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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Amber 25 Core top-Level module // // // // This file is part of the Amber project // // http://www.opencores.org/project,amber // // // // Description // // Instantiates the core consisting of fetch, instruction // // decode, execute, memory access and write back. The // // Wishbone interface and Co-Processor modules are also // // instantiated here. // // // // Author(s): // // - Conor Santifort, csantifort.amber@gmail.com // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Copyright (C) 2011 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG // // // // This source file may be used and distributed without // // restriction provided that this copyright statement is not // // removed from the file and that any derivative work contains // // the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. // // // // This source file is free software; you can redistribute it // // and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General // // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // // either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any // // later version. // // // // This source is distributed in the hope that it will be // // useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied // // warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // // PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more // // details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General // // Public License along with this source; if not, download it // // from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module a25_core ( input i_clk, input i_irq, // Interrupt request, active high input i_firq, // Fast Interrupt request, active high input i_system_rdy, // Amber is stalled when this is low // Wishbone Master I/F output [31:0] o_wb_adr, output [3:0] o_wb_sel, output o_wb_we, input [31:0] i_wb_dat, output [31:0] o_wb_dat, output o_wb_cyc, output o_wb_stb, input i_wb_ack, input i_wb_err ); wire [31:0] execute_iaddress; wire execute_iaddress_valid; wire [31:0] execute_iaddress_nxt; // un-registered version of execute_address // to the instruction cache rams wire [31:0] execute_daddress; wire execute_daddress_valid; wire [31:0] execute_daddress_nxt; // un-registered version of execute_daddress // to the data cache rams wire [31:0] write_data; wire write_enable; wire [31:0] fetch_instruction; wire decode_exclusive; wire decode_iaccess; wire decode_daccess; wire [3:0] byte_enable; wire exclusive; // swap access wire cache_enable; // Enabel the cache wire cache_flush; // Flush the cache wire [31:0] cacheable_area; wire fetch_stall; wire mem_stall; wire access_stall; wire [1:0] status_bits_mode; wire status_bits_irq_mask; wire status_bits_firq_mask; wire status_bits_flags_wen; wire status_bits_mode_wen; wire status_bits_irq_mask_wen; wire status_bits_firq_mask_wen; wire [31:0] execute_status_bits; wire [31:0] imm32; wire [4:0] imm_shift_amount; wire shift_imm_zero; wire [3:0] condition; wire [3:0] rm_sel; wire [3:0] rs_sel; wire [7:0] decode_load_rd; wire [7:0] exec_load_rd; wire [3:0] rn_sel; wire [1:0] barrel_shift_amount_sel; wire [1:0] barrel_shift_data_sel; wire [1:0] barrel_shift_function; wire [8:0] alu_function; wire [1:0] multiply_function; wire [2:0] interrupt_vector_sel; wire [3:0] iaddress_sel; wire [3:0] daddress_sel; wire [2:0] pc_sel; wire [1:0] byte_enable_sel; wire [2:0] status_bits_sel; wire [2:0] reg_write_sel; wire user_mode_regs_store_nxt; wire