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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>html/Opcode_Decoder</TITLE> <META NAME="generator" CONTENT="HTML::TextToHTML v2.46"> <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="lecture.css"> </HEAD> <BODY> <P><table class="ttop"><th class="tpre"><a href="06_Data_Path.html">Previous Lesson</a></th><th class="ttop"><a href="toc.html">Table of Content</a></th><th class="tnxt"><a href="08_IO.html">Next Lesson</a></th></table> <hr> <H1><A NAME="section_1">7 OPCODE DECODER</A></H1> <P>In this lesson we will describe the opcode decoder. We will also learn how the different instructions provided by the CPU will be implemented. We will not describe every opcode, but rather groups of instructions whose individual instructions are rather similar. <P>The opcode decoder is the middle state of our CPU pipeline. Therefore its inputs are defined by the outputs of the previous stage and its outputs are defined by the inputs of the next stage. <H2><A NAME="section_1_1">7.1 Inputs of the Opcode Decoder</A></H2> <UL> <LI><STRONG>CLK</STRONG> is the clock signal. The opcode decoder is a pure pipeline stage so that no internal state is kept between clock cycles. The output of the opcode decoder is a pure function of its inputs. <LI><STRONG>OPC</STRONG> is the opcode being decoded. <LI><STRONG>PC</STRONG> is the program counter (the address in the program memory from which OPC was fetched). <LI><STRONG>T0</STRONG> is '1' in the first cycle of the execution of the opcode. This allows for output signals of two-cycle instructions that are different in the first and the second cycle. </UL> <H2><A NAME="section_1_2">7.2 Outputs of the Opcode Decoder</A></H2> <P>Most data buses of the CPU are contained in the data path. In contrast, most control signals are generated in the opcode decoder. We start with a complete list of these control signals and their purpose. There are two groups of signals: select signals and write enable signals. Select signals are used earlier in the execution of the opcode for controlling multiplexers. The write enable signals are used at the end of the execution to determine where results shall be stored. Select signals are generally more time-critical that write enable signals. <P>The select signals are: <UL> <LI><STRONG>ALU_OP</STRONG> defines which particular ALU operation (like <STRONG>ADD</STRONG>, <STRONG>ADC</STRONG>, <STRONG>AND</STRONG>, ...) the ALU shall perform. <LI><STRONG>AMOD</STRONG> defines which addressing mode (like <STRONG>absolute</STRONG>, <STRONG>Z+</STRONG>, <STRONG>-SP</STRONG>, etc.)shall be used for data memory accesses. <LI><STRONG>BIT</STRONG> is a bit value (0 or 1) and a bit number used in bit instructions. <LI><STRONG>DDDDD</STRONG> defines the destination register or register pair (if any) for storing the result of an operation. It also defines the first source register or register pair of a dyadic instructions. <LI><STRONG>IMM</STRONG> defines an immediate value or branch address that is computed from the opcode. <LI><STRONG>JADR</STRONG> is a branch address. <LI><STRONG>OPC</STRONG> is the opcode being decoded, or 0 if the opcode was invalidated by means of <STRONG>SKIP</STRONG>. <LI><STRONG>PC</STRONG> is the <STRONG>PC</STRONG> from which <STRONG>OPC</STRONG> was fetched. <LI><STRONG>PC_OP</STRONG> defines an operation to be performed on the <STRONG>PC</STRONG> (such as branching). <LI><STRONG>PMS</STRONG> is set when the address defined by <STRONG>AMOD</STRONG> is a program memory address rather than a data memory address. <LI><STRONG>RD_M</STRONG> is set for reads from the data memory. <LI><STRONG>RRRRR</STRONG> defines the second register or register pair of a dyadic instruction. <LI><STRONG>RSEL</STRONG> selects the source of the second operand in the ALU. This can be a register (on the <STRONG>R</STRONG> input), an immediate value (on the <STRONG>IMM</STRONG> input), or data from memory or I/O (on the <STRONG>DIN</STRONG> input). </UL> <P>The write enable signals are: <UL> <LI><STRONG>WE_01</STRONG> is set when register pair 0 shall be written. This is used for multiplication instructions that store the multiplication product in register pair 0. <LI><STRONG>WE_D</STRONG> is set when the register or register pair <STRONG>DDDDD</STRONG> shall be written. If both bits are set then the entire pair shall be written and <STRONG>DDDDD[0]</STRONG> is 0. Otherwise <STRONG>WE_D[1]</STRONG> is 0, and one of the registers (as defined by <STRONG>DDDDD[0]</STRONG>) shall be written, <LI><STRONG>WE_F</STRONG> is set when the status register (flags) shall be written. <LI><STRONG>WE_M</STRONG> is set when the memory (including memory mapped general purpose registers and I/O registers) shall be written. If set, then the <STRONG>AMOD</STRONG> output defines how to compute the memory address. <LI><STRONG>WE_XYZS</STRONG> is set when the stack pointer or one of the pointer register pairs <STRONG>X</STRONG>, <STRONG>Y</STRONG>, or <STRONG>Z</STRONG> shall be written. Which of these register is meant is encoded in <STRONG>AMOD</STRONG>. </UL> <H2><A NAME="section_1_3">7.3 Structure of the Opcode Decoder</A></H2> <P>The VHDL code of the opcode decoder consists essentially of a huge case statement. At the beginning of the case statement there is a section assigning a default value to each output. Then follows a case statement that decodes the upper 6 bits of the opcode: <P><br> <pre class="vhdl"> 66 process(I_CLK) 67 begin 68 if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then 69 -- 70 -- set the most common settings as default. 