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[/] [a-z80/] [trunk/] [cpu/] [toplevel/] [tb_io.sv] - Rev 6
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// Implements I/O Model for simulation
module io (Address, Data, CS, WE, OE);
// Set to 1 to have text output to the file "iolog.txt"
int iolog = 1;
// Set to 1 if you want debug printout on each IO access
int debug = 0;
int fd;
input [15:0] Address;
inout [7:0] Data;
input CS, WE, OE;
reg [7:0] IO [0:1<<16];
// Return data for the specified IO address:
// 1. If the current address is 0A00, that's the UART busy bit (which is never busy for ModelSim), so return 00
// 2. If the IO map is not defined for the current address, return FF
// 3. If the IO map is defined, return the value from it
// 4. Lastly, if !CS and !OE (not selecting the IO), tri-state the data bus
assign Data = (!CS && !OE) ? (Address==16'h0A00)? 8'h00 : (IO[Address]===8'hxx) ? 8'hFF : IO[Address] : {8{1'bz}};
// Read the initial content of the IO map from file
initial begin : init
$readmemh("io.hex", IO);
// If logging to a file was enabled, clear the file so we can append
if (iolog) begin
fd = $fopen("iolog.txt", "wb");
end : init
always @(!CS && !OE) begin
if (debug)
$strobe("[IO] IN A=%H, D=%H", Address, Data);
always @(CS or WE)
if (!CS && !WE) begin
if (debug)
$strobe("[IO] OUT A=%H, D=%H", Address, Data);
if (Address==8*256) begin
$write("%c", Data);
// If logging to a file was enabled, append a character
if (iolog) begin
fd = $fopen("iolog.txt", "ab");
$fwrite(fd, "%c", Data);
IO[Address] = Data;
always @(WE or OE)
if (!WE && !OE)
$display("[IO] error: OE and WE both active!");
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