Subversion Repositories fully-pipelined-edge-detection-algorithms
[/] [fully-pipelined-edge-detection-algorithms/] [trunk/] [src/] [EdgeDetection.vhd] - Rev 18
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Company: -- Engineer: MUHAMMED KOCAOGLU -- -- Create Date: 01/13/2022 10:56:24 PM -- Design Name: -- Module Name: EdgeDetection - Behavioral -- Project Name: -- Target Devices: -- Tool Versions: -- Description: -- -- Dependencies: -- -- Revision: -- Revision 0.01 - File Created -- Additional Comments: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; USE IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; USE work.OperatorOverloading_pkg.ALL; USE work.EdgeDetection_pkg.ALL; ENTITY EdgeDetection IS GENERIC ( EdgeDetection_Type : STRING := "0"; -- "0"->Sobel filter -- "1"->Prewitt filter -- "2"->Scharr filter -- "3"->Roberts filter EdgeDetection_Kernel : INTEGER := DetermineKernel(EdgeDetection_Type) ); PORT ( CLK : IN STD_LOGIC; EdgeDetection_Enable : IN STD_LOGIC; EdgeDetection_Disable : IN STD_LOGIC; EdgeDetection_Din : IN array2D(0 TO EdgeDetection_Kernel)(7 DOWNTO 0); EdgeDetection_Dout : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0); EdgeDetection_Ready : OUT STD_LOGIC ); END EdgeDetection; ARCHITECTURE Behavioral OF EdgeDetection IS BEGIN TypeSelectionCase : CASE EdgeDetection_Type GENERATE WHEN "0" => SobelFilter_Inst : ENTITY work.SobelFilter(Behavioral) PORT MAP( CLK => CLK, EdgeDetection_Enable => EdgeDetection_Enable, EdgeDetection_Disable => EdgeDetection_Disable, EdgeDetection_Din => EdgeDetection_Din, EdgeDetection_Dout => EdgeDetection_Dout, EdgeDetection_Ready => EdgeDetection_Ready ); WHEN "1" => PrewittFilter_Inst : ENTITY work.PrewittFilter(Behavioral) PORT MAP( CLK => CLK, EdgeDetection_Enable => EdgeDetection_Enable, EdgeDetection_Disable => EdgeDetection_Disable, EdgeDetection_Din => EdgeDetection_Din, EdgeDetection_Dout => EdgeDetection_Dout, EdgeDetection_Ready => EdgeDetection_Ready ); WHEN "2" => ScharrFilter_Inst : ENTITY work.ScharrFilter(Behavioral) PORT MAP( CLK => CLK, EdgeDetection_Enable => EdgeDetection_Enable, EdgeDetection_Disable => EdgeDetection_Disable, EdgeDetection_Din => EdgeDetection_Din, EdgeDetection_Dout => EdgeDetection_Dout, EdgeDetection_Ready => EdgeDetection_Ready ); WHEN "3" => RobertsFilter_Inst : ENTITY work.RobertsFilter(Behavioral) PORT MAP( CLK => CLK, EdgeDetection_Enable => EdgeDetection_Enable, EdgeDetection_Disable => EdgeDetection_Disable, EdgeDetection_Din => EdgeDetection_Din, EdgeDetection_Dout => EdgeDetection_Dout, EdgeDetection_Ready => EdgeDetection_Ready ); WHEN OTHERS => RobertsFilter_Inst : ENTITY work.RobertsFilter(Behavioral) PORT MAP( CLK => CLK, EdgeDetection_Enable => EdgeDetection_Enable, EdgeDetection_Disable => EdgeDetection_Disable, EdgeDetection_Din => EdgeDetection_Din, EdgeDetection_Dout => EdgeDetection_Dout, EdgeDetection_Ready => EdgeDetection_Ready ); END GENERATE; END Behavioral;