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[/] [pdp8/] [trunk/] [nexys2/] [nexys2_io.vhd] - Rev 2
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-------------------------------------------------------------------- --! --! PDP-8 Processor --! --! \brief --! NEXYS2 Wrapper: Switch/LED IO --! --! \details --! There is way too much Front Panel IO on this device for each --! bit of IO to have its own pin. This package virtualizes the --! Front Panel IO in order to reduce the number of IO pins. --! --! In this implementation, all of the Front Panel IO is --! multiplexed onto a 24-bit, bidirectional IO bus. This --! yields to 48 bits of input and 48 bits of output. --! --! A state machine controls the operation of the IO bus. --! --! The reset signal to the CPU is carefully managed such that --! complete cycle of the state machine is executed before the --! reset signal to the CPU is negated. --! --! \file --! nexys2_io.vhd --! --! \author --! Rob Doyle - doyle (at) cox (dot) net -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Rob Doyle -- -- This source file may be used and distributed without -- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not -- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains -- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. -- -- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it -- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General -- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; -- version 2.1 of the License. -- -- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be -- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied -- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more -- details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General -- Public License along with this source; if not, download it -- from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Comments are formatted for doxygen -- library ieee; --! IEEE Library use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; --! IEEE 1164 use ieee.numeric_std.all; --! IEEE Std Logic Unsigned use work.uart_types.all; --! UART types use work.dk8e_types.all; --! DK8E types use work.kc8e_types.all; --! KC8E types use work.kl8e_types.all; --! KL8E types use work.cpu_types.all; --! CPU types use work.nexys2_types.all; --! Nexys2 Board types -- --! NEXYS2 Switch/LED IO Entity -- entity eNEXYS2_IO is port ( clk : in std_logic; --! Clock rstIN : in std_logic; --! Reset Input ttyBR : out uartBR_t; --! Baud Rate Configuration swCPU : out swCPU_t; --! CPU Configuration swOPT : out swOPT_t; --! Configuration Options swROT : out swROT_t; --! Rotary Switch swRTC : out swRTC_t; --! RTC Configuration swDATA : out swDATA_t; --! Data Switches swCNTL : out swCNTL_t; --! Control Switches ledRUN : in std_logic; --! Run LED ledADDR : in xaddr_t; --! Address LEDS ledDATA : in data_t; --! Data LEDS ioDATA : inout iodata_t; --! IO Data inOEA_L : out std_logic; --! Input Data A Output Enable inOEB_L : out std_logic; --! Input Data B Output Enable outLEA : out std_logic; --! Output Data A Latch Enable outLEB : out std_logic; --! Output Data B Latch Enable rst : out std_logic --! Reset Output ); end eNEXYS2_IO; -- --! NEXYS2 Switch/LED IO Entity RTL -- architecture rtl of eNEXYS2_IO is type state_t is (stateRESET, --! State Machine Type stateRESET1, stateREADAsetup, stateREADA, stateREADAhold, stateWRITEAsetup, stateWRITEA, stateWRITEAhold, stateREADBsetup, stateREADB, stateREADBhold, stateWRITEBsetup, stateWRITEB, stateWRITEBhold); signal clken : std_logic; --! Clock enable signal state : state_t; --! State Machine state signal inA : iodata_t; --! A Input signal inB : iodata_t; --! B Input signal outA : iodata_t; --! A Output signal outB : iodata_t; --! B Output signal rstb : std_logic; --! Reset Signal signal swDEP : std_logic; --! Undebounced Deposit signal swSTEP : std_logic; --! Undebounced Step signal swHALT : std_logic; --! Undebounced Halt signal swEXAM : std_logic; --! Undebounced Examine signal swCONT : std_logic; --! Undebounced Continue begin -- --! Clock Divider -- CLKDIV : process(clk, rstIN) variable count : integer range 0 to 49; begin if rstIN = '1' then clken <= '0'; count := 0; elsif rising_edge(clk) then if count = 49 then clken <= '1'; count := 0; else clken <= '0'; count := count + 1; end if; end if; end process CLKDIV; -- --! This State Machine operates as follows: --! -# the "A Input" onto the IO Bus, then --! -# the "A Output" onto the IO Bus, then --! -# the "B Input" onto the IO Bus, then --! -# the "B Output" onto the IO Bus. -- IO_MACHINE : process(clk, rstIN) begin if rstIN = '1' then inA <= (others => '0'); inB <= (others => '0'); rstb <= '1'; state <= stateRESET; elsif rising_edge(clk) then if clken = '1' then case state is -- -- The rst signal is unsynchronized. Add a few states after -- rst negation to get synchronized. -- when stateRESET => state <= stateRESET1; -- -- The rst signal is unsynchronized. Add a few states after -- rst negation to get synchronized. -- when stateRESET1 => state <= stateREADAsetup; -- -- Setup A input data -- when stateREADAsetup => state <= stateREADA; -- -- Read the A input data -- when stateREADA => inA <= not(ioDATA); state <= stateREADAhold; -- -- Hold A input data -- when stateREADAhold => state <= stateWRITEAsetup; -- -- Setup A output data -- when stateWRITEAsetup => state <= stateWRITEA; -- -- Write A output data -- when stateWRITEA => state <= stateWRITEAhold; -- -- Hold A output data -- when stateWRITEAhold => state <= stateREADBsetup; -- -- Setup B input data -- when stateREADBsetup => state <= stateREADB; -- -- Read B input data -- when stateREADB => inB <= not(ioDATA); state <= stateREADBhold; -- -- Hold B input data -- when stateREADBhold => state <= stateWRITEBsetup; -- -- Setup B output data -- when stateWRITEBsetup => state <= stateWRITEB; -- -- Write B output data -- when stateWRITEB => state <= stateWRITEBhold; -- -- Hold B output data -- Take the CPU out of reset -- when stateWRITEBhold => rstb <= '0'; state <= stateREADAsetup; -- -- Everything else -- when others => state <= stateRESET; end case; end if; end if; end process IO_MACHINE; -- -- Input Assignments - "A" Inputs -- ttyBR(0) <= inA( 0); ttyBR(1) <= inA( 1); ttyBR(2) <= inA( 2); ttyBR(3) <= inA( 3); swCPU(0) <= inA( 4); swCPU(1) <= inA( 5); swCPU(2) <= inA( 6); swCPU(3) <= inA( 7); swOPT.KE8 <= inA( 8); swOPT.KM8E <= inA( 9); swOPT.TSD <= inA(10); swOPT.SP0 <= inA(11); swOPT.SP1 <= inA(12); swOPT.SP2 <= inA(13); swOPT.SP3 <= inA(14); swOPT.STARTUP <= inA(15); swRTC(0) <= inA(16); swRTC(1) <= inA(17); swRTC(2) <= inA(18); swCNTL.lock <= inA(23); -- -- Input Assignments - "B" Inputs -- swROT(2) <= inB( 0); swROT(1) <= inB( 1); swROT(0) <= inB( 2); swDEP <= inB( 3); swSTEP <= inB( 4); swHALT <= inB( 5); swEXAM <= inB( 6); swCONT <= inB( 7); swCNTL.clear <= not(inB( 8)); swDATA(11) <= inB( 9); swDATA(10) <= inB(10); swDATA( 9) <= inB(11); swDATA( 8) <= inB(12); swDATA( 7) <= inB(13); swDATA( 6) <= inB(14); swDATA( 5) <= inB(15); swDATA( 4) <= inB(16); swDATA( 3) <= inB(17); swDATA( 2) <= inB(18); swDATA( 1) <= inB(19); swDATA( 0) <= inB(20); swCNTL.loadEXTD <= not(inB(21)); swCNTL.loadADDR <= not(inB(22)); swCNTL.boot <= not(inB(23)); -- -- Output assignments -- outA <= not(ledDATA(11) & ledDATA(10) & ledDATA( 9) & ledDATA( 8) & ledDATA( 7) & ledDATA( 6) & ledDATA( 5) & ledDATA( 4) & ledDATA( 3) & ledDATA( 2) & ledDATA( 1) & ledDATA( 0) & "000000000000"); outB <= not(ledRUN & ledADDR(14) & ledADDR(13) & ledADDR(12) & ledADDR(11) & ledADDR(10) & ledADDR( 9) & ledADDR( 8) & ledADDR( 7) & ledADDR( 6) & ledADDR( 5) & ledADDR( 4) & ledADDR( 3) & ledADDR( 2) & ledADDR( 1) & ledADDR( 0) & "00000000"); -- -- Front Panel Switch Debounce -- iDEBDEP : entity work.eNEXYS2_DEBOUNCE port map ( clk => clk, rst => rstb, clken => clken, di => swDEP, do => swCNTL.dep ); iDEBSTEP : entity work.eNEXYS2_DEBOUNCE port map ( clk => clk, rst => rstb, clken => clken, di => swSTEP, do => swCNTL.step ); iDEBHALT : entity work.eNEXYS2_DEBOUNCE port map ( clk => clk, rst => rstb, clken => clken, di => swHALT, do => swCNTL.halt ); iDEBEXAM : entity work.eNEXYS2_DEBOUNCE port map ( clk => clk, rst => rstb, clken => clken, di => swEXAM, do => swCNTL.exam ); iDEBCONT : entity work.eNEXYS2_DEBOUNCE port map ( clk => clk, rst => rstb, clken => clken, di => swCONT, do => swCNTL.cont ); -- -- Combinational logic -- rst <= rstb; inOEA_L <= '0' when ((state = stateREADAsetup) or (state = stateREADA) or (state = stateREADAhold)) else '1'; inOEB_L <= '0' when ((state = stateREADBsetup) or (state = stateREADB) or (state = stateREADBhold)) else '1'; outLEA <= '1' when (state = stateWRITEA) else '0'; outLEB <= '1' when (state = stateWRITEB) else '0'; ioDATA <= outA when ((state = stateWRITEAsetup) or (state = stateWRITEA) or (state = stateWRITEAhold)) else outB when ((state = stateWRITEBsetup) or (state = stateWRITEB) or (state = stateWRITEBhold)) else (others => 'Z'); end rtl;