Subversion Repositories fifo_srl_uni
[/] [fifo_srl_uni/] [trunk/] [fifo_srl_uni.vhd] - Rev 3
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Title : Parametrilayze based on SRL16 shift register FIFO -- Project : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File : fifo_srl_uni.vhd -- Author : Tomasz Turek <tomasz.turek@gmail.com> -- Company : SzuWar INC -- Created : 13:27:31 14-03-2010 -- Last update: 12:03:49 18-03-2010 -- Platform : Xilinx ISE 10.1.03 -- Standard : VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Description: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (c) 2010 SzuWar INC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Revisions : -- Date Version Author Description -- 13:27:31 14-03-2010 1.0 szuwarek Created ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all; --use ieee.numeric_std.all; Library UNISIM; use UNISIM.vcomponents.all; entity fifo_srl_uni is generic ( iDataWidth : integer range 1 to 32 := 17; ififoWidth : integer range 1 to 1023 := 32; iInputReg : integer range 0 to 2 := 0; iOutputReg : integer range 0 to 3 := 2; iFullFlagOfSet : integer range 0 to 1021 := 2; iEmptyFlagOfSet : integer range 0 to 1021 := 5; iSizeDelayCounter : integer range 5 to 11 := 6 ); port ( CLK_I : in std_logic; DATA_I : in std_logic_vector(iDataWidth - 1 downto 0); DATA_O : out std_logic_vector(iDataWidth - 1 downto 0); WRITE_ENABLE_I : in std_logic; READ_ENABLE_I : in std_logic; READ_VALID_O : out std_logic; FIFO_COUNT_O : out std_logic_vector(iSizeDelayCounter - 1 downto 0); FULL_FLAG_O : out std_logic; EMPTY_FLAG_O : out std_logic ); end entity fifo_srl_uni; architecture fifo_srl_uni_rtl of fifo_srl_uni is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- functions -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function f_srl_count (constant c_fifo_size : integer) return integer is variable i_temp : integer; variable i_count : integer; begin -- function f_srl_count i_temp := c_fifo_size; i_count := 0; for i in 0 to 64 loop if i_temp < 1 then if i_count = 0 then i_count := i; else i_count := i_count; end if; else i_temp := i_temp - 16; end if; end loop; -- i return i_count; end function f_srl_count; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- constants -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant c_srl_count : integer range 0 to 64 := f_srl_count(ififoWidth); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- types -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type type_in_reg is array (0 to iInputReg - 1) of std_logic_vector(iDataWidth - 1 downto 0); type type_out_reg is array (0 to iOutputReg) of std_logic_vector(iDataWidth - 1 downto 0); type type_data_path is array (0 to c_srl_count - 1) of std_logic_vector(iDataWidth - 1 downto 0); type type_srl_path is array (0 to c_srl_count) of std_logic_vector(iDataWidth - 1 downto 0); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- signals -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal v_delay_counter : std_logic_vector(iSizeDelayCounter - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal v_size_counter : std_logic_vector(iSizeDelayCounter - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal v_zeros : std_logic_vector(iSizeDelayCounter - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal v_ones : std_logic_vector(iSizeDelayCounter - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal v_WRITE_ENABLE : std_logic_vector(iInputReg downto 0); signal v_READ_ENABLE : std_logic_vector(iOutputReg downto 0); signal i_size_counter : integer range 0 to 1023 := 0; signal i_srl_select : integer range 0 to 64 := 0; signal i_temp : integer