Line 72... |
Line 72... |
wire [7:0] offset8;
wire [7:0] offset8;
wire [3:0] reg_n, reg_d, reg_m, reg_s;
wire [3:0] reg_n, reg_d, reg_m, reg_s;
wire [4:0] shift_imm;
wire [4:0] shift_imm;
wire [3:0] opcode;
wire [3:0] opcode;
wire [3:0] condition;
wire [3:0] condition;
wire [3:0] type;
wire [3:0] itype;
wire opcode_compare;
wire opcode_compare;
wire opcode_move;
wire opcode_move;
wire no_shift;
wire no_shift;
wire shift_op_imm;
wire shift_op_imm;
wire [1:0] mtrans_type;
wire [1:0] mtrans_itype;
wire s_bit;
wire s_bit;
reg [(5*8)-1:0] xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE;
reg [(5*8)-1:0] xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE;
reg [(5*8)-1:0] xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE_R = "--- ";
reg [(5*8)-1:0] xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE_R = "--- ";
wire [(8*8)-1:0] TYPE_NAME;
wire [(8*8)-1:0] TYPE_NAME;
Line 136... |
Line 136... |
assign offset12 = execute_instruction[11:0];
assign offset12 = execute_instruction[11:0];
assign offset8 = {execute_instruction[11:8], execute_instruction[3:0]};
assign offset8 = {execute_instruction[11:8], execute_instruction[3:0]};
assign imm8 = execute_instruction[7:0];
assign imm8 = execute_instruction[7:0];
assign no_shift = execute_instruction[11:4] == 8'h0;
assign no_shift = execute_instruction[11:4] == 8'h0;
assign mtrans_type = execute_instruction[24:23];
assign mtrans_itype = execute_instruction[24:23];
assign opcode_compare =
assign opcode_compare =
opcode == CMP ||
opcode == CMP ||
opcode == CMN ||
opcode == CMN ||
Line 149... |
Line 149... |
assign opcode_move =
assign opcode_move =
opcode == MOV ||
opcode == MOV ||
opcode == MVN ;
opcode == MVN ;
assign shift_op_imm = type == REGOP && execute_instruction[25] == 1'd1;
assign shift_op_imm = itype == REGOP && execute_instruction[25] == 1'd1;
assign imm32 = execute_instruction[11:8] == 4'h0 ? { 24'h0, imm8[7:0] } :
assign imm32 = execute_instruction[11:8] == 4'h0 ? { 24'h0, imm8[7:0] } :
execute_instruction[11:8] == 4'h1 ? { imm8[1:0], 24'h0, imm8[7:2] } :
execute_instruction[11:8] == 4'h1 ? { imm8[1:0], 24'h0, imm8[7:2] } :
execute_instruction[11:8] == 4'h2 ? { imm8[3:0], 24'h0, imm8[7:4] } :
execute_instruction[11:8] == 4'h2 ? { imm8[3:0], 24'h0, imm8[7:4] } :
execute_instruction[11:8] == 4'h3 ? { imm8[5:0], 24'h0, imm8[7:6] } :
execute_instruction[11:8] == 4'h3 ? { imm8[5:0], 24'h0, imm8[7:6] } :
Line 173... |
Line 173... |
// ========================================================
// ========================================================
// Instruction decode
// Instruction decode
// ========================================================
// ========================================================
// the order of these matters
// the order of these matters
assign type =
assign itype =
{execute_instruction[27:23], execute_instruction[21:20], execute_instruction[11:4] } == { 5'b00010, 2'b00, 8'b00001001 } ? SWAP : // Before REGOP
{execute_instruction[27:23], execute_instruction[21:20], execute_instruction[11:4] } == { 5'b00010, 2'b00, 8'b00001001 } ? SWAP : // Before REGOP
{execute_instruction[27:22], execute_instruction[7:4] } == { 6'b000000, 4'b1001 } ? MULT : // Before REGOP
{execute_instruction[27:22], execute_instruction[7:4] } == { 6'b000000, 4'b1001 } ? MULT : // Before REGOP
{execute_instruction[27:26] } == { 2'b00 } ? REGOP :
{execute_instruction[27:26] } == { 2'b00 } ? REGOP :
{execute_instruction[27:26] } == { 2'b01 } ? TRANS :
{execute_instruction[27:26] } == { 2'b01 } ? TRANS :
{execute_instruction[27:25] } == { 3'b100 } ? MTRANS :
{execute_instruction[27:25] } == { 3'b100 } ? MTRANS :
Line 190... |
Line 190... |
// Convert some important signals to ASCII
// Convert some important signals to ASCII
// so their values can easily be displayed on a waveform viewer
// so their values can easily be displayed on a waveform viewer
assign TYPE_NAME = type == REGOP ? "REGOP " :
assign TYPE_NAME = itype == REGOP ? "REGOP " :
type == MULT ? "MULT " :
itype == MULT ? "MULT " :
type == SWAP ? "SWAP " :
itype == SWAP ? "SWAP " :
type == TRANS ? "TRANS " :
itype == TRANS ? "TRANS " :
type == MTRANS ? "MTRANS " :
itype == MTRANS ? "MTRANS " :
type == BRANCH ? "BRANCH " :
itype == BRANCH ? "BRANCH " :
itype == CODTRANS ? "CODTRANS" :
type == COREGOP ? "COREGOP " :
itype == COREGOP ? "COREGOP " :
