Subversion Repositories core1990_interlaken
[/] [core1990_interlaken/] [trunk/] [gateware/] [sources/] [interlaken/] [transmitter/] [framing_burst.vhd] - Rev 11
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library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity Burst_Framer is generic ( BurstMax : positive; -- Configurable value of BurstMax BurstShort : positive -- Configurable value of BurstShort ); port ( clk : in std_logic; -- System clock reset : in std_logic; -- Reset, use for initialization TX_Enable : in std_logic; -- Enable the TX TX_SOP : in std_logic; -- Start of Packet TX_ValidBytes : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Valid bytes packet contains TX_EOP : in std_logic; -- End of Packet TX_Channel : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Select transmit channel (yet unutilized) Data_in : in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); -- Input data Data_in_valid : in std_logic ; -- 1 means that the fifo data was successfully read Data_out : out std_logic_vector(66 downto 0); -- To scrambling/framing Data_valid_out : out std_logic; -- Indicate data transmitted is valid --Data_control_out : out std_logic; -- Control word indication HealthLane : out std_logic; -- Lane status bit transmitted for diagnostic word HealthInterface : out std_logic; -- Interface status bit transmitted for diagnostic word TX_FlowControl : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Flow control data (yet unutilized) RX_prog_full : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); FIFO_Empty : in std_logic; FIFO_meta : in std_logic; -- Request from the MetaFraming to read data from the FIFO FIFO_data : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- Determines how many bytes have to be transmitted (yet unutilized) FIFO_read : out std_logic; -- Request data from the FIFO Gearboxready : in std_logic ); end Burst_Framer; architecture framing of Burst_Framer is type state_type is (IDLE, DATA, WORD, FILL, EOP_SET, EOP_FULL, EOP_EMPTY); signal pres_state, next_state : state_type; signal Data_Temp : std_logic_vector(66 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Byte_Counter : integer range 0 to 80; signal Word_Control_out : std_logic; signal Data_Control : std_logic; signal Data_Valid : std_logic := '0'; signal FIFO_readreq : std_logic; signal Word_valid_out : std_logic; signal HDR_P1, HDR_P2 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal Valid_P1, Valid_P2 : std_logic ; signal Data_P1, Data_P2 : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); -- Pipelined data --signal ControlValid_P1, ControlValid_P2 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- Pipelined control/valid indicator signal Data_valid_temp : std_logic; signal valid_temp : std_logic := '0'; signal CRC24_TX : std_logic_vector(66 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Data transmitted to CRC-24 signal CRC24_Out : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); -- Calculated CRC-24 which returns signal CRC24_En : std_logic; --l -- Indicate the CRC-24 the data is valid signal CRC24_RST : std_logic; -- CRC24 reset signal CRC24_P1 : std_logic; -- CRC24 reset pipelining --signal CRC24_RST_P1 : std_logic; -- CRC24 reset pipelining signal CRC24_Stored : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal CRC24_Ready : std_logic; signal CRC_P1, CRC_P2 : std_logic; signal Gearboxready_P1 : std_logic; signal CalcCrc : std_logic; -- CRC24_EN and Gearboxready signal TX_ValidBytes_s : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Constants -- constant SOP : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "100"; -- Start Of Packet -- constant EOP : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "001"; -- End Of Pack begin CRC_24_Encoding : entity work.CRC_24 -- Define the connections of the CRC-24 component to the Burst component and generics --generic map --( -- Nbits => 64, -- CRC_Width => 24, -- G_Poly => X"32_8B63", --Test with CRC-32 : 1EDC_6F41 (Interlaken-24 : X"32_8B63") previous: 04C11DB7 -- G_InitVal => X"FF_FFFF" --) port map ( Clk => Clk, DIn => CRC24_TX(63 downto 0), CRC => CRC24_Out, Calc => CalcCrc, Reset => CRC24_RST ); CalcCrc <= Gearboxready and FIFO_meta; pipeline : process (clk, reset) variable CRC24_Out_v: std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); variable Data_valid_check : std_logic; begin if (reset = '1') then Data_P1 <= (others => '0'); Data_P2 <= (others => '0'); Data_out <= (others => '0'); CRC24_Stored <= (others => '0'); --ControlValid_P1 <= "00"; --ControlValid_P2 <= "00"; --Data_Control_Out <= '0'; Data_Valid_Out <= '0'; CRC24_Ready <= '0'; --CRC24_RST_P1 <= '0'; elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then -- if (CRC24_Rst <= '1') then -- CRC24_PP1 <= '1'; -- else -- CRC24_PP1 <= CRC24_PP1; -- end if; --CRC24_PP1 <= CRC24_PP1; --Data_control_out <= '0'; -- if(CRC24_Rst_P1 = '1' and (Data_P2(62 downto 60) = "100" or Data_P2(61 downto 60) = "01")) then -- CRC24_Out_v := CRC24_Out; -- end if; Data_Valid_Out <= '0'; CRC_P1 <= '0'; Gearboxready_P1 <= Gearboxready; --CRC24_Rst_P1 <= CRC24_Rst; if(CRC24_TX(62 downto 60) = "100" or CRC24_TX(61 downto 60) = "01") then CRC_P1 <= '1'; end if; CRC_P2 <= CRC_P1; if (CRC_P2 = '1') then CRC24_Out_v := CRC24_Out; end if; if(Gearboxready = '1' and FIFO_meta = '1') then Data_P1 <= CRC24_TX(63 downto 0); Data_P2 <= Data_P1; Data_out(63 downto 0) <= Data_P2; HDR_P1 <= CRC24_TX(66 downto 64); HDR_P2 <= HDR_P1; Data_Out(66 downto 64) <= HDR_P2; Valid_P1 <= Data_Valid; Valid_P2 <= Valid_P1; Data_Valid_Out <= Valid_P2; Data_valid_check := Valid_P2; --if(HDR_P2 = "010"and(Data_P2(62 downto 60) = "110" or Data_P2(61 downto 60) = "01")) then --Control word BurstMax or EOP only word if(HDR_P2 = "010"and(Data_P2(61 downto 60) = "01")) then --Control word BurstMax or EOP only word Data_out(23 downto 0) <= CRC24_Out_v; -- Include CRC in last packet of burst end if; if(Valid_P2 = '0') then Data_Out <= "010"&X"8000_0001_0000_0000"; -- Idle control word end if; --CRC24_PP1 <= CRC24_Rst; end if; if(Data_valid_check = '0') then Data_Out <= "010"&X"8000_0001_0000_0000"; -- Idle control word end if; -- CRC24_RST_P1 <= CRC24_Rst; -- if (CRC24_RST_P1 = '1') then -- if(ControlValid_P2(1) = '1' and Gearboxready = '1' and FIFO_meta = '1' and CRC24_Ready = '0') then -- Data_out(31 downto 0) <= CRC24_Out; -- Include CRC in last packet of burst -- else -- if (CRC24_Ready = '0') then -- CRC24_Stored <= CRC24_Out; -- CRC24_Ready <= '1'; -- end if; -- end if; -- end