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""" MyHDL FPGA Deflate (de)compressor, see RFC 1950/1951 Copyright 2018 by Tom Vijlbrief See: https://github.com/tomtor This MyHDL FPGA implementation is partially inspired by the C++ implementation from https://create.stephan-brumme.com/deflate-decoder """ from math import log2 from myhdl import always, block, Signal, intbv, Error, ResetSignal, \ enum, always_seq, always_comb, concat, ConcatSignal, modbv IDLE, RESET, WRITE, READ, STARTC, STARTD = range(6) COMPRESS = True DECOMPRESS = False DECOMPRESS = True DYNAMIC = False DYNAMIC = True MATCH10 = False MATCH10 = True FAST = False FAST = True CWINDOW = 32 # Search window for compression OBSIZE = 8192 # Size of output buffer (BRAM) OBSIZE = 32768 # Size of output buffer for ANY input (BRAM) # Size of input buffer (LUT-RAM) IBSIZE = 16 * CWINDOW # This size gives method 2 (dynamic tree) for testbench IBSIZE = 2 * CWINDOW # Minimal window LMAX = 24 # Size of progress and I/O counters if OBSIZE > IBSIZE: LBSIZE = int(log2(OBSIZE)) else: LBSIZE = int(log2(IBSIZE)) LIBSIZE = int(log2(IBSIZE)) LOBSIZE = int(log2(OBSIZE)) IBS = (1 << LIBSIZE) - 1 OBS = (1 << LOBSIZE) - 1 d_state = enum('IDLE', 'HEADER', 'BL', 'READBL', 'REPEAT', 'DISTTREE', 'INIT3', 'HF1', 'HF1INIT', 'HF2', 'HF3', 'HF4', 'HF4_2', 'HF4_3', 'STATIC', 'D_NEXT', 'D_NEXT_2', 'D_INFLATE', 'SPREAD', 'NEXT', 'INFLATE', 'COPY', 'CSTATIC', 'SEARCH', 'SEARCHF', 'DISTANCE', 'CHECKSUM') # , encoding='one_hot') CodeLengthOrder = (16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15) CopyLength = (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258) ExtraLengthBits = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0) CopyDistance = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577) ExtraDistanceBits = (0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) out_codes = ( 0x00c, 0x08c, 0x04c, 0x0cc, 0x02c, 0x0ac, 0x06c, 0x0ec, 0x01c, 0x09c, 0x05c, 0x0dc, 0x03c, 0x0bc, 0x07c, 0x0fc, 0x002, 0x082, 0x042, 0x0c2, 0x022, 0x0a2, 0x062, 0x0e2, 0x012, 0x092, 0x052, 0x0d2, 0x032, 0x0b2, 0x072, 0x0f2, 0x00a, 0x08a, 0x04a, 0x0ca, 0x02a, 0x0aa, 0x06a, 0x0ea, 0x01a, 0x09a, 0x05a, 0x0da, 0x03a, 0x0ba, 0x07a, 0x0fa, 0x006, 0x086, 0x046, 0x0c6, 0x026, 0x0a6, 0x066, 0x0e6, 0x016, 0x096, 0x056, 0x0d6, 0x036, 0x0b6, 0x076, 0x0f6, 0x00e, 0x08e, 0x04e, 0x0ce, 0x02e, 0x0ae, 0x06e, 0x0ee, 0x01e, 0x09e, 0x05e, 0x0de, 0x03e, 0x0be, 0x07e, 0x0fe, 0x001, 0x081, 0x041, 0x0c1, 0x021, 0x0a1, 0x061, 0x0e1, 0x011, 0x091, 0x051, 0x0d1, 0x031, 0x0b1, 0x071, 0x0f1, 0x009, 0x089, 0x049, 0x0c9, 0x029, 0x0a9, 0x069, 0x0e9, 0x019, 0x099, 0x059, 0x0d9, 0x039, 0x0b9, 0x079, 0x0f9, 0x005, 0x085, 0x045, 0x0c5, 0x025, 0x0a5, 0x065, 0x0e5, 0x015, 0x095, 0x055, 0x0d5, 0x035, 0x0b5, 0x075, 0x0f5, 0x00d, 0x08d, 0x04d, 0x0cd, 0x02d, 0x0ad, 0x06d, 0x0ed, 0x01d, 0x09d, 0x05d, 0x0dd, 0x03d, 0x0bd, 0x07d, 0x0fd, 0x013, 0x113, 0x093, 0x193, 0x053, 0x153, 0x0d3, 0x1d3, 0x033, 0x133, 0x0b3, 0x1b3, 0x073, 0x173, 0x0f3, 0x1f3, 0x00b, 0x10b, 0x08b, 0x18b, 0x04b, 0x14b, 0x0cb, 0x1cb, 0x02b, 0x12b, 0x0ab, 0x1ab, 0x06b, 0x16b, 0x0eb, 0x1eb, 0x01b, 0x11b, 0x09b, 0x19b, 0x05b, 0x15b, 0x0db, 0x1db, 0x03b, 0x13b, 0x0bb, 0x1bb, 0x07b, 0x17b, 0x0fb, 0x1fb, 0x007, 0x107, 0x087, 0x187, 0x047, 0x147, 0x0c7, 0x1c7, 0x027, 0x127, 0x0a7, 0x1a7, 0x067, 0x167, 0x0e7, 0x1e7, 0x017, 0x117, 0x097, 0x197, 0x057, 0x157, 0x0d7, 0x1d7, 0x037, 0x137, 0x0b7, 0x1b7, 0x077, 0x177, 0x0f7, 0x1f7, 0x00f, 0x10f, 0x08f, 0x18f, 0x04f, 0x14f, 0x0cf, 0x1cf, 0x02f, 0x12f, 0x0af, 0x1af, 0x06f, 0x16f, 0x0ef, 0x1ef, 0x01f, 0x11f, 0x09f, 0x19f, 0x05f, 0x15f, 0x0df, 0x1df, 0x03f, 0x13f, 0x0bf, 0x1bf, 0x07f, 0x17f, 0x0ff, 0x1ff, 0x000, 0x040, 0x020, 0x060, 0x010, 0x050, 0x030, 0x070, 0x008, 0x048, 0x028, 0x068, 0x018, 0x058, 0x038, 0x078, 0x004, 0x044, 0x024, 0x064, 0x014, 0x054, 0x034, 0x074, 0x003, 0x083, 0x043, 0x0c3, 0x023, 0x0a3, 0x063, 0x0e3 ) @block def deflate(i_mode, o_done, i_data, o_iprogress, o_oprogress, o_byte, i_waddr, i_raddr, clk, reset): """ Deflate (de)compress Ports: """ iram = [Signal(intbv()[8:]) for _ in range(IBSIZE)] oram = [Signal(intbv()[8:]) for _ in range(OBSIZE)] oaddr = Signal(modbv()[LOBSIZE:]) oraddr = Signal(modbv()[LOBSIZE:]) obyte = Signal(intbv()[8:]) orbyte = Signal(intbv()[8:]) # iraddr = Signal(modbv()[LIBSIZE:]) isize = Signal(intbv()[LMAX:]) state = Signal(d_state.IDLE) method = Signal(intbv()[3:]) final = Signal(bool()) wtick = Signal(bool()) do_compress = Signal(bool()) numLiterals = Signal(intbv()[9:]) numDistance = Signal(intbv()[6:]) numCodeLength = Signal(intbv()[9:]) b_numCodeLength = Signal(intbv()[9:]) CodeLengths = 19 MaxCodeLength = 15 InstantMaxBit = 10 EndOfBlock = 256 MaxBitLength = 288 # MaxToken = 285 InvalidToken = 300 CODEBITS = MaxCodeLength BITBITS = 4 codeLength = [Signal(intbv()[4:]) for _ in range(MaxBitLength+32)] bits = Signal(intbv()[4:]) bitLengthCount = [Signal(intbv()[9:]) for _ in range(MaxCodeLength+1)] nextCode = [Signal(intbv()[CODEBITS+1:]) for _ in range(MaxCodeLength+1)] reverse = Signal(modbv()[CODEBITS:]) # code_bits = [Signal(intbv()[MaxCodeLength:]) for _ in range(MaxBitLength)] distanceLength = [Signal(intbv()[4:]) for _ in range(32)] if DECOMPRESS: if DYNAMIC: leaves = [Signal(intbv()[CODEBITS + BITBITS:]) for _ in range(16384)] d_leaves = [Signal(intbv()[CODEBITS + BITBITS:]) for _ in range(4096)] else: leaves = [Signal(intbv()[CODEBITS + BITBITS:]) for _ in range(512)] d_leaves = [Signal(bool())] # leaves = [Signal(intbv()[CODEBITS + BITBITS:]) for _ in range(32768)] # d_leaves = [Signal(intbv()[CODEBITS + BITBITS:]) for _ in range(32768)] else: leaves = [Signal(bool())] d_leaves = [Signal(bool())] lwaddr = Signal(intbv()[MaxCodeLength:]) lraddr = Signal(intbv()[MaxCodeLength:]) rleaf = Signal(intbv()[CODEBITS + BITBITS:]) wleaf = Signal(intbv()[CODEBITS + BITBITS:]) leaf = Signal(intbv()[CODEBITS + BITBITS:]) minBits = Signal(intbv()[5:]) maxBits = Signal(intbv()[5:]) d_maxBits = Signal(intbv()[5:]) instantMaxBit = Signal(intbv()[InstantMaxBit:]) d_instantMaxBit = Signal(intbv()[InstantMaxBit:]) instantMask = Signal(intbv()[MaxCodeLength:]) d_instantMask = Signal(intbv()[MaxCodeLength:]) spread = Signal(intbv()[InstantMaxBit:]) step = Signal(intbv()[InstantMaxBit:]) static = Signal(bool()) code = Signal(intbv()[15:]) lastToken = Signal(intbv()[15:]) howOften = Signal(intbv()[9:]) cur_i = Signal(intbv()[LMAX:]) spread_i = Signal(intbv()[9:]) cur_HF1 = Signal(intbv()[MaxCodeLength+1:]) cur_static = Signal(intbv()[9:]) cur_cstatic = Signal(intbv()[LMAX:]) # cur_search = Signal(intbv(min=-CWINDOW,max=IBSIZE)) cur_search = Signal(intbv(min=-1,max=1<<LMAX)) cur_dist = Signal(intbv(min=-CWINDOW,max=IBSIZE)) cur_next = Signal(intbv()[4:]) # cur_next = Signal(bool()) length = Signal(modbv()[LOBSIZE:]) offset = Signal(intbv()[LOBSIZE:]) di = Signal(modbv()[LMAX:]) old_di = Signal(intbv()[LMAX:]) dio = Signal(intbv()[3:]) do = Signal(intbv()[LMAX:]) doo = Signal(intbv()[3:]) b1 = Signal(intbv()[8:]) b2 = Signal(intbv()[8:]) b3 = Signal(intbv()[8:]) b4 = Signal(intbv()[8:]) b5 = Signal(intbv()[8:]) b41 = ConcatSignal(b4, b3, b2, b1) b41._markUsed() b14 = ConcatSignal(b1, b2, b3, b4) b14._markUsed() b15 = ConcatSignal(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5) if MATCH10: b6 = Signal(intbv()[8:]) b7 = Signal(intbv()[8:]) b8 = Signal(intbv()[8:]) b9 = Signal(intbv()[8:]) b10 = Signal(intbv()[8:]) b110 = ConcatSignal(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, b10) b110._markUsed() else: b6 = Signal(bool()) b7 = Signal(bool()) b8 = Signal(bool()) b9 = Signal(bool()) b10 = Signal(bool()) b110 = Signal(bool()) nb = Signal(intbv()[3:]) filled = Signal(bool()) ob1 = Signal(intbv()[8:]) copy1 = Signal(intbv()[8:]) copy2 = Signal(intbv()[8:]) flush = Signal(bool()) adler1 = Signal(intbv()[16:]) adler2 = Signal(intbv()[16:]) ladler1 = Signal(intbv()[16:]) @always(clk.posedge) def oramwrite(): oram[oaddr].next = obyte leaves[lwaddr].next = wleaf @always(clk.posedge) def oramread(): orbyte.next = oram[oraddr] rleaf.next = leaves[lraddr] @block def matcher3(o_m, mi): @always_comb def logic(): o_m.next = ((concat(cwindow,b1,b2) >> (8 * mi)) & 0xFFFFFF) == (b14 >> 8) return logic if FAST: smatch = [Signal(bool()) for _ in range(CWINDOW)] cwindow = Signal(modbv()[8 * CWINDOW:]) matchers = [matcher3(smatch[mi], mi) for mi in range(CWINDOW)] else: cwindow = Signal(bool()) smatch = [Signal(bool())] @always(clk.posedge) def fill_buf(): if