range 0 to 64; signal t_mux_in : type_data_path; signal t_srl_in : type_srl_path; signal t_mux_out : type_out_reg; signal t_reg_in : type_in_reg; signal one_delay : std_logic := '0'; signal dupa : std_logic := '0'; begin -- architecture fifo_srl_uni_r v_zeros <= (others => '0'); v_ones <= (others => '1'); GR0: if iInputReg = 0 generate t_srl_in(0) <= DATA_I; v_WRITE_ENABLE(0) <= WRITE_ENABLE_I; end generate GR0; GR1: if iInputReg = 1 generate t_srl_in(0) <= t_reg_in(0); v_WRITE_ENABLE(1) <= WRITE_ENABLE_I; P1: process (CLK_I) is begin -- process P1 if rising_edge(CLK_I) then t_reg_in(0) <= DATA_I; v_WRITE_ENABLE(0) <= v_WRITE_ENABLE(1); end if; end process P1; end generate GR1; GR2: if iInputReg = 2 generate t_srl_in(0) <= t_reg_in(0); v_WRITE_ENABLE(2) <= WRITE_ENABLE_I; P1: process (CLK_I) is begin -- process P1 if rising_edge(CLK_I) then t_reg_in(1) <= DATA_I; t_reg_in(0) <= t_reg_in(1); v_WRITE_ENABLE(1 downto 0) <= v_WRITE_ENABLE(2 downto 1); end if; end process P1; end generate GR2; G1: for i in 0 to c_srl_count - 1 generate G0: for j in 0 to iDataWidth - 1 generate SRLC16_inst : SRLC16E port map ( Q => t_mux_in(i)(j), -- SRL data output Q15 => t_srl_in(i+1)(j), -- Carry output (connect to next SRL) A0 => v_delay_counter(0), -- Select[0] input A1 => v_delay_counter(1), -- Select[1] input A2 => v_delay_counter(2), -- Select[2] input A3 => v_delay_counter(3), -- Select[3] input CE => v_WRITE_ENABLE(0), -- Clock enable input CLK => CLK_I, -- Clock input D => t_srl_in(i)(j) -- SRL data input ); end generate G0; end generate G1; i_srl_select <= conv_integer((v_delay_counter(iSizeDelayCounter - 1 downto 4))); i_size_counter <= conv_integer(v_size_counter); P0: process (CLK_I) is begin -- process P0 if rising_edge(CLK_I) then if (v_WRITE_ENABLE(0) = '1') and (READ_ENABLE_I = '0') and (v_size_counter /= v_ones) then if one_delay = '1' then v_delay_counter <= v_delay_counter + 1; one_delay <= '1'; else one_delay <= '1'; v_delay_counter <= v_delay_counter; end if; v_size_counter <= v_size_counter + 1; elsif (v_WRITE_ENABLE(0) = '0') and (READ_ENABLE_I = '1') and (v_size_counter /= v_zeros) then if v_delay_counter = v_zeros then one_delay <= '0'; else one_delay <= '1'; v_delay_counter <= v_delay_counter - 1; end if; v_size_counter <= v_size_counter - 1; else v_delay_counter <= v_delay_counter; v_size_counter <= v_size_counter; one_delay <= one_delay; end if; end if; end process P0; t_mux_out(0) <= t_mux_in(i_srl_select); READ_VALID_O <= v_READ_ENABLE(0); FIFO_COUNT_O <= v_size_counter; GM0: if iOutputReg = 0 generate DATA_O <= t_mux_out(0); v_READ_ENABLE(0) <= READ_ENABLE_I; end generate GM0; GM1: if iOutputReg = 1 generate DATA_O <= t_mux_out(1); v_READ_ENABLE(1) <= READ_ENABLE_I; P2: process (CLK_I) is begin -- process P2 if rising_edge(CLK_I) then v_READ_ENABLE(0) <= v_READ_ENABLE(1); t_mux_out(1) <= t_mux_out(0); end if; end process P2; end generate GM1; GM2: if iOutputReg > 1 generate DATA_O <= t_mux_out(iOutputReg); v_READ_ENABLE(iOutputReg) <= READ_ENABLE_I; P2: process (CLK_I) is begin -- process P2 if rising_edge(CLK_I) then v_READ_ENABLE(iOutputReg - 1 downto 0) <= v_READ_ENABLE(iOutputReg downto 1); t_mux_out(1 to iOutputReg) <= t_mux_out(0 to iOutputReg - 1); end if; end process P2; end generate GM2; PF: process (CLK_I) is begin -- process PF if rising_edge(CLK_I) then if i_size_counter >= ififoWidth - iFullFlagOfSet then FULL_FLAG_O <= '1'; else FULL_FLAG_O <= '0'; end if; if i_size_counter < iEmptyFlagOfSet then EMPTY_FLAG_O <= '1'; else EMPTY_FLAG_O <= '0'; end if; end if; end process PF; end architecture fifo_srl_uni_rtl;
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