if; -- if (CRC24_Ready = '1' and ControlValid_P2(1) = '1' and Gearboxready = '1' and FIFO_meta = '1') then -- Data_out(31 downto 0) <= CRC24_Stored; -- CRC24_Ready <= '0'; -- end if; end if; end process pipeline; -- valid : process(FIFO_meta, Gearboxready, data_in_valid) -- begin -- --if(rising_edge(clk)) then -- if(Gearboxready = '0' or FIFO_meta = '0') and data_in_valid = '1' then -- valid_temp <= '1'; -- end if; -- -- end if; -- end process valid; fifo_reading : process (FIFO_meta, FIFO_readreq, Gearboxready, FIFO_Empty) is begin if (FIFO_meta = '1' and FIFO_readreq = '1' and Gearboxready = '1' and FIFO_Empty = '0') then FIFO_read <= '1'; else FIFO_read <= '0'; end if; end process fifo_reading; state_register : process (clk) is -- Determines the next state of the FSM begin if (rising_edge(clk)) then pres_state <= next_state; if TX_EOP = '1' then TX_ValidBytes_s <= TX_ValidBytes; end if; end if; end process state_register; state_decoder : process (pres_state, TX_SOP, TX_Enable, TX_EOP, Byte_Counter, FIFO_meta, Gearboxready) is begin if(Gearboxready = '0' or FIFO_meta = '0') then next_state <= pres_state; else case pres_state is when IDLE => if (TX_Enable = '1' and TX_SOP = '1' and TX_EOP = '0') then next_state <= DATA; elsif (TX_Enable = '1' and TX_SOP = '1' and TX_EOP = '1') then next_state <= EOP_SET; else next_state <= IDLE; end if; when DATA => if(TX_EOP = '1' ) then next_state <= EOP_SET; elsif (Byte_Counter >= (BurstMax-8)) then next_state <= WORD; else next_state <= DATA; end if; when WORD => next_state <= DATA; when EOP_SET => if (Byte_Counter >= BurstShort) then next_state <= EOP_FULL; else next_state <= EOP_EMPTY; end if; when EOP_EMPTY => if (Byte_Counter >= BurstShort) then next_state <= IDLE; else next_state <= FILL; end if; when FILL => if (Byte_Counter >= BurstShort-8) then next_state <= IDLE; else next_state <= FILL; end if; when EOP_FULL => next_state <= IDLE; when others => next_state <= IDLE; end case; end if; end process state_decoder; output : process (pres_state, clk) is begin if rising_edge(clk) then CRC24_RST <= '0'; -- X"Type/SOP/EOP(2)FlowC(2)_FlowC(2)Channel(2)_Mutiple(2)CRC24(2)_CRC24(2)CRC24(2)" Structure of packet if(Gearboxready = '1' and FIFO_meta = '1' ) then case pres_state is when IDLE => -- Wait for SOP, start reading FIFO and save last cycle data CRC24_EN <= '0'; -- Reset CRC calculations CRC24_RST <= '1'; Data_Valid <= '0'; Word_Control_out <= '0'; FIFO_readreq <= '1'; Byte_Counter <= 8; CRC24_P1 <= '0'; Data_Control <= '0'; valid_temp <= '0'; Data_temp <= "001"&Data_in; Data_valid_temp <= Data_in_valid; if (TX_SOP = '1' and TX_Enable = '1') then -- Indicates the start of data flow CRC24_TX <= "010"&X"E000_0001_0000_0000"; -- Start packet E000_0001_0000_0000 --CRC24_TX(55 downto 40) <= RX_prog_full; Data_Valid <= '1'; Data_valid_temp <= '1'; --Start of a new packet is always valid -- elsif (TX_flowcontrol(0) = '0') then -- TODO Flowcontrol is not used? why as condition? -- CRC24_TX <= "010"&X"C000_0001_0000_0000"; -- C000_0001_0000_0000 -- CRC24_TX(55 downto 40) <= RX_prog_full; else CRC24_TX <= "001"&X"0000_0000_0000_0000"; -- data word placeholder end if; if(TX_EOP = '1' and TX_SOP = '1') then FIFO_readreq <= '0'; Data_Valid <= '1'; end if; when DATA => -- Process