this is a pointer
for i in 2 to l loop
temp_field(i-1) := var(i);
end loop;
temp_field := var;
end if;
var_ptr := var_list;
while(var_ptr.next_rec /= null) loop
-- if we have a match
if(temp_field = var_ptr.var_name) then
if(ptr = 1) then
value := var_ptr.var_value;
valid := 1;
value := var_ptr.var_index;
valid := 1;
end if;
end if;
var_ptr := var_ptr.next_rec;
end loop;
-- if we have a match and was the last record
if(var_ptr.next_rec = null and temp_field = var_ptr.var_name) then
if(ptr = 1) then
value := var_ptr.var_value;
valid := 1;
value := var_ptr.var_index;
valid := 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end access_variable;
-- index_variable
-- inputs:
-- index: the index of the variable being accessed
-- outputs:
-- Variable Value
-- valid is 1 if valid 0 if not
procedure index_variable(variable var_list : in var_field_ptr;
variable index : in integer;
variable value : out integer;
variable valid : out integer) is
variable ptr: var_field_ptr;
ptr := var_list;
valid := 0;
while(ptr.next_rec /= null) loop
if(ptr.var_index = index) then
value := ptr.var_value;
valid := 1;
end if;
ptr := ptr.next_rec;
end loop;
if(ptr.var_index = index) then
value := ptr.var_value;
valid := 1;
end if;
end index_variable;
-- update_variable
-- inputs:
-- index: the index of the variable being updated
-- outputs:
-- valid is 1 if valid 0 if not
procedure update_variable(variable var_list : in var_field_ptr;
variable index : in integer;
variable value : in integer;
variable valid : out integer) is
variable ptr: var_field_ptr;
ptr := var_list;
valid := 0;
while(ptr.next_rec /= null) loop
if(ptr.var_index = index) then
ptr.var_value := value;
valid := 1;
end if;
ptr := ptr.next_rec;
end loop;
-- check the current one
if(ptr.var_index = index) then
ptr.var_value := value;
valid := 1;
end if;
end update_variable;
-- Read a line from a file
-- inputs : file of type text
-- outputs : The line of type text_line
procedure file_read_line(file file_name: text;
variable file_line: out text_line
) is
variable index: integer; -- index into string
variable rline: line;
index := 1; -- set index to begin of string
file_line := (others => nul);
if(not endfile(file_name)) then
while(rline'right /= (index - 1) and rline'length /= 0) loop
file_line(index) := rline(index);
index := index + 1;
end loop;
end if;
end file_read_line;
-- procedure to break a line down in to text fields
procedure tokenize_line(variable text_line: in text_line;
variable token1: out text_field;
variable token2: out text_field;
variable token3: out text_field;
variable token4: out text_field;
variable token5: out text_field;
variable token6: out text_field;
variable token7: out text_field;
variable txt_ptr: out stm_text_ptr;
variable valid: out integer) is
variable token_index: integer := 0;
variable current_token: text_field;
variable token_number: integer := 0;
variable c: string(1 to 2);
variable comment_found: integer := 0;
variable txt_found: integer := 0;
variable j: integer;
-- null outputs
token1 := (others => nul);
token2 := (others => nul);
token3 := (others => nul);
token4 := (others => nul);
token5 := (others => nul);
token6 := (others => nul);
token7 := (others => nul);
txt_ptr := null;
valid := 0;
txt_found := 0;
j := 1;
-- loop for max number of char
for i in 1 to text_line'high loop
-- collect for comment test ** assumed no line will be max 256
c(1) := text_line(i);
c(2) := text_line(i + 1); -- or this line will blow up
if(c = "--") then
comment_found := 1;
end if;
-- if is begin text char '"'
if(c(1) = '"') then --" <-- this double quote is just to fix highlighting.
txt_found := 1;
txt_ptr := new stm_text;
end if;
-- if we have found a txt string
if (txt_found = 1 and text_line(i) /= nul) then
-- if string too long, prevent tool hang, truncate and notify
if(j > c_stm_text_len) then
print("tokenize_line: truncated txt line, it was larger than c_stm_text_len");
end if;
txt_ptr(j) := text_line(i);
j := j + 1;
-- if is a character store in the right token
elsif(is_space(text_line(i)) = false and text_line(i) /= nul) then
token_index := token_index + 1;
current_token(token_index) := text_line(i);
-- else is a space, deal with pointers
elsif(is_space(text_line(i + 1)) = false and text_line(i + 1) /= nul) then
case token_number is
when 0 =>
if(token_index /= 0) then
token1 := current_token;
current_token := (others => nul);
token_number := 1;
valid := 1;
token_index := 0;
end if;
when 1 =>
token2 := current_token;
current_token := (others => nul);
token_number := 2;
valid := 2;
token_index := 0;
when 2 =>
token3 := current_token;
current_token := (others => nul);
token_number := 3;
valid := 3;
token_index := 0;
when 3 =>
token4 := current_token;
current_token := (others => nul);
token_number := 4;
valid := 4;
token_index := 0;
when 4 =>
token5 := current_token;
current_token := (others => nul);
token_number := 5;
valid := 5;
token_index := 0;
when 5 =>
token6 := current_token;
current_token := (others => nul);
token_number := 6;
valid := 6;
token_index := 0;
when 6 =>
token7 := current_token;
