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[/] [ccsds_rxtxsoc/] [trunk/] [ccsds_tx_framer.vhd] - Rev 2
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------------------------------- ---- Project: EurySPACE CCSDS RX/TX with wishbone interface ---- Design Name: ccsds_tx_framer ---- Version: 1.0.0 ---- Description: ---- Implementation of standard CCSDS 132.0-B-2 ------------------------------- ---- Author(s): ---- Guillaume REMBERT ------------------------------- ---- Licence: ---- MIT ------------------------------- ---- Changes list: ---- 2016/02/27: initial release ---- 2016/10/20: rework ---- 2016/10/24: multiple footers generation to ensure higher speed than input max data rate (CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_BUS_SIZE*CLK_FREQ bits/sec) ---- 2016/10/31: ressources optimization ---- 2016/11/03: add only idle data insertion ------------------------------- --TODO: trailer as option --HEADER (6 up to 70 bytes) / before data / f(idle) --TRANSFER FRAME DATA FIELD => Variable --TRAILER (2 up to 6 bytes) / after data / f(data, header) -- libraries used library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; --============================================================================= -- Entity declaration for ccsds_tx / unitary tx framer inputs and outputs --============================================================================= entity ccsds_tx_framer is generic( constant CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_BUS_SIZE: integer; -- in bits constant CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH: integer; -- in Bytes constant CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_FOOTER_LENGTH: integer; -- in Bytes constant CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_HEADER_LENGTH: integer; -- in Bytes constant CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_PARALLELISM_MAX_RATIO: integer := 16 -- activated max framer parallelism speed ratio / 1 = full speed / 2 = wishbone bus non-pipelined write max speed / ... / CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_BUS_SIZE = external serial data ); port( -- inputs clk_i: in std_logic; dat_i: in std_logic_vector(CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_BUS_SIZE-1 downto 0); dat_val_i: in std_logic; rst_i: in std_logic; -- outputs dat_o: out std_logic_vector((CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_HEADER_LENGTH+CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_FOOTER_LENGTH+CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH)*8-1 downto 0); dat_nxt_o: out std_logic; dat_val_o: out std_logic; idl_o: out std_logic ); end ccsds_tx_framer; --============================================================================= -- architecture declaration / internal components and connections --============================================================================= architecture structure of ccsds_tx_framer is component ccsds_tx_header is generic( constant CCSDS_TX_HEADER_LENGTH: integer ); port( clk_i: in std_logic; idl_i: in std_logic; nxt_i: in std_logic; rst_i: in std_logic; dat_o: out std_logic_vector(CCSDS_TX_HEADER_LENGTH*8-1 downto 0); dat_val_o: out std_logic ); end component; component ccsds_tx_footer is generic( constant CCSDS_TX_FOOTER_DATA_LENGTH : integer; constant CCSDS_TX_FOOTER_LENGTH: integer ); port( clk_i: in std_logic; rst_i: in std_logic; nxt_i: in std_logic; bus_o: out std_logic; dat_i: in std_logic_vector(CCSDS_TX_FOOTER_DATA_LENGTH*8-1 downto 0); dat_o: out std_logic_vector((CCSDS_TX_FOOTER_LENGTH+CCSDS_TX_FOOTER_DATA_LENGTH)*8-1 downto 0); dat_val_o: out std_logic ); end component; -- internal constants constant CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_FOOTER_NUMBER : integer := CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_BUS_SIZE*((CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_HEADER_LENGTH+CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH+CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_FOOTER_LENGTH)*8+1)/(CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH*8*CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_PARALLELISM_MAX_RATIO)+1; -- 8*(HEAD+DATA+FOOT+1) clks / crc ; BUS bits / parallelism * clk ; DATA*8 bits / footer constant CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_OID_PATTERN: std_logic_vector(CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH*8-1 downto 0) := (others => '1'); -- Only Idle Data Pattern transmitted (jam payload for frame stuffing) -- internal variable signals type frame_array is array (CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_FOOTER_NUMBER-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector((CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_FOOTER_LENGTH+CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH+CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_HEADER_LENGTH)*8-1 downto 0); signal wire_header_data: std_logic_vector(CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_HEADER_LENGTH*8-1 downto 0); signal wire_footer_data_o: frame_array; signal wire_header_data_valid: std_logic; signal wire_footer_data_valid: std_logic_vector(CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_FOOTER_NUMBER-1 downto 0); signal wire_header_next: std_logic := '0'; signal wire_header_idle: std_logic := '0'; signal wire_footer_next: std_logic_vector(CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_FOOTER_NUMBER-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal wire_footer_busy: std_logic_vector(CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_FOOTER_NUMBER-1 downto 0); signal reg_next_frame: std_logic_vector(CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH*8-CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_BUS_SIZE-1 downto 0); signal reg_current_frame: std_logic_vector((CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH)*8-1 downto 0); signal reg_processing_frame: std_logic_vector((CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH+CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_HEADER_LENGTH)*8-1 downto 0); signal next_processing_frame_pointer : integer range 0 to CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_FOOTER_NUMBER-1 := 0; -- components instanciation and mapping begin tx_header_0: ccsds_tx_header generic map( CCSDS_TX_HEADER_LENGTH => CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_HEADER_LENGTH ) port map( clk_i => clk_i, idl_i => wire_header_idle, nxt_i => wire_header_next, rst_i => rst_i, dat_o => wire_header_data, dat_val_o => wire_header_data_valid ); FOOTERGEN: for i in 0 to CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_FOOTER_NUMBER-1 generate tx_footer_x : ccsds_tx_footer generic map( CCSDS_TX_FOOTER_DATA_LENGTH => CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH+CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_HEADER_LENGTH, CCSDS_TX_FOOTER_LENGTH => CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_FOOTER_LENGTH ) port map( clk_i => clk_i, rst_i => rst_i, nxt_i => wire_footer_next(i), bus_o => wire_footer_busy(i), dat_i => reg_processing_frame, dat_o => wire_footer_data_o(i), dat_val_o => wire_footer_data_valid(i) ); end generate FOOTERGEN; -- presynthesis checks CHKFRAMERP0 : if ((CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH*8) mod CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_BUS_SIZE /= 0) generate process begin report "ERROR: FRAMER DATA LENGTH SHOULD BE A MULTIPLE OF FRAMER DATA BUS SIZE" severity failure; wait; end process; end generate CHKFRAMERP0; CHKFRAMERP1 : if ((CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH) = 0) generate process begin report "ERROR: FRAMER DATA LENGTH CANNOT BE 0" severity failure; wait; end process; end generate CHKFRAMERP1; CHKFRAMERP2 : if ((CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_PARALLELISM_MAX_RATIO) = 0) generate process begin report "ERROR: PARALLELISM MAX RATIO CANNOT BE 0" severity failure; wait; end process; end generate CHKFRAMERP2; -- internal processing --============================================================================= -- Begin of frameroutputp -- Generate valid frame output on footer data_valid signal --============================================================================= -- read: rst_i, wire_footer_data, wire_footer_data_valid -- write: dat_o, dat_val_o -- r/w: next_valid_frame_pointer FRAMEROUTPUTP: process (clk_i) variable next_valid_frame_pointer : integer range 0 to CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_FOOTER_NUMBER-1 := 0; begin -- on each clock rising edge if rising_edge(clk_i) then -- reset signal received if (rst_i = '1') then next_valid_frame_pointer := 0; dat_o <= (others => '0'); dat_val_o <= '0'; -- generating valid frames output else dat_o <= wire_footer_data_o(next_valid_frame_pointer); if (wire_footer_data_valid(next_valid_frame_pointer) = '1') then dat_val_o <= '1'; if (next_valid_frame_pointer < (CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_FOOTER_NUMBER-1)) then next_valid_frame_pointer := (next_valid_frame_pointer + 1); else next_valid_frame_pointer := 0; end if; else dat_o <= (others => '0'); dat_val_o <= '0'; end if; end if; end if; end process; --============================================================================= -- Begin of framerprocessp -- Start footer computation on valid header signal --============================================================================= -- read: wire_header_data, wire_header_data_valid -- write: next_processing_frame_pointer, reg_processing_frame, wire_footer_next -- r/w: FRAMERPROCESSP: process (clk_i) variable reg_next_processing_frame: std_logic_vector((CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH)*8-1 downto 0); begin -- on each clock rising edge if rising_edge(clk_i) then -- reset signal received if (rst_i = '1') then next_processing_frame_pointer <= 0; wire_footer_next <= (others => '0'); else if(wire_header_data_valid = '1') then reg_processing_frame((CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH+CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_HEADER_LENGTH)*8-1 downto CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH*8) <= wire_header_data; -- idle data to be used if (wire_header_data(10 downto 0) = "11111111110") then reg_processing_frame(CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH*8-1 downto 0) <= CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_OID_PATTERN; reg_next_processing_frame := reg_current_frame; -- current data to be used else -- continuous data flow header is one clk in advance if (CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH*8 = CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_BUS_SIZE) and (CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_PARALLELISM_MAX_RATIO = 1) then reg_processing_frame(CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH*8-1 downto 