itype == CORTRANS ? "CORTRANS" :
type == SWI ? "SWI " :
itype == SWI ? "SWI " :
always @*
always @*
Line 211... |
Line 211... |
if ( !execute_now )
if ( !execute_now )
end // stalled
end // stalled
else if ( type == REGOP && opcode == ADC ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "adc ";
else if ( itype == REGOP && opcode == ADC ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "adc ";
else if ( type == REGOP && opcode == ADD ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "add ";
else if ( itype == REGOP && opcode == ADD ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "add ";
else if ( type == REGOP && opcode == AND ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "and ";
else if ( itype == REGOP && opcode == AND ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "and ";
else if ( type == BRANCH && execute_instruction[24] == 1'b0 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "b ";
else if ( itype == BRANCH && execute_instruction[24] == 1'b0 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "b ";
else if ( type == REGOP && opcode == BIC ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "bic ";
else if ( itype == REGOP && opcode == BIC ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "bic ";
else if ( type == BRANCH && execute_instruction[24] == 1'b1 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "bl ";
else if ( itype == BRANCH && execute_instruction[24] == 1'b1 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "bl ";
else if ( type == COREGOP ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "cdp ";
else if ( itype == COREGOP ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "cdp ";
else if ( type == REGOP && opcode == CMN ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "cmn ";
else if ( itype == REGOP && opcode == CMN ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "cmn ";
else if ( type == REGOP && opcode == CMP ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "cmp ";
else if ( itype == REGOP && opcode == CMP ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "cmp ";
else if ( type == REGOP && opcode == EOR ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "eor ";
else if ( itype == REGOP && opcode == EOR ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "eor ";
else if ( type == CODTRANS && execute_instruction[20] == 1'b1 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "ldc ";
else if ( itype == CODTRANS && execute_instruction[20] == 1'b1 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "ldc ";
else if ( type == MTRANS && execute_instruction[20] == 1'b1 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "ldm ";
else if ( itype == MTRANS && execute_instruction[20] == 1'b1 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "ldm ";
else if ( type == TRANS && {execute_instruction[22],execute_instruction[20]} == {1'b0, 1'b1} ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "ldr ";
else if ( itype == TRANS && {execute_instruction[22],execute_instruction[20]} == {1'b0, 1'b1} ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "ldr ";
else if ( type == TRANS && {execute_instruction[22],execute_instruction[20]} == {1'b1, 1'b1} ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "ldrb ";
else if ( itype == TRANS && {execute_instruction[22],execute_instruction[20]} == {1'b1, 1'b1} ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "ldrb ";
else if ( type == CORTRANS && execute_instruction[20] == 1'b0 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "mcr ";
else if ( itype == CORTRANS && execute_instruction[20] == 1'b0 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "mcr ";
else if ( type == MULT && execute_instruction[21] == 1'b1 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "mla ";
else if ( itype == MULT && execute_instruction[21] == 1'b1 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "mla ";
else if ( type == REGOP && opcode == MOV ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "mov ";
else if ( itype == REGOP && opcode == MOV ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "mov ";
else if ( type == CORTRANS && execute_instruction[20] == 1'b1 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "mrc ";
else if ( itype == CORTRANS && execute_instruction[20] == 1'b1 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "mrc ";