current_token := (others => nul);
token_number := 7;
valid := 7;
token_index := 0;
when 7 =>
when others =>
end case;
end if;
-- break from loop if is null
if(text_line(i) = nul) then
if(token_index /= 0) then
case token_number is
when 0 =>
token1 := current_token;
valid := 1;
when 1 =>
token2 := current_token;
valid := 2;
when 2 =>
token3 := current_token;
valid := 3;
when 3 =>
token4 := current_token;
valid := 4;
when 4 =>
token5 := current_token;
valid := 5;
when 5 =>
token6 := current_token;
valid := 6;
when 6 =>
token7 := current_token;
valid := 7;
when others =>
end case;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
-- did we find a comment and there is a token
if(comment_found = 1) then
if(token_index /= 0) then
case token_number is
when 0 =>
token1 := current_token;
valid := 1;
when 1 =>
token2 := current_token;
valid := 2;
when 2 =>
token3 := current_token;
valid := 3;
when 3 =>
token4 := current_token;
valid := 4;
when 4 =>
token5 := current_token;
valid := 5;
when 5 =>
token6 := current_token;
valid := 6;
when 6 =>
token7 := current_token;
valid := 7;
when others =>
end case;
end if;
end if;
end tokenize_line;
-- Add a new instruction to the instruction list
-- inputs : the linked list of instructions
-- the instruction
-- the number of args
-- outputs : Updated instruction set linked list
procedure define_instruction(variable inst_set: inout inst_def_ptr;
constant inst: in string;
constant args: in integer) is
variable v_inst_ptr: inst_def_ptr;
variable v_prev_ptr: inst_def_ptr;
variable v_new_ptr: inst_def_ptr;
variable v_temp_inst: inst_def_ptr;
variable v_length: integer;
variable v_list_size: integer;
variable v_dup_error: boolean;
assert(inst'high <= max_field_len)
report LF & "Error: Creation of Instruction of length greater than Max_field_len attemped!!" &
LF & "This Max is currently set to " & (integer'image(max_field_len))
severity failure;
-- get to the last element and test is not exsiting
v_temp_inst := inst_set;
v_inst_ptr := inst_set;
-- zero the size
v_list_size := 0;
while(v_inst_ptr /= null) loop
-- if there is a chance of a duplicate command
if(v_inst_ptr.instruction_l = inst'high) then
v_dup_error := true;
for i in 1 to inst'high loop
if(v_inst_ptr.instruction(i) /= inst(i)) then
v_dup_error := false;
end if;
end loop;
-- if we find a duplicate, die
assert(v_dup_error = false)
report LF & "Error: Duplicate instruction definition attempted!"
severity failure;
end if;
v_prev_ptr := v_inst_ptr; -- store for pointer updates
v_inst_ptr := v_inst_ptr.next_rec;
v_list_size := v_list_size + 1;
end loop;
-- add the new instruction
v_new_ptr := new inst_def;
-- if this is the first command return new pointer
if(v_list_size = 0) then
v_temp_inst := v_new_ptr;
-- else write new pointer to next_rec
v_prev_ptr.next_rec := v_new_ptr;
end if;
v_new_ptr.instruction_l := inst'high;
v_new_ptr.params := args;
-- copy the instruction text into field
for i in 1 to v_new_ptr.instruction_l loop
v_new_ptr.instruction(i) := inst(i);
end loop;
-- return the pointer
inst_set := v_temp_inst;
end define_instruction;
-- Check for valid instruction in the list of instructions
procedure check_valid_inst(variable inst : in text_field;
variable inst_set : in inst_def_ptr;
variable token_num: in integer;
variable line_num : in integer;
variable name : in text_line) is
variable l : integer := 0;
variable seti: inst_def_ptr;
variable match: integer := 0;
variable ilv: integer := 0; -- inline variable
-- create useable pointer
seti := inst_set;
-- count up the characters in inst
l := fld_len(inst);
-- if this is a referance variable -- handle in add variable Proc
if(inst(l) = ':') then
match := 1;
ilv := 1;
-- process list till null next
while (seti.next_rec /= null) loop
if(seti.instruction_l = l) then
match := 1;
for j in 1 to l loop
if(seti.instruction(j) /= inst(j)) then
match := 0;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
if(match = 0) then
seti := seti.next_rec;
end if;
end loop;
-- check current one
if(seti.instruction_l = l and match = 0) then
match := 1;
for j in 1 to l loop
if(seti.instruction(j) /= inst(j)) then
match := 0;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end if;
-- if instruction was not found, die
assert(match = 1)
report LF & "Error: Undefined Instruction on line " & (integer'image(line_num)) &
" found in input file " & name & LF
severity failure;
-- if the definition of the number of parameters is > 6 skip testing
-- this is how the variable number of parameters is implemented
-- just skip testing for specified number
if(seti.params > 6) then
end if;
-- if we had a match, check the number of paramiters
if(match = 1 and ilv = 0) then
assert(seti.params = (token_num - 1))
report LF & "Error: Undefined Instruction was found, incorrect number of fields passed!" & LF &
"This is found on line " & (integer'image(line_num)) & " in file " & name & LF
severity failure;
end if;
end check_valid_inst;
-- add_variable
-- This procedure adds a variable to the variable list. This is localy
-- available at this time.