input data, count the transmitted bytes, send data to output and CRC-24 Byte_Counter <= Byte_Counter + 8; CRC24_TX <= Data_temp; Data_temp <= "001"&Data_in; Data_valid <= Data_valid_temp; Data_valid_temp <= Data_in_valid; Data_Control <= '0'; -- if Data_in_valid = '0' then -- Data_Control <= '1'; -- Data_temp <= X"8000_0001_0000_0000"; -- end if; CRC24_RST <= '0'; CRC24_EN <= Data_in_valid; -- <= '1' --Data_in_valid; -- Makes CRC-32 error FIFO_readreq <= '1'; --added if(FIFO_meta = '0') then Data_valid <= '0'; end if; if (Byte_Counter >= (BurstMax-8)) then FIFO_readreq <= '0'; elsif(TX_EOP = '1' ) then FIFO_readreq <= '0'; end if; if (CRC24_P1 = '1') then CRC24_RST <= '1'; CRC24_P1 <= '0'; end if; if Word_Control_out = '1' then Data_Control <= '1'; Word_Control_out <= '0'; CRC24_P1 <= '1'; end if; if Word_valid_out = '1' then Data_valid_temp <= '1'; word_valid_out <= '0'; end if; if valid_temp = '1' then Data_valid_temp <= '1'; valid_temp <= '0'; end if; when WORD => -- Reset byte count, send frame to CRC-24, stop reading FIFO to make room for output frame FIFO_readreq <= '1'; Byte_Counter <= 0; CRC24_EN <= '1'; CRC24_TX <= Data_temp; Data_temp <= "010"&X"C000_0001_0000_0000"; -- Burst no start nor end packet (Idle words) --Data_temp(55 downto 40) <= RX_prog_full; Data_valid <= Data_valid_temp; Data_valid_temp <= '1'; if (Data_in_valid = '1') then Word_valid_out <= '1'; end if; Word_Control_out <= '1'; when EOP_SET => -- Transmit last bytes from buffer and add this to byte count Byte_Counter <= Byte_Counter + 8; CRC24_TX <= Data_temp; Data_temp <= "001"&Data_in; -- Still read out data and save because FIFO takes a cycle to respond Data_valid <= Data_valid_temp; Data_valid_temp <= Data_in_valid; HealthLane <= '1'; -- set status of lane to healthy HealthInterface <= '1'; -- set status of interface to healthy Data_Control <= '0'; CRC24_EN <= '1'; CRC24_RST <= '0'; if (CRC24_P1 = '1') then CRC24_RST <= '1'; CRC24_P1 <= '0'; end if; when EOP_EMPTY => -- Count bytes, send frame to CRC-24 and output idle word containing CRC and EOP if (Byte_Counter >= BurstShort) then FIFO_readreq <= '1'; end if; Byte_Counter <= Byte_Counter + 8; -- CRC24_TX <= "010"&X"9000_0001_0000_0000"; -- Burst end packet 1001 --CRC24_TX(55 downto 40) <= RX_prog_full; CRC24_TX(59 downto 57) <= TX_ValidBytes_s; -- '1' & TX_ValidBytes_s; Data_Valid <= '1'; Data_Control <= '1'; When FILL => -- Continue sending idle words to fill up the minimum frame length -- FIFO_readreq <= '1'; Byte_Counter <= Byte_Counter + 8; CRC24_TX <= "010"&X"8000_0001_0000_0000"; -- Idle fill packets 1000 --CRC24_TX(55 downto 40) <= RX_prog_full; CRC24_EN <= '0'; Data_Valid <= '1'; CRC24_RST <= '1'; if (Byte_Counter >= BurstShort-8) then FIFO_readreq <= '1'; end if; when EOP_FULL => -- Send frame to CRC-24 and output burst word containing CRC and EOP FIFO_readreq <= '1'; CRC24_TX <= "010"&X"9000_0001_0000_0000"; -- Burst end packet -> 1101 if more data follows or 1001 if no data follows CRC24_TX(60 downto 57) <= '1' & TX_ValidBytes_s; --CRC24_TX(55 downto 40) <= RX_prog_full; Data_Valid <= '1'; Data_Control <= '1'; end case; else CRC24_RST <= CRC24_RST; if data_in_valid = '1' then valid_temp <= '1'; end if; end if; end if; end process output; end architecture framing;