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-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann
--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
--  (at your option) any later version.
--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  GNU General Public License for more details.
--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).
--  If not, see
-- Module Name:    opc_deco - Behavioral 
-- Create Date:    16:05:16 10/29/2009 
-- Description:    the opcode decoder of a CPU.
library IEEE;
use work.common.ALL;
entity opc_deco is
    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;
            I_OPC       : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
            I_PC        : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
            I_T0        : in  std_logic;
            Q_ALU_OP    : out std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);
            Q_AMOD      : out std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0);
            Q_BIT       : out std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);
            Q_DDDDD     : out std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);
            Q_IMM       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
            Q_JADR      : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
            Q_OPC       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
            Q_PC        : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
            Q_PC_OP     : out std_logic_vector( 2 downto 0);
            Q_PMS       : out std_logic;  -- program memory select
            Q_RD_M      : out std_logic;
            Q_RRRRR     : out std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);
            Q_RSEL      : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);
            Q_WE_01     : out std_logic;
            Q_WE_D      : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);
            Q_WE_F      : out std_logic;
            Q_WE_M      : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);
            Q_WE_XYZS   : out std_logic);
end opc_deco;
architecture Behavioral of opc_deco is
    if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then
        -- set the most common settings as default.
        Q_ALU_OP  <= ALU_D_MV_Q;
        Q_AMOD    <= AMOD_ABS;
        Q_BIT     <= I_OPC(10) & I_OPC(2 downto 0);
        Q_DDDDD   <= I_OPC(8 downto 4);
        Q_IMM     <= X"0000";
        Q_JADR    <= I_OPC(31 downto 16);
        Q_OPC     <= I_OPC(15 downto  0);
        Q_PC      <= I_PC;
        Q_PC_OP   <= PC_NEXT;
        Q_PMS     <= '0';
        Q_RD_M    <= '0';
        Q_RRRRR   <= I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(3 downto 0);
        Q_RSEL    <= RS_REG;
        Q_WE_D    <= "00";
        Q_WE_01   <= '0';
        Q_WE_F    <= '0';
        Q_WE_M    <= "00";
        Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';
        case I_OPC(15 downto 10) is
            when "000000" =>                            -- 0000 00xx xxxx xxxx
                case I_OPC(9 downto 8) is
                    when "00" =>
                        -- 0000 0000 0000 0000 - NOP
                        -- 0000 0000 001v vvvv - INTERRUPT
                        if (I_OPC(5)) = '1' then   -- interrupt
                            Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_INTR;
                            Q_AMOD <= AMOD_SPdd;
                            Q_JADR <= "0000000000" & I_OPC(4 downto 0) & "0";
                            Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I;
                            Q_WE_F <= '1';
                            Q_WE_M <= "11";
                        end if;
                    when "01" =>
                        -- 0000 0001 dddd rrrr - MOVW
                        Q_DDDDD <= I_OPC(7 downto 4) & "0";
                        Q_RRRRR <= I_OPC(3 downto 0) & "0";
                        Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_MV_16;
                        Q_WE_D <= "11";
                    when "10" =>
                        -- 0000 0010 dddd rrrr - MULS
                        Q_DDDDD <= "1" & I_OPC(7 downto 4);
                        Q_RRRRR <= "1" & I_OPC(3 downto 0);
                        Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_MULT;
                        Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_SS;
                        Q_WE_01 <= '1';
                        Q_WE_F <= '1';
                    when others =>
                        -- 0000 0011 0ddd 0rrr - _MULSU  SU "010"
                        -- 0000 0011 0ddd 1rrr - FMUL    UU "100"
                        -- 0000 0011 1ddd 0rrr - FMULS   SS "111"
                        -- 0000 0011 1ddd 1rrr - FMULSU  SU "110"
                        Q_DDDDD(4 downto 3) <= "10";    -- regs 16 to 23
                        Q_RRRRR(4 downto 3) <= "10";    -- regs 16 to 23
                        Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_MULT;
                        if I_OPC(7) = '0' then
                            if I_OPC(3) = '0' then 
                                Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_SU;
                                Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_FUU;
                            end if;
                            if I_OPC(3) = '0' then 
                                Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_FSS;
                                Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_FSU;
                            end if;
                        end if;
                        Q_WE_01 <= '1';
                        Q_WE_F <= '1';
                end case;
            when "000001" | "000010" =>
                -- 0000 01rd dddd rrrr - CPC = SBC without Q_WE_D
                -- 0000 10rd dddd rrrr - SBC
                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SBC;
                Q_WE_D <= '0' & I_OPC(11);  -- write Rd if SBC.