71 -- 72 Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_D_MV_Q; 73 Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS; 74 Q_BIT <= I_OPC(10) & I_OPC(2 downto 0); 75 Q_DDDDD <= I_OPC(8 downto 4); 76 Q_IMM <= X"0000"; 77 Q_JADR <= I_OPC(31 downto 16); 78 Q_OPC <= I_OPC(15 downto 0); 79 Q_PC <= I_PC; 80 Q_PC_OP <= PC_NEXT; 81 Q_PMS <= '0'; 82 Q_RD_M <= '0'; 83 Q_RRRRR <= I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(3 downto 0); 84 Q_RSEL <= RS_REG; 85 Q_WE_D <= "00"; 86 Q_WE_01 <= '0'; 87 Q_WE_F <= '0'; 88 Q_WE_M <= "00"; 89 Q_WE_XYZS <= '0'; 90 91 case I_OPC(15 downto 10) is 92 when "000000" => <pre class="filename"> src/opc_deco.vhd </pre></pre> <P> <P>... <pre class="vhdl"> 653 when others => 654 end case; 655 end if; 656 end process; <pre class="filename"> src/opc_deco.vhd </pre></pre> <P> <P><br> <H2><A NAME="section_1_4">7.4 Default Values for the Outputs</A></H2> <P>The opcode decoder generates quite a few outputs. A typical instruction, however, only sets a small fraction of them. For this reason we provide a default value for all outputs before the top level case statement, as shown above.<BR> For each instruction we then only need to specify those outputs that differ from the default value. <P>Every default value is either constant or a function of an input. Therefore the opcode decoder is a typical "stateless" pipeline stage. The default values are chosen so that they do not change anything in the other stages (except incrementing the PC, of course). In particular, the default values for all write enable signals are '0'. <H2><A NAME="section_1_5">7.5 Checklist for the Design of an Opcode.</A></H2> <P>Designing an opcode starts with asking a number of questions. The answers are found in the specification of the opcode. The answers identify the outputs that need to be set other than their default values. While the instructions are quite different, the questions are always the same: <OL> <LI>What operation shall the ALU perform? Set <STRONG>ALU_OP</STRONG> and <STRONG>Q_WE_F</STRONG> accordingly. <LI>Is a destination register or destination register pair used? If so, set <STRONG>DDDDD</STRONG> (and <STRONG>WE_D</STRONG> if written). <LI>Is a second register or register pair involved? If so, set <STRONG>RRRRR</STRONG>. <LI>Does the opcode access the memory? If so, set <STRONG>AMOD</STRONG>, <STRONG>PMS</STRONG>, <STRONG>RSEL</STRONG>, <STRONG>RD_M</STRONG>, <STRONG>WE_M</STRONG>, and <STRONG>WE_XYZS</STRONG> accordingly. <LI>Is an immediate or implied operand used? If so, set <STRONG>IMM</STRONG> and <STRONG>RSEL</STRONG>. <LI>Is the program counter modified (other than incrementing it)? If so, set <STRONG>PC_OP</STRONG> and <STRONG>SKIP</STRONG>. <LI>Is a bit number specified in the opcode ? If so, set <STRONG>BIT</STRONG>. <LI>Are instructions skipped? If so, set <STRONG>SKIP</STRONG>. </OL> <P>Equipped with this checklist we can implement all instructions. We start with the simplest instructions and proceed to the more complex instructions. <H2><A NAME="section_1_6">7.6 Opcode Implementations</A></H2> <H3><A NAME="section_1_6_1">7.6.1 The NOP instruction</A></H3> <P>The simplest instruction is the NOP instruction which does - nothing. The default values set for all outputs do nothing either so there is no extra VHDL code needed for this instruction. <H3><A NAME="section_1_6_2">7.6.2 8-bit Monadic Instructions</A></H3> <P>We call an instruction <STRONG>monadic</STRONG> if its opcode contains one register number and if the instructions reads the register before computing a new value for it. <P>Only items 1. and 2. in our checklist apply. The default value for <STRONG>DDDDD</STRONG> is already correct. Thus only <STRONG>ALU_OP</STRONG>, <STRONG>WE_D</STRONG>, and <STRONG>WE_F</STRONG> need to be set. We take the <STRONG>DEC Rd</STRONG> instruction as an example: <P><br> <pre class="vhdl"> 465 -- 466 -- 1001 010d dddd 1010 - DEC 467 -- 468 Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_DEC; 469 Q_WE_D <= "01"; 470 Q_WE_F <= '1'; <pre class="filename"> src/opc_deco.vhd </pre></pre> <P> <P><br> <P>All monadic arithmetic/logic instructions are implemented in the same way; they differ by their <STRONG>ALU_OP</STRONG>. <H3><A NAME="section_1_6_3">7.6.3 8-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register</A></H3> <P>We call an instruction <STRONG>dyadic</STRONG> if its opcode contains two data sources (a data source being a register number or an immediate operand). As a consequence of the two data sources, dyadic instructions occupy a larger fraction of the opcode space than monadic functions. <P>We take the <STRONG>ADD Rd, Rr</STRONG> opcode as an example. <P>Compared to the monadic functions now item 3. in the checklist applies as well. This would mean we have to set <STRONG>RRRRR</STRONG> but by chance the default value is already correct. Therefore: <P><br> <pre class="vhdl"> 165 -- 166 -- 0000 11rd dddd rrrr - ADD 167 -- 168 Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_ADD; 169 Q_WE_D <= "01"; 170 Q_WE_F <= '1'; <pre class="filename"> src/opc_deco.vhd </pre></pre> <P> <P><br> <P>The dyadic instructions do not use the I/O address space and therefore they completely execute inside the data path. The following figure shows the signals in the data path that are used by the <STRONG>ADD Rd, Rr</STRONG> instruction: <P><img src="opcode_decoder_1.png"> <P>The opcode for <STRONG>ADD Rd, Rr</STRONG> is <STRONG> 0000</STRONG> <STRONG> 11rd</STRONG> <STRONG>dddd</STRONG> <STRONG>rrrr</STRONG>. The opcode decoder extracts the 'd' bits into the <STRONG>DDDDD</STRONG> signal (blue), the 'r' bits into the <STRONG>RRRRR</STRONG> signal (red), and computes <STRONG>ALU_OP</STRONG>, <STRONG>WE_D</STRONG>, and <STRONG>WE_F</STRONG> from the remaining bits (green) as above. <P>The register file converts the register numbers <STRONG>Rd</STRONG> and <STRONG>Rr</STRONG> that are encoded in the <STRONG>DDDDD</STRONG> and <STRONG>RRRRR</STRONG> signals to the contents of the register pairs at its <STRONG>D</STRONG> and <STRONG>R</STRONG> outputs. The lowest bit of the <STRONG>DDDDD</STRONG> and <STRONG>RRRRR</STRONG> signals also go to the ALU (inputs <STRONG>D0</STRONG> and <STRONG>R0</STRONG>) where the odd/even register selection from the two register pairs is performed. <P>The decoder also selects the proper <STRONG>ALU_OP</STRONG> from the opcode, which is <STRONG>ALU_ADD</STRONG> in this example. With this input, the ALU computes the sum of the its <STRONG>D</STRONG> and <STRONG>R</STRONG> inputs and drives its <STRONG>DOUT</STRONG> (pink) with the sum. It also computes the flags as defined for the <STRONG>ADD</STRONG> opcode. <P>The decoder sets the <STRONG>WE_D</STRONG> and <STRONG>WE_F</STRONG> inputs of the register file so that the <STRONG>DOUT</STRONG> and <STRONG>FLAGS</STRONG> outputs of the ALU are written back to the register file. <P>All this happens within a single clock cycle, so that the next instruction can be performed in the next clock cycle. <P>The other dyadic instructions are implemented similarly. Two instructions, <STRONG>CMP</STRONG> and <STRONG>CPC</STRONG>, deviate a little since they do not set <STRONG>WE_D</STRONG>. Only the flags are set as a result of the comparison. Apart from that, <STRONG>CMP</STRONG> and <STRONG>CPC</STRONG> are identical to the <STRONG>SUB</STRONG> and <STRONG>SBC</STRONG>; they don't have their own <STRONG>ALU_OP</STRONG> but use those of the <STRONG>SUB</STRONG> and <STRONG>SBC</STRONG> instructions. <P>The <STRONG>MOV Rd, Rr</STRONG> instruction is implemented as a dyadic function. It ignores it first argument and does not set any flags. <H3><A NAME="section_1_6_4">7.6.4 8-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Immediate</A></H3> <P>Some of the dyadic instructions have an immediate operand (i.e. the operand is contained in the opcode) rather than using a second register. For such instructions, for example <STRONG>ANDI</STRONG>, we extract the immediate operand from the opcode and set <STRONG>RSEL</STRONG>. Since the immediate operand takes quite some space in the opcode, the register range was restricted a little and hence the default <STRONG>DDDDD</STRONG> value needs a modification. <P><br> <pre class="vhdl"> 263 -- 264 -- 0111 KKKK dddd KKKK - ANDI 265 -- 266 Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_AND; 267 Q_IMM(7 downto 0) <= I_OPC(11 downto 8) & I_OPC(3 downto 0); 268 Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM; 269 Q_DDDDD(4) <= '1'; -- Rd = 16...31 270 Q_WE_D <= "01"; 271 Q_WE_F <= '1'; <pre class="filename"> src/opc_deco.vhd </pre></pre> <P> <P><br> <H3><A NAME="section_1_6_5">7.6.5 16-bit Dyadic Instructions</A></H3> <P>Some of the dyadic 8-bit instructions have 16-bit variants, for example <STRONG>ADIW</STRONG>. The second operand of these 16-bit variants can be another register pair or an immediate operand. <P><br> <pre class="vhdl"> 499 -- 500 -- 1001 0110 KKdd KKKK - ADIW 501 -- 1001 0111 KKdd KKKK - SBIW 502 -- 503 if (I_OPC(8) = '0') then Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_ADIW; 504 else Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SBIW; 505 end if; 506 Q_IMM(5 downto 4) <= I_OPC(7 downto 6); 507 Q_IMM(3 downto 0) <= I_OPC(3 downto 0); 508 Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM; 509 Q_DDDDD <= "11" & I_OPC(5 downto 4) & "0"; 510 511 Q_WE_D <= "11"; 512 Q_WE_F <= '1'; <pre class="filename"> src/opc_deco.vhd </pre></pre> <P> <P><br> <P>These instructions are implemented similar to their 8-bit relatives, but in contrast to them both <STRONG>WE_D</STRONG> bits are set. This causes the entire register pair to be updated. <STRONG>LDI</STRONG> and <STRONG>MOVW</STRONG> are also implemented as 16-bit dyadic instruction. <H3><A NAME="section_1_6_6">7.6.6 Bit Instructions</A></H3> <P>There are some instructions that are very similar to monadic functions (in that they refer to only one register) but have a small immediate operand that addresses a bit in that register. Unlike dyadic functions with immediate operands, these bit instructions do not use the register/immediate multiplexer in the ALU (they don't have a register counterpart for the immediate operand). Instead, the bit number from the instruction is provided on the <STRONG>BIT</STRONG> output of the opcode decoder. The <STRONG>BIT</STRONG> output has 4 bits; in addition to the (lower) 3 bits needed to address the bit concerned, the fourth (upper) bit indicates the value (bit set or bit cleared) of the bit for those instructions that need it. <P>The ALU operations related to these bit instructions are <STRONG>ALU_BLD</STRONG> and <STRONG><STRONG>ALU_BIT_CS</STRONG>.