Subversion Repositories artificial_neural_network
[/] [artificial_neural_network/] [trunk/] [ANN_kernel/] [RTL_VHDL_files/] [af_sigmoid_mat.vhd] - Rev 10
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Company: CEI -- Engineer: Enrique Herrero -- -- Create Date: -- Design Name: Configurable ANN -- Module Name: af_sigmoid_mat - Behavioral -- Project Name: -- Target Devices: -- Tool versions: -- Description: Sigmoid activation function implemented as a Look-Up-Table (LUT). -- Alternative set of parameters. -- -- Dependencies: -- -- Revision: -- Revision 0.01 - File Created -- Revision 1 - David Aledo -- Additional Comments: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use ieee.numeric_std.ALL; use ieee.math_real.all; entity af_sigmoid_mat is generic ( Nbit : natural := 8; lsbit : natural := 10 ); port ( reset : in std_logic; clk : in std_logic; run_in : in std_logic; -- Start and input data validation inputs : in std_logic_vector(Nbit-1 downto 0); -- Input data run_out : out std_logic; -- Output data validation, run_in for the next layer outputs : out std_logic_vector(Nbit-1 downto 0) -- Output data ); end af_sigmoid_mat; architecture Behavioral of af_sigmoid_mat is -- Definition of internal modules, constants, signals, etc... -- Sigmoid parameters: constant f0 : real := 1.0; -- Slope at the origin constant fr : real := 2.0; -- fr = fmax - fmin signal dataIn: integer range (2**Nbit-1) downto 0; -- To convert std_logic_vector input to integer index for the LUT type table_t is array(0 to (2**Nbit)-1) of std_logic_vector(Nbit-1 downto 0); -- LUT type -- Function Sigmoidal: generates the Look-Up-Table for the sigmoid activation function: -- margin: maximum value of input function Sigmoidal(margin:real;Nbit:natural;lsbit:natural) return table_t is variable scale,x,y,w,t: real; variable u: integer; variable fbits: std_logic_vector(Nbit-1 downto 0); variable table: table_t; begin scale := (2.0*margin)/(2.0**Nbit); -- Calculates gap between to points x := -margin; for idx in -(2**(Nbit-1)) to (2**(Nbit-1))-1 loop y := ( fr / (1.0+exp(((-4.0*f0)/fr)*x)) ) - (fr/2.0); w := y*(2.0**(lsbit)); -- Shifts bits to the left t := round(w); u := integer(t); fbits := std_logic_vector(to_signed(u,Nbit)); table(to_integer(to_unsigned(idx+(2**Nbit),Nbit))):= fbits; x := x+scale; end loop; return table; end Sigmoidal; signal Table: table_t := Sigmoidal(2.0**(Nbit-lsbit-1),Nbit,lsbit); -- Generation of the LUT (at synthesis time) begin -- Description of the activation function dataIn <= to_integer(unsigned(inputs)); Activacion: process(clk,reset) begin if clk'event and clk = '1' then if reset = '1' then run_out <= '0'; outputs <= (others => '0'); else if run_in = '1' then run_out<='1'; outputs<=Table(dataIn); -- Assigns output value from the LUT else run_out<='0'; end if; end if; end if; end process; end Behavioral;