                Q_WE_F <= '1';
            when "000011" =>                            -- 0000 11xx xxxx xxxx
                -- 0000 11rd dddd rrrr - ADD
                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_ADD;
                Q_WE_D <= "01";
                Q_WE_F <= '1';
            when "000100" =>                            -- 0001 00xx xxxx xxxx
                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SUB;
                Q_RD_M <= I_T0;
                if (I_T0 = '0') then        -- second cycle.
                    Q_PC_OP <= PC_SKIP_Z;
                end if;
            when "000101" | "000110" =>
                -- 0001 01rd dddd rrrr - CP = SUB without Q_WE_D
                -- 0000 10rd dddd rrrr - SUB
                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SUB;
                Q_WE_D <= '0' & I_OPC(11);  -- write Rd if SUB.
                Q_WE_F <= '1';
            when "000111" =>                            -- 0001 11xx xxxx xxxx
                -- 0001 11rd dddd rrrr - ADC
                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_ADC;
                Q_WE_D <= "01";
                Q_WE_F <= '1';
            when "001000" =>                            -- 0010 00xx xxxx xxxx
                -- 0010 00rd dddd rrrr - AND
                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_AND;
                Q_WE_D <= "01";
                Q_WE_F <= '1';
            when "001001" =>                            -- 0010 01xx xxxx xxxx
                -- 0010 01rd dddd rrrr - EOR
                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_EOR;
                Q_WE_D <= "01";
                Q_WE_F <= '1';
            when "001010" =>                            -- 0010 10xx xxxx xxxx
                -- 0010 10rd dddd rrrr - OR
                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_OR;
                Q_WE_D <= "01";
                Q_WE_F <= '1';
            when "001011" =>                            -- 0010 11xx xxxx xxxx
                -- 0010 11rd dddd rrrr - MOV
                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_R_MV_Q;
                Q_WE_D <= "01";
            when "001100" | "001101" | "001110" | "001111"
               | "010100" | "010101" | "010110" | "010111" =>
                -- 0011 KKKK dddd KKKK - CPI
                -- 0101 KKKK dddd KKKK - SUBI
                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SUB;
                Q_IMM(7 downto 0) <= I_OPC(11 downto 8) & I_OPC(3 downto 0);
                Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM;
                Q_DDDDD(4) <= '1';    -- Rd = 16...31
                Q_WE_D <= '0' & I_OPC(14);
                Q_WE_F <= '1';
            when "010000" | "010001" | "010010" | "010011" =>
                -- 0100 KKKK dddd KKKK - SBCI
                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SBC;
                Q_IMM(7 downto 0) <= I_OPC(11 downto 8) & I_OPC(3 downto 0);
                Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM;
                Q_DDDDD(4) <= '1';    -- Rd = 16...31
                Q_WE_D <= "01";
                Q_WE_F <= '1';
            when "011000" | "011001" | "011010" | "011011" =>
                -- 0110 KKKK dddd KKKK - ORI
                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_OR;
                Q_IMM(7 downto 0) <= I_OPC(11 downto 8) & I_OPC(3 downto 0);
                Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM;
                Q_DDDDD(4) <= '1';    -- Rd = 16...31
                Q_WE_D <= "01";
                Q_WE_F <= '1';
            when "011100" | "011101" | "011110" | "011111" =>
                -- 0111 KKKK dddd KKKK - ANDI
                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_AND;
                Q_IMM(7 downto 0) <= I_OPC(11 downto 8) & I_OPC(3 downto 0);
                Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM;
                Q_DDDDD(4) <= '1';    -- Rd = 16...31
                Q_WE_D <= "01";
                Q_WE_F <= '1';
            when "100000" | "100001" | "100010" | "100011"
               | "101000" | "101001" | "101010" | "101011" =>
                -- LDD (Y + q) == LD (y) if q == 0
                -- 10q0 qq0d dddd 1qqq  LDD (Y + q)
                -- 10q0 qq0d dddd 0qqq  LDD (Z + q)
                -- 10q0 qq1d dddd 1qqq  SDD (Y + q)
                -- 10q0 qq1d dddd 0qqq  SDD (Z + q)
                --        L/      Z/
                --        S       Y
                Q_IMM(5) <= I_OPC(13);
                Q_IMM(4 downto 3) <= I_OPC(11 downto 10);
                Q_IMM(2 downto 0) <= I_OPC( 2 downto  0);
                if (I_OPC(3) = '0') then    Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Zq;
                else                        Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Yq;
                end if;
                if (I_OPC(9) = '0') then            -- LDD
                    Q_RSEL <= RS_DIN;
                    Q_RD_M <= I_T0 ;
                    Q_WE_D <= '0' & not I_T0;
                else                                -- STD
                    Q_WE_M <= '0' & I_OPC(9);
                end if;
            when "100100" =>                            -- 1001 00xx xxxx xxxx
                Q_IMM <= I_OPC(31 downto 16);   -- absolute address for LDS/STS
                if (I_OPC(9) = '0') then        -- LDD / POP
                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0000 - LDS
                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0001 - LD Rd, Z+
                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0010 - LD Rd, -Z
                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0100 - (ii)  LPM Rd, (Z)
                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0101 - (iii) LPM Rd, (Z+)
                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0110 - ELPM Z        --- not mega8
                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0111 - ELPM Z+       --- not mega8
                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1001 - LD Rd, Y+
                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1010 - LD Rd, -Y
                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1100 - LD Rd, X
                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1101 - LD Rd, X+