procedure add_variable(variable var_list : inout var_field_ptr;
variable p1 : in text_field; -- should be var name
variable p2 : in text_field; -- should be value
variable token_num : in integer;
variable sequ_num : in integer;
variable line_num : in integer;
variable name : in text_line;
variable length : in integer) is
variable temp_var: var_field_ptr;
variable current_ptr: var_field_ptr;
variable index: integer := 1;
variable len: integer := 0;
-- if this is NOT the first one
if(var_list /= null) then
current_ptr := var_list;
index := index + 1;
if(p1(length) /= ':') then -- is not an inline variable
while(current_ptr.next_rec /= null) loop
-- if we have defined the current before then die
assert(current_ptr.var_name /= p1)
report LF & "Error: Attemping to add a duplicate Variable definition "
& " on line " & (integer'image(line_num)) & " of file " & name
severity failure;
current_ptr := current_ptr.next_rec;
index := index + 1;
end loop;
-- if we have defined the current before then die. This checks the last one
assert(current_ptr.var_name /= p1)
report LF & "Error: Attemping to add a duplicate Variable definition "
& " on line " & (integer'image(line_num)) & " of file " & name
severity failure;
temp_var := new var_field;
temp_var.var_name := p1; -- direct write of text_field
temp_var.var_value := stim_to_integer(p2,name,line_num); -- convert text_field to integer
temp_var.var_index := index;
current_ptr.next_rec := temp_var;
else -- this is an inline variable
while(current_ptr.next_rec /= null) loop
-- if we have defined the current before then die
len := fld_len(current_ptr.var_name);
assert(current_ptr.var_name(1 to len) /= p1(1 to (length - 1)))
report LF & "Error: Attemping to add a duplicate Inline Variable definition "
& " on line " & (integer'image(line_num)) & " of file " & name
severity failure;
current_ptr := current_ptr.next_rec;
index := index + 1;
end loop;
-- if we have defined the current before then die. This checks the last one
len := fld_len(current_ptr.var_name);
assert(current_ptr.var_name(1 to len) /= p1(1 to (length - 1)))
report LF & "Error: Attemping to add a duplicate Inline Variable definition "
& " on line " & (integer'image(line_num)) & " of file " & name
severity failure;
temp_var := new var_field;
temp_var.var_name(1 to (length - 1)) := p1(1 to (length - 1));
temp_var.var_value := sequ_num;
temp_var.var_index := index;
current_ptr.next_rec := temp_var;
end if;
-- this is the first one
if(p1(length) /= ':') then -- is not an inline variable
temp_var := new var_field;
temp_var.var_name := p1; -- direct write of text_field
temp_var.var_index := index;
temp_var.var_value := stim_to_integer(p2,name,line_num); -- convert text_field to integer
var_list := temp_var;
temp_var := new var_field;
temp_var.var_name(1 to (length - 1)) := p1(1 to (length - 1));
temp_var.var_value := sequ_num;
temp_var.var_index := index;
var_list := temp_var;
end if;
end if;
end add_variable;
-- add_instruction
-- This is the procedure that adds the instruction to the linked list of
-- instructions. Also Variable addition are called and or handled.
-- the instruction sequence Link list.
-- inputs:
-- stim_line_ptr is the pointer to the instruction List
-- inst is the instruction token
-- p1 paramitor one, corrisponds to field one of stimulus
-- p2 paramitor one, corrisponds to field two of stimulus
-- p3 paramitor one, corrisponds to field three of stimulus
-- p4 paramitor one, corrisponds to field four of stimulus
-- p5 paramitor one, corrisponds to field three of stimulus
-- p6 paramitor one, corrisponds to field four of stimulus
-- str_ptr pointer to string for print instruction
-- token_num the number of tokens, including instruction
-- sequ_num is the stimulus file line referance ie program line number
-- line_num Line number in the text file
-- outputs:
-- none. Error will terminate sim
procedure add_instruction(variable inst_list : inout stim_line_ptr;
variable var_list : inout var_field_ptr;
variable inst : in text_field;
variable p1 : in text_field;
variable p2 : in text_field;
variable p3 : in text_field;
variable p4 : in text_field;
variable p5 : in text_field;
variable p6 : in text_field;
variable str_ptr : in stm_text_ptr;
variable token_num : in integer;
variable sequ_num : inout integer;
variable line_num : in integer;
variable file_name : in text_line;
variable file_idx : in integer) is
variable temp_stim_line: stim_line_ptr;
variable temp_current: stim_line_ptr;
variable valid: integer;
variable l: integer;
valid := 1;
l := fld_len(inst);
temp_current := inst_list;
-- take care of special cases
if(inst(1 to l) = "DEFINE_VAR") then
l := fld_len(p1);
-- Add the variable to the Variable pool, not considered an instruction
valid := 0; --Removes this from the instruction list
elsif(inst(l) = ':') then
valid := 0;
end if;
if(valid = 1) then
-- prepare the new record
temp_stim_line := new stim_line;
temp_stim_line.instruction := inst;
temp_stim_line.inst_field_1 := p1;
temp_stim_line.inst_field_2 := p2;
temp_stim_line.inst_field_3 := p3;
temp_stim_line.inst_field_4 := p4;
temp_stim_line.inst_field_5 := p5;
temp_stim_line.inst_field_6 := p6;
temp_stim_line.txt := str_ptr;
temp_stim_line.line_number := sequ_num;
temp_stim_line.file_idx := file_idx;
temp_stim_line.file_line := line_num;
-- if is not the first instruction
if(inst_list /= null) then
while(temp_current.next_rec /= null) loop
temp_current := temp_current.next_rec;
end loop;
temp_current.next_rec := temp_stim_line;
inst_list.num_of_lines := inst_list.num_of_lines + 1;
-- other wise is first instruction to be added
inst_list := temp_stim_line;
inst_list.num_of_lines := 1;
end if;
sequ_num := sequ_num + 1;
-- print_inst(temp_stim_line); -- for debug
end if;
end add_instruction;
-- test_inst_sequ
-- This procedure accesses the full instruction sequence and checks for valid
-- variables. This is prior to the simulation run start.
