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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // L1 Instruction Cache for Amber 25 Core // // // // This file is part of the Amber project // // http://www.opencores.org/project,amber // // // // Description // // Synthesizable L1 Instruction Cache. // // Cache is 2,3,4 or 8 way, 256 line and 16 bytes per line. // // a total of 16KB. The cache is read only. Writes from // // the core to through the data cache. // // // // Author(s): // // - Conor Santifort, csantifort.amber@gmail.com // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Copyright (C) 2011 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG // // // // This source file may be used and distributed without // // restriction provided that this copyright statement is not // // removed from the file and that any derivative work contains // // the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. // // // // This source file is free software; you can redistribute it // // and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General // // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // // either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any // // later version. // // // // This source is distributed in the hope that it will be // // useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied // // warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // // PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more // // details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General // // Public License along with this source; if not, download it // // from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `include "a25_config_defines.v" module a25_icache #( // --------------------------------------------------------- // Cache Configuration // Limited to Linux 4k page sizes -> 256 lines parameter CACHE_LINES = 256, // This cannot be changed without some major surgeory on // this module parameter CACHE_WORDS_PER_LINE = 4, // Changing this parameter is the recommended // way to change the overall cache size; 2, 4 and 8 ways are supported. // 2 ways -> 8KB cache // 4 ways -> 16KB cache // 8 ways -> 32KB cache parameter WAYS = `A25_ICACHE_WAYS , // derived configuration parameters parameter CACHE_ADDR_WIDTH = log2 ( CACHE_LINES ), // = 8 parameter WORD_SEL_WIDTH = log2 ( CACHE_WORDS_PER_LINE ), // = 2 parameter TAG_ADDR_WIDTH = 32 - CACHE_ADDR_WIDTH - WORD_SEL_WIDTH - 2, // = 20 parameter TAG_WIDTH = TAG_ADDR_WIDTH + 1, // = 21, including Valid flag parameter CACHE_LINE_WIDTH = CACHE_WORDS_PER_LINE * 32, // = 128 parameter TAG_ADDR32_LSB = CACHE_ADDR_WIDTH + WORD_SEL_WIDTH + 2, // = 12 parameter CACHE_ADDR32_MSB = CACHE_ADDR_WIDTH + WORD_SEL_WIDTH + 2 - 1, // = 11 parameter CACHE_ADDR32_LSB = WORD_SEL_WIDTH + 2 , // = 4 parameter WORD_SEL_MSB = WORD_SEL_WIDTH + 2 - 1, // = 3 parameter WORD_SEL_LSB = 2 // = 2 // --------------------------------------------------------- ) ( input i_clk, input i_core_stall, output o_stall, // Read / Write requests from core input i_select, input [31:0] i_address, // registered address from execute input [31:0] i_address_nxt, // un-registered version of address from execute stage input i_cache_enable, // from co-processor 15 configuration