Subversion Repositories core1990_interlaken
[/] [core1990_interlaken/] [trunk/] [gateware/] [simulation/] [crc-32_tb.vhd] - Rev 6
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library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity testbenchcrc_32 is end entity testbenchcrc_32; architecture tb_CRC_32 of testbenchcrc_32 is --for uut : CRC use entity work.CRC(error_check); constant Nbits : positive := 64; constant CRC_Width : positive := 32; constant G_Poly: Std_Logic_Vector :=x"1EDC_6F41"; --c1acf constant G_InitVal: std_logic_vector:=x"ffff_ffff"; signal CRC : std_logic_vector(CRC_Width-1 downto 0); signal Calc : std_logic := '0'; signal Clk : std_logic := '1'; signal Reset: std_logic := '1'; signal Din : std_logic_vector(Nbits-1 downto 0); constant CLK_PERIOD : time := 10 ns; begin uut : entity work.CRC_32 generic map( Nbits => Nbits, CRC_Width => CRC_Width, G_Poly => G_Poly, G_InitVal => G_InitVal ) port map ( CRC => CRC, Calc => Calc, Reset => Reset, Clk => Clk, Din => Din ); Clk_process :process begin Clk <= '1'; wait for CLK_PERIOD/2; --for half of clock period clk stays at '0'. Clk <= '0'; wait for CLK_PERIOD/2; --for next half of clock period clk stays at '1'. end process; simulation : process begin Din <= (others=>'0'); wait for CLK_PERIOD*2; Reset <= '0'; Calc <= '1'; Din <= X"5f5e5d5c5b5a5958"; --wait for CLK_PERIOD; --Din <= X"5f5e5d5c5b5a5958"; wait for CLK_PERIOD; Din <= X"2f5e5d5c5b5a5958"; wait for CLK_PERIOD; Din <= X"9f5e5d5c5b5a5958"; wait for CLK_PERIOD; --Calc <= '0'; Reset <= '1'; --Din <= (others=>'0'); wait for CLK_PERIOD; Reset <='0'; --Calc <= '1'; wait for CLK_PERIOD; Din <= X"aaa5555555554000"; wait for CLK_PERIOD; Din <= X"d721a28c5b5c5959"; wait for CLK_PERIOD; Din <= X"60b35d5dc4a582a7"; wait; end process; end architecture tb_CRC_32;