procedure test_inst_sequ(variable inst_sequ : in stim_line_ptr;
variable file_list : in file_def_ptr;
variable var_list : in var_field_ptr
) is
variable temp_text_field: text_field;
variable temp_var: text_field;
variable inst_ptr: stim_line_ptr;
variable valid: integer;
variable line: integer; -- value of the file_line
variable file_name: text_line;
variable v_p: integer;
variable inst : text_field;
variable txt : stm_text_ptr;
variable inst_len : integer;
variable fname : text_line;
variable file_line : integer;
variable temp_fn_prt: file_def_ptr;
variable tmp_int : integer;
inst_ptr := inst_sequ;
-- go through all the instructions
while(inst_ptr.next_rec /= null) loop
inst := inst_ptr.instruction;
inst_len := fld_len(inst_ptr.instruction);
file_line := inst_ptr.file_line;
line := inst_ptr.file_line;
-- recover the file name this line came from
temp_fn_prt := file_list;
tmp_int := inst_ptr.file_idx;
while (temp_fn_prt.next_rec /= null) loop
if(temp_fn_prt.rec_idx = tmp_int) then
end if;
temp_fn_prt := temp_fn_prt.next_rec;
end loop;
for i in 1 to fname'high loop
file_name(i) := temp_fn_prt.file_name(i);
end loop;
txt := inst_ptr.txt;
-- load parameter one
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_1;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric do nothing
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b' or is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: First variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- load parameter two
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_2;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric do nothing
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b' or is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: Second variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- load parameter three
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_3;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric do nothing
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b' or is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: Third variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- load parameter four
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_4;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric do nothing
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b'or is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: Forth variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- load parameter five
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_5;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric do nothing
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b' or is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: Fifth variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- load parameter six
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_6;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric field convert to integer
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b' or is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: Sixth variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- point to next record
inst_ptr := inst_ptr.next_rec;
end loop;
end test_inst_sequ;
-- The read include file procedure
-- This is the main procedure for reading, parcing, checking and returning
-- the instruction sequence Link list.
procedure read_include_file(variable name: text_line;
variable sequ_numb: inout integer;
variable file_list: inout file_def_ptr;
variable inst_set: inout inst_def_ptr;
variable var_list: inout var_field_ptr;
variable inst_sequ: inout stim_line_ptr;
variable status: inout integer) is
variable l: text_line; -- the line
variable l_num: integer; -- line number file
variable sequ_line: integer; -- line number program
variable t1: text_field;
variable t2: text_field;
variable t3: text_field;
variable t4: text_field;
variable t5: text_field;
variable t6: text_field;
variable t7: text_field;
variable t_txt: stm_text_ptr;
variable valid: integer;
variable v_inst_ptr: inst_def_ptr;
variable v_var_prt: var_field_ptr;
variable v_sequ_ptr: stim_line_ptr;
variable v_len: integer;
variable v_stat: file_open_status;
variable idx: integer;
variable v_tmp: text_line;
variable v_tmp_fn_ptr: file_def_ptr;
variable v_new_fn: integer;
variable v_tmp_fn: file_def_ptr;
variable v_txt: stm_text; --stm_text_ptr;
sequ_line := sequ_numb;
v_tmp_fn_ptr := file_list;
-- for linux systems, trailing spaces need to be removed
-- from file names
-- copy text string to temp
for i in 1 to c_stm_text_len loop
if(name(i) = nul) then
v_tmp(i) := name(i);
v_tmp(i) := name(i);
end if;
end loop;
--fix up any trailing white space in txt
idx := 0;
-- get to the end of the string
for i in 1 to c_stm_text_len loop
if(v_tmp(i) /= nul) then
idx := idx + 1;
end if;
end loop;
-- now nul out spaces
for i in idx downto 1 loop
if(is_space(v_tmp(i)) = true) then
v_tmp(i) := nul;
end if;
end loop;
-- open include file
file_open(v_stat, include_file, v_tmp, read_mode);
if(v_stat /= open_ok) then
print("Error: Unable to open include file " & name);
status := 1;
end if;
l_num := 1; -- initialize line number
-- the file is opened, put it on the file name LL
while (v_tmp_fn_ptr.next_rec /= null) loop
v_tmp_fn_ptr := v_tmp_fn_ptr.next_rec;
end loop;
v_new_fn := v_tmp_fn_ptr.rec_idx + 1;
v_tmp_fn := new file_def;
v_tmp_fn_ptr.next_rec := v_tmp_fn;
v_tmp_fn.rec_idx := v_new_fn;
-- nul the text line
v_tmp_fn.file_name := (others => nul);
for i in 1 to name'high loop
v_tmp_fn.file_name(i) := name(i);
end loop;
v_tmp_fn.next_rec := null;
v_inst_ptr := inst_set;
v_var_prt := var_list;
v_sequ_ptr := inst_sequ;
-- while not the end of file read it
while(not endfile(include_file)) loop
-- tokenize the line
v_len := fld_len(t1);
if(t1(1 to v_len) = "INCLUDE") then
print("Nested INCLUDE statement found in " & v_tmp & " on line " &
report LF & "Error: Nested INCLUDE statements are not supported at this time."
severity failure;
-- if there was valid tokens
elsif(valid /= 0) then
check_valid_inst(t1, v_inst_ptr, valid, l_num, name);
end if;
l_num := l_num + 1;
end loop; -- end loop read file
sequ_numb := sequ_line;
inst_set := v_inst_ptr;
var_list := v_var_prt;
inst_sequ := v_sequ_ptr;
end read_include_file;
-- The read instruction file procedure
-- This is the main procedure for reading, parcing, checking and returning
-- the instruction sequence Link list.
