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[/] [mips789/] [trunk/] [core/] [mem_module.v] - Rev 65
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/****************************************************************** * * * Author: Liwei * * * * This file is part of the "mips789" project. * * Downloaded from: * * http://www.opencores.org/pdownloads.cgi/list/mips789 * * * * If you encountered any problem, please contact me via * * Email:mcupro@opencores.org or mcupro@163.com * * * ******************************************************************/ `include "mips789_defs.v" module mem_module ( input clk, input [31:0] din, input [31:0] dmem_addr_i, input [3:0] dmem_ctl, input [31:0] zZ_din, output [31:0] Zz_addr, output [31:0] Zz_dout, output [3:0] Zz_wr_en, output [31:0] dout ) ; wire [3:0] BUS512; wire [1:0] BUS629; wire [31:0] BUS650; infile_dmem_ctl_reg dmem_ctl_post ( .byte_addr_o(BUS629), .clk(clk), .ctl_i(dmem_ctl), .ctl_o(BUS512), .dmem_addr_i(BUS650) ); mem_addr_ctl i_mem_addr_ctl ( .addr_i(BUS650), .ctl(dmem_ctl), .wr_en(Zz_wr_en) ); mem_din_ctl i_mem_din_ctl ( .ctl(dmem_ctl), .din(din), .dout(Zz_dout) ); mem_dout_ctl i_mem_dout_ctl ( .byte_addr(BUS629), .ctl(BUS512), .din(zZ_din), .dout(dout) ); assign BUS650[31:0] = dmem_addr_i[31:0]; assign Zz_addr[31:0] = BUS650[31:0]; endmodule module infile_dmem_ctl_reg( input clk, input [3:0]ctl_i, input [31:0]dmem_addr_i, output reg [1:0]byte_addr_o, output reg [3:0]ctl_o ); wire [1:0]byte_addr_i; assign byte_addr_i = dmem_addr_i[1:0] ; always @(posedge clk) begin ctl_o<=(dmem_addr_i[31]==0)?ctl_i:0; byte_addr_o<=byte_addr_i; end endmodule module mem_addr_ctl( input [3:0]ctl, input [31:0]addr_i, output reg[3:0]wr_en ); always@(*) case (ctl) `DMEM_SB: begin case(addr_i[1:0]) 0:wr_en = 4'b1000; 1:wr_en = 4'b0100; 2:wr_en = 4'b0010; 3:wr_en = 4'b0001; default :wr_en = 4'b000; endcase end `DMEM_SH : begin case(addr_i[1:0]) 'd0:wr_en=4'b1100; 'd2:wr_en=4'b0011; default :wr_en = 4'b0000; endcase end `DMEM_SW : begin wr_en=4'b1111; end default wr_en=4'b0000; endcase endmodule module mem_dout_ctl( input [1:0]byte_addr, input [3:0]ctl, input [31:0] din, output reg [31:0] dout ); always @(*) case (ctl) `DMEM_LBS : case (byte_addr) 'd0:dout={{24{din[31]}},din[31:24]}; 'd1:dout={{24{din[23]}},din[23:16]}; 'd2:dout={{24{din[15]}},din[15:8]}; 'd3:dout={{24{din[7]}},din[7:0] }; default : dout=32'bX; endcase `DMEM_LBU : case (byte_addr) 'd3:dout={24'b0,din[7:0]}; 'd2:dout={24'b0,din[15:8]}; 'd1:dout={24'b0,din[23:16]}; 'd0:dout={24'b0,din[31:24]}; default : dout=32'bX; endcase `DMEM_LHU : case (byte_addr) 'd0:dout={16'b0,din[31:24],din[23:16]}; 'd2:dout={16'b0,din[15:8],din[7 :0]}; default:dout=32'bX; endcase `DMEM_LHS : case (byte_addr) 'd0 :dout={{16{din[31]}},din[31:24],din[23:16]}; 'd2 :dout={{16{din[15]}},din[15:8],din[7 :0]}; default:dout=32'bX; endcase `DMEM_LW : dout=din; default : dout=0; endcase endmodule module mem_din_ctl( input [3:0]ctl, input [31:0]din, output reg [31:0]dout ); always @(*) case (ctl) `DMEM_SB : dout={din[7:0],din[7:0],din[7:0],din[7:0]}; `DMEM_SH : dout = {din[15:0],din[15:0]}; `DMEM_SW : dout =din; default dout=32'bX; endcase endmodule
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