register input i_cache_flush, // from co-processor 15 register output [31:0] o_read_data, // WB Read Request output o_wb_req, // Read Request input [31:0] i_wb_read_data, input i_wb_ready ); `include "a25_localparams.v" `include "a25_functions.v" // One-hot encoded localparam C_INIT = 0, C_CORE = 1, C_FILL = 2, C_INVA = 3, C_STATES = 4; localparam [3:0] CS_INIT = 4'd0, CS_IDLE = 4'd1, CS_FILL0 = 4'd2, CS_FILL1 = 4'd3, CS_FILL2 = 4'd4, CS_FILL3 = 4'd5, CS_FILL4 = 4'd6, CS_FILL_COMPLETE = 4'd7, CS_TURN_AROUND = 4'd8, CS_WRITE_HIT1 = 4'd9, CS_EX_DELETE = 4'd10; reg [3:0] c_state = CS_IDLE; reg [C_STATES-1:0] source_sel = 1'd1 << C_CORE; reg [CACHE_ADDR_WIDTH:0] init_count = 'd0; wire [TAG_WIDTH-1:0] tag_rdata_way [WAYS-1:0]; wire [CACHE_LINE_WIDTH-1:0] data_rdata_way[WAYS-1:0]; wire [WAYS-1:0] data_wenable_way; wire [WAYS-1:0] data_hit_way; wire [WAYS-1:0] tag_wenable_way; reg [WAYS-1:0] select_way = 'd0; wire [WAYS-1:0] next_way; reg [WAYS-1:0] valid_bits_r = 'd0; reg [3:0] random_num = 4'hf; wire [CACHE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] tag_address; wire [TAG_WIDTH-1:0] tag_wdata; wire tag_wenable; wire [CACHE_LINE_WIDTH-1:0] data_wdata; wire [CACHE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] data_address; wire [31:0] write_data_word; wire idle_hit; wire read_miss; wire read_miss_fill; wire invalid_read; wire fill_state; reg [31:0] miss_address = 'd0; wire [CACHE_LINE_WIDTH-1:0] hit_rdata; wire cache_busy_stall; wire read_stall; wire enable; wire [CACHE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] address; wire [31:0] address_c; reg [31:0] address_r = 'd0; reg [CACHE_LINE_WIDTH-1:0] wb_rdata_burst_r = 'd0; wire [CACHE_LINE_WIDTH-1:0] wb_rdata_burst; reg [31:0] wb_address = 'd0; wire rbuf_hit = 'd0; wire wb_hit; genvar i; // ====================================== // Address to use for cache access // ====================================== // If currently stalled then the address for the next // cycle will be the same as it is in the current cycle // assign address_c = i_core_stall ? i_address : //[CACHE_ADDR32_MSB:CACHE_ADDR32_LSB] : i_address_nxt; //[CACHE_ADDR32_MSB:CACHE_ADDR32_LSB] ; assign address = address_c[CACHE_ADDR32_MSB:CACHE_ADDR32_LSB]; // ====================================== // Outputs // ====================================== assign o_read_data = wb_hit ? i_wb_read_data : i_address[WORD_SEL_MSB:WORD_SEL_LSB] == 2'd0 ? hit_rdata [31:0] : i_address[WORD_SEL_MSB:WORD_SEL_LSB] == 2'd1 ? hit_rdata [63:32] : i_address[WORD_SEL_MSB:WORD_SEL_LSB] == 2'd2 ? hit_rdata [95:64] : hit_rdata [127:96] ; // Don't allow the cache to stall the wb i/f for an exclusive access // The cache needs a couple of cycles to flush a potential copy of the exclusive // address, but the wb can do the access in parallel. So there is no // stall in the state CS_EX_DELETE, even though the cache is out of action. // This works fine as long as the wb is stalling the core assign o_stall = read_stall || cache_busy_stall; assign o_wb_req = read_miss && c_state == CS_IDLE; // ====================================== // Cache State Machine // ====================================== // Little State Machine to Flush Tag RAMS always @ ( posedge i_clk ) if ( i_cache_flush ) begin c_state <= CS_INIT; source_sel <= 