procedure read_instruction_file(constant file_name: string;
variable inst_set: inout inst_def_ptr;
variable var_list: inout var_field_ptr;
variable inst_sequ: inout stim_line_ptr;
variable file_list: inout file_def_ptr) is
variable l: text_line; -- the line
variable l_num: integer; -- line number file
variable sequ_line: integer; -- line number program
variable t1: text_field;
variable t2: text_field;
variable t3: text_field;
variable t4: text_field;
variable t5: text_field;
variable t6: text_field;
variable t7: text_field;
variable t_txt: stm_text_ptr;
variable valid: integer;
variable v_ostat: integer;
variable v_inst_ptr: inst_def_ptr;
variable v_var_prt: var_field_ptr;
variable v_sequ_ptr: stim_line_ptr;
variable v_len: integer;
variable v_stat: file_open_status;
variable v_name: text_line;
variable v_iname: text_line;
variable v_tmp_fn: file_def_ptr;
variable v_fn_idx: integer;
variable v_idx: integer;
-- open the stimulus_file and check
file_open(v_stat, stimulus, file_name, read_mode);
assert(v_stat = open_ok)
report LF & "Error: Unable to open stimulus_file " & file_name
severity failure;
-- copy file name to type text_line
for i in 1 to file_name'high loop
v_name(i) := file_name(i);
end loop;
-- the first item on the file names link list
file_list := null;
v_tmp_fn := new file_def;
v_tmp_fn.rec_idx := 1;
v_fn_idx := 1;
v_idx := 1;
-- nul the text line
v_tmp_fn.file_name := (others => nul);
for i in 1 to file_name'high loop
v_tmp_fn.file_name(i) := file_name(i);
end loop;
v_tmp_fn.next_rec := null;
l_num := 1;
sequ_line := 1;
v_ostat := 0;
v_inst_ptr := inst_set;
v_var_prt := var_list;
v_sequ_ptr := inst_sequ;
-- while not the end of file read it
while(not endfile(stimulus)) loop
-- tokenize the line
v_len := fld_len(t1);
-- if there is an INCLUDE instruction
if(t1(1 to v_len) = "INCLUDE") then
-- if file name is in par2
if(valid = 2) then
v_iname := (others => nul);
for i in 1 to max_field_len loop
v_iname(i) := t2(i);
end loop;
-- elsif the text string is not null
elsif(t_txt /= null) then
v_iname := (others => nul);
for i in 1 to c_stm_text_len loop
v_iname(i) := t_txt(i);
if(t_txt(i) = nul) then
end if;
end loop;
report LF & "Error: INCLUDE instruction has not file name included. Found on" & LF &
"line " & (integer'image(l_num)) & " in file " & file_name & LF
severity failure;
end if;
print("INCLUDE found: Loading file " & v_iname);
-- if include file not found
if(v_ostat = 1) then
end if;
-- if there was valid tokens
elsif(valid /= 0) then
check_valid_inst(t1, v_inst_ptr, valid, l_num, v_name);
end if;
l_num := l_num + 1;
end loop; -- end loop read file
file_close(stimulus); -- close the file when done
assert(v_ostat = 0)
report LF & "Include file specified on line " & (integer'image(l_num)) &
" in file " & file_name &
" was not found! Test Terminated" & LF
severity failure;
inst_set := v_inst_ptr;
var_list := v_var_prt;
inst_sequ := v_sequ_ptr;
file_list := v_tmp_fn;
-- Now that all the stimulus is loaded, test for invalid variables
test_inst_sequ(inst_sequ, v_tmp_fn, var_list);
end read_instruction_file;
-- access_inst_sequ
-- This procedure accesses the instruction sequence and returns the parameters
-- as they exsist related to the variables state.
-- INPUTS: inst_sequ link list of instructions from stimulus
-- var_list link list of variables
-- file_list link list of file names
-- sequ_num the sequence number to recover
-- OUTPUTS: inst instruction text
-- p1 paramiter 1 in integer form
-- p2 paramiter 2 in integer form
-- p3 paramiter 3 in integer form
-- p4 paramiter 4 in integer form
-- p5 paramiter 5 in integer form
-- p6 paramiter 6 in integer form
-- txt pointer to any text string of this sequence
-- inst_len the lenth of inst in characters
-- fname file name this sequence came from
-- file_line the line number in fname this sequence came from
procedure access_inst_sequ(variable inst_sequ : in stim_line_ptr;
variable var_list : in var_field_ptr;
variable file_list : in file_def_ptr;
variable sequ_num : in integer;
variable inst : out text_field;
variable p1 : out integer;
variable p2 : out integer;
variable p3 : out integer;
variable p4 : out integer;
variable p5 : out integer;
variable p6 : out integer;
variable txt : out stm_text_ptr;
variable inst_len : out integer;
variable fname : out text_line;
variable file_line : out integer;
variable last_num : inout integer;
variable last_ptr : inout stim_line_ptr
) is
variable temp_text_field: text_field;
variable temp_var: text_field;
variable inst_ptr: stim_line_ptr;
variable valid: integer;
variable line: integer; -- value of the file_line
variable file_name: text_line;
variable tmp_int: integer;
variable temp_fn_prt: file_def_ptr;
-- get to the instruction indicated by sequ_num
-- check to see if this sequence is before the last
-- so search from start
if(last_num > sequ_num) then
inst_ptr := inst_sequ;
while(inst_ptr.next_rec /= null) loop
if(inst_ptr.line_number = sequ_num) then
inst_ptr := inst_ptr.next_rec;
end if;
end loop;
-- else is equal or greater, so search forward
inst_ptr := last_ptr;
while(inst_ptr.next_rec /= null) loop
if(inst_ptr.line_number = sequ_num) then
inst_ptr := inst_ptr.next_rec;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
-- update the last sequence number and record pointer
last_num := sequ_num;
last_ptr := inst_ptr;
-- output the instruction and its length
inst := inst_ptr.instruction;
inst_len := fld_len(inst_ptr.instruction);
file_line := inst_ptr.file_line;
line := inst_ptr.file_line;
-- recover the file name this line came from
temp_fn_prt := file_list;
tmp_int := inst_ptr.file_idx;
while (temp_fn_prt.next_rec /= null) loop
if(temp_fn_prt.rec_idx = tmp_int) then
end if;
temp_fn_prt := temp_fn_prt.next_rec;
end loop;
for i in 1 to fname'high loop --<<<<<<<<<<<<< Fix for file name output Apr 2011.
