Line 308... |
Line 308... |
signal recv_rxen: std_logic;
signal recv_rxen: std_logic;
signal recvo: spw_recv_out_type;
signal recvo: spw_recv_out_type;
signal recv_inact: std_logic;
signal recv_inact: std_logic;
signal recv_inbvalid: std_logic;
signal recv_inbvalid: std_logic;
signal recv_inbits: std_logic_vector(rxchunk-1 downto 0);
signal recv_inbits: std_logic_vector(rxchunk-1 downto 0);
signal xmit_rst: std_logic;
signal xmiti: spw_xmit_in_type;
signal xmiti: spw_xmit_in_type;
signal xmito: spw_xmit_out_type;
signal xmito: spw_xmit_out_type;
signal xmit_divcnt: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal xmit_divcnt: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal link_rst: std_logic;
signal linki: spw_link_in_type;
signal linki: spw_link_in_type;
signal linko: spw_link_out_type;
signal linko: spw_link_out_type;
signal msti: spw_ahbmst_in_type;
signal msti: spw_ahbmst_in_type;
signal msto: spw_ahbmst_out_type;
signal msto: spw_ahbmst_out_type;
signal ahbmst_rstn: std_logic;
signal ahbmst_rstn: std_logic;
signal s_rst: std_logic;
-- Memory interface signals.
-- Memory interface signals.
signal s_rxfifo_raddr: std_logic_vector(rxfifosize-1 downto 0);
signal s_rxfifo_raddr: std_logic_vector(rxfifosize-1 downto 0);
signal s_rxfifo_rdata: std_logic_vector(35 downto 0);
signal s_rxfifo_rdata: std_logic_vector(35 downto 0);
signal s_rxfifo_wen: std_logic;
signal s_rxfifo_wen: std_logic;
Line 350... |
Line 351... |
link_inst: spwlink
link_inst: spwlink
generic map (
generic map (
reset_time => reset_time )
reset_time => reset_time )
port map (
port map (
clk => clk,
clk => clk,
rst => s_rst,
rst => link_rst,
linki => linki,
linki => linki,
linko => linko,
linko => linko,
rxen => recv_rxen,
rxen => recv_rxen,
recvo => recvo,
recvo => recvo,
xmiti => xmiti,
xmiti => xmiti,
Line 403... |
Line 404... |
-- Instantiate transmitter.
-- Instantiate transmitter.
xmit_sel0: if tximpl = impl_generic generate
xmit_sel0: if tximpl = impl_generic generate
xmit_inst: spwxmit
xmit_inst: spwxmit
port map (
port map (
clk => clk,
clk => clk,
rst => s_rst,
rst => xmit_rst,
divcnt => xmit_divcnt,
divcnt => xmit_divcnt,
xmiti => xmiti,
xmiti => xmiti,
xmito => xmito,
xmito => xmito,
spw_do => spw_do,
spw_do => spw_do,
spw_so => spw_so );
spw_so => spw_so );
Line 415... |
Line 416... |
xmit_sel1: if tximpl = impl_fast generate
xmit_sel1: if tximpl = impl_fast generate
xmit_fast_inst: spwxmit_fast
xmit_fast_inst: spwxmit_fast
port map (
port map (
clk => clk,
clk => clk,
txclk => txclk,
txclk => txclk,
rst => s_rst,
rst => xmit_rst,
divcnt => xmit_divcnt,
divcnt => xmit_divcnt,
xmiti => xmiti,
xmiti => xmiti,
xmito => xmito,
xmito => xmito,
spw_do => spw_do,
spw_do => spw_do,
spw_so => spw_so );
spw_so => spw_so );
Line 594... |
Line 595... |
if v_tmprxroom > 63 then
if v_tmprxroom > 63 then
-- at least 64 bytes room.
-- at least 64 bytes room.
v.rxroom := "111111";
v.rxroom := "111111";
-- less than 64 bytes room.
-- less than 64 bytes room.
v.rxroom := std_logic_vector(v_tmprxroom(5 downto 0));
-- If linko.rxchar = '1', decrease rxroom by one to account for
-- the pipeline delay through r.rxfifo_write.
v.rxroom := std_logic_vector(v_tmprxroom(5 downto 0) -
to_unsigned(conv_integer(linko.rxchar), 6));
end if;
end if;
-- Update TX fifo write pointer.
-- Update TX fifo write pointer.
if msto.txfifo_write = '1' then
if msto.txfifo_write = '1' then
-- write one word.
-- write one word.
Line 614... |
Line 618... |
if unsigned(r.txfifo_raddr) - unsigned(r.txfifo_waddr) = to_unsigned(2, txfifosize) then
if unsigned(r.txfifo_raddr) - unsigned(r.txfifo_waddr) = to_unsigned(2, txfifosize) then
-- currently exactly 2 words left.
-- currently exactly 2 words left.
v.txfifo_nxfull := msto.txfifo_write;
v.txfifo_nxfull := msto.txfifo_write;
end if;
end if;
-- Detect TX fifo more than 3/4 full.
-- Detect TX fifo high water mark.
if unsigned(r.txfifo_raddr) - unsigned(r.txfifo_waddr) = to_unsigned(2**(txfifosize-2), txfifosize) then
if txfifosize > maxburst then
-- currently exactly 3/4 full.
-- Indicate high water when there is no room for a maximum burst.
if unsigned(r.txfifo_raddr) - unsigned(r.txfifo_waddr) = to_unsigned(2**maxburst + 1, txfifosize) then
-- currently room for exactly one maximum burst.
v.txfifo_highw := msto.txfifo_write;
v.txfifo_highw := msto.txfifo_write;
end if;
end if;
-- Indicate high water when more than half full.
if unsigned(r.txfifo_raddr) - unsigned(r.txfifo_waddr) = to_unsigned(2**(txfifosize-1), txfifosize) then
-- currently exactly half full.
v.txfifo_highw := msto.txfifo_write;
end if;
end if;
-- Update descriptor pointers.
-- Update descriptor pointers.
if msto.rxdesc_next = '1' then
if msto.rxdesc_next = '1' then
if msto.rxdesc_wrap = '1' then
if msto.rxdesc_wrap = '1' then
v.rxdesc_ptr(desctablesize+2 downto 3) := (others => '0');
v.rxdesc_ptr(desctablesize+2 downto 3) := (others => '0');
Line 825... |
Line 838... |
apbo.pconfig <= pconfig;
apbo.pconfig <= pconfig;
apbo.pindex <= pindex;
apbo.pindex <= pindex;
-- Reset components.
-- Reset components.
ahbmst_rstn <= rstn and (not r.ctl_reset) and (not r.ctl_resetdma);
ahbmst_rstn <= rstn and (not r.ctl_reset) and (not r.ctl_resetdma);
s_rst <= (not rstn) or r.ctl_reset;
link_rst <= (not rstn) or r.ctl_reset;
xmit_rst <= not rstn;
-- Clear TX fifo on cancel request.
-- Clear TX fifo on cancel request.
if r.ctl_txcancel = '1' then
if r.ctl_txcancel = '1' then
v.txfifo_raddr := (others => '0');
v.txfifo_raddr := (others => '0');
v.txfifo_waddr := (others => '0');
v.txfifo_waddr := (others => '0');