firq_not_user_mode; wire write_data_wen; wire copro_write_data_wen; wire base_address_wen; wire pc_wen; wire [14:0] reg_bank_wen; wire [2:0] copro_opcode1; wire [2:0] copro_opcode2; wire [3:0] copro_crn; wire [3:0] copro_crm; wire [3:0] copro_num; wire [1:0] copro_operation; wire [31:0] copro_read_data; wire [31:0] copro_write_data; wire multiply_done; wire decode_fault; wire iabt_trigger; wire dabt_trigger; wire [7:0] decode_fault_status; wire [7:0] iabt_fault_status; wire [7:0] dabt_fault_status; wire [31:0] decode_fault_address; wire [31:0] iabt_fault_address; wire [31:0] dabt_fault_address; wire adex; wire [31:0] mem_read_data; wire mem_read_data_valid; wire [9:0] mem_load_rd; wire [31:0] wb_read_data; wire wb_read_data_valid; wire [9:0] wb_load_rd; wire dcache_wb_cached_req; wire dcache_wb_uncached_req; wire dcache_wb_qword; wire dcache_wb_write; wire [3:0] dcache_wb_byte_enable; wire [31:0] dcache_wb_address; wire [31:0] dcache_wb_read_data; wire [31:0] dcache_wb_write_data; wire dcache_wb_cached_ready; wire dcache_wb_uncached_ready; wire [31:0] icache_wb_address; wire icache_wb_req; wire icache_wb_qword; wire [31:0] icache_wb_adr; wire [31:0] icache_wb_read_data; wire icache_wb_ready; wire conflict; // data abort has priority assign decode_fault_status = dabt_trigger ? dabt_fault_status : iabt_fault_status; assign decode_fault_address = dabt_trigger ? dabt_fault_address : iabt_fault_address; assign decode_fault = dabt_trigger | iabt_trigger; assign access_stall = fetch_stall || mem_stall; // ====================================== // Fetch Stage // ====================================== a25_fetch u_fetch ( .i_clk ( i_clk ), .i_mem_stall ( mem_stall ), .i_conflict ( conflict ), .i_system_rdy ( i_system_rdy ), .o_fetch_stall ( fetch_stall ), .i_iaddress ( {execute_iaddress[31:2], 2'd0} ), .i_iaddress_valid ( execute_iaddress_valid ), .i_iaddress_nxt ( execute_iaddress_nxt ), .o_fetch_instruction ( fetch_instruction ), .i_cache_enable ( cache_enable ), .i_cache_flush ( cache_flush ), .i_cacheable_area ( cacheable_area ), .o_wb_req ( icache_wb_req ), .o_wb_qword ( icache_wb_qword ), .o_wb_address ( icache_wb_address ), .i_wb_read_data ( icache_wb_read_data ), .i_wb_ready ( icache_wb_ready ) ); // ====================================== // Decode Stage // ====================================== a25_decode u_decode ( .i_clk ( i_clk ), .i_access_stall ( access_stall ), // Instruction fetch or data read signals .i_fetch_instruction ( fetch_instruction ), .i_execute_iaddress ( execute_iaddress ), .i_execute_daddress ( execute_daddress ), .i_adex ( adex ), .i_iabt ( 1'd0 ), .i_dabt ( 1'd0 ), .i_abt_status ( 8'd0 ), .i_irq ( i_irq ), .i_firq ( i_firq ), .i_execute_status_bits ( execute_status_bits ), .i_multiply_done ( multiply_done ), .o_status_bits_mode ( status_bits_mode ), .o_status_bits_irq_mask ( status_bits_irq_mask ), .o_status_bits_firq_mask ( status_bits_firq_mask ), .o_imm32 ( imm32 ), .o_imm_shift_amount ( imm_shift_amount ), .o_shift_imm_zero ( shift_imm_zero ), .o_condition ( condition ), .o_decode_exclusive ( decode_exclusive ), .o_decode_iaccess ( decode_iaccess ), .o_decode_daccess ( decode_daccess ), .o_rm_sel ( rm_sel ), .o_rs_sel ( rs_sel ), .o_load_rd ( decode_load_rd ), .o_rn_sel ( rn_sel ), .o_barrel_shift_amount_sel ( barrel_shift_amount_sel ), .o_barrel_shift_data_sel ( barrel_shift_data_sel ), .o_barrel_shift_function ( barrel_shift_function ), .o_alu_function ( alu_function ), .o_multiply_function ( multiply_function ), .o_interrupt_vector_sel ( interrupt_vector_sel ), .o_iaddress_sel ( iaddress_sel ), .o_daddress_sel ( daddress_sel ), .o_pc_sel ( pc_sel ), .o_byte_enable_sel ( byte_enable_sel ), .o_status_bits_sel ( status_bits_sel ), .o_reg_write_sel ( reg_write_sel ), .o_user_mode_regs_store_nxt ( user_mode_regs_store_nxt ), .o_firq_not_user_mode ( firq_not_user_mode ), .o_write_data_wen ( write_data_wen ), .o_base_address_wen ( base_address_wen ), .o_pc_wen ( pc_wen ), .o_reg_bank_wen ( reg_bank_wen ), .o_status_bits_flags_wen ( status_bits_flags_wen ), .o_status_bits_mode_wen ( status_bits_mode_wen ), .o_status_bits_irq_mask_wen ( status_bits_irq_mask_wen ), .o_status_bits_firq_mask_wen ( status_bits_firq_mask_wen ), .o_copro_opcode1 ( copro_opcode1 ), .o_copro_opcode2 ( copro_opcode2 ), .o_copro_crn ( copro_crn ), .o_copro_crm ( copro_crm ), .o_copro_num ( copro_num ), .o_copro_operation ( copro_operation ), .o_copro_write_data_wen ( copro_write_data_wen ), .o_iabt_trigger ( iabt_trigger ), .o_iabt_address ( iabt_fault_address ), .o_iabt_status ( iabt_fault_status ), .o_dabt_trigger ( dabt_trigger ), .o_dabt_address ( dabt_fault_address ), .o_dabt_status ( dabt_fault_status ), .o_conflict ( conflict ) ); // ====================================== // Execute Stage // ====================================== a25_execute u_execute ( .i_clk ( i_clk ), .i_access_stall ( access_stall ), .i_mem_stall ( mem_stall ), .i_wb_read_data ( wb_read_data ), .i_wb_read_data_valid ( wb_read_data_valid ), .i_wb_load_rd ( wb_load_rd ), .i_copro_read_data ( copro_read_data ), .o_write_data ( write_data ), .o_copro_write_data ( copro_write_data ), .o_iaddress ( execute_iaddress ), .o_iaddress_valid ( execute_iaddress_valid ), .o_iaddress_nxt ( execute_iaddress_nxt ), .o_daddress ( execute_daddress ), .o_daddress_nxt ( execute_daddress_nxt ), .o_daddress_valid ( execute_daddress_valid ), .o_byte_enable ( byte_enable ), .o_write_enable ( write_enable ), .o_exclusive ( exclusive ), .o_priviledged ( ), .o_exec_load_rd ( exec_load_rd ), .o_adex ( adex ), .o_status_bits ( execute_status_bits ), .o_multiply_done ( multiply_done ), .i_status_bits_mode ( status_bits_mode ), .i_status_bits_irq_mask ( status_bits_irq_mask ), .i_status_bits_firq_mask ( status_bits_firq_mask ), .i_imm32 ( imm32 ), .i_imm_shift_amount ( imm_shift_amount ), .i_shift_imm_zero ( shift_imm_zero ), .i_condition ( condition ), .i_decode_exclusive ( decode_exclusive ), .i_decode_iaccess ( decode_iaccess ), .i_decode_daccess ( decode_daccess ), .i_rm_sel ( rm_sel ), .i_rs_sel ( rs_sel ), .i_decode_load_rd ( decode_load_rd ), .i_rn_sel ( rn_sel ), .i_barrel_shift_amount_sel ( barrel_shift_amount_sel ), .i_barrel_shift_data_sel ( barrel_shift_data_sel ), .i_barrel_shift_function ( barrel_shift_function ), .i_alu_function ( alu_function ), .i_multiply_function ( multiply_function ), .i_interrupt_vector_sel ( interrupt_vector_sel ), .i_iaddress_sel ( iaddress_sel ), .i_daddress_sel ( daddress_sel ), .i_pc_sel ( pc_sel ), .i_byte_enable_sel ( byte_enable_sel ), .i_status_bits_sel ( status_bits_sel ), .i_reg_write_sel ( reg_write_sel ), .i_user_mode_regs_store_nxt ( user_mode_regs_store_nxt ), .i_firq_not_user_mode ( firq_not_user_mode ), .i_write_data_wen ( write_data_wen ), .i_base_address_wen ( base_address_wen ), .i_pc_wen ( pc_wen ), .i_reg_bank_wen ( reg_bank_wen ), .i_status_bits_flags_wen ( status_bits_flags_wen ), .i_status_bits_mode_wen ( status_bits_mode_wen ), .i_status_bits_irq_mask_wen ( status_bits_irq_mask_wen ), .i_status_bits_firq_mask_wen ( status_bits_firq_mask_wen ), .i_copro_write_data_wen ( copro_write_data_wen ), .i_conflict ( conflict ) ); // ====================================== // Memory access stage with data cache // ====================================== a25_mem u_mem ( .i_clk ( i_clk ), .i_fetch_stall ( fetch_stall ), .o_mem_stall ( mem_stall ), .i_daddress ( execute_daddress ), .i_daddress_valid ( execute_daddress_valid ), .i_daddress_nxt ( execute_daddress_nxt ), .i_write_data ( write_data ), .i_write_enable ( write_enable ), .i_byte_enable ( byte_enable ), .i_exclusive ( exclusive ), .i_exec_load_rd ( exec_load_rd ), .o_mem_read_data ( mem_read_data ), .o_mem_read_data_valid ( mem_read_data_valid ), .o_mem_load_rd ( mem_load_rd ), .i_cache_enable ( cache_enable ), .i_cache_flush ( cache_flush ), .i_cacheable_area ( cacheable_area ), .o_wb_cached_req ( dcache_wb_cached_req ), .o_wb_uncached_req ( dcache_wb_uncached_req ), .o_wb_qword ( dcache_wb_qword ), .o_wb_write ( dcache_wb_write ), .o_wb_write_data ( dcache_wb_write_data ), .o_wb_byte_enable ( dcache_wb_byte_enable ), .o_wb_address ( dcache_wb_address ), .i_wb_read_data ( dcache_wb_read_data ), .i_wb_cached_ready ( dcache_wb_cached_ready ), .i_wb_uncached_ready ( dcache_wb_uncached_ready ) ); // ====================================== // Write back stage with data cache // ====================================== a25_write_back u_write_back ( .i_clk ( i_clk ), .i_mem_stall ( mem_stall ), .i_daddress ( execute_daddress ), .i_daddress_valid ( execute_daddress_valid ), .i_mem_read_data ( mem_read_data ), .i_mem_read_data_valid ( mem_read_data_valid ), .i_mem_load_rd ( mem_load_rd ), .o_wb_read_data ( wb_read_data ), .o_wb_read_data_valid ( wb_read_data_valid ), .o_wb_load_rd ( wb_load_rd ) ); // ====================================== // Wishbone Master I/F // ====================================== a25_wishbone u_wishbone ( // CPU Side .i_clk ( i_clk ), // Instruction Cache Accesses .i_icache_req ( icache_wb_req ), .i_icache_qword ( icache_wb_qword ), .i_icache_address ( icache_wb_address ), .o_icache_read_data ( icache_wb_read_data ), .o_icache_ready ( icache_wb_ready ), // Data Cache Accesses .i_exclusive ( exclusive ), .i_dcache_cached_req ( dcache_wb_cached_req ), .i_dcache_uncached_req ( dcache_wb_uncached_req ), .i_dcache_qword ( dcache_wb_qword ), .i_dcache_write ( dcache_wb_write ), .i_dcache_write_data ( dcache_wb_write_data ), .i_dcache_byte_enable ( dcache_wb_byte_enable ), .i_dcache_address ( dcache_wb_address ), .o_dcache_read_data ( dcache_wb_read_data ), .o_dcache_cached_ready ( dcache_wb_cached_ready ), .o_dcache_uncached_ready ( dcache_wb_uncached_ready ), .o_wb_adr ( o_wb_adr ), .o_wb_sel ( o_wb_sel ), .o_wb_we ( o_wb_we ), .i_wb_dat ( i_wb_dat ), .o_wb_dat ( o_wb_dat ), .o_wb_cyc ( o_wb_cyc ), .o_wb_stb ( o_wb_stb ), .i_wb_ack ( i_wb_ack ), .i_wb_err ( i_wb_err ) ); // ====================================== // Co-Processor #15 // ====================================== a25_coprocessor u_coprocessor ( .i_clk ( i_clk ), .i_access_stall ( access_stall ), .i_copro_opcode1 ( copro_opcode1 ), .i_copro_opcode2 ( copro_opcode2 ), .i_copro_crn ( copro_crn ), .i_copro_crm ( copro_crm ), .i_copro_num ( copro_num ), .i_copro_operation ( copro_operation ), .i_copro_write_data ( copro_write_data ), .i_fault ( decode_fault ), .i_fault_status ( decode_fault_status ), .i_fault_address ( decode_fault_address ), .o_copro_read_data ( copro_read_data ), .o_cache_enable ( cache_enable ), .o_cache_flush ( cache_flush ), .o_cacheable_area ( cacheable_area ) ); endmodule
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