0) <= reg_next_processing_frame; reg_next_processing_frame := reg_current_frame; -- header is synchronous with data else reg_processing_frame(CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH*8-1 downto 0) <= reg_current_frame; end if; end if; wire_footer_next(next_processing_frame_pointer) <= '1'; if (next_processing_frame_pointer = CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_FOOTER_NUMBER-1) then next_processing_frame_pointer <= 0; else next_processing_frame_pointer <= (next_processing_frame_pointer + 1); end if; end if; if (next_processing_frame_pointer = 0) then wire_footer_next(CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_FOOTER_NUMBER-1) <= '0'; else wire_footer_next(next_processing_frame_pointer-1) <= '0'; end if; end if; end if; end process; --============================================================================= -- Begin of framergeneratep -- Generate next_frame, start next header generation --============================================================================= -- read: dat_val_i, rst_i -- write: wire_header_next, reg_current_frame, reg_next_frame, dat_nxt_o, idl_o -- r/w: FRAMERGENERATEP: process (clk_i) variable next_frame_write_pos: integer range 0 to (CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH*8/CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_BUS_SIZE)-1 := (CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH*8/CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_BUS_SIZE)-1; variable frame_output_counter: integer range 0 to (CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH*CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_PARALLELISM_MAX_RATIO*8/CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_BUS_SIZE)-1 := 0; variable current_frame_ready: std_logic := '0'; begin -- on each clock rising edge if rising_edge(clk_i) then -- reset signal received if (rst_i = '1') then current_frame_ready := '0'; wire_header_next <= '0'; next_frame_write_pos := (CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH*8/CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_BUS_SIZE)-1; frame_output_counter := 0; idl_o <= '0'; dat_nxt_o <= '0'; else -- valid data is presented if (dat_val_i = '1') then -- next frame is full if (next_frame_write_pos = 0) then reg_current_frame(CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_BUS_SIZE-1 downto 0) <= dat_i; reg_current_frame(CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH*8-1 downto CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_BUS_SIZE) <= reg_next_frame; -- time to start frame computation if (frame_output_counter = 0) then -- CRC is ready to compute if (wire_footer_busy(next_processing_frame_pointer) = '0') then frame_output_counter := (CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH*8*CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_PARALLELISM_MAX_RATIO/CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_BUS_SIZE)-1; wire_header_next <= '1'; wire_header_idle <= '0'; idl_o <= '0'; -- source data rate overflow / stop buffer output else dat_nxt_o <= '0'; end if; else frame_output_counter := frame_output_counter - 1; -- signal a frame ready for computation if (current_frame_ready = '0') then wire_header_next <= '0'; current_frame_ready := '1'; -- source data rate overflow else dat_nxt_o <= '0'; end if; end if; next_frame_write_pos := CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH*8/CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_BUS_SIZE-1; else -- filling next frame reg_next_frame(next_frame_write_pos*CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_BUS_SIZE-1 downto (next_frame_write_pos-1)*CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_BUS_SIZE) <= dat_i; next_frame_write_pos := next_frame_write_pos-1; -- time to start frame computation if (frame_output_counter = 0) then -- CRC is ready to compute if (wire_footer_busy(next_processing_frame_pointer) = '0') then dat_nxt_o <= '1'; frame_output_counter := (CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH*CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_PARALLELISM_MAX_RATIO*8/CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_BUS_SIZE)-1; -- no frame is ready / inserting idle data if (current_frame_ready = '0') then wire_header_next <= '1'; wire_header_idle <= '1'; idl_o <= '1'; -- a frame is ready else wire_header_next <= '1'; wire_header_idle <= '0'; current_frame_ready := '0'; idl_o <= '0'; end if; else dat_nxt_o <= '0'; end if; else -- stop data before overflow if (next_frame_write_pos = 1) and (current_frame_ready = '1') then dat_nxt_o <= '0'; end if; frame_output_counter := frame_output_counter - 1; wire_header_next <= '0'; end if; end if; -- no valid data else -- time to start frame computation if (frame_output_counter = 0) then -- CRC is ready to compute if (wire_footer_busy(next_processing_frame_pointer) = '0') then dat_nxt_o <= '1'; frame_output_counter := (CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_LENGTH*CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_PARALLELISM_MAX_RATIO*8/CCSDS_TX_FRAMER_DATA_BUS_SIZE)-1; if (current_frame_ready = '0') then wire_header_next <= '1'; wire_header_idle <= '1'; idl_o <= '1'; else wire_header_next <= '1'; wire_header_idle <= '0'; current_frame_ready := '0'; idl_o <= '0'; end if; end if; else wire_header_next <= '0'; frame_output_counter := frame_output_counter - 1; end if; end if; end if; end if; end process; end structure;