Subversion Repositories hd44780_driver
[/] [hd44780_driver/] [trunk/] [example_driver.vhd] - Rev 5
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-- Filename: example_driver.vhd -- Filetype: VHDL Source Code -- Date: 26 oct 2012 -- Update: - -- Description: VHDL Description of example driver -- Author: J. op den Brouw -- State: Demo -- Error: - -- Version: 1.1alpha -- Copyright: (c)2012, De Haagse Hogeschool -- This VHDL code is a example description on how to use the -- HD44780 LCD display driver module. It writes 4x16 characters -- to the display, presuming that the display has four lines. -- -- This code is tested on a Terasic DE0-board with an optional -- LCD display. See the weblinks -- http://www.terasic.com.tw/cgi-bin/page/archive.pl?Language=English&CategoryNo=56&No=364 -- http://www.terasic.com.tw/cgi-bin/page/archive.pl?Language=English&CategoryNo=78&No=396 -- for more info. The display used has only two lines. -- After a line has written completely, the cursor is moved to -- the beginning of the next line. After the last line is written, -- this code goes into hold mode. -- -- Libraries et al. library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; -- The entity of a Terasic DE0-board. entity example_driver is port (CLOCK_50 : in std_logic; BUTTON : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); SW : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); LEDG : out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); HEX3_D : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); HEX2_D : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); HEX1_D : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); HEX0_D : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); HEX0_DP : out std_logic; HEX1_DP : out std_logic; HEX2_DP : out std_logic; HEX3_DP : out std_logic; -- LCD of the DE0 board LCD_EN : out std_logic; LCD_RS : out std_logic; LCD_RW : out std_logic; LCD_DATA : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); LCD_BLON : out std_logic ); end entity example_driver; -- The architecture! architecture hardware of example_driver is -- Component declaration of the LCD module component lcd_driver_hd44780_module is generic (freq : integer := 50000000; areset_pol : std_logic := '1'; time_init1 : time := 40 ms; time_init2 : time := 4100 us; time_init3 : time := 100 us; time_tas : time := 60 ns; time_cycle_e : time := 1000 ns; time_pweh : time := 500 ns; time_no_bf : time := 2 ms; cursor_on : boolean := false; blink_on : boolean := false; use_bf : boolean := true ); port (clk : in std_logic; areset : in std_logic; -- User site init : in std_logic; data : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); wr : in std_logic; cls : in std_logic; home : in std_logic; goto10 : in std_logic; goto20 : in std_logic; goto30 : in std_logic; busy : out std_logic; -- LCD side LCD_E : out std_logic; LCD_RS : out std_logic; LCD_RW : out std_logic; LCD_DB : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); end component lcd_driver_hd44780_module; -- The system's frequency constant sys_freq : integer := 50000000; signal areset : std_logic; signal clk : std_logic; signal init : std_logic; signal data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal wr : std_logic; signal cls : std_logic; signal home : std_logic; signal goto10 : std_logic; signal goto20 : std_logic; signal goto30 : std_logic; signal busy : std_logic; type state_type is (reset, write_char, write_char_wait, update, update_linecount, update_linecount_wait, write_char_1, write_char_1_wait, write_char_2, write_char_2_wait, write_char_3, write_char_4, hold, hold2); signal state : state_type; -- A string of 16 characters subtype string16_type is string(1 to 16); -- An array of 4 strings of 16 characters. type message4x16_type is array (1 to 4) of string16_type; -- The four-line message constant message : message4x16_type := ( 1 => "1Elektrotechniek", 2 => "2 LCD HD44780 ", 3 => "3Driver in VHDL!", 4 => "4J. op den Brouw"); -- Counts the characters on a line. signal character_counter : integer range 1 to 16; -- Counts the lines. signal line_counter : integer range 1 to 4; begin -- Push buttons are active low. areset <= not BUTTON(0); -- The clock clk <= CLOCK_50; -- Use LCD module. lcdm : lcd_driver_hd44780_module generic map (freq => sys_freq, areset_pol => '1', time_cycle_e => 2000 ns, time_pweh => 500 ns, cursor_on => false, blink_on => false, use_bf => false) port map (clk => clk, areset => areset, init => init, data => data, wr => wr, cls => cls, home => home, goto10 => goto10, goto20 => goto20, goto30 => goto30, busy => busy, LCD_E => LCD_EN, LCD_RS => LCD_RS, LCD_RW => LCD_RW, LCD_DB => LCD_DATA); -- The client side drive: process (clk, areset) is variable aline : string16_type; begin if areset = '1' then wr <= '0'; init <= '0'; cls <= '0'; home <= '0'; goto10 <= '0'; goto20 <= '0'; goto30 <= '0'; LEDG(0) <= '0'; data <= "00000000"; character_counter <= 1; state <= reset; elsif rising_edge(clk) then wr <= '0'; init <= '0'; cls <= '0'; home <= '0'; goto10 <= '0'; goto20 <= '0'; goto30 <= '0'; LEDG(0) <= '0'; data <= "00000000"; case state is when reset => -- Wait for the LCD module ready if busy = '0' then state <= write_char; end if; -- Setup message counter, start at 1. character_counter <= 1; line_counter <= 1; when write_char => LEDG(0) <= '1'; -- Set up WRITE! -- Use the data from the string aline := message(line_counter); data <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( character'pos(aline(character_counter)),8)); wr <= '1'; state <= write_char_wait; when write_char_wait => -- This state is needed so that the LCD driver -- can process the write command. Note that data -- and wr are registered outputs and get their -- respective values while in *this* state. If you don't -- want this behaviour, please make your outputs -- non-registered. state <= update; when update => LEDG(0) <= '1'; -- Wait for the write complete if busy = '0' then -- If end of string, goto hold mode... if line_counter = 4 and character_counter = 16 then state <= hold; -- If end of line... elsif character_counter = 16 then case line_counter is when 1 => goto10 <= '1'; when 2 => goto20 <= '1'; when 3 => goto30 <= '1'; -- Never reached, but nice anyway... when 4 => home <= '1'; when others => null; end case; -- Set new values of the counters line_counter <= line_counter+1; character_counter <= 1; -- Goto the update state state <= update_linecount; else -- Not the end of a lines, update the character counter. character_counter <= character_counter+1; state <= write_char; end if; end if; when update_linecount => -- This state is needed so that the LCD driver -- can process the gotoXX command. Note that the gotoXX -- signals are registered outputs and get their -- respective values while in *this* state. If you don't -- want this behaviour, please make your outputs -- non-registered. state <= update_linecount_wait; when update_linecount_wait => -- Wait for the LCD module ready if busy = '0' then state <= write_char; end if; -- The "hohouwer" when hold => --state <= hold; state <= hold2; home <= '1'; when hold2 => state <= reset; when others => null; end case; end if; end process; -- The unused outputs... HEX3_D <= (others => '1'); HEX2_D <= (others => '1'); HEX1_D <= (others => '1'); HEX0_D <= (others => '1'); HEX3_DP <= '1'; HEX2_DP <= '1'; HEX1_DP <= '1'; HEX0_DP <= '1'; LEDG(9 downto 1) <= (others => '0'); -- Sadly, the LCD doesn't have a backlight... LCD_BLON <= '0'; end architecture hardware;
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