file_name(i) := temp_fn_prt.file_name(i);
fname(i) := temp_fn_prt.file_name(i);
if(temp_fn_prt.file_name(i) = nul) then
end if;
end loop;
txt := inst_ptr.txt;
-- load parameter one
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_1;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric field convert to integer
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b') then
p1 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
elsif(is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
p1 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: First variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- load parameter two
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_2;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric field convert to integer
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b') then
p2 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
elsif(is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
p2 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: Second variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- load parameter three
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_3;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric field convert to integer
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b') then
p3 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
elsif(is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
p3 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: Third variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- load parameter four
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_4;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric field convert to integer
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b') then
p4 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
elsif(is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
p4 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: Forth variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- load parameter five
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_5;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric field convert to integer
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b') then
p5 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
elsif(is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
p5 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: Fifth variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
-- load parameter six
temp_text_field := inst_ptr.inst_field_6;
if(temp_text_field(1) /= nul) then
-- if this is a numaric field convert to integer
if(temp_text_field(1) = 'x' or temp_text_field(1) = 'h' or
temp_text_field(1) = 'b') then
p6 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
elsif(is_digit(temp_text_field(1)) = true) then
p6 := stim_to_integer(temp_text_field,file_name,line);
else -- else is a variable, get the value or halt incase of error
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Error: Sixth variable on stimulus line " & (integer'image(line))
& " is not valid!!" & LF & "In file " & file_name
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
end access_inst_sequ;
-- Procedure to print messages to stdout
procedure print(s: in string) is
variable l: line;
write(l, s);
end print;
-- procedure to print to the stdout the txt pointer
procedure txt_print(variable ptr: in stm_text_ptr) is
variable txt_str : stm_text;
if (ptr /= null) then
txt_str := (others => nul);
for i in 1 to c_stm_text_len loop
if (ptr(i) = nul) then
end if;
txt_str(i) := ptr(i);
end loop;
end if;
end txt_print;
-- procedure to print to the stdout the txt pointer, and
-- sub any variables found
procedure txt_print_wvar(variable var_list : in var_field_ptr;
variable ptr : in stm_text_ptr;
constant b : in base) is
variable i: integer;
variable j: integer;
variable k: integer;
variable txt_str: stm_text;
variable tmp_str: stm_text;
variable v1: integer;
variable valid: integer;
variable tmp_field: text_field;
variable tmp_i: integer;
if(ptr /= null) then
i := 1;
j := 1;
txt_str := (others => nul);
while(i <= c_stm_text_len and j <= c_stm_text_len) loop
if(ptr(i) /= '$') then
txt_str(j) := ptr(i);
i := i + 1;
j := j + 1;
tmp_field := (others => nul);
tmp_i := 1;
tmp_field(tmp_i) := ptr(i);
i := i + 1;
tmp_i := tmp_i + 1;
-- parse to the next space
while(ptr(i) /= ' ' and ptr(i) /= nul) loop
tmp_field(tmp_i) := ptr(i);
i := i + 1;
tmp_i := tmp_i + 1;
end loop;
assert(valid = 1)
report LF & "Invalid Variable found in stm_text_ptr: ignoring."
severity warning;
if(valid = 1) then
txt_str := ew_str_cat(txt_str, ew_to_str(v1, b));
k := 1;
while(txt_str(k) /= nul) loop
k := k + 1;
end loop;
j := k;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
-- print the created string
end if;
end txt_print_wvar;
end tb_pkg;
-- Revision 1.3
-- Revision History:
-- $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
-- Revision 1.2 2007/09/02 04:04:04 sckoarn
-- Update of version 1.2 tb_pkg
-- See documentation for details
-- Revision 2007/04/06 04:06:48 sckoarn
-- Import of the vhld_tb
1,239 → 1,273
-- Copyright 2007 Ken Campbell
-- $Author: sckoarn $
-- $Date: 2008-02-24 01:34:11 $
-- $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $
-- $Id: tb_pkg_header.vhd,v 1.4 2008-02-24 01:34:11 sckoarn Exp $
-- $Source: /home/marcus/revision_ctrl_test/oc_cvs/cvs/vhld_tb/source/tb_pkg_header.vhd,v $
-- Description : The the testbench package header file.
-- Initial GNU release.
--This file is part of The VHDL Test Bench.