                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1110 - LD Rd, -X
                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1111 - POP Rd
                    Q_RSEL <= RS_DIN;
                    Q_RD_M <= I_T0;
                    Q_WE_D <= '0' & not I_T0;
                    Q_WE_XYZS <= not I_T0;
                    Q_PMS <= (not I_OPC(3)) and I_OPC(2) and (not I_OPC(1));
                    case I_OPC(3 downto 0) is
                        when "0000" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS;  Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';
                        when "0001" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Zi;
                        when "0100" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Z;    Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';
                        when "0101" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Zi;
                        when "1001" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Yi;
                        when "1010" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dY;
                        when "1100" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_X;    Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';
                        when "1101" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Xi;
                        when "1110" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dX;
                        when "1111" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_iSP;
                        when others =>                      Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';
                    end case;
                else                        -- STD / PUSH
                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 0000 - STS
                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 0001 - ST Z+. Rr
                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 0010 - ST -Z. Rr
                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1000 - ST Y. Rr
                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1001 - ST Y+. Rr
                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1010 - ST -Y. Rr
                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1100 - ST X. Rr
                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1101 - ST X+. Rr
                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1110 - ST -X. Rr
                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1111 - PUSH Rr
                    Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_D_MV_Q;
                    Q_WE_M <= "01";
                    Q_WE_XYZS <= '1';
                    case I_OPC(3 downto 0) is
                        when "0000" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS;  Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';
                        when "0001" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Zi;
                        when "0010" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dZ;
                        when "1001" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Yi;
                        when "1010" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dY;
                        when "1100" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_X;    Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';
                        when "1101" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Xi;
                        when "1110" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dX;
                        when "1111" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_SPd;
                        when others =>
                    end case;
                end if;
            when "100101" =>                            -- 1001 01xx xxxx xxxx
                if (I_OPC(9) = '0') then                -- 1001 010
                    if (I_OPC(3) = '0') then            -- 1001 010x xxxx 0xxx
                        --  1001 010d dddd 0000 - COM
                        --  1001 010d dddd 0001 - NEG
                        --  1001 010d dddd 0010 - SWAP
                        --  1001 010d dddd 0011 - INC
                        --  1001 010d dddd 0101 - ASR
                        --  1001 010d dddd 0110 - LSR
                        --  1001 010d dddd 0111 - ROR
                        case I_OPC(2 downto 0) is
                            when "000"  => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_COM;
                            when "001"  => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_NEG;
                            when "010"  => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SWAP;
                            when "011"  => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_INC;
                            when "101"  => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_ASR;
                            when "110"  => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_LSR;
                            when "111"  => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_ROR;
                            when others =>
                        end case;
                        Q_WE_D <= "01";
                        Q_WE_F <= '1';
                    else                                -- 1001 010x xxxx 1xxx
                        case I_OPC(2 downto 0) is
                            when "000"  =>              -- 1001 010x xxxx 1000
                                if I_OPC(8) = '0' then  -- 1001 0100 xxxx 1000
                                    --  1001 0100 0sss 1000 - BSET
                                    --  1001 0100 1sss 1000 - BCLR
                                    Q_BIT(3 downto 0) <= I_OPC(7 downto 4);
                                    Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SREG;
                                    Q_WE_F <= '1';
                                else                    -- 1001 0101 xxxx 1000
                                    --  1001 0101 0000 1000 - RET
                                    --  1001 0101 0001 1000 - RETI
                                    --  1001 0101 1000 1000 - SLEEP
                                    --  1001 0101 1001 1000 - BREAK
                                    --  1001 0101 1100 1000 - LPM     [ R0,(Z) ]