else if ( type == MULT && execute_instruction[21] == 1'b0 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "mul ";
else if ( itype == MULT && execute_instruction[21] == 1'b0 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "mul ";
else if ( type == REGOP && opcode == MVN ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "mvn ";
else if ( itype == REGOP && opcode == MVN ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "mvn ";
else if ( type == REGOP && opcode == ORR ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "orr ";
else if ( itype == REGOP && opcode == ORR ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "orr ";
else if ( type == REGOP && opcode == RSB ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "rsb ";
else if ( itype == REGOP && opcode == RSB ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "rsb ";
else if ( type == REGOP && opcode == RSC ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "rsc ";
else if ( itype == REGOP && opcode == RSC ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "rsc ";
else if ( type == REGOP && opcode == SBC ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "sbc ";
else if ( itype == REGOP && opcode == SBC ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "sbc ";
else if ( type == CODTRANS && execute_instruction[20] == 1'b0 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "stc ";
else if ( itype == CODTRANS && execute_instruction[20] == 1'b0 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "stc ";
else if ( type == MTRANS && execute_instruction[20] == 1'b0 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "stm ";
else if ( itype == MTRANS && execute_instruction[20] == 1'b0 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "stm ";
else if ( type == TRANS && {execute_instruction[22],execute_instruction[20]} == {1'b0, 1'b0} ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "str ";
else if ( itype == TRANS && {execute_instruction[22],execute_instruction[20]} == {1'b0, 1'b0} ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "str ";
else if ( type == TRANS && {execute_instruction[22],execute_instruction[20]} == {1'b1, 1'b0} ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "strb ";
else if ( itype == TRANS && {execute_instruction[22],execute_instruction[20]} == {1'b1, 1'b0} ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "strb ";
else if ( type == REGOP && opcode == SUB ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "sub ";
else if ( itype == REGOP && opcode == SUB ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "sub ";
else if ( type == SWI ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "swi ";
else if ( itype == SWI ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "swi ";
else if ( type == SWAP && execute_instruction[22] == 1'b0 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "swp ";
else if ( itype == SWAP && execute_instruction[22] == 1'b0 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "swp ";
else if ( type == SWAP && execute_instruction[22] == 1'b1 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "swpb ";
else if ( itype == SWAP && execute_instruction[22] == 1'b1 ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "swpb ";
else if ( type == REGOP && opcode == TEQ ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "teq ";
else if ( itype == REGOP && opcode == TEQ ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "teq ";
else if ( type == REGOP && opcode == TST ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "tst ";
else if ( itype == REGOP && opcode == TST ) xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "tst ";
else xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "unkow";
else xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE = "unkow";
always @ ( posedge i_clk )
always @ ( posedge i_clk )
Line 275... |
Line 275... |
// Mark that the instruction is not being executed
// Mark that the instruction is not being executed
// condition field in execute stage allows instruction to execute ?
// condition field in execute stage allows instruction to execute ?
if (!i_instruction_execute)
if (!i_instruction_execute)
if ( type == SWI )
if ( itype == SWI )
$display ("Cycle %09d SWI not taken *************", `U_TB.clk_count);
$display ("Cycle %09d SWI not taken *************", `U_TB.clk_count);
