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[/] [pdp8/] [trunk/] [nexys2/] [nexys2_testbench.vhd] - Rev 4
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------------------------------------------------------------------ --! --! PDP-8 Processor --! --! \brief --! NEXYS2 Wrapper: Test Bench --! --! \details --! Test Bench. --! --! \file --! nexys2_testbench.vhd --! --! \author --! Rob Doyle - doyle (at) cox (dot) net --! -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Copyright (C) 2012 Rob Doyle -- -- This source file may be used and distributed without -- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not -- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains -- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. -- -- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it -- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General -- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; -- version 2.1 of the License. -- -- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be -- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied -- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more -- details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General -- Public License along with this source; if not, download it -- from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Comments are formatted for doxygen -- library ieee; --! IEEE Library use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; --! IEEE 1164 use ieee.std_logic_textio.all; --! IEEE Std Logic TextIO use std.textio.all; --! TEXTIO use work.uart_types.all; --! UART Types use work.dk8e_types.all; --! DK8E Types use work.kc8e_types.all; --! KC8E Types use work.cpu_types.all; --! CPU Types use work.nexys2_types.all; --! Nexys2 Types -- --! NEXYS2 Test Bench Entity -- entity NEXYS2_TESTBENCH is end NEXYS2_TESTBENCH; -- --! NEXYS2 Test Bench Behav -- architecture behav of NEXYS2_TESTBENCH is -- -- PDP8 Pins -- signal clk : std_logic := '0'; signal rst : std_logic := '0'; signal sw : sw_t := ('0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'); signal led : led_t; -- TTY1 Interfaces signal tty1RXD : std_logic := '1'; signal tty1TXD : std_logic := '1'; -- TTY2 Interfaces signal tty2RXD : std_logic := '1'; signal tty2TXD : std_logic := '1'; -- LPR Interfaces signal lprDTR : std_logic := '1'; signal lprDSR : std_logic := '1'; signal lprRXD : std_logic := '1'; signal lprTXD : std_logic := '1'; -- PTR Interfaces signal ptrRXD : std_logic := '1'; signal ptrTXD : std_logic := '1'; -- SD Interface signal sdCD : std_logic := '0'; --! SD Card Detect signal sdWP : std_logic := '0'; --! SD Write Protect signal sdMISO : std_logic; --! SD Data In signal sdMOSI : std_logic; --! SD Data Out signal sdSCLK : std_logic; --! SD Clock signal sdCS : std_logic; --! SD Chip Select -- IO Interface signal ioDATA : iodata_t; signal inOEA_L : std_logic; signal inOEB_L : std_logic; signal outLEA : std_logic; signal outLEB : std_logic; -- signal inDATAa : iodata_t; signal inDATAb : iodata_t; signal outDATA : iodata_t; signal swCNTL : swCNTL_t; signal swDATA : data_t; signal ledRUN : std_logic; signal ledADDR : xaddr_t; signal ledDATA : data_t; signal dispSeg_L : dispSeg_t; signal dispDig_L : dispDig_t; signal ttyBR : uartBR_t; signal swCPU : swCPU_t; signal swOPT : swOPT_t; signal swROT : swROT_t; signal swRTC : swRTC_t; -- -- UART -- constant bitTIME : time := 8680.5 ns; --constant bitTIME : time := 1.0 / 115200.0; begin UUT : entity work.eNEXYS2_PDP8 (rtl) port map ( clk => clk, rstIN => rst, sw => sw, led => led, -- TTY1 Interfaces tty1RXD => tty1RXD, tty1TXD => tty1TXD, -- TTY2 Interfaces tty2RXD => tty2RXD, tty2TXD => tty2TXD, -- LPR Interfaces lprRXD => lprRXD, lprTXD => lprTXD, -- PTR Interfaces ptrRXD => ptrRXD, ptrTXD => ptrTXD, -- SD Interface sdCD => sdCD, sdWP => sdWP, sdMISO => sdMISO, sdMOSI => sdMOSI, sdSCLK => sdSCLK, sdCS => sdCS, -- IO Interface ioDATA => ioDATA, inOEA_L => inOEA_L, inOEB_L => inOEB_L, outLEA => outLEA, outLEB => outLEB, -- Seven Segment Display dispSeg_L => dispSeg_L, dispDig_L => dispDig_L ); -- -- SD Card Simulator -- iSDSIM : entity work.eSDSIM (behav) port map ( clk => clk, rst => rst, sdCD => sdCD, sdWP => sdWP, sdMISO => sdMISO, sdMOSI => sdMOSI, sdSCLK => sdSCLK, sdCS => sdCS ); -- -- UART Simulator -- eUARTSIM : entity work.eUARTSIM (behav) port map ( rst => rst, bitTIME => bitTIME, TXD => tty1RXD ); -- -- Reset Signal -- rst <= '1', '0' after 80 ns; -- --! Clock Generator -- CLKGEN : process begin wait for 10 ns; clk <= not(clk); end process CLKGEN; -- -- Switches -- ttyBR <= uartBR115200; swCPU <= swPDP8A; swOPT.KE8 <= '1'; swOPT.KM8E <= '1'; swOPT.TSD <= '0'; swOPT.SP0 <= '0'; swOPT.SP1 <= '0'; swOPT.SP2 <= '0'; swOPT.SP3 <= '0'; swOPT.STARTUP <= '1'; swROT <= dispAC; swRTC <= clkDK8EA1; swCNTL.boot <= '0'; swCNTL.lock <= '0'; swCNTL.loadADDR <= '0'; swCNTL.loadEXTD <= '0'; swCNTL.clear <= '0'; swCNTL.cont <= '0'; -- not(ledRUN) after 200 nS; swCNTL.exam <= '0'; swCNTL.halt <= '0'; swCNTL.step <= '0'; swDATA <= o"0000"; swCNTL.dep <= '0'; -- -- Input Mux -- inDATAa <= ttyBR(0) & ttyBR(1) & ttyBR(2) & ttyBR(3) & swCPU(0) & swCPU(1) & swCPU(2) & swCPU(3) & swOPT.KE8 & swOPT.KM8E & swOPT.TSD & swOPT.SP0 & swOPT.SP1 & swOPT.SP2 & swOPT.SP3 & swOPT.STARTUP & swRTC(0) & swRTC(1) & swRTC(2) & '0' & '0' & '0' & '0' & swCNTL.lock; inDATAb <= swROT(0) & swROT(1) & swROT(2) & SWCNTL.dep & swCNTL.step & swCNTL.halt & swCNTL.exam & swCNTL.cont & not(swCNTL.clear) & swDATA(11) & swDATA(10) & swDATA(9) & swDATA(8) & swDATA(7) & swDATA(6) & swDATA(5) & swDATA(4) & swDATA(3) & swDATA(2) & swDATA(1) & swDATA(0) & not(swCNTL.loadEXTD) & not(swCNTL.loadADDR) & not(swCNTL.boot); outDATA <= ioDATA; ioDATA <= not(inDATAa) when inOEA_L = '0' else not(inDATAb) when inOEB_L = '0' else (others => 'Z'); -- --! Output IO Latches -- IOSIM : process(clk, rst) begin if rst = '1' then ledRUN <= '0'; ledADDR <= (others => '0'); ledDATA <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clk) then if outLEA = '1' then ledDATA(11) <= outDATA( 0); ledDATA(10) <= outDATA( 1); ledDATA( 9) <= outDATA( 2); ledDATA( 8) <= outDATA( 3); ledDATA( 7) <= outDATA( 4); ledDATA( 6) <= outDATA( 5); ledDATA( 5) <= outDATA( 6); ledDATA( 4) <= outDATA( 7); ledDATA( 3) <= outDATA( 8); ledDATA( 2) <= outDATA( 9); ledDATA( 1) <= outDATA(10); ledDATA( 0) <= outDATA(11); elsif outLEB = '1' then ledRUN <= outDATA( 0); ledADDR(14) <= outDATA( 1); ledADDR(13) <= outDATA( 2); ledADDR(12) <= outDATA( 3); ledADDR(11) <= outDATA( 4); ledADDR(10) <= outDATA( 5); ledADDR( 9) <= outDATA( 6); ledADDR( 8) <= outDATA( 7); ledADDR( 7) <= outDATA( 8); ledADDR( 6) <= outDATA( 9); ledADDR( 5) <= outDATA(10); ledADDR( 4) <= outDATA(11); ledADDR( 3) <= outDATA(12); ledADDR( 2) <= outDATA(13); ledADDR( 1) <= outDATA(14); ledADDR( 0) <= outDATA(15); end if; if outLEA = '1' and outLEB = '1' then assert false report "Both outLEA and outLEB asserted at the same time" severity failure; end if; if inOEA_L = '0' and inOEB_L = '0' then assert false report "Both inOEA_L and inOEB_L asserted at the same time" severity failure; end if; end if; end process IOSIM; end behav;
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