not reset: print("FILL RESET") nb.next = 0 b1.next = 0 b2.next = 0 b3.next = 0 b4.next = 0 old_di.next = 0 else: if isize < 4: nb.next = 0 old_di.next = 0 elif i_mode == STARTC or i_mode == STARTD: nb.next = 0 old_di.next = 0 else: """ if do_compress: print("FILL", di, old_di, nb, b1, b2, b3, b4) """ if FAST: # and do_compress: shift = (di - old_di) * 8 """ if shift != 0: print("shift", shift, cwindow, b1, b2, b3, b4) """ if MATCH10: cwindow.next = (cwindow << shift) | (b110 >> (80 - shift)) else: cwindow.next = (cwindow << shift) | (b15 >> (40 - shift)) if old_di == di: nb.next = 4 old_di.next = di # print("B1", iram[di & IBS]) b1.next = iram[di & IBS] b2.next = iram[di+1 & IBS] b3.next = iram[di+2 & IBS] b4.next = iram[di+3 & IBS] b5.next = iram[di+4 & IBS] if MATCH10: b6.next = iram[di+5 & IBS] b7.next = iram[di+6 & IBS] b8.next = iram[di+7 & IBS] b9.next = iram[di+8 & IBS] b10.next = iram[di+9 & IBS] def get4(boffset, width): if nb != 4: print("----NB----") raise Error("NB") return (b41 >> (dio + boffset)) & ((1 << width) - 1) # return b41[dio + boffset + width: dio + boffset] def adv(width): # print("adv", width, di, dio, do, doo) nshift = ((dio + width) >> 3) # print("nshift: ", nshift) o_iprogress.next = di dio.next = (dio + width) & 0x7 di.next = di + nshift if nshift != 0: filled.next = False def put(d, width): if width > 9: raise Error("width > 9") if d > ((1 << width) - 1): raise Error("too big") # print("put:", d, width, do, doo, ob1, (ob1 | (d << doo))) return (ob1 | (d << doo)) & 0xFF def put_adv(d, width): if width > 9: raise Error("width > 9") if d > ((1 << width) - 1): raise Error("too big") # print("put_adv:", d, width, do, doo, di, dio) pshift = (doo + width) > 8 # print("pshift: ", pshift) if pshift: carry = width - (8 - doo) # print("carry:", carry, d >> (8 - carry)) ob1.next = d >> (width - carry) else: # print("put_adv:", ob1, d, doo) ob1.next = ob1 | (d << doo) # print("ob1.next", ob1 | (d << doo)) do.next = do + pshift o_oprogress.next = do + pshift doo_next = (doo + width) & 0x7 if doo_next == 0: flush.next = True doo.next = doo_next def do_flush(): # print("FLUSH") flush.next = False ob1.next = 0 o_oprogress.next = do + 1 do.next = do + 1 def rev_bits(b, nb): if b >= 1 << nb: raise Error("too few bits") print("too few bits") if nb > 15: raise Error("nb too large") r = (((b >> 14) & 0x1) << 0) | (((b >> 13) & 0x1) << 1) | \ (((b >> 12) & 0x1) << 2) | (((b >> 11) & 0x1) << 3) | \ (((b >> 10) & 0x1) << 4) | (((b >> 9) & 0x1) << 5) | \ (((b >> 8) & 0x1) << 6) | (((b >> 7) & 0x1) << 7) | \ (((b >> 6) & 0x1) << 8) | (((b >> 5) & 0x1) << 9) | \ (((b >> 4) & 0x1) << 10) | (((b >> 3) & 0x1) << 11) | \ (((b >> 2) & 0x1) << 12) | (((b >> 1) & 0x1) << 13) | \ (((b >> 0) & 0x1) << 14) r >>= (15 - nb) return r def makeLeaf(lcode, lbits): if lcode >= 1 << CODEBITS: raise Error("code too big") if lbits >= 1 << BITBITS: raise Error("bits too big") return (lcode << BITBITS) | lbits def get_bits(aleaf): return aleaf & ((1 << BITBITS) - 1) def get_code(aleaf): return (aleaf >> BITBITS) # & ((1 << CODEBITS) - 1) @always(clk.posedge) def io_logic(): o_byte.next = oram[i_raddr & OBS] if i_mode == WRITE: # print("WRITE:", i_addr, i_data) iram[i_waddr & IBS].next = i_data isize.next = i_waddr @always(clk.posedge) def logic(): if not reset: print("DEFLATE RESET") state.next = d_state.IDLE o_done.next = False # oaddr.next = 0 # obyte.next = 0 else: if state == d_state.IDLE: if COMPRESS and i_mode == STARTC: print("STARTC") do_compress.next = True method.next = 1 o_done.next = False o_iprogress.next = 0 o_oprogress.next = 0 di.next = 0 dio.next = 0 do.next = 0 doo.next = 0 filled.next = True cur_static.next = 0 state.next = d_state.STATIC elif DECOMPRESS and i_mode == STARTD: do_compress.next = False o_done.next = False o_iprogress.next = 0 o_oprogress.next = 0 di.next = 0 dio.next = 0 # oaddr.next = 0 do.next = 0 doo.next = 0 filled.next = True state.next = d_state.HEADER else: pass elif state == d_state.HEADER: if not DECOMPRESS: pass elif not filled: filled.next = True elif nb < 4: pass # Read block header elif di == 0: #print(iram[di & IBS]) #if iram[di & IBS] == 0x78: if b1 == 0x78: print("deflate mode") else: print(di, dio, nb, b1, b2, b3, b4, isize) raise Error("unexpected mode") o_done.next = True state.next = d_state.IDLE adv(16) else: if get4(0, 1): print("final") final.next = True hm = get4(1, 2) method.next = hm print("method", hm) # print(di, dio, nb, b1, b2, b3, b4, hm, isize) if hm == 2: if not DYNAMIC: print("dynamic tree mode disabled") raise Error("dynamic tree mode disabled") state.next = d_state.BL numCodeLength.next = 0 numLiterals.next = 0 static.next = False adv(3) elif hm == 1: static.next = True cur_static.next = 0 state.next = d_state.STATIC adv(3) elif hm == 0: state.next = d_state.COPY skip = 8 - dio if skip <= 2: skip = 16 - dio length.next = get4(skip, 16) adv(skip + 16) cur_i.next = 0 offset.next = 7 else: state.next = d_state.IDLE print("Bad method") raise Error("Bad method") elif state == d_state.CSTATIC: # print("CSTATIC", cur_i, ob1, do, doo, isize) no_adv = 0 if not COMPRESS: pass elif not filled: no_adv = 1 filled.next = True elif nb < 4: no_adv = 1 pass elif cur_cstatic == 0: flush.next = False ob1.next = 0 adler1.next = 1 adler2.next = 0 ladler1.next = 0 oaddr.next = 0 obyte.next = 0x78 elif cur_cstatic == 1: oaddr.next = 1 obyte.next = 0x9c do.next = 2 elif cur_cstatic == 2: oaddr.next = do obyte.next = put(0x3, 3) put_adv(0x3, 3) elif flush: # print("flush", do, ob1) no_adv = 1 oaddr.next = do obyte.next = ob1 do_flush() elif cur_cstatic >= isize - 10 and i_mode != IDLE: print("P", cur_cstatic, isize) no_adv = 1 elif cur_cstatic - 3 > isize: if cur_cstatic - 3 == isize + 1: print("Put EOF", do) cs_i = EndOfBlock outlen = codeLength[cs_i] outbits = out_codes[cs_i] # code_bits[cs_i] print("EOF BITS:", cs_i, outlen, outbits) oaddr.next = do obyte.next = put(outbits, outlen) put_adv(outbits, outlen) elif cur_cstatic - 3 == isize + 2: print("calc end adler") adler2.next = (adler2 + ladler1) % 65521 if doo != 0: oaddr.next = do obyte.next = ob1 do.next = do + 1 elif cur_cstatic - 3 == isize + 3: print("c1") oaddr.next = do obyte.next = adler2 >> 8 do.next = do + 1 o_oprogress.next = do + 1 elif cur_cstatic - 3 == isize + 4: print("c2") oaddr.next = do obyte.next = adler2 & 0xFF do.next = do + 1 o_oprogress.next = do + 1 elif cur_cstatic - 3 == isize + 5: print("c3") oaddr.next = do obyte.next = adler1 >> 8 do.next = do + 1 o_oprogress.next = do + 1 elif cur_cstatic - 3 == isize + 6: print("c4") oaddr.next = do obyte.next = adler1 & 0xFF o_oprogress.next = do + 1 elif cur_cstatic - 3 == isize + 7: print("EOF finish", do) o_done.next = True state.next = d_state.IDLE else: print(cur_cstatic, isize) raise Error("???") else: bdata = iram[di & IBS] o_iprogress.next = di # & IBS adler1_next = (adler1 + bdata) % 65521 adler1.next = adler1_next adler2.next = (adler2 + ladler1) % 65521 ladler1.next = adler1_next # print("in: ", bdata, di, isize) state.next = d_state.SEARCH cur_search.next = di - 1 # & IBS if not no_adv: cur_cstatic.next = cur_cstatic + 1 elif state == d_state.DISTANCE: if not COMPRESS: pass elif flush: do_flush() elif cur_i == 1024: lencode = length + 254 # print("fast:", distance, di, isize, match) outlen = codeLength[lencode] outbits = out_codes[lencode] # code_bits[lencode] # print("BITS:", outlen, outbits) oaddr.next = do obyte.next = put(outbits, outlen) put_adv(outbits, outlen) cur_i.next = 0 else: # print("DISTANCE", di, do, cur_i, cur_dist) nextdist = CopyDistance[cur_i+1] if nextdist > cur_dist: copydist = CopyDistance[cur_i] # print("Found distance", copydist) extra_dist = cur_dist - copydist # print("extra dist", extra_dist) extra_bits = ExtraDistanceBits[cur_i // 2] # print("extra bits", extra_bits) if extra_dist > ((1 << extra_bits) - 1): raise Error("too few extra") # print("rev", cur_i, rev_bits(cur_i, 5)) outcode = (rev_bits(cur_i, 5) | (extra_dist << 5)) # print("outcode", outcode) oaddr.next = do obyte.next = put(outcode, 5 + extra_bits) put_adv(outcode, 5 + extra_bits) #state.next = d_state.CSTATIC cur_i.next = di - length + 1 state.next = d_state.CHECKSUM else: cur_i.next = cur_i + 1 elif state == d_state.CHECKSUM: if not COMPRESS: pass elif cur_i < di: # print("CHECKSUM", cur_i, di, iram[cur_i]) bdata = iram[cur_i & IBS] adler1_next = (adler1 + bdata) % 65521 adler1.next = adler1_next adler2.next = (adler2 + ladler1) % 65521 ladler1.next = adler1_next cur_i.next = cur_i.next + 1 else: state.next = d_state.CSTATIC elif state == d_state.SEARCHF: if FAST and COMPRESS: lfmatch = length distance = lfmatch + 1 # print("FSEARCH", distance) fmatch2 = di - lfmatch + 2 # Length is 3 code lencode = 257 match = 3 if di < isize - 4 and \ iram[fmatch2 & IBS] == b4: lencode = 258 match = 4 if di < isize - 5 and \ iram[fmatch2+1 & IBS] == b5: lencode = 259 match = 5 if MATCH10 and di < isize - 6 and \ iram[fmatch2+2 & IBS] == b6: lencode = 260 match = 6 if di < isize - 7 and \ iram[fmatch2+3 & IBS] == b7: lencode = 261 match = 7 if di < isize - 8 and \ iram[fmatch2+4 & IBS] == b8: lencode = 262 match = 8 if di < isize - 9 and \ iram[fmatch2+5 & IBS] == b9: lencode = 263 match = 9 if di < isize - 10 and \ iram[fmatch2+6 & IBS] == b10: lencode = 264 match = 10 # distance = di - cur_search # print("d/l", di, distance, match) cur_dist.next = distance cur_i.next = 1024 # adv(match * 8) di.next = di + match cur_cstatic.next = cur_cstatic + match - 1 length.next = match state.next = d_state.DISTANCE elif state == d_state.SEARCH: if not COMPRESS: pass elif not filled: filled.next = True elif nb < 4: pass else: # print("cs", cur_search, di, di - CWINDOW) if cur_search >= 0 \ and cur_search >= di - CWINDOW \ and di < isize - 3: if FAST: found = 0 fmatch = 0 for si in range(CWINDOW): # print("test", di, si, di - si - 1) if smatch[si]: # print("fmatch", si) fmatch = si found = 1 break if not found or di - fmatch - 1 < 0: cur_search.next = -1 # print("NO FSEARCH") else: length.next = fmatch state.next = d_state.SEARCHF elif not FAST and iram[cur_search & IBS] == b1 and \ iram[cur_search+1 & IBS] == b2 and \ iram[cur_search+2 & IBS] == b3: # Length is 3 code lencode = 257 match = 3 if di < isize - 4 and \ iram[cur_search+3 & IBS] == b4: # iram[di + 3 & IBS]: lencode = 258 match = 4 if di < isize - 5 and \ iram[cur_search+4 & IBS] == b5: lencode = 259 match = 5 if MATCH10 and di < isize - 6 and \ iram[cur_search+5 & IBS] == b6: lencode = 260 match = 6 if di < isize - 7 and \ iram[cur_search+6 & IBS] == b7: lencode = 261 match = 7 if di < isize - 8 and \ iram[cur_search+7 & IBS] == b8: lencode = 262 match = 8 if di < isize - 9 and \ iram[cur_search+8 & IBS] == b9: lencode = 263 match = 9 if di < isize - 10 and \ iram[cur_search+9 & IBS] == b10: lencode = 264 match = 10 distance = di - cur_search # print("distance", distance) cur_dist.next = distance cur_i.next = 1024 # 0 # adv(match * 8) di.next = di + match cur_cstatic.next = cur_cstatic + match - 1 length.next = match state.next = d_state.DISTANCE else: cur_search.next = cur_search - 1 else: # print("NO MATCH") bdata = b1 # iram[di] # adv(8) di.next = di + 1 outlen = codeLength[bdata] outbits = out_codes[bdata] # code_bits[bdata] # print("CBITS:", bdata, outlen, outbits) oaddr.next = do obyte.next = put(outbits, outlen) put_adv(outbits, outlen) state.next = d_state.CSTATIC elif state == d_state.STATIC: for stat_i in range(0, 144): codeLength[stat_i].next = 8 for stat_i in range(144, 256): codeLength[stat_i].next = 9 for stat_i in range(256, 280): codeLength[stat_i].next = 7 for stat_i in range(280, 288): codeLength[stat_i].next = 8 numCodeLength.next = 288 if do_compress: state.next = d_state.CSTATIC else: cur_HF1.next = 0 state.next = d_state.HF1 elif state == d_state.BL: if not DECOMPRESS or not DYNAMIC: pass elif not filled: filled.next = True elif nb < 4: pass elif numLiterals == 0: print(di, isize) numLiterals.next = 257 + get4(0, 5) print("NL:", 257 + get4(0, 5)) numDistance.next = 1 + get4(5, 5) print("ND:", 1 + get4(5, 5)) b_numCodeLength.next = 4 + get4(10, 4) print("NCL:", 4 + get4(10, 4)) numCodeLength.next = 0 adv(14) else: if numCodeLength < CodeLengths: clo_i = CodeLengthOrder[numCodeLength] # print("CLI: ", clo_i) if numCodeLength < b_numCodeLength: codeLength[clo_i].next = get4(0, 3) adv(3) else: # print("SKIP") codeLength[clo_i].next = 0 numCodeLength.next = numCodeLength + 1 else: numCodeLength.next = CodeLengths cur_HF1.next = 0 state.next = d_state.HF1 elif state == d_state.READBL: if not DECOMPRESS or not DYNAMIC: pass elif not filled: filled.next = True elif nb < 4: pass elif numCodeLength < numLiterals + numDistance: # print(numLiterals + numDistance, numCodeLength) n_adv = 0 if code < 16: howOften.next = 1 lastToken.next = code elif code == 16: howOften.next = 3 + get4(0, 2) n_adv = 2 elif code == 17: howOften.next = 3 + get4(0, 3) lastToken.next = 0 n_adv = 3 elif code == 18: howOften.next = 11 + get4(0, 7) lastToken.next = 0 n_adv = 7 else: raise Error("Invalid data") # print(numCodeLength, howOften, code, di, n_adv) if n_adv != 0: adv(n_adv) state.next = d_state.REPEAT else: print("FILL UP") for dbl_i in range(32): dbl = 0 if dbl_i + numLiterals < numCodeLength: dbl = int(codeLength[dbl_i + numLiterals]) # print("dbl:", dbl) distanceLength[dbl_i].next = dbl # print(numCodeLength, numLiterals, MaxBitLength) cur_i.next = numLiterals state.next = d_state.INIT3 elif state == d_state.INIT3: if not DECOMPRESS: pass elif cur_i < len(codeLength): # MaxBitLength: codeLength[cur_i].next = 0 cur_i.next = cur_i + 1 else: # numCodeLength.next = MaxBitLength method.next = 3 # Start building bit tree cur_HF1.next = 0 state.next = d_state.HF1 elif state == d_state.DISTTREE: if DECOMPRESS and DYNAMIC: print("DISTTREE") for dist_i in range(32): codeLength[dist_i].next = distanceLength[dist_i] # print(dist_i, distanceLength[dist_i]) numCodeLength.next = 32 method.next = 4 # Start building dist tree cur_HF1.next = 0 state.next = d_state.HF1 elif state == d_state.REPEAT: if not DECOMPRESS: pass elif howOften != 0: codeLength[numCodeLength].next = lastToken howOften.next = howOften - 1 numCodeLength.next = numCodeLength + 1 elif numCodeLength < numLiterals + numDistance: cur_next.next = 0 state.next = d_state.NEXT else: state.next = d_state.READBL elif state == d_state.HF1: if DECOMPRESS: if cur_HF1 < len(bitLengthCount): bitLengthCount[cur_HF1].next = 0 if cur_HF1 < len(d_leaves) and DYNAMIC: d_leaves[cur_HF1].next = 0 if method != 4 and cur_HF1 < len(leaves): lwaddr.next = cur_HF1 wleaf.next = 0 # leaves[cur_HF1].next = 0 limit = len(leaves) if method == 4 and DYNAMIC: limit = len(d_leaves) if cur_HF1 < limit: cur_HF1.next = cur_HF1 + 1 else: print("DID HF1 INIT") cur_i.next = 0 state.next = d_state.HF1INIT elif state == d_state.HF1INIT: # get frequencies of each bit length and ignore 0's # print("HF1") if not DECOMPRESS: pass elif cur_i < numCodeLength: j = codeLength[cur_i] bitLengthCount[j].next = bitLengthCount[j] + 1 # print(cur_i, j, bitLengthCount[j] + 1) cur_i.next = cur_i + 1 else: bitLengthCount[0].next = 0 state.next = d_state.HF2 cur_i.next = 1 if method == 4: d_maxBits.next = 0 else: maxBits.next = 0 minBits.next = MaxCodeLength elif state == d_state.HF2: # shortest and longest codes # print("HF2") if not DECOMPRESS: pass elif cur_i <= MaxCodeLength: if bitLengthCount[cur_i] != 0: if cur_i < minBits: minBits.next = cur_i if method == 4: if cur_i > d_maxBits: d_maxBits.next = cur_i else: if cur_i > maxBits: maxBits.next = cur_i cur_i.next = cur_i + 1 else: print(minBits, maxBits) t = InstantMaxBit if method == 4 and DYNAMIC: if t > int(d_maxBits): t = int(d_maxBits) d_instantMaxBit.next = t d_instantMask.next = (1 << t) - 1 else: if t > int(maxBits): t = int(maxBits) instantMaxBit.next = t instantMask.next = (1 << t) - 1 print((1 << t) - 1) state.next = d_state.HF3 cur_i.next = minBits code.next = 0 for hf2_i in range(len(nextCode)): nextCode[hf2_i].next = 0 print("to HF3") elif state == d_state.HF3: # find bit code for first element of each bitLength group # print("HF3") if DECOMPRESS: amb = maxBits if method == 4 and DYNAMIC: amb = d_maxBits if cur_i <= amb: ncode = ((code + bitLengthCount[cur_i - 1]) << 1) code.next = ncode nextCode[cur_i].next = ncode # print(cur_i, ncode) cur_i.next = cur_i + 1 else: state.next = d_state.HF4 cur_i.next = 0 spread_i.next = 0 print("to HF4") elif state == d_state.HF4_2: if DECOMPRESS: canonical = nextCode[bits] nextCode[bits].next = nextCode[bits] + 1 if bits > MaxCodeLength: raise Error("too many bits: %d" % bits) # print(canonical, bits) reverse.next = rev_bits(canonical, bits) # print("LEAF: ", spread_i, bits, reverse, canonical) leaf.next = makeLeaf(spread_i, bits) state.next = d_state.HF4_3 elif state == d_state.HF4_3: if not DECOMPRESS: pass elif method == 4 and DYNAMIC: d_leaves[reverse].next = leaf # makeLeaf(spread_i, bits) if bits <= d_instantMaxBit: if reverse + (1 << bits) <= d_instantMask: step.next = 1 << bits spread.next = reverse + (1 << bits) state.next = d_state.SPREAD else: spread_i.next = spread_i + 1 state.next = d_state.HF4 else: state.next = d_state.HF4 spread_i.next = spread_i + 1 else: wleaf.next = leaf lwaddr.next = reverse # leaves[reverse].next = leaf # makeLeaf(spread_i, bits) # code_bits[spread_i].next = reverse if bits <= instantMaxBit: if reverse + (1 << bits) <= instantMask: step.next = 1 << bits spread.next = reverse + (1 << bits) state.next = d_state.SPREAD else: spread_i.next = spread_i + 1 state.next = d_state.HF4 else: spread_i.next = spread_i + 1 state.next = d_state.HF4 elif state == d_state.HF4: # create binary codes for each literal if not DECOMPRESS: pass elif spread_i < numCodeLength: bits_next = codeLength[spread_i] if bits_next != 0: bits.next = bits_next state.next = d_state.HF4_2 else: # print("SKIP UNUSED") spread_i.next = spread_i + 1 else: if do_compress: state.next = d_state.CSTATIC cur_cstatic.next = 0 elif method == 3 and DYNAMIC: state.next = d_state.DISTTREE elif method == 4 and DYNAMIC: print("DEFLATE m2!") state.next = d_state.NEXT elif method == 2 and DYNAMIC: numCodeLength.next = 0 state.next = d_state.NEXT else: state.next = d_state.NEXT cur_next.next = 0 cur_i.next = 0 elif state == d_state.SPREAD: if DECOMPRESS: if method == 4 and DYNAMIC: # print(spread, spread_i) d_leaves[spread].next = makeLeaf( spread_i, codeLength[spread_i]) else: lwaddr.next = spread wleaf.next = makeLeaf(spread_i, codeLength[spread_i]) # leaves[spread].next = makeLeaf(spread_i, codeLength[spread_i]) # print("SPREAD:", spread, step, instantMask) aim = instantMask if method == 4 and DYNAMIC: aim = d_instantMask if spread > aim - step: spread_i.next = spread_i + 1 state.next = d_state.HF4 else: spread.next = spread + step elif state == d_state.NEXT: if not DECOMPRESS: pass elif not filled: filled.next = True elif nb < 4: pass elif cur_next == 0: # print("INIT:", di, dio, instantMaxBit, maxBits) cto = get4(0, maxBits) mask = (1 << instantMaxBit) - 1 lraddr.next = (cto & mask) # leaf.next = leaves[cto & mask] filled.next = False cur_next.next = instantMaxBit + 1 # print(cur_next, mask, leaf, maxBits) # elif get_bits(leaf) >= cur_next: elif get_bits(rleaf) >= cur_next: print("CACHE MISS", cur_next) cto = get4(0, maxBits) mask = (1 << cur_next) - 1 lraddr.next = (cto & mask) # leaf.next = leaves[cto & mask] filled.next = False cur_next.next = cur_next + 1 else: # if get_bits(leaf) < 1: if get_bits(rleaf) < 1: print("< 1 bits: ") raise Error("< 1 bits: ") #adv(get_bits(leaf)) adv(get_bits(rleaf)) """ if get_code(leaf) == 0: print("leaf 0", di, isize) """ #code.next = get_code(leaf) code.next = get_code(rleaf) # print("ADV:", di, get_bits(leaf), get_code(leaf)) if method == 2 and DYNAMIC: state.next = d_state.READBL else: state.next = d_state.INFLATE elif state == d_state.D_NEXT: if not DECOMPRESS or not DYNAMIC: pass elif not filled: filled.next = True elif nb < 4: pass elif cur_next == 0: # print("D_INIT:", di, dio, d_instantMaxBit, d_maxBits) if d_instantMaxBit > InstantMaxBit: raise Error("???") token = code - 257 # print("token: ", token) extraLength = ExtraLengthBits[token] # print("extra length bits:", extraLength) # print("d_maxBits", d_maxBits, d_instantMaxBit) cto = get4(extraLength, d_maxBits) mask = (1 << d_instantMaxBit) - 1 leaf.next = d_leaves[cto & mask] # state.next = d_state.D_NEXT_2 cur_next.next = instantMaxBit + 1 elif get_bits(leaf) >= cur_next: print("DCACHE MISS", cur_next) token = code - 257 # print("token: ", token) extraLength = ExtraLengthBits[token] cto = get4(extraLength, d_maxBits) mask = (1 << cur_next) - 1 leaf.next = d_leaves[cto & mask] cur_next.next = cur_next + 1 else: state.next = d_state.D_NEXT_2 elif state == d_state.D_NEXT_2: if DECOMPRESS and DYNAMIC: if get_bits(leaf) == 0: raise Error("0 bits") token = code - 257 # print("E2:", token, leaf) tlength = CopyLength[token] # print("tlength:", tlength) extraLength = ExtraLengthBits[token] # print("extra length bits:", extraLength) tlength += get4(0, extraLength) # print("extra length:", tlength) distanceCode = get_code(leaf) # print("distance