// //
// Wishbone master interface for the Amber core //
// //
// This file is part of the Amber project //
// http://www.opencores.org/project,amber //
// //
// Description //
// Turns memory access requests from the execute stage and //
// cache into wishbone bus cycles. For 4-word read requests //
// from the cache and swap accesses ( read followed by write //
// to the same address) from the execute stage, //
// a block transfer is done. All other requests result in //
// single word transfers. //
// //
// Write accesses can be done in a single clock cycle on //
// the wishbone bus, is the destination allows it. The //
// next transfer will begin immediately on the //
// next cycle on the bus. This looks like a block transfer //
// and does hold ownership of the wishbone bus, preventing //
// the other master ( the ethernet MAC) from gaining //
// ownership between those two cycles. But otherwise it would //
// be necessary to insert a wait cycle after every write, //
// slowing down the performance of the core by around 5 to //
// 10%. //
// //
// Author(s): //
// - Conor Santifort, csantifort.amber@gmail.com //
// //
// //
// Copyright (C) 2010 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //
// //
// This source file may be used and distributed without //
// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //
// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //
// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //
// //
// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //
// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //
// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //
// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //
// later version. //
// //
// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //
// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //
// details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //
// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //
// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //
// //
module a23_wishbone
input i_clk,
// Core Accesses to Wishbone bus
input i_select,
input [31:0] i_write_data,
input i_write_enable,
input [3:0] i_byte_enable, // valid for writes only
input i_data_access,
input i_exclusive, // high for read part of swap access
input [31:0] i_address,
output o_stall,
// Cache Accesses to Wishbone bus
input i_cache_req,
// Wishbone Bus
output reg [31:0] o_wb_adr = 'd0,
output reg [3:0] o_wb_sel = 'd0,
output reg o_wb_we = 'd0,
input [31:0] i_wb_dat,
output reg [31:0] o_wb_dat = 'd0,
output reg o_wb_cyc = 'd0,
output reg o_wb_stb = 'd0,
input i_wb_ack,
input i_wb_err
localparam [3:0] WB_IDLE = 3'd0,
WB_BURST1 = 3'd1,
WB_BURST2 = 3'd2,
WB_BURST3 = 3'd3,
WB_WAIT_ACK = 3'd4;
reg [2:0] wishbone_st = WB_IDLE;
wire core_read_request;
wire core_write_request;
wire cache_read_request;
wire cache_write_request;
wire start_access;
reg servicing_cache = 'd0;
wire [3:0] byte_enable;
reg exclusive_access = 'd0;
wire read_ack;
wire wait_write_ack;
assign read_ack = !o_wb_we && i_wb_ack;
assign o_stall = ( core_read_request && !read_ack ) ||
( core_read_request && servicing_cache ) ||
( core_write_request && servicing_cache ) ;
// Don't stall on writes
// Wishbone is doing burst read so make core wait to execute the write
// ( core_write_request && !i_wb_ack ) ;
assign core_read_request = i_select && !i_write_enable;
assign core_write_request = i_select && i_write_enable;
assign cache_read_request = i_cache_req && !i_write_enable;
assign cache_write_request = i_cache_req && i_write_enable;
assign start_access = core_read_request || core_write_request || i_cache_req ;
// For writes the byte enable is always 4'hf
assign byte_enable = ( core_write_request || cache_write_request ) ? i_byte_enable : 4'hf;
// ======================================
// Register Accesses
// ======================================
always @( posedge i_clk )
if ( start_access )
o_wb_dat <= i_write_data;
assign wait_write_ack = o_wb_stb && o_wb_we && !i_wb_ack;
always @( posedge i_clk )
case ( wishbone_st )
if ( start_access )
o_wb_stb <= 1'd1;
o_wb_cyc <= 1'd1;
o_wb_sel <= byte_enable;
else if ( !wait_write_ack )
o_wb_stb <= 1'd0;
// Hold cyc high after an exclusive access
// to hold ownership of the wishbone bus
o_wb_cyc <= exclusive_access;
// cache has priority over the core
servicing_cache <= cache_read_request && !wait_write_ack;
if ( wait_write_ack )
// still waiting for last (write) access to complete
wishbone_st <= WB_WAIT_ACK;
// do a burst of 4 read to fill a cache line
else if ( cache_read_request )
wishbone_st <= WB_BURST1;
exclusive_access <= 1'd0;
else if ( core_read_request )
wishbone_st <= WB_WAIT_ACK;
exclusive_access <= i_exclusive;
// The core does not currently issue exclusive write requests
// but there's no reason why this might not be added some
// time in the future so allow for it here
else if ( core_write_request )
exclusive_access <= i_exclusive;
if ( start_access )
o_wb_we <= core_write_request || cache_write_request;
// only update these on new wb access to make debug easier
o_wb_adr[31:2] <= i_address[31:2];
o_wb_adr[1:0] <= byte_enable == 4'b0001 ? 2'd0 :
byte_enable == 4'b0010 ? 2'd1 :
byte_enable == 4'b0100 ? 2'd2 :
byte_enable == 4'b1000 ? 2'd3 :
byte_enable == 4'b0011 ? 2'd0 :
byte_enable == 4'b1100 ? 2'd2 :
2'd0 ;
// Read burst, wait for first ack
if ( i_wb_ack )
// burst of 4 that wraps
o_wb_adr[3:2] <= o_wb_adr[3:2] + 1'd1;
wishbone_st <= WB_BURST2;
// Read burst, wait for second ack
if ( i_wb_ack )
// burst of 4 that wraps
o_wb_adr[3:2] <= o_wb_adr[3:2] + 1'd1;
wishbone_st <= WB_BURST3;
// Read burst, wait for third ack
if ( i_wb_ack )
// burst of 4 that wraps
o_wb_adr[3:2] <= o_wb_adr[3:2] + 1'd1;
wishbone_st <= WB_WAIT_ACK;
// Wait for the wishbone ack to be asserted
if ( i_wb_ack )
wishbone_st <= WB_IDLE;
o_wb_stb <= 1'd0;
o_wb_cyc <= exclusive_access;
o_wb_we <= 1'd0;
servicing_cache <= 1'd0;
// ========================================================
// Debug Wishbone bus - not synthesizable
// ========================================================
//synopsys translate_off
wire [(14*8)-1:0] xAS_STATE;
assign xAS_STATE = wishbone_st == WB_IDLE ? "WB_IDLE" :
wishbone_st == WB_BURST1 ? "WB_BURST1" :
wishbone_st == WB_BURST2 ? "WB_BURST2" :
wishbone_st == WB_BURST3 ? "WB_BURST3" :
wishbone_st == WB_WAIT_ACK ? "WB_WAIT_ACK" :
//synopsys translate_on
No newline at end of file
No newline at end of file