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[/] [pdp8/] [trunk/] [nexys2/] [nexys2_disp.vhd] - Rev 2
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-------------------------------------------------------------------- --! --! PDP-8 Processor --! --! \brief --! NEXYS2 Wrapper: Seven Segment Display --! --! \details --! This package displays 12-bit data in octal on the Nexys2 --! Seven Segment display. --! --! The data to be displayed is selected by the rotary switch --! (swROT) in another package. --! --! \file --! nexys2_disp.vhd --! --! \author --! Rob Doyle - doyle (at) cox (dot) net --! -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Rob Doyle -- -- This source file may be used and distributed without -- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not -- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains -- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. -- -- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it -- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General -- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; -- version 2.1 of the License. -- -- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be -- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied -- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more -- details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General -- Public License along with this source; if not, download it -- from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Comments are formatted for doxygen -- library ieee; --! IEEE Library use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; --! IEEE 1164 use ieee.numeric_std.all; --! IEEE Std Logic Unsigned use work.nexys2_types.all; --! Nexys2 Board types -- --! NEXYS2 Seven Segment Display Entity -- entity eNEXYS2_DISP is port ( clk : in std_logic; --! Clock rst : in std_logic; --! Reset dispData : in dispDat_t; --! Data to be displayed dispSeg_L : out dispSeg_t; --! Segment Drivers dispDig_L : out dispDig_t --! Digit Drivers ); end eNEXYS2_DISP; -- --! NEXYS2 Seven Segment Display RTL -- architecture rtl of eNEXYS2_DISP is subtype dispVal_t is std_logic_vector(0 to 3); --! Hex/Octal Data signal currDig : dispDig_t; --! Current Display Digit signal nextDig : dispDig_t; --! Next Display Digit signal dispSeg : dispSeg_t; --! Display Segment signal dispVal : dispVal_t; --! Display Data --! --! Four Digit Display Definition --! constant dispDig0 : dispDig_t := "1000"; --! Digit 0 constant dispDig1 : dispDig_t := "0100"; --! Digit 1 constant dispDig2 : dispDig_t := "0010"; --! Digit 2 constant dispDig3 : dispDig_t := "0001"; --! Digit 3 --! --! Seven Segment Display Definition --! constant dispSeg0 : dispSeg_t := "11111100"; --! Digit 0 constant dispSeg1 : dispSeg_t := "01100000"; --! Digit 1 constant dispSeg2 : dispSeg_t := "11011010"; --! Digit 2 constant dispSeg3 : dispSeg_t := "11110010"; --! Digit 3 constant dispSeg4 : dispSeg_t := "01100110"; --! Digit 4 constant dispSeg5 : dispSeg_t := "10110110"; --! Digit 5 constant dispSeg6 : dispSeg_t := "10111110"; --! Digit 6 constant dispSeg7 : dispSeg_t := "11100000"; --! Digit 7 constant dispSeg8 : dispSeg_t := "11111110"; --! Digit 8 constant dispSeg9 : dispSeg_t := "11110110"; --! Digit 9 constant dispSegA : dispSeg_t := "11101110"; --! Digit A constant dispSegB : dispSeg_t := "00111110"; --! Digit B constant dispSegC : dispSeg_t := "10011100"; --! Digit C constant dispSegD : dispSeg_t := "01111010"; --! Digit D constant dispSegE : dispSeg_t := "10011110"; --! Digit E constant dispSegF : dispSeg_t := "10001110"; --! Digit F constant dispSegN : dispSeg_t := "00000000"; --! Digit ? begin -- --! State Machine that walks though the four digits -- DISP_MACHINE : process(clk, rst) subtype div_t is integer range 0 to 8191; variable clkDiv : div_t; begin if rst = '1' then clkDiv := 0; currDig <= dispDig0; elsif rising_edge(clk) then if clkDiv = 8191 then clkDiv := 0; currDig <= nextDig; else clkDiv := clkDiv + 1; end if; end if; end process DISP_MACHINE; -- -- Next State -- with currDig select nextDig <= dispDig1 when dispDig0, dispDig2 when dispDig1, dispDig3 when dispDig2, dispDig0 when dispDig3, dispDig0 when others; -- -- Select Digit Data -- with currDig select dispVal <= dispData( 0 to 3) when dispDig0, dispData( 4 to 7) when dispDig1, dispData( 8 to 11) when dispDig2, dispData(12 to 15) when dispDig3, "1111" when others; -- -- Seven Segment Decoder -- with dispVal select dispSeg <= dispSeg0 when "0000", --! 0 dispSeg1 when "0001", --! 1 dispSeg2 when "0010", --! 2 dispSeg3 when "0011", --! 3 dispSeg4 when "0100", --! 4 dispSeg5 when "0101", --! 5 dispSeg6 when "0110", --! 6 dispSeg7 when "0111", --! 7 dispSeg8 when "1000", --! 8 dispSeg9 when "1001", --! 9 dispSegA when "1010", --! A dispSegB when "1011", --! B dispSegC when "1100", --! C dispSegD when "1101", --! D dispSegE when "1110", --! E dispSegF when "1111", --! F dispSegN when others; -- -- The hardware is all negative logic -- dispDig_L <= not(currDig); dispSeg_L <= not(dispSeg); end rtl;