Subversion Repositories core1990_interlaken
[/] [core1990_interlaken/] [trunk/] [gateware/] [sources/] [interlaken/] [transmitter/] [framing_meta.vhd] - Rev 11
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library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; --use work.interlaken_package.all; entity Meta_Framer is generic( PacketLength : positive -- 2048 * 8 = 16KB - 128Kb each packet. Including the metaframing itself ); port ( clk : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; TX_Enable : in std_logic; HealthLane : in std_logic; -- Lane status bit transmitted in diagnostic HealthInterface : in std_logic; -- Interface status bit transmitted in diagnostic Data_In : in std_logic_vector(66 downto 0); -- Input data Data_Out : out std_logic_vector(66 downto 0); -- To scrambling/framing Data_Valid_In : in std_logic; -- Indicate data received is valid Data_Valid_Out : out std_logic; -- Indicate data transmitted is valid --Data_Control_In : in std_logic; -- Control word indication from the burst component --Data_Control_Out : out std_logic; -- Control word indication Gearboxready : in std_logic; FIFO_read : out std_logic ); end Meta_Framer; architecture framing of Meta_Framer is type state_type is (IDLE, SCRAM, SKIP, DATA, P1, P2, P3, DIAG); signal pres_state, next_state : state_type; signal Packet_Counter : integer range 0 to PacketLength; signal HDR, HDR_Meta, HDR_Burst : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal Data_Valid : std_logic; signal Data_P1, Data_P2, Data_P3 : std_logic_vector (63 downto 0); -- Pipeline for framing signal HDR_P1, HDR_P2 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal HDR_IN_P1, HDR_IN_P2, HDR_IN_P3 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal Data_valid_p1, Data_valid_p2, Data_valid_p3, Data_valid_framed : std_logic; signal Data_valid_Framed_P1, Data_valid_Framed_P2: std_logic; signal Data_Framed, Data_Framed_P1, Data_Framed_P2: std_logic_vector (63 downto 0); --signal CRC32_In : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); -- Data transmitted to CRC-32 -- leo: uncommented signal CRC32_Out : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Calculated CRC-32 which returns signal CRC32_En : std_logic; -- Indicate the CRC-32 the data is valid signal CRC32_Rst : std_logic; -- CRC-32 reset signal CalcCRC : std_logic; --signal CRC32_Ready : std_logic; signal Gearboxready_P1 : std_logic; signal CRC32_Rst_P1 : std_logic; -- Constants constant SYNCHRONIZATION : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0) := X"78f6_78f6_78f6_78f6"; -- synchronization, framing layer control word constant SCRAM_STATE_INIT_VALUE : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0) := X"2800_0000_0000_0000"; -- Starting value of scrambler constant SKIP_WORD : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0) := X"1e1e_1e1e_1e1e_1e1e"; -- skip word, framing layer control word begin CRC_32_Encoding : entity work.CRC_32 -- Define the connections of the CRC-24 component to the Burst component and generics -- generic map -- ( -- Nbits => 64, -- CRC_Width => 32, -- G_Poly => X"1EDC_6F41", --Test with CRC-32 (Interlaken-32 : X"1EDC_6F41") -- G_InitVal => X"FFFF_FFFF" -- ) port map ( Clk => Clk, DIn => Data_Framed, CRC => CRC32_Out, Calc => CalcCRC, Reset => CRC32_Rst ); CalcCRC <= CRC32_En and Gearboxready_P1; diagnostic : process (clk, reset) is variable CRC32_Out_v: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); begin if (reset = '1') then Data_Framed_P1 <= (others => '0'); Data_Framed_P2 <= (others => '0'); Data_Out <= (others => '0'); -- Data_Control_Out <= '0'; Data_Valid_Out <= '0'; elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then Gearboxready_P1 <= Gearboxready; CRC32_Rst_P1 <= CRC32_Rst; if(CRC32_Rst_P1 = '1') then CRC32_Out_v := CRC32_Out; end if; if(Gearboxready = '1') then Data_Framed_P1 <= Data_Framed; Data_Framed_P2 <= Data_Framed_P1; Data_Out(63 downto 0) <= Data_Framed_P2; Data_Valid_Framed_P1 <= (Data_Valid or Data_valid_framed); Data_Valid_Framed_P2 <= Data_Valid_Framed_P1; Data_Valid_Out <= Data_Valid_Framed_P2; HDR_P1 <= HDR; -- Waiting for CRC calculation to be ready HDR_P2 <= HDR_P1; Data_Out(66 downto 64) <= HDR_P2; if((Data_Valid_Framed_P2 = '1') and (Data_Framed_P2(63 downto 