Subversion Repositories ether_arp_1g
[/] [ether_arp_1g/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [arp_responder.vhdl] - Rev 4
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Company: Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA -- Engineer: Justin Wagner -- -- Create Date: 7/Oct/2011 -- Design Name: -- Module Name: arp_responder - rtl -- Project Name: -- Target Devices: n/a -- Tool versions: -- Description: Project for Job application to XR Trading -- -- Dependencies: arp_package.vhdl (Definitions of various constants) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; use work.arp_package.all; entity arp_responder is Port ( ARESET : in STD_LOGIC; MY_MAC : in std_logic_vector(47 downto 0); --my MAC address MY_IPV4 : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); --my IPV4 address CLK_RX : in STD_LOGIC; DATA_VALID_RX : in STD_LOGIC; DATA_RX : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); CLK_TX : in STD_LOGIC; DATA_ACK_TX : in STD_LOGIC; DATA_VALID_TX : out STD_LOGIC; DATA_TX : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); end arp_responder; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture rtl of arp_responder is -- Edge Detector used to find positive edge of DATA_VALID_RX component edge_detector port( din : in std_logic; clk : in std_logic; rst_n : in std_logic; dout : out std_logic ); end component edge_detector; --the following declares the various states for the machine type state_type is (IDLE, CHECK_DA, CHECK_SA, CHECK_E_TYPE, CHECK_H_TYPE, CHECK_P_TYPE, CHECK_H_LEN, CHECK_P_LEN, CHECK_OPER, CHECK_SHA, CHECK_SPA, IGNORE_THA, CHECK_TPA, GEN_DA, GEN_SA, GEN_E_TYPE, GEN_H_TYPE, GEN_P_TYPE, GEN_H_LEN, GEN_P_LEN, GEN_OPER, GEN_SHA, GEN_SPA, GEN_THA, GEN_TPA); signal SA_mem, next_SA_mem : HA_mem_type; signal SPA_mem, next_SPA_mem : PA_mem_type; signal next_state, state : state_type; signal next_counter, counter : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal posedge_DATA_VALID_RX : std_logic; signal next_DATA_VALID_TX, next_2_DATA_VALID_TX : std_logic; signal next_DATA_TX, next_2_DATA_TX : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin -- A positive edge detector for the DATA_VALID_RX signal ed_1: edge_detector port map( din => DATA_VALID_RX, clk => CLK_RX, rst_n => not(ARESET), dout => posedge_DATA_VALID_RX ); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This process describes the flow from one state to another in the FSM----------- -- It also describes what the outputs should be at each state--------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- combo:process(state, posedge_DATA_VALID_RX, counter, SA_mem, SPA_mem, DATA_ACK_TX, MY_MAC, MY_IPV4) begin -- Hold Values by Default -- These values will hold true in every state unless a state explicitly defines -- a different value for any of these signals. next_DATA_TX <= (others => '0'); next_DATA_VALID_TX <= '0'; next_counter <= counter; next_SA_mem <= SA_mem; next_SPA_mem <= SPA_mem; ------------------------------------------------------------------ --State Machine Start...Please see ASM chart for State Diagram---- case state is when IDLE => if (posedge_DATA_VALID_RX ='1') then next_state <= CHECK_DA; else next_state <= IDLE; end if; next_SA_mem <= ((others => '0'),(others => '0'),(others => '0'),(others => '0'),(others => '0'),(others => '0')); next_SPA_mem <= ((others => '0'),(others => '0'),(others => '0'),(others => '0')); next_counter <= (others => '0'); when CHECK_DA => -- Validate that the DA is a Broadcast, if not return to IDLE next_counter <= counter + 1; if (DATA_RX = MAC_BDCST_ADDR(conv_integer(counter))) then if (counter < 5) then next_state <= CHECK_DA; else next_state <= CHECK_SA; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; else next_state <= IDLE; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; when CHECK_SA => -- Lets store the SA so we can respond to it later next_counter <= counter + 1; next_state <= CHECK_SA; next_SA_mem(conv_integer(counter)) <= DATA_RX; if (counter >= 5) then next_state <= CHECK_E_TYPE; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; when CHECK_E_TYPE => -- Verify that the E_TYPE is the ARP ETYPE next_counter <= counter + 1; if (DATA_RX = E_TYPE_ARP(conv_integer(counter))) then next_state <= CHECK_E_TYPE; if (counter >= 1) then next_state <= CHECK_H_TYPE; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; else next_state <= IDLE; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; when CHECK_H_TYPE => -- Verify that the H_TYPE is the Ethernet HTYPE next_counter <= counter + 1; if (DATA_RX = H_TYPE_ETH(conv_integer(counter))) then next_state <= CHECK_H_TYPE; if (counter >= 1) then next_state <= CHECK_P_TYPE; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; else next_state <= IDLE; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; when CHECK_P_TYPE => -- Verify that the P_TYPE is the IPV4 PTYPE next_counter <= counter + 1; if (DATA_RX = P_TYPE_IPV4(conv_integer(counter))) then next_state <= CHECK_P_TYPE; if (counter >= 1) then next_state <= CHECK_H_LEN; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; else next_state <= IDLE; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; when CHECK_H_LEN => -- Verify that the H_LEN is the Ethernet Length next_counter <= (others => '0'); if (DATA_RX = H_TYPE_ETH_LEN) then next_state <= CHECK_P_LEN; else next_state <= IDLE; end if; when CHECK_P_LEN => -- Verify that the P_LEN is the IPV4 Length next_counter <= (others => '0'); if (DATA_RX = P_TYPE_IPV4_LEN) then next_state <= CHECK_OPER; else next_state <= IDLE; end if; when CHECK_OPER => -- Verify that we received an ARP Request next_counter <= counter + 1; if (DATA_RX = ARP_OPER_REQ(conv_integer(counter))) then next_state <= CHECK_OPER; if (counter >= 1) then next_state <= CHECK_SHA; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; else next_state <= IDLE; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; when CHECK_SHA => -- Ignore the SHA field since we already retrieved this -- from the Ethernet header next_counter <= counter + 1; next_state <= CHECK_SHA; if (counter >= 5) then next_counter <= (others => '0'); next_state <= CHECK_SPA; end if; when CHECK_SPA => -- Lets store the SPA so we can respond to it later next_counter <= counter + 1; next_state <= CHECK_SPA; next_SPA_mem(conv_integer(counter)) <= DATA_RX; if (counter >= 3) then next_state <= IGNORE_THA; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; when IGNORE_THA => -- Ignore the destination Hardware Address (ARP requests can't fill this out by definition) next_state <= IGNORE_THA; next_counter <= counter + 1; if (counter >= 5) then next_state <= CHECK_TPA; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; when CHECK_TPA => -- Make sure we are the destination Protocol Address next_counter <= counter + 1; if (DATA_RX = MY_IPV4((31-(conv_integer(counter)*8)) downto (24-(conv_integer(counter)*8)))) then next_state <= CHECK_TPA; if (counter >= 3) then next_state <= GEN_DA; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; else next_state <= IDLE; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; -- GENERATE AN ARP RESPONSE when GEN_DA => -- Generate the DA for the response next_DATA_VALID_TX <= '1'; next_DATA_TX <= SA_mem(conv_integer(counter)); if (DATA_ACK_TX = '0' AND counter = 0) then next_counter <= (others => '0'); else next_counter <= counter + 1; end if; if (counter < 5) then next_state <= GEN_DA; else next_state <= GEN_SA; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; when GEN_SA => -- Generate the DA for the response next_DATA_VALID_TX <= '1'; next_counter <= counter + 1; next_DATA_TX <= MY_MAC((47-(conv_integer(counter)*8)) downto (40-(conv_integer(counter)*8))); if (counter < 5) then next_state <= GEN_SA; else next_state <= GEN_E_TYPE; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; when GEN_E_TYPE => -- Generate the E_TYPE for the response next_DATA_VALID_TX <= '1'; next_counter <= counter + 1; next_DATA_TX <= E_TYPE_ARP(conv_integer(counter)); if (counter < 1) then next_state <= GEN_E_TYPE; else next_state <= GEN_H_TYPE; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; when GEN_H_TYPE => -- Generate the H_TYPE for the response next_DATA_VALID_TX <= '1'; next_counter <= counter + 1; next_DATA_TX <= H_TYPE_ETH(conv_integer(counter)); if (counter < 1) then next_state <= GEN_H_TYPE; else next_state <= GEN_P_TYPE; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; when GEN_P_TYPE => -- Generate the P_TYPE for the response next_DATA_VALID_TX <= '1'; next_counter <= counter + 1; next_DATA_TX <= P_TYPE_IPV4(conv_integer(counter)); if (counter < 1) then next_state <= GEN_P_TYPE; else next_state <= GEN_H_LEN; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; when GEN_H_LEN => next_DATA_VALID_TX <= '1'; next_DATA_TX <= H_TYPE_ETH_LEN; next_state <= GEN_P_LEN; when GEN_P_LEN => next_DATA_VALID_TX <= '1'; next_DATA_TX <= P_TYPE_IPV4_LEN; next_state <= GEN_OPER; when GEN_OPER => next_DATA_VALID_TX <= '1'; next_counter <= counter + 1; next_DATA_TX <= ARP_OPER_RESP(conv_integer(counter)); if (counter < 1) then next_state <= GEN_OPER; else next_state <= GEN_SHA; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; when GEN_SHA => next_DATA_VALID_TX <= '1'; next_counter <= counter + 1; next_DATA_TX <= MY_MAC((47-(conv_integer(counter)*8)) downto (40-(conv_integer(counter)*8))); if (counter < 5) then next_state <= GEN_SHA; else next_state <= GEN_SPA; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; when GEN_SPA => next_DATA_VALID_TX <= '1'; next_counter <= counter + 1; next_DATA_TX <= MY_IPV4((31-(conv_integer(counter)*8)) downto (24-(conv_integer(counter)*8))); if (counter < 3) then next_state <= GEN_SPA; else next_state <= GEN_THA; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; when GEN_THA => -- Generate the THA for the response next_DATA_VALID_TX <= '1'; next_counter <= counter + 1; next_DATA_TX <= SA_mem(conv_integer(counter)); if (counter < 5) then next_state <= GEN_THA; else next_state <= GEN_TPA; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; when GEN_TPA => -- Generate the TPA for the response next_DATA_VALID_TX <= '1'; next_counter <= counter + 1; next_DATA_TX <= SPA_mem(conv_integer(counter)); if (counter < 3) then next_state <= GEN_TPA; else next_state <= IDLE; next_counter <= (others => '0'); end if; when others => next_state <= IDLE; end case; end process combo; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Sequential Logic Processes-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- seq_RX:process(CLK_RX, ARESET) begin if (ARESET='1') then --resetting the board state <= IDLE; counter <= (others => '0'); SA_mem <= ((others => '0'),(others => '0'),(others => '0'),(others => '0'),(others => '0'),(others => '0')); SPA_mem <= ((others => '0'),(others => '0'),(others => '0'),(others => '0')); -- move next state values into registers on clock edge elsif (CLK_RX'event and CLK_RX ='1') then state <= next_state; counter <= next_counter; SA_mem <= next_SA_mem; SPA_mem <= next_SPA_mem; else NULL; end if; end process seq_RX; seq_TX:process(CLK_TX, ARESET) begin if (ARESET='1') then --resetting the board DATA_VALID_TX <= '0'; DATA_TX <= (others => '0'); next_2_DATA_VALID_TX <= '0'; next_2_DATA_TX <= (others => '0'); -- move next state values into registers on clock edge elsif (CLK_TX'event and CLK_TX ='1') then next_2_DATA_VALID_TX <= next_DATA_VALID_TX; next_2_DATA_TX <= next_DATA_TX; DATA_VALID_TX <= next_2_DATA_VALID_TX; DATA_TX <= next_2_DATA_TX; else NULL; end if; end process seq_TX; end rtl;