</STRONG> <P><STRONG>ALU_BLD</STRONG> stores the T bit of the status register into a bit in a general purpose register; this is used to implement the <STRONG>BLD</STRONG> instruction. <P><STRONG>ALU_BIT_CS</STRONG> is a dual-purpose function. <P>The first purpose is to copy a bit in a general purpose register into the <STRONG>T</STRONG> flag of the status register. This use of <STRONG>ALU_BIT_CS</STRONG> is selected by setting (only) the <STRONG>WE_F</STRONG> signal so that the status register is updated with the new <STRONG>T</STRONG> flag. The <STRONG>BST</STRONG> instruction is implemented this way. The the bit value in <STRONG>BIT[3]</STRONG> is ignored. <P>The second purpose is to set or clear a bit in an I/O register. The ALU first computes a bitmask where only the bit indicated by <STRONG>BIT[2:0]</STRONG> is set. Depending on BIT[3] the register is then <STRONG>or</STRONG>'ed with the mask or <STRONG>and</STRONG>'ed with the complement of the mask. This sets or clears the bit in the current value of the register. This use of <STRONG>ALU_BIT_CS</STRONG> is selected by <STRONG>WE_M</STRONG> so the I/O register is updated with the new value. The <STRONG>CBI</STRONG> and <STRONG>SBI</STRONG> instructions are implemented this way. <P><STRONG>ALU_BIT_CS</STRONG> is also used by the skip instructions <STRONG>SBRC</STRONG> and <STRONG>SBRC</STRONG> that are described in the section about branching. <H3><A NAME="section_1_6_7">7.6.7 Multiplication Instructions</A></H3> <P>There is a zoo of multiplication instructions that differ in the signedness of their operands (<STRONG>MUL</STRONG>, <STRONG>MULS</STRONG>, <STRONG>MULSU</STRONG>) and in whether the final result is shifted (<STRONG>FMUL</STRONG>, <STRONG>FMULS</STRONG>, and <STRONG>FMULSU</STRONG>) or not. The opcode decoder sets certain bits in the IMM signal to indicate the type of multiplication: <TABLE> <TR><TD>IMM(7) = 1</TD><TD>shift (FMULxx) </TD></TR><TR><TD>IMM(6) = 1</TD><TD>Rd is signed </TD></TR><TR><TD>IMM(5) = 1</TD><TD>Rr is signed </TD></TR> </TABLE> <P>We also set the <STRONG>WE_01</STRONG> instead of the <STRONG>WE_D</STRONG> signal because the multiplication result is stored in register pair 0 rather than in the Rd register of the opcode. <P><br> <pre class="vhdl"> 129 -- 130 -- 0000 0011 0ddd 0rrr - _MULSU SU "010" 131 -- 0000 0011 0ddd 1rrr - FMUL UU "100" 132 -- 0000 0011 1ddd 0rrr - FMULS SS "111" 133 -- 0000 0011 1ddd 1rrr - FMULSU SU "110" 134 -- 135 Q_DDDDD(4 downto 3) <= "10"; -- regs 16 to 23 136 Q_RRRRR(4 downto 3) <= "10"; -- regs 16 to 23 137 Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_MULT; 138 if I_OPC(7) = '0' then 139 if I_OPC(3) = '0' then 140 Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_SU; 141 else 142 Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_FUU; 143 end if; 144 else 145 if I_OPC(3) = '0' then 146 Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_FSS; 147 else 148 Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_FSU; 149 end if; 150 end if; 151 Q_WE_01 <= '1'; 152 Q_WE_F <= '1'; <pre class="filename"> src/opc_deco.vhd </pre></pre> <P> <P><br> <H3><A NAME="section_1_6_8">7.6.8 Instructions Writing To Memory or I/O</A></H3> <P>Instructions that write to memory or I/O registers need to set <STRONG>AMOD</STRONG>. <STRONG>AMOD</STRONG> selects the pointer register involved (<STRONG>X</STRONG>, <STRONG>Y</STRONG>, <STRONG>Z</STRONG>, <STRONG>SP</STRONG>, or none). If the addressing mode involves a pointer register and updates it, then <STRONG>WE_XYZS</STRONG> needs to be set as well. <P>The following code fragment shows a number of store functions and how <STRONG>AMOD</STRONG> is computed: <P><br> <pre class="vhdl"> 333 -- 334 -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 0000 - STS 335 -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 0001 - ST Z+. Rr 336 -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 0010 - ST -Z. Rr 337 -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1000 - ST Y. Rr 338 -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1001 - ST Y+. Rr 339 -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1010 - ST -Y. Rr 340 -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1100 - ST X. Rr 341 -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1101 - ST X+. Rr 342 -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1110 - ST -X. Rr 343 -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1111 - PUSH Rr 344 -- 345 Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_D_MV_Q; 346 Q_WE_M <= "01"; 347 Q_WE_XYZS <= '1'; 348 case I_OPC(3 downto 0) is 349 when "0000" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS; Q_WE_XYZS <= '0'; 350 when "0001" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Zi; 351 when "0010" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dZ; 352 when "1001" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Yi; 353 when "1010" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dY; 354 when "1100" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_X; Q_WE_XYZS <= '0'; 355 when "1101" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Xi; 356 when "1110" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dX; 357 when "1111" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dSP; 358 when others => 359 end case; <pre class="filename"> src/opc_deco.vhd </pre></pre> <P> <P><br> <P><STRONG>ALU_OP</STRONG> is set to <STRONG>ALU_D_MOV_Q</STRONG>. This causes the source register indicated by <STRONG>DDDDD</STRONG> to be switched through the ALU unchanged so that is shows