                                    --  1001 0101 1101 1000 - ELPM   not mega8
                                    --  1001 0101 1110 1000 - SPM
                                    --  1001 0101 1111 1000 - SPM #2
                                    --  1001 0101 1010 1000 - WDR
                                    case I_OPC(7 downto 4) is
                                        when "0000" =>  -- RET
                                            Q_AMOD <= AMOD_iiSP;
                                            if (I_T0 = '1') then
                                                Q_RD_M <= '1';
                                                Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_S;
                                                Q_WE_XYZS <= not I_T0;
                                            end if;
                                        when "0001" =>  -- RETI
                                            Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_INTR;
                                            Q_IMM(6) <= '1';
                                            Q_AMOD <= AMOD_iiSP;
                                            if (I_T0 = '1') then
                                                Q_RD_M <= '1';
                                                Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_S;
                                                Q_WE_XYZS <= not I_T0;
                                            end if;
                                        when "1000" =>  -- (i) LPM R0, (Z)
                                            Q_DDDDD <= "00000";
                                            Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Z;
                                            Q_PMS <= '1';
                                            Q_WE_D <= '0' & not I_T0;
                                        when "1110" =>  -- SPM
                                            Q_DDDDD <= "00000";
                                            Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Z;
                                            Q_PMS <= '1';
                                            Q_WE_M <= "01";
                                        when "1111" =>  -- SPM #2
                                            -- page write: not su[pported
                                        when others =>
                                    end case;
                                end if;
                            when "001" =>               -- 1001 010x xxxx 1001
                                --  1001 0100 0000 1001 IJMP
                                --  1001 0100 0001 1001 EIJMP   -- not mega8
                                --  1001 0101 0000 1001 ICALL
                                --  1001 0101 0001 1001 EICALL   -- not mega8
                                Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_Z;
                                if (I_OPC(8) = '1') then        -- ICALL
                                    Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_PC_1;
                                    Q_AMOD <= AMOD_SPdd;
                                    Q_WE_M <= "11";
                                    Q_WE_XYZS <= '1';
                                end if;
                            when "010"  =>               -- 1001 010x xxxx 1010
                                --  1001 010d dddd 1010 - DEC
                                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_DEC;
                                Q_WE_D <= "01";
                                Q_WE_F <= '1';
                            when "011"  =>               -- 1001 010x xxxx 1011
                                --  1001 0100 KKKK 1011 - DES   -- not mega8
                            when "100" | "101"  =>
                                --  1001 010k kkkk 110k - JMP (k = 0 for 16 bit)
                                --  kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk
                                Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I;
                            when "110" | "111"  =>      -- 1001 010x xxxx 111x
                                --  1001 010k kkkk 111k - CALL (k = 0)
                                --  kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk
                                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_PC_2;
                                Q_AMOD <= AMOD_SPdd;
                                Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I;
                                Q_WE_M <= "11";     -- both PC bytes
                                Q_WE_XYZS <= '1';
                            when others =>
                        end case;
                    end if;
                else            -- 1001 011
                    --  1001 0110 KKdd KKKK - ADIW
                    --  1001 0111 KKdd KKKK - SBIW
                    if (I_OPC(8) = '0') then    Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_ADIW;
                    else                        Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SBIW;
                    end if;
                    Q_IMM(5 downto 4) <= I_OPC(7 downto 6);
                    Q_IMM(3 downto 0) <= I_OPC(3 downto 0);
                    Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM;
                    Q_DDDDD <= "11" & I_OPC(5 downto 4) & "0";
                    Q_WE_D <= "11";
                    Q_WE_F <= '1';
                end if; -- I_OPC(9) = 0/1
            when "100110" =>                            -- 1001 10xx xxxx xxxx
                --  1001 1000 AAAA Abbb - CBI
                --  1001 1001 AAAA Abbb - SBIC
                --  1001 1010 AAAA Abbb - SBI
                --  1001 1011 AAAA Abbb - SBIS
                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_BIT_CS;
                Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS;
                Q_BIT(3) <= I_OPC(9);   -- set/clear
                -- IMM = AAAAAA + 0x20
                Q_IMM(4 downto 0) <= I_OPC(7 downto 3);
                Q_IMM(6 downto 5) <= "01";
                Q_RD_M <= I_T0;
                if ((I_OPC(8) = '0') ) then     -- CBI or SBI
                    Q_WE_M(0) <= '1';
                else                            -- SBIC or SBIS
                    if (I_T0 = '0') then        -- second cycle.