1'd1 << C_INIT; init_count <= 'd0; `ifdef A25_CACHE_DEBUG `TB_DEBUG_MESSAGE $display("Cache Flush"); `endif end else case ( c_state ) CS_INIT : if ( init_count < CACHE_LINES [CACHE_ADDR_WIDTH:0] ) begin init_count <= init_count + 1'd1; source_sel <= 1'd1 << C_INIT; end else begin source_sel <= 1'd1 << C_CORE; c_state <= CS_TURN_AROUND; end CS_IDLE : begin source_sel <= 1'd1 << C_CORE; if ( read_miss ) c_state <= CS_FILL0; end CS_FILL0 : begin // wb read request asserted, wait for ack if ( i_wb_ready ) c_state <= CS_FILL1; end CS_FILL1 : begin // wb read request asserted, wait for ack if ( i_wb_ready ) c_state <= CS_FILL2; end CS_FILL2 : // first read of burst of 4 // wb read request asserted, wait for ack if ( i_wb_ready ) c_state <= CS_FILL3; CS_FILL3 : begin select_way <= next_way; random_num <= {random_num[2], random_num[1], random_num[0], random_num[3]^random_num[2]}; // third read of burst of 4 // wb read request asserted, wait for ack if ( i_wb_ready ) begin c_state <= CS_FILL_COMPLETE; // Pick a way to write the cache update into // Either pick one of the invalid caches, or if all are valid, then pick // one randomly end end // Write the read fetch data in this cycle CS_FILL_COMPLETE : begin // Back to normal cache operations, but // use physical address for first read as // address moved before the stall was asserted for the read_miss // However don't use it if its a non-cached address! source_sel <= 1'd1 << C_CORE; c_state <= CS_TURN_AROUND; end // Ignore the tag read data in this cycle // Wait 1 cycle to pre-read the cache and return to normal operation CS_TURN_AROUND : begin c_state <= CS_IDLE; end endcase // ====================================== // Capture WB Block Read - burst of 4 words // ====================================== assign wb_rdata_burst = {i_wb_read_data, wb_rdata_burst_r[127:32]}; always @ ( posedge i_clk ) if ( i_wb_ready ) wb_rdata_burst_r <= wb_rdata_burst; // ====================================== // Miss Address // ====================================== always @ ( posedge i_clk ) if ( c_state == CS_IDLE ) miss_address <= i_address; always @ ( posedge i_clk ) address_r <= address_c; assign invalid_read = address_r != i_address; always @(posedge i_clk) if ( o_wb_req ) wb_address <= i_address; else if ( i_wb_ready && fill_state ) wb_address <= {wb_address[31:4], wb_address[3:2] + 1'd1, 2'd0}; assign fill_state = c_state == CS_FILL0 || c_state == CS_FILL1 || c_state == CS_FILL2 || c_state == CS_FILL3 ; assign wb_hit = i_address == wb_address && i_wb_ready && fill_state; assign tag_address = read_miss_fill ? miss_address [CACHE_ADDR32_MSB:CACHE_ADDR32_LSB] : source_sel[C_INIT] ? init_count[CACHE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] : address ; assign data_address = read_miss_fill ? miss_address[CACHE_ADDR32_MSB:CACHE_ADDR32_LSB] : address ; assign tag_wdata = read_miss_fill ? {1'd1, miss_address[31:TAG_ADDR32_LSB]} : {TAG_WIDTH{1'd0}} ; // Data comes in off the WB bus in wrap4 with the missed data word first assign data_wdata = miss_address[3:2] == 2'd0 ? { wb_rdata_burst[127:0] }: miss_address[3:2] == 2'd1 ? { wb_rdata_burst[95:0], wb_rdata_burst[127:96] }: miss_address[3:2] == 2'd2 ? { wb_rdata_burst[63:0], wb_rdata_burst[127:64] }: { wb_rdata_burst[31:0], wb_rdata_burst[127:32] }; assign read_miss_fill = c_state == CS_FILL3 && i_wb_ready; assign tag_wenable = read_miss_fill ? 