up at the input of the data memory and of the I/O block. We set <STRONG>WE_M</STRONG> so that the value of the source register will be written. <P>Write instructions to memory execute in a single cycle. <H3><A NAME="section_1_6_9">7.6.9 Instructions Reading From Memory or I/O</A></H3> <P>Instructions that read from memory set <STRONG>AMOD</STRONG> and possibly <STRONG>WE_XYZS</STRONG> in the same way as instructions writing to memory. <P>The following code fragment shows a number of load functions: <P><br> <pre class="vhdl"> 297 Q_IMM <= I_OPC(31 downto 16); -- absolute address for LDS/STS 298 if (I_OPC(9) = '0') then -- LDD / POP 299 -- 300 -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0000 - LDS 301 -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0001 - LD Rd, Z+ 302 -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0010 - LD Rd, -Z 303 -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0100 - (ii) LPM Rd, (Z) 304 -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0101 - (iii) LPM Rd, (Z+) 305 -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0110 - ELPM Z --- not mega8 306 -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0111 - ELPM Z+ --- not mega8 307 -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1001 - LD Rd, Y+ 308 -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1010 - LD Rd, -Y 309 -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1100 - LD Rd, X 310 -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1101 - LD Rd, X+ 311 -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1110 - LD Rd, -X 312 -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1111 - POP Rd 313 -- 314 Q_RSEL <= RS_DIN; 315 Q_RD_M <= I_T0; 316 Q_WE_D <= '0' & not I_T0; 317 Q_WE_XYZS <= not I_T0; 318 Q_PMS <= (not I_OPC(3)) and I_OPC(2) and (not I_OPC(1)); 319 case I_OPC(3 downto 0) is 320 when "0000" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS; Q_WE_XYZS <= '0'; 321 when "0001" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Zi; 322 when "0100" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Z; Q_WE_XYZS <= '0'; 323 when "0101" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Zi; 324 when "1001" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Yi; 325 when "1010" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dY; 326 when "1100" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_X; Q_WE_XYZS <= '0'; 327 when "1101" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Xi; 328 when "1110" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dX; 329 when "1111" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_SPi; 330 when others => Q_WE_XYZS <= '0'; 331 end case; <pre class="filename"> src/opc_deco.vhd </pre></pre> <P> <P><br> <P>The data read from memory now comes from the <STRONG>DIN</STRONG> input. We therefore set <STRONG>RSEL</STRONG> to <STRONG>RS_DIN</STRONG>. The data read from the memory is again switched through the ALU unchanged, but we use <STRONG>ALU_R_MOV_Q</STRONG> instead of <STRONG>ALU_D_MOV_Q</STRONG> because the data from memory is now routed via the multiplexer for <STRONG>R8</STRONG> rather than via the multiplexer for <STRONG>D8</STRONG>. We generate <STRONG>RD_M</STRONG> instead of <STRONG>WE_M</STRONG> since we are now reading and not writing. The result is stored in the register indicated by <STRONG>DDDDD</STRONG>, so we set <STRONG>WE_D</STRONG>. <P>One of the load instructions is <STRONG>LPM</STRONG> which reads from program store rather then from the data memory. For this instruction we set <STRONG>PMS</STRONG>. <P>Unlike store instructions, load instructions execute in two cycles. The reason is the internal memory modules which need one clock cycle to produce a result. We therefore generate the <STRONG>WE_D</STRONG> and <STRONG>WE_XYZS</STRONG> only on the second of the two cycles. <H3><A NAME="section_1_6_10">7.6.10 Jump and Call Instructions</A></H3> <H4><A NAME="section_1_6_10_1"> Unconditional Jump to Absolute Address</A></H4> <P>The simplest case of a jump instruction is <STRONG>JMP</STRONG>, an unconditional jump to an absolute address: <P>The target address of the jump follows after the instruction. Due to our odd/even trick with the program memory, the target address is provided on the upper 16 bits of the opcode and we need not wait for it. We copy the target address from the upper 16 bits of the opcode to the <STRONG>IMM</STRONG> output. Then we set <STRONG>PC_OP</STRONG> to <STRONG>PC_LD_I</STRONG>: <P><br> <pre class="vhdl"> 478 -- 479 -- 1001 010k kkkk 110k - JMP (k = 0 for 16 bit) 480 -- kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk 481 -- 482 Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I; <pre class="filename"> src/opc_deco.vhd </pre></pre> <P> <P><br> <P>The execution stage will then cause the <STRONG>PC</STRONG> to be loaded from its <STRONG>JADR</STRONG> input: <P><br> <pre class="vhdl"> 209 when PC_LD_I => Q_LOAD_PC <= '1'; -- yes: new PC on I_JADR <pre class="filename"> src/data_path.vhd </pre></pre> <P> <P><br> <P>The next opcode after the <STRONG>JMP</STRONG> is already in the pipeline and would be executed next. We invalidate the next opcode so that it will not be executed: <P><br> <pre class="vhdl"> 222 when PC_LD_I => Q_SKIP <= '1'; -- yes <pre class="filename"> src/data_path.vhd </pre></pre> <P> <P><br> <P>An instruction similar to <STRONG>JMP</STRONG> is <STRONG>IJMP</STRONG>. The difference is that the target address of the jump is not