Subversion Repositories core1990_interlaken
[/] [core1990_interlaken/] [trunk/] [gateware/] [sources/] [interlaken/] [receiver/] [deframing_burst.vhd] - Rev 11
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library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity Burst_Deframer is port( Clk : in std_logic; -- Clock input Reset : in std_logic; -- Reset decoder Data_In : in std_logic_vector(66 downto 0); -- Data input Data_Out : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); --Data output SOP : out std_logic; EOP : out std_logic; EOP_valid : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); Data_Valid_In : in std_logic; Data_Valid_Out : out std_logic; -- Indicated valid data and enables the fifo write pin CRC24_Error : out std_logic; Flowcontrol : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ); end entity Burst_Deframer; architecture Deframing of Burst_Deframer is type state_type is (IDLE, CRC); signal pres_state, next_state : state_type; signal Packet_Counter : integer range 0 to 60; signal Data_P1 : std_logic_vector(66 downto 0); signal Data_valid_P1, Data_valid_P2, Data_valid_P3: std_logic; --signal Data_Temp : std_logic_vector(65 downto 0); --signal data_word_reg, data_word_reg_p1 : std_logic_vector(65 downto 0); --signal control_word_reg : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal packet_ready, packet_busy : std_logic; signal CRC24_Value_P1, CRC24_Value_P2, CRC24_Value_P3 : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- CRC-24 value received signal SOP_signal, SOP_p1 : std_logic; signal EOP_signal : std_logic; signal EOP_signal_p1 : std_logic; signal EOP_Valid_signal : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); --signal FlowControl : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal Channel : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- CRC-24 related signal CRC24_In : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); -- Data transmitted to CRC-24 signal CRC24_Out : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); -- Calculated CRC-24 which returns signal CRC24_En : std_logic; -- Indicate the CRC-24 the data is valid signal CRC24_Rst : std_logic; -- CRC-24 reset signal CRC_Check_P1, CRC_Check_P2, CRC_Check_P3 : std_logic; signal CRC24_Good : std_logic; begin CRC_24_Encoding : entity work.CRC_24 -- Define the connections of the CRC-24 component to the Burst component and generics --generic map --( -- Nbits => 64, -- CRC_Width => 24, -- G_Poly => X"32_8B63", --Test with CRC-32 (Interlaken-32 : X"1EDC_6F41") -- leo: changed 04C1_1DB7 to 328B63 -- G_InitVal => X"FF_FFFF" --) port map ( Clk => Clk, DIn => CRC24_In, CRC => CRC24_Out, Calc => CRC24_En, Reset => CRC24_Rst ); Burst_Deframing : process (clk, reset) is begin if reset = '1' then Data_Out <= (others => '0'); --Data_Temp <= (others => '0'); SOP_signal <= '0'; EOP_signal <= '0'; EOP_Valid_signal <= (others => '0'); FlowControl <= (others => '0'); Channel <= (others => '0'); Data_P1 <= (others => '0'); --Data_P2 <= (others => '0'); --Data_P3 <= (others => '0'); Data_valid_P3 <= '0'; Data_valid_P2 <= '0'; Data_valid_P1 <= '0'; elsif rising_edge(clk) then Data_P1 <= Data_In; Data_valid_P1 <= Data_valid_in; Data_Valid_Out <= '0'; if(data_valid_in = '1' and data_in(65 downto 64) = "10") then Data_valid_P1 <= '0'; --data_word_reg <= data_in; --data_word_reg_p1 <= data_word_reg; --SOP_p1 <= SOP; ----EOP_signal <= '0'; end if; if (Data_in(65 downto 64) = "10" and Data_valid_in = '1') then --SOP_signal <= Data_In(61); if(Data_in(60) = '1') then EOP_signal <= '1'; EOP_Valid_signal <= Data_In(59 downto 57); end if; if (Data_in(61) = '1') then SOP_signal <= '1'; end if; FlowControl <= Data_In(55 downto 40); Channel <= Data_In(39 downto 32); end if; if EOP_Signal = '1' then EOP_Signal <= '0'; EOP_Valid <= (others=>'0'); end if; data_out <= data_P1(63 downto 0); --EOP <= EOP_signal; EOP_valid <= EOP_valid_signal; EOP_signal_p1 <= EOP_signal; if data_valid_P1 = '1' then SOP <= SOP_signal; SOP_signal <= '0'; end if; data_valid_out <= data_valid_P1; end if; end process Burst_Deframing; ---------------------------------------------- Control header = "10" EOP not valid, force end of packet on this output. EOP <= (EOP_signal and not EOP_signal_p1) or ((Data_in(65) and (not Data_in(64))) and Data_in(60) and not data_valid_P1); state_register : process (clk) is begin if (rising_edge(clk)) then pres_state <= next_state; end if; end process state_register; state_decoder : process (pres_state, Data_In) is begin case pres_state is when IDLE => if ( Data_In(65 downto 60) = "101110") then --SOP set and EOP not set next_state <= CRC; else next_state <= IDLE; end if; when CRC => if(Data_In(65 downto 64) = "10" and Data_In(61) = '0' and Data_In(60) = '1') then -- End of packet (EOP) next_state <= IDLE; elsif(Data_In(65 downto 64) = "10" and Data_In(61) = '1') then -- Repeating start condition (SOP) -> Error next_state <= IDLE; else next_state <= CRC; end if; when others => next_state <= IDLE; end case; end process state_decoder; output : process (pres_state, clk) is begin if rising_edge(clk) then CRC24_En <= '0'; CRC24_RST <= '0'; CRC24_Good <= '0'; CRC24_Error <= '0'; CRC_Check_P1 <= '0'; --- CRC_Check_P2 <= CRC_Check_P1; CRC_Check_P3 <= CRC_Check_P2; CRC24_Value_P2 <= CRC24_Value_P1; CRC24_Value_P3 <= CRC24_Value_P2; if CRC_Check_P3 = '1' then if(CRC24_Out /= CRC24_Value_P3) then CRC24_Error <= '1'; else CRC24_Good <= '1'; end if; end if; if Data_Valid_In = '1' then CRC24_En <= '1'; --CRC_Check_P1 <= '0'; CRC24_RST <= CRC_Check_P1; --case pres_state is --when IDLE => -- CRC24_In <= (others => '0'); -- if (Data_In(65 downto 60) = "101110") then --SOP set and EOP not set -- CRC24_In <= Data_In(63 downto 0); -- end if; --when CRC => CRC24_In <= Data_In(63 downto 0); if(Data_In(65 downto 63) = "101" and Data_In(61 downto 60) = "01") then -- Only start CRC check on EOP CRC_Check_P1 <= '1'; CRC24_Value_P1 <= Data_In(23 downto 0); -- Copy received CRC-24 value CRC24_In(63 downto 32) <= Data_In(63 downto 32); --Change to CRC-length CRC24_In(31 downto 0) <= (others => '0'); end if; --end case; else CRC_Check_P1 <= CRC_Check_P1; end if; end if; end process output; end architecture Deframing;