1'd1 : source_sel[C_INVA] ? 1'd1 : source_sel[C_FILL] ? 1'd1 : source_sel[C_INIT] ? 1'd1 : source_sel[C_CORE] ? 1'd0 : 1'd0 ; assign enable = i_select && i_cache_enable; assign idle_hit = |data_hit_way; assign read_miss = enable && !idle_hit && !invalid_read; assign read_stall = enable && !idle_hit && !rbuf_hit && !wb_hit; assign cache_busy_stall = (c_state == CS_TURN_AROUND && enable) || c_state == CS_INIT; // ====================================== // Instantiate RAMS // ====================================== generate for ( i=0; i<WAYS;i=i+1 ) begin : rams // Tag RAMs `ifdef XILINX_SPARTAN6_FPGA xs6_sram_256x21_line_en `endif `ifdef XILINX_VIRTEX6_FPGA xv6_sram_256x21_line_en `endif `ifndef XILINX_FPGA generic_sram_line_en `endif #( .DATA_WIDTH ( TAG_WIDTH ), .INITIALIZE_TO_ZERO ( 1 ), .ADDRESS_WIDTH ( CACHE_ADDR_WIDTH )) u_tag ( .i_clk ( i_clk ), .i_write_data ( tag_wdata ), .i_write_enable ( tag_wenable_way[i] ), .i_address ( tag_address ), .o_read_data ( tag_rdata_way[i] ) ); // Data RAMs `ifdef XILINX_SPARTAN6_FPGA xs6_sram_256x128_byte_en `endif `ifdef XILINX_VIRTEX6_FPGA xv6_sram_256x128_byte_en `endif `ifndef XILINX_FPGA generic_sram_byte_en `endif #( .DATA_WIDTH ( CACHE_LINE_WIDTH) , .ADDRESS_WIDTH ( CACHE_ADDR_WIDTH) ) u_data ( .i_clk ( i_clk ), .i_write_data ( data_wdata ), .i_write_enable ( data_wenable_way[i] ), .i_address ( data_address ), .i_byte_enable ( {CACHE_LINE_WIDTH/8{1'd1}} ), .o_read_data ( data_rdata_way[i] ) ); // Per tag-ram write-enable assign tag_wenable_way[i] = tag_wenable && ( select_way[i] || source_sel[C_INIT] ); // Per data-ram write-enable assign data_wenable_way[i] = ( source_sel[C_FILL] || read_miss_fill ) && select_way[i]; // Per data-ram idle_hit flag assign data_hit_way[i] = tag_rdata_way[i][TAG_WIDTH-1] && tag_rdata_way[i][TAG_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] == i_address[31:TAG_ADDR32_LSB] && c_state == CS_IDLE; end endgenerate // ====================================== // Register Valid Bits // ====================================== generate if ( WAYS == 2 ) begin : valid_bits_2ways always @ ( posedge i_clk ) if ( c_state == CS_IDLE ) valid_bits_r <= {tag_rdata_way[1][TAG_WIDTH-1], tag_rdata_way[0][TAG_WIDTH-1]}; end else if ( WAYS == 3 ) begin : valid_bits_3ways always @ ( posedge i_clk ) if ( c_state == CS_IDLE ) valid_bits_r <= {tag_rdata_way[2][TAG_WIDTH-1], tag_rdata_way[1][TAG_WIDTH-1], tag_rdata_way[0][TAG_WIDTH-1]}; end else if ( WAYS == 4 ) begin : valid_bits_4ways always @ ( posedge i_clk ) if ( c_state == CS_IDLE ) valid_bits_r <= {tag_rdata_way[3][TAG_WIDTH-1], tag_rdata_way[2][TAG_WIDTH-1], tag_rdata_way[1][TAG_WIDTH-1], tag_rdata_way[0][TAG_WIDTH-1]}; end else begin : valid_bits_8ways always @ ( posedge i_clk ) if ( c_state == CS_IDLE ) valid_bits_r <= {tag_rdata_way[7][TAG_WIDTH-1], tag_rdata_way[6][TAG_WIDTH-1], tag_rdata_way[5][TAG_WIDTH-1], tag_rdata_way[4][TAG_WIDTH-1], tag_rdata_way[3][TAG_WIDTH-1], tag_rdata_way[2][TAG_WIDTH-1], tag_rdata_way[1][TAG_WIDTH-1], tag_rdata_way[0][TAG_WIDTH-1]}; end endgenerate // ====================================== // Select read hit data // ====================================== generate if ( WAYS == 2 ) begin : read_data_2ways assign hit_rdata = data_hit_way[0] ? data_rdata_way[0] : data_hit_way[1] ? data_rdata_way[1] : {CACHE_LINE_WIDTH{1'd1}} ; // all 1's for debug end else if ( WAYS == 3 ) begin : read_data_3ways assign hit_rdata = data_hit_way[0] ? data_rdata_way[0] : data_hit_way[1] ? data_rdata_way[1] : data_hit_way[2] ? data_rdata_way[2] : {CACHE_LINE_WIDTH{1'd1}} ; // all 1's for debug end else if ( WAYS == 4 ) begin : read_data_4ways assign hit_rdata = data_hit_way[0] ? data_rdata_way[0] : data_hit_way[1] ? data_rdata_way[1] : data_hit_way[2] ? data_rdata_way[2] : data_hit_way[3] ? data_rdata_way[3] : {CACHE_LINE_WIDTH{1'd1}} ; // all 1's for debug end else begin : read_data_8ways assign hit_rdata = data_hit_way[0] ? data_rdata_way[0] : data_hit_way[1] ? data_rdata_way[1] : data_hit_way[2] ? data_rdata_way[2] : data_hit_way[3] ? data_rdata_way[3] : data_hit_way[4] ? data_rdata_way[4] : data_hit_way[5] ? data_rdata_way[5] : data_hit_way[6] ? data_rdata_way[6] : data_hit_way[7] ? data_rdata_way[7] : {CACHE_LINE_WIDTH{1'd1}} ; // all 1's for debug end endgenerate // ====================================== // Function to select the way to use // for fills // ====================================== generate if ( WAYS == 2 ) begin : pick_way_2ways assign next_way = pick_way ( valid_bits_r, random_num ); function [WAYS-1:0] pick_way; input [WAYS-1:0] valid_bits; input [3:0] random_num; begin if ( valid_bits[0] == 1'd0 ) // way 0 not occupied so use it pick_way = 2'b01; else if ( valid_bits[1] == 1'd0 ) // way 1 not occupied so use it pick_way = 2'b10; else begin // All ways occupied so pick one randomly case (random_num[3:1]) 3'd0, 3'd3, 3'd5, 3'd6: pick_way = 2'b10; default: pick_way = 2'b01; endcase end end endfunction end else if ( WAYS == 3 ) begin : pick_way_3ways assign next_way = pick_way ( valid_bits_r, random_num ); function [WAYS-1:0] pick_way; input [WAYS-1:0] valid_bits; input [3:0] random_num; begin if ( valid_bits[0] == 1'd0 ) // way 0 not occupied so use it pick_way = 3'b001; else if ( valid_bits[1] == 1'd0 ) // way 1 not occupied so use it pick_way = 3'b010; else if ( valid_bits[2] == 1'd0 ) // way 2 not occupied so use it pick_way = 3'b100; else begin // All ways occupied so pick one randomly case (random_num[3:1]) 3'd0, 3'd1, 3'd2: pick_way = 3'b010; 3'd2, 3'd3, 3'd4: pick_way = 3'b100; default: pick_way = 3'b001; endcase end end endfunction end else if ( WAYS == 4 ) begin : pick_way_4ways assign next_way = pick_way ( valid_bits_r, random_num ); function [WAYS-1:0] pick_way; input [WAYS-1:0] valid_bits; input [3:0] random_num; begin if ( valid_bits[0] == 1'd0 ) // way 0 not occupied so use it pick_way = 4'b0001; else if ( valid_bits[1] == 1'd0 ) // way 1 not occupied so use it pick_way = 4'b0010; else if ( valid_bits[2] == 1'd0 ) // way 2 not occupied so use it pick_way = 4'b0100; else if ( valid_bits[3] == 1'd0 ) // way 3 not occupied so use it pick_way = 4'b1000; else begin // All ways occupied so pick one randomly case (random_num[3:1]) 3'd0, 3'd1: pick_way = 4'b0100; 3'd2, 3'd3: pick_way = 4'b1000; 3'd4, 3'd5: pick_way = 4'b0001; default: pick_way = 4'b0010; endcase end end endfunction end else begin : pick_way_8ways assign next_way = pick_way ( valid_bits_r, random_num ); function [WAYS-1:0] pick_way; input [WAYS-1:0] valid_bits; input [3:0] random_num; begin if ( valid_bits[0] == 1'd0 ) // way 0 not occupied so use it pick_way = 8'b00000001; else if ( valid_bits[1] == 1'd0 ) // way 1 not occupied so use it pick_way = 8'b00000010; else if ( valid_bits[2] == 1'd0 ) // way 2 not occupied so use it pick_way = 8'b00000100; else if ( valid_bits[3] == 1'd0 ) // way 3 not occupied so use it pick_way = 8'b00001000; else if ( valid_bits[4] == 1'd0 ) // way 3 not occupied so use it pick_way = 8'b00010000; else if ( valid_bits[5] == 1'd0 ) // way 3 not occupied so use it pick_way = 8'b00100000; else if ( valid_bits[6] == 1'd0 ) // way 3 not occupied so use it pick_way = 8'b01000000; else if ( valid_bits[7] == 1'd0 ) // way 3 not occupied so use it pick_way = 8'b10000000; else begin // All ways occupied so pick one randomly case (random_num[3:1]) 3'd0: pick_way = 8'b00010000; 3'd1: pick_way = 8'b00100000; 3'd2: pick_way = 8'b01000000; 3'd3: pick_way = 8'b10000000; 3'd4: pick_way = 8'b00000001; 3'd5: pick_way = 8'b00000010; 3'd6: pick_way = 8'b00000100; default: pick_way = 8'b00001000; endcase end end endfunction end endgenerate // ======================================================== // Debug WB bus - not synthesizable // ======================================================== //synopsys translate_off wire [(6*8)-1:0] xSOURCE_SEL; wire [(20*8)-1:0] xC_STATE; assign xSOURCE_SEL = source_sel[C_CORE] ? "C_CORE" : source_sel[C_INIT] ? "C_INIT" : source_sel[C_FILL] ? "C_FILL" : source_sel[C_INVA] ? "C_INVA" : "UNKNON" ; assign xC_STATE = c_state == CS_INIT ? "CS_INIT" : c_state == CS_IDLE ? "CS_IDLE" : c_state == CS_FILL0 ? "CS_FILL0" : c_state == CS_FILL1 ? "CS_FILL1" : c_state == CS_FILL2 ? "CS_FILL2" : c_state == CS_FILL3 ? "CS_FILL3" : c_state == CS_FILL4 ? "CS_FILL4" : c_state == CS_FILL_COMPLETE ? "CS_FILL_COMPLETE" : c_state == CS_EX_DELETE ? "CS_EX_DELETE" : c_state == CS_TURN_AROUND ? "CS_TURN_AROUND" : c_state == CS_WRITE_HIT1 ? "CS_WRITE_HIT1" : "UNKNOWN" ; generate if ( WAYS == 2 ) begin : check_hit_2ways always @( posedge i_clk ) if ( (data_hit_way[0] + data_hit_way[1] ) > 4'd1 ) begin `TB_ERROR_MESSAGE $display("Hit in more than one cache ways!"); end end else if ( WAYS == 3 ) begin : check_hit_3ways always @( posedge i_clk ) if ( (data_hit_way[0] + data_hit_way[1] + data_hit_way[2] ) > 4'd1 ) begin `TB_ERROR_MESSAGE $display("Hit in more than one cache ways!"); end end else if ( WAYS == 4 ) begin : check_hit_4ways always @( posedge i_clk ) if ( (data_hit_way[0] + data_hit_way[1] + data_hit_way[2] + data_hit_way[3] ) > 4'd1 ) begin `TB_ERROR_MESSAGE $display("Hit in more than one cache ways!"); end end else if ( WAYS == 8 ) begin : check_hit_8ways always @( posedge i_clk ) if ( (data_hit_way[0] + data_hit_way[1] + data_hit_way[2] + data_hit_way[3] + data_hit_way[4] + data_hit_way[5] + data_hit_way[6] + data_hit_way[7] ) > 4'd1 ) begin `TB_ERROR_MESSAGE $display("Hit in more than one cache ways!"); end end else begin : check_hit_nways initial begin `TB_ERROR_MESSAGE $display("Unsupported number of ways %0d", WAYS); $display("Set A25_ICACHE_WAYS in a25_config_defines.v to either 2,3,4 or 8"); end end endgenerate //synopsys translate_on endmodule
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