-- The VHDL Test Bench is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- The VHDL Test Bench is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with The VHDL Test Bench; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-- Revision History:
-- $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
-- Revision 1.3 2007/09/02 04:04:04 sckoarn
-- Update of version 1.2 tb_pkg
-- See documentation for details
-- Revision 1.2 2007/08/21 02:43:14 sckoarn
-- Fix package definition to match with body
-- Revision 2007/04/06 04:06:48 sckoarn
-- Import of the vhld_tb
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use std.textio.all;
library ieee_proposed;
use ieee_proposed.STD_LOGIC_1164_additions.all;
package tb_pkg is
-- Constants
constant max_str_len : integer := 256;
constant max_field_len : integer := 48;
constant c_stm_text_len : integer := 200;
-- file handles
file stimulus : text; -- file main file
file include_file : text; -- file declaration for includes
-- Type Def's
type base is (bin, oct, hex, dec);
-- subtype stack_element is integer range 0 to 8192;
type stack_register is array(7 downto 0) of integer;
type state_register is array(7 downto 0) of boolean;
type int_array is array(1 to 16) of integer;
subtype text_line is string(1 to max_str_len);
subtype text_field is string(1 to max_field_len);
subtype stm_text is string(1 to c_stm_text_len);
type stm_text_ptr is access stm_text;
-- define the stimulus line record and access
type stim_line;
type stim_line_ptr is access stim_line; -- Pointer to stim_line record
type stim_line is record
instruction: text_field;
inst_field_1: text_field;
inst_field_2: text_field;
inst_field_3: text_field;
inst_field_4: text_field;
inst_field_5: text_field;
inst_field_6: text_field;
txt: stm_text_ptr;
line_number: integer; -- sequence line
num_of_lines: integer; -- total number of lines
file_line: integer; -- file line number
file_idx: integer;
next_rec: stim_line_ptr;
end record;
-- define the variables field and pointer
type var_field;
type var_field_ptr is access var_field; -- pointer to var_field
type var_field is record
var_name: text_field;
var_index: integer;
var_value: integer;
next_rec: var_field_ptr;
end record;
-- define the instruction structure
type inst_def;
type inst_def_ptr is access inst_def;
type inst_def is record
instruction: text_field;
instruction_l: integer;
params: integer;
next_rec: inst_def_ptr;
end record;
-- define the file handle record
type file_def;
type file_def_ptr is access file_def;
type file_def is record
rec_idx: integer;
file_name: text_line;
next_rec: file_def_ptr;
end record;
-- Function Declaration
-- function str_len(variable line: text_line) return text_field;
-- function fld_len(s : in text_field) integer;
function c2std_vec(c: in character) return std_logic_vector;
-- Procedure declarations
-- define_instruction
-- inputs file_name the file to be read from
-- output file_line a line of text from the file
procedure define_instruction(variable inst_set: inout inst_def_ptr;
constant inst: in string;
constant args: in integer);
-- index_variable
-- inputs:
-- index: the index of the variable being accessed
-- outputs:
-- Variable Value
-- valid is 1 if valid 0 if not
procedure index_variable(variable var_list : in var_field_ptr;
variable index : in integer;
variable value : out integer;
variable valid : out integer);
-- update_variable
-- inputs:
-- index: the index of the variable being accessed
-- outputs:
-- Variable Value
-- valid is 1 if valid 0 if not
procedure update_variable(variable var_list : in var_field_ptr;
variable index : in integer;
variable value : in integer;
variable valid : out integer);
-- read_instruction_file
-- This procedure reads the instruction file, name passed throught file_name.
-- Pointers to records are passed in and out. A table of variables is created
-- with variable name and value (converted to integer). The instructions are
-- parsesed into the inst_sequ list. Instructions are validated against the
-- inst_set which must have been set up prior to loading the instruction file.
procedure read_instruction_file(constant file_name: string;
variable inst_set: inout inst_def_ptr;
variable var_list: inout var_field_ptr;
variable inst_sequ: inout stim_line_ptr;
variable file_list: inout file_def_ptr);
-- access_inst_sequ
-- This procedure retreeves an instruction from the sequence of instructions.
-- Based on the line number you pass to it, it returns the instruction with
-- any variables substituted as integers.
procedure access_inst_sequ(variable inst_sequ : in stim_line_ptr;
variable var_list : in var_field_ptr;
variable file_list : in file_def_ptr;
variable sequ_num : in integer;
variable inst : out text_field;
variable p1 : out integer;
variable p2 : out integer;
variable p3 : out integer;
variable p4 : out integer;
variable p5 : out integer;
variable p6 : out integer;
variable txt : out stm_text_ptr;
variable inst_len : out integer;
variable fname : out text_line;
variable file_line : out integer;
variable last_num : inout integer;
variable last_ptr : inout stim_line_ptr
-- tokenize_line
-- This procedure takes a type text_line in and returns up to 6
-- tokens and the count in integer valid, as well if text string
-- is found the pointer to that is returned.
procedure tokenize_line(variable text_line: in text_line;
variable token1: out text_field;
variable token2: out text_field;
variable token3: out text_field;
variable token4: out text_field;
variable token5: out text_field;
variable token6: out text_field;
variable token7: out text_field;
variable txt_ptr: out stm_text_ptr;
variable valid: out integer);
-- string convertion
function ew_to_str(int: integer; b: base) return text_field;
function to_str(int: integer) return string;
-- Procedre print
-- print to stdout string
procedure print(s: in string);
-- Procedure print stim txt
procedure txt_print(variable ptr: in stm_text_ptr);
-- Procedure print stim txt sub variables found
procedure txt_print_wvar(variable var_list : in var_field_ptr;
variable ptr : in stm_text_ptr;
constant b : in base);
-- dump inst_sequ
-- This procedure dumps to the simulation window the current instruction
-- sequence. The whole thing will be dumped, which could be big.
-- ** intended for testbench development debug**
-- procedure dump_inst_sequ(variable inst_sequ : in stim_line_ptr);
end tb_pkg;
-- Copyright 2011 Ken Campbell
-- $Author: sckoarn $
-- $Date: $
-- $Id: $
-- $Source: $
-- Description : The the testbench package header file.
-- GNU release 2 Beta.
--This file is part of The VHDL Test Bench.