provided as an immediate address following the opcode, but is the content of the Z register. This case is handled by a different <STRONG>PC_OP</STRONG>: <P><br> <pre class="vhdl"> 450 -- 451 -- 1001 0100 0000 1001 IJMP 452 -- 1001 0100 0001 1001 EIJMP -- not mega8 453 -- 1001 0101 0000 1001 ICALL 454 -- 1001 0101 0001 1001 EICALL -- not mega8 455 -- 456 Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_Z; <pre class="filename"> src/opc_deco.vhd </pre></pre> <P> <P><br> <P>The execution stage, which contains the <STRONG>Z</STRONG> register, performs the selection of the target address, as we have already seen in the discussion of the data path. <H4><A NAME="section_1_6_10_2"> Unconditional Jump to Relative Address</A></H4> <P>The <STRONG>RJMP</STRONG> instruction is similar to the <STRONG>JMP</STRONG> instruction. The target address of the jump is, however, an address relative to the current <STRONG>PC</STRONG> (plus 1). We sign-extend the relative address (by replicating <STRONG>OPC(11)</STRONG> until a 16-bit value is reached) and add the current <STRONG>PC</STRONG>. <P><br> <pre class="vhdl"> 580 -- 581 -- 1100 kkkk kkkk kkkk - RJMP 582 -- 583 Q_JADR <= I_PC + (I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11) 584 & I_OPC(11 downto 0)) + X"0001"; 585 Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I; <pre class="filename"> src/opc_deco.vhd </pre></pre> <P> <P><br> <P>The rest of <STRONG>RJMP</STRONG> is the same as for <STRONG>JMP</STRONG>. <H4><A NAME="section_1_6_10_3"> Conditional Jump to Relative Address</A></H4> <P>There is a number of conditional jump instructions that differ by the bit in the status register that controls whether the branch is taken or not. <STRONG>BRCS</STRONG> and <STRONG>BRCC</STRONG> branch if bit 0 (the carry flag) is set resp. cleared. <STRONG>BREQ</STRONG> and <STRONG>BRNE</STRONG> branch if bit 1 (the zero flag) is set resp. cleared, and so on. <P>There is also a generic form where the bit number is an operand of the opcode. <STRONG>BRBS</STRONG> branches if a status register flag is set while <STRONG>BRBC</STRONG> branches if a bit is cleared. This means that <STRONG>BRCS</STRONG>, <STRONG>BREQ</STRONG>, ... are just different names for the <STRONG>BRBS</STRONG> instruction, while <STRONG>BRCC</STRONG>, <STRONG>BRNE</STRONG>, ... are different name for the <STRONG>BRBC</STRONG> instruction. <P>The relative address (i.e. the offset from the PC) for <STRONG>BRBC</STRONG>/<STRONG>BRBS</STRONG> is shorter (7 bit) than for <STRONG>RJMP</STRONG> (12 bit). Therefore the sign bit of the offset is replicated more often in order to get a 16-bit signed offset that can be added to the <STRONG>PC</STRONG>. <P><br> <pre class="vhdl"> 610 -- 611 -- 1111 00kk kkkk kbbb - BRBS 612 -- 1111 01kk kkkk kbbb - BRBC 613 -- v 614 -- bbb: status register bit 615 -- v: value (set/cleared) of status register bit 616 -- 617 Q_JADR <= I_PC + (I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) 618 & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) 619 & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9 downto 3)) + X"0001"; 620 Q_PC_OP <= PC_BCC; <pre class="filename"> src/opc_deco.vhd </pre></pre> <P> <P><br> <P>The decision to branch or not is taken in the execution stage, because at the time where the conditional branch is decoded, the relevant bit in the status register is not yet valid. <H4><A NAME="section_1_6_10_4"> Call Instructions</A></H4> <P>Many unconditional jump instructions have "call" variant. The "call" variant are executed like the corresponding jump instruction. In addition (and at the same time), the <STRONG>PC</STRONG> after the instruction is pushed onto the stack. We take <STRONG>CALL</STRONG>, the brother of <STRONG>JMP</STRONG> as an example: <P><br> <pre class="vhdl"> 485 -- 486 -- 1001 010k kkkk 111k - CALL (k = 0) 487 -- kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk 488 -- 489 Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_PC_2; 490 Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ddSP; 491 Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I; 492 Q_WE_M <= "11"; -- both PC bytes 493 Q_WE_XYZS <= '1'; <pre class="filename"> src/opc_deco.vhd </pre></pre> <P> <P><br> <P>The new things are an <STRONG>ALU_OP</STRONG> of <STRONG>ALU_PC_2</STRONG>. The ALU adds 2 to the <STRONG>PC</STRONG>, since the <STRONG>CALL</STRONG> instructions is 2 words long. The <STRONG>RCALL</STRONG> instruction, which is only 1 word long would use <STRONG>ALU_PC_1</STRONG> instead. <STRONG>AMOD</STRONG> is pre-decrement of the <STRONG>SP</STRONG> by 2 (since the return address is 2 bytes long). Both bits of <STRONG>WE_M</STRONG> are set since we write 2 bytes. <H4><A NAME="section_1_6_10_5"> Skip Instructions</A></H4> <P>Skip instructions do not modify the PC, but they invalidate the next instruction. Like for conditional branch instructions, the condition is checked in the execution stage. <P>We take <STRONG>SBIC</STRONG> as an example: <P><br> <pre class="vhdl"> 516 -- 517 -- 1001 1000 AAAA Abbb - CBI 518 -- 1001 1001 AAAA Abbb - SBIC 519 -- 1001 1010 AAAA Abbb - SBI 520 -- 1001 1011 AAAA Abbb - SBIS 521 -- 522 Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_BIT_CS; 523 Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS; 524 Q_BIT(3) <= I_OPC(9); -- set/clear 525 526 -- IMM = AAAAAA + 0x20 527 -- 528 Q_IMM(4 downto 0) <= I_OPC(7 downto 3); 529 Q_IMM(6 downto 5) <= "01"; 530 531 Q_RD_M <= I_T0; 532 if ((I_OPC(8) = '0') ) then -- CBI or SBI 533 Q_WE_M(0) <= '1'; 534 else -- SBIC or SBIS 535 if (I_T0 = '0') then -- second cycle. 