$fwrite(decompile_file," ");
$fwrite(decompile_file," ");
Line 294... |
Line 294... |
default: $fwrite(decompile_file,"%s", xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE[39: 0] );
default: $fwrite(decompile_file,"%s", xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE[39: 0] );
fchars = 8 - numchars(xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE);
fchars = 8 - numchars(xINSTRUCTION_EXECUTE);
// Print the Multiple transfer type
// Print the Multiple transfer itype
if (type == MTRANS )
if (itype == MTRANS )
fchars = fchars - 2;
fchars = fchars - 2;
// Print the s bit
// Print the s bit
if ( ((type == REGOP && !opcode_compare) || type == MULT ) && s_bit == 1'b1 )
if ( ((itype == REGOP && !opcode_compare) || itype == MULT ) && s_bit == 1'b1 )
fchars = fchars - 1;
fchars = fchars - 1;
// Print the p bit
// Print the p bit
if ( type == REGOP && opcode_compare && s_bit == 1'b1 && reg_d == 4'd15 )
if ( itype == REGOP && opcode_compare && s_bit == 1'b1 && reg_d == 4'd15 )
fchars = fchars - 1;
fchars = fchars - 1;
Line 339... |
Line 339... |
// ========================================
// ========================================
// print the arguments for the instruction
// print the arguments for the instruction
// ========================================
// ========================================
case ( type )
case ( itype )
REGOP: regop_args;
REGOP: regop_args;
TRANS: trans_args;
TRANS: trans_args;
MTRANS: mtrans_args;
MTRANS: mtrans_args;
BRANCH: branch_args;
BRANCH: branch_args;
MULT: mult_args;
MULT: mult_args;
Line 371... |
Line 371... |
$fwrite( decompile_file,", return addr " );
$fwrite( decompile_file,", return addr " );
$fwrite( decompile_file,"%08x\n", pcf(get_reg_val(5'd21)-4'd4) );
$fwrite( decompile_file,"%08x\n", pcf(get_reg_val(5'd21)-4'd4) );
// Software Interrupt
// Software Interrupt
if ( i_instruction_execute && type == SWI )
if ( i_instruction_execute && itype == SWI )
$fwrite( decompile_file,"%09d interrupt swi", `U_TB.clk_count );
$fwrite( decompile_file,"%09d interrupt swi", `U_TB.clk_count );
$fwrite( decompile_file,", return addr " );
$fwrite( decompile_file,", return addr " );
$fwrite( decompile_file,"%08x\n", pcf(get_reg_val(5'd21)-4'd4) );
$fwrite( decompile_file,"%08x\n", pcf(get_reg_val(5'd21)-4'd4) );
Line 395... |
Line 395... |
3'd1: $fwrite( decompile_file,"data abort" );
3'd1: $fwrite( decompile_file,"data abort" );
3'd2: $fwrite( decompile_file,"firq" );
3'd2: $fwrite( decompile_file,"firq" );
3'd3: $fwrite( decompile_file,"irq" );
3'd3: $fwrite( decompile_file,"irq" );
3'd4: $fwrite( decompile_file,"address exception" );
3'd4: $fwrite( decompile_file,"address exception" );
3'd5: $fwrite( decompile_file,"instruction abort" );
3'd5: $fwrite( decompile_file,"instruction abort" );
default: $fwrite( decompile_file,"unknown type" );
default: $fwrite( decompile_file,"unknown itype" );
$fwrite( decompile_file,", return addr " );
$fwrite( decompile_file,", return addr " );
case ( interrupt_d1 )
case ( interrupt_d1 )
3'd1: $fwrite(decompile_file,"%08h\n", pcf(get_reg_val(5'd16)));
3'd1: $fwrite(decompile_file,"%08h\n", pcf(get_reg_val(5'd16)));
Line 422... |
Line 422... |
i_pc_wen &&
i_pc_wen &&
!i_fetch_stall &&
!i_fetch_stall &&
i_instruction_execute &&
i_instruction_execute &&
i_interrupt == 3'd0 &&
i_interrupt == 3'd0 &&
!execute_undefined &&
!execute_undefined &&
type != SWI &&
itype != SWI &&
execute_address != get_32bit_signal(0) // Don't print jump to same address
execute_address != get_32bit_signal(0) // Don't print jump to same address
$fwrite(decompile_file,"%09d jump from ", `U_TB.clk_count);
$fwrite(decompile_file,"%09d jump from ", `U_TB.clk_count);
fwrite_hex_drop_zeros(decompile_file, pcf(execute_address));
fwrite_hex_drop_zeros(decompile_file, pcf(execute_address));
Line 508... |
Line 508... |
// ldm and stm types
// ldm and stm types
task w_mtrans_type;
task w_mtrans_type;
case( mtrans_type )
case( mtrans_itype )
4'h0: $fwrite(decompile_file,"da");
4'h0: $fwrite(decompile_file,"da");
4'h1: $fwrite(decompile_file,"ia");
4'h1: $fwrite(decompile_file,"ia");
4'h2: $fwrite(decompile_file,"db");
4'h2: $fwrite(decompile_file,"db");
4'h3: $fwrite(decompile_file,"ib");
4'h3: $fwrite(decompile_file,"ib");
default: $fwrite(decompile_file,"xx");
default: $fwrite(decompile_file,"xx");