-- The VHDL Test Bench is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- The VHDL Test Bench is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with The VHDL Test Bench; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use std.textio.all;
--library ieee_proposed;
--use ieee_proposed.STD_LOGIC_1164_additions.all;
package tb_pkg is
-- Constants
constant max_str_len : integer := 256;
constant max_field_len : integer := 48;
constant c_stm_text_len : integer := 200;
-- file handles
file stimulus : text; -- file main file
file include_file : text; -- file declaration for includes
-- Type Def's
type base is (bin, oct, hex, dec);
-- subtype stack_element is integer range 0 to 8192;
type stack_register is array(7 downto 0) of integer;
type state_register is array(7 downto 0) of boolean;
type int_array is array(1 to 16) of integer;
subtype text_line is string(1 to max_str_len);
subtype text_field is string(1 to max_field_len);
subtype stm_text is string(1 to c_stm_text_len);
type stm_text_ptr is access stm_text;
-- define the stimulus line record and access
type stim_line;
type stim_line_ptr is access stim_line; -- Pointer to stim_line record
type stim_line is record
instruction: text_field;
inst_field_1: text_field;
inst_field_2: text_field;
inst_field_3: text_field;
inst_field_4: text_field;
inst_field_5: text_field;
inst_field_6: text_field;
txt: stm_text_ptr;
line_number: integer; -- sequence line
num_of_lines: integer; -- total number of lines
file_line: integer; -- file line number
file_idx: integer;
next_rec: stim_line_ptr;
end record;
-- define the variables field and pointer
type var_field;
type var_field_ptr is access var_field; -- pointer to var_field
type var_field is record
var_name: text_field;
var_index: integer;
var_value: integer;
next_rec: var_field_ptr;
end record;
-- define the instruction structure
type inst_def;
type inst_def_ptr is access inst_def;
type inst_def is record
instruction: text_field;
instruction_l: integer;
params: integer;
next_rec: inst_def_ptr;
end record;
-- define the file handle record
type file_def;
type file_def_ptr is access file_def;
type file_def is record
rec_idx: integer;
file_name: text_line;
next_rec: file_def_ptr;
end record;
-- define the stimulus slave control record types
type stm_sctl is record
rst_n : std_logic;
addr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
wdat : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
rwn : std_logic;
req_n : std_logic;
end record;
type stm_sack is record
rdat : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
ack_n : std_logic;
rdy_n : std_logic;
irq_n : std_logic;
end record;
-- define the stimulus master control record types
type stm_mctl is record
addr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
wdat : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
rwn : std_logic;
req_n : std_logic;
breq : std_logic;
end record;
type stm_mack is record
rdat : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
slv_rdy : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
slv_irq : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
ack_n : std_logic;
bgrant : std_logic;
end record;
-- stm interface neutral functions
function stm_neut return stm_sctl;
function stm_neut return stm_sack;
--function stm_neut() return stm_mctl;
--function stm_neut() return stm_mack;
-- Function Declaration
-- function str_len(variable line: text_line) return text_field;
-- function fld_len(s : in text_field) integer;
function c2std_vec(c: in character) return std_logic_vector;
-- Procedure declarations
-- define_instruction
-- inputs file_name the file to be read from
-- output file_line a line of text from the file
procedure define_instruction(variable inst_set: inout inst_def_ptr;
constant inst: in string;
constant args: in integer);
-- index_variable
-- inputs:
-- index: the index of the variable being accessed
-- outputs:
-- Variable Value
-- valid is 1 if valid 0 if not
procedure index_variable(variable var_list : in var_field_ptr;
variable index : in integer;
variable value : out integer;
variable valid : out integer);
-- update_variable
-- inputs:
-- index: the index of the variable being accessed
-- outputs:
-- Variable Value
-- valid is 1 if valid 0 if not
procedure update_variable(variable var_list : in var_field_ptr;
variable index : in integer;
variable value : in integer;
variable valid : out integer);
-- read_instruction_file
-- This procedure reads the instruction file, name passed throught file_name.
-- Pointers to records are passed in and out. A table of variables is created
-- with variable name and value (converted to integer). The instructions are
-- parsesed into the inst_sequ list. Instructions are validated against the
-- inst_set which must have been set up prior to loading the instruction file.
procedure read_instruction_file(constant file_name: string;
variable inst_set: inout inst_def_ptr;
variable var_list: inout var_field_ptr;
variable inst_sequ: inout stim_line_ptr;
variable file_list: inout file_def_ptr);
-- access_inst_sequ
-- This procedure retreeves an instruction from the sequence of instructions.
-- Based on the line number you pass to it, it returns the instruction with
-- any variables substituted as integers.
procedure access_inst_sequ(variable inst_sequ : in stim_line_ptr;
variable var_list : in var_field_ptr;
variable file_list : in file_def_ptr;
variable sequ_num : in integer;
variable inst : out text_field;
variable p1 : out integer;
variable p2 : out integer;
variable p3 : out integer;
variable p4 : out integer;
variable p5 : out integer;
variable p6 : out integer;
variable txt : out stm_text_ptr;
variable inst_len : out integer;
variable fname : out text_line;
variable file_line : out integer;
variable last_num : inout integer;
variable last_ptr : inout stim_line_ptr
-- tokenize_line
-- This procedure takes a type text_line in and returns up to 6
-- tokens and the count in integer valid, as well if text string
-- is found the pointer to that is returned.
procedure tokenize_line(variable text_line: in text_line;
variable token1: out text_field;
variable token2: out text_field;
variable token3: out text_field;
variable token4: out text_field;
variable token5: out text_field;
variable token6: out text_field;
variable token7: out text_field;
variable txt_ptr: out stm_text_ptr;
variable valid: out integer);
-- string convertion
function ew_to_str(int: integer; b: base) return text_field;
function to_str(int: integer) return string;
-- Procedre print
-- print to stdout string
procedure print(s: in string);
-- Procedure print stim txt
procedure txt_print(variable ptr: in stm_text_ptr);
-- Procedure print stim txt sub variables found
procedure txt_print_wvar(variable var_list : in var_field_ptr;
variable ptr : in stm_text_ptr;
constant b : in base);
-- convert a std_logic_vector to an unsigned integer
function to_uninteger ( constant vect : in std_logic_vector
) return integer;
end tb_pkg;
-- new version 1.4
-- Revision History:
-- $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
-- Revision 1.3 2007/09/02 04:04:04 sckoarn
-- Update of version 1.2 tb_pkg
-- See documentation for details
-- Revision 1.2 2007/08/21 02:43:14 sckoarn
-- Fix package definition to match with body
-- Revision 2007/04/06 04:06:48 sckoarn
-- Import of the vhld_tb

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