536 Q_PC_OP <= PC_SKIP_T; 537 end if; 538 end if; <pre class="filename"> src/opc_deco.vhd </pre></pre> <P> <P><br> <P>First of all, <STRONG>AMOD</STRONG>, <STRONG>IMM</STRONG>, and <STRONG>RSEL</STRONG> are set such that the value from the I/O register indicated by <STRONG>IMM</STRONG> reaches the ALU. <STRONG>ALU_OP</STRONG> and <STRONG>BIT</STRONG> are set such that the relevant bit reaches <STRONG>FLAGS_98(9)</STRONG> in the data path. The access of the bit followed by a skip decision would have taken too long for a single cycle. We therefore extract the bit in the first cycle and store it in the <STRONG>FLAGS_98(9)</STRONG> signal in the data path. In the next cycle, the decision to skip or not is taken. <P>The <STRONG>PC_OP</STRONG> of <STRONG>PC_SKIP_T</STRONG> causes the <STRONG>SKIP</STRONG> output of the execution stage to be raised if <STRONG>FLAGS_98(9)</STRONG> is set: <P><br> <pre class="vhdl"> 226 when PC_SKIP_T => Q_SKIP <= L_FLAGS_98(9); -- if T set <pre class="filename"> src/data_path.vhd </pre></pre> <P> <P><br> <P>A similar instruction is CPSE, which skips the next instruction when a comparison (rather than a bit in an I/O register) indicates equality. It works like a CP instruction, but raises <STRONG>SKIP</STRONG> in the execution stage rather than updating the status register. <H4><A NAME="section_1_6_10_6"> Interrupts</A></H4> <P>We have seen earlier, that the opcode fetch stage inserts "interrupt instructions" into the pipeline when an interrupt occurs. These interrupt instructions are similar to <STRONG>CALL</STRONG> instructions. In contrast to <STRONG>CALL</STRONG> instructions, however, we use <STRONG>ALU_INTR</STRONG> instead of <STRONG>ALU_PC_2</STRONG>. This copies the <STRONG>PC</STRONG> (rather than <STRONG>PC</STRONG> + 2) to the output of the ALU (due to the fact that we have overridden a valid instruction and want to continue with exactly that instruction after returning from the interrupt, Another thing that <STRONG>ALU_INTR</STRONG> does is to clear the <STRONG>I</STRONG> flag in the status register. <P>The interrupt opcodes are implemented as follows: <P><br> <pre class="vhdl"> 95 -- 96 -- 0000 0000 0000 0000 - NOP 97 -- 0000 0000 001v vvvv - INTERRUPT 98 -- 99 if (I_OPC(5)) = '1' then -- interrupt 100 Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_INTR; 101 Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ddSP; 102 Q_JADR <= "0000000000" & I_OPC(4 downto 0) & "0"; 103 Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I; 104 Q_WE_F <= '1'; 105 Q_WE_M <= "11"; 106 end if; <pre class="filename"> src/opc_deco.vhd </pre></pre> <P> <P><br> <H3><A NAME="section_1_6_11">7.6.11 Instructions Not Implemented</A></H3> <P>A handful of instructions was not implemented. The reasons for not implementing them is one of the following: <OL> <LI>The instruction is only available in particular devices, typically due to extended capabilities of these devices (<STRONG>EICALL</STRONG>, <STRONG>EIJMP</STRONG>, <STRONG>ELPM</STRONG>). <LI>The instruction uses capabilities that are somewhat unusual in general (<STRONG>BREAK</STRONG>, <STRONG>DES</STRONG>, <STRONG>SLEEP</STRONG>, <STRONG>WDR</STRONG>). </OL> <P>These instructions are normally not generated by C/C++ compilers, but need to be generated by means of #<STRONG>asm</STRONG> directives. At this point the reader should have learned enough to implement these functions when needed. <H2><A NAME="section_1_7">7.7 Index of all Instructions</A></H2> <P>The following table lists all CPU instructions and a reference to the chapter where they are (supposed to be) described. <TABLE> <TR><TD>ADC</TD><TD>7.6.3</TD><TD>8-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register </TD></TR><TR><TD>ADD</TD><TD>7.6.3</TD><TD>8-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register </TD></TR><TR><TD>ADIW</TD><TD>7.6.5</TD><TD>16-bit Dyadic Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>AND</TD><TD>7.6.3</TD><TD>8-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register </TD></TR><TR><TD>ANDI</TD><TD>7.6.4</TD><TD>8-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Immediate </TD></TR><TR><TD>ASR</TD><TD>7.6.2</TD><TD>8-bit Monadic Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>BCLR</TD><TD>7.6.2</TD><TD>8-bit Monadic Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>BLD</TD><TD>7.6.2</TD><TD>8-bit Monadic Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>BRcc</TD><TD>7.6.10</TD><TD>Jump and Call Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>BREAK</TD><TD>7.6.11</TD><TD>Instructions Not Implemented </TD></TR><TR><TD>BSET</TD><TD>7.6.2</TD><TD>8-bit Monadic Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>BST</TD><TD>7.6.2</TD><TD>8-bit Monadic Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>CALL</TD><TD>7.6.10</TD><TD>Jump and Call Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>CBI</TD><TD>7.6.6</TD><TD>Bit Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>CBR</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>see ANDI </TD></TR><TR><TD>CL<flag></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>see BCLR </TD></TR><TR><TD>CLR</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>see LDI </TD></TR><TR><TD>COM</TD><TD>7.6.2</TD><TD>8-bit Monadic Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>CP</TD><TD>7.6.3</TD><TD>8-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register </TD></TR><TR><TD>CPC</TD><TD>7.6.3</TD><TD>8-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register </TD></TR><TR><TD>CPI</TD><TD>7.6.4</TD><TD>8-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Immediate </TD></TR><TR><TD>CPSE</TD><TD>7.6.10</TD><TD>Jump and Call Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>DEC</TD><TD>7.6.2</TD><TD>8-bit Monadic Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>DES</TD><TD>7.6.11</TD><TD>Instructions Not Implemented </TD></TR><TR><TD>EICALL</TD><TD>7.6.11</TD><TD>Instructions Not Implemented </TD></TR><TR><TD>EIJMP</TD><TD>7.6.11</TD><TD>Instructions Not Implemented </TD></TR><TR><TD>ELPM</TD><TD>7.6.11</TD><TD>Instructions Not Implemented </TD></TR><TR><TD>EOR</TD><TD>7.6.3</TD><TD>8-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register </TD></TR><TR><TD>FMUL[SU]</TD><TD>7.6.7</TD><TD>Multiplication Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>ICALL</TD><TD>7.6.10</TD><TD>Jump and Call Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>IN</TD><TD>7.6.9</TD><TD>Instructions Reading From Memory or I/O </TD></TR><TR><TD>INC</TD><TD>7.6.2</TD><TD>8-bit Monadic Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>IJMP</TD><TD>7.6.10</TD><TD>Jump and Call Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>JMP</TD><TD>7.6.10</TD><TD>Jump and Call Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>LDD</TD><TD>7.6.9</TD><TD>Instructions Reading From Memory or I/O </TD></TR><TR><TD>LDI</TD><TD>7.6.5</TD><TD>16-bit Dyadic Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>LDS</TD><TD>7.6.9</TD><TD>Instructions Reading From Memory or I/O </TD></TR><TR><TD>LSL</TD><TD>7.6.2</TD><TD>8-bit Monadic Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>LSR</TD><TD>7.6.2</TD><TD>8-bit Monadic Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>MOV</TD><TD>7.6.3</TD><TD>8-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register </TD></TR><TR><TD>MOVW</TD><TD>7.6.5</TD><TD>16-bit Dyadic Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>MUL[SU]</TD><TD>7.6.7</TD><TD>Multiplication Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>NEG</TD><TD>7.6.2</TD><TD>8-bit Monadic Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>NOP</TD><TD>7.6.1</TD><TD>The NOP instruction </TD></TR><TR><TD>NOT</TD><TD>7.6.2</TD><TD>8-bit Monadic Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>OR</TD><TD>7.6.3</TD><TD>8-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register </TD></TR><TR><TD>ORI</TD><TD>7.6.4</TD><TD>8-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Immediate </TD></TR><TR><TD>OUT</TD><TD>7.6.8</TD><TD>Instructions Writing To Memory or I/O </TD></TR><TR><TD>POP</TD><TD>7.6.9</TD><TD>Instructions Reading From Memory or I/O </TD></TR><TR><TD>PUSH</TD><TD>7.6.8</TD><TD>Instructions Writing To Memory or I/O </TD></TR><TR><TD>RCALL</TD><TD>7.6.10</TD><TD>Jump and Call Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>RET</TD><TD>7.6.10</TD><TD>Jump and Call Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>RETI</TD><TD>7.6.10</TD><TD>Jump and Call Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>RJMP</TD><TD>7.6.10</TD><TD>Jump and Call Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>ROL</TD><TD>7.6.2</TD><TD>8-bit Monadic Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>SBC</TD><TD>7.6.3</TD><TD>8-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register </TD></TR><TR><TD>SBCI</TD><TD>7.6.4</TD><TD>8-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Immediate </TD></TR><TR><TD>SBI</TD><TD>7.6.6</TD><TD>Bit Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>SBIC</TD><TD>7.6.10</TD><TD>Jump and Call Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>SBIS</TD><TD>7.6.10</TD><TD>Jump and Call Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>SBIW</TD><TD>7.6.5</TD><TD>16-bit Dyadic Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>SBR</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>see ORI </TD></TR><TR><TD>SBRC</TD><TD>7.6.10</TD><TD>Jump and Call Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>SBRS</TD><TD>7.6.10</TD><TD>Jump and Call Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>SE<flag></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>see BSET </TD></TR><TR><TD>SER</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>see LDI </TD></TR><TR><TD>SLEEP</TD><TD>7.6.11</TD><TD>Instructions Not Implemented </TD></TR><TR><TD>SPM</TD><TD>7.6.8</TD><TD>Instructions Writing To Memory or I/O </TD></TR><TR><TD>STD</TD><TD>7.6.8</TD><TD>Instructions Writing To Memory or I/O </TD></TR><TR><TD>STS</TD><TD>7.6.8</TD><TD>Instructions Writing To Memory or I/O </TD></TR><TR><TD>SUB</TD><TD>7.6.3</TD><TD>8-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register </TD></TR><TR><TD>SUBI</TD><TD>7.6.4</TD><TD>8-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Immediate </TD></TR><TR><TD>SWAP</TD><TD>7.6.2</TD><TD>8-bit Monadic Instructions </TD></TR><TR><TD>WDR</TD><TD>7.6.11</TD><TD>Instructions Not Implemented </TD></TR> </TABLE> <P>This concludes the discussion of the CPU. In the next lesson we will proceed with the input/output unit. <P><hr><BR> <table class="ttop"><th class="tpre"><a href="06_Data_Path.html">Previous Lesson</a></th><th class="ttop"><a href="toc.html">Table of Content</a></th><th class="tnxt"><a href="08_IO.html">Next Lesson</a></th></table> </BODY> </HTML>