code:", distanceCode) distance = CopyDistance[distanceCode] # print("distance:", distance) moreBits = ExtraDistanceBits[distanceCode >> 1] # print("more bits:", moreBits) # print("bits:", get_bits(leaf)) mored = get4(extraLength + get_bits(leaf), moreBits) # print("mored:", mored) distance += mored # print("distance more:", distance, do, di, isize) if distance > do: print(distance, do) raise Error("distance too big") adv(moreBits + extraLength + get_bits(leaf)) # print("offset:", do - distance) # print("FAIL?: ", di, dio, do, b1, b2, b3, b4) offset.next = (do - distance) & OBS length.next = tlength # cur_next.next = 0 cur_i.next = 0 oraddr.next = do - distance state.next = d_state.COPY elif state == d_state.INFLATE: if not DECOMPRESS: pass elif not filled: filled.next = True elif nb < 4: # nb <= 2 or (nb == 3 and dio > 1): # print("EXTRA FETCH", nb, dio) pass # fetch more bytes elif di >= isize - 4 and not i_mode == IDLE: pass # fetch more bytes elif do >= i_raddr + OBSIZE: # - 10: # print("HOLDB") # filled.next = False pass elif di > isize - 3: # checksum is 4 bytes state.next = d_state.IDLE o_done.next = True print("NO EOF ", di) raise Error("NO EOF!") elif code == EndOfBlock: print("EOF:", di, do) if not final: state.next = d_state.HEADER filled.next = False print("New Block!") else: o_done.next = True state.next = d_state.IDLE else: if code < EndOfBlock: # print("B:", code, di, do) oaddr.next = do obyte.next = code o_oprogress.next = do + 1 do.next = do + 1 cur_next.next = 0 state.next = d_state.NEXT # raise Error("DF!") elif code == InvalidToken: raise Error("invalid token") else: if static: token = code - 257 # print("E:", token) tlength = CopyLength[token] # print("tlength", tlength) extraLength = ExtraLengthBits[token] # print("extralengthbits", extraLength) tlength += get4(0, extraLength) # print("tlength extra", tlength) t = get4(extraLength, 5) distanceCode = rev_bits(t, 5) # print("dcode", distanceCode) distance = CopyDistance[distanceCode] # print("distance", distance) moreBits = ExtraDistanceBits[distanceCode >> 1] distance += get4(extraLength + 5, moreBits) # print("distance2", distance) adv(extraLength + 5 + moreBits) # print("adv", extraLength + 5 + moreBits) offset.next = do - distance length.next = tlength cur_i.next = 0 oraddr.next = do - distance state.next = d_state.COPY else: if not DYNAMIC: print("DYNAMIC mode disabled") raise Error("DYNAMIC mode disabled") state.next = d_state.D_NEXT cur_next.next = 0 elif state == d_state.COPY: if not DECOMPRESS: pass elif not filled: filled.next = True elif nb < 4: pass elif cur_i == 0 and do + length >= i_raddr + OBSIZE: # - 10: # print("HOLDW", length, offset, cur_i, do, i_raddr) pass elif di >= isize - 2: # print("HOLD2") pass elif method == 0: if cur_i < length: oaddr.next = do obyte.next = b3 adv(8) cur_i.next = cur_i + 1 do.next = do + 1 o_oprogress.next = do + 1 elif not final: adv(16) state.next = d_state.HEADER filled.next = False print("new block") else: o_done.next = True state.next = d_state.IDLE elif cur_i < length + 2: # print("L/O", length, offset) oraddr.next = offset + cur_i if cur_i == 1: copy1.next = orbyte # print("c1", cur_i, length, offset, do, orbyte) if cur_i == 3: copy2.next = orbyte if cur_i > 1: # Special 1 byte offset handling: if (offset + cur_i) & OBS == (do + 1) & OBS: obyte.next = copy1 elif cur_i == 3 or (offset + cur_i) & OBS != do & OBS: obyte.next = orbyte # Special 2 byte offset handling: elif cur_i > 2: if cur_i & 1: obyte.next = copy2 else: obyte.next = copy1 else: # cur_i == 2 obyte.next = copy1 oaddr.next = do o_oprogress.next = do + 1 do.next = do + 1 cur_i.next = cur_i + 1 else: cur_next.next = 0 state.next = d_state.NEXT else: print("unknown state?!") state.next = d_state.IDLE if FAST: return io_logic, logic, fill_buf, oramwrite, oramread, matchers else: return io_logic, logic, fill_buf, oramwrite, oramread if __name__ == "__main__": d = deflate(Signal(intbv()[3:]), Signal(bool(0)), Signal(intbv()[8:]), Signal(intbv()[LMAX:]), Signal(intbv()[LMAX:]), Signal(intbv()[8:]), Signal(modbv()[LIBSIZE:]), Signal(modbv()[LBSIZE:]), Signal(bool(0)), ResetSignal(1, 0, True)) d.convert()
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