58) = "011001")) then Data_Out(31 downto 0) <= CRC32_Out_v; end if; end if; end if; end process diagnostic; hdr_or : process (HDR_Meta, HDR_Burst, Gearboxready) is begin if((HDR_Meta = "010" or HDR_Burst= "010") and Gearboxready = '1') then HDR <= "010"; else HDR <= "001"; end if; end process; control_pipeline : process(clk, reset) is begin if(reset = '1') then HDR_Burst <= "010"; HDR_IN_P3 <= "010"; HDR_IN_P2 <= "010"; HDR_IN_P1 <= "010"; elsif(rising_edge(clk)) then if(Gearboxready = '1') then HDR_Burst <= HDR_IN_P3; HDR_IN_P3 <= HDR_IN_P2; HDR_IN_P2 <= HDR_IN_P1; if(Data_in(65 downto 64) = "10") then HDR_IN_P1 <= "010"; else HDR_IN_P1 <= "001"; end if; end if; end if; end process control_pipeline; state_register : process (clk) is begin if (rising_edge(clk)) then pres_state <= next_state; end if; end process state_register; state_decoder : process (pres_state, Data_valid_in , Packet_Counter, Gearboxready, TX_enable) is begin if(Gearboxready = '0') then next_state <= pres_state; else case pres_state is when IDLE => if(TX_Enable = '1') then --and Data_valid_in = '1') then next_state <= SCRAM; else next_state <= IDLE; --Optional error state for not receiving valid data? end if; when SCRAM => next_state <= SKIP; when SKIP => next_state <= DATA; when DATA => if (Packet_Counter >= (PacketLength - 5)) then --(PacketLength-1 - metawords) --24-5 next_state <= P1; else next_state <= DATA; end if; when P1 => next_state <= P2; when P2 => next_state <= P3; when P3 => next_state <= DIAG; when DIAG => next_state <= IDLE; when others => next_state <= IDLE; end case; end if; end process state_decoder; output : process (clk) is begin if rising_edge(clk) then CRC32_RST <= '0'; --Data_Valid <= '1'; if(Gearboxready = '0') then NULL; else case pres_state is when IDLE => Data_Valid <= '0'; Data_Framed <= (others => '0'); FIFO_Read <= '1'; HDR_Meta <= "001"; if (TX_Enable = '1') then--and Data_valid_in = '1') then -- Only start real transmission when there is valid data Data_Framed <= SYNCHRONIZATION; -- Predefined sync word 78f6_78f6_78f6_78f6 HDR_Meta <= "010"; Data_Valid <= '1'; CRC32_Rst <= '1'; --CRC-32 end if; Packet_Counter <= 1; Data_P1 <= Data_in(63 downto 0); Data_valid_p1 <= Data_Valid_In; CRC32_En <= '1'; --CRC-32 when SCRAM => Data_Valid <= '1'; Packet_Counter <= Packet_Counter + 1; Data_Framed <= SCRAM_STATE_INIT_VALUE; -- Scrambler state (real data added later) Data_P2 <= Data_P1; Data_P1 <= Data_in(63 downto 0); Data_valid_p2 <= Data_valid_p1; Data_valid_p1 <= Data_Valid_In; when SKIP => Data_Valid <= '1'; Packet_Counter <= Packet_Counter + 1; Data_Framed <= SKIP_WORD; -- Predefined skip word Data_P3 <= Data_P2; Data_P2 <= Data_P1; Data_P1 <= Data_in(63 downto 0); Data_valid_p3 <= Data_valid_p2; Data_valid_p2 <= Data_valid_p1; Data_valid_p1 <= Data_Valid_In; when DATA => CRC32_EN <= '1'; Packet_Counter <= Packet_Counter + 1; HDR_Meta <= "001"; Data_valid <= '0'; -- why 0 Data_Framed <= Data_P3; Data_P3 <= Data_P2; Data_P2 <= Data_P1; Data_P1 <= Data_in(63 downto 0); Data_valid_framed <= Data_valid_p3; Data_valid_p3 <= Data_valid_p2; Data_valid_p2 <= Data_valid_p1; Data_valid_p1 <= Data_Valid_In; --changed size from -2 to -3!! if(packet_counter >= (PacketLength - 6) and packet_counter < (PacketLength - 3)) then -- Still 4 packets incoming after FIFO read disable FIFO_Read <= '0'; -- PacketLength - 4 packets - 1 - 1 cycle delay fifo read - 4 cycle delay burst component else FIFO_Read <= '1'; end if; when P1 => Packet_Counter <= Packet_Counter + 1; Data_Framed <= Data_P3; Data_P3 <= Data_P2; Data_P2 <= Data_P1; Data_valid_framed <= Data_valid_p3; Data_valid_p3 <= Data_valid_p2; Data_valid_p2 <= Data_valid_p1; when P2 => Packet_Counter <= Packet_Counter + 1; Data_Framed <= Data_P3; Data_P3 <= Data_P2; Data_valid_framed <= Data_valid_p3; Data_valid_p3 <= Data_valid_p2; when P3 => Packet_Counter <= Packet_Counter + 1; Data_Framed <= Data_P3; Data_valid_framed <= Data_valid_p3; FIFO_Read <= '1'; when DIAG => Data_Valid <= '1'; Packet_Counter <= Packet_Counter + 1; --FIFO_Read <= '1'; Data_Framed <= X"6400_0000_0000_0000"; -- Diagnostic word including CRC32 Data_Framed(33 downto 32) <= HealthLane & HealthInterface; HDR_Meta <= "010"; end case; end if; end if; end process output; end architecture framing;