                        Q_PC_OP <= PC_SKIP_T;
                    end if;
                end if;
            when "100111" =>                            -- 1001 11xx xxxx xxxx
                --  1001 11rd dddd rrrr - MUL
                 Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_MULT;
                 Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= "000"; --  -MUL UU;
                 Q_WE_01 <= '1';
                 Q_WE_F <= '1';
            when "101100" | "101101" =>                 -- 1011 0xxx xxxx xxxx
                -- 1011 0AAd dddd AAAA - IN
                Q_RSEL <= RS_DIN;
                Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS;
                -- IMM = AAAAAA
                --     + 010000 (0x20)
                Q_IMM(3 downto 0) <= I_OPC(3 downto 0);
                Q_IMM(4) <= I_OPC(9);
                Q_IMM(6 downto 5) <= "01" + ('0' & I_OPC(10 downto 10));
                Q_RD_M <= '1';
                Q_WE_D <= "01";
            when "101110" | "101111" =>                 -- 1011 1xxx xxxx xxxx
                -- 1011 1AAr rrrr AAAA - OUT
                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_D_MV_Q;
                Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS;
                -- IMM = AAAAAA
                --     + 010000 (0x20)
                Q_IMM(3 downto 0) <= I_OPC(3 downto 0);
                Q_IMM(4) <= I_OPC(9);
                Q_IMM(6 downto 5) <= "01" + ('0' & I_OPC(10 downto 10));
                Q_WE_M <= "01";
            when "110000" | "110001" | "110010" | "110011" =>
                -- 1100 kkkk kkkk kkkk - RJMP
                Q_JADR <= I_PC + (I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11)
                                & I_OPC(11 downto 0)) + X"0001";
                Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I;
            when "110100" | "110101" | "110110" | "110111" =>
                -- 1101 kkkk kkkk kkkk - RCALL
                Q_JADR <= I_PC + (I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11)
                                & I_OPC(11 downto 0)) + X"0001";
                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_PC_1;
                Q_AMOD <= AMOD_SPdd;
                Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I;
                Q_WE_M <= "11";     -- both PC bytes
                Q_WE_XYZS <= '1';
            when "111000" | "111001" | "111010" | "111011" => -- LDI
                -- 1110 KKKK dddd KKKK - LDI Rd, K
                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_R_MV_Q;
                Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM;
                Q_DDDDD <= '1' & I_OPC(7 downto 4);     -- 16..31
                Q_IMM(7 downto 0) <= I_OPC(11 downto 8) & I_OPC(3 downto 0);
                Q_WE_D <= "01";
            when "111100" | "111101" =>                 -- 1111 0xxx xxxx xxxx
                -- 1111 00kk kkkk kbbb - BRBS
                -- 1111 01kk kkkk kbbb - BRBC
                --       v
                -- bbb: status register bit
                -- v: value (set/cleared) of status register bit
                Q_JADR <= I_PC + (I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9)
                                & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9)
                                & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9 downto 3)) + X"0001";
                Q_PC_OP <= PC_BCC;
            when "111110" =>                            -- 1111 10xx xxxx xxxx
                -- 1111 100d dddd 0bbb - BLD
                -- 1111 101d dddd 0bbb - BST
                if I_OPC(9) = '0' then  -- BLD: T flag to register
                    Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_BLD;
                    Q_WE_D <= "01";
                else                    -- BST: register to T flag
                    Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS;
                    Q_BIT(3) <= I_OPC(10);
                    Q_IMM(4 downto 0) <= I_OPC(8 downto 4);
                    Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_BIT_CS;
                    Q_WE_F <= '1';
                end if;
            when "111111" =>                            -- 1111 11xx xxxx xxxx
                -- 1111 110r rrrr 0bbb - SBRC
                -- 1111 111r rrrr 0bbb - SBRS
                -- like SBIC, but and general purpose regs instead of I/O regs.
                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_BIT_CS;
                Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS;
                Q_BIT(3) <= I_OPC(9);   -- set/clear bit
                Q_IMM(4 downto 0) <= I_OPC(8 downto 4);
                if (I_T0 = '0') then
                    Q_PC_OP <= PC_SKIP_T;
                end if;
            when others =>
        end